HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-25, Page 3GERMAN BID FOR
Clerks Flooded London, Learne.,
Business Secrets and Reported
To Hun -Companies.
The story of German penetration of
13ritish trade is one of the romances
of business and is only another ex-
ample of the wonderful foresight and
capacity for organization of the Ger-
man people, For years past the city
oi! London 'has been flooded with Ger-
man o1er0, Many of them were what
is known as "volunteers," which is to
say that they worked for nothing.
Well-educated young men from the
German commercial schools carne over
to London and offered their services
free of all charge in return for a
chance to learn the business, and the
easy-going British merchants wore
willing enough to have thein on these
terms. Particular attention was paid
by these volunteers to the colonial
_and export trade, and the shipping
houses were full of them.
It has now been realized that most
of these young men were nothing
more or less than commercial spies.
In many cases, indeed, they.macle reg-
ular reports to German firms of the
business clone by their employers, and
in others they returned to Germany
as soon as they bad mastered their
employer's business and assisted in
getting it away from him, with the
aid of the German banks, which were
also deeply concerned in this game of
peaceful penetration.
German Clerks' Union.
Evidence has been discovered now
that most of the "volunteers" were
financed by the German Clerks' Union,
. which in turn, it is believed, was con-
trolled and financed by the German
Government. It is certain that it was
, assisted by the great German indus-
trial trusts.
The 'Most insidious .and most dan-
gerous feature of this peaceful inva-
sion was that conducted by the banks,.
the Deutsche Bank, the Dresdner
Bank, and the Disconto Gesellschaft.
It is alleged that their chief function
was that of commercial spying,
In Germany, for instance, a manu
facturer who has an order for' $5,00
worth of goods can take it to his ban
and 'raise a loan for wages and raw
material on the order as security. A
trader can pledge Dais customers' lia
bilities.to him in the same way and s
obtain capital to carry on and expand
A British manufacturer who ap
preached his bank for a loan would be
asked for gilt-edged security and if he
could not supply it would be politely
shown the door.
Lest' this should seem to be an ex-
aggeration I will relate an instance
which actually happened about three
years ago in London. A large whole-
sale dealer in merchandise which is
produced both in Germany and 'Eng-
land, and who was both an importer
and a manufacturer's agent, had been
accustomed for years to secure an
from his German bank at
a certain period every year to pay his
German manufacturers.
oys allquBooks. They
will )nix all right if the boys
aro Dept' mentally alert and
physically active with incur.
ishing, easily digested foods.,
Shredded `•heat" Biscuit
is the ideal food for young-
sters to study ,on or to play
on because' it contains the
life. of the whole wheat' grain
in a digestible form. The
kiddies like it with milk or
cream, with sliced bananas
or other fruits.
Great Britain's Food Controller Issues
An Appeal to the People of Canada.
Baron Rhondda has issued a state-
ment explaining Great Britain's plans
for food.control,
Food regulations in Great Britain
are much more drastic than those on
this side of the Atlantic. Neverthe-
less they are voluntarily, not compul-
sorily, observed by householders and
others. "If voluntary measures fail,"
says Lord. Rhondda, "I shall have no
compunction in putting the nation on
compulsory ration." This crisply de-
fines the spirit of Great Britain. Self-
restraint and self-sacrifice are the
keynotes of the nation's attitude. Men,
women and children are proul to do
their part in saving food and in in-
creasing production. In_ both direc-
tions the national effort is sustained
at a supremely high pitch.
Baron Rhondda, through the Food
Administration of the United States
and the Food Controller for Canada,
has• called upon both these countries
to rise to the occasion. That call,
must meet prompt and full respells
Should Canadians fail to emulat
Great Britain, then all the sacrifice
all tslie devotion of Great Britain'
people. will have gone for naught. I
This Achievement Brings Nearer the
Fulfilment of Predictions Con-
ing Future of Aircraft.
