HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-25, Page 4Ii ,.:..$EA1?ORTH N Ws, Thursday; Oct, 2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MEDICMI+ Dpi, Us ienekt ROSS, Physician sad England f� 1,at/of London Hospital, ra tkel ettantittn to dinned' of Err, oar, Nope aM TboatBank, I Do Oyu add belie ore, behind »Phone No. 106, Ofllfai7bona N a5. Residence, Phone �V... r iol f6. J. yURROWS. Seatotth.. Office and aealaeeet .- Goderich Street, east et the Meth°• diet Crotch. Cosner for the CesntY of Huron. iskeesea, No, 40. .....-� LES, M T1' & MACKAY, Pbiai(dane and liatgeana, Goderich Street, opposite Metho dieeel, $i1'taforth. hot, and Scott(, ;;reddeem Victoria and Mut Ar, monster e1 Ontario College of Plimiclans sad Battggscat. 4;oro11er for County of Huron. M,CKa0, honor graduate Trinity lJnlveriltY. gels rasdallst Trinity Medical College. Member of Ge_ilevr el Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. . nit.O1U0. HEILEMAN, Osteopathia Special's 4/ Is ttinmse's and Childreu a D0880880 and itie Troubles. teo Mitldt or, 6Y.odeeand Throat. ChronicDie. sawooas without the range. Conatdtauon free. B ars !!rote!,m Tuesday. ?.n -o(1p 111' : Friday a to e p._, issued by JOBB Marriage licenses Qrn,;PtetKn� Beat Insurance Ara r&,n e•,nsidertng Insurance, Life or Accident I Ifyoa are, a postcard will get our rates. • J. 0, IIINOILEY, General Agent for London Life Insurance Co.. and Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Seaforth, Ont. James Watson General Fire, Life and Aeaident insurance. Ag606, 11 .166166! in dewing Machines. . Main Street, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Rarer and Isolated Town $owed. l' Property Only OFFICERS J as. Com nity Gederit h, President, Ja111e9 Evans, Yeechuaod, Vice•President. Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sac.-Treas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. RMon, Constance,_.John Bennewela, Brodghagen• Robert Ferris arlock; Malcom McKeon, Clinton; G McCartuey , Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans. Beechwood Agents Mex. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hinckley, Seaforth William Chesney, EgmondvWe; J. W. Ye. Hoimesvllte; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagao: Jam - Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or mentor other business will be promptly attended to bs application to any of the above officers, address to their respective postoffices. OMARATIO IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT• Phone 84 Evening 127 SUBSCRIPTION One dollar -per year strlctUY 10 advance ifnet paid In advance, one loner and papers, will be extra. ulrLelded dyat10 advanced. When subscribers chaange their address Settee should be7;ertus Immediately, giving ssccriibers will confer a favor by not fying us of any irregulatity of delivers,. Rending Notices -No reading notice. advertising any entertainment or matter by which moneyIs to be made by any person or cause wil be inserted in Tau News without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of business announcements is TEN parties havingntnolnconatract Iforrtdisplay y advertising, and FIVE cents per line each insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading 0 notices, Card or Thanks 5 to 9 1 1 Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices -Ten cents per line for first Insertion and five cents per line for each oubseauet insertion, yearly t,ne inch, ,,Ill be llnserrtted for exceeding 95.00 per Year, Payable strictly In advance Display advertising -Rates furnished on application, "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid," and those sent without written instructions will appear until mitten orders are received for their dis- ontlauance. Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher aecepta no respon- sibility whatever for the ataternents made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be publishedmarked as all except as paid advertising, plainly as such, The rate for such matter 1s ten. cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 and is entirely wrong, klxperimetlt6, oond1Qted the 1001 few yeal'e by the Experimental Fame all over the Dominion, most o.onolueive ly,proved that Canadian grown deed le in no reepeet inferior to imported seed. On the contrary, it produces better crops than does the imported seed. In support of this statement the results obtained in 19(11 with home grown seed of varieties of mange's and swede turn- ips in eompal•ieun with imported seed of the same variety moy be briefly ealumarised . Mammoth Long Red Mengel 0pad raised at the Experimental Farm ,Ott. awe, ill 19x5 produced a crap in 1916 htested at 1 ' 1 averaged won t 1ane of whack a g theDominion L s 1rument al Stations over two and four -Utile tuns more to the acre than the imported seed of the same variety. Swede Turnip Beed, raised at Fredric ton, N 13 and tested at five Experi- mental Slatiens in Eastern Canada gave an average yield of two tons and throequarbera ill excess of the imported scud grown in ooluparisou with it.. It is rather obvious from these fig- ures, that there is no foundation,- what Beaver for the eonoeptiou that llilrop- 6M1 grown seed of field roots is super. ior to 0411ad1a11 grown.On the contrary, the figures furnish a strong argument in favor of Canadian grown seed being used in preference to imported seed It is trite that in some instaucee the imported seed produced yields only slightly behind those of Canadian seed, but what is of real importance is this: In no single ease did the Cana Man grown seed fall behind, in yielding cap. aoity, the same variety of European seed. This is the more encouraging es in moat oases the Canadian seed was raised from roots, a great peroentage of which would, under 110 eiroumotances have been accepted by European grow ers as fit for seed production.• Under the circumstances, there soems no reason why Canada should, in the future, rely on foreign countries for her root seed supply, There is au opening now, for a new agricultural industry and, indeed, it is beleived that the de velopment and firm establishment of that iuduatry will bring uuthought of advantages to Canadian farming 111 general. neorvoona fi General Observations 1 a Which Man Is Better Off, A famous American weekly paper asks, in one of its editorials this week, which of two men is ,better. the man The with one hundred dollars in his pocket I !or the in .n with a one hundred dollar Original I American war loan bond in the bank, The writer concludes that the man with the bond is the more fortunate, first because his capital is quite as safe if not safer than the $100 bill since the government is the booker of both anti the bond, if destroyed, might be replac- ed whereas the bill could not: second, because the bond is earning money and the bill is not; and third, because the bond -owner has learned to invest, is a partner in his own government's bnsi nese enterprises and had made at least thio one atop on the road to saving up 0. competel,co, In N„v,-ulber we C.'gUadialls 111'0 10 have a etnu,ce to oeuvort all our spare money, from 1511 up, into Canadian Victory Luan bonds. ‘N hat the Anter. Liniment roan journal says is trite of the Amer. roan wish the American banal. is doubly title of the Canadiel with a t.'anadlan bond. No 0;uradi01, will for • 11 tnetaut admit that there dere,! be any safer se- curity than one which 10 g .aranteetl by the ''bond'. of the Canadian people backed by all Canada's wealth. And as fur profit, it 6100(10 no argument that 54 po 10 much better than four per cant, -which our American cuntemper dry calls good. Patriotism and good business are the two things that colntnentl the puroleaso of Victory War loan bonds to each and every Canadian citizen, The loan is 1,01 iesu0(1 just for rich then tosubsuriba to. Every houeoh0ld is asked to take at least one bond.. Every hunaeholtl 111 this ;patriot slim/1d prepare now to sub. tribe fur nue. Every part of Canada will, we understand, be expected to raise its share