The Seaforth News, 1917-11-15, Page 4PROFESSIONAL CARDS, MEDICAL b' Late Of London Hospital, ondoP nd Engla d *Oat 0tteatnm w diseases of HY*. Ear, Nose eat and reside tut, behind Domtalea Dank. O eepbOua ho,s. Residence, Phone No. 106. ffoR, Y. J, tlUYLROWS, Seaforth. Office and tweeehtar ne •-- Goderich Street, east of the Meth°. SIM Caritas. Coroner for the County of Huron. T'etenhs'e, No. 40. D1ro. s.1COTT tc MACKAV. Physicians and Eyy[tYptle,ns, Guderteh Street, oppoalte Metho. 61e t06hYd1, Seaforth, Snort, graduate Victoria and Ana Arbor, and member of Ontario College of Pyslclans and earemos, Coroner for County of Huron• le clfea, honor graduate Trinity University, e1;oW tmaisllatTrinity Medical College. Member at of Geller, of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. D1, 431tC. HEILEMAN,steoathic Special's I le W amens and Children's Dbgaeo and Rbe8c stir Troubles, Acute and Chronic 1)I1. *raw ^.ar, Eye, Nowt and Throat, Adenoids teah0a . wltbout the kelte, Coneu0LatIOn free. ,news, ,„a'' pn : 1 8to • e.n THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday Nov, I 01,141F0Pil DE tsuad by J oHtt MUpriaao Les9s , torch suranee Asn VC-Oen:widering Insurance, Lite or Accident 1$'on are. a poatrurd will get our rates. J. D. I'IUNOHL1EY, t'ro st 4 Ascat for London Life Insurance Co.. axe ituper a t(-Larantee and Aecidcat Insurance Co.. Seaforth Ont. __ -- Display advertising -Rates furnished James •t�•p ,tom �i Watson.aion V a�.mes 8" w a sonon "Advertisements ordered toe insertion, ut wrltte forbid," and `bolt stat r unit . enrrni Fire, 1'. u, S 1'•r8 1 8 loch, e0, written tiers are r will appear until slat Si rpt �nrlut� 1 'awn(' aLnrhtues crltInu orders are received for their die - Id - ontinuana. IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Front the Office MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH. ONT• Phone 84 Evening is SUBSCRIPTION Ou" ioilar'per year. strictly In adv a nee It not paid la advance. one del lat and papelrs, fifty cents rextra, strickllyalin ad vaneed. When subscribers chaauge their address notice should be,�,tbt us Immediately, giving scribers will conferta the by notlfY! gs. nb. us of any Irregularity of defile)'. {� Reading Notices -No reading notice, advertising anyentertainment or matter by which money s to be made by any person or cause we' be inserted in Tun Naws without charge, The price for the loser. tion of business announcements Is TEN muss per count line each insertion uutyyo advertising. having ad FIVE sett nperrline each insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Curd of Thanks 5 to 9 lines, 50 ants. Judicial, Legal, Oefietnl and Coven, ment Neticoa-Ten cents per line for first insertion and five cents per line for each subseuuet insertion. Yearly. •erde-Professional Cards, not exceeding "ut inch, will be inserted for 38.00 per v'•ar, payable strictly In advance THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Coe i 1 Farm and isolated Town Property. Only Insured. OFFICERS ss t','.1 yd:r 4 h President, .lamest tm,,. i 'n: itlert, Taomas Heys w^•n' h 1?. frees Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied the writer's awn signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee ofgood faith. 'Thepublisher aeate no respon- sibility eest whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious ll etopics will advertising,, plainly marked xceptapaid as such, The rate for such matter Is ten cents per line. J F SNO WDON 1 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER I Directors !411'010-+,.11.11.016.a4.« .+•s,.11••'•'"* D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; Jahn G. Grieve. :. O Winthrop W. lUnn. Constance; John Sennewels, - 1 Stodshagenu Robert Ferris, (1 nIock; Malc°m General Observations McKeon, nolnron• las. Ryan,. ech o Od, ! Imes Connolly, Giderich; Jas. Evans. lieecbwood, ; a Agents L _ Alex. Leith. ',iarlockt E. Hlochley, Seaforth William Chesney. Egmondville• J. W. Yea Halmesyitte; R. G. Iareroutb. Brodbaeen; Jam- 'L'he Victory Loan is the question Yarr and John Govenloek, seatort's, anllturs. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or eranaa:t i,1 the 'ley in Canada. 