"Captain Laureati, of the Italian
Air Service, flew on , Monday from
Turin to London, covering a distance
of 650 miles without a stop. He car-
ried an autograph letter from the
King of Italy to King George. The
journey occupied seven hours 22 min-
"Shortly before tea -time on Monday,
morning papers from Italy were safe-
ly landed at Hounslow," says the
London Times,
"This very remarkable feat was
achieved by Captain Giulio Laureati,
accompanied by Private Michael An-
gelo Tonzo. Our Allies may well be
proud of their gallant and skilful air-
men. From the account of the jour-
ney which we give elsewhere it will
be seen that the , actual time from
per year, To this los add th G
and r 1a�ld necessary to yield the FROM AUTUMN COLDS
One-sixth of an ounce of butter per
The fall le the most severe sea
of the year for cold—one day
warm, the next is wet and old
unfese the mother is on her guard t
little °nee are seized with golds th
may hang en ell winter. Baby's 0
Tablets are mothers' best friend
preventing or banishing Colds. Th
act as a gentle laxative, keeping t
bowels and stoniaoh free and swo
An (Tensional dose will prevent col
or if it does come on suddenly t
prompt use of the Tablets will quick
power 'wasted pxodueing this food,
meal. would mean 18,250,000 pounds
of butter wasted every year in Can-
ada. This means tons of milk, herds
of cows, and a large number .of men
to produce thin wasted butter fat,
These are only a few instances of
the possibilities of conservation and
the responsibility resting on the indi-
vidual home and on the individual,
We have been so accustomed to
being surrounded by plenty of the
necessaries of life that we are
afraid' to be seen guarding the
little wastages of food lest we
might be considered small, mean,
mercenary. On the contrary, waste is
at any time a demonstration of ignor-
ance, lack of appreciation of value of
foods and lack of a knowledge of the
principles of thrift
The most fateful years in a woman's
life are those between forty-five and
fifty. Many of the sex enter .this
period under depressing conditions,
through overwork or worry about the
home, ar through a condition In which
the blood i}s weak or watery and so
point to point was seven hours they suffer heavily. Among the corn -
twenty -two minutes and g half. monest • symptoms are headaches,;
"The travellers started from the old feverish flushes, palpitation of the
capital of Savoy at 8.48, Italian time, heart, dizziness, backache, depression
and arrived a`t ten minutes to four, and other well recognized disturb
The distance in a bee -line is about 560 antes of the health which signalizes j
miles, but that actually covered from
that the blood requires attention.:
earth to earth was a little over 656
Women urgently need rich, rod blood
Miles. The speed, including the time all their lives, but never more so than!
spent in climbing and landing, was 80 in middle -life, when the nerves are •
miles an hour. The Alps were crossed also weak and overwrought.
at an approximate height of 11,000 Now every woman can prove the
feet above sea level, and the Channel prompt help afforded to her health by
passage occupied no more than a quar-'renewing and building up the blood.
ter of an hour. I It is a test that any ailing woman can
make by taking Dr, Williams' Pink
Aircraft For Peace Purpose
"The airplane was an 'S.I.A., as blood, which in turn stimulates the
those built by the 'Societe Italiana'
p ani arecalled, and the engine a. restores full robust health Thou- i
8, Pins, for these' pills make rich;' red
Let us bury him here
Where the maples are red,
He is dead
son And he died thanking God that he fell
le with the fall
and Of the leaf and the year.
Where the, hillside is sheer
n Let it echo our tread
Whom he led;
Let us follow as gladly as ever
We followed who never knew fear.
Ere he died they had fled, e
Yet they heard his last cheer
Ring clear
cure 11, The Tablets are sold by me
eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
box from The Dr.' Williams' Medici
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Measures 7 ft. 10 in. Across Wh
Opened—To Be Used in "Crusade."
di- When we lifted him up he
a l Would fain have pursued, but grew
ne dizzy instead.
Break his sword and his spear!
Let this Last prayer be said
By the bed
en We have made underneath the wet
wind in the maple trees moaning
so dreer:
A Bible 6 ft, 2 in. high and 8 ft.
6 in. across'has been "built" at th
Oxford University wareliouse in Ame
Court, London. In the binding of th
great work it was found necessary t
erect a wooden staging, from the eros
beam of which depended en iron chai
and pulley biosis, and by this meal
the position of the book was change
as occasion required. Without thi
mechanical arrangement the service
of six men would have been require
e "0 Lord God, by the red
n Sullen end of the year
is That is here,
o We beeeeeh Thee to guide us
s And strengthen our swords till his
n slayers be dead,"
1s -Francis Sherman,
d _
• a'linard's Liniarasst Cause Sarna, Eta
to manipulate the volume,
The width of the back is 10 in
so when the hook is opened it mea.
tires 7 ft. 10 in, across. The bindin
—which is not quite complete—is o
red levant morocco, which absorbe
a dozen large goat skins. ''The fron
cover contains the arms of th
counties of England and Scotland i
blue morocco leather, decorated with
gold, and surrounding the Roya
arms, inlaid in heraldic colors. ' On
he l;aek of the book the arms of the
The Reason Why.
