HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-08, Page 1New Series Vol. I5, No. 45 SERVO RTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S [x)17 A Fine Sonvenir xi 50 GIRLS SEeTION WORK Nice easy work 1t child could almost do the work. Borne and take one Section as follows ; 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to join garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girls for .pants making. All nice clean work and easy and steady all year round. So hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can 't you? Apply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFG, CO. Fred Robinson, Manager Seaforth Ontario "LPI" RESTAURANT AND eeNEEOT1ONERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every ¶aturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand. Our home made candies always the beet, Chocalates, Carmelo, Bon•Bons & Taffies a specialty. Having installed an up date plant for making IOE CREAM TRV IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to Gardnos Bros EVPTD .TRIBi§ MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 Forte Attontiol of Glass One Mei The location of The Exemption Tribunals in this district is as follows: -- Tribunal Ont. No. r31—Seaforth Ont. No. 134—Clinton These Tribunals will commence to deal with claims for exemption on November 8th. All claims for exemption must be made not later than November 10th. Those who make or have made their claim for exemp- tion in writing through the. Post Office will receive notice by registered letter of date on which their claim will be dealt with. Those who neglect to make use of the Post Office must present themselves in person at a Tribunal on November Bth, 9th or 10th, and they will then be informed as to when their claims will be dealt with. Reports for service must be made on or before November 10th through the Post Office. Severe penalties are provided by raw for failure to report for service or claim exemption at above. !smear by tat The Milttan) Service Couneg., Mrs. Jessie Brown of Seaforth re- mixed a rained souvenir from her brother, Sergi Hasitug who is serving in Prance with his sons one of 'whom ie wounded, The eonvenir is a paper knife made of a cartridge and bullets. Mrs. Brown has kindly placed them to the News 011ie( for inspection,. The knives were accompanied by the follow- ing letter. France, Oct 6th, 1917. My Dear Sister:— Yours of the loth of August just to hand along with Mary's. I was begin - nirlg to think yon had forgotten the al- together. Was pleseed to hear you were well and all the rest np there. I ani writing this for you all lassie so you send it on to Mary. They don't want ue to write too much so kindly make do you all. Well, dear sister, Dill got wounded+ slightly so will send you the telegram I received from Headquarters. I am seudiug you and l?Iary a knife each, 1 made then myself out of German, Frei,ch and British cartridges the blade is a French bullet hammered out, I've mado a lot of themiu my spare time. Alvin is 0 I yet but near got bit, a shrapnel touched his arm so that f was uear`enongh Well dear sister I was pleased you had a good time when McCoys were to see you they sure enjoyed themselves. too. 1 sent two knives to Wm. Hast- ings of Glasgow they thought thein nice and one to Jean P,ryden, Glenyon whoa mother was a daughter of William Hastings. I am Regimental Police at Head- quarters so have a little more time to myself since we have little to do with the boyo here who behalf fine and we are at a fairly safe quarters so I am 0. K. Don't worryaboat me dear sister. Hope you continue to keep well with love to you all. 'Vrite soon. Your brother, R, W. Hastings A Surprise Visit Not often in the past has Seaforth had a visit from a heavenly visitor. Ou .Saturday, however, that great benedic- tion arrived and it cane from a clear sky also. 1t is not known just why this great privilege was granted. It has been said that many towns aro in- fested with visitors from the lower reg- ions, but it was not so with Seaforth. On Saturday a mighty, rushing sound was heard, Some thought it- was a motor boat from Lake Huron, Others thought it was the flopping- of angel wings in the air. and looking, np saw, to their surprise that the angel had Dome in an aeroplane. It was coming like the Wiseman, also, from the Emit After corning South of the town, it was seen to turn North, and, from a height of 4,000 feet. glide down into Mr Gar - row's field, near Maitland Bank Oemet- ry, a very appropriate place A great number of townspeople at once said, one to another, "Let us go and see this thing," and crowds flocked frcnn every side. When they arrived they found au aeroplane and the lone pilot, who, going from Camp Borden to Toronto had lost his way and was mak- ing for Lake Huron instead of Lake Ontario. Running out of gasoline, he was compelled to land, A fresh supply was obtained but the engine refused to start and the machine was staked down for the night. Word was sent to Oamp Borden, but during Sunday, Seaforth'( experte got the engine going again and several trial flights were made safe- ly. The crowds that gathered on ,Sun- day- equalled a Fall Fair, people walked across fields, came on wheels, in buggies and by cars from every direction, It was the first opportunity many had of seeing an aeroplane and all who could, turned out. The air buss was of the 'biplane formation of ninety horsepower capable of carrying two men, The plane were of coarse linen. An expert meth= ani( arrived by car on Sunday evening A ear pleasant and varied entertein- and proceeded to put the engine in y shape. This was done and it took its msnt was held in the Separate School departure 00 Wednesday. Hall, Seaforth, Monday evening Oat 20 and was so much appeoiated by the large gathering present that the man* Why stl•ffer from come when they oat agement have decided to hold another be painlessly rooted out by using Roll- with an enlarged programme on. Thus-. oway'e Corn Gure, day evening Nov. gth. Come early,. 