HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-11-01, Page 5'
sit EDMUND WALKER. SIR JOHN MRD, General Manager
C,V.O, I.L.R.Dc.L, President 11, V, F JONES, Asir, Gni. Manager
CAPITAL, PAID UP, 15,000, 000 RESERVS FUND, $13,50.0,000
Open a Savings account with this Bank and
deposit money which would otherwise be kept
at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or
theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis-
faction of knowing that your money is secure.
Seat ortli., .3i3ra3a.c4'
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
Wrappers specially printed from your
own copy, we:can supply them at the follow -
ng prices—
Walker 85 San
W. J, Walker, holder of ge...
ernment Diploma and Lioense
Day or Night calls receive our
prutupt attentien
Day Phone tri*
Night " lti
Fall Term from Sept, 4111.
ommercial, Shorthand and Tele-
raphy Departments.— We have
thororough oottrsee, experts' ted itt-
' eirnotors and we place Uraduntea 11
positions. Demand upon us for
trained help is notify Hines the nutti-
er graduating Got env free
stalcgue .
Look Mother! If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
"Mothers can rest easy after giving
v 'California Syrup of Figs," because in
& few hours all the ologged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be-
cause they know its action ou the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
anti sure.
Ask your druggist for a 60 -cent bot.
tile of "California Syrup of Figs," which
reontains directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-up%
Dragged Down by dab limn. The
man or woman who is continually aub-
fleet to aniline is unfitted for his or her
life'e work, Strength depar,ls and
energy is taken away until life b000tnes
a dreary existence, Aral yet this is
needless, Dr, Kellogg's Aetinna PO.
nsedy has brought a .great ()flange to
a& army of suffer, relieves the
restricted airtuhes and porde against
uture trouble, Try it,
Miss Annie G. Govenlock, Graduate
of Canadian A cadem y of Music, Toronto,
Teachers's Course announces the re-
opening of her olaases in piano, organ
and theory. Pupils will be prepared
for Canadian Academy and Toronto
Conservatory examinations.
For 'terms and aoholarship apply at
Studio, North Main St. , Seaforth,
Try Us For A
!Refreshing Shave
Our 'Speciality
Call at
Bolton's BatberShop
I have for sale seir
Bonds and
of a particularly
High grade, bearing
interest from 54 to
6 per cent.
An information con-
cerning same cheer.
fully given.
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phono 91 a
A hound, female, answers to the
name of Floss. Color brown, white
and bleak.
•Information gladly received by
ItOuben Hart
Winthrop, Ota t:
11 TownTopics
ftwasall 6 sonsithOIIIMIROsseOltrarsse
Dig up your overcoat, have a 100k
it, by renewing the velvet tiollar, Pre
ing and Cleaning maysave youth° pr
of e new axle. My Wardrobe, Goderi
80, opposite (beans,
Mr. A. T. George ha e Noted
house belonging to Mr. E. Baruett to
is moving into it this. week.
Alm Morrow has leesed the tipar
meats above Mr, Li, 5. Soott's etot
vacated by Mr, George.
Airs. W, Meredith of Wallet:ohm
is visiting friends here.
Mies Helen McMichael spent a Era
days with friende in Winthrop,
Jimmy Cowan has been added to th
Musicians for the Old Time Dance,
Mr. Jack Van Egniond has been
confined to the house owing to an
attack of la grippe,
Mrs, Ross who has been a visitor at
the home of her pareutti, Mr. and Mre.
James McGee, returned to her home
.in Toronto on Saturday. She wile
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Jar.
Mr. and Alre. J, 0, Rose of Guelph
were weekend visitorat the home of
Mr, and Mrs, John Beattie, Main,
Mr, and Mrs. Morin of Komi ix, 11
0, were visitors at the home of 111 r.
and 11{05..T. G. Mallen for a few (lays
last week.
Mrs, Gibson has returned from a
visit with friends in Stratford.
Mrs, T, Baird and little son of Stan.
ley are guests at the home of her fat-
her, Mr, Hugh MoDiarroid-
Miss Gregory who was a guest dar-
ing the past week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W, E. Southgate has return-
ed to her home in Collingwoocl.
Mr, Ray McGeoch of the Royal Fly-
ing Corps Detieronto is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. MoGeoch.
Mre. Williams of Stratford was a
visitor at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Gibson.
There will be no meeting of the Red
Cross Society on Thursday afternoon,
Nor Sth on account of the Soldiers
Xmas Boxes being packed in the Arm-
The medal that has been received
in reoognition of the money sent frorn
Seaforth on French Flag Day July 14
1913 is on exhibition in Ur. Savange's
store window, All interested should
see this medal
Charles Forbes, eon of Mrs. Arthur
Forbes, Clinton, formerly of Seaforth,
has enlisted in the Mechanical Depart
ment of the Flying corps.
