HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-29, Page 8Witge Farmer's Club 110 Animal en iiting of the Fernier's chit, will 1.1 11A Lahr:try on Wetinte.dity evening Itevember 5th ti.117 ..13. 8 0 ler eleetioe of offieeit. al.(1 othertjt • :Hew, 1) t: 11 Attention Ladies/ A.? rattfic ?,i:r hair properig t "cat( ri by Ac Price8 Shampoo 40c Shampoo with ,;00 Appointmentmade for any (weal/lg.-a/kr ;.ir. Saturday execptvr'. (17i: if i 112 ele•i id [it ..•47 ".../t/1 RClL\J , Geddes made a ehort visit to her home in Lucknow. Miss Ueddes tfi is a good teacher, ; I reneieeeisinee..enneeieeeneweeeivatieeeetio 1 CORRESPONDENCE flensall The home of Mr. ..al Mee. 1Vtu, Wil Ei(JII, of this place was the scene of a beautiful wedding Nov. ;t11 when their daughter Cora was married to Herbert Chamberlaie of Niagara Fano. The bride was supported by :tiles Mabel Stu.son of Toronto. The groom was supported by his brother tiordoti, Tim voting couple loft for London and points east on the afteruoou train. They will rookie in Niagara Falls, mit! Mr, 1), Workmail of Tuckeremith has sold his Nem to Air, 61,20;111y of Hensall, Mrs, George Palmer is recovering. Mr, and Mrs. Chamberlain have left fur Niagara Fails. Mr: and Mrs. Pollock, Irma the west are now living on :Nelsen St. Bayfield THE SEAFORTI1 NEWS Londesboro ' .10.#1,orro At the Annual meeting of the Red areas Society Mrs O.t1 Manning Ives elected President; Mrs. Moon Vice Prue Mies Mary Crawford, Secretary; and Mrs. tlecides, Treasbrer. Rev. E Jones of Clinton pled in the Methodist Church 00 8 no day last lhe ladies are having a speoial meet ing to make treueh cape for the soldiers Air, and Alre. James Cempbell spent a day in Lneknow. The young ladies of the Red Cross will hold a bazaar on Dec, 16th to raise money for eoldierte comforts. Most of the young men who appeel. ed. for exemption were granted it, Walton The winter is starting early, Our back conceesions are now the favorite resort of the politician. Union is now a favorite horse and carries the bets, St Georges Chinch is busy prepar- mg for its Christmas entertainment on Dee, 2ist. kor........*0•11.0.4••••••••0•4••••41.11.24•11.0.rn.,....11 Hurrah!, Havet'This Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out •with*..fingers." bolorsirS.S..‘144..f..11.4.4”6../to$4.0.0o11...4,11.. Hospitalecordirshow7 that every time you cut a corn you invit0 lock - ' ow or blood poison, which. is needless, rays a Cincinnati authority., who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezono can be obtained at lit, Ile cost from the drug stora but tO sufficient to rid one's feet,of . evert hard or soft corn or callus.' ,) fiYou simply apply a few droim a freezone on a tender, aching coro and soreness is instantly relieved. Short- ly the entire corn can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. 'This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irri- tating the surrounding tissue or skin.. toff your wife wears high heels heel&flte wild be glad to know of thio. WE WANT WANT NOW A Reli..ble Agsnt Hun ("entity to 8ell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees during Fall and Win• ter months. quoil pay. exclusive terr- itory, free selling equipment. Over 600 Acres of the choicest Nev- eery stook including New varteties con- trolled by us. Handsome iiinto-ilate selling equipment and a splendid ('an admit grown stook, to etfer nestoiners. We are not jobbere Write noie for agency term/ to PELHAM NUReERY 0. , Teronte, thit. B Catalogue sent on request to applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery stock. W YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, fEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue is coatee. cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers ean reet cagy e rise - "California Syrup of a few hours all the ii1nie4efl-tti emir bile and feretentin