The Seaforth News, 1917-10-25, Page 17-t
W. T. O X &
Furniture' Dealers
Phone 50
New Series Vol. I;, No. q3
Nice easy work A child could almost do
the work. • eollne and take one Section as
5 girls to put in hip pockets.
5 girls to put in side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants
making. All nice clean work and easy and
steady all year round. 5o hours per week
We have girls making over -ten dollars a
week.. Why can 't you?
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Seaford' Ontario
An up-to-date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade candy
Special Regular Dinner every LSaturday
Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand.
Our homemade candies always the best.
Chocalates, Camels. Bon -Bone tt Taffies a
Having installed an up date plant foo making
next door to eardnos Bros
are invited to attend
Second Old Times Dance
in Cardnos' Opera Hall on
Tuesday Evening, November, 6th 1917.
in aid of
ehristras r ox Fund for
Boys at the Front
H. M. •Chesney, Jr.
P. M Chesney
Jas. A Chesney
E. H, Close
�L F Daly
Abe, Forsyth
John Hawthorne
Thomas Rands
Harry Stewart
Joseph Storey)
Earl VanEgrnond
Trafalgar Day
Rev. J. W. ;Doherty B. A, , Sec-
rotary_ -Treasurer of Huron Diocese
carne up from London bo take the ser-
viooa in St. Thomaa Church on Sunday,
Mr Doherty is a man of find physique
whose voice at anee oommanda atten^
tion. His sermon in the evening dealt
with the anniversary of Trafalgar Day.
Taking for his text the •words "Thou
shalt remember all the way that thy
Gptl hath lead theo'1 and "Speak to the
Children of Israel, that they go forward
he eloquently showed how God had
led the British nation in the past as
His own peculiar people. In a synop-
sis of the great battle of Trafalgar he
showed how this was ea ' Again it was
shown where England upheld the hoe.
or of the nation by taking the side of
the oppressed against the oppressor on
August the 4th 1914, It was not her
fight; eho might have passed by on the
other side: but God led her to the right
Knowing that these things are so
guided by God,we may well take sour.
ago and go forward in the path of duty
Though the iron will sometimes enter
into the very soul, let us remember
that those whom God loveth He scourg-
eth, that all dross may be taken away,
Floor Managers Committe -
Harry Charters Hibbert- Joseph Murphy
Peter Cameron Hullett- Scott Hawthorne
John Carter McKillop- Fin McKercher
Joseph Kale Robt. Dodds Jr.
(JnrMacdonald 7irekersmith-. Wm Charters
Ed Rowland Robert Gemmell
Wm Workman
Seaforth John Beattie
L T Delacep
Dan' Shanahan
Charles Stewart.
During Intermission:.
Messrs John Beattie and Walker Hart will sing and Mr. George
Cardnowill dance the Highland Fling -Sailors Hornpipe and Irish Jig
.Dancing commences at 8,30- No Lunch- Gentleman $1.00
Gallery open to spectators- 28 cents
A. b, Sutherland Secretary
Former Id. P. Appointed to the Bench
of Huron County. '►
Col, E, Norman Lewis, of Goderich,
former M. P. for West Huron, has
been appointed junior judge for the
County of Huron.
Mr, Lewis served in Parliament since
1904 and came into considerable prom.
inence as the proposer of what at the
time was viewed as rather radical leg-
islation He was the father of the day-
light saving scheme and an authority
on marine matters_
Major Lewis' former constituency is
wiped out in the redistribution.
St Michael's Church, Blyth, was the
the scene of a pretty wedding on Wed-
nesday morning last when Mies Nellie
Loretta, only daughter of Mr and Mrs
Jas, Kelly was united in marriage to
Ido William J. Devereux, Seaforth,
The Rev Father Hogan performed the
The bride entered the church leaning
on the arm of her father, to the strains
of Mendelsshon's wedding March play.
edby Miss Pearl Gidley^The church was
beautifully decorated with flowers and
lights. The bride was attired in a
pretty navy suit of broadcloth with
maise crepe de chine blouse with steel
beads and silk embroidery and corsage
bouquet of bridal roses, lily and fern
also large picture hat of Navy and
melee. Miss Loretta Phelan was the
only attendant and was gowned in navy
serge suit with black hat trimmed with
maiee, She also wore a corsage bon-
ging of American beauty roses, ferns
and lily of the valley.