'l'lte money is ether business will be promptly attended ro br ' application to any of the above ofecers. eddrese ): eeded if Canada is to t'0• to their respective pos1ofaces. re1re orders for munitions and food products from the allies. Not only is it patriotic to lend the money but it is good 3. 14ii188s as it returns a good interest for the use of it. I'he Ol'igiiial link 6r ls. Genuine Beware of Same of the Liberal patters who still follow Laurier 11x110 1t was wrong td the I'niol t;ovt'rnniehlt to appoint Hun, Win. Pugsley Licutenant•Gover• • oar of New 11:un038iek and call it b8re- taced bribery. What would they say if he had not been at.eofnt8J; If we .are a 1 51-' (00veru41 ?1,t there must oe cons serail..:: ,riot:: t: both parties ImitatioonS I'ls,iiy Sold On ilia Merits of Minard's y., .-r! Liniment in the hos tiering the trial with hie head bowed end Il hentikol'shiof to hie Noe. The first wltneee called wee 'Thomas Welsh of Houaall, who verified a plan he had drawn of the prisoner's farm and buildings. F. '1. 43ryano, M, D,, Brussels, gave evidence as to the postmortem held the day following the shooting. The wotuld was just in front of the lobe of the lett Dar. Death was 0aueed by the eev0r- auce of the Spinel 001110 4 by the bullet. The u0u1•se of the bullet was preoti0al. ly straight, lhure was a smoky (nude around the wound, 'rho deeeesed was twentyeight or thirty years of age and was a woman of uoueidereble strength, and vigor, 'Thos, McRae 51, 1)„ of Ht'nseels, also testified regarding the wound, Witness who wets called to the father's house the night of the shooting, took the pris oiler to Magistrate Leckie et 13russels in his auto, '1'tle prisoner made a state nleut to him 98 to lvltat 11841 happened. Hu had t110 revolver in his pants p001t0t and was holding it in his right (laud. He said to his wife, "1f this sort of life is to continue, I will do away with my• self," She sail,' Let me have that Mlle revolver' and grahbe,' his arm. He said, "No chance," and pulled his arm back end tate revolver went utt The revolver wits produood and the witness gave a 110m0nstlaticll of how tlleshooting (night have uccur811. Wlion 0(188 saw 011n prisol:erthat evening the latter was in a highly excited state add was not in a condition of 1(141(1 to manufacture a story and it was witness belief that the prisoner wee telling the truth. \1'illiulu Keerue'y, a ouus!n of the prisoner, told of going for the auto lisle Witness' wife and twochildrel 'old Jas. Thynue were in the ear. They called at McCracken's and asked 51re Mo. Creckeu to go for a ride ivl,h them. There WAS room for hu ly 0110 111 8(0 in the oar. When McCracken made ani objection his wife asked hint ,why, and he saidsouethieg about being left al one. She said it was only fur it few hours and she was sometimes left alone for a week at a time, Mrs MoCraokel welt with them, Witness had never taken her out before, They drove to Listowel and on their return were met by NILCreel:en who was very angry 8ut1 told the witness are did not leant luso t8 be codling and taking his wife away. Mrs MoCrackel began crying anis said, "You see this is a sample or ivy life." Witness replied to DcCracken that it was the first time that he had called anti that it would he the last, Mrs Nettie Kearney wife of previous a•iluess, and ,lames 'Thynne both told the Same s10ry', ,foam tl'Neil jr , of Morris. said he ,t as passing the 1tieCraekeu place about 110 minutes to 0 o'clock that evening !and saw Mrs McCraeicef leaf it g on ionise anti crying. He asked what was the Matter and she said seulethnlg ab• yy J��811 a hlu� drile slid her nerves. Her xJ tlj��' DiZsagr nes. I husband spoke rather harshly to her wilier, her to go into the honor. Ja111e8 Keat'uer of Morris, a censill .1). I IN '..•,'l':l+'KE\ of the 48100 ,. r. was at tilt, -accused's For Sate SCRANTON COAL W. L. KEY, Seaforth. Phone 130 A Business Without a proper m of adver- t)'in is tike a motor without the power. 1.4 Seaforth News ADVERTISEhiiNTS will supply the required enemy phone - 34 evenings 127 1 1 1 kes. tt a r0 ll :19,11:.: 1l. r:s ., i' , WAS OlitItganl un:e,)(111 hie aife ort ti;a89ld •,f ,) sal. w:10 0831.1 '. efert• Mr. ,1t4at • tees .::(e„! eh., asst...: it: Ooder- _,.. ;i;c,: ,.en ..