HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-04, Page 5Page CANADIAN B.K. OF CO M RC f SIR EDMUND WALKER, `�� SIR JOHN AIRD, Gen41'alManager C,V.O., LL.D., D,C.L, President . 1; = 11. V. F. JONES, Asst; Gen'I. Manager CAPITAL PMD UP,$I5,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 Careful attention is given to the bank- ing, requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted, Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. et SOa±orth 13xaxl�cs� J,(3. MULLEN MANAtrb:R 04000.1.100000010(0000.4101(1111 Genuine Vegetable Parchment • Wrappers specially printed from your own copy, wemcan supply them at the follow ng prices -- TIE SEAFORT' NEWS SETIFORTH W1J1Walker& San Undertakers and Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of gee • ernment Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our !prompt attention,, Day Phone 671 »vim' :Night " 118E STRATFORD. ONT.-.-'° Fall Term from Sept. Commernial, - Shorthand and 'tele- graphy Departments.— We have thtorongh courses; experierced in- struotors and eve place Graduates in positions. Demand upon us for tr'aine'd help is many tines the num- ber graduating. Get our ..., froo catalogue.. • A ID MCLAAHLAN YRINotP ^ L -LE:RK'S NCI ICE, PIr<Si' PUS' c; t>ra VOTERS LIST. Voters List, 1017. Municipality of the Township of MoKillop, County of Enron, Notice is hereby g,ven, that ].have translnittetl,, or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lista Act, the oopies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List' made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality tobe entitled to vote in the said Municipality" at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Mtnlioipal Elections; and that the said List was_firet posted np at my o0ice at MoKillop on the IIth day of 1 Sept, 1917, and rentable there for ins pectin; ., MUSIC Ti -1,G SHAFQITITJ NEWS t3 day, Qctr4 IiM as pwwaa•-. a 1�•••I1pw... Il 011100. 40•001010000-04011010001.1500.0.120000014010•100010010(01" ,q ! f TownTopics 1 iz 11...41 a1...milII �..�awoof] mom( 11 ne., a Dig up you overcoat, have a look at it, Sy renewing tho velvet collar, Press- ing and Cleaning meysave youths prlco of a new cue My Wardrobe Goderieh St, opposite, Queens. Mr Win Rion of Bullet is in Umbra this week judging horses, Mr 0. Holhbein brought to the News on Saturday a raspberry bush ooverecl with ripe berries, He captured e, num- ber of prizes at the Fair and had three cabbages whioh together weighed 35 petunia, and brought him $1.05. Messrs Harry Hinotlely, Everett Ri- vers, Archie Hays, and David Wilson, were delegates from First Chnreh Sun- day School to the Boys' Conferenee Heid in Stratford at the end of last week. Mrs .1, F. Ross is visiting her par- euts in Toronto, Mise Verde Best is on 14, visit to frielnls in Toronto. Mr Norman Henry, manager of the Dominion Bank, Oshawa, is a guest at the home of Mrs J. S. Roberts this week. Mr and Mrs Harry Stewart returned home on Saturday from a trip to 1Vlol,t• real, Mrs A Simpson, %vim bee been a vis- itor at the home of Mrs J. 0, Grieg, left on Tuesday for Toronto. Mrs J. A. Wilson left on Tuesday for Blenheim to attend the wedding of her Melee Mies M. -Kauffman. Mrs blathers and ohildren of Leth- bridge who have spout a couple of moi:ths visiting -Mrs Warwick, the moth- er of the former, returned to bier home on Tuesday, Her mother accompanied her to Toronto, The Misses Cresswell, who have been spending a year in California, have re- turned home. Remember the annual meeting of the Red Croas Sooiety this Friday afte r- noonat three o'clock, in the Carnegie Library hall, Prof. Hughson, Eye Specialist, wil I be at Beattie's Fair on Oct, 16th Se 17 , The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church will be held on Sun - lay Oct, 7th when Rev. A. J. Langford f Mitchell will be the preacher. For Monday evening a rare treat is prom - sed to those present as Rev Dr Clear - r, of Tprouto, will give his popular re. oital, "The Story of, Jean "Val Jean" whioh has received so much praise that no comment is needed. Mise Annie ti, Govanlook, Graduate 0 of CauadianAcademyof Music, Toronto, Teachers's Course announces the re- i opening of her classes in piano, organ and theory. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Academy and Toronto Conservatory examinations• For terms and soholarehip apply at Studio, North Mein St, , Seaforth, Try Us. For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING Our Speciality Call at Bolton's CU'. yr Shop OARDNOS PL•0:.:KEE FOiirR And I hereby call upon till voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or onunissione°e'reoted a000rd- ing to law Dated this 't t th day of Sept. 19 7 K nettle Clerk of Moliillop, I have for sale Mev. era! Bonds and Debentures of a particularly High grade, bearing interest ,, it°Ornfl 5 1r to 6 per cent. All information con- cerning same cheer= fully given. JOHN RANKIN Bond:and Debenture Brolraf Main Street, Seaforth Phone 9i a LOST A hound, female, anawers to the. rams of Floss. Color brown, white and black, Information gladlyreceivedby Reuben Hart Winthrop, Out. Mr and Mrs T F, R. Case were slak- es >it the home of Mrs F. Case, Rev F. H. Larkin left on Monday morning for Montreal to attend a Con•- vouation at the Presbyterian College when the title of D. D. will be conferr- ed upon him by the senate. ks Stewart's Sell it for Less Mail or Phone Your .Orders J Stewart's Sell it for Less I!n I�I�i;l)llj1l1li 1619 Warm, Soft Flannelette Blankets at $1..12.;- to $1.25 each With the approaching cold weather comes the demand For Flannelette Blankets, and to meet this demand we offer you the largest sizes in dark blankets, with blue or pink border in extra heavy weights, clean and sani- each . 