The groom was attended by his sous.
in Mr John Deveraux. At the signing
^of the register Mrs W F McCaughey
rendered in a sweat voice, "Because:'
Immediatelyafter the ceremony
the happy couple left Ed' a
short wedding trip. They will take up
their home on the grooms farm, Tuok-
War Service Badges.
front In the present war and have been
honorably discharged or have been re-
tained in Canada on duty,
B. Those having enlisted in the 0,E,F
and have seen servioe in England m
the 'meant' war and have been honor.
ably discharged on a000unt of old age,
wounds or ideltness, whereby they have
been rendered permanently unlit for
further military service,
0, Those having enlisted in the 47,E F
and served in the present war and have
been honorably discharged from the
0.E.k on aeoouut'ofold age, wounds
sickness, whereby they have been rend.
ered permanently unfit for further friti-
llary service.
D. Those having offered themselves
for enlistment in pe 0 E F prior tt.
August IOth, 19i7, and have been re.
jested as medically unfit or bad enlist
ed prior to August: 10th xg17, and have
been discharged under Path. 392; K,R,
0„ for the army or ander Para. 322
(2) for Canadian Militia 191o,
Legislative Grants
The Legislative grant has been asaign
ed to rural schools but .the money has
not yet been received from the Proviu-
cial Treasury, The superannuation fee
for the full year beginning April 1st
was deducted from the grant, but as in
some cases new teachers were appoint-
ed with a different salary, a readjust.
went will be necessary lator. The
grants are based on certificates and sal-
ary; 20 per cent, is paid on the excess
of salary above $400 up' to $60O; e
sohool with a second erase teacher hav-
ing a permanent Certificate and exper-
ience less than five years receives a
grant of Sia; with experience of five
years or over the grant is $26. Under
similar conditions the grant for a teaoh
er with a First Class Certificate is $26
and $40 respectively. There is no grant
on an Interim Certificate. No grants
will he witheld in East Huron through
eglect to provide the standard equip•
By order in Gouucil it has been ,de.
oided to issue War Service badges to all
who have volunteered for service in the
Canadian Expeditionary Ione during
the present war,
Application for these badges should
be in writing, marked "war service bad
go" and addressed to Adjutant Genera
Military Headquarter, M. D. No. J,
London, Ontario,
Holders of Canadian Patriotic Fund
War Badges for "Service at the front'
will be, required to make application
for the registration of their badge. ..
Four olassee of War Service Badges
will be issued ae follows:
A. Those who have enlisted in the
C,E,F, and have salon service at the
Belligerent Nations are Carefully
Husbanding Resources byEffee-
tive Organizations.
Ottawa, Oct.—The cost of the -war
has become so great in recent months
that the layman is at pains to under.
stand it. The Allied financial experts
however, are not frightened by the
prospect in view of the measures tha
are being taken to maintain financial
stability in Allied countries.
.Assuredly one of the moat important
of these measures is that which pro.
vides for the safeguarding of the nat.
ionel prosperity by sending into mili•
tary service only those who do not hap-
pen to be working at essential tasks.
The greatr basic industries, such a
agriculture, transportation, etc. , are
being carefully protected againer dis-
integration in all the larger belligeren
countries, As a result, a very quick
recovery is expected to follow the end
of the war. '
Canada is heing congratulated upcn
her wisdow inreoognising thennexpectll
ed length of the war by putting into
operation a Military Act of moderate
type yet bawd to prove an efficient
help to industry. •
Red Cross
The collectors for the Red Cross
Fund are very pleased with the resp-
onse made on Thursday last, over $3100
has been secured, Moll praise must
be given to those who made the eoli-
eotions for their efficient work. There
are some who could not be reached
that day and the fund is still open, and
anyone may still hand their donations
to Mr Harry Stewart of Stewart Bros
who is Treasurer,
Sunday School Convention
41t. T. 130X 094eo.
Attila Ll4II 15 .AND
A11 5E IAL AlfiEI QR
H. . la?
lioldsrs of 0ovi t u .•plorno ttnd
License-oe,see'Al o.otowea
911o11e6 i ft'r a 0.9
$IoO per year
pertinent Superintendents indicated in
tering and propose in the work of
the different .departments. Rev. D.
