HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-18, Page 4THE $EAFOR,TH NEWS
0£ the high oommissiolaor in Landon.
Military voters octet in Canada auti
Bermuda will boost artier the super.
vision of the general returning elbow:
in Ottawa, An assistant clerk of the
crown in chancery will be 0ppoiuted
early Beet week. He will proceed over
seas with instructions tJ divide the
Damps in England and Scotland into
dietriote, A presiding oftioer for 00011
will be named, Six sorutinoere and 40
special returning oftioer$ will %leo be
appointed in Canaria and tont °val'sees,
The .army of enulntrator8 may be.
appointed either by the Government or
the returning (Amara, If the appoint,
ment is made before the writ is issued
it is made by the Government, if after
the writ is issued it is meet) by'tho re.
turning offfaer,
The Red Cross Soely reoontly 'sent
direct to the trenO11e8, 50 pairs c1 socks
and 46 vermin suite. They also sent
to Toronto, 18 snits of pyjamas. Total
value, 137,00
They intend 8811(1'ng the Christmas
parcels the first week of November.
Those wishing to send tobacco, cake .or
cantly, homemade or any other kind,
sJgiole.l LnnpelcdnnrinLat 0lLodHositallLou, Surgeon
w diseases of E. Ear, Nobe
eat IrleasSt
Ih sePlPod residence, behind Dotdttian Sank-
piise Y?hare A o.5. Residence, Plume No,100.
ail, 8, J" BURROWS. Seafott . Office and
a./OpefQenea -- Goderich Street, east 01 the Meth°.
Mat Carman Coroner for the County of Huron.
esleraooe, No. 40,
ApC 5.4 hStreteat
SspGaerricet, opposite
dis t0i8Bteh,
Setret, graduate Victoria and Am Arbor, and
im0rob4 of 'Ontario College al Physician' and
sn cope, Coroner for County of linea.
M4;81r 0.a, honor graduate Trinity Untverstty,
pldraadallxtTrinity Medical College. Member of
College or Physician and Surgeons, Ontario. ,..
DEO. HEILEMAN Osteopathic Speotaua
!e tivomtn's and Children s Dlegeess and
nkaua'+a.+o Troubles. Mute mud Menlo DX.
feeders, liar, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids
sapnn+i without the knife. Cop
f3 ope!notel,
Svesdey.+a,n , to f. p.0' : Nriauy 8 to a p,nl
sesmiernessot..e,,fswOuuseu e+g►uee4es, s
maned by JOUR
Marriage Licenses
0111iupt; 141, '
1�ooA *08. 5 postcard widering ll ¢et our ratAccidents
1, D. Iif111CI%i,EY,
Gen awl Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
end IrneoxlalGuarantee and Accident Insurance Co.
soaforth, Ont.
James Watson
General Fire, Lite and incident 1n811rauee
Agent, and
:da dealer
erhin salving Machimeo.
Mutual Fire iusuraucu CO
Partin and Isolated 'Town
Property Only Insured.
Jas. t'u,:�etg itederith, President, James
Evelio, 4,e:thweed , Vice -1' rebid eat, Thomas
Flap seat, Orth_ 10e.-Treas.
Directors 111;...,.1/43.4.41...••.,a,.4014..,4140.,.M............s.,,41111.dk
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rine, Constance: Jahn Renewals.
Brod¢bngea• Robert Ferris, Harlocr; Malcom -'
McKeon, Clinton; t1 McCartney.Seaforth;
James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans. eechwood
Ma. Leitch, Hariock; E. Hloehley. Se -Werth
WIIIIam Chesney, EgmondvUle; •J, W. Yeo
li°lmesvIUo; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhaaon1 Jam^
Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance or transac.
other business will be promptly attended to ba
appl(mtion to any of the above officers, widrasa-
to their respective ;mato9!cea.
From the Office
Er llin
Phone 84 e a 127
One dollar"per year. strictly In advance
if nut paid u1 *4050ce, our, doraar and
a half will be charged, United slates
papers, Mir rents extra, cirlekl4 lu
When subscribers chalulgetheir address
notice should het!eut w Immediately, ¢Ivtu¢
both the old and the new address, Sub.-
01 any Irregularity of dellverll confer a favor e notilyin¢ us.
Reeding Notices -No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which motley is to be made by any person
ord lhe.withotchar80. ll be Tapricefore NEWS
than of business announcements Is TEN
cents per count line each Insertion to
parties having no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
cents Lard of Thanks 5 to 9
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices -Ten cents per line for first
Insertion and Bre cents per line for each
oubseauet insertion.
