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The Seaforth News, 1917-11-15, Page 8
Page 8 Auburn The past week was a very bray true for the fanners The wet weather pre,- vented re-vented fell wank atilt mange's. bran% turnips and even silo filling %vete await. nig dry time. It conte last weak and needless to say the farmer worsted over Vane. He still ueede muuit Bund weath- er to timed up btiful•e snow entilea, The puiiUt iI Ketth• has 11rc11 phteed cal the stove but geed ninny peupie do not know where they site et, and are not saying much but will vote as they wish what the des erl'tt'••e Tho cad lines are dieappeating and more aredoing th.ee eau thinking rn a great• ee extent tie. eve)', ;Yrs. Wm, Andersen spent a day in Lt tides bar/1. 'fide week krill +dealt end the thr0sls. 1 t has loom a et: seeeot as the crop was heavy anti le letut} e'asee vers damp. which made the week slow iMchi110 ) 0i.--uta•-..8.814inwsususte osea...a 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 �n..•�..nn.�..,-.uo.,s.®utaW.,,.pa....wtu,._.,.ulj Urtteelield 'flu" Killy Divide of Brimfield will hold their sale of work on Nov. 29th, etnioneucing at i ,311 p. tit. The )tad Cross workers are very buoy and male tl Liege shipment recently, biise.lanu Mustard left lest week for, overeeus from Now York as a nurse, 6I1', and Moe. illlndel•cox aro r•ejole- tug over the arrival of tt little daughter. Mra. fi iggine 1s in the Hospital iu London at presaut. Mrs. Madden and eon are home again After viaitiug In Toronto, 2onstanee Several from here attended the assizes u4 fl•uleri<•h last week, some; ierers glias .)label Hall is iu C11111011 at 'iiclKi L,11 r ,nin•il .: :i 1tr•, r ur t: Jd- I'resr•it tttt.eliiltugthe buemes1 college e hall, l\.t:th;,•.p • V1.•,;n.• �l tr, 11 re, 1014 ;vino 111 spend the Nks. z'tzt 1 in, us winter in Soali)rth with her daughter, A 4.'e.i7t of 11,..0101. ,,..1 tui otiv, r Jit+, 11, ' 1401 04. mess, Many frein here went to Soafortb :t . abs tie. t. -scowls The dry weet:.et et tt1e. ;.est week himpluv'1451 a great 1%U.;, Iv 1410 past, A ptetty we<ldieg iu.:a pliuu ut Wed. ueedey last at the house of kir, Wm. Webber, wharf his dace, Dora :1, Atkinson of Luean, became the bride of James Steplieneen e f Oshawa Ides Mr. Knight perforaell the eereIauny. The bride was given away by her uncle told was attended by Miss Nellie Reek of Exeter• After the eeretu,oriy a Much was served. The gifts to the bride were appropriate and uulieruue, 'rhe young couple left, with the best wishes of a host of friends, to begin their new life in Oshawa. WE WANT NOW g A Reliable. Agent in Huren County ; to Sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees during Fall and Win- ter months. Good pay, exclusive terr. story, free selling equipment. Over 600 Acres of the choicest Nur- sery stook including New varteties con - .trolled by us. Handsome up-to-date e selling equipment and a splendid flan. a: adian grown stock, to offer customers. We are not jobbers. Write now for tt agency terms to PELHAM NURSERY a 0., Toronto, Ont. e IL B. Catalogue sent 011 request to applicants for agencies or purchasers of plNursery stock, (:;TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING; S F a sawn your Hair! Get a small bottle el of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. u Y 'Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy lair is mute evidence of a neglected tattlpgl of dandruff -that awful scurf. h There is nothing so destructive to tie hair as dandruff. It robs the hair its lustre, its strength and its very ,e; eventually producing a feverish - ss and itching of the sonip, which if t remedied 4110558 the hair roots to ink, loosen and Mee -then the hair le out fast, A little Danderine to - ;131 -now ---any time -will surely save r hair. let a email bottle of Knowlton's derine from any drug store. You sly can have beautiful flair and lots t if you will just try a little Dan. ne. Save your hair! Try its the li giuuing of brat week to see the . ueropilul0 which came down there. 