HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-08, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday Nov, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, p MEDICAL g etp0f Lona nn 1 ti's thuleteLouu4oa Enela a aptasettea to diseases of Iiia, Eur, Nose t it s and fetid ore, behind Dominion Bank, R0/,asPelona N o,5, Resident,, Phone No. 106, �Ina, A, 1, BURROWS, Starer*, Office and saalttdtte — Goderich Street, eat of the Meth*. flirt Chant. Coroner for the County of Huron. % bore., No. 40. M!IYn1�t�Peq•110Mn+11N.nW..9Y'tagllIWIIYVNpW1iY.! Tow avrookini [hum IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY i it From the office i q1 MAIN Sr. SEAFORTH, ONT• 1 Phone s4 Evening 127 i t11tb, ta`CotT & MACKAY, Physicians and 0ptilaonp, Goderich Street, appetite Medea. 61s tObos cb, Sealorth. Scour, cradltate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and of Physicians and *cremes, Coroner for Count' of Huron, MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, odd ntadailst Trinity Medical College. Member of Cotten et Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. D A. /..0. HEILEMAN,Osteopatbtc Speclatls Is le omen's and children D6eonocs and WAsamotte Troubles. Acute and Chronic Dis- asters. dsr, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids etenavt + without the knife. Consultation free, y' peadavtbinn tn_IS_P..m 1?ridgy 8 to _f,-p.tn IN911e,i y JU:Ib I Marriage Licenses apt rpLbislan suet teeth Insurance Are yen considering Insurance, Life or Accident' 1fyou are, a postcard will sit our voice. J. D. IIINe5 LEY, t; enmil Agent for London Life Insurance Co., and lmnerialGnarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Soaforth, Out, James Watson General Niro, Life and :Accident insurance Agent and dealer in dewing Machines. MainStreet Seafortli THE McKILLOP Motu Eire insomnia Co. Parma and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS Sas, Connolly, Grderirb, President, James i:.sans, i,eeehwood, Viee•P resin en 5, Tao mos Hays. Seatnrth. Sac: Tress Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grime. Winthrop W. Rina, Constance; John Bennewela, ffirttdehogrnt Robert Ferris, Hariock; Malcom McKeon. Clinton; r• McCartney Seaforth; ;since Connolly, Goderkch; Jas. Evans. Beechwood Agents Alex. Leitch, Harloek; E. Hinchler•. Seafort1. ATJlnlmm Chesney, Egmoadvlllo; 3. W. Ye;. 73olmesvllle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brvdhanen; Jam. Karr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, au1nors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transom other boniness will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers, address - to their reopective posto3Bces. The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold o0 Pile Merits SUBSCRIPTION 0150 dollar per year, strictly laadvance 11 ant paid In advance, one del \ar and a hall will be charged, United States papers, fifty cents e'ctra, striekly ht ad vanes(. When subseribers 0400000 their address notice should be 5 emuthes immediately, giving ssccriibers willd and a favor by naew otify! gnb. 05 of may irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—No reading notice. advertising any entertainment Or matter by which money is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted to Ten Haws without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of buelness announcements le TEN cents per count line each losertiott to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per 1100 each insertionn 20 those having dhlPlaY contracts.and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 limes. 50 cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern - 'meat Notices—Ten cents per line far first Insertion and Ove cents per line for each subsequet Insertion. Yearly efOilltoe!sefr exceeding oninchwbinrted o 55.00 per Fear, payable In advance Display advnrti sing —Rat a furnished on application, "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUnttl forbid," and those sent without written Instructions will appear until critters orders are received for their dh- ontiauance. • Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon. affinity whatever for the statements made in such communication.. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such, The rats for such matter is ten cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER IfsuaserremeereueienaccuemenemeacenuocecelseMMenlaffelff General Observations 1 better service at Ottawa, The Ltb 1;» ale joining the Government are most heartily supported in their action by many of the lenders of the patty. We feel,, and have previously ex- preened the opinion, that the Liberal Executive should have oalled a oottveu• tion of the Liberals of the ridiog and had the matter of sleeting the Con• aervetives in a union convention dis- missed and passed upon, An Order in -Council has been passed by the Dominion Government by which the Fuel Controller is anthorizod to make drastic 1'egnlations in regard to feel distribution. All dealers and imp- orters in coal must be licensed and ap- plications for such license made before November 21st, In regard to profits broker must not get more than 30cents per ton for their service. wholesale deal- ers 3u tante and retail dealers 50 cents. In cases of emergency the Fuel Con- troller will have power to requisition any qnantity of coal in the possesion of any consumer in excess to the legal supply permitted. It is not the intent. ions of the fuel controller to disturb those who have laid in their winter supply of coal except fn cases of em- ergency when public interest may de- mand that they share the excess sup ply with their ueighburs, ABOUT EXPENSE of 1'0 a questtuu ctslieci recently rl-gard- Minard's ing the railway fur and expellees aunt) i_inirnont taking medical examination under the .illlitart Soviet. Act, a daily tajler gave the follew•ing answer: 1': If a draftee /sports for ..twice at 'the local last -office, he will later re. jmelee from the Provincial Registrar sin. !der the Act instructione to report fur • medical examination on a specified day and, accumpauyiug the iustrncitous, will he a voucher good for railway transportation. The draftee will also be paid $2 00 a day for the time octal- ' pied, But there will be no pay and no free railway transportation for men • who apply fur exemption. They will have to 110.9 their LAM expenses, ;2' ':lalmartta fur exemption are not allowed to peep the form claiming( exemption. The postlrlaster sends it to the Provincial Registrar. For Sale SCRANTON COAL W. i.. KED', Seaf©eiih. Phone 130 A mihess Without a proper Min of adver- in is like a motor without the power. . . . d•� Sea forth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply ,the required enemy *,hone - 54 evenings127 The Right Course. The editor of the Wiughatn Times, which has always been a strong anp' porter of the Liberal party in his last issue gives his brother Liberal editors some good advice. He says: In common with a great majcrity of the newspapers in Ontario, dai y and weekly, both Libelled and 0S,1- eervativ0, tee eve most firmly otatv'lec d that the proper thing for the nellisve of Canada at the present time, lbs to a ipport the ULion Government' In taking this course we do not oast aside any of the priuoiplee we have labored for in the ranks of the Liberal party for nearly thirty years, We are at attach Liberal as ever, but the pre- sent oriels demands united action in order that the war may be brought to a successful conclusion for the Allies, Tee job le too big for set of politic -i Rana of either party, and some of the' leading Liberate have joined ip forming Govorement whish oven true >0 n - t5 Our Fiftieth Anniversary '1.'he followiugis the poem which vies oomposed by Mrs \Yat. Kerr in honor of the Golden .Jubilee Anniversary which wits held in Dutra Church, Mo Killop, on October 25th and 20th 1917 and wag recited by her ten veer old daughter, Hattie on the Monday even. ing. It is fifty years, so Fee boon told, Since this here Church was built. It was in the days our forefathers were, The ones the pews then filled. But time hits wrought an awful change, As the years roll swiftly ou, And nearly all the older folks, Htvt moved away or moved or gone. They trace gone on a long journey, From whenoe no traveller e'er returned And other bands take up the work That they once carried on. F'ur we feel es if we owe to our forefathers A debt, whioh we only can pay By the carrying on of the Chnroh work 'That was begun in their pioneer daps. We are pleased to have still living with tis A. few of the atlas who ran give The history of the early day. of Duff's Chnrvh, For they are some of the ones that have lived. All their lives they have lived here amongst 558, And at yesterday's service was told A story that wee full of interest 'Po the young, as well as the old. To night I thought I might try and tell you About the minister we have now, And even if he is listening, 1 don't thinlc he will care, anyhow. It is fourteen years since Mr, Carswell came From the cold and frosty West. You know the cold was hard on him And his health was nolle the hest. But since he has lived for all these years Hp on yonder hill He's not afraid of our winters here, Or the drifts on George Hearns hili, For no ;natter how stormy the Sun- day Or how bad the roads you linow He'll hitch old Prince in the cutter, And off to Church he'll go. And oil so many weddings He has had for to attend I don't believe the