Yearly cords -Professional Cards not
escecding one Inch, will be Inserted for
55.00 per year, payable strictly In advance
Display 'uivertislag-Rates furnished
on capitaation,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntll forbid," and those sent without
written Instructtcae will appear until
critter, orders are received for their dis-
Lettere to the Editor trust be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of goad
faith. The peblleher accepts no reepoa•
elbllity whatever for the statements made
giousctopics will `not0 be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter 1e ten
cents per line,
of pereets, of whom there deems to
be a legion in that pity who msnifest
o diearetion in the training of tbior
80(10. The High sohocis 01'e ft1(1, as
cording to tate official, of pampered
boyo who wear wrist watoh0s, think
only P£ society life, 115 hie end pleas.
urns, and are oerried to and from their
Menet' in 11111oasinoe with livered Wield.
fetus at the wheel.
Wily boys of exceptional guelities
esu survive omen of this sort of thing,
ea 111)111ad8 of palmate have realized_
bitterly and too late, Over indnlgsnoo
spoils molly a elan and woman in the
making, who alight if thrown on their
own recourses have made worthy pro.
(Moto of themselves.
The fact is not generally realized
but it requires the oo•operatiou of two
wise and loving p1r10nte to train a
child up and bring out, his latent poss-
ibilities. Now and then an lllnlen111
father and mother eau do it, if the
child is somewhat above the average,
But ordi(0rily if the father is too 00-
011pied with 1)118111888 or away most al
the time, or if the mother is too buoy
with her woman's interests or too neg-
lectful, or if either sus of them is de-
foctiveiu Tread or heart, the vsi11 and
silly girl, the selfish and riotous boy
the wilt[ son or the wayward daughter
is the result. It is oommonly possible
to estimate with some approach to
accuracy the mental and moral devel-
opment and discretion of parents by
the appearance and behaviour of their
on the streets,
on the
For Sede
W. L. ISEY. Seaforth.
Phone 180
Without a proper
systnl of adver-
' tisin is like a
motor without the
'I' power. . . ,
Seaforth News
w{il supple/ the
required energy
phone - 84
General Observations
Sir Robert Borden in forming his
Union C'ahinet has shown himself to be
a master etat88nlau. If ever there was
a time when Csnade should forget
politics and remember the good of the
oouutry, it ie now, That she had at
the time a Frontier, big enough to tlo
this, against strong opposition will
tell in the future history of this' land,
Patriotic people will rejoice that
the bitterness of party will, at least
betaken out of the election. They will
be glad that 110 odds who wills a wet_
tonal government will centre! the des-
' tiny of the laud,
NE 1 .
'� 114' ha mthat girt 110 rnitl dare a
little 114817100111 h1s own, Swno11 a girl
coLV would Make a man wish lie had never
seen any woman except his own mother
One of our young men asks us the
following [meadow:
"What do you think of n young lady
while in the company of a dude mash-
er, remarking of an old schoolmate of
hers, that 'he is a good boy but tied -to
his mother.); apron strings, anti is of
no good on earth.' Will not the boy
come out ahead if he supports and
cares for his mother?" Come out a-
head? Well, of course ha will. A
girl who would make such a remark is
not worthy to blacken the shoes of a
boy who is hind to his old mother.
Such a girl has no more heart in her
than a turnip, and is Duly fit -oh, she
1su't ht for anything, She ought to
be taken across the knee of her own
mother until she thinks 11 is about the
twiddle of August. The moat heart-
less thing in the world is for a person
to make such a remark as that quoted
above about a young man who is proud
of his mother, and loves her so that a
tear in her eye is like a drop of melted
lead on his heart. The young man who
heard such a remark beingmadeabout
his relations with his mother no doubt
felt he would rather not have heard of
the remark, but itis lucky that he did,
if he thought he had any affection for
that girl. She would not have Said' it
in hishearing, which shows that she
is a hypocrite and n two-sided person.
'What is learned in the cradle is
carried toethe grave.
If you have a bitter pill to tante
gulp it down, don't chew it, So many
people chew their pills, and oh, haw
ea' ,i: LD LE.1YN.