moves mit cif the bowels, and well, playful child a Siek children needn't tie cow.,44,1 take this harinlese "fry& 1 )_:ca11, Millionof mothers keep if: heady , • :muse :they know its aetiOn 'on [1:. • • ter, liver and bowels is prompt, en" .. • Ask your druggist for a la, 11 , 'California Syrup of rigs." w11,:n. pins direetions for haLies, 11 ages andfor griewrieme, r, • McLeod is now in Pit Stanley, engaged in fishing. Di. Woods and Messrs Samuel Moore A. E, Erwin, Geo, Greenslade, James Campbell James Reid and °there went to fii,inten Ur. 1, McDonald of the Sterling Bank, Goderich, has taken the place of Mr. A, M. Durocher who lute been pro- moted to Toronto. There are complaints of dusk and len stealing kith° township. It should be put dean at all hazards, ht is the °west and very meatiest kind of work, nsakiug around hen roosts and only fit for derides, Niro, Edward Drisooll, over 7o yeare f age has the proud record of having kutt 2so pairs of socks, made 200 day Bidets mid over 50 pyjamas for the Red Cross, Last Sunday afternoon a well known and highly esteemed old resident of this locality, in the person of Mrs. Jas. Murray, anewered the roll call of the! skies, aged 68 years. A year ago when Poorly, ahe went to Brussels to the home of an old friend, Mrs. D. 11 Moore, to be near her physician and to have nurse care, and it was not expect - d that her span of life would be very ong extended but her vitality was a urprise to everybody, though at times he was a great sufferer. Deceased's widen name was Isabella J. Murchie 1 MoKillop. She was married to the ate James Murray, 50 years next 11 and resided in their comfortable ome 00 tile 9th line. Mr Murray pre. eceased his wife by 7 years. Two sons lex. and William survive and are rea- dmits of this locality. Mrs, Murray as a faithful member of Duff's hureb and when able was an active huroh worker. Suuday evening a short service was conducted by Rev. . J. Mann, at the home of Mrs Moore 13russele, after which the casket was uveyed to her former home here, am whence the funeral took place to the family plot in Bruseels cemetry, 24 mashie service being ooncluoted by the Rev. R. A. Lundy Following is a report of Red Cross work for thedsonth of October:— Reoeipte Balance from September,.. 5,380 91 Mrs. Brandon leiting her mother Mrs. Brides of Belgreve. The Woman's Patraitie Society is preparieg to hold a concert in the tem) ball en Dec. sth. The Jubilee Sing- ers of Buffalo will give west of the programme. 1 er011nartY 10 1 h 41 A w 0 a A of Mr. Thos. Laing who *merit two co summers in the West 15 now home, Ir Mr, and Mrs, James How had the sadness last week that their son, Sid. noy, had fallen in battle, This young man was one of our finest who gave up a good position to go voluntarily to light for King and country. When we think of such a supreme set we must ask, Am I doiug all in my power to back up these hue?" Surely we would not let them shed their blood in Vain. Mr. and Mrs. Mack McKellar, press agent at Seaforth spent a with their parents. day Staffa Mrs. W, Dow and Mrs, R. Barber have returned from attending the Wo mon'a Institute Couvention at London, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of OacIshill are visiting their danghters Mrs. Drown and Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Williams of Toronto is a guest 1 at the hume of her brother. Mr. T Drown• :11 re. Stevenrion of Varna is visiting her sister Mrs. Kerslake: Mrs. Jeffrey uf Seaforth spent a few I days last week with hereon, Tu have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mother. They cannot be healtl'y if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves - Worm Exterminator. INTING If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in need of 2 LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing ,,eonrie In And See Us About Sale Bills THE SEAFORTH NEWS SERFORTH — OIlT. 0 M 1.8.11•6164.41/11..04.1.9,‘...1011.04.1. Townfropics I......,.......abitrava.ormi.mormarrri,roaartralaM. 