weddings yet Are just quite to an end. At.tt in our Holmes of sickiess He is alien.) s a welcome guest And some thirty of our loved ones He hat) been called to hay to rest. lint although 80 111514 homes have been saddened When the loved ones were culled away There's a different sndnegs reigning 111 Inaiiy of onr homes today, It is n sadness mingled with pride For Duff's Church is proud today Of her brave boys who are fighting On the battle fields far away. And we pray that Cod will hasten, Hasten the glad, glad time When All Nations shall bow before Him And fear HIM fur their fling. I _Sure! High Hees Cause Corns But Who Cares Now t.4•o.rr,yao,aw,anaw.n+u,r„u,n,uyau,annevere , Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear dray seater from earns, then they cut and trim at these painful pasta which merely imakos the corn grow harm This aulcfdel habit clay cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop It. A. few drops of a drug called freer - one applied directly upon a sora corm gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs vary little but Is sufficient to ,ire• move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. it This drug to an ether compound and dries In a moment and atmply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even Irritating the surrounding tlesue on akin. Clip tide out wad pin on your wtfo s dresser., A Great Drawing'Team, By Augustus Bridle A good drawing beam is just as much of a joy to the man that owns it as it used to be in the bush -log days, We talk a good deal—some of lie—about the great horses we used to handle the ribbons over in the bush, lifting out' great loads of elut logs, eOInetilnee 1,500 feet or 2,40, sometimes more a000rding to the matt who was telling it, from. the stomp to the slcidl'oad and the 001100001011 line, Certainly seine of thee° theme could draw; and surely some of their drirers did use to be ablate talk about it, But there are good average battling teams its the country ttoly as -there wore in the bush days, Farmers Iwo gone' in for specializing 011 draughts and road- sters, t at o poor team it bad eo0nomy when work has to be done in a hurry. Getting etuok with a load in tiro fields is a dead waste of tune and of temper, Wo used to be stuck often in the old days with some of diose poor teams picked up any old way at an auction sale, But a good epan of Clydea or Pereheroue nowadays is a real pleats of insurance against wasting time with ()took loads. The only thing that happens in that line with such hones is a broken harness or u snapped dbabletree. Of course a good deal depended on the driver as it doss now, One of the beat drawing teams ever known in au Ontario county would pull like a traotor engine fur the boas, but when it carne to the hirci: mint they see- sawed and jumped in the collar like a pair of balky Texas steers. When the Lusa pulled the Tines over them to d jelled, "(frit down together' ---they gt t siowo, those Bob Hunters, and lifted the load—heavens, how they could lift it; No matter what the load war, vein, or loge, or gravel: it came out et the hole on the high.roacl, just by the simple knack of getting down together. Just now the greatest hauling team ever known in Canada are engaged in hftieg the biggest load that a team ever et rod in front of. The load is, $100,000,000 of Canadian 'Victory Bonds, That's a tremendous load. The load is there all right. Canada has the money; twice as much, ready to pile up for victory. It's a matter of lifting the load, It's a matter of what team is to do it, and who will be the driver. What's the best team for this job? The Canadian Farmer and the Gov- ernment of Canada. If those two can't lift a great part Of that load, you might Ise well leave it alone, Who is the driver? A great boas named Viotory. Victory. VICTORY! COMPULSORY SERVICE 1N 1863 Voluntary System Gave Place to Conscription Under Lincoln It is a matter of record in United States iiistory that President Lincoln after attempting to prosecute the Civil War with volunteer troops at last, its 1863, turned to conscription in order to thence the neceasery forces. Since Lincoln is regarded as cue of the greatest statesmen this con• ineut has produced, it is iuetruetive at the present stage of Canadieu history, to 860 11350 he dealt with the problems that arose. The President was warned that grave disorders !night follow the em comment of the conscription law, which 0 teas argued, was in opposition to the constitutional privileges and It/sortie/5 of the citizen, Lincoln took the ground that demo• many means an equal share in the burdens, as well as its the blessings of a ropnblio, and deuided on the firm enforoement of the law, All opposition was firmly repressed, (hl entering the