HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-29, Page 4ROFESSIO.NAL CARDS. MEDICAL nR, R. tU100 ROSS, Fliyeicien end Sttrawl frOndon Hospital, Loudon, England Mr4fArstotion to diseaseof Eye. Ear, Noos 0417,0 itodreside ere. behind Dosoltdon Bank, s_ 011101 Fee na N 0.5. Residence, ?boot No. 155. SLIRROWS. Scotian*. Cake sod fas▪ sais al me Goderich Street, east et the Metho. died Clues*. Coroner for the Comity of Huron, teleartsams. No. SO. • 6cOTT & MACKAY. FIssitadvant and fistageoas, Goderich Street, opposite Methee tektracia Scaforth. Storl, traduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and Moater et Ontario Celine of Phallicism* and assrgeoto. ,:oroner for County of Huron. MacRae, honor graduate Trinity Ilaiversity. gold marlaitst Trinity Medical College. Member of • or Physicians and Surgeon.% Ordario. _ . . ItIAL Cerf, HEILEMAN, Osteopathic Speclalla ..?" • da omen's and Children a Masao and Rksramene Troublee. Mutt and Chronic Dis- esdero 'qr. Rye, Now and Threat. Adenoids vstadoce without the Snail*. Consukation free. 51 s aelHatei. Tamales a ina• to PAD : Friday (Ito r pan maned by' JOHN , marriaao Licenses7. Insurance AO WU const,lering Inearance, Life or Accident? liyan are, a postond will get our rates. .1. 0. I MORLEY, (4(003,51 Agent Inc London Life Insurance Co.. and Itneorial Guarantee and Accident laeurance Co. Seaforeat. Ont. James Watson General Firs, Lire 4411 Apt Kent Agent, i(al ,1er S8W199 Mietl:!id? Hain stieet Settinrth, THE McK1LLOP Mutual Fill Inswing Co, and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS J as. 0 I, r y, tiecier it 1., President, lame. Evans. !Iasi ha 004. Vire Fri. 1. T nom as Rays, serdvrth Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Gritrve, Winthrop W. Rion, Constance: John &unreels. Brodgbagetti Robert Ferris, Hogback; Malcom n afeKeon, Clinton; McCartleY Searwthl rromment Ubera lime. Connolly. CoderIch; Jas. Evatta..eechwood. Agents Alex. Lehch, Ilarlock; E. Hinchley. ..eaforth William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Va., RolmesvIlle: R. G. Jarmouth, Brodharent Jain Ran and John Govealocit. Seaforth. aulitors, Pin -ties desirous to effect Insuranee 05 tranin- other business will be promptly attended to ripplIcat•n to any of tet above officers, edam' to their reepective poreedices. 01EPIF01101 [DIM4 IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, CINT, Rhone 84 Fivening 527 SUBSCRIPTION one ,.iollar-per year, ilttict4Y in ad v Race 11 not paid In advance, one dollar and a halt will be .Merged. Visited States papers, fifty cents extra, ierfekty in advitneed. When subscribers chaange their address notice should be Zest us immediately, &lying both the old and the new address. Sub. scribers will confer a favor by notifying uo of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notivm-No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or Matter by which money Is to he made by any person or canoe will be Inserted In Tut News without charge. The .price Inc the inser- tion of bulimia announceraents Is TEN cents per count line each amnion to males having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts. and for church, society and entertelnmeat reading notices. Corti of Thanks 5 to 9 lines, so cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices -Tett cents per line for first Insertion and 5w cents per line for each subscouet tomato:. Yearly ,..trde-Frofeselonal Cards, not exceeding "me inch, will be !wetted for 55.00 per rata payable strIcUy in advance 1:11.plµy (111113519d on appticati.M. "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wthail forbid," and those sent without written instructicas will appear until mitten orders ore received for their dia. ontinuanCe. Letters to the Editor must be accora, ponied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no moon. sibility whatever Inc the statements made in such communications. Lettere on reli- gious topl= will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such, The rate for ouch matter to ten cents per (Inc. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 47. The Original and' Only Nenuine Beware of Imitations Sold Defines the Issue. Mr. r. C. Robinette, K C, who was the Liberal standard bearer in North York sgainst Mr .1 A. M. Armstrong in the Federal Elections of 1 9 1 1, has ad- dressed the following open letter to the electors of North York: - "Ladies snd Gentlemen, -This a per. loci of the severest trial for Canada No party feelings mnst weigh against the highest and only duty of the hour. The man who, by his vote and influence a..fays the despatch of reinforcements For our met; in France is not far re- ineved from him that betrays his count• ry• Thousands of Liberals in Canada I have determined to learn behind them i old ties and adiliations Cu order to as• mat hi saving theit country and doing , their duty by the Empire. They may i tetve regretted thus abandoning the the leadership of olio they gladly ful- ; lowed In days gime by. lint atom and rigid ditty, impelled hy the highes " "18 13,,..!.s.. ,.5 tn ioor. et.tripeth d 5111- ((1 to M Its ! , el; -- a,itil-t tdM uouts ea 01 I Th ' puliey t,f the Ladrierites or 11101 MillardS couscriptioniata. If sittmossfill, would Liniment bring ineleebted disaster to eer Caned - an army 4.1 011(0 817 stitigaling ill Frill:Ca 3: a W,.; 11 ('.15 from I .3nathi's : bl'Oii' til, l*Cliell di. MP. 40 Ili* ir ty won, I 111115 158,115.1 St,toup her unworthy of eon. itiening 5 true ;laughter of the Empire • and a valood co -ally with the others. al aay. 'Wwill 'e il Tu end Lite war speedily is the plain r .1 ity oi C1',..TY W ally. e amino: afford d to elay. l'o morrew may he toe :ate; jt • et a question of now or never. Rome ay bo ti 5011 00 lire ar this instaan nt d no fiddling Nero playing the Wiles of [ditty party polities should be listened 1 to for one n10111005 by any true Canad. nth while the hest and bluest blood or Canade is coloring red the green of Flanders Let the men and women of Canada now arise it send tam men to encourage that glori, one remnant now battling for the very lire of the Empire end for the freedom of the world.' Often have we heard Sir Wilfred ay that, if ever the empire were in danger Canada would exhaust her last man and her last dollar in aid of the mother connt rya All Canada applauded. Let us follow it now, as never before were these melt and dollars needed as they are to -day. To play like boys at mar blas for patronage and office in this world orisia in support of a Laurier can didate would, if succesful, bring disaa• ter and destruction to our army and for nyer leave a blot 011 Canadian history that would bring blushes to the °hooka of our childreu yet unborn. A defeat of the preaent Union Goverment in which is included some of the cleanest and ablest Cauarlian Liberals, would at onee publish to the whole world that Canada had proton herself to be a people craven aed cowatdly, I have no fear that Canada will do this but let II8 be on the watch and see to It that such a condition 10 put, by your votes, beyond Wren St possibility. No ono regrets more than Parrett that or Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. EY. Scaforth. Phone 1 30 Ousiness 1 Without a proper systrn of adver tlsin is like a motor without the power 4.4. Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy none - 54 evenings127 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Sir Wilfred has Sean fit to take the oouroo be has °tweet), a»d ao (impelled thenteseds 05 51110 Morels to nay, 'Sir Wilfred, Onus far and no further Can we follow you. We pleat follow the geld. atme of one 'nineteen mid thiek imper- ially, in the Einpiree direst hour of need, und to help maintain liberty and freedom among the peoples of the world, Therefore we support the 'Union Goverment, whin is ootnp000d of num with but one aireeto win the war, bring our brave buys lionle to one firesides and bring to pass that peace of the world and pediment of men, Meting and maturing, with the War spirit crush ad and the world going forward in the arta of 1)0800 and heppinesse Therefore in Iny opinion, it is your Wear duty to auppor EJtiion Goverment in this eleetioip Yunrs very truly, T. te Robinette," Dublin 1.011••••••••• Mr Jemes Davis, Palled on friends in St Mary'a on Monday. Alt' and Mrs P, Dill nailed on friends in Buffalo last week. Mrs James Shea °ailed on friends in Seaforth on Timidity. Messrs, Dan Hastings and Wm, Me- Demott of Vancouver are 0181 ting at their homes here, Miss M. Belmar called on Mitchell trienda last week. The dance ou Friday night was a the cided success. A very pretty wedding took place in St Patrick's Church here on Monday morning alt, o'clock when Mr Charles MoDaid and Miss Mary Bunts were united in Matrimony, The bride wore 3 pretty suit of purpleeordumy velvet wearing a set of white fox furs and a white hat, She was attended by .the groom's aister, Mimi Mary McDaid, and