HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-08, Page 108 WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron County to Sell 1'elllani's Peerless Frnit and Ornamental trees during Fall aid Win- ter meanie. (loud pay, exeluslve torr- story, free ssllitzg equipment. over 60(1 Acres of the choicest Nur• very atucll including New vertetiel+ eon - trolled by ne. Henchmen, Iltl-to-Bate selling equipment and a splendid tall. 11d11111 grown atuuk, t0 utter eu atIlltere, Wo are not jobbers, Write now fur egeney torula to PELHAA'1 NURSERY t'Cl. ,Toronto, Out, N. 11. Cat degue soot en request to appli0ants for,lgenciea or peraltasers of Nursery stock, THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If yon care for heavy Bair that glia - tette with beauty and is radiant with 3ife; has lin incomparable softness and :e fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the lleauty of your hair. besides it imme• diately dissolves ays y particle of Lancdruff'. You can not have trice Beaty, Stealthy hair if ;•ou have dandruff. This ,destructive scurf robs the hair of its :metre. its strength and its very Life, and if not ovoremne it produces a fever • - :shnces and iiehing of the scalp; the hair roots faimi•h, loosen and die: then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a emall bottle of Knolvlton's Danderine "rom any drug store and just try it. Ctlr�.. ll °000001 ow ria«... -0«0 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 pe..,,,.tw.o.e.,,ete�nw-•".rAo..�gw....�M4 Dublin Mr, Joe Dorsey of Seaforth bee been speudiug a day with friends here :51r. R. Coulonge of 'Toronto was here last week, Miss Crowley of Stretford visited her friend, Miss L. Feeney, Alr. 1'. F. Beau of the Standard Bank leas called to his 11010(3 111 1.10511 on Tuesday to attend the the funeral of his uncle, Miss l riftiu of Goderich, visited her sister, Mrs' 1'. J.:tiolynes lx, for a few days. Mr Wm. Shapeltun is spending a few days in 'Toronto. Mrs..lames Shea and Hiss C. Herro. gott called on (deeds in Mitchell 00 Monday. Mr -Jas. Bergin of Windoor called oe friends here this ween, Mr ,1, 1i'eher was a Seaforth visitor oil Newby, Mrs (laden of Stratford is visiting her sister Mrs A, Darling. Mother Graves' worth Exterminator will drive trustee from the system with- out injury to the child, because its action, while fully effective, is mild. THE SLAFORTti NEWS StaJT.a Several from More went to Brantford to see the tractor's clemollatt'atiQll, Rev. Alt, Moore who }lee been in charge of Clyses Churolt for a year has preached his farewell se1•nlen, During the time he has been hero he has made malty warns friends who regret his de. pertinent. The Wotneu'e Institute had a lecture trent fuspootor Smith on the advantage of teaching Agriculture in the schools wallah' ntn011 caress on the benefits of this work among the children. Mitchell liev, W. H. Roberts of 1101rie has accepted the reutory of Mitchell and will take up the work this mouth, Mr. W. 13, Race principal of the In. stute for the 131iutl, Bruutford visited .his sisters in town when he Was 1'etain ing front Clinton where he had taken one of the stlld5tlte. Muscular ltheutuatistu Subdued.— When Olte is a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Noleotric Oil. There is 110 011 that so speedily shows' its effsot in subduing pain. Let the rubbing be brisk and ()autism° until ease is secured There is more virtue 10 a bottle of it than eau be fully estimated. hat, .. Canada's Ans'ver e? `VER in the sodden trenches amid the bursting shells and the roar of artillery where Canada's boys are fighting and dying. —they are waiting for Canada's answer when the sale of Victory Bonds begins. 4NADA'S soldiers expect that we at home will put up the mil- lions they need to keep on fighting, —the millions they must have to win Victory for freedom, home and Canada. What answer will Canada make: ,,Vhat answer Will vl,u make' • Shall it be said that Canada spares not her s(o1 art illi the :-acri- lke of battle, vet' ; ithhl ids her .()liars to give themvictory? Rather will it be said that. Can- ada 4ince more, for the fourth time in three years, cheerfully puts up her millions upon millions f..r the canse of freedom, right- eottstless an(1 justice. Canada's answer must he, --that the Canadian hand to the plow of Victory holds stead- fast and firm. —that Canada is in deadly earnest when she says the "last man and the last dollar." That is the answer Canada will give to our boys in the trenches, our kinsmen in Britian, and our Allies everywhere, That is the answer we will give to the Huns who thought and said that Canada would desert the Empire before she would fight or pay. !-;very bond you buy is an answer: Let the millions of an- swers from Canada's loyal men and women make a chorus. of Victory to ring around the world. Canada's Victory Loa. Campaign opens on Monday, November 12 `Canada's Victory Loan All About It" is the title of a pamphlet that should be in the hands of every man and woman in the country. Mali this coupon at once and get your copy Chairman, Provincial Committee, Canada's Victory Loan, Toronto. Kindly send me a copy of pamphlet entitled:— " Canada's ntitled:—"Canada's Victory Loan, All About It." Name Street or 11.R P.0 Prov Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of %finance of the Dominion of Canada. Hensel! Mrs, .1, F, Knappe of London has been visiting her mother Airs ft, Fulton who ie in poor health. The Exeter Dramatis Club presented their play stere last week, "Why Smith left home " 11 woe for patriotio purp- oses and lt'ns well attended. Hellsall women are all working bard for 00m• forts for the soldiers and have maids a shipment valued at $4911 It°v, Air ['Levey of Niagara Palls prea0hed to the Methodist Chntoit mutt gave very interesting sermons. 