HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-11, Page 8WE WANT NOW ,,..asy,..a.awit�..aa�aa«..+�•aiw�waflCl
A RelLble Agent in Huron County
to Sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit Bud
Ornamental trees during Ennead Win
ter months. Good pay, exclusive torr.
itory, free selling equipment,
Over 600 Aeree of the choicest Nur.
eery stook including New varteties con•
trolled by ne. Handsome nike.elete
selling equipment and a Rplondid Can
adieu grown stock, to offer customers.
We are not jobbers. Write now for
agency tame to PELHAM NURSERY
CO, , Toronto, Ont,
N. B, C:ttalogue sent on request to
applicants for agencies or purchasers of
Nursery 5tt'r•k,
A Remedyfor Earache.— To have
the earache is to endure torture, The
ear is a delicate organ and few
care to deal with it, considering
it work for doctor. Dr. Thomas
Electric Oil offers a simple remedy•
b. few drops upon a piece of lint
or of medioated cotton and pleoed in
the ear will work ;venders in __
Hering pain.
ae.m.aaarua.�«uaaa.a.a a'w-�raw�-a K!
Mr. 0. Marvin of Seaforih spent a
few days with Mr, R. Faireers'ice,
Rev, and Mts. R,..1, Ross of Auburn
visited Mr, Abrey on his Way to Hen -
sell when Air. McConnell was induoted
to Cannel Church.
The regular meeting of the Al'umen's
Institute will be held ou Thursday to
the Forester's Hell, take making will
be subjeot. Three quilts have been
matte and will be given to the Byron
Sanitarium at London.
The sermon preached here by Rev.
Mr, Lindsay from Welton was very in-
stractive and helpful, The Methodist
Ohnreh was closed for the day,
James Snell celberated their sixty-se-
`ooud birthday reuently, They canto
near being tis.
Alias MarySnell line returned to
Hamilton where she it training fur e
AIr, and Mrs. Gibbing spent a day
with Mr. John Cartwright,
Mr, Edward Crawford end
Mr, end 11 Ire. Thos. flanking has
been in Clinton visiting their daugh-
The anneal convention of the Stan-
ley and Tuekeremith S, Schou! was
held here on Tuesday with a session at
two and ou at 'eight.
We are hoping for good weather
for the Fair on Wednesday. A grand
concert will be hold at night in the
own Ball when a good programme
will be provided,
Richmond MuDool, our oldest citizen
died haat weak at the age of 91 years.
He was born in Ireland and came to
°anode in 1843, settling in Goderioh
Township. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev, Mr, Evereat and
Orange Lodge.
Mrs. Win, triton is' now suffering
from an attaok of brouohitis. A short
time ago thus lady was thrown from e
par and badly hurt. She was recover..
ing nicely when this set in and,
considering her Lige it has been very
hard on her. We hope soon to re.
port her recovery,
Mr, and Mrs. S. McPhail of Porter's
Hill have been visiting the brother of
the itttts'ssshe has beau very i11.
Catherine O, Moffatt became the
wife of Robert Mcl{ay, sou of Air,
and Airs, Mcay,�ox reeve of Tooker -
smith. Ouly$a,tKChe, imtnediete friends
werefpresent when the oermouy was
performed by Rev..1. E. Jones of Var-
Next meeting of Councilat Winthrop
Cet, 20th 1917 at 1,30 p. in.
- M. Mnrdie, Clerlr.
a' If Canada fails us in October, we must curtail many of our activities."
Sir ARTHUR STANLEY, Chairman, hxeeutivc Committee, British Red Cross,
It now costs $300,000.00 a week to carry on the work of the British Red Cross, or
$16,000,000.00 a year.
Every minute of the day and night it costs $30 to minister to the sick and wounded
and dying.
Last year Ontario's magnificent contribution paid for the entire work of the British Red
Cross for nearly six weeks.
This year, in view of the greater need, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that Ontario's
contributions will be as great proportionately as the magnificent offering of last year.
Our trust is, that the Citizens of Ontario will give generously to this noble cause on—
A Few Facts about British Red
Cross Work.