1.121 Lt7 1,25 Turnbull's The Best Underwear for the Boys TURNBULL'S- The name that for nears has stood perfection in Boys' Underwear, `!'here is no better under wear made anywhere. Soft, warm, neat fitting and made .to stand the wear and tear at old prices 60 to t.25 omen's Ciats That are the very Aci ot Exchisive CharnL PERFECTION is the only word that does justice to our New Fall Coats. Scarcely could you imagine coats more becomingly attractive and at the same time better adapted to the requirements of our Canadian winters. Luxurious, waren, comfortable, strikingly stylish, and last but by no means least, the prices are surprisingly low when you consider the perfect workmanship and fini sh, The new large col= lars and cliffs in their varied styles are attracting special attention. While the colorings and patterns receive the enthusiastic approval of every woman who see them. Come in and nook them over Price..... New Fall Millinery A visit to our busy Millinery Department will convince you more than we could tell of the wide popularity of this section of our store. We are busy because we have quality andstyle at a reasonable price'. $20 to $4o Fashionable' Furs If you purpose making a. Fur purchase this season, come early while the stocks are full and- complete. V.Te have a very complete display this year and the prices are equal— ly attractive. r SOUR, ACID STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION r Capt. Town, who went overseas with Each "Pape's Dlapepsln" digests 3000 the Ifiist Battalion has returned. Re grains food, ending ail stomach e spent a few days with friouds here, misery in five minutes. Rally Day was observed in the churches here last Sabbath. Ani nal Thanksgiving Services will be field in the Seaforth Presbyteriau Church next Sunday evening„; Mrs Snell end Miss Margaret left last week for Toronto where the. latter will attend the University._ bare (buries 'Stewart and two ohi'dren Miss Helen and ?Raster Laohlat, who have been spending the summer at the hone of her father, Mr Wm McDougal, in Egruondville, have returned co their home in Portland, Otogosl. A speoial sermon"will be preached on the war in St Thomas' Church next Sam day evening, Subject: "On Whioh Side" bliss Little .nf Goderioh will sing in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. The Many friends of Miss Margaret. Edge will be glad to learn that alts is rapidly improving, Clinton air Chas. Middleton has been ap- pointed'the second member of the Exemption Tribunal for Clinton. The .Kilties' Piper Band were at the Mitchell Fe;e 1nel. week 9114 were well receiveA, it tee fair at 'Tania. took this weolc where it also played last tr•,. NIL said 1Vll'e ,fohil Ra118f0rd end 8011 are in Montreal attending the Ticket Sellers' Association. The South Buren Conservatives Wil neat in convention to choose a Can.iid ate for the Commons on Oct to"th 141atty names have been suggested Time it! In five minutes all stom- t ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its _.ssd in regulating upset stomachs. 1010 the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it i8 harmless, Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes bow needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. MEN VwANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady em— ployment an 11Munition work, Apply to The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. Mullett Blyth Fair will he the Mecca for many oe Wednesday, Quite a number from here were in Gotlerioh last week to the Fair which was very good this year, The reopening services . in Bern's Church were very interesting. Rev, A.1 McMillian of Toronto preached iu aha morning ahti Rev, Mr, Abroy in the evening The choir had prepared speo• fel music. On Thursday evening the ladies gave a fowl supper and a sacred concert afterwarde, (14. 7137,sAl'!t�`Ma_t�,�Cq'a^.�tt'ar•TG. r 9f" v.SAax..,e These Men Will eIp You Are you liable to be selected for service under the Military Service Ad? The answer to this question is being made readily available for you. Remember that the first class to be called includes only men between the ages of 20 and 34, both inclusive, who are unmarried or widowers with- out children, those married after July 6, 1917, being deemed single for the purposes of the Ad. Medical Boards are now being established throughout Canada.These Boards will examine, free of charge and obiigation,all men who wish to be examined as to their physical fitness for'mititary service. They will tell you in a very short time whether your ecide physical condition absolves you from the call or makes you liable for selection. It is important that you obtain this information as soon as possible. A certificate of unfitness from a Medical Board will secure for you freedom from responsibility under the Military Service Act from any Exemp. tion Tribunal. A certificate of fitness will not preclude an appeal for exemption on any ground. In order that you may be able to plan your future with certainty visit a Medical Board as soon as possible and find out if you are liable to be selected. Your family and your employer are interested as well as yourself. hatted by The hfifitary 5eruiea Comicil. 131