The following amusing anecdote was
told recently by Mr. J. 11. Thomas, the
s- secretary of the Amalgamated Society;
g of Railway Servants,
f It appears that a newly -arrived!
d batch of German prisoners was being,
t taken by .train from a certain English I
e port to a place of detention inland,i:.
n when a Hun officer, much to his in-
dignation, found himself in a third -1
1 class carriage with a Tommy as escort.
In a very injured tone he asked:
"Why have I, an officer, to travel
Welsh counties are depicted in manner
imilar to those on the front.
The giant Bible is to be used in a
"Bible crusade" in London,
Aero 1 appetite, atrengthens the nerves_ and s
'Fiat,' The journey was in everything,' sands of women have found 'in Dr
Williams' Pink Pills new health and
strength and with these a new happl-
mess and interest in life, '
So if `you suffer, avail yourself at
once of the splendid home' treatment
which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so
easily afford, and' you will be among
thosd`'who rejoice in regained health,
These pills are sold 'by all 'dealer•
a brilliant success, though the north
west wind was contrary, and rough
and tricky over the mountains,
"Tho route followed corresponds
e generally to that of the railways 'over
e a great part of the journey, and re-
freshments were carried in a thermos
1, bottle under the airman's coat an'd
absorbed through a rubber tube like
- remains for Canadians to make ef-
0tfective the efforts of the Old Country.
1f The whole of Baron Rhondda's
message is significant. That he de-
pends upon Canadians is evident, In
- effect he says:
o Price-fixing must be international,
• intercontinental. `This means a read -
Bank °'Accom modation,
He was a man of substance and all
he had to do was to notify the bank
that he was overdrawing so many
thousand dollars on such a date. He
had never applied to his English bank
for similar accommodation because he
knew that it would be useless, but on
this occasion he really needed .some
extra money and he determined to
try.. He applied to the bank with
which he had been dealing for a
quarter of a century for an overdraft
and was refused. Ile got it from the
German bank for his English business
as well as for his German trade with-
out a uestio rill ne cliliis�'•�a, ey he
�,,,, nua't..,�te y „
afiterwards•ctranefeanesasrsnucl Of his
bti*tl; €ijq ,ibi `,;te',thitt"'. +i�sel:man•
bank, .a,�
-The ingenious scheme by which
English banks were induced to finance
German competition with England
was worked as follows: British -busi-
ness men were induced by the offer of
long credit to buy German goods, even
at prices a little higher than those
asked for competitive British goods,
The British geode, however, were only
sold either for cash or on short credit,
As soon as the British importers' bills
were received by the German manufac-
turer they were taken to the German
bank, which discounted them and sent
them to its branch in London.
Information For Competitors. .
That branch then discounted them
with the British joint stock banks,
which would take them with the back,
ing of the German bank, but which
declined to touch the nine bills when
offered by a British manufacturer. It
is estimated that when the war broke
out $250,000,000 of such Anglo -Ger-
man bills were held in London alone,
and serious hard'Ship' was caused in
some eased by the efforts of the panic-
stricken British banks to collect from
the British drawers.
The German banks in London also
discounted bills direct for British
manufacturers and traders, and, it is
alleged that by doing so they obtained
valuable information for the Britons'
German competitors. They learned
from these 'Gills all the secrets of their
British customers, their markets, their
sources of supply and so on, and it is
Alleged that this information was sent
to Berlin atdd distributed among Ger-
Iran manufacturers and traders,
justment of international and inter
contl'nental trade relations. Each
country must of necessity regard the
others as partners and refrain from
acting except with reference to them.
Mr. Hoover, Mr, Hanna and I have
been made responsible for food control
in our respective countries. Food con-
trol in each must be adjusted to the
requirements of all. Therefore we
must work together to accomplish our
ends. Our people will have reason to
know that profiteering will be wiped
out -that it is ,now fast disappearing
—and that where high prices coninue
o ex st t ey are to be attributed to
war conditions,
Comprehensive plans have been de -
that of a baby's bottle.