The British Red Cross Society is the
only institution which carries voluntary
aid to the Sick and Wounded of the
British forces on laud and sea 10 every
rtifion of the War.
It.".. 'Wilt hi wherefore the concerti of all
1 classes of British subjects, whether living
in the British Isles in the Dominions and
Colonies beyond the see , or in foreign
57,000 Hospital Beds found in the
United Kingdom,
Nu song St these provided with
2,000 Trained Nurses working at
home and abroad,
7,500 V. A. 77,°s helping in Army.
$220,000 spent on equipment of King
George Hospital (1,850 beds) and
$130,000 a year contributed to cost of
its maintenance,
$225,000 spent on building and equip-
ping Netley Red Cross Hospital
(1,000 beds); and
$625,000 spent on maintenance.
$175 000 for Orthopaedic Curative
Workshops and Training Fund.
$185,000 for Facial Injury krospitala
t; ll"a>ri<atm nt Buildings,, Toronto
Thursday Oct, 11
The Walton. Red Cross Union will
donate the proceeds of next Friday's
Tea to the Trafalgar Fund, Every
body some inlet help,
Miss Mabel Stafford has returned
after spending it pleasant two weeks
with her Wend, Mrs Carl Houston of
The W, 1, of Walton will hold their
regular meeting in the Workman's Hall
Thursday Cot, t8 at 3 p, in, Mrs. J,
J. MoUas'iu will give a Demanstt•atiot
in canning jelly and pickles; Each
ntontber is asked to bring a sample of
canned fruit or pickles,
Mr. Jaolt Looly of Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving with his brother, Mr LJ,
Mr, Frank MoCoutel spent a few
days in London and St, Thomas.
Mr J. Weber of Tilsonburg spent
Thaulcegiviug at his home hero.
Mr John Evans of Stratford spelt
Sunday at his hone.
Quite a number from hero attended
the Eouharistic Congress held at Et,
Toeeph's Church in Stratford on Tees•
Miss Rogers, teacher of the Public
School spent the week end et her home
in Stratford.
Mr W Weber of Stratford spent Mon
day at his home her?,
Misses Annie Shea and Mamie Step..
loton of Toronto spent the holiday "h t
the letters home Wast of the village,
A number from here attended the
funeral of Mrs Henry Pierce in :ditch.
ell on Saturday.
Mr John Maloney spent a few clays in
Mr Chas, McDaid called on Stratford
friends last week,
Mr W.J. Redmond of St. Thotn,s
spent Thanksgiving at his home.
Mrs Toni Pierce of Detroit spent It
few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs
Wm Evans,
Mr Jas. Longworth has returned
from the Western provinces,
Mrs Potter of Buffalo is visiting her
sister Mrs John Donnely, South of the
Mr. David Pinkney of Stratford is
visiting his cousin Mr. George Pinkney
Goderioh St.
Miss Jennie McBride spent a few
days in Tuokersmith,
Mrs. E. Brennan, of Kitohener is
visiting at the home of Mr, John Pink.
Mr. Norman Henry, who has boon
the guest of Mrs, J, S. Roberts for the
past week returned on Tuesday to Osh-
Mr, Edward Hanna of Winnipeg wt,s
a visitor ab the home of Mr. and Mis,
A. D, Sutherland,
The Annual '1'hankoffering meeting
of the Woman's Mieeionary Society was
held in First Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday afternoon, An iiatoresting
address was given by bliss McLaren of
St. Mary tvho was formerly matron of
the Birtle tuchistrial School The offer-
ing amoun-ed to'$107, In the aveuiug.
of the same day Mise McLaren address
ed the Barbera Kirkman Circle; a large
number of young ladies being present.
Their offering was $18,50
At a citizens' meeting 011 Friday last
10 was decided to appoint the same sol.
lectors for a canvas for the British and
Italian Red Cross Funds as before.
The oanvae will be made on Oct, 18th
The need is great Have your money
ready when the collector calls,
Pte. Fred Taylor arrived home on
Monday. He was wounded in April
In France, He went with the 16Ist
Ptee, Percy Rolph, Emmett Belly,
Alex, Muir and '1', Beatty were here
over the holiday.