(,:coniine to the idea of many of the 't Nothing permanent was ever gains
1 rising genet Adm. a ytlu g man sho(11d ifriendship
to drink, to piny hillier:ls, to swagger
in the streets, to five without work• to
ogle every pretty girl he meets, to treat
his eldara with 11sresl,ect to talk load
in the presence of others. to put on
!style whether he 004$ afford it or not,
to boast .•f the feminine conquests he
has made, t„ have every slang terra on
his tongue's end, to gossip with his
chums about his lady acquaintances. to
attract all the attention to himself and
he possibly cat,, to talk like a loafer
and a fop instead of a quiet, sensible
man, to call his father "the old man"
and hie mother "the old lady" to think
illy of every woman he sees, and to
speak ill of her every chance he gots
w teen tip his nose at those quiet, soba,
industxions young melt who do not train
in his crowd, to treat his slater without
any sort of regard, to treat her like an
Ul.bred loafer instead of like a gentler
Here is your picture, fast young
man, true to life, Look et it: Flow do
you like it? What have these oharac-
(8118tt08 Made of) Os? What will they
do for yo 1? What has the future in
store for you: unities you change your
course most radically -Ruin.
lour,, tt: ho-. t0 21111. t.. chi nt, to
The president of the Chicago Board
of Eduoation is a0lere in 111s orititism
bring them in on November the first,
Thulrsday. Oct. 18
Mr Griffin of G0(1811cll s'islted his
daughter, Mrs T. .1. Molyneaux, this
Mrs Jas. Flannigan called on friends
iu Seaforth on Monday. a_
Mr George Michell of Hamilton spent
Sunday at hie home here.
Mrs P Evans was in Seaforth on aloft
The Ladies of the W P S hada very
successful quilting bee last Thursday at
Mrs le Evans where they quilted three
Mr and Mrs H Flynn spent Sunday
with friends in Bullet,
A Deuce will be 1)81(11(1 Dublin Hall
m1 Friday evening Uot, 26th; music
furnished by the Douglas Bros, and
good tench served,
Bliss D. Pieras called on Mitchel
friends this ween(,
Mr Michael Rowley hail a very 'nice
eosin' sale on Tuesday, Mr Rawloy
ntends moving his family to Toronto.
The Administratrix to the Estate of -
James Willison, deceased, wia offer for
ale by Public Anction at the Commor.
alai Hotel, Seaforth, ow Saturday the
'third Day of November iul?, at two
0 oloek in the afternoon, Lot Number
Sixty -six (66), hi the Goninlook's Sur-
vey, of part of the Town of Seaforth,
'There is oreoted anon the premises a
comfortable frame dwelling house on a
cement foundation,
Terms of Sale; -Ten (l0)por cent
cash on the of sale and the balance to
be paid within 30 days thereafter
when the purchaser will bo entitled to
a conveyance, The property is at pres.
mit rented and will bo sold subject to
existing te100110)'.
Feather pertielliar8 and conditions
of sale will bo made k'lowu at the sale
or can be had in the meantime from
the tinders igued
Dated at Seaforfb, this 18th day of
October 1417.
Thos, Brown. 11, S. Hays,
I verity of word or act, t, lard
Savings Department
Have you money in the Bank? Are you laming/ By
M putting away a few dollars at a time you will coon possess
ma fund for emergencies.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received.
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. s'1+
Established 1871
Send your cream to us and receive
top prises. We are running our plant
the year through anti can handle pour
full supply and furnish you with cans,
We pay twice each mouth and weigh
sample,and test oaoh can of cream acre•
fully. Our motto is " Houosty to our
Patrons " Patrons are requeeted to re
.11111 all our 3an0" W11011 not fu ass,
3 ittor an.lButterinilk Mao on hand
n 1 for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat .............. 59. 2
Oats ,.. .... ,......,.,. 65
Bran per ton,...... 20.00
Shorts per ton .................. .........46
Flour.......... ..... .....,......... 5.55 0.10
Eggs .... 40
Hogs to farmers. ..... .....
Auction Sale
The Executors of the Estate of Mar.
garet Laurie, widow, deceased, will off
er for sale by Public Auction on Satur.
day the 20th October f91, at the hour
of two uclock in the afternoon, at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth that part
of Park Lot Number Three (,l), in the
Village of Egmoudville, county of Hui:.
on, containing a measurement of one
half an acre more or less, owned and
formerly ... occupied by the
said Margaret Laurie, There are erect
ed on the premises a comfortable Cott-
age, frame, and stable in a good state
of repair, and the property is a very
desirable one and a first class opportun
ity is offered to any one desiring to pro
cure a comfortable and desirable dwell-
ing well situated in 'lrgieondville and
near Seaforth, and vary handy to
churches and soh0ole.
Terms of sale:
Teu.:i''; per cent cash at
the time t f Sale and the balance with.