"Although this is the greatest inter-
national peace flight yet accomplish-
ed, it cannot compare in the mileage
with Captain Laureati's recent non-
stop trip in a similar machine from
Turin to Naples and back, when he
travelled 920 miles between 10.7 a.m.
and 8.40 p.m., or with the - French
- Lieutenant'Marchal's flight of 800
miles across Germany in July.
"The point of real interest. in this International Convention in Chic o
veloped whereby all international pur-
chases of necessary foodstuffs are to
be pooled and proportionately allocat-
ed to Great Britain and her Allies.
All such contract prices are to be
strictly regulated. "Unless prices are
fair," Lord Rhondda asserts, "an un-
necessary burden is placed upon' the
backs of the allied governments and
consumers, American and Canadian
taxpayers, and reactively on every
food consumer in America for the sole
benefit of a small section of the com-
It is only with Canada's unstinted
help that Baron Rhondda's.plans . ,can
be•brought to fruition,
11. "The' world -peril is not the sub-
marine," says the British Food Con-
troller "but diminishing harvests and
lessening herds."
A aompoodipede at %aq ..
anley, 2allsud yeo,,.
an r.finm C. eat
,, - FOOD
n medicine, or may be had by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for "$250
When I go out to look
And find potatoes on my vines
Quite big enough to cook,
by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co,, Brockville, Ont: -
But sweeter than the breath of balm
Upon the summer breeze,
And sweeter than the songs of birds
Among the leafy trees;
Yea, better than the tuneful bass
Of bullfrogs in�the pool,
Or happy laugh of barefoot kids
As they go home from school, --
Will be the joy which swells my breast
Ontario Leads All Ca- nada in Sunday
School Work.
The last report received from all the
provinces for presentation at the
achievement is that it brings near
to us all the great future which i
opening to aircraft for peace pur-
Prophecies Near Fulfilment.
"Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and
others have foretold that.bofore many
years mails and passengers would
travel regularly by air between Lon-
don, the Cape, Egypt, India, and -Aus-
tralasia to the East, and between Lon-
don, Canada and the United States to
the West. - The public listen to these
prophecies without grasping how near
they may be to fulfilment. The Ital-
ians, who have long been conducting
a postal air service to Sicily, gave us
an object -lesson in 'the postal possi-
bilities of flight. Captain Laureati,
and his companion did in a.little over'
seven hours a journey on which the
fastest time by steamer and train has
hitherto been more than three times:
that period.
"We congratulate our Allies on the,
brilliant performance of their soldiers,;
and we doubt not that it will greatly
stimulate in this country the study of
flight as applied,to,tho arts of peace.I
The air raid on London, which fol-'
lowed not many hours later, keeps
present to us its importance in those
of war."
FR/NEGranulated Eyelids,
t1rCCtc ;1... ry`aJ..°Sun, Eyes,
Ed Inflamed
Fen i'; t ..e racy...1lay Dionne. Try it in
your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes.
NoSmartigg, Just Eyc Comfort
er 1914, showed the Sunday School en- Mnriree!l;ye flSetlted, At Yo r Pri;grt a oriby
s rollment in Ontario 100,000 more than A
Instances Where Small Leakages
Might Be Profitably Stopped.
It is estimated that food to the
value of about $50,000,000 is wasted
annually in Canada. This seems in-
comprehensible at first sight, but if
we begin to analyse the waste it can
be more readily understood.
Let es cite a few examples of what
might be estimated to be a conserva-
tive waste in our homes.
There is a waste in the nutritive
value of potatoes of probably 20 per
cent. as a result of peeling them be-
fore cooking as well as the loss from
peeling. The peelings of potatoes
(net new potatoes) wised by an average
family of five, weigh ` over half a
pound per day. This means one hun-
dred and eighty-two and a half pounds
per family per year, and for the pee.
ple of Canada means 29,200,000
pounds or 4,866,672 bushels.
Potatoes should not be peeled. They
should be thoroughly cleaned - and
cooked with their jackets on, and aro
even better consumed that way.
