HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-25, Page 5Page 5 CANAL) CO SIR EDMUND wALlIER. C.V.O. LLD., DAL President TU SEAFORTI1 Thursday, Cot, 25 CAPITAL PAID UP. $(5,000,000 Stewarts Sell it .for less Mail or Phone Your orders. SIR JOHN MW, Gerrard Mariner H, V,1', JONES, Asst Cen'L Manegcr RESERVE FUND, $13,500.000 Careful attention is given to the bank- . 1118 requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Rank :is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. Seta,±ox -t7c1. ai3raai o_t J,G. MULLEN MANAGIm el Genuine Vegetable Parchment Wrappers specially printed from your own copy, we;can supply them at the follow - ng prices— TD SEAFORTD NEWS SE14FORTH MINDY 40411144.444.144.110191010 Wa Ja Walker & Son Undertakers and Embalmers W. J. Walker, Bolder of go.. ernment Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention,; Day Phone 67 Night " t18 r) CIr,.(• TiW. STRATFORD, . Fall Term from Sept. 4th. rommoroial, Shorthand and Tele- apliy Departments - We have rorough oonrees, experioceed in - motors and we plea° Graduates in oeithntre. Demand upon us for rained help is many tlmes-,the num- ber graduating. Get our free atalogne.. A D MCLAAHLA!I PRINOIPA L Q CENT "CASCA1 ETS" FOR LIVER AND BOLLS 'etre Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath,--Carray Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, atom- atch or bowels; how much your head .aches, how miserable you are from constipation- indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels -you always get rellef with , Oaacarets. They imme- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels cleat* altomach sweet and head clear for months.They work- While you sleep, Dragged Down by 'Asthma. The duan or woman who is continually Rub - ;lea to asthma is,unfitted for his or her life's work, Strength departs and energy is taken away until life becomes a dreary existence. At.d yet this is. needless, Dr,'fKellogg'e Asthma rte wady hes brought a great change- to an army of suffers, It relieves the restricted air tuhea and guards against u titre trouble, lay it. • MUSIC Mise Annie O. Goveulook, Graduate of CnnadianAcademyof Music, Toronto, Teachors'e Course announces the re- opening of her- classes in piano, organ and theory. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Academy and Toronto Coueervatory examinations. For terms and scholarship apply at Studio, North Main St, , Seaforth, Try Us For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING Our, Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop OA.I2DNOS BLOOKSEAFORT.H 1 have for sale %eve eral Bonds and Debentures of a particularly High . grade, bearing interest from 5' to per cent. All information con- cerning'same cheer- fully given. JOHN RANKIN Bond:and Debenture Braker Main Street, Seaforth Phone Or a LOST A -hound,. female, answers, to the name of Floss. Color brown, white and black, Information gladly received by Reuben Hart Winthrop, Ont; OUR POLICY OF BUYING AHEAD AND OUR ABILITY TO BUY FOR.t',A.SH, IS DIR- EOTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR LOWER PRIDES )Zen's and Bops Underwear At Slight Advances Over Last Year's Prices Do not come here expecting to pay exorbitant prices for underwear, based on the present .prices of wool. The underwear we are selling was bought last December on the bases of last season's wool crop, and while theae are advances in prices they are so triflying that then are hard= ly memtionable. But take a-hint-buyyour needs this . season and buy enough to do you for the next season too. tea. a... asee ;•j, D11. a.�m>o0^�'arpmeert ,.44..n„44...ntt Mew. 1.310941.4A..22.0•aid16.0.10.0.MSCE0.041.9.11..0.1.1 TownT® ice 6 f Dig up your overcoat, have a look at it, by renewing the velvet collar, Press- ing and Cleaning maysays you the price of a new oue My Wardrobe Goderioh St. opposite Queens. Mrs Ross of Toronto is a guest at the home of her parents; Mr and Mrs Jas McGee North Mails St, Mr and Mrs Naylor and family mot ored to Wingham and spent Sunday with friends there, Miss Eveylu Griog is on is visit to friends in New York, Misses Hazel and Frances Winters have returned frau a visit to friends its Toronto. Mrs Martin, who was a guest of Dr and Mrs Larkin during the past week, has returned to her home in Chatham, Mrs Laing and Miss Hazel Winters are in Chatham attending the Provin tarsi Sunday Sohool Convention, Mrs L. Kruse of Galt is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs W. Sulater, The Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed in the First Presby- terian Ohtwoh next Sabbath morning, The preparatory services on 'Thursday and Friday will be conducted by Rev,I. Argo and Rev; G. McKinley; Master V ineent Patterson had the misfortune to fell on the street and fru'• oture his right arm atthe elbow_ Mrs R1l eliy, a resident of town, has removed to Walkervflle where she will in future reside, The Monthly Business /testing of the Red Groes Society will be held