111 thirty days when the purchaser
will be eutitied to a conveyance.
Further particulars and conditions of
sale will be made Icemen on day of sale
and can be had in the meantime from
John Monty, N;sq„ or from the under-
signed. Dated the 37th Sept, i.17
it, 48, H a) 0,
Solicitor for the P: cocutors,
Auctioneer. fioJieitor for and Soft Water, good Condition and
the Adtniuistratrix Splendid locality, Apply this oilier.
7 ltoont Huns* lard uell;u• H
151000 NEEDED TO
Enumerator Needed In Each Sub..
heck Veting Lists.
, division to C
wept. '414-P'itteen thon-
sand enumerators will have to be ap-
pointed before the next general elec-
tion in Canada. In every polling sub-
division throughout the c00niry there
will be au enumerator to Oheck the
voting lists, to add the names of fe-
male relatives or soldiers entitled to
the franchise under the War -Elections
Act and to strike off the roll the names
of ttisfranishod aliens Under the mill
tary Voters' Apt also a (template elec-
toral machinery will be created over.
seas for taking the votes of all mem.
bars of the 0. E.1+', both in France and
Itis, in this 1'eepeot, that the milt-
tary Voters' Ant passed last session
differs frotn previews legislation, giving
votes to soldiers, Under the original
soheme a soldier voted and the ballot
papers were returned to Canada to be
counted, Under the preseut wet, the
votes oast in Franco and Belgian will
counted et the olffoe of the Canadian
commissioner in Paris; those oast in
England Will be counted at the office
IOf Farm Stock and Implements on
I Lot n, Con, 1,;, in the Township of 1Ie-
1 Killop, on Tuesday, November 6, 1917,
Sale t0 003nmen00 at I p. 113,
1 horse ti years, I aged mare, 1_ colt
rising 3 years; 1 cow due to calf in Nov,
5 sows in December, t due in January,
1 in Marsh, I fu Bitty, 2 heifers rising
3 years, 4 heifers rising a years, 0
Spring and Fall calves, some hens
and geese; 1 manure spreader (Massey
& Harris), 1 cultivator. 1 mower
(Ylaesey tl Harris), I hose rape, 1
wagon, 1 hay rook, 1 set bob sleighs
(nearly new), l' -set harrows, 1 straw
cutting box, t weigh seal* to we,gh 6
hundred, 1 farming mill, 1 walking
plough, 2 sets heavy harness, 8 bee,
Timothy Seed, I sugar kettle, 2 water
troughs, 1 tongue for buggy or cutter,
llolotte oreaoi separator, t. cook stole'
and outer articles too numerous to
1 lactation
ITerms, -Ail solus of 510 and ender
cash. Over that amollr,t 10 months
oredit til approved joint note'. or 5
per cent discount for cash.
Wm. Smith, Tilos, Brow.,
R. R, No 2 Walton
Proprietor Auctioneer
Each "Pape's Dlapepsin" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery In five minutes,
Time ill In five minutes nil stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, fool
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
edy in the whole world and besides it
is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty -cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin
from any drug store, You realize, in
five minutes how needless It is to suf•
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world,
DO IT NOW. -Disorders of the
digestive apparatus 811o0l,1 be dealt
with at on0e before complications arise
thatmay he ditli0uit to cope with. The
surest remedy to this end and one that
is within reach of all, is Parmelee'$
Vegetable ,Pills, the best laxative and
0edetic8 ori the market. Do not delay
but try them now. One trial will
convince anyone that they are the best
etomaoh regtnlu:tor that (tan be got,
All Items tinder 41110 HOad are
published tree of charge, ex-
cept those regarding meetings
whom an admission tee 10
(Merged. The nate for snob
being dee cent per tumuli flue
St. James'
St. James, Church, Itev, Father P
Corcoran, Rev. Fettle G. le North -
graves ,Morning Maes 7 a,m, High
Mass 10,30 a. 113. Sau(ay school 2,311
p 10, Evening vespers 7 p.m,
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Reetor. Sunday
ser00 es 1I a.nl anti 7 pan, Sunday
Schon 1 2,30 p. m. %Vomeu s Anglican
Missionary. Association, 'Tuesday 2.30
p.m- Children'sbranah Saturday 2 p.m.
utorcession cervices every Thursday,
.0 0,111.
