HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-11, Page 1W. T► BhOX & Co'
Furniture Dealers
Phone 50
New Series Vol. 15, No. 40
Nice easy work A child could almost do
the work. eome and take one. Section as
follows ;
5 girls to put hi hip pockets.
5 girls to ]rut in side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants
making. All nice clean work and easy and
steady ail year round. 50 hours per week
We have girls making over ten dollars a
week. Why can't you?
�t��./7 '�r.�1 Apply or Write
7�rr i t e to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Seaforth Ontario
An up-to-date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade'candy
Special Regular Dinner every Saturday
, Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand.
Our home made candies always the best,
Chocalatee, Carmelo. Bon•Bons & Taffies a
Having installed an.up date plant fou making
next door to eardnos Bros
Auction Sale
The Executors of the Estate of Mar.
gavot Laurie, widow, deceased, will off
or for sale by Pnblio Auction on Satur.
day the 20th October 1917, at the hour
of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth that part
4 P ark Lot Number Three (3), in the
Pillage of Egmondville, county of Bur-
. on, containing a measurement of one
• half an acre more or loss, owned and
formerly ,,. occupied by the
said Margaret Laurie. There are erect
ed on the premises a comfortable cote -
age, frame, and stable in a good state
of repair, and the property is a very
desirable oqe and a first class opportun
iv ie offeredto any one desiring to pro
orre a comfortable and desirable dwell.
i► ing well situated in Egmondville and
near Seaforth, and very bandy to
- churches and schools,
Terme of sale:
Ten(ro) per cent cash at
the time of Sale and the balance with-
in thirty days when the purchaser
will be entitled to a conveyance.
Further particulars and conditions of
sale will be made known on day of sale
and can be had in the meantime from
John Monty, Esq., or from the under-
signed. Hated the 27th Sept, 1917
R. S; Hays,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Miller's Worm Powders will purge
the etomaoh and intestines of worms to
effaetively end so easily and painlessly
that the `most delicate stomach will
not feel any iueonvenieuoe Ecom their
action. They reommend themselves
to mothers as a preparation that will
rooters strength and vigor to their
children and protect them from the
debilitating effects -which result from
depredation): of worm,
Yon. are cordially ins.
vited to attend the
The First Old
Time Dance
Cardno's Opera Hall
Tuesday Evening
October, 16th, 1917.
in aid of the
For the Boys at the- Front
Dancing commences
at 8 o'clock.
Excellent Music.
Gentlemen $1.001
No Lunch
71. D. Sutherland
Ottawa, Oct. A. mmnaber of doctors
throughout the oountry have boon
writing here to ask if a certificate of
physical unfitness from a family phye•
oian will be accepted at lace value by
a Medical board instituted under the
Military service Act. The answer re.
turned Was a prompt negative,
Experience ,tae shown that some fem.
ly physicians are liable to be placed in
an awkward position if certificates of
physioal unfitness granted by them are
competent to secure freedom ot respon-
sibility under the Military Service Act
for the sone of some of their patient..
Doctors might easily be subjected to
annoyances of a most disagreeable nat-
ure if the idea were to spread that any
one of them, with a wave of his pen,
might exempt a young man from miht.
cry service, Under the soheme by
which the Military service Act is epee
ated, the authorities will be guidtd by
the Official Medical Boards,
A. communication has been received
by Mayor Stewart from the Division-
al Directors L. P. Shumway and L.
Porter Moore, representing the Italien
Red Cross Society in its $100,000
campaign throughout Southern an0
Western Ontario, relative to Seaforth
raising a fund for alleviating the suffer.
ing of our brave allies who are fightirg
so valiantly under the genius, Genera•
Oedema, against the Austrians.
Following are some examples of
what Ontario cities, towne and villages
have raised for Italian -war relief funds
during bhe last, few menthe; Toronto,
close to $40,000; Brantford, $4,000;
Stratford, 8,000; Kitchener, 28,00; St,
Catharines, over 2,500; Waterloo, over
$600; Ridway, $110 and St. George,
$100. Close to $80,000 has been raised
in Ontario thus far,
For nearly three years Italy has been
ab war on the side of the Allies. Her
first appeals for aid have gone forth.
Lack of steel, coal, heretofore import-
ed, receseitated the'loanof guns and
supply of ammunition by her Allies for
the present drive, Thus Oanadian
-British and French gunners are serving
on the ltalian battlefront, ministered
to by the Italian Tied Cross Society.
Likewise Italy is appealing to her
Allies for help for her Red Cross.
Supplies are running short. Red Cross
work in the Julian Alps of Austria is
far more difficult and costly than on
other fronts,
Canada h;s answered her Italian
Allies' appeal for aid; among the first
and most generous, as always, The
American Pied Cross has spent close to
$1,000;000 on the Italian battlefront
since its $100,000,000 campaign its the
United States in .tune, An American
Ambulance Corps has been organized
on the Italian front similar to the
famous Frenob corps, The painters
poets, playwritors and authors in the
United States are raising a fund of
$100,000 for the Italian Red Cross
The Army Y. M: 0, A. in the United
Staboe about to launch a $.55,000,000
oampaign, has written $1,000,000 in
its budget for use on the Italian front,
AU money raised in Canada cam
paigns will be administered by the
highest diplomatic representative of
the Italian government in 'Canada
gamely the Royal Italian Consul Gen'
oral, Ohevalier L, Zunini, at Montreal
The Italian Crown Prince Umberto de
Savoia opensore the Fund for Orphans
of Fallen Italian Soldiere,
The Royal Italian Consular Agent,
Giovanni Danovaro, at Welland, is
President of the Southern and Western
Ontario' campaigns. Dr. Edward E,
Binne is Secretary and Treasurer,
Only the uninforned endure the
a,ony : of oorup; The knowing ones
apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get
Anniversary Services were held in
the Methodist Church on Sunday by
Rev, Mr, Langford of Mitchell who
preaobed two able eertuons to large
On Monday evening in the same
building Rev, Dr. Cleaver of Toronto
gsvo his popular recital of the leading
character of Victor Hugo's powerful
Story "Les Misarbles,
The story as recited by Dr, Cleaver,
lost nothing of its thrilling interest.