111.4.1 I Dig up your overeoat, have A look et It, by renewing tho velvet °oiler, Prelle- Ng and Ulettning inay.save you the price of n new one My Wardrobe, Gotierieli St. opposite (Jimmie. 'Mr A. past) has purehesed the residence of Ales. .1 le Roberts, 1.11.re. Murray of Termite is the guest 01 )282' daughter, Mrs, J ltoss, Airs. Jas Gillespie is spending e week in Windsor with her daughter Mies Mary Gillespie, Mrs J, Patterson and 11Irs 11, Smith visited their brother, in Winthrop, Miss Bessie McLurs spent the week- end et her home in MeKillop, Miss Liela Best hair returned from Grimsby whete she spent the past few monthe. Mr and Mre Sclater are vis - ting in Galt with their daughter, Rev, F. II, Larkin will have for his subject next Sunda'', evening, -Ideas. and what to do with them." Miss Cleve Masai spent Sunday with friends in Hensall. Mrs, Roy Oke of Toronto is visiting mother, Mrs, Mason, Egrnondville, Mr, Koss Keane of Stratford spent Sunday with friends in tom). Miss May MeUlinchltly of Stratford i Normal was a week end visitor at her home here. Messrs John McMillan and M. Mc- Millan of Luckeow and Mr. Frank MoConnell of Dublin were her attend Ing the funeral of the late Mr. Dun- can MoMillan, Miss Hornell of Winnipeg is a visit at her home here. Mrs, F. Ross and little son have returned hotne from Toronto. Capt, liodgiLs of Whitby spent Ilia week end at his home here. Mra, Chapman and clangliter have re turned from a visit to relatives a Moorefield, The monthly business meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held on Thurs day afternoon Dec, 6th at 4 o'clock in the Post office building. Miss Luke has donated another knitted coat for the .Red Cross Sooiety Tickets may be procured at Mr. Mac- tavish's store, where the coat is on ex- hibition. Mrs Bell of Hensel), was a visitor at the home of Mrs ,r. Habkirk. Mrs, W. Ament has returned from visit to friends in London. Miss L. Faulkner has returned from a visit to' her sister in Brampton. Mrs, E. Lawrence of McKillop, is visiting at her home in Exeter, Grant frutaMcKillop Counoil.., 100 85 Donation from Miss Connor .,. 00 R. Trafalgas Day donation.........,,.64 o5, h 11 Expenditure Yarn ...... 40 yr.. tr.! ••• i•• ra• st• r••••• $ 36 05 339 80 65 30 30 63 Rev. T, R, Brown, Mr. and Mrs Wm, artry and Mr and Mrs T. Rands ave reburied from Toronto where tey were attending a meeting of the $582 74 Horticultural Society, Merchaudiee. .... . . .,.............. Express (Merges British Red Croes... .... . . ... Christmas Boxem.....,.... ..... Postage Mr and Mrs. Reedinan and family have retuot:e3c1 here from Regina, Mr James Watson WAR Toronto via. itor. Air J, A, Bain, who has been teller in 14 36 the Bank of Commerce here for some- time, leaves this week for Torouto. Mrs, J. S. Roberts and Miss Emote left on Monday for New York, where they will spend the whiter. Miss Greta Thompson has returned from London, where she was attending a meeting of the Librarian's Assoeia. tion, $ 18o 13 Balance on hand 402 61 Bettone's School contributed 513 50 for British Red ()rose incleded in above, St, Marys Journal saya— Sinoe the 15th of:Dotober, the Red °roes Room has been the Wildest place in town. Some of the women have been down there almost every day, cutting and knitting, and with the Red Croon work. er in Toronto eau say, "Nearly dead, but very happy." Two of the workers at least, should be "mentioned in des- patches" both living on farms; eneetime in carrying a large box; the committee opened it and took out 34 shirts and pyjamas, and beautifully made, "Sure- ly you got your neighbors to help you, remarked one, "No indeed I did them myself." When aaked if she would like more, she replied, l'Yes Pll take two dozen pyjamas; I have to do my