First Presbyterian
Nev, k'. H. Larkin„ Pastor, Suuday
800810es 11 tam, and 7 p m. Sunday
school 2,30 p,m. Prayer sleeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooioty'the first Tuesday in eaah
mouth at 7.455. Barbara Kirkman Mis•
sion Band 3rd Tuesday in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine MisOio11 Band
every 20d Monday at 4.15 pan.
Rev. G. Mcls.iuley, B. D., pastor
-SUNDAY -Class at 10:00 a.m.
Pnblic service 11 a.n1, and 7 p.m. Sm:.
day anhool and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Timrsda y 8, pan.
Salvation army
Capt. broad and Lieut. Sauuors
Holiness meeting 1 a.m. Praise
service 3 pan, Gospel service) 7 pen.
Childrens Service -Directory oless Di
a.m. Bible ofasses 4 p.m, M\'tiek night
Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting
3 p.m.
Egmondvilie, Presbyterial)
iter'. J. Argo, pester. Sunday 885
vices 11 11.111. and 7 p 141. Bible elves
3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. in. Y.P,3I.01. Union 3rd friday
ill the mouth 8 p u1. Wenlen's Miseioe-
11ry Society 3rd Wednesday 10 the mouth
at 2.341 p,m, Ladies' Aid met, a inn•
mediated), after.
Mcitiliop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday
58rvicee Duffs' citadel 1I a m Sunda)
school lb a ill- Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 pan. Wotuen's aliseicuary
Society last Friday ill each 01011111 at
2 o'clock,
Constance Methodist
Rev. \M', Kahle, pastor. Sunday
service 2,30 p,m, Young People's Lea.
g tat 30 p le Sunday ? omen's Auxi!-
ary first Tuesday of every mouth a
30 p,m, Ladies' Aid last Tllnrstlay
of each month 9.30 p.lu
Wirth -op Presbyterian
Sunday se(vice 2,30 pm, Sunday
chord I Iaprn, Prayee me811n g
Tuesday 8 p.m. L.0,1 last Wed:
Won Fame on its Uerits,-The un-
boancled popularity that Dr, I'ltomao'
4olecttio Oil Oujuys is not attributable
to any elaborate advortisieg, for it line
not been t0 advertised, but is entirely
due to the merits of this Oil 8e a med-
icine. In every city, town ami hanflet.
in the country it is sought after solely
because of its good qualities.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones;
metal, horse hail, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books
and newspapers
Appelzft lillt»an
Awes8 from Creamery
Ph,i1e 183
and take a look in our u,in
dozy or better still call in
our Studio and see the class
of Portraits ole make and
the handsome nein mount-
ings we Have just received
Bring the children 211 and
have those ,photographs
made before the cold ulealher
Aeries. Or perhaps its a
family group photo you want
Trp us when you want a
small photo enlarged. Ne
can please gou.
We do finishing for Ama-
Picture framing a Specialty.
Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderine,
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
Is fluffy and Matrons', try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not haws nape
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robe
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching 01
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and dle; then the hair falls out
rests Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug
score and just try it.
A (,umber of gclod reliable
men can secure steady em-
ployment on Munition work.
Apply to
The k )L't. 130 .Ltigiue Sr.
Ihresher C , Ltd.
Seaforth, Out.
1eFor the .Blood is the Life.'
With any dlooeno duo to Impure blood
ouch ao Eoxema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad
Loge, Abeooeooe, Ulcer., glandular
Swellings, Bol le, Pimple°, Some of any
kind, Piloe,Blood Peleon,Rheu...atiom,
Gout, oto., dons waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surti,ce of the skin, What you want
Is a medicine that will thoroughly has the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone Is tate true
cause of all your puttering. Clarke's Mood
mixture isjust such a medicine. Itis composed
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood ;01 impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
can 'be relied on to educt a lasting aur;
!Mown,* of lest ,o irk,
fbrsetrifot.riep phleF
mind MO),
Over 50 years'
Nonni to
hike. 'v
Sold by n!I
08.ntals and
0 0,, off4
41480the las.
1n all couldries,Ask for our INVENTOR
ADVISER, .which will be sent free, 3,
1 MARION MiltA [[arc
Childeen z40 (4.2 ,h,mhorns seer
allow the symptoms, and any mettles
can detect the pl'pa0noe of thele par-
asities by the M (41411iuge and fretting of
the ohi'ld. Until expel!, '1 rind the
system ol*'nreti of them, tilo'allild 00.10 -
not regluiu its health, Miller's Worm
Powders are prompt and of icient, not
only for the eradication of worms, but
also as 8 totter up for children that seri
run down in consequence.
0: 11!