Arra Agnes McKay, Auburn, 'Tent
Sunday at her home here,
Mr and Mrs Edgar Lawson and
daughter, Bernice, spent Sunday at the
home 0( 111)' and Mrs W. Splitter.
Mr and Mrs Harry Meyers, Stratford
spent Sunday at the parental home of
Mr and Mrs Rugh McKay, James St.
Mrs. (Dr ) Mulligan of Grand Forks
North Dakota, is visiting her mother
Mrs. T. McQuaid, Goderich St,
Mr Spencer 11( 81 Joseph has rented
the residence of Mrs, A, McLean on
James St.
Mrs Laing and Miss Hazel Winters
hive returned lrom attondiog the Prey -
11j3 Sunday Sshool gonvetttion 11,
Captain H. Hudgins of Whitby
Clamp, spont Sunday at hie home here.
Mrs 11, Webb hes returned from
visiting friends in Readiug, Mich.
The Thank offering of the Women'a
Missionary Society of Egtuondville
amounts to the sum of $84,80
Mr and Mrs Harry Gibbs of Oshawa,
formerly of Seaforth, announce the
marriage 01 11)810 daughter, Cora, to Mr
W, H. Real of Oshwa on Wednesday
October 3Ist, 1917,
Mrs 5, J. Hawes removed Friday to
Philips Alberta wimp she will reside
in futon,
Air J. F,5056, principal 01 0110 Coll-
egiate spent the weelc.end in Toronto.
Air N. Henry, manager of the Dom-
inion 13ank, Oshawa, was the gneet of
.4115 ,3.8, Roberts over Sunday.
ROSS—At the. Private Pavilion, Tor-
onto General Hospital, on Thursday,
Dat. 26th, to Mr, and Mrs, .John 9',
Ross, Seaforth, a son.
Copyrietht, 194 11y atiooetated Lit-
erary Pros,
When it VMS finally settled that t
was to go late the mountains of Wy-
oming on a hunting trip with old 511!
Potts a dozen men called to bid me a
last goodby. They looked their pity
and sorrow, and their tutnets ungered
lovingly In mlne. I was rather eke!).
tical. I didn't see why 1 should be
pulled down by a mountain lion, view.
ed into mincemeat by a grizzly bear
or burled under a laudslide, but they
smiled feebly and sbook their heads
itt 10 oolenan way, Only one telegram
received out or eight or ten threw any
light on the matter, and the light came
too late. It read:
If you are gulag Limiting with old
Bill Potts you'd better make your will
and leave thing's easy for the widowed 1
and fatherless,"
I liked old 11111. He was hale and !
hearty and good natured, and he could
pack a mule, cook a good meal and
shoot fairly straight. Ile was a. stook -
e0 and a chewer, playing a good game
of euchre, and I had every confidence
that the pair of 118 would get along
like brothers. We got away in good 1
style, and it was two full days before
anything happened to shake
fidence in him. Then as I sa
my rifle he picked up the
some wood. Ile la 1 '
Yards and yard') ef nun' lute
written on the wisdoin, and fa
and the patriotism of home tra
And still some people persist in
nig out of towst for everything
wept from lead pencils to lumber
is 8 sort of incurable dieease 1138
aMicted (o)al Ontario ever since
onto departmental stores eomme
flooding the country with catalogues.
livery dollar sent away makes the
community that ruuelt poorer, And
we might remark, too. that the mar -
c138(:1 who fiends out of town for his
printing 18 nut strainiog himself to on
eourge home trading.
When you Wan1to help your to's-77v
Buy at huine !
\Viten you want shove, hat or gown,
Buy at home!
Never mind what 'tits you iteed,
Canned goods, collars, chicken fetal,
Frame this phrase up for )011). tweed
Buy nt home!
Alter folks may buy by mail
l'uti buy at home
Help the hotne store to a Hale,
Buy et home !-
my COD, very (11,11a0 Sent away,
t cleaning Meat, a dollar 1158 (0 pay,
4 IS
send -
, I t
t "8 q Our Physique Type Sys -
need tem permits of an accurate
fit at shoulders and waist
and collar—whether you be
short or tall, stout or slim.
