HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-18, Page 3Practical and. Becoming 7 Military times demand military clothes, for the small boy es well as his Older brother.' The cape may be omitted on this one, however, if he does not care for it. McCall Pattern No. 7980, Boys' Overcoat, In 4 sizes; 1 to 4 years. Price, 15 cents. There is" nothing more becoming and practical than the coat dress. Trimmed with braid on pockets, belt, cuffs and skirt, there is nothing smart- er'than this coat dress. Again we find the straight silhouette a favorite. McCall Pattern No.1052, Misses' Coat Dress. In 4 sizes; 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. One Person Must Live Off the Pro- duction of Every Eleven Acres. The earth has a trifle less than 197,000,000 square miles of total sur- face. A little over a fourth of this surface is land, 65,000,000 square miles of •it. And of this 28,000,000 square miles, or a scant fraction over one-half, is soil that can be used for food production. The rest is desert, mountain range and polar regions. A little of this might possibly be re - e claimed; but not very much. So here we have two vital facts in the practical geography of to -day: There are 1,600,000,000 people on the earth to feed and 28,000,000 square miles of tillable land with which to do it. Or, reduced to figures in which we, are more accustomed to think, this means that one person must live off the production of every eleven acres, on an average, the world over. Don't say, "It can't be done," for it must be done or somebody will starve. In pililt, Belgium to -day, as for the last two STRONG PEOPLE. NEEDED 1 The need for people to be llealtilY is urgent, Those wlloni illness' has put outettle the renits or robust men and women feel their position keenly. They are handicapped in every walk of life and lvedlt men and nerve -worn women gleed more earnestly than .ever to put their health right and become active and strong. Many who began "patelning" menthe ago are as 111 now PS on the clay they began vainly tin- kering with eonunmn drugs. Every ail- ing man and woman should remember that the lige of, debility, nerve exhaus- tion, indigestion, sleeplessness, llelu'al- gia, and depression come from a fauliY . blood supply, Worry, over -work. Or other causes have impoverished the blood and left the Ilfe-stroiym impure. The nerves thereby are starving and the whole system is languiehing for new blood. In' this oonditipn many thousands have Non back strong nerves and now health and strength through the new ricin blood Dr. Wil- liams Pink P111e actually mattes. I0 a weak or bloodless condition it is not only a waste of time and money, but also a further menace to your health to tinker with common drugs. Fol- low the example of so many thou- sands by giving Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, and they will trans- form you into healthy, active men and women. You can get these pills through any dealer in -medicine, or by mail at 60. cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. ALGOMA AND AN AUTHOR. If an author can be said to be the product of any particular district— and wby not, just as much as a variety of flower, or fruit, or grain ?—Alan Sullivan,the distinguished Canadian poet and novelist, should be most pro- perly identified with Algoma, that curiously shaped county of Ontario which stretches from the cities and settlements of the chores of Lake Huron and Lake Superior, up through the 2,900 square miles of the Missis- sauga Forest Reserve, to the great fur -trading territories three hundred and sixty miles north, where it Is bounded by the Albany River, the chief tributary of James Bay. The southern shores of this county were colonized some thirty years ago at the instance of C.P.R. agents, by hardy pioneers from the -elder counties of Kincardine and Bruce, but the city of Sault Ste. Marie has its roots in the remoter past, as it was a trading post for the voyageurs, who travelled for the furtraders of Montreal into the far West. Alan Sullivan, whose father was Bishop of the Algoma Diocese, was at one time engineer of the work of construction and ballasting the Al- goma branch of the C.P.R. between 1 Sudbury and the Sault Ste. Marie, and uses the local color in several of his short stories. "It was fascinating," he says, "in those days to watch the psychological effect of the arrival of the track, or even of the survey party on the settlers. They brightened up, and looked at their fares with new eyes. They were iu touch with the world that heretofore bad seemed so distant." The bush fires, the miners, the hunters, the mail carriers, the Indian agents and the trappers have provided rich material for Alan Sulli- van's stories, some of the best of which have been collected in the vol- ume colied "The Passing of Owl -I, But " More recently he bas enlarged his field, and in his latest volume, "The Inner Door," he takes for at- mosphere the labor movement in a small industrial town. But the town is still in Ontario, a fact that makes it all the more interesting to the Cana- dian reader, who takes an interest in the now rapid growth of a distinctive Canadian literature. If corn is planted from stalks that have suckers, that is what will be raised. Like begets like. Select corn seed from the stalk as it stands, so as to know its parentage. Spiraea or astilbe