HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-11, Page 5Page 5
SIR EDMUND WALKER. /4 � t SIR JOIN AIRD, General Manager
C,V,O„ LLD" D,C.L,, President 11, V, P. JONES, Asst, Gen'L Manager
CAPITAL PAID (JPa$15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, s $I3,5O0,000
Open a Savings account with this Bank and
deposit money which would otherwise be kept
at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or
theft. Interest is earned, and you have the satis-
faction of knowing that your money is secure.
SJea$ort b. 3reax1 o t
Genuine Vegetable Parchment.
Wrappers specially printed from your
own copy, wedcan• supply them at the follow -
ng prices ---
:tz4.11. 4.174141'
W,J1WaIker & Son
W. J, Walker, holder of go..
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night calls receive our
, 'prompt attention.",
Day Phone (i7 til
®Night ,1 1183
Fall Term from Sept. 4th.
Commercial, Shorthand and 'Tele-
graphy D0partutelito — We have
th1urough courses, oxperiet oetl in-
structora and we pities Graduates in
positions. Demand upon us for
trained hh'Jp is many times the num-
ber graduating. Got once -free
1DeIIclouii "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once,
When peevish, Groes, listleee, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever -
fah, ,.stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," " and An a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of its
little bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again. Ask
your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which con -
Ulna full directions for babies, chil-
dren of all ages and for grown-ups.
Dragged Down by Asthma. '.I'he
plan or woman who is Cell tin1itllly sub-
ject to asthma ie unfitted for his or her
life'e work, Strength departs and
energy is taken away until life hecomet
a dreary existence At.d yet this is
needless. Dr. Kellogg's Asthma Ile
mody has brought a great change to
an army of suffers, It relieves the
r,•strieted air tidies and guards against
trture trouble, Try it,
Miss Annie G. Govenlool(, Graduate
of CanadianAcadenyof Musi ,Toronto,
Teacher's's Course announoea the re-
opening of her classes in piano, organ
and theory, Pupils will bo prepared
for Canadian Academy and Toronto
Couaervatot''y examinations.
For terms and scholarship apply at
Studio, North Slain St, , Seaforth,
Try Us For A
ef>reshiing Shave
Our Speciality
Calf at
Bolton's Barber Shop
1 have for sale sev:
Bonds and
of a particularly
Nigh grade, ibearingl
interest from 512, to
U per cent.
Till information con-
cerning same cheer:
fully given.
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone Or a•
A 11ouu(1, female, answers to tho
name of Floss. Color brown, white
anti blank,
Information gladly received by
Reuben Hart
Winthrop, Out..
0MON . na'...•mpa•....mii..+..g100111101•*N•1..•anM
1•m41.4 ,..w.o.,.,ww•ac,ww•®.neRe1a•w..MM
I �I
! TowaTopics
Dig up your overcoat, have a look at
it, by renewing the velvet Diller, Press-
ing and Cleaning rllaysave youth() price
Of a new one My Wardrobe Galerioh
St. opposite Queens.
Rev, J. H, Larkin D. D, returned
from Montreal last Saturday,
Miss Nettie Pethiok of Platteville
visited her parents, bet', turd Mrs. Geo,
M155 McFadden of Toronto was with
her mother, Mrs, T, McFadden over
the week end,
Miss Anna Bell, Toronto, was a
holiday visitor, at the borne of her
parents Mr. and Mrs Robert Bell,
Miss Verde .Best has returned frotu
visit to friends in Toronto,
Mr and Mrs It. Padgett and sou, Of
Toronto, spent the holiday at the home
of Mr and Mrs E. Chittendsn,
Miss Maxie Horan of Toronto was a I
visitor at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs John Horan,
Mr G, McNabb of Owen Sound spent
the week -end with his grandmother
Mrs Johns McNabb,
Mies McDonald and bliss Collins
spent Thanksgiving in Embro, at the
hone of the former,
Miss Jessie Scott of Holsteinspelt
the holiday with her parents, Mr and
Mrs A. D. Scott, 'Thornton Hall,
Misses Agnes and Eleanor Thornton
of Stratford spent Than sgiviug at
theit home here,
Mr Palmer Whitely of Hamilton was
a visitor at the home of his mother
Mrs 6, Whitely.