31r, Campbell Sutherland 03I00 up froth Sarnia to be examined at (*ode- rieb for overseas service aid visited ft'ieids herr. T1113 SEAFORTH NEWS McKillop A large number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs, 1S'nr. Smith of ItftlKillop met and expressed their regrets at their departure and presouted thorn with e. handsome chair and tt fruit est.. The following address wits read;-- Tn Mr. and Mrs Smith awl Mabel,--- 14earo reniudedofthe foot that another of the piouoere of McKillop is soon to leave our midst, We have assembled here to express our deep re- gret at your decision to leave title loc- ality in widoh you and Mrs. Smith have spent your lives. Many times here we enjoyed your kindness and hospitality. The home of wefoou,e was always ex- tended to friends and neighbors who mime to 3'0110 door while feeling keenly our loss of such laud Mende we will remember with gratitude that your lot was cast among us your infhilt'nee and example have over been toward that which was right anti true. May God In his wise providence spare you for many yearn to come and while in your new home remember there is always a warm place in the hearts of your old friends in McKillop. For you all we ask you except these chairs mid fl•Idt sets not for their value bot as a slight token of the esteem in which you are held by your many friends in this local• :Massa t 11r John Qtal , has received word o the marriage of his son, Percy, 101 th West. kir• Flynn is away on a business tri to Loudon. Signed by Ileo, Bennewis H. Beuuatvis Sol, Bell imro>licaarty Mrs. Tulford has gone to Exeter to I spend a few clays, e Wedding belle are ringing again. The W M. S. met at the home of p Mrs, 0, Spears. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Doty, of Grimsby visited his coyish], Mr. 8. Miller recent. ly, Thirty, dollars erre realized by a pie social given by the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, There was a good programme by local talent, Much sympathy is expressed for lir and Mrs John Livingstone of this place who have had word that their eon Pte Robt. Livington was wounded in the hand. He joined in Toronto and went overseas last Spring,. The Red Cross packed forty boxes for our boys at the front. Dublin Mr. A, Hannah and family , spent a few days in Stratford with her parents. Quite a [lumber were in Seaforth attending the 01d Time Dance. Mnr, P. Evans was iu Seaforth visit- ing friends, Mr. Jas Bergin, of Windsor spent a few day's here, Mr. Stapleton made a business trip to Toronto last week, Mrs Sills and sou Joe, of Seaforth ailed on friends here on Sunday. Mr McQuaid and daughter of Sea - forth, spent Sunday at the Dominion Hotel hese, Itir.lohu Evans of Stratford agent Sunday at hie home here Miss al, Kipper 'Hatted Mr and Mrs 1 P Sullivan for a few days. Mrs A. Darling called of friends in Mlteltelt last week, Mrs S. 1llOGratll and 3I18e M. Hoc- ace called ou Seaforth friends last week Mies B, Jordan spent Sunday with Mise C. Mahar, Mr J, Ryan of Stratford, epeht Sun• day at his home South of the village, 10 P INTI G you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in )etter position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in need of r .,ETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS `ILL HEADS STATEMENTS 'NVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS ALLiNG CARDS POSTERS IRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing tome In 71nd See Us )About Sale Dills TIIE SEAFORTI NEWS SERF©RTR - ONT. SUDDEN CALL A very sudden death took place at the ]some of Mr R. Morisse Jones, manager of the Dominion Bank, on Saturday. Mrs, Aetna Sheehan, mother of kers. Jones, had come up from Toronto to vis it her daughter on Friday. The fol- lowing deg she succumbed to au attack of heart failure in the middle of the night, aged 52 years, The funeral was held from St, James Church on Tuesday morning. Besides the bereaved Mr John Shea- han of Toronto, there are two daugh- ters, hire