191(3 fnrniors 51O hoping for a colltltl' mance of the flue weather of Saturday and Sunday as their fall work is rath- er backward. The splendid sum of Si o00 was rale ed fn Holman for the British lied Cross and the Conned added another $500, Airs Clano, Troyer who has been spending a few days with her daughter Mrs R. Jarrot in Seaforth, is house, Dr Norman Troyer of Medoc has been spending tt tow days with his par.. oats. Mrs Vi0Oellt Woods and sots of :Santa Barbara, Cul, has returned to her home after spending four months with her parents, AIr and AIrs Dirsdele, Kippen An old fashioned revival was here for three woelca in the Methodist Church by Rev Mr, Knight of Bewail and others , There were also sermons 441 two Sand eye by laymen, 141r. Stanbury of Exeter gave the first of series of lectures to be given during the winter un "How to Choose a Profession. ffa spoke from a lawyer's outlook and held that a lawyer ehonld be one of the most ti ustworthy people in a place because many have to trust him implicity with business, stoney and family secrete and these trusts should never be betrayed, Bruceffield Mr. Sam. Taylor has removed to Seaforth where he works intho munition factory. Mies Mable Swann who was i11, with peritonitis is 'recovering, • Drew Swann am into another autoon the way from Ilderton and both care were broken; Leonard McConnell who was in the West has returned. He has rented a farm and will return there in the Spring. Miss Annie Foote and her sister Mrs, Win, McQueen are home again after visiting in Stratford. Walton Several people from here attended the induction of Rev, Mr, Smith into the Church in Brussels. Mr, Smith has created a good impression since his arrival, Miss Kate Doupe and Mise Eliza Shier of Kirktou are visiting Dr, and Mre. Waghorn, Archie and Jean McKellar of Ailsa Craig have been visiting their eonsies, Mr, and Mrs, R, Coutts, A couple of weeks of fine weather would be gladly received after the wet month past. 6i Quite a number from here visited the aeroplane near Seaforth on Sunday, Hayfield Misses Mary and Irene Currie have gone to live in London. Miss Eliza Dupes of Toronto spent a few days with her eider, Mrs. Fred Gummhart, Mrs, M. Dupes of Egmondville has returned home after spending a few weeks here. Mr. R• E'enhale left on Tuesday for a trip through the West, Mrs, Sterling is visiting relatives it) Port Elgin, Dr, W. Woods was in Goderich on business last week. Mr, Wm. Dawson, who came from the West lastSpring has bought the farm of his brother Calwin on the Goshen Line, Stanley. The contributions to the Red Croce amounted to $389 6, Wood and coal are both very scarce. There is a fortune for the farmer who hap wood to place it on the market. Mr. lialkwill has sold Sia farm jost over the river to Afr, David Dewar of the Sanble Lino, We are glad to have Mr, Dewar near us and hope the sale will not mean the removal of shell ee 101151b10 people lie Mr, and Mrs. Iialk- will, Slimy of our young met) are going theca days to Cuclerich fur Medical examination, We hoar they are meat- y all (Ansa A, Alt A. E, Erwin 1080 fu Chatham last week at the Sunday School Cone(3u tion, Rubt, Delgaty has bought the Millin property 11ear the Presbyterian Clause!) awl will luure into in the Spritlg, The POC bytari011 Aid are preplurieg for a social 111 the near future. Herb.-Johuetun is home again niter spending two 11100018 111 Saekatehcwit11 Auburn At filo SlOremul,lid 01800100 to Zhu 1'l 000) 41:1 1811 00111811, teeently !Leen W010 11110011 1180 1uu11111eadded to the laet when epeaeke wen fur the paster. at0 ut Rev, nlf, Moss, Alt. Geo. liltitIby lust at raluwblu 'tune last wean (ruin biaoltleg. it was found dead in the field, Mr, Matthews ut the bank here is wearing a smile these days over a new (are 1111118 1101110, , Mr, and Airs, Hugh, Hill of the vil- lage returned home last ,veek after %hitting many placee in the West. He reports it very cold there with plenty of snow whet] he left. Manley A number of young folks from this bug attended the Olt! Time Dunce on Tuesday night and report having a go -d time. There were a number of people from this vicinity who waist out to see the aeroplane near Seaforth. Mr John Dietz of McKillop was mar- ried to Miss leler of Logan, Thursday last and is going to :ive on the farm recently purchased from Tom O'Lough- lin, Their many friends wish thein many years of success, Thursday Nov, 8 Mechanics' Shoes ..Our Mechanics' Shoes were built to our special order, by a reliable Union Shoe Manufacturer. They are Shoes of unusual merit, as every Workingman, who h s given them a trial, will gladly attest. Made in the Eris Calf, Minnouite Grain and Kangaroo leather. '1 he Workingman, that tests these Splendid Shoes, will find them to be all we claim for them, hhau H. eerr "The Home of Good Shoes' 5t Laugh When People 1 . Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass It along to others. tt works! 1 Ouch ! T ! ? ! 1 This kind of rough talk will be heard less here in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati. authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreneaa at once, and soon the corn dries up ..nd lifts right out without pain. *He says freezone is an ether cont. pound which driee immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but is eufii- cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this annpuncement since the inauguration' of the high heels. 1 , Seaforth Attention Ladies! Arrange to have gour hair properlg washed and treated by me. Prices most moderate Shampoo Shampoo with tonic 40c 50c Appointments made for any evening:a/ter 8 p. m. Saturday excepted. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W. ROBINSON Prop a Y a®git i )U Get ins. the Wheel of a Ford and Drive TRY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them— are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly, Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. J. F. DALY Dealer - Seaforth COOK BROS. - Dealers Hensall