of the Vietery Loan. Each district will be watched by its neighbors, and in this friendly compet- ition the readers of this paper in this disbriot are not going to be left behind. They will show that the enterprise patriotism and good business judgment of our people is as alert and vigorous as ever, and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits 01 Minard's tl>i-r Sale SCRANTON COAL W. 1. KEY, Seaforth. Phone 130 Usines: 1 Without a proper systna of adver- tisin is Tike a motor without the power. . , . kd Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy phone - 84 evealfe is 127 HOW COW TESTING PAYS The reoords of two °median herds of dairy oowe owned by two neighbor* a striking example o1 the utility o1' dairy records to the man who really wants to build up a good herd. The first man has been cow testing for four years and has selected hie cows carefully, studying their vartoue pre- ferences and capacities, each one as an individual. He ralees heifers trona hie beet cows; four two -year-olds gave in the last year an average 'of 7,144 pounds of milk, while 111e herd of tett gave an average of 8,059 pounds of n The fat, Ti tulip and ,.59 pounds of neighbor considers it simpler to buy lust what cows he can, Ile does not raise any calves. In one year !tie nine cows, all newards of six years old, except two heifers, gave an average of only 4,240 pounds of milk, This is only just about one-balf as much nllllt ror covf as in the first herd. '1110 best c2w guvo only G "65 pounds, 1689 than the il.eragg o'1 Zee four heifers In tate first herd. He has nothing- on which to start building up a good dairy Herd, unless 1t be his Judgment in "picking a winner," which Judg Ment, by the way, does not appear to be of Al quality, The owner of the first herd has the advantage of four years of dairy records, practically ire dispensable to the real dairy farmer, beetles matured judgment in handling pews to better advantage. Cow test• trig pays. Grow Home Seed NEW BOOKS The following new books have been received at the Public Library and will be in eircnlatiion on Saturday Cot 20. Fiction Name of Brick Author Tho Broken Seal Hill Grp the Hill and Over MacKay The Magpie's Nest Patterson The Cinema Murder Oppeuhein r The Brown. Stu(.y Richmond The Memequin Lippmam Young Blood 3avall The Cowboy Counters T/illiameon Anne's Heise of Drsame Montgomery Christine a 'Fife Fidler (14-rI Barr The Yukon '!'rail Maine Carmen's Messenger' ltintlloae Kenny Dairymaple Christiuo Vholmeudelly The Worn Doorstep Sherwood Non -Fiction Over the Top 1181090y Can, Butterlliee Weed Obstaoles to Peace McClure A Year with the Birth, Ball 'Cowards the Geal Ward Watch Cream and Cold Crown teter cream frequently to hasten the pg and to beep It in smooth co;tr- e:Qn. Do not pour warm cream. 1Et0 cream; this ppre,otioe spotlit the o patch. 0091 t..he warm. operate can bOore Ioiring,4 supply houses ern p e market coeelpee Amiteet 0e for two opo for this ygry o,, I1 you 9gltoQt weaves/ }y your own cooling tank, er 1Jhr „ e locally, ask your cream ;Sure a tont Qr 7011, QS t,0 y reliable dairy supply housme e under dog gats a lot it 4 p y, but what he want8il seek. is alp,, edIt will pay well end teed eso to do. eheiooporneLi Idhmakersohe we ptntlsl Turkey and the War Jobotirisky Kitchener in His Own Words. Rie The Human Side of Trees Distal A German Deserter's. War Expel/le/tee A Student in Arms Hankey Pail Cerinan Plot Unmasked L4e.eradne Cathedrals &t•6 Ohurchee• in - Belgium Bumpus Hospital Days Snavhouud Whittier ROD & GUN „,,MIlllpntM,„,... Mltfslgl4ly....MM girlslrrpt..,,..„,..■M,MMrMadlyMMMM14. tee. , r .BANK THE DOMINION Is M1 w Capital ?Aid Up $6,000,000 Reserve Faisal $7.000,000 la Id WI all e la 01 Depositors in this Bann: are assured it sg n of 'efficient service. ill e SEAFORTHJUNK DEALER et tlar006 from Creamery s n Phone 183 .. re Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers Appelzit & Millman it 11 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED se 3/1C 11 �.•.°' _._.