R. Muriess Jones of Seaforth, and Mrs S. L, Wright of Ottawa, and one son, Karl Sheehan of Toronto, left to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. Children's kid The Annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society met in the Town Hall Tuesday afternoon, President Mitchell presided, Mr F, Savauge was appointed Secretary, The Prealdent outlined the work and some small accounts were passed, The Treasurer's Report 'showing e balance of $280.06 was read, This re- port will be published in pamphlet foral. The officers of last year were re. appointed, Mr, A al Robertson of Goderich was elected Recording Sec - rotary, The Subject of securing a Shelter was discussed and left to the Committee The Secretary presented hie report showing the work he has done during the year. The evening meeting in Cardno's Hall was very poorly attended and the majority of those present were children Interesting addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Everest of Bayfield and Mr. Elliott. Views were given by Rev, Mr, Clarke of Goderioh and solos by Mr. to ael,Mayor Stewart was in the chair. Free War Maps A good war map helps one to follow and understand the tear news, The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal offers a fine war map in four colors about 3?, feet x 3; feet in a neat cover free of charge to all who subscribe to that great paper at $1,20 a year, The map alone would oast as much as the whole charge in most stores The Family Herald is greatly improved thio year and is wonderfu value. It is a credit to (Mundial) Journalism, It should be in every Can. adian home at the pride offered, $1,20 a year, with the great war map free, Red Gross Treeeurer''a Stetonent for October, Receipts-.• Halation on !land 903 211 Cash frons Mrs Neil Ill 10 Fees 16 25 Rag rugs 7 00 Mrs Savaugo (life monlborohip) 20 00 Soldiers of the Soil II 32 Winthrop Dance. Egmondville Branch 510'1011y cattril,ntious Mrs ,f olid Finlayson Mies McBride Mrs L L 110Faul Miss tlutahisou Miss Giillespiee Neil Gillespie 31) 20 (1 30 140 70 f 00 1 00 1. 1111 200 1 00 1 01) $11{14 20 Expenditure -- The Hon, Jae. Mason (prisoner of war) 10.00 Donation from Seaforth Branch Red 01055 Society 500 00 Life membership for Mrs Savauge 20 00 Stamps 4 uo Mrs Calder 7 80 Alre Shade 1 75 $048 05 13alauce o11 hand 043 05 1194 '20 (,race Mallon, 'frees, Miller's Worm Powders act so thor- oughly that stomach and intestinal worms are literally ground up and pass from the child without being noticed and without Moon alliance to the suf- ferer. They are painless and perfect in action, and at all th1ue9 will be found a healthy medicine, strengthen- ing the infantile stomach and main- taining it in vigorous operation, so that, besides being an effective venni. fuge, they are tunical and health giv. ing in their effects. Watch Lost in Seaforth, on Friday Nov. 5th, a lady's gold hunting case watch, Regina works, John Bolger's name as maker. Finder please leave at J. F. Laly's and receive reward. EddieHalt. Walton The WOrnalk1i Itrstitute will hold their regular Monthly Meeting at the home of bins 1'.. B, Brueo,the President. on Friday Nov, 43rd at 3 p. 10. Mrs, Wm Neil trill give a paper on `•Ynhr 111• finance in the Rome," Earth Member la requested to Ansli'er roll mall by ex- pressing 801110 thought pertaining to ourreut 101)10, The delegates will aleo give their report of the London •Cone Ventlott - - *You know of corse that every in- dustry of any importance has s paper of its own, 0115 to whioh it gives its int - Med support by way of advertising end subsriptions. Those inteteatod da this that the paper may live and con, thine to be useful to them by eggrees • ively atl000atittg their interests You have a paper that for over twenty.six years has been looking after the inter- ests of the farmer. Have you given it your support? 11 net, see that you subscribe for the Weekly Sou, Toronto the.faz•iners bneiuess paper, from the present time to let.fauuary 1919. It will cost you duly Ono Dollar but you will find the dollar well and profitably pent. 