Miss McLaren of St, Marys was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs, James Cowan,
Captain Hodgins was home on leave
from Whitby,
Mrs' Whimster of Aurora and Miss
Jean Diokson of Toronto were guests
ab the home. of Mr, and Mrs, A, D.
Corporal W. Brine has returned home
from overseas.
Miss Gertrude Reid spent Thanks•
giving witb friends in Brantford.
Mr, Thos, Rands and his brotherin•
lav► returned on Friday from Dakota,
If ever there is, a time to wear good
looking Shoes , it's on Thanksgiving
The feet are prominent and cannot
be hid,
We have Shoes that make the feet
glad to get into them,
Name the price you wish to pay and
we will show the best shoes at the
price anywhere.
Look well to
your feet at
R. S T`r
"The Rome of Good Shoes'
l`llone 51
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath--Can'..y, Cathartic.
No odds bow bad your liver, stom-
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels—you always get
relief with Cascarets, They imme-
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
onstipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
10 -cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Sa S, Workers Meet in Buffalo
The Board of the International Sun-
day School Association at their. Fall
meeting in Chicago, fixed ,June iyth to
25th as the dates of the fourteenth
Convention to be held at Buffalo N. Y.
.n 1918. Ontario is third among the
the Status and Provinces in the number
alloted, New York and Pennsylvania
coming first, The *lumber given to Ont
Brio is 186, Provision is made select-
ing these at the Conventions inChatham
October 21 25 and Peterborough Ooto
ber 3o to November 1, these being the
last Ontario Coniontious held after the
International, Special election of Int-
ernational represenatives, members of
the International Nominating Com.
mittee, and detailed reports will receive
special attention.
The annual Report of the
Belgian Relief Fund
Balance from 1916
Public Donatlono
Private Donations
Post Offioe
Dominion Batik
Bank of Commerce
$ 2.49
7 22
5 96
540 81
on hand ' 19oto
Mrs, J. B, Thompson
Balance on hand
Private donations--
onations—Mrs Ohms. Stewart
Mrs DeLaoy
R, M. Jones
A friend
Dominion Bank
Post Office
2 50
2 5o
1 00
Total r0 29
Expenses 10
Remitted to A. De Jardin 10 00
Balanne 19
Mrs J,B, Thompson, Trees
Attention Ladies!
Airange to have our hair
properlra washed and treated by
Prices most moderate
Shampoo 40c
Shumpoo with:tonic 50c
Appointments made for any
evening alter 8 p. m. Saturdai5
Commercial Barber Shop, C4th
O'Connor—In Hibbert, on Sept 30th,
to Mr, 'and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor, a
MURRAY-.IU Hibbert on Oct. 3rd to
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, a son
BUTTON—ln Seaforth, Oot. 5th 1917,
to Alt and Mrs. -John Button, a
AIo1PUR—In Hibbert. on Oct. 7th to
Mr, and Mrs Peter McIver, a daug-
hter. -
MCKEN%IE—On Tuesday, Oct Sud
Janice Potz the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McKenzie, of Tuck -
eternal). -
DODDS—In Vanguard, Sask, Oct. 0th
Ellen 'Torrance widow of the late
Charles Dodds, gaged 80 years.
BAItk1TT•NA81-1—lu Stratford, Edwin
Barrett to Minnie A. Nash both of
"For the' Blood is the Life."
With any disown, due to Impure blood
ouch an Eoxema, Scrofula, Scurvy,Bad
Logo, Abaco/woo, Ulcers, Glanular
Swelling/4 Boils, Pimploe, 8eroa of any
kind, Pllae,Blood Poioon,Rheumatlem,
Gout, etc„ don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. Wltal you wane
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone is the true
cause of all your sufferingg, Clarke's Blood
Mixture isjust such a medictne, It is composed
of ingredients which .quickly expel from _the
blood all unpuritles, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it Mean and pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting ear3,
ITItses., 'iti'eri9' nphiii ls, --
round teres").
Over 50 rears'
Phaeent 10
Bold by all
Chandais and
Hata. 411
lb all countries.Ask for ottr iNVIC'NTo1}
ADLIV1SBRa MAi,whfeUb ON 9t will auusawhe seat free. , 2