in the Armories on Thursday afternoon, Nov. at at 5 o'olook; We prepay the Carriage Cde Announce for Saturdap and Next Week „f!' Special Fall Display Of Wearing Apparel For Men and Boys Including an attractive showing of overcoats, Suits, Underwear Headwear, Footwear, Shirts, Gloves and Work Clothes. It is now for the Men's Store to demonstrate the Styles for Fall and Winter. It will be a genuine pleasure for every Man and Boy to visit our Men's Store and view the delightful display of the Sea- son's Newest Garments., Every one who sees this big informal Display of Fashionable Clothing and Furnishings will be delighted with the luxurious cosy comfort of the Overcoat, the Smart Style of the' Suits, the soft warmth of the Underwear and .the snappy attractiveness of the Furnishings. But the most pleasing feather of the whole display is The Reasonable Prices Every Man and Boy—and Woman too—is heartily invited to call and inspect this magnificent stock. When you have seen it, you will know there is no stock Huron County to equal it for size, for variety or Low Prices!, We Will Expect You III STEWART .114 r Mrs Charles Taylor is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs W J Walker and Jaok have re• turned from an extended trip to the West. Mrs W R' Smith is on a visit to friends in Dundee and Port Oolborne. Mr W. A Crich has returned from attending the Baker's Business Couveu tion in Springfield, Mass. Miss Rose Dorsey of 'l'ileonburg spent a few days with her siders, the Misses Dorney, Victoria St, Mr Ross Beane of Stratford spent the week -end with friends in town. Mr John Melville Londesbore spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs John Warwick, Mise Preston of Japan was a guest at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, J. M, Best, Mr, and Mrs, J. Dodds of London spent Weduesday in town, Mr, H, Edge has purchased the Van ifgmoitd woollen tnill from the pro- prietor. Rev. 0, MoRinley Dr, Harburn, Mies'Btttton and Mise Daley wore dale. gates from the Methodist Sunday School to the Oeutre Huron Conveut- ian at. Auburn on Tuesday, while Mr, Laing, Mrs, Kerr, Miss Somerville and Mies Graham represented the Presby- terian resbyterian Sunday School at the same meet, ing, IVgti C. Layton Who has returned do m Visiting friends in Detroit, $t,eSrnithers and Mrs Pioroy, who lal0e been visiting Mrs Otighten, Have returned to Toronto, Mrs Laird, North Main St„ has re- turned from spending' a few days in Toronto, Word was reoeived'this'weekby Mr John Beattie from hisbrother Robert, that his wife had died Wed: Oct. 17111 The funeral services tvere.the following Saturday. Mrs Beattie was formerly M ee kogers of Seaford, New Stple Caps Fall is the great Cap seasons There is nothing so comfortable or so serviceable in the blowing blustering days of autumn as a cap. We have some very at- tractive new shapes in special fall patterns and colorings. PRICE 5ETI FORTJ4 50c to $1054 Will Class ne Pr vide he One Hundred Thousand ; ;, • It will be greatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100,000 men to be raised under the Military Service Act can be secured from the first class; that is, from the men between the ages of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July Gth, 1917. This is almost self-evident for the following reasons; it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 B and 34, the average man is at the height of his physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilianiife; the military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc, Authorities estimate that, after all proper exemptions have been allowed, Canada should be able to produce from the first class 100,000 men fit for service, so the drain upon the man power of the country will not be severe. Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves for examination immediately to the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to their physical fitness, they will be placed in one, of tke fellowitg categories: Category A-ifIlt for service in overseas fighting units. Category B --if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc. Category C icif fit for service in Canada only, Category E -if unfit for military service of any nature. if not placed in Category A, the applicant will know that he. is not liable for immediate service, but will go to the Post Office and send in a claim' f0 exemption with his Medical Certificate attached, when he will re• naive in due course a certificate of exemption until those- in his medical category are summoned for service. Where a man, who is placed in category A; feels that exemption should be' allowed; an applicatiota form can be secured from the postmaster. This form, when filled in, will be forwarded by the postmaster to the registrar of the district, and the applicant will be informed by snail as to the time and place for the consideration of his application by the Exemption Board. 137 issued &v' The Ittflitary Service Council.