roots potted up now will flower in the window garden next winter. -There are several varie- ties of white anci various shades of years, helpless mothers watch their babies slowly starve to death before their eyes. Poland is in almost as pitiable a plight, judging from the fragmentary reports that have filtered through, and all Europe is suffering to some extent, the poor especially. TIIE APPLE WORM Most, Destructive of the Insects That Attack Fruit The common apple worm causes a greater money loss than .any other insect that attacks fruit, destroying from one-fourth to one-half of the en- tire apple crop of this continent every year. The average apple crop is about 60,000,000 barrels. Thus ono is able to figure roughly the destruction ac- complished by this abominable wor'ni. The apple worm's mamma, from yehoso eggs the destructive larvae de- velop, is the coddling moth. One cure for the mischief is to spray the trees with arsenical or other min- eral posions. The worms eat the pole- d/led leaves and die. Thanks to this i)ireatment, the choice grades of ap- plee nowadays come to market in per- fect condition with no worm holes and no worms, �n the technical art Boys can fear t p of agriculture from older workmen or heir employers far Metter than they elementary echo 1,—Sir an lens o in e •a y Obert Wright, TH ER E'S NO DOUBT ABOUT AS A HEAL H .IMPROVEM NT OVER TEA 6" COFFEE l]iIlMAN "FRIGHTFULNESS." Hee Not AlwaysSeen an Unqualified Success. As a destroyer, the poison gas cloud ..-chlorine or bromine liberated from titrate; to be swept towerd the enemy by a favoring breeze—has been, on the whole, a disappointment to the Germans. These gases, being heavier than air, hug the ground. Ip the first great at- tack by that means, at Ypres, the Bri- tish suffered terribly. But the Allies promptly adopted this novel expedient in frightfulness, and the Germans have experienced as much damage from it as their foes, Ono trouble with it is that the wind has to be just right—in the correct direction, and not too much or too lit- tle of it. The intending attackers may have to wait for many days for the breese they want, Then there are the gas -masks, which, for the enemy, are a pretty good protection. It is noticeable that at the present time gas simile are largely employed. They have almost wholly superseded the gas -emission method. A big pro- jectile carrying a quantity of bromine or chlorine (compressed to a liquid) is sure to arrive at or near its intend- ed destination. It bursts; the liquid instantly volatilizes, and the resulting poison -gas spreads far and wide. More spectacularly horrible is the flame -projector, which is operated by two men. One carries the machine (a combined reservoir and gas -gener- ator), and the other manipulates a hose -pipe that discharges a stream of fire, The flame "carries" thirty yards. It will instantly destroy a man that far away, literally burning his flesh from off his bones. But if the distance be thirty-one yards, and the man is pro- vided with a bomb or two, he has the fiam e- roJector stopped every y time. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. A. C. Smith, Goodwood, Ont„ writes :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past two years and have found them the best medicine a mother can give her little ones and I would not be without them." The Tablets never fail to banish the sim- ple ailments of childhood. They regu- late the bowels; sweeten the stomach and make the cross sickly baby bright, healthy and happy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hox from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Submarine Rescue. Ane of the most dramatic and thrill- ing of the episodes of this war was the escape of a boatload of British seamen from a German cruiser in the naval battle off Helgoland. The Brit- ish steamship Defender, having sunk a German craft, lowered a whaler to pick up the swimming survivors. Be- fore the task had been completed, a German cruiser came up and chased the Defender, which thus had to aban- don its small craft. The men in the whaler were in a sad plight. Without food or water, in an open boat, twenty-five miles from Land and that land a hostile one, with nothing but fog and foes surrounding them, they hardly knew which way to turn. Suddenly there was a swirl alongside, and up popped the British submarine E-4, which opened its con- ning tower, took the occupants of the whaler on board, closed the opening, submerged, and sped homeward, 250 miles away. pm Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by 'San, Dust and Wind quickly FOR i0' relieved by Murine. Try it In youRyourEyesandinBaby's Eyes. 1.rejNoSmartiag,JustEyeComfort Murine Eye illemed AE Your Drng ist'e sr hr y naB bee pe rho 101#6. ts. -Fres. Urn Salvo, in Taboo Bo. For Boeb of tho Puna—Free. AakalUrtne Eye Remedy CO.. Chicago d "111 weeds grow apace." Keep them from seeding. "One year's seeding makes seven years' weeding." Tginard'e Liniment Cures Dandrn8. Ancient Bronze Razors. A razor recently dug out of an Etruscan tomb is thought to be 2,500 years old. It is of bronze—for the Etruscans of those days, who preceded the earli- est of Romans in Italy, knew no steel. Doubtless its edge was originally much less ragged than it now appears, buts -even when new and freshly sharp- ened, it must have been an instrument of tonsorial