VI There is a type for every
"I'llurscNiy, v t
az to cut What metal here right to day—
strokes before the its' flew off
die and almost shaved my h
Excuse me, colonel," said
as be held up the handle.
has been loose for the last six
and orter have bin fixed. 1,11
It the first rainy day we have
"But, man, that was a close
me," I said as I felt my anger
"Yes, colonel, but as long as
age was done It's all eight
thought it was going to cut y
off; but it riz a leetlo earl mime
I figured that it was pure
ard overlooked it Next morn
Pent found the tra.11 of a lien n
amp, and after breakfast we
p and started out 1 had a W
er, and he had a double barrel
gun loaded with buckshot. R
he lead, aud we had trailed Pm
Ile when I stumbled over a sto
itched forward. Potts was
wenty .feet ahead of me, gun
colder mad passlug over pe
en ground. As I went (low
rrels of his gun were disch
d my hair curled as the hand
of shrieked over Inc and cut
if the branches of a young pin
'What is it? Wbat were you
g at?" I shouted as 1 scrambl
if expecting the lion had got
r and was stalking us.
Ye see, colonel," replied old Potts,
th a sheepish leek on his face, "I
us carry ray gun on the full cock so's
save time, and I guess I must have
flngerin' them hammers."
You dolt! You idiot! You Jackass!"
gilled at Wan as I looked for a club.
I badn't stumbled over that stone
'd have blown a hole through roe
1g as a baud!"
es, but ye stumbled, and, bein' as
arm was done, 1 hope ye won't get
about it."
old Potts that 1f I ever caught him
ying hLs gun in that shape again
tamp lead into his legs and leave
to the wolves, and for the rest of
day the relations between us were
ned. Linder the influence of a
supper and a pipe we got closer
ther, however, and by and by he
Into the tent for the cards, He
fussing aromni for several min -
and had Just opened my mouth
k him the cause or his delay when
et lifted the hat off my head and
t ten feet behind me. I made two
s for a bowlder and yelled to
thinking 1 had been fired on by
egade Indian, but when the man
out with my 8011' cocking revolver
hand I knew, what had hap.
a blunder head! You • fool of a
sI" I shouted es I made up to
But he backed off *ad protest-
xplain ed
't get nervous, colonel. I had
een one of these self cockers and
st tryin' it, I might have plat-
e other way, but didn't think."
you didn't, and the ball went
my hat! Potts, you are a fool!
on't know enough to chew
the ban-
al,' as It
Buy at home
Are you for your town or nut?
Buy at home
,,01,1elheBailx1 Cheaper elsewhere e Toinni3 rot
months I Buy at lionie!
tend to ; oine etore qualit,es are trite.
1 .11 Home store ruervhattcs work for you
call for I This numb. then you o-aght to do—
rising. I
no dam- Buy at home 1
I kinder
er head
d ye."
accident I
rg eouldr . — Haiti's Grotesque Army.
to lc te when the lite President. Leconte of
e about to reduce the size of
inches- his army a few years ago many of the
generals whom he mustered out of the
e ed st he 00 tk-
service were put to breaking rock on
the street. At one tine tbere were
• haablfoui:
ne and more officers than men in the Haitian
on his army, according to apparently authen-
rfectly tic statements. In former times the
pay of a Haitian soldier was small at
n both best, nothing at worst and at all times
aged, Insufficient to keep the warrior fed de-
ful of cently. The days for loading coffee on
away departing ships were great days in
e. Haiti. They were days when the army
shoot- got a square meal, thanks to the steve-
ed up, dore wages which the men were able
In our to earn, says the National Geographic
Magazine. The army officers of Haiti
were as fond of gold lace as a moun-
tain girl of bright colors. Small won-
der, then, that the regalia of a field
marshal was everywhere in evidence.
Feeding the Haitian armies in the days
before the American "big brother"
movement was not a difficult Job. Gar-
rlson rations consisted of a sugar eane
stalk two or three feet long and what-
ever else the soldier could beg, borrow
or steal.
I y
as b
no It
I'd p
to as
a bull
sent 1
a ren
in his
ingly e
never s
Was Ju
ed 11 th
You d
Bald Po
I'm gol
was a c
soon cut
and give
I was w
squint e
Next d
his realg
a chance
alone, bo
him. W
nalles w
welted I
"Boca us
only Ian ve•
,t-ers we'd
0011 -live
wolves nut
11(11, Aa'(
Mee )11l(180'
t a rims to raise over a leetle
1, and nobody hurt at that!"tts, tts. "Waal, the fact 0( 11 Is
n' to quit, The boys said Ye
rank and a kicker and that I'd
my Job, but ye talked smooth
orders fur plenty of grub, and
to take chances. How-
umever what? llowsumever—
Yed, dunderheaded pothunter!"
ay we started the outfit for
Potts might have reconsidered
nation, but I wouldn't give him
I conldn't stay up there
t It was death to stay with
made the Journey of fifty
Ithout a word, When we
name I paid Wm off and said:
you—you—you are an unhung
fur, colonel?" he' innocently
o you cno't help 101"
nielibe 1 am, 1101 11' ye could
hold on lo that cren Iciness of
lanVe got et leasi roar b'arst
r six lions, to say anthill' of
1 wildcats. Day to ye, col.