.King of Toronto, Rural Suporiutoudeut
for the provinoe, was bho prhioipal
speaker and his earnest, appealing ad-
dressee were moat inspiring. Interest
ing addresses were also given by Rev,
Mr, Ellison a returned chaplain who
served in France and Rev. Mr. Jones
of Oliuton,
The following efficient 'for .the ohsuing
year were elected:
President—Mr. A, M. Robertson,
Godericb; Vioo•pres.—Mr. G, A Brad•
thaw, • Godorich; Sec.-Treas.—Mr. A.
T. Oeoper, Clinton; Missionary Super.
intending, Mise H I. Graham, Seaf,rtli
Temperance—Mr. H. E. Rook, Clinton;
Home Deportment—Rev, W. B,'Moni-
ton, Clinton; Elementary -.'Mies M•
Aitkin, 'Goderioh; Adult—Mr. W,
Bailie, Nile; Teachers Training—Rev.
J. A Robinson, Clinton; Secondary:
Grade Mr. Raithby, Auburn.
The Real Liver Pill—A torpidliver
means a disordered system, mental do.
pression, lassitude and in the end, if
care be not taken, a chronic debility,
The very beet medicine to arouse the
liver to healthy action is Parmelee'e
Vegetable Pills. They are compounded
of purely vegetable substances of care-
ful selection and no other pills have
their fine qualities. They do not gripe
or pain and they are agreeable to the
most sensitive stomach.
Mrs. Hobert Purdon of Brandon
ibSen. is visiting at the home of her
brother, Mr Neil Gillespie.
Chancellor Bowles of Victoria Uni-
versity preached in the Methodist.
church on Sunday night in behalf of
the educational work.
lir W. McMillan of Egmondville is
removing into the house recently occ-
upied by Mrs Charlesworth.
BUTTON—To Mr. and Mrs. John
Button a daughter, Oat. 4
There 10 no more effective vermifuge
on the market than Miller's Worm
Powders, They will not only clear the
stomach and bowels of worms, but will
prove a very serviceable medicine for
regulating the infantile system and
maintaining it in a healthy condition.
There is nothing in their composition
that will injure the most delicate stow
ach when directions are followed, and
they can be given to children in the
full ass:irance that they will utterly
destroy all worms.-.
Protect the child from the ravages o
worms by using Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator, It is a standard re-
medy,'and years of use have enhanced
its reputation.
The Annual Convention of the Con-!
, tre Huron Sunday School Association
was held in Auburn on Tuesday Oct.
16th; 'Them wad a large attendance
of delegated at the afternoon and even-
ing sessions.
The reports presented by the de -
New, Smartly
Stylish Suits
and Coats
An attractive display of
some very new arrivals,
offering a most enticing
and acceptable difference
in style and each gar -
Ment is marked unusual-
ly low.
Ladies' Suits
$15 to $40
Ladies' Coats
$5 to $40
Gives•tl at ad¢iearance of Push
ertrefinement to the Dining Room
that adds w rrrurTt to met), 'prca-
Good Silver with its e.ryvi.n/e
NJlines aivesthe finished loneli to
the lest tables,
Worthy of sjrectal merirta'aa is
the ''Adam Mattern in the Com-
utuntty Silver and ''Qht Colons'
in the "r47" Roger's ;Silver;
lire carry both Matierats with.
,,,any other attraettvc linr;v,
Jrpb . 'auattgP
e'ucrrsnar OOTn
atiattge ' & »tnllerg
serwrirrs auk nptirtans
Marriage License lancets
Evening 10
The store pou will always
Dress Goods,
You will be charmed
with our present display
and .delighted with the
extraordinary big values
and . low prices. And
you are welcome to none
and look often.
Stylish Dress Goods
30c to $3 a yd.
Stylish Coatings
$1,75 to $3 a yd.
If you know furs, a glance will suffice to tell you
of the remarkable values offered
If you don't—our name and reputation guar-
uarantees pou bepond question.
It's a r;al pleasure to show these
-FURS to you and should you buy
we feel sure that your satisfaction
will be complete,
You'll see many New Ideas from
Purdom here now and you'll gain
much of value and pleasure an in-
spection even if you do not buy.
The many handsome styles in sets
and separate pieces are so varied
design and quality that you will
surely and what you are looking you.
,,11(actavish "s
Whether you intend to buy th very
best or cheaper Furs, you can eavo
money by getting them here now,
A visit will convince you.
J. Mactavish
JH '.!'..
y rrv.,,vny aiCty 101700 M1 tno
ISSIUIi No, 13_'17.