•._�..... Xi .3,211111111 Ill MSEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manageii v Photographs As ✓ u Xmas Gifts .08...11141114 ®1AI11tiR8111SI11gL4SIg11111XitMrl81l,lie ls8f/1WIWIX 4181111 eatuwariamainuevatoureisiarF1tIi1Itp661 B B 1p 19ID UI }9 fA9i 10...... .on++.m^r=' CREAM WANTED Seatl your cream to as elle receive top prices, We are running our plaint the year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with earls. We pay twice each month and weigh sample,and teat each oan of cream care. Fully, Our motto is " Honesty to our Patrons" Patrons are requested to re ,tarn all our ea110 when not in use, 3 itter anlButtermilk also on hand n3 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. The following is a partial list of con- tents of the October issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, the eporteman's mag- azine published by W. J. Taylor, Limit- ed, Woodstock, Cht —Introducing Mr Moose, the New Moose Country in Northern Quebec,. The Air Pirates Small Game Hunting in Southern Alberta, His Fires Deer; A Moose Hunt at Pocologbn, The 9Voodaoolt eto. , eto. The issue also contains full reports of the retoor,t trap shooting tournament at 018 Canadian Nationel Exhibition, the Dominion of Canada trap shooting tournament et Sandwich and the list of wintiet'3ot the C. N. E. Dog Show. Entertainment An Entertainment wi11 be llelte in the Separate 14(1110,81 Hall nn Mervlay Evening, October 'nth, wom-xencing at 8 o'clock. .Juvenuile ldattbug on the Somme. Kay Ross Grant on tite•'rrail Garland Guarding the Ky.ys.one Swok Standish Bitting the Lire. Barbour Polly' First Year at Beard. ing School. Whitehill Polly's Summer vacation Vyhiteholl Poliy's Senior, Year at Board- ing Stazoot 'Whitehfll Beth Anneo,New 0otutin The Heuss•on the, Full Sarah Ante Patsy Carroll The Waning C4ials Mai•gariy Morris Laoilo Bringer of .Joy J5811. of Green Aoree Winning the V, O. Virghlii of Elft ()teak Valley - Clime Inventing for Boys Collins Andy at Yale Stokes Jack Stone of 'fait Tamlineolt The Safety First Club Nichols Boy Scout Fire Fighters, Crump Poor.Mr0. 2uaok Burgoes Paddy the Beeyee Burgess One of the reasons why root send hes not been growniu Canada before to any extent, is the ranter widely spread idea that Oanedian climatic conditions are not ea favorable to the produobion of higheless seed as are the conditions in European countries upon whichOanada has relied in the past for her seed sup- ply. In other words, 1110 European countries have been supposed to bo capable of raising seed prodneh g larger root Mope of higillet quality than Canada could be expected to do. o5 • biota ata. ,no fotlndatioli Gimlet Piper Thurston Gordon Deland Grey Duffield Forrester Applies For Divorce SEAFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat............". $2,10 Oet8... ,., 55 Barley...... «.......I le Peas 3.00 Bran per ton...... . 38,00 Shorts per ton.... ..... .........d4 Flour. ..... ...„,.„....„. 5.55 6,10 Eggs .... ............ 42 Hogs to farmers..................17.26 Mrs Lillian Montgomery has filed a suit for divoree against her husband, Mr Harvey Montgomery, 03arpu'hey, on grounds of eon support of horses and daughter, Dorothy, await of his eam- pany of other women, Signed 6.3‘ Lill Montgomery, Detroit T-iueTIeN SALE CHURCH NEWS All Items under this Head are published free of charge, ex - opt, those reeardinemeettees where. an admission fee Is charged. The rate fur such being live cent per 0001111. line S1?PIFORTH CitHUReeOHES The Administratrix to the Estate of ,lames Willison, deceased, will offer for ale by Public Auction at the. Commie', Mai Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday the Third Day of November 1917T, at two o,cloek in the afternoon, Lot Number Sixty -six (66), in the Goninlocitie Sur- vey, of part of the Town of Seaflerth. There is oreoted upon the premises a ooiuforeable frame dwelling house on a cement' foundation, Termer of Sale; - Ten (10)per Bent cash on Onto of sale and the balance to bo paid within 30 days thereafter, when the -purchaser will be entitled' to a 0onveyanee. The property is at prss ont rep tete- and will be sold subject to existing tonaney, - Further particulars and condition3 of sale will be made known at the sale or can be had in the meantime from. the and 06sig310 1 . Dated at. S'aforth, this 155111 day of October I(IT. Thos, 'Brown, 11. 