The Doctor is possessed of a pleasing
personality and voice ane] gave a pleas
ant two hours to his audience, Iiia
word painting of human chhracter at
times held them spell -bonus.
Before the recital, several selections
were given by the choir and solos by
Miss Beth Willis and Mr, Chamber-
Autumnal Wedding Balls
A very quiet, but unique wedding
was solemnised at "Fairbank" the home
of Mr, and Mrs' Hugh Dunlop on
Wednesday, September 26th at six
o'clock, when their daughter Maudie
Louisa became the bride of Mr, Orville
Reginald Dale, a prosperous young
farmer of Hullett township. Promptly
at six p.m: to the strains of the Wed-
ding march played by Miss Vera sister
of the bride, the young couple, who
were unattended, save by Miss Ethel
Rose niece of the groom, who made a
charming little flower girl girl took
their places beneath an arch most art-
istically decorated in shell pink and
white. The ceremony was performed
before Rev, Mr. McKinley of Seaforth
in the immediate 'relatives, and friend
of the contracting parties. The bride
who was given away by her father, was
most becomingly attiredib a frock of
white bridal satin trimmed with Geor-
gette, pearls and sequins, She also
wore the conventional wedding veil
with orange blossoms, .and carried a
sheaf of white orchids and maiden hair
fern. The groom's gift to the bride ,vas
a pearl pendant, to the pianist a pearl
brooch; and to the Rower girl a ruby
pendant After congratulations the
guests repaired to the dining room
where a sumptuous wedding dinner was
partaken of. The rest of the evening
was spent in social chat, music and
games, after which all retired to their
homes, The bride travelled in a nig
ger suit with pink sick crepe de chane
blouse, and white picture hat trimmed
with white dove, and white satin bands
The goods wishes of a host of friends
follow the young couple to their new
home on the second coucession'of Hal-
S. School Workers' Meet
Centre Huron Sunday School. Work-
ers are meeting for their annual .Cony•
ention in Auburn Presbyterian Church
Tuesday afternoon and evening, Oatob
er 16th, to which 11 Sunday Schools of
Centre Huron are expected to send del
egatee, Rev, D, H. Wing of Toronto,
Rural Superintendent on the stall of
the Ontario Su„day School Association
is to be present and deliver address as
well as local workers.
Liberal Conservative
Convention at Clinton
The Liberal•Conservative Associa-
tion of South Huron, as constituted
foi-Dominion Purposes will hold an
Open Convention in the Town • Hall
Clinton on Monday, October 15th
at one o'clock in bhe afternoon, for
the purpose of selecting a candidate
for the Home of Commons, for the
election of officers, and the transaction
of general business.
Mr, Morphy, M. P. North Perth1 Mr.
Morner, M, P, , and Mr. Silber, M. P.
P. will address the meeting,
The Executive will meet at 1.0.30.
By order of Ucxesutive,
H, Horton, ', R, N. Creech,
President Secretary
— W. T. BOX & eo.
f:ldiiALMERd .ARIA ..:
F l ERA', PlnitOT4RA
181. Ste', sox
Holders of c ovmateatL "vltloma and
License—CAM= "•'alcla.LTx
'Phones {1, C'OisleZs7ob
1$1,00 per year
Frown or Smile?
T VERYONE responds to face-to-face courtesy.
.11--+ How pleasant it is to meet the cordial, genial
q And over the telephone—how one appreciates
the courteous, pleasant, friendly voice 1
f Telephone Courtesy, promptness in answer-
ing, the pleasant, cordial tone—these have been
the making of many a modern business and this
fact is being appreciated more and more every day.
q Get the smile into your voice. Practice
cordiality, friendliness over the wire, and insist
that all those who use your telephone do the same.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
"Good service ° ° " our true intent."
,as gat;.
We have theta 111 large variety
And nil of that best and mast
iesirabie quality and make,— the
WAT1RR4,ARr 10114, 14,I.NTAIM PEN
A size fax every nand,— a point for
every purpose,— and a service ttnequull•
ed In any other pen 'ice.
t.t,50 and upward.:
. Weeiso metre pen ad;datments and
replace 1,roken or damaged pointe in a
few minutes tit 11,15 51000.
3firv.b Ottuatto
auauge 81 +zailxrl;
Coasters:nth opticians
Marriage License issuers
PHONE 1941
Evening 10
The store you will always
The rev Suits, C
end Dresses Are
and yon wili miss a splendid treat if
you .don't come soon ant see them,
The new fashionable effects are
very stunning and there's a stylish
garment this season to satisfy
all extremes of tastes.
We have a splendid showing now
of all the new styles in wome I's
outer garments and you want to
come and see them at once.
Such uncommonly attractive
styles and values as we have assem-
bled will be sure to sell out fast and
don't wait to miss seeing the corn.
pllete ensemble. It's really too good
to miss.
Now is a good time to buy Furs,
We welcome lookers the san-ie as buyers