01 sorry ye can't help. yer
Pure British woollens in
suits at $15 to $30. Top-
coats,. Dress Suits and
Morning Coats,
Get our Style Book --
"As Worn by Him "— the
new Semi -ready models.
11 1 IS
Among next year's contributors
the Youth's Companion will be Alex
auger Graham Be11, Frankliu K. Lan
Sesretary of the Interior Preside,,
t I f
Wilson's Cabinet, the Marchioness an(
Marquis of Aberdeen, fi de Vere Stec
pool, Eden Philpotts and Rev. Dr, Geo.
A, Gordon of Boston—all children of
the Empire, besides others whosenarnes
are familiar wherever the English ton—
gue is spoken, The Companion will
have its run of serials and short stories
It will give the clearest end n ost re—
liable summary of the great war. At
the Haute time the regular departments
will he 1318111(1,1118 (1 in their to °fusion
and variety.
Sample copies of the paper will be
sent yon on request, annotmcing the im
portant features 04 111121 year's volume.
Our offer includes, for $2 25.
. The Youth's Compantoo-62 issues
of lols
2. All the rethainieg issues of 191 7.
3 The Companion Home Caleitchti
for .1918
'113 11 3'ouTH-8 cum PANIoN
Commonwealth A 0 Boston, Mass.
New SeesettirrioNs TAKEN AT
You reckless men and wome11 who
are pestered with corns and wh'o have
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockleaw or blood- Poison,
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freezone, whichl
the moment a few drops are applied
to any corn, the soreness Is relieved
and soon the entire corn, mot and all,
lifts out with the fingers,
on is a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels the corn without tam,
ing or even irritating the surround.
Ing tissue or skin. 11 18 claimed that
a quarter of an ounce of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug stores,
but is sufficient to rld oriels feet et
every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that netting(
at a corn le a suicidal habit,
-on Tri una s.
Exemption Boards have peen chosen in such a way as to make teem aosolutely independent and
removed from all influence. There are over 1,250 boards throughout the country, each composed of two
men, one appointed by the county judge in the district concerned and one selected by a Mint committee of
Parliament. Being familiar with local conditions where they sit, the members are well,fitted to appreciate
such reasons for exemption Its are put before them by men called up,
Exemption will be granted to those who can establish that it is in the national interest that they remain
in civilian life, This is for the Exemption Board to decide after having received full information in each case.
Great Britain and the United States) are as follows:—
The .grounds on which exemption may be claimed (which are similar to the grounds recognized in
Is) That It is CJIWnlient in the national intoroat that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service,be
engaged in other work in which he is habitually engaged.
(b) That it is expedient in the. national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service. be
engorged in other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has special qualifications.
(e) That it is expedient in the national interest that, instead of being employed itt Military Service, he should continue
to be educated or trained for any work for which he is then being educated and trained.
(d) That serious hardship would ensue if the man were placed on active service, owing to his exceptional financial or
business obligations or domestic position.
(s) Ill health or Infirmity,
(i) That he conscientiously obiects to the undertaking of combatant service and is prohibited from doing so by tenets
and articles of faith, in effect on the sixth day of July, 1917, of any organized religious denomination existing and
well recognized in Canada at such date, and it, which he In geed leith belongs,
CO That he should be exempt because disfranchised under the War Timeglection Act. ...A) place
..A., set of inter.
811(1 110 loyal citizen should assist in, or allow himself to be made a party to, any Claim k• donthg aairaag ham as.
thoroughly satisfied that it 13 made in good faith,
Of children anti oleo arown-upo
Exemption may be applied for by the men selected themselves or by theiVting Is VA or tallinq out of
employers. Application for exemption must be made on primed forms to .14, igetilthz thO Acolt ot the hack.
which are to be filled in and left with the postmaster 11 exemption is desiretillmefere wkiou yeti lattVe Waella Your
the form to a Registrar, who will send .it to the appropriate
Applicant will get notice es to when he must present his case before the at , i
'Exemptionvolmtlatqg and Ileattl titbit prayerS
, -,, 1 twl lint thorn moy fOt the night, don't
i 'nor About until itiou'aio,
hsuedlae, nutilt taint tlioto is nothinn more to
No Claim for Exemption should be put forward unless one or other of these grot+444 *Ithoeire a large per.