1 eAMD14'S VIeTORY It is your opportunity, as largely as your means TORY LOANS. The more fervently we peace that will safeguard sponse. your priviledge and your imperative duty to invest will allow, in the forthcoming CANADIAN VIC. desire peace, a righteous peace that will endure. a the rights of all, the greater should be our re - Victory Bonds in every home—should be every CANADIAN SLOGAN. JOHN RANKIN, Chairman of Couvassers for the Town of Seaforth, Township of Tuckersmith and the Township of McKillop. Subscriptions for the Loan will be solicited by; J. M. Govenlock, for the Township of McKillop, George N. Turner and D. F. McGregor for Township of Tuckersmith, and John Rankin for the Town of Seaforth. Casualties Pies, Geo. Henry Stephenson: Art. Porterfield and Gunner Arthur Cunn- ingham Plaut are reported wounded this week. Red Cross The total amount collected at the recent Italian and British Red Cross canvass was 53188.75 which was apport- ioned as follows: Italian Red Cross 5500.00 British Red Cross $2688,75 $3,186.76 The 'following letters are the ac- knowledgments received from the Treasurers of these Societies. Welland, Canada, Oct,26 11. Stewart Esq. Mayor of Seaforth, Seaforth, Ontario, Dear Sir. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your cheque for $500,00, donation to the Italian Red Cross Society from the citizens of Seaforth, It gives me great pleasure to tender you and your fellow -citizens, on behalt of the Italian Red Oross, the Society's hearty thanks for this generous sub- scription. The full returns of the It- alian Red Cross Campaign will be pub- lished before long with a detailed state- ment. I am enclosing you official re- ceipt, signed jointly by Mr Danovaro the President, and myself. Beleive me, with much esteem Yours very truly, Edward Le, Binns. Sec'y•Treas, Italian Red Croce, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Nov. 1st, 19I7,' Dear Sfr. I have pleasure ill enclosing herewith my receipt to cover remittance of $2688.75 forwarded by you on the 30th ultimo., in aid of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St, John of Jerusalem. His Honour, the Lieutenant Covell- o; and the other members of the com- mittee d'sire me to thank you and those associated with you for your val- ued contribution, -- Yours very truly, T. W. McGarry, Treasurer, Britieh Red Cross Appeal, Province of Ontario. the P -4 Properly Adorned Fable Give• that erfejeearanee of ,fntah- edre/rnuueut to /he Dining. Room that adds .so mash /a err•ry oe•r•a- sfon vend Silver with it e.ry;rfs/fe lfn<s gives the finished /areda- to the hest tab/,". Worthy of .sj,,e:-tat mention the "Adam !Sallow in the (am - mond), Silver and 'Old t. alany in the "eh.47" pager's ,'/leer, If. ' ,•,rrry • 4o44 fatter n.r with of tits other attractive liner, Jrr t '' . itnatugi $trcrrssnr 0!a 9 ltuntigebt' 'tt lierll 3lrmrlers nob c9ptirimte Marriage License 1smne08 PHONE ,94 z Evening 10 0.1 The store you will always ,� like VINs! COME AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW NECKWEAR :JUST PLACED ON SALE AFIN SIIOWING 0' WINTER D ESS GIODS DRESS GOODS OF PRONOUNCED MERIT ARE HERE STYLISH COATINGS THAT ARE EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY EXCLUSIVE LENGTH FOR TAILORED SUITS AWAIT YOU Novelty patterns and unusual color tone are marked feature of some very special lines. Among the Season's favorite Stuffs are: CURL N0-VEAUX WORSTED WARP dIIi'!'1NC,S FRENCH SFUNGEE SILK WARP VELOURS SPONGE VELOUR UNOBTRUSIVE PLALDS HONEYCOMB SUITINGS DEEP TONED PLAIDS DRAB AJAX HOPSAK SUITING SHARP TONED TWEEDS BENGALINE CAPRICE SERGES and GABARDINES are so extremely popular again that we wish to men- tion Three Specicals of the Former that art worthy from every standpoint. These goods were bought when market conditions were different to now or we could not sell them at the prices. I. SCOTCH CHEVIOT SERGE that will not spot, cockle or shrink. Suitable for all kinds of out door use. Fully guaranteed. 5o inshes wide $2.50 a yd 2. WULMELLA SERGE that bears a guarantee to the effect that any length which shrinks, or changes color, in any climate under the influence of the sun, rain o1' sea will be exchanged without question. Past experiences teaches us that our Wulmella Serge is absolutely good in every way. We recommend it most strongly. 52 inches wide $3.0o a yd. . ALANTIC SERGE is something that would make you an excellent suit, It is 56 inches wide, is guaranteed to be throughly shrunk and will not fade in any climate. Price $2.5o a yard. Samples gladly sent on request for same. We pay transportation charges on telephone and mail orders, The Store where Style and Quality reigns. J. Mactavish