torture. Nevertheless, 2,500 years ago, it was doubtless esteemed an admirable tool. For one should remember that among peoples not so very much earlier then the Etruscans the customary method of removing the beard was by plucking —a process that must have been little short of agonizing. On Duty Elsewhere. An Irish soldier had lost an eye in battle, but was allowed to continue hi the service on consenting to have a glass eye in its place, says an English paper. One day, however, he ap- peared on parade without his artificial eye. "Nolan," said the officer, "you are not properly dressed, Why is your artificial eye not in Ito place ?" "Sure, siiy" replied Nolan, "I left it in me box to keep an eye on the kit while I'm on parade." The big galvanized mail -box perch- ed en top of a lonely post was never designed, for beauty but it's a scare- crow that drives the lonesome owl forever fix= the farm. `. o---o'•-o-•o—o--o•-.o.--o---o---a--o--o�--p YES 1. MAGICALLY r C.(?IiNlS LIFT CUT WXTII FINGERS 0 You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freas000,'- This, will cost very little but will positively removeevery hard or soft corn or cal- lus from one's feet. A few drops of this now ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness Me staiitly, and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can he lifted Off with the fingers, This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati roan, who says that freezoue dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding Facia, Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at 1115 COrne, but clip this out and make him try it,. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. Water, Water Everywhere. "Yes," said the American, "I was once out of sight of land on the At- lantic Ocean twenty-one days." The Australian spoke up: "on the Pacific Ocean one time I didn't see land for twenty-nine days." The Englishman knocked the ashes from his cigar, and contributed his bit: "I started across the Thames in a skiff once," he said, "and was out of sight of land before I reached the other side." "What'?" demanded the American. "The Thames isn't wide enough for that anywhere!" "Quite true," said the Englishman. "The skiff turned over, and I sank twice!" ,r Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Dear Sirs,—I can recommend MI- NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS, St. John, Take seed corn from the best pro- ducing stalks as they stand thick in the field.. Ouch seed is more likely to meet competition successfully than seed which comes from a stalk which stood alone end did not 'suffer from the crowding bf its neighbors. Men in Training Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier, and exposure to bullets is not as serious as exposure to all kinds of weather and dampneel. Rheumatic aches: sore and stiff muscles, strains and sprains: chil- blains and neuralgia, all are enemies of the soldier; and the relief for all these pains and aches is Sloan's Liniment. Clean and convenient to carry or use; does not stain; and penetrates without rubbing. Generous sized bottles,• at all druggists. 25e, 50c.. $1.00, Italy'$ Here, General Cadorna is the hero of his country. Ile is sixty, -five years of age, and entered the Italian Army just twenty-four Years ago as a,Staff of- ficer, Ile has made a life-long study of war, and, like our own Sir William Robertson, is extraordinarily deeply read in the history of all the great wars of the world. General Clador'na's father was also a distinguished sol- dier. When the Italian general wont to the Italian Staff College he was not regarded as a particularly clever stu- dent, but he was profoundly painstak- ing, and passed out of the college with high honors, Minard's Liniment Germs Burne, into. Continuous grain growing is hard on the soil where plentiful manuring ; is not practiced, and even when fer- tility is kept up the practice is not safe owing to the opportunity it gives of .an increase of pests affecting the crop. CUTICURA HEhIED VERY TCHY SALP Burning Kept Her Awake Nights, Hard Lumps Came Then Turned to Scales, "My scalp began by being very itchy and burning which would keep me G awake nights it was so �/, bothersome. First there would come little hard 10 dumps and when I scratched them they would turn to flaky scales e�'�! jand Ieot no r J k' got CuticurraSoap nand Ointment. They gave instant relief and in a week I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alfred Berthelotte, Ed RiverCrossing, N. B., February 11, '16. Most skin troubles might be prevented by using Cuticm•a Soap and Ointment for every -day toilet purposes. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, V. S. A." Sold everywhere. i4ARES:EllE WHITEST,tIGNfISI E5 11 COMPANY rl0 WINN:IORONTO,ono .0. .16 He boon Canada s favorite yeast fpr ever a quarter of a oonturv, Woad baked with Royal Yeast will hoop toeh and moist longer than that mado with any other, so that a full W00100 QupPly Dien 0081111 be mado at ono baking, and the .Jae* loaf will be lust as good as the first, MADE iN CANADA • BWOILL1TT COMPANY LIMITED 'WINNIPEG TORONTO, ONT. reoarrntSa Every citizen who can do so should plan early for a garden next year. Economists agree that should the war. close now, it would be several years before the warring countries abroad can produce their normal output of crops. Prices are' therefore likely to be high for a long time to come, zetuara's 0iainrent for sale everywrlere. Eoropean factories each week make about 16,000,000pounds of artificial butter with cocoanut oil es a base. MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Express Money Order, They are payable everywhere. Peru was the first country to add instruction in aviation to its public school mime:ulum. 80ivard's Lintment Belieyes Neuralgia. When buying your Piano insist on having an ii OTTO H 9 G E L " PIANO ACTION 0,4 ii Six varieties of sea weed are need by the Japanese in the manufacture of vegetable isinglass, drEW$Potrmn$ F010 SAL=I 1) rtOFBINMAK1NG NEWS AND JOB Oftices for eaia in good Ontario towns. The most 0145601 and lnterestlag of all businesses, full information on application to Wilson Publishing -Com•. wtnY, 78 Adolnlde $treat, Torontto ikriSCRLLATrA01QM (toNCrdR. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. NL/ internal and external, .cured w.tth• out pain by our homo treatment Writs us before too tate. Dr, Bellman Medioad Co.. Limited, Colllnawoodl Ont. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind—an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,. strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. If heals and soothes. 51.00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid, Will tell you more if you write. W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F„ 510 Lymaos Bldg., Montreal, Oa% SIsarblae sad Absorblaa Jr.. are made Is Caasdnr E i% 0, by 'tis,' •05 ^�//.�/ Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City Physician and Medical Author says "There can be no strong, vigorous, iron men nor beautiful, healthy, rosy cheeked women without Iron—,Nuxated Iron taken three times per day after meals will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time In many Instances. Avoid the old forma of metallic iron which may Injure the teeth, corrode the stomach, and thereby do more harm than good. Take only organic iron—Nuxated Iron." It Is dis- pensed by all good druggists. ry Beck, Th Well Known Eye Specialist and 1 ::=ctr Judki sA The Medical iUttli1 r, Fl bl sh Astrup' ishi h g .: ?sport o Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances P SHARP A STABBRO Woman Thought She Would 13 ie. Cured by Lydia E. PinIcham Vegetable Compound. Ogdensburg., Wis.--"I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knifo through my back and aide. X finally lost all my strength co I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper- ation but I would not listen to it. I drought of what X had lead about Lydia 16. Pmkhanl's Vege- table Compound and tried it. The first' bottle brought groat relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. — Mrs. E6rADeme Ogdensburg) Wis. Phy iciansundoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is eurpassed by the medicinal properties. of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E., Phikham s Vegetable Compound, If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia 15. Pinkham Medicine Masts Co., Lynn, Masts,forspecial free advice, ISSTJE No. 42--''17. 1)R, BECK A Flee Prescription You Can Rave Filled and Ilse at Rome. NOW York.—Dr. Beck, it New York state eye specialist, and Dr. Jndldne, a Massa- chusetts physiclen, were asked to make a thorough test of the popular eye remedy, Bon Opto. Their reports were most Inter- esting. neve they are: Dr. Beck reports 'When my attention was nest called to she wonderful eye rem- edy, 000 Opto I was inclined to be skepti- cal. I matte it a rule to test every now treetolent which is brought to my attention. Ertviug specialized in 0y8 work,for tiro past twenty ynars, I Geneve I ain •qualfnn to 0x50005 011 intelligent opinion en remedies applicable to the oyes. Since Bon Opto has created such a sensation throughout the 'United States and Canada, I weloomecl the opportunity to test it. I began to use it in my practice a little over a year ago and nun frank to tiny that the results obtains are such that I hesitate to tell of my ex- perience for fear it will sound incredible Some of the results I have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonished myself but also other physicians with whom I Have talked about it. I have had many individ- uals who had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, near-sightedness, aettgma- tiem and other eyo weaknesses, tell me they have dispensed with them through the adop- tion of the Bon Opto principal, Melly eye, troubles can be traced directly to imam lar contraction and relaxation and onto Bon onto method tells how to exeratse and de - vette) the eye muscles, it reaohos oonditions not possible through other means, I advise every thoughtful physician to study Bon true 1 havepand give theit doubt `fa e10 mind they wi11 00010 to the conchlsion I B have, namely, that the on Opto method opens the door for the cure of many eye troubles which Mee horetofoee been impos- sible to cope with, 'the treatment is SO ehnple in its application that it can be used at home by anyone of average intelligence. 