8, Hays, Anotioneor, Solicitor for the Admnustratrix 1F eYR S 1 LE 7 Room Reuse, good cellar, Hard and Soft Water, good condition and splendid locality. Apply this office, 4IVR'16YRIIP or FIos" t$0 CONSTIPATED CHILD Deilelelus "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Over and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If rpated, your little one's stomach, laver and bowels need cleansing at ouoe. When peevish, Oro88, 11stle88, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or fever ash, stomach sour, breath bad; hae sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give :a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, coietlpated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels Without griping, and you have a• well, playful child agaln. Ask your 'druggist tor a 50 -cent bottle, of "California Syrup of Figs," which con• tains full directions for babies, All. Oen of all ernes and tor gFrowLfups, Auction Sale.. St. James' St. James, Church , Rev, Father P Corcoran, Rev, Father 0, R. North - graves ,Morning Maass 7 a,m. High Mass 10.30 a.m. Sunday 8011001 2.30 pm. Evening vespers 7 p.rn. - St. Thomas' Rev. T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday se iOeoe 1I am, and 7 p.m, Sunday school 2.30 p, m, Women's Anglican Missionary Aseooiatien, Tuesday 2.30 p.ln, Children'sbt'aucb Saturday 2 p.m. nteroessiol services every Thursday, .0 p; m, First Presbyterian Rev, €0. li, Larkin„ Pastor, S'tmday services IL a.m. and 7 p m, Sunday school 2;30 p.m, Prayer meeting; Thursday, T. 45 p.m. Women's Miieo– ionary $ocietyuthe first Ttleeday in each month at 745, Barbara Kirkman Mie sion Band 3r(1 Tuesday ill the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Of Farm Stook 81111 Impleruents on Lot q, Con. l'.j, in the Township of Mie'. l(illop, on Tuesday, November 0, 1917/.. Sale to . 00n:menee a5 i 9, rel, I horse 11 Jloars, 1 aged mare, 1 colt tieing 3 years;.1 eon doe to calf in Rio' 5 00070 ill Dooerebev, a due in eamltary 1 in Marcie, E hi May, 2 heifers rising 3 years, }.t heifers rising e -years!. 9. Spring anis Fall calves, some hens 011(1 geee0;'! Inatilare apreatlee (Massey et Hartle), r cultivator, 1 oaew01' (1Viaosoy &' Harris), t horse rake, 1 wagon, 1'i hay raok, 1 set boll. aleigho (nearly new), l set harrows, li straw outtiug;loox, 1 weigh sonde 1(n we,gh tf hundred, t. fanning hill, 1 walking plough,.'2. sole heavy harem, is bus. 'Pimobhy Seed, 1 ;sugar kettle„ 2 water troughs, 1 tongue for Muggy ov clatter, 1 ?1olotto onium swperatur,,4tloult stove' and other articles too :rum0r0110 to mention IOer6ms.-All 0111119 of 8,lei anti under cash. Over that alumna 10 months oredit oto approved jpknt motes or 5 per oeutdiecountfox wash . Win,, Smith, Thos. Brow,,, IL, R, No 2 Walton Proprietor Methodist Rev. G. McY+inley, B. D., paster --SUNDAY-Class at 10:00 a.m. Pnblio service 11 atm. and 7 p.tn: Sul. day school and Billie study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thureda y 9; p.m. Salvation Army Capt. Frond ands Lieut. Saunas Holiness meeting act a.m. Praise eervise 3 p.m. Gospel Service 7 p'in. Ohildrens Service -Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 3.ln, Week night Meetings-Wodnestlap :'raer meeting 8 p,rq, Allotioneer Annual Meeting EHmondviile, Prenleytex)arl 310','..1. Argo, pester. Sunday ser vices 111 a.m.. and 7 p in. Bible cities 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. til. Y.P.M.S. 3rd Friday in the anonth 8 p.m, Woolen's llaisaiou- dry Scoiety3rd Wedueeday in the Month at 2.30 p.m, Ladioa' Aid 11164.8 8 in,ediatoly after. The Annual 310011ng of the Seaforth Horticultural Society will bo hell in be Council Chamber, Friday Evening, November the second, at S o'clock- Fltlanoial report for the year- .Eleot- ion'0f Offlcere, etc, Win. Rartty, Preeiden1, I)Hc'1Ciliop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell 988101•. Sunda) secs 0s Duffs' church. 