the groom was attended by the brides brother, Mr P. Burns. The happy couple left on the morning train for Toronto and other points. On their return they will reside in Dublin, A Thorough Pill. -To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular, The Pills that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in resluts. They purge painlessly and effectively, and work a permanent cure. They can be used without fear by the most delicate- ly constituted, as there are no painful effects preeeding their gentle operation The werms that infest children from their'birtli are br two kinds, those that find lodgment in the stomach and those that that are found the intestines, 'rile latter Are tile 111095 destructive, as they cling to the walls of the intes- 1i1108 411d if not interfered with work havoc there. Miller's Worm Powders dielodge both kinds and labile expell- ing them front the system serve 50 re.. Consignep's Back Again wish to inform the public Is have opened a Shoe Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where 1 will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used, Allwork done by hand and guaranteed by me to be No, I. Bring your repair work to me and save money az my prices are lower than any other repair shop in town. CHAS CONSIGNEV eow Wanted Wanted, a Jersey vow or !team% Ap- ply to the News Ofitee, Wood Wanted Auyone having 8 or ten cords of wood for sale can hear of a purchaser by ap- plying at the News Offlue, CREAM WANTED Send your cream to its and receive teTs primes, We are running our plant the year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with cans 5510 ay twice each mouth and weigh sampleatud test each can of amain (etre fully , Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons " Patrons are requeeted to re turn all our cans whets not in use, 3 1 tter andButtermilk al en hand n.1 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. Thursday Nov, i THE DOMINIONBANK I Established WTI RAPITAL AHD RESERVE $13,000,000 at X 18 18 JR 11 X WENNIMMNIN,./MININII Savings Department 15 18 18 18 Ffave yen 'money in the Bank? Aro you moving? By 18 I, putting away a few dollars at a time you will soon possess18a fund for emergencies. • • is • Deposits of Ono Dollar and upwards received. • Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. "4 • X SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Managae, it alsrsomininflussommosisonsassossisosissoirssnintssissssisnass, AMIN Salvation Ttrrn y Capt. Freud and Lieut. 8 have Holiness meeting 1! a en„ Praise service 3 pan, Gospel Beetles 7 p.m. Childrens Service -Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 pen. Week night Meetings -Wednesday Pram. meeting 8 pan. Egrisondville, Presbyterian )itev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser• vices 11 a •in, and 7 p to, 131ble cease 3 p,na Prayer meeting Wedneaday 8p. m. Y.P,M.S, Union 3rd Fridity in the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p,m, Ledies' Aid inee,s ha. inediately after. MelVillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday services Dnffs' church 111 a in Sunday school 10 a.m. Prayer toasting Wed- nesday 13 pm. Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock, ..••••••-.1**.•••••••• elonstauce Methodist Rev, W. Keine, pastor. Sunday SEAFORTH MARK ET service 931) p,m. Young People's Lea. 4102,31) p (1181118157 IA Auxil- (food Milling Wheat $2,1 0 ate, Brat `Puesday of every month a 311 p in. Laclies' Aid last Thursday t f each mouth 9,30 p.m Peas 3.0(1 Bran per ton ..... Shorts per tun ......... ....... 6.55 6.10 Hogs to farmers ..... ......19.75 SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls!' Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake 'well, and you have a quarter pine of the best fieckle ruel tau lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer hits the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a rmi. cents, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes, Yes: Xt is harmless. pair, the damage they have caused. 7 Room House, good cellar, Hard i a c a med that a quarter of an i ounce of freezone obtained at any drug I and Soft Water, good condition and store will cost very little but is au& Jo pletalid levality. At ply this (div,,. dent to remove every hard or soft core ; or callus from one's feet. Cut this out, Goderich Methodist levelpmecwiaelalyrsifogyi jouh:eries, a woman reader IF eiR SALE Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday set vice 2,30 pm. 