'Me Ytoven Asthma Remedy. duce asthma existed there hes been no lac!( of much heralded remedies, but they have proved short lived and worthless The ever-growing reputation of Dr, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has given it a place in the field of medicine which no other can approach. It hes t1e081 been pushed by seneatiuual Methods but has simply gone on effecting relief and malting new converts, • Thursdrd;y Nov; Ir The Most Popular Styles 4il(: are showing . Cotne in and choose the models you Deafer and let us tit you to a comfortable pair of our SMART SHOES We carry a large stock including Pumps and High Shoes in all the leathers and Models that are favored to.day. BIJY YOUR SHOES DERE H. R. • TT "The Home of Good Shoes' Phone 51 Seaforth ISUFFERING CATS! GIVE THiS MAN 1 THE GOLD MEDAL i....,,...,, „ „ .. , ,,.,.«.,:eel Warts are a light:y blemishes,11111 Let folks step on your feet hereafter wear shoes a size smaller if you like, corns are phalli growths. Holloway's' for corns will never again send electric Corn Cure will remove them. sparks of pain through you, aecording to this Cincinnati authority. Chopping Mill • ' { He says that a few drops of a drug i called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re heves soreness, and, soon the entire We will run our Chopping 61111 on corn, root and all, lifts right out Tuesdays and Fridays during November I This drug is a sticky ether compound, but up driescorn at once and eimllly and will run three days the rest of the the without indammg orshrivels even winter: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fr irritating the surrounding tissue. days.It Is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone obtained at any drug KRUSE BRCS, store will coat very little but is su Phone 2 ou lgfi. cleat to remove every hard or soft cornis• or callus from one's feet, Cut this out, especially if you are a woman reader wbo wears high heels. Attention Ladies! Arrange to have gour hair properlg washed and treated by me. Prices mosi moderate Shampoo 40c Shampoo with tonic 50c Appointments made for any evening after 8 p. m. Saturday excepted. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W. ROBINSON Prop The bllvrsran ox F1N.<Slk offers for Public Subscription Canada's Victory Loan issue of $150,000,000 5}% Gold Bonds Bearing interest from December 1st, 1917, and offered in three mututitlea, the c(ei,,e of wretch Is optional with the subscriber, us follow.: 5 year Bonds due December 1st. 11,2.1 10 dear Bonds due De•tutnher 1,:. 1•c'7 20 Ieur Bonds rue December l -r, 1 , -,7 This Loan is authorized tinder Act or the Parliament -ef Car d. both prind132 ,:nd Interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. however, reserve. the right co issue these wholeanor an0 port sof the amount 0le,n1 r<j in •eta ,. the <4 gle'+eeeeeme. bonds of previous !agues, The 1v11nieter of Finance The Proceeds of this Loan will bo, -used for War purposes only, and 1,111 be spent wholly Its Canada. Principal and Interest r•:ty''4e 1-, Geld Denominations: 100, ¢1011, t -0l13 and 01,000 I tr mn=t he in sums of Sin or 1.lulti 1. L•renL Principal payable without charge at file Office of the Minster o f ' .m: and a- n .r c ,. tut Ottawa, or at the Office of the Assistant Receiver General ut Halifax, tit. John. Charlottetown Montreal, Toronto, \tin ! eg, Re vinn,\- Interest payable, without rharre, h h < :, ,:, June let and December 1.1, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. 7.111137.