- ..s de0llevesi,tl the .rig' fa. OUtt..a -r.,l tilt'0488 391(8. :87,...,1 i. -\t 095i•"3 for this 1 i:a 18 ,r: 1 d ,'r MoLday oft '01 , 1t' ..t the g.s.11 Jury was swum .. tib-rs u'. the ;:rant, 1'.try n':le; .1 i,a1,'!., Joht,5, fen -- 11140; Jet I'.:tiileo:,, Lsltorne: lflljntt ,'olrl i: -,i el:tta!ta, 'r1 hl.,alaHeard. Lav 0,.1,1; son'. Olaao1, \s11;,;llain; 1'k,,es. A. Nairn. (Ioderish: Oswsl,l . area., 14nlder• lull; A, F, til, Seafertb; W,1. Forbes McKillop; A J. 1117111, WIngham, Thos Sloan, Hnllet; Oliver Clark, Godericb; 1. A. ':038. 88040810. On Tuesday morning the Grand jury returned a "true hill- and the petit jury was sworn in as follows: Albert Towns - bend, Runlet: John Colwell, Centralia; W. (0. Bogie, Colborne; .lamas E420:1Hnllet; Wesley S, Cole, Exeter; 1,: n FI Pearson. trey;Albert Godkiv, >Is'• Kiilop; Donald Fowler West Waw8l,ts11 William (leaser, Ashlleld;.fohn S. Lit - ie, (dray;Frank Tyndall, nutlet; .1 ,hu 1ICElvan rurnberry, Mr. T. R. Ferguson, ICC., of Toron- to, the Crown prosecutor, was assisted by County Crown Attorney Seager and the defence was in the hands of Mr WI Proudfoot, K,C.,and 41r. R. Vausto e of Wingham.. Capt. (Dr.! John ,1le- 0raoken of the Army Medical Corps, P brother of the accused, was in Condi having returr:ed from France to attend the trial. The little tire.year-old sot of the accused also 3880 present in the oourt000m but did appear to realize what Was goiliE 011. The prlertnar• .neo fatht't•s hot:se that day end SOW 9411' accused ti:,'.,. He was not f1 vert' ,sod 0nm:lr. He said he WAS going to be on It:and 1vhe1! -ti,: .. auto pari(' cense balk a•id tor. th^1:, what he thought of theta.. He said if at:yuue else '.Cole :and 105 ( lits wife nlvay he'd -put a hole in them " Witness said -'Donn; Lt• rayl;. " and prisoner Said:"t,0 ' li V, 111 Lilt, L1'tiii int }d,C : ic!om, (3 :Mortis, father .,f th" prisoner said his Ben was thirty Mt, y 1 . Of age and :ran lsa:.ied sag /.-ass ant. 118,1 561118 1.•:..:1•41 ,4 1.3- h t ::, v11 CDtn,S#i a/tees, Said 111.' wife ± 11,111e was at Ar,l s)., ylai:. ,.:d et' luti:tren Latae - was Mary ytewat't M_'liee '10e r:t'st I10rl u-, after the marriage she welt West seat), sed it 3800 001118 4(100:1,1 heldr0 she returned. She and her liesitanll lived at wltne.0 Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now Mewaa•.FM..a.a ataa4tioss sp.'noh,aMww..r Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes In high heel footwear they softer ;rem corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit Tory cause lockjaw and women are warned to atop it. 4.A. few drops of a drug called freer - one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but is sutUclent to re - Move every hard or soft corn or Callus from one's feet. e This drug is an ether compound and &lea ht a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even Irritating the surrounding tissue or skin. O[lp this out add on on you wife's dresser.43 house two or three y90re, and then e house was put up for then( on another farm owned by witness, line lived et both places, spending most of the tilu0 at, witlle591 houee, This 171(1 beaans° moat of elle work was there, The child also stayed most or the time at wit. nese' 1101180 and the wife would stay al. elle. The wltlle08 heard no complaints about his son's not staying at Ida own home with his wife, WitI0sa dill not reeognine his daughter.in-law's hand,.. writing in a letter produced by (Animal 011 that Sunday 111s sou told 11110 about Kearney's taking his wife for a drive, although he did not want her to go, He went buck to his owl( 110111e et 81,0411 g o'oloelc-to unl00k the (100 r, he said. Ile returned in the eveeing crying "I'm idiot." He was asked who slid it, "My eolf" Wittiest' went to welsh the wound a„tl his sou said he was afraid Mende was shot too, and his 'outlier should tel. ephoue for a doctor, Hie Noll said he clad the revolver in his pooket and she caught his hand and jerked it out and. the revolver we119 elf• He never knees his son to oafry a revolver, His sou said that if Kearney and Thymic event to do anything to him he would use the revolver to protect himself, Neither the witness nor his wife went to see the ,langliter•in-law, tun did they attend the funeral, His sots gave the revolver to the witness who took out the remain. Mg bullets. Witness explained to bar, Prondfoot that the house where his daughter W- hiny lay death, was louvred by the coroner go he 00(1181 not have got (it, and he was not informed ire to time of the funeral, Asked as to what kind of }lease it (vas at hie 004'8 place, 381141094 said it was a '•lot better than 1110 one 1 live in," The court then adjourned to 3. 