Misses Mary, Margaret and Kate
Cowan of Toronto and Miss Phemia
Oman of Dundee spent the holiday
withtheit' parents, Mr and Mrs Jatnee
Mr J. F. Ross, priuotpal of the Coll-
egiate, spent the week -end iu Toronto,
Mise Nelson of tate Collegiate Instit-
ute staff, was a visitor to the Qualm
Mr Clyde Rankin of the Bank of
Commerce staft', Dundee, spent Thanks•
giving at his home here.
Miss Mary iliodetand of Palmerston
spent Sunday with her parents, Mt'.
and Mrs. Isaac blodelaud
Miss Mamie Murray of Hamilton
spout Thanksgiving with her friend
Miss Hazel Reid.
Miss Fl0i$I10e McKay, 'Toronto, was
a visitor at the house of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James McKay,
Miss Ethel Grieve, Toronto, spout
the week -end at the home of her fat-
her Dr, Grieve, (loderieh St.
Mr, Scott and son of Toronto, were
the guests of his uncle, Mr, Alex,
Stehle during the past week.
Miss Bessie Grimm Tara spout the
holiday with her parents, Mr, and hit's,
T. Al, Grieve,
Miss Agnes McKay of Auburn spent
the holiday at the home of her parents
Mr at1(1 Mrs Hguh MoKay.
The"Bir3L of a Nation" attracted
a large number on Thursday night to
Cardnos' Hall,
hlrs Chits, f3 edge's of Windsor was 11i
town last week visiting friends
Mr and Mrs Leonard Bolton spent
Thanksgiving at Waltou.
Mrs, P, Parker, ,Loudon, was the
guest of Mr- oltd hers. W, Govenlock
North Main ;St,
Mrs, Robert Scott and Miss Florence
motored up frotu Toronto and spent
Thanksgiving with friends in town.
Dr and Mrs It B Fisher of Toronto
spent Motley with Mr and Mrs Bright
Mrs Fisher is a neioe of blr Bright,
Miss ,lean Rose of Toronto spent a
few days in town this weak. She is
visiting, her mother, Mrs Lucas Ross in
Thanksgiving Day was observed quiet
ly on Monday, The day was wet and
stormy and not very inviting for oat -
door exercise,
Mrs R. Morten .lodes has returned
Prom a visit to friends in Toronto,
Miss Glenn of Glenn•Charlee, Tor.
onto, Crluada's Hair Fashion Store, will
be in Seaforth„Saturday, Oct, 13th at
the Commerical Hotel, with a full lino
of ladies' and gehtlomon's Emir Goods,
f you are not satisfied with tete appear,
%nee of year hair ooneult Mee Glenn
who is as authority on Hair Goode and
individual Hair Styles, Free Demon.'
Thulrsday, Oci, Il
Stewart's Sell 11 for Less 1 Mail or Phone Your Orders I Stewart's Sell It for Less.
Warm, Soft
Flannelette Blankets at
$1.12. to $1.25 each
With the approaching cold weather
comes the demand for Flannelette
Blankets, and to meet this demand
we offer you the largest sizes in dark
blankets, with blue or pink border in
extra heavy weights, clean and sani-
tary at
1.121 to 1.25
The Best for the Boys
TU RN BULL'S—The name that for
years has stood perfection in Boys'
Underwear. There is no better under
wear made anywhere. Soft, warm,
neat fitting• and made to stand the
wear and tear at old prices 60 to 1.25
IV' m
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Elowels—They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indlges-
tlon, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled wird undi-
gested food, whit"f1 sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the 'first step to untold misery—indi-
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
to-uight will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10 -cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel-
ing good tor months,
Wo.en's Coats
hat are the very Acme
of Exchisive Ch ;rm.