present war, the I:,litetl Stab,- 8 profiled b5' plot t`X- pot'ienee and ploulptly adopted cntu- pulsury artrice. Now that Canada has adopted a similiar eimrs0 she le in a better posi- tion to do her full share and though opposition ie tenloolfed for, repressive lilettsurea are provided its the Act. Internal parasites in the, shape art worms in the stomach and bowels of children sap their vitality and' retard physical developnietlt. They keep the child in a constant stale of unrest and if not attended to, endanger life. The ohiltl can be spared n111e11 suffering and the mother much anxiety by the best worm remedy that can be got, Millet's llorm Ponders, which are mere death XX IMMIX XIIIIXIBOMatiMXXIIIIM1I1MMMMMMMq(MMIMMMMMM11i011XXX1MMMM M TME DOMINION DANK Established 1871 oo AMI AI sMt axe M tt Farmers will do well to leave their sale notes with The aw Dominon Sank for - collection, Consult the Manager. n tn to 11 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $13,000,000 Farmers' Sale Notes 4 11I 18 s77 4 n leM le erf atnsusousisiononossYAnsinnai9f11tInnainutsionie oidia Mq/aluirensa,.rMlf SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M, JONES, Manage., CREAM 'WANTED 1d ' Sand your avenin tot is at ae ogive lop prices. We are relining our plant the year through and can handle your faill supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice each month and weigh sample,aud toot Gael' can of cream care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons " Patrons aro requested to re turn all our cans whets not its use. e r an- 11 11tela illc a;.' n hand 3vitt l 1 .o nI for at market prices, The Seafortii Creamery Co. SEAFORTH MARKET Goad Bulling %\'heat......,.,...... $2,10 Oats Barley ................... .«..,.1 1; Peas 3,110 Branler ton..,.,.. ......,. 0 i. .... 17.0 Flour.,....... ..... . ..... .......... 00.55 6,10 Butter............ 42 Egg a ........ ........ 42 Hoge to fafirler•9..................15.7 0 LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem- ons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for months, Every woman knows that lemon juice fe used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. FOR SALE 7 Room House, good cellar, -Hard and Soft Water, good condition and splendid locality. Apply tl.ie odic°. ROO AND GUN Itud and flue for November, which is now on the newsstand, contains a usual many stories and articles of particular tltterest to the lover of out- door life and sportsmen generally R, .1 . Fraser in this tome describe() the "Joys of the Wintereanlp" and Charlet Camselt writes of the Wood Buffalo of our North-Wostoru C'ana5ien plains, Fred Copeland tells au entertafeing story, "The Tlumiuie'e illscot," and there are matey more stories i,lteryell. ing l,etweee these at d the regular de. partments dhvuto5 to Fishing. t;m s and ammunition, Koul el, Along the Trap Linn, etc. 'rhe 'Keene! fur title month eillttatil5 tt write -,11, of 4550 re- cent Dogs shows et uttatva and Mon- treal with a list- of utvnrd0 given at elicit titian Rod and Gun es Idtblish- ed by W. J. 'r.\ Y Ll It f,td , Wood. stock, Ont, GIVE "SYRUP OF nos" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative', can't harm tender little Stomiiach, Liver and Bowels, Look at the tongue, mother! I1 coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once, When peevish, or0ss, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, dull of cold, give a teaspoonful of `California Syrup of Piga," ,and in a few houra all the foul, constipated waste, undigested' food and sour bile gently MOVOS out of its little bowels without griping, ansl you have a web, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for ltafles, c'itddrenof a1I e es; CHURCH NEWS All items under Ihle Ilene r0 A e e ex - opt published nee'! chnrl;o, athosean ruti(rd seig oil 500 to o hetar a an he rate Incfee !a charged The rote Isuch lacing live tient par comet lino SEPiPI'3RTEI 01-IURlvI•9 ES St. James' P St James Church jt+ , t Rev, Father 1 Corcoran, I4ev, Father (I. 11. North. graves ,Diorltiug Mass 7 a.m. High Mass 10.30 a. 111, Sunday school 2.311 p m. Evening vespers 7 p.ot: St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brawn, Rector, Sunday se rOces 1I a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2,30 p. in. Women's Anglicau Missionary Association, Tuesday 2 30 p.m. Children'sbrauolt Saturday 2 p.m. utercessiou services every Thursday, 0 p,iu, First Presbyterian Rev, Ji', H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday services 11 5.111. and 7 p in, Suutley school 2,30 p.tn. Prayer rneeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Sooiety•the first Tuesday in each mouth at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mis. sloe Band 3rd Tnesday1111 the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2115 Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY'—Class at 10;00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun- day Snhool and Bible study olase 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting 'Mirada y 8. pan, Salvation Army Capt, Froud and Lieut. Sieve, Holiness meeting 11 a,n1. Proles service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 p•tn. I Childrens Service—Directory class 10 a.rn, Bible classes p,m. Week night Meetings—Wechlesday Niter meeting 8 p,m. Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor, 8511155)' 805- 01001 11 5.5u. and i p m. Bible class 3 p.m, Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y.P,O1,S. Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 pan, %Vemon's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the mouth at 2,30 p.m, Ladies' Aid moo s im- mediately after. McKillop Presbyterian Rev. D Cursive!! pastor. Sunday servioev Duffs' church i1 a in Sunday school lu a in. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at ' o'ulock. 08oj,stancc Methodist Rev, W. Kahle, pastor. Sunday service 2.30 p.lu, Young People's Lea- gee2,30 p m Sunday %%omen's Auxil- ary first Tuesday of every month a 30 p•m. Unties' Aid last 'I'hnrsday - of eaoh month 2,3+1 p.50 Winth`oP Presbyterian Sunday setvite 2,311 pm, Smithey choral 1 15pin . Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p,is, L.0, last Wed pilin That Have Benefited Thousands - Known far anti near as a sure remedy in the treatment of indigestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, l'arrnelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other -specifics Imve felled, Innumer- able teetimon'tala can' be produced tri establish the truth of this statement. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & Millman SI1;AFCI,t'LFI JUNK DEALER, Aeroas from Oreamery Phone 183 titan ro�� vamaammu Photographs As Xmas- Gifts t nip 1i2 weeks until Xmas Remember pour friends with Photographs this pear. Nothing you can give to pour friends far awap or at home that will please them better than a good photo- t. graph, the kind we make. Come in now and have a sitting made and have that much off pourinind, Remem- ber 12 Good Photos will please 12_ ofpout friends, We have a beautiful line of folders and the prices are not high, We call take pour Photograph on a dull dap as well as a bright dap as long as you come earlpin the dao as the dapsare-gettingshort D F DUOS PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTH 4Inteasemse• gni SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and • distress at once, Time it! in five minutes all atoms itch distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburnsourness or belching of gas er eriletations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache, Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. 1'ut an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from in�dd- gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach die.' order caused by fermentation due to nxeeseivc acids in stomach. MEN 1,1 ANTED FOR MUNITION WORK .a4 number of good reliable men can secure steady em— ployment on Munition work. Apply to The Rubt, Bell Engine 4 Thresher -Co, Ltd. Seaford), Ont. "For the ,Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any dleoaeo duo to Impure blood such no [°senna, scrofula, Scurvy, Sad Logs, Abeeenuou, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, 00550, Pimple°, Sores°cans. kind, Pilo.,glood Polson,Rheumatinm, Gout, etc,, don't warmyour time and motley on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous 'natter which alone is the tum cause of all your suffering, Clarke's. .Rican Ali:aura is just such a isedioma It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel front the blond all impurities, urities, from whatever cause arising, nod by rendering it clean and pure, can be rolled on to effect a lasting cur; (Muria.* ofmffi'mmialr, tor selection srepm...M r ,0sed 0.0(1. Over 50 yMrn' .' Pleasant to +. lake. ('.iarlrn•c.�. Sold by es Chemists and StnrtlymmYt. (055000 all 5091110,,9- n CURES ALL SKIN & 81000 DISEASES, le all eoutttrles.Ask for our INVENTOR' , ADVISER, which will be sent free. 1 MARION & 15l4Rr^" ,d 7O. rise tA, y of. 3 Awful Astitnut Cltnelts.—Is there a member of who is in 5114 power of this dist:r•ash ar t,'1 service you can rowlrl hint ,.Irl ,(pt 1 the bringing In 11,1 illleeitot, rf lir .5, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This remarkable remedy rests its reputatiott upon what it hart done for others. 01 has a truly wonderful record, ouvering years and years of 0aocese ho almost every part of this oontiltent, Mid 090n '4•