15 o'clock. In the afternoon Dr W. J . Milne of ltlytb, who was the coroner, was ti e first witness, On receiving anal! from Dr Bryan he went to3leCrarlceu's pitos 9 ,1 found the holy in the barnyard, put it on a door and took it into the liouse. After fastening the doors he went to the home of Wm. McCracken, where he found the prisoner had gone Oil 00 Brussels, and he followed him there. 111 a 0011 venation with the pris• otter, the latter told the witness that he and his wife had had a row and he had shot her, He said, "1 looked and saw that she was dead and turned the revolver on myself. I was unconscious for a short while and then ran home as fast as I could." James McCracken of Godarioh, uncle of the prisoner, testified that he had been at his brothers house that day. Hie nephew talked about Kearney coining to has house and was vexed about it, The winless told Mr Proudfeot that he had been at his nephews place two weeks before and had noticed that he and his wife seemed to be on tbo best of terms 'rhos• Gundry, constable, of Goderich told of a long conversation with the prisoner. His story was much the same !as that of Dr. 1lcRae. Mr: Fran!c Kearney. 08,111ler of prev- io11s witness of that IISIlle•.. 811d 911s Sarah Rutledge of Morris, 'both told ''1 being at Wm. McC'racken's 1 leen that u;glt(. John Mc('artar, a neighbor. had ]hart( the LOP 811013. •tohn Leckie J 1'. al:,l John Long con 01ab18, Brussels were then heard: • This closed the case fur the Crown !anti the defence did not call any wit- The jriry retired at 7 ti) and returned .0081113' before midnight with the annuuttcemeut that they 1,01ld ;lot agree. His Lordship therefore split the ''ase river to the next assizes. 1tgi1 was refused at present but His Ltrliship said a renewal of the appile- ati0n 8:,+1101 be made later. It is report ed that the jury stood 10,4 fora verdict of (hurler, two for Inat(sleugiaei, oral nu for 001018181. I MMOMMYIMMMMMMMMMMf11iMM 1111401 MMMMMNMMMpMMMMMMIIMMiMMMMM M v X w Y ■ M A M M 1 M r r M of R K M M 11 • A 11 la A N n1 It THE DOMINION BANK Established 1871 16 Farmers' Business 1 Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Dealers in Live Stock. Sale notes collected on favorable terms. Savings Department Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to accounts twice Efficient service assured to depositors. M 1 a year. M m ommiumm ImmirmwmOl>mmomISMMMpttommommmMMMYfkmmmmm X111 OIM SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, ManagaQ, 079 CREAM WANTED Send your 0008(11 to ne and reeeiv0 top prices, WO are running our 'davit the year through and 0011 handle your full supply and fntvlish you with cans. We pay twice each mouth and weigh saluplo,aud test eanh eau of aroma care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to 011 Patrons" Patrons are requested to re tarn all our Oa118 when not in nee, 3 11051' su 1Buttol'rnilk 111.., 411 }laud u 3 dor et market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH 1IARKET Good Milling Wheat .............. $2.10 Oats ........... .... ... 60 Peas ,,, 3,00 Bran per ton-- ..................3 .00 Shorts per ton .. ..................4,1 Flour .......................... „ 5.55 8.10 Eggs ............. ....1...... ,.,... 42 Flogs to farmers......,...... ..... 