11 a no 8811(153 school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 'p.m. %\'siren's Missionary Society last Friday in Saul month at 2 o'clock, Constalptwe Methodist Rev, W. Keine, pastor. $1111day service 2 30 p.m. Yo11ng People's Lea- gio2, 30 p m Sunday V4 omen's Auxil. ary first Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. Ladies' Aid last Mitred ay of each nlotlk{t 2,30 pim. Wintll'op Presbyterian Sunday smelts 2.30 pm, Sunday drool I 15pm. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p,m, L.0. last Wed Only 10 meek& until Xmas Remember pour friends with Photographs this pear. Nothing you can give to - pour friends far away or at home that will please them better than a good photo- graph, the kind we make. Come in now and have a sitting made and have that much off pourmind. Remem- ber 12 Good Photos will please 12 of pour friends. Weliave a beautiful line of folders and the prices are not high, We ' an take pour Photograph ono dull dap as well as a bright clap as long -as poll come early in the dap as the dapsare etting short D BUC1S PHOTOGRAPHER R 10 CENT "CASCAREPW" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE SEAFORTH For Sick Headache, Sour Stb7rl'ach,, Waggish Liver and Bowels -They, work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigen glo'n, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver andl clogged bowels, which cause your' stomach to become filled with undl gestled food, which sours and ferments' like' garbage in a swill barrel. That's• the first step to untold misery -indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that le horriblb and nauseating. A Cascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They, work while you sleep -a 10 -cent box from yotnt' druggist will keep you feel- ing good' for months. Drives Asthma Before It. The smoke or vapor froin Dr, J, D, Kell- ogg's Asthma Remedy gives aethrna l 0 0a -8110e to linger. It eradicates the cause, Our experience with the re- lief -giving• remedy shows how Wile' and positive is the 9111000' it gives. It in the 6081111 of long study and ex. periment and was 'hot submitted to tl o ptiblio m1(11118 makers knew it would - cio„its work well. - MEN %%ANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men Can secure steady em- ployment (011 Munition work. Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine & L hresher Co. Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. "For the Blood is the Life.” is H EIL YOU A R E OFFER/NG With any diaries° duo to impure blood ouch as Eczema, Octet', la, Scurvy, Bad Lego, Abseeee00, Ultoro, Glandular Swell I nae,. Bnila, Plmploe, Soros of any kind, Piles,B( cod Poteon,nheumatiem, Gout, oto., doll't waste your time and Stoney on lotions- and ointments which cannot gee below the surface of the skin, What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of, all your suffering, Clarkes. Blood Jlixture lsjust such a medicine; It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all, impurities, from whatever cause can be relied on td by o effect a lasting clean d pure, 1016,,,,.,0 of ,.,rb,rearnrr, 4. jvr,rfettio d `a:rilet;phkrmin_.. Over 50 rears' 0040600, Pleased to tram 'So; by all ehunberued 8tsrakeepuro. liquau all S&LOIN les, CURES NIL SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES. In all countries. Ask for ottrr INVENTOR'S, ADVISES, .which will be sent Tree. ,, ' 1 MARION & MARrn*' .e Stop Elle COngh-Ooughing la 01118 e,1 by irriteticli in the respiratory pas- 8)tget; and 18 the effort to dieludgo in- strnctiona that come from inflammation of the mimeo) e'realiuent with Dr: 'themes EOlectrie Oil will allay the 111611411800n and in oolsequenee the oongh will cocas. Try 80, and you will 8185 110 other preparation for 0, cold,