PERFECTION Es the only word that does justice
to our New Fall Coats, Scarcely could you imagine
coats more becomingly attractive and at the salve
time better adapted to the requirements of our.
Canadian winters. Luxurious, waren, comfortable,
strikingly stylish, and last but by no means least,
the prices are surprisingly low when you consider the
perfect workmanship and finish, The new large col
lars and cuffs in , their varied styles are attracting
special attention, While the colorings and patterns
receive the enthusiastic approval of every woman who
see them. Come in and
look them over Price..,
New Fall
A visit to our busy Millinery
Department will convince
you more than we could tell
of the wide popularity:of this
section of our:store. We are
busy because we have quality
and style at a:reasonable price
$20 to $4o
If you purpose making a Fur
purchase this season, come
early while the stocks are full
and complete. We have a
very complete display this
year and the prices are equal–
ly attractive.
A number of good reliable
men can secure steady em–
ployment on A'L•unition "work.
Apply to
The Robt. Bell Engine &
Thresher Co. Ltd.
Seaforth, Ont.
Special $1.95 Optical Sale
of Warranted extra good quality gold
filled rimmed spectacles and oyo glasses
with best quality white spherical lens-
es, Regular 1400 Value for only $I 05
Lyes examined most carefully free by
our will -known and paiustai(!lig speoi-
alist Mr. !Ingham, formerly optical ex.
pert for'Kent's jewelry Store Toronto.
You are assured of honest and Dour.
toolts treatment. Don't miss this
ohanoe as all optical goods are advauo•
ing hi price and hard to get,
Come early, Tw.o days Duly, Tuesday
and Wednesday October t6th .and i7th-
Beattie's Fair Seaforth,
Pay ill
e The Same
Men selected under the Military Service Ads will receive the same pay as
those now on active service receive. Pay will start from the time a man reports
for duty. ' Money from the Patriotic Fund and Separ-
ation Allowance will also be available for seledted men.
Canadian soldiers are well paid. The fact that
wages in Canada are generally higher than those paid
in Europe is recognized in the system of remuneration
for men on adtive service. Clothing and
all equipment in addition to food is also
supplied to the Canadian soldier, leaving
him with no expense except personal
The rate of pay for men in the
Canadian Expeditionary Force, other
rpt than commissioned officers, is as follows:
Warrant Officers , $2A0
Regimental Sergt,•Maier, 11 net a
Warrant Officer 1,85
Quertermaster•Sergeantc . . 1,30
Orderly Room Clerks 1.50
Orderly Room Sergeants . 1.50
Pay Sergeants . 1.50
Squad., Balt., or Co. Sergt•Ma!or . 1,60
Colour•Sergeant or Staf•5ergeant, 1.60
Squad„ Batt., or Co. Q.M.S. . 1.50
Sergeants . . . • 1.35
Lance•Sergeants . . . 1,15
Corporals . . . 1.10
Lance•Corporals . . • 1.05
Bombardiers, or Second Corporals . 1.05
Trumpeters,Buglers, and Drummers 1.00
Privates, Gunners, Drivers . 1.00
Sappers, Batmen, etc. 1.00
30 eta,
20 ”
20 "
20 "
20 "
20 "
20 "
15 "
15 "
10 "
10 "
10 "
10 "
10 "
10 "
As in the case of those already gone overseas, Separation Allowances will
be available for those dependent for livelihood upon seledted men. The
Separation Allowance is $20.00er month for the rank and file, $25.00 for
sergeants and staff -sergeants and $p30.00 for warrant officers. The experience is
that many men• can afford to assign half their pay to dependents, in addition.
A considerable number of men who have enlisted in the Canadian forces
have found themselves better off under the army rate of pay, which is granted in
addition to board, lodging, clothing, equipment, transportation, etc., than they
were while in civilian positions. Their wants are provided for, and they receive.a
steady addition to the bank account each month,
issued by
The Military Service Corrncit.