't-trit$t1 011°011 Praye- m ee tine, I nesday 8 pan. L.C. last Wed.. I SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL . Let folks step on your feet hereafter, wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. I He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re• heves soreness, and noon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug is a sticky ether compound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue, 58 District Meeting •. eileeting of Huron eounty eounell Goderich District meeting or the Methodist Choral' will meet in Loutles- bort, ou Thursday, Nov. efith. The General business will oomnience at 10 30; 11 -"Will the suggested chang es in the Government of the Epworth League be conducive to the develop - merit of its spiritual forced' 'by Rev. .1 FL Osterhout, B. A. 1 1.3(1 -"What is the duty and opportunity of the local committee on Sortie] service and Evaug Blister -Rev. 11. eicCortniek, B. A 1.3o '•Flow far are 11119161:g the re- iiturementa of Pare 72-78 of the Discipline?"-Ittav Geo.MaKinley, 13 D 2 -"El ow fur are fulfilling the apiiiit of Par. 181, see, *2 of the DisciplineP by Rev J W, Hadley, B. A ; 230 - 'The Spirit of (led in the Epistle to the Galatians" Rev, .T E. Ford; 3 p. "Shotild We recloti011eoltrilelee8 to the Departure of the class mooting or try to 0001(50158 return?" Rev, E Jones PROMPTLY SECURE t In all countries.Ask /or our INVENTOR. ADVISER, which will be sent free. n el MARION .St MAR441'''' --- I For Sale House and half acre of land 111 the village of EgnionrIville, The property 18 situated n Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Chitral' and is known as the Purcell property. Good, corn• forhtble house, good shed, good well and cement cistern All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberriva and anrrant bitshea, l'hia is a, corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of ctkin- tion, This in a nice property for a retired fanner and the taxes ate light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth, ehopping /kill! Casualties • Owing to the En:amity or fuel we will run our (Mopping 10111 three days per Seafortli-Lauce•Corp Wesley Wail. week, commencitig Dee. 4th, Timarlays, Iced, killed; Pte. Devi(' Qum", corr. Thutisti ay s and al ato rr1a3 8. Howard Ffa,ys. wounded le 11 II lit 13 OS, .11111•11...10•O• The eoulleli or the 0.,rp.11t0.1, the County of Huron will meat in t Council Chamber, in the town of Go eriele on Tnesday the eth day of DO ember neat, at the hour of three u'cloc W. Lane, Dated Nov. tioth 1107. Clei CHURCH NEWS AU items ander this fiend are pahltalted free of charge.08- ()opt those regarding M00111155 where itis admission fee is enarged The rate Inc such 'tentative man par count line SFAFORTI-1 enuRemes 55. James' St, Ja11199. Church , Rev. Father P Corcoran, Rev. Father G. R. North. graves ,Morning Mass 7 a.m. High Mass 10 30 a.m. Sunday school 2 30 p in. Evening vespers 7 p.m. •••••••••*•0•41. Si. Thomas' Bev. T. Pi, Brown, Rector, Suuday se rOoes II a.m and 7 pen. Sunday school 2,30 p. in, Women's Anglican Missionary Association.. Tuesday 2 30 p,m. Children'sbranch Saturday 2 pen, ntorcession services every Thursday, .0 p,m, First Presbyterian Rev, Lerkiu„ Pastor. Sunday services 11 rem. and 7 p ne Sunday school 2,30 p.m, Prayer riteeting, Thuraclay, 7. 45 p.m. Womeies Aliso- ionary Societrthe first Tuesday in each month at 7.45. Barbara Kirkman Mho sion Band 3rd Tueeday,' in the month at 7.30 Sunshine Mission Band every ilud Monday at 4. 15 p.rii .•-•••••-•111.43 Methodist Rev. G. McKinley, B. D„ pastor -S UN DA Y -0 lass at 10:00 Public! service 11 a.m. and 7 p.to. Sun day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thurada y 8, p.m. Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, 'skins, all kinds of furs etc, Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & Miliwan SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Actress from Creamery Phone 183 .1..••••••11.1.......11,••.