The waste of bread is one of the
most inexcusable wastages in any
home, in as much as small pieces of
crusts of broad can always be turned
to good account in soups, with stewed
tomatoes and in many other ways,
One slice of bread a day (1 ounce)
or one third of a slice every meal is
not an unusual waste for the homes
of Canada,. this amounts to 100,000
pounds a day, or, 86,500,000 pounds
all the remaining provinces of Canada
combined. What changes have come
in the past three years will be report-
ed soon when the totals are assembled re
for the International Convention in g
ma •par , e, ur ne
Ye Salve, in Tubae 26c. r.•r Iloali of the L•'tre- Fraa.
sk Muriseo Eye Remedy Co.,, Chicago a
A Slanderous Printer.
It wasn't his fault, it was the proof -
cider's. But the doctor never for -
ave the editor when the paper print -
this notice about him: "Doctor
hnson felt the patient's purse and
en issued a prescription." It should
AVE been the patient's "pulse."
Buffalo. Ontario is gathering statin- ed
tics now for presentation at the Pro- Je
vincial Conventions in Chatham and th
Peterborough, these reports to be cox.- h
rested an
Convention next June.
A campaign for the standardizing
of Sunday Schools will be launched at
Chatham and Peterborough. A Stand-
ard known as "The International
Standard School" has been arranged
for North America, and will be pre-
sented with plans for bringing the
same to the attention of the individual
schools. The observance of a contin-
ent Canadian wide "Come -to -Sunday -
School Day" will also be\considered.
Flowers are more fragrant when the
sun is not shining on them, ac^ceding
to a French scientist, because the oils
that produce the perfume are forced
out by the water pressure in the plant
cells, and this is diminished by sun-
Be sure/to give the children 4 brisk
rubbing clown after their baths. It
will send the blood leaping through
the veins to carry life to every part.
There is nothing quite so good as
spiced apple jelly. To make, pane, core
and' wash the apples, cook until soft
and strain. Put into a muslin bag,
ten sticks of cinnamon bark, eight
cl perfected for the Buffalo
cloves and six allspice. Drop th
into two quarts of the apple -juice; an
bring slowly to boiling point. Test
this frequently, and when the desired
spicy flavor has been obtained remove
the bag, add sugar and proceed as in
making other jolly.
We require no better demonstration's
of the ,,pnwarraited waste of food on
this Continent, especially fats, than.•
the fact that men have become mil-
lionaires through the refining of gar-
bages in someof the large cities,
Obviously then, nothing should go into
the garbage tin that can be used for
human food. Smaller helpings would
do away with a great deal of waste.
How often we hear women who do
their own cooking say that by the time
they have prepared a meal and it is
ready for the table, they are too tired
to eat. One way to mitigate this le
to take, about half an hour before din-
ner, a raw egg, beat it until light, put
in a little sugar and milk, flavor "it
and drink it. Tina will relieve the
faint, tired -out :feeling, and will not
spoil the appetite for dinner, •
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited:
Gents,—A customer of ours cured a
very bad case of distemper in a valu-
able horse by the use of MINARD'S
Tours truly,
Experience has shown that fertiliz-
ers cannot profitably be used as sub-
stitutes for manure„ for the growing
of clover, or for good soil manage-
ment, but that their role is rather
supplemental to all these rational
means or t .a upkeep of soil fertility, .
"Because," was Tommy's reply.
"I've got to guard you, and they didn't
think a British soldier ought to be put
in a cattle -truck! See?"
"The man who is afraid of burning
up his wick need not hope to brighten
the world."
Buy your out of town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders.
_rive dollars costs three cents.
During recent years the export of
Canadian apples to the British Isles
have totaled about 1,500,000 barrels
per annum.
.,,,,‘Apr, IN CANAbit
For - snaking
For soften..
Ing water.
For retrieving
For dlelnfooting.'
sinks, olosot'a,
drains arid BOO
otter purposes.
earuse SUZOTitUTE3,
41AL ns oiek'..
Casey's Care.
Mrs. Casey—Me (deter writes me
that every bottle in that box we sent
her was broken. Are. ye sure yez.
printed, "This side up with care" on
Casey -0i am, An' for fear they
shouldn't see it on the top Oi printed
it on the bottom as well,
Minard's Liniment. Believes Neuralgia.
Veterans at B.C. (University.