111 my own preeti00 I have omit Strengthen the eyesight more than 50 per cent in ,one week's time. T have also used it with sur- prising effect in oases of work strained eyes, j?auk eye, tndatemed lids, catarrhal con- unctivltes, smarting, painful, aching; itch- ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and 1n fast many other conditions too numerous' to deserlbein thus report, A new and startling ease has.just come under my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto, is that of a young girl, 12 years old. Two prominent eye speeiallstp, after a thorough examination of the young girl, decided in order to gave the sight of her right eye, the left eye must be removed. Before permit- ting her t0 be operated on, the young girl's father decided to use Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the'otlani- mntion had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was saved. Jost think what the saving of that eye means to this little girl. Another case is that of a lady ninety-three years old. She acme to use with dull vision aid extreme inflamma- tion of tho lids and the conjunctiva was al- most raw. Alter two woke' use of Bou Opts the lids worn absolutely normal and her teen.cyee" are as bright as many a girl of six Dr. Judkins, Maesaehusetts physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union Gen- eral 1Iospital, Boston Mase., and formerly House Surgeon at the' New England );ye and Ear Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years, reports; I have found .oculists too prone to oper- ate and opticians too willing to prescribe glasses while neglecting the simple formu- las which form tele basic; of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This,in my opinion, is a remarkable Mil- ady or the cure and prevention • of many eye disorders. Its 0000045 111 developing and strengthening the eyesight will soon make eyeglosses old fashioned end the form of e baths. whi0h the Bon 01100 method pro-, Vivdes, will make its use n3 common as that of the tooth brush, I ale thoroughly con- vinced trent ply expeelelaae with Bon Opto that 1t will strengthen the eyesight at least, 60 per cent in one Peek's time in. nrariy ia- etan:los. Ar. W.B.. Devine, director of medical in0peetlon in the Boston Scheele In Ids report published February 40, 1it1T, states that only 14,010 out of 80,178 ex - endued, need to wear glasses now, a marked doeroaee over the previous report. Bon Opto is hastening the eyeglasslesa age in bespectacled Boston." Victims or eye strain end other eye weak- neste6 and th0a 0 w110 wear 91110508 will be glad t0 know that' a000rdtng to Dr. Beek and Dr. Sudkins Moro is real hope and help for them. after who0 eyes were fail- ing say they havehad tiler eyes restored by this romnrksbe prescription end many Who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away.' Ono man 0aas (after using its I was almost blind. Could not see to read at ail, Now 5 can read every- thing without my glosses and my eyes do not hurt any More At night they would pitin dreadfully. Now they feel Ono all the time, 51 was like a tnlrncle to me.' A mar who teed it 0av51 "'rhe ntmnsphere seemed hazj+ with or without glasses but after using this prescription for 18 11nys everything seems clear. I can rend even nuc print without glasses," Another who maid it 8ay81 " wag bothered with eye atrren D11. JUDSINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which in- duced Berme headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work and without them I couldnot read my own name on an ,envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I. can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses altogether. I ma aotunt the fluttering leaves on the trees aurone the street .now, which for several yearshave looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at what 10 has done Pok Inc." It is believed that thousands who ,wear glasses Can now discord them in a reason- aille time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen theireyesso as to be Spared the trouble and expense of over getting ginoses. 11'n troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of tots p}es0rfppti n at home. Stere is the pre- scription: Go to any olive drug store and get a bottleref Bon Opto tablets. Drop end Bon Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass op water and let It di0solve, With Bits liquid bathe the eye0 two to four tunes daily, You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from 0110 start and inflammation end redness will quickly disappear, If your oyes bother you even a little, it is yo0k duty to tape stops to save them now before 1t is too late. Many 1lopeleael' blind might have • .saved their sight if they had eared for their eyes 111 time. n {{ to � the above nrilcl3 was sntimlttod, 0,1111 n "vo Mlle 1300 Opto plaser1pt10n is truly a wonderful 0 remedy. 0ts constituent rpgttredlouts aro welt he. Wit to eminent eye npoelanstb Rad. widely 11.s..; serMee by OYom, I have need It very surcese. fully la Mr. Own practice -on petteete 101,050 0yeb wore strained through overwor1 or raisin masses It in one 6t, tho fie few nrepntattons. 4 ft�ol should Go kept on1 hand for regular Ilse ip, 011nest every ramuy.' Bon^ Opte referred td a ore, 10 not a patent meelelne or a 0600 remedy. 10 in ,an ethlonl preparation the fel'. gonia being printed on the poeirnist, the menu flamers guarantee It to strengthen 070411414 30 per rent Ins elle wook's time to many ia. Willem, or refund.. the money. , itis idea/wood by an good druggists, including teeneral 0toresi also b:,dt1. Tamblya and T. Botha' et 00.. Toronto,