=••••• rw- 411 What Shall I Give For • Christmas? Why photograph a is lust the • very thing handy to mail to pour far away Mends and verp suitable for your friends at home. Only four weeks till Xmas, Come in for a • sitting now before the Xmas Rush, We are always glad to show samples of our many different styles at prices that please alit, pocket books. No friends disappointed -all equally favored -If you give PHOTOGRAPHS As the daps are short now please come as early in the dap as possibk. Old pictures copied. Framing done. D fZjfjQ PHOTOGRAPHER sEaponm ....... END STOMACH TROUBLE, -- • . GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Dlapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes, If what you just ate is souring on your stoman or lied like a lump of lead, or you belch gas, and eructate. sour, undigested food, or have feeling of 11100111000, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -head- ache, you eau get relief in five miuutea by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to stall etonutch distress now by getting a lora, fifty-eent Me of Pape's Diapepairt from any drug store, You realize in Ave minute's bow neer11..,.s it is to suffer from inditrestion, dyspepela or any stem- ma' disorth•r canned by fond fermentatioa due to excessive add in stomach. 1 .1,,,l,,9,3,1')*31:3Rlitl::*li-1,:...:,.**,,,,,,,,..t.,,,,,,,I.. -*.,, .- - .. • . • • SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE BETWEEN oronto a ' e i ,:innipeg s o l .. y , DA_ If LY , ..,....„........., Westboued, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2ad. Eastbound, Dec. 1st to Jan. 56 Note -Tri -weekly service will be resumed thereafter. REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN Winnipeg and Edmonton Edmonton andVancouver DAILY TRI -WEEKLY For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to CHAS. A. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, SEAFORTN. t11/6=117,3rtravernes., Or write R. L, Fairbairn, E.P A., 08 King St. E., Toronto - 15, New Winnipeg Trains Travel between Eastern and W • Ruction Sale Canada is alwayis heavv in the wititer (if Sl., -,,p, Cott., al d Pigs, Th. 0f mouths, particulai during December i ' 1 lindersigvell Ilne roveivi d instructions he:: See trireme ts et the piddle, (hp refore, a L'6,,':ort,1114.2.,s 11.11;(7,11: 1111.1;5n:1P) sov•iciii,n,e k\l':eifi,',1.1e.,,5(tlia.,Ye a.i woe,,,oti '1010050 mcial Daily SerViee het 1 with its holiday' season. To meet the to ,e.11 le piii,iie ato•tiou at N , W. 'rre- and winnipg is abboupci.d by the )'f.allowitig,;-la 11 EE P-25 choice breed - I Canadian . Northern bound, Deo 3pti to yitullt:Ii11,111 119; 0'1 8 V''',76,16yt: ' IP",1.4titEr‘‘Aeili-lenliti',1710)9x5fit.:11r14tolti, tvbisis" tl').A0'11!1 7 111 only, l'hereafteti regular tri weekly , • est mluirl, Dec. let to Jan, 5th, 1918 service will be reenined. A Through Tourist Sleeping car will also be operat ed between Toronto and Calgary daily as poet of the above sinoial servloo, and commotion will be made with regular daily train between Winnepeg and Ed111011 1011' Servioe between To -onto TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. 3l1in, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence Of a neglected scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the .hair es dandruff, It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a fererieh- nese and Wiling of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die -then the hair fells out fast. A. little Dandcrine night--now-any nue-will surely save your hair. Get a email bottle of KnowItott's Danderjne from any drug store. You surety oan have beautiful hair and Iota of it if you will just try a little Dan. derine. Save your hair! Try it! Cow newly calved, 7 3 OR 10 Oki, With calf by side; Springer 7 years old, in calf to a D(1than); Springer 4 years old in oalf to a 00511010; Holatein springer 4 years old; COW 5 years old, due in January; Jersey oew duo in February; Cow 7 years old, due early in March; Cow 6 years Is due in April; Farrow ouw 5 years old, milking; 3 heifers da- nt anoonver rentable tri -weekly leas*. 1,1i'mgin3Y368,„7:„"„1:ledli,'„, F:',,hrteliall,',Y.e;e2; B,taeirfeey era ing Toronto Mondays, Wednee days atid ,ii:ife7 d...0 in For further partieelars sea onr opal n 'Maroh; 4 heireve rising 3 Fridays as present Time table or apply to Town Agent, sere tiearly rat; 2 heifers 2 years old e'llas, A , Aberhart. L- I this (alt; 6 short -loop steers rising 3 ---.......--...... years old; 2 steers e. )(JAI'S old this fall; i 2 yearling steerse P108--2 p es three and a half pears old; its piga.lwo titundt rewartlin, 'rhos Guncley, I Countless have hem; the ciiros by , and a half old; 7 pigs two months old of its otie not foetid/ in other Hollovvay's (lore' (lure 1 t, has a poweii joint notes, or 4 per tient straight off P5000551 forroelr,11.0; 7 momlee eeedit ,„1 eppreved etions. Proprietor, Auctioneer., Ar: oe aee ,0 *1 tr