The provincial ,government of Brit-
ish Columbia has granted a 21 year
lease of the 290 acres of government
land adjoining the present holding of
the University of British Columbia at
Point Grey for scientific farming land, -
and ie connection returned soldiers
under the direction of the Military
Hospitals Commission will be given
agricultural training.
Offices for sale •ln Road Ontario k
towns, The most useful and interesting !
or all businesses. Full Information on
application to Wilson Publishing .Com- t
Rang, 72 Adelaide Street, Toronto:
9• sharpen tools: also Granite i
Polisher. Write George M. Paul,
Sarnia, Ont.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. cut internal andh external trei; cured C ,..,.-r
out pain by our Home treatmene --Writs .,
us before too late. Dr.. Gellman. Medical 1 ,t
Do not sell breeding animals unless Co.. Limited. Collingwood, On
they can be replaced immediately with '
better. stock. The temptation of high
prices or undue fear of high prices of
feed mislead the owner into the error
of selling at this time.
Cincinnati man tells how to dry
up a corn or callus so It lifts
off with fingers.
You corn -pestered men and -Women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a fe
drops of freezone appli
tender, aching corn or callus,l stops
soreness at once and soon the corn or
hardened callus loosens so it can be
lifted off, root and all, without ppain,
A small bottle -of freezone Costs very
little at any drug store, but will posi-
tively take Off every hard or soft corn
or callus. This should be tried, as it
is inexpensive and is said not to irri-
tate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tit him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
line stuff and acts like a charm every
time. •
Minarcl's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Mother—Joan, dear, have you been
doing anything to the ink? Joan—
e Yes, mummy; I put some water to it
d to make it write weak. I've been
o writing. a letter to daddy—and I
wanted to whisper something to him!
of the dairy districts of Canada.
Rye is one of the best cover crops to
use in orchards. Plough it under be-
fore the last of May.
Whatever sacrifices health to wis-.
doe has generally sacrificed wisdom,
How to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few oents,
The juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re-'
markable lemon skin beautifier at'
about t110 cost one must pay for
small jar of the ordinary cold creams. I
Cale should be taken to strain the ,
lemon juice though a fine cloth so no '
lemon pulp gets in, the this lotion'
will keep fresh for mouths. Every i
woman knows that lemon juice is mod
to bleach and remove such blemishes
as freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
beamtifi er,
just try it Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grooel' and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly 'fra-
grant lemon lotion and massage it
daily into the face, neck, arms and
SK TRt ,
}3athe. w t .'.
Soap; `
dt'y as -td
apply the
Stops itching instantly, clears away
pimples, redness and roughness, re,
moves dandruff and scalp irritation;
heals red, rough and sore hands at'
well as mos tbabyhumom. You nee.
not buy them until you try them
Sample Each Free by Mal!
• With 32-p, Skin' Book. (Soap to elea;.0
and Ointment to heal.) For samples add, 5
post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. N, Bost ti
U. S. A." Sold throughout the world. `
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
No Need to Rub
Try Sloan's Liniment and see
how quickly the swelling is reduced
and the pain disappears. No need
to rub; it pone.
trates quickly and
brings relief. Have
a bottle handy for
rheumatic pains:
neuralgia, back
ache and all mus-
cle soreness
Generous si
bottles, at your
druggist, 25c.,
50c., $1.00.
Change Safely Passed
Taking Lydia E Pinkham,
Vegetable Compound..:
Wagoner, Okla.—•"1 never get tx;
of praising Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve
11111.1t:i1,i.l111f toble Cont o.
because aur.
Change of Lif
was m bed 1.
yearsd ;
operations, bu'
the doctors andt
erati0118 didhadm=
good, and I w'
have been in
grave today Il-
k vl L Pinkhan s
°'•': stable 00181e,;;
which brenglit mo out of it all rig
1 am now well and do all my house
besides working in my garden, 5
of my neighbors have got well
ing Lydy a E. Pinkhan's Vegetable
pound.'—Mrs. VILA I' n+rOAL,
er Ok,
such lawarning symptoms as se
suffocation, hatflashes,headaches, e
aches, dread of impending evil, tin'
sounde, in the ears, palpitation
heart, Sparks before the cyte, i s
laxities, constipation, variable up.:
Weakness and dizziness should be
by middle-aged women,, Lydia It,
hSm's Vegetable Compound has t;
many women safely through the;:
ISSUE NO. +8-x1'7.