%-a. or 1Zot;e,tn ,R.ro1d B not S1 bt uda111 I e rl t IL, 1.1111t r 1 1a intete,t• Strip certificates, non-negotiable. :r paY.jole to 1 at, tapplicant tor 1,0100'-1 1 or heaver bonds, will be issued after allotment in exchange for provisional 1 n .it ts. 1 , en r , t , 1' h � 4,11,nd payment V11(101 ,13 d tL,.rcun Ire the bank receiving the money they 8101' be exchanged 'for bout: vh -u 1• I .: n' :.1 a,ta 1 ��1 ., le 4 -' , c ,, 'istcred as to prepared, wtthollt co r n, , in ar ordan,e e:,. . Ir. „'.11 a1:. t.. - , ,` ' principal,or for fully registered bands when Delivery of Interim certificates s a., l of 000):,' 1 1s will t m;:dr 1 Inn%•li t',e Chant red Bunks. Bearer bonds '1111 coupons will 1, i in demmmiu.atonv of e e. r I +• I s. nn,. and 1 r y Le r,•r'.tered as to principal 081:,4. Fully regime toed bond... the interest on welch is p„1d (lire,: to the um -nes by Government h, ,u•, will C< issued in denominations of 31,11041„ $A,000, or any authorized multiple of 50,0011. Subject to the payment of 25 rent= for each new bond issued, holders of 1 (1,' registered Londs without coupauo, will have the right to convert into bond. of the denomination of 01,0411 with coupons. old. holders of bonds with couppons mill ha•c the light to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denom- lnstiona without coupons, 01 any time, on application to the \tinf,ter of Finance. Surrender of lioard;. Holders of Dominion of ('ao.4, Debenture Stock, due October 1st,{ 1110, told Loads ed the three preeedhuu Dnminlou of Canada War Loan. Issuer. have the privilege of surrendering their Loads in part payment for subscriptions tuhovels of this issue, under Ow following canditions,- Debenture Stock, dile October 1st, 114)1, at Par and A,rrsed Interest. Wnr Loan Bond:;, due December (.t, 11,:1, ut 17! un;l Averued Interest. (The ubovc will be accepts I in port payment fur laanis of any of the 0,0 e maturities of this 1,su,) War Loan hoofs, doe Octobtr 1st, 11;1, ,t n74; and 1 :ed latera,!, War LIM Bnu,19 due March 1st, 1107, ,( tui n 1 '1 11,,t Interest,. (These will be accepted to pact payment for born), of the 1937 mut_uity ONI.0 of this Issue,) Bonds of the various maturities of this issue will, in the event of futon, issues of like maturity. or longer, made by the Government, other than lather made abroad, be accepted at par and accrued interest, us the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscription to sued, Imes. Issue Price Por tree front taxes -Including any income tar -Imposed In pursuance .of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Payment to be made us follows: -. 10% e, December 1st, 11117 20„ on March 1st, 1018 10e'. an 30, 00,y 2nd, 1518 20';p� on .kpri1 1st, 1918 20% on February 1st, 1018 20ys ort May tat, 1918 A huff half year's Interest will be paid on let June, 1018. 'rhe Bonds therefore give a netlnterest yield to the investor of aboort 5.61% on the 20 year Bonds 5.68% on the 10 year Bonds 5.81% on the 5 year Bonds All parmeats are to be made to a Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render ptevloae payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to canecflation. Stibacrlpttons uceompanied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a Chartered Bank, Any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank Will fonvnrtl subscriptions and issue provisional rcceipte, in case of partial allotments the earplug cleaosit will be applied toward payment of the amount due on the January Instalment, Subscriptions may be paid in lull on January 2nd, 1018, or on any instalment due date thereafter Under diecouut at the tate of 83S% per aaatlm,Under Phis provision payments of the balance of subscriptions mac he made 1,5 foliowet 1f pald on January 2nd, 1918, at, the We of 80,10705 per 8100. If polo on February 1st, 1918, ut the rate of 79,40010 per 5100. If paid oh March 1st, 1018, et the rate of 50,72274 per 0100. 11 paid on April let, 1018, at the rate of 20.05868 per 1109, irorms of application may be obtained from any branch le Canada of any Chattered Bank, or from any Victory Loaa Committee, or member tbeieol. The books of the Loan will be kept et the Department of Finance, Ottawa. App9catione will be made in due course for the listing of ibis issue on the A2oatreel and Toronto Stock Exchanges, Subscription Lists will close on or before December 1St, 1917. ILleakrittINT 08 FMnitps (MawA, Novem4or 19th, 1017. -r5