15.7 5 GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER - How to make a creamy beauty lotion fora few cents. The juice of two fresh lemons strained Into it bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jay of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal akin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massacre it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands, ALL CHANGE Goderich District -Methodist Church exchange of pulpits for bliasionary Anniversary, Nov. 35th, 1917:-Gode- rich. North St, Rev, A, Sinclair, a. 01, , Rev I)r. Hutlege, p m.: Gaderioh, Victoria S. , list', 1 r, 14111!t•tit.;t• a in Rev, Arthi r SDwiai r. p in. 1l'1!I•hw, Wesley, Rev, C C, Keine, a m. , Rev, R. ,1, 31CCornli010, p. m, , Clinton. Ont• ario St• , Rev' 41. ,1, breCornticb', a III Rev. C. C, Keine, 1.. ta. ; Seaforth, Rev, J. W. Hedley; Hulme3viiie, Rev, 1, A, McKelvey; 1llrth,lClltuv. J A. Agnew; Dungannon, Rev ,1, E, .(onto; Nile, Rev, (:' H. McKinley; Belnuil'et J, H 08ter11out; Auburn, Rev. F. W, Craik; Walton, Rev. F. t.)kel!: li137419 d, Rev, P, 8, Banat; Varity Rev W. E, Darling; Landesboro, Rev. 1. E', Jones. Each pastor responsible ler his can p dpit supply Den 2nd, when sppea; will be made. Each pastor responsible for his own expenses in exchange Nov- ember tLSth....•_. FOR STILE 7 Rcont.H9110e, good cellar, Hard and :oft Witter, ,''d condition and splendid leealitr. :apply this office. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, • Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds ilow .bel your liver, stomach . or bowels; how much y'11r head aches, how miserable you ore from conitipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowels -you always pet relief with Casearets, 1'Ie y inn tedi,ttely` cleanse and regulate the st a och, remove the sour, fermenting 4•0,1 and foal gases; take the ()treys 1:11" front the liver and - carry off fine eonsf!eatel. caste matter and poison fron, the intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box from stet gist will keep ,volts' h}ser and hovel;' clean; stomach 911•Pet and head clear for menthe. Tiled bud: ',rho:: you sleep, UNIFORMS H adquarters, 51lit8ry District No. I, Loudon, O,0 Ith November, 11117. To The Editor, The `news. Seaforth. Ont. Dear Sil'- It bas corse t0 the nb'tiee of the Military Aolls.'itiO3 that Mlibtary and Naval uniforms, decorations anti 185(013 are being worry by persons not author- ized or entitled to wear them, as laid down by Ordo's•id•Ceimoil, \VDUI d you be good enough to learn the pnblis that the blilitary and Civil Authorities are taking action to see thea tbese re gulatiuns are strictly enroree 1. Yours truly, Walter ,Tames Brown, Lieut..Colonel X. AS:1,,1,l,D.No, 1. CHURCH NEWS All 4(001011IIder this hand are published hoe of charge, ex - dept those regarding meetings where tut atilt)Winn fee Is charged. The rate for xucD beim; ave nem pmt comet Ilan B?1i1FOR I'i el-IURel4ES St. Jaynes' St. James, Church , Rev. Father F Corc018u, Rev. Father G. 1t. North. graves ,BMorniug brass 7 a.m. High Hass 10,30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 p 111, Evening vespers 7 p.m. St. Thomas' Rev, T, R. Brown, Rector. Sunday se ruses 1.1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2,30 p. m, Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.m. C11ibdreu'ebrm1cll Saturday 2 p.m, utercessi0n services every Thursday, .0 p.m, First Presbyterian Rev, P', H, Larkin,, Pastor, Snutlay services 11 a,in, and 7 p in. Sunday. school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Tllfreday, 7.45 p.m, Women's iVlisa- ionary Society"the first Tuesday in each mouth at 7.45. Barbara Kirkman Mie• sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2ud Monday at 4.15 p.rn, Methodist Rev. G. McKinley, B. D,, pastor -SUNDAY-01ass at 1 O a.m. Public service 11 a,111, and i p.m. Snu- day 'reboot and Bible study class 2.3(1 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p,111, Prayer Meeting Tionesta y 8, p.ln, Salvation T•Yrmy Capt. Freud and Lieut. Save. Holiness meeting 1l a.m. Praise service 3 pan, Gospel service 7 pm. Childreus Service-Dhrecto'y class l0 a,40. Bible classes 4 p,ru, Week night Meetings -Wednesday- Prlte8 meeting 8 p,in, Hlmondv111e, Presbyterian Hay, J. Argo. pastor. Sunday 901• rices 11 a.m. anti 7 p le. Bible clues 3 p,1,1. Prayer meeting Wednesday 3p. m. V,P,M.S. Union Ord Friday' in the moet}1$ p.m, Women's lti lesion- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the Month at 2.30 pill, L:nlle3' Alli men s ((0. mediately after. McKillop Presbyterian lief, 1J Carswell pastor, Sunday services Duffs' church 11 a 1n 01111dey school 10 a hn. Pr'ay'er 1(19eting Wed- nesday 8 - p.m. Wemen'8 ltrissionary Society last Friday iu each month at 2 o'clock, Oonstauce Methodist Rev, W. Baine, pastor. Snutlay service 2.30 pan, young Peoples Lea - 002,30 p loSltudty \V omen's Auxin• ary first Tuesday of every month a fit) 41,4(1. Ladies' Aid last Thursday Cf 63041 month 2,30 p.121 Winth"op Presbyterian Snniay 8617100 2.30 pm, Sunday 0110011 l,iprn. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p.m. L,C, last Wed Pills That Rave Benefited Thousands. - Known far and near as a sure remedy I) the treatment of indigestion and all lerangell,ehts of the etoma011, liver and kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills lave brought relief to tlloneauds when other specifics have failed. Inmrmer- able testimonials can be produced to 08tablish the troth of this stitetuent. Once tried they will be found superior o al1 other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which the are :. y • • I Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skills, all thuds of fors etc. Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & Millman SEA .1lUNK DEALER Actress from Creamery Phone 183 What Shall 4.4 1 Give For Christmas? Why photograph a is just the very thing handy to mail to your far away ',lends and very suitable for pour friends at home. Only six weeks till Xmas, Come in for u sitting now before the Xmas Rush, We are always glad to chow ,samples of our many different styles at prices that please all pocket { hooks,, No friends disappointed -all equally favored --If you give PHOTOGRAPHS As the days are short now please come as early in the day as possible: Old pictures copier(. Framing done. L t� y D�, F BU7rCS pt P1i0TOOMP Eqtr, SEAFORTH anaoers� END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA ',Pape's Dlapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in flue minutes, If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like . a lump of lead, or you belch gas and erueta0a sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness', heartburn, fullness, nausea., had taste in mouth and stomach•ilead.• Oche, you eau (ret relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach diattroe now' by getting a lm•_•r fifty'•trnt ruse of Pape'S Dittpepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needles it is to stirrer from iudi'e'slinn. dy-spepeia e' any stem• nil disorder eaus,•d Ise food fermentation due t0 exec -dee acid in stomach. MEN WANTED FOR MUNIT-iON WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady em- ployment on Munition work, Apply to - Rtobt, Bell Engine Thresher Co. Ltd. Seaford), Ont. "For the Blood is the Life." 1 WHEN you SUFFERING With any disease duo to impure blood ouch as Eazanta, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Lego, Aba000soa, Ulcers, Glandular Swelling,, Bol40, Pimple., Sores of any kind, Pllno,Blood Roieon,Rhaumatfsm, Mout, oto., don't waste your tine and Maley on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want it. a medicine that will therouggltl' free the blood of the poisonous matt, r which( alone is the 1ru0 01(00 of all your suffering. Clarke: Blood Mixture is just such a inedicine. It is oaIopooed of Ingredients which quickly expel from" the blood all impurities, from whoever a(se arie!ng, and by rendering it clean and pure, can handled oil to abet a lasting our: )Dl,a,andr ufesninmaate, fur:Mdwe rie.ltapatt round 8etHn. 0 v 50 rears' 100(010, Pleasant to 10451 - sod by a0 00,1),1 and Sioreteepen, WM. all goons ter. 'CURES ALL -1 SKIN & 01000 DISEASES. In all countries. Ask for our 1NVEN'r®R' ADVISER, svhieh will be sent free. MARION R.0111110 - Awful .911 lin,, .\(t. ks «-'to titers 8 m (ulna' of tum. fuuu+C ,11111 Is in the power of this distressing tit n L;i No I tyke yn can Ini re der oil) aqua he bringing to his attention of Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rolnedy. This em t re aIl0 ren edy. tests Its 1'l pUtatiell upon what it has done for others. It has a truly wonderful record covering ea s and years of encomia in almost every part of this ,,continent, and even 'V