SOW- ing at night and I can't 080 to sew the dark flannel." The committee gave her 18—all that were out and in ten days they were returned and more taken out A.nothor worker had been helping all week at a neighboring Ewen where the threshers were at woek, She helped bake 4o piee and prepare dinner and tea for 12 men and 10 in the family and still eould spare 2 afternoons for work in the Red Crises Room, Tom Narita with hie clever company, and Highland Band will appear in the Oardnos' Opera House Seaforth, Mon, Deo. 10th, presenting the very funny comedy, 'Bringing up Father' and 8 re- fined. vaudeville acts, Tom Marks as (Jiggs' and Gracie Marks as Maggie.' Prices as and 50oe22ts, Seats now on sale at Aberhart'e Drug store. Mies Govenlook has returned from a trip to Toren to., Remember the Old Tittles Dance in aid of the Belgian Orphan Children, in Cardnos Ball, this (Thureday) evening, 4.1 24 meeting of the Directors of the Rink Company held on Tuesday it was decided to open the Riok SS soon as fee can be got. There will be no Wa r Tax on ticketthis year, The Union Government association in town has secured a room oppoeit e the Royal Hotel, for a committee room and ell friends are invited to make use of them, 41 4 MISS MSQltald of 001'0k Watt El riff. itor at the homo of her aunt, Mrs McQuaid, Geilerioll St. Mr 13, it cicett was in Kitchener on Tuesday. DEATHS. WILLIAMS—On Monday, November 26212, Matthew Williams, aged r2 yro itleMiLLAN—Qn Nov, 210t, D11110f111 aged 83 years, WOODS -1 n Brunelle, Nov. 16th, Elizabeth Ann, eldeot daughter of the late Hinny and Mrs. Woods. DAVIDSON'--in (Ivey Township, Nov 14 Clara Marie 1Davidoeu, aged 1 !lay. , McDowell—In B11188018, Nov. 16th Mrs, J1111108 McDowell aged 60 yrs. MARRIAGES. DEMPSEY-ALDSWORTH Godo. Hell Township, Nov, 14112 Ruby Mae Aldaworth to John A. Dempsey of Clinton, cmcatrarratrmislearammomerariffillormalromtaurrzsrarardamegari Stray ealves Six -calves came to Lot 29 cone. 9 McKillop. Two are red white and four red. Owner prove property, pay expen- 808 1711(1 take AffIly, Wr' U. Hart, R, 11, No, I, Seaforth, 2 6.6911211VITAINISCOMMIT6111116AMKPFOLA Thursday Nov, 2 The Most Popular Styles We are showing . Come in and choose the models you prefer and let us fit you to a comfortable pair of our SMART SHOES We carry a large stock including Pumps and High Shoes in all the leathers and Models that are favored to -day. BUY YOUR SHOES HERE 14. Seerf "The Home of €'400d Shoes' Phone 51 ,larsamogliEnntaloamm Seaforth - eve -lege., 12 •riarra•Ralrarr.,.....,,.....rargramosisar=ppy........maratilturoaces.orralel.rnsatarpremosunanerourraligrarerrama.re.ersior.sousporarmarmeratostraara et? • :V74.71.1, 52 ' • , .• e 4 1, ,.e ' -,11Art-17„ 222 ' li:i•"4:4,'? 4, 'i ; e..",,,...e.'11 ttlitililifict-;-'': -'''''':.."''''" ,....„ 1 L17"... ...z.' 'It ..c. .,. -1: . . '',' "^""‘",14. k'•71..?•. -0 A ...:4,.,:.•‘,..i , t•-- •,,.:. . ,,,,.„,... '(''.."'"4';'*-.."-'''' \10.-.1..,..ese...ei.-, . • i„,e. • •r1,'if '*1152 12)me24r52.- L41 • • 47-„ tee 341 I°W many Victory Bonds have you bought Have you put yourself to any real in- convenience to buy Victory Bonds? Have you denied yourself some purely personal gratification, so that you could invest the money saved in Victory Bonds? Have you realized the urgent need for personal self-sacrifice to make the Victory Loan a great success? Until you have bought Victory Bonds to the very limit of your ability, you have not done your duty. Campai, Closes Saturday Niat 11 4 nswer GI e? limed by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in cooperation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada, 65a • 15 To E My 1 passe eral you 1 Vespe nuin a418 - demi has b Alone Yo hive that and f :itone Yen bet bi have long 1 erhoo from great • syrnpt Nott own fi estate ion of the ex I, a ehildr to me, and p of my 'from hood - boys a life fo At t