HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-10-04, Page 4lE $ MFORTH NEWS . Ti>lurl day O L 4 PROFESSION41, CADS, MEp1CAL R, ]8. 1tU5S, Phys(alap and Sti4 sop LY/ sou liaspnat, I.outl , I or, 05 xv.sal to diseases of Etre, Ear, Nose Bpd Tl1Ip, Case ltssldt utr,:hehlnd Dominion Bank. Olive IsOne N r.5, Residence, phase No, sod, �Jt. s J. 0URRowB &atone, (Mice Bed da --sad Goder(ett street, eats el the Meth's.,, litC ^Coroner for the County of buses. Tsthe knee, Ho. 40, DIA , ititWerT & MACKAY, Physicians and t BpM Goderlch Street, appeaitr Methc- !set$1°vdx9 cudtuforth. lassl Ontario Mods end Ann Arbor, and intmbBt a7 Ontstt'lo College of Plt7lsitinne and burrygie�sses Coroner for County of Huron. star honer graduate Trinity University. gold milt Trinity Medical College. Member of Colt:wee physicians end Surgeons, Ontario. D k g8,0 HEILEMAN.steopathic Speclells to SVtmeo'c and CCLlldreu s j Mases end Jdfiemadele Troubles. Mete and Ckonlc Din. elands. Ear. Eye. Note and Th>�AcMeO sero d without the Wolfe. Co It eraiBMkl, Tre'ed0y.8 ear P.M.; ihiday 8 to c hon yd�t r�Qi,pnp pr1-�p9 }p issued by IOWA Mariage �'68 irnses endelrt't('$ii114rai tt )orth Insurance 1 Ass 5051 e•ansiderhhg Insurance, Life or A ed4ent? 19you are, a postcard will get our rate*, .S. ID. &IICileRLEY, GeuesalAseot for London Life Insurance Co. and Imppini :kora wen and Accident Insurance co Seaforth, Ont. r.ane..+,•.wr.a.+,e., p gRAFO JOd DEM41 ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone Si 1 senieg 12T SUBSCRIPTION one dollar' per year, BtrictlY 10 84 v u n ca it mit paid in A+lvanee, one dollar and a ,fait will be charged. 5185504 States papery, fifty cents extra, striekiy Ul ad vanecd. When eubseriberschaangetheir addred5 DOOM should be ler t as immediately, giving both the old and the new address. Sub- scribers any irregularity of delivery notifying no Reading' Notices—No reading notIce, advertising any entertainment or matter by which mono le to be made by any person or cause will banserted In Tun News without charge. The price for the inose tion of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties having Ito contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each insertion to those having display contracts, and for churcb,tsoetety and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks $ to 9 Imes, 50 cents. Judicial. Legal. Otrlc➢al and Govern- ment Notices—Ten cents per line for first insertion and five cents per line for each subsequet insertion. -. .• Ynariy +'•trds—Profesefonal Cards, not exceediIS 00 perr v.ig r, payablesl triccttly inserted ns d advance Display teivertising—Rates furnished James a. 5031 Ii on application, "Advertordered for insertion, wUntil forbid," and those sent without written instructions will appear until crltten orders are received for their dip ontinaance. General 1'i: fate and Areideut Insurance 1 Agent an., (1star in y.•wiir3 5155 51 en. Main Strew..ealurth• THE lM. AILLOP Mutual Fire lusurance Co. Farm and isolated Town Property Only insured. OFFICERS Jts, Col,noliy, Gnderieh, President, James Evans, Peecl.r nod, Vice•Presteeut, Thomas Heys, Seaferta, 5x.•Trea5, Directors D. F. McGregor. Scaforth; John G. Greve, Winthrop W. Rlan, Coostancel john Belmesr*1.. Aroda ae.n; Robert Feet* Hartockt Malcom EdcKe ,, Clinton; G McCartney Seaforthr Jame - ,lnnolly, Goderichi Jas. Evans. Beachwood. Agents Alex. Leitch. 'farbnk, E. Hinchley. Seaford). William Cheer,r, '•g,uoadvale• J W. Yee. Helmesvihe; B. Jarn,outh, Statham,. James Kerr and ;ohn ,esulo, c, Seaforth, auditors. Parties .!care to ossa Insurance at tinsit;at other be:teem he p.omptly attended to by application eo o. • f the ebave 04i;m. addressed to their r.so••ci • ietad: es. is ii 70;17'•' "The Original and Only 6ennin Beware of Imitations Sold tl u vial +;Illae. 1 Letters to the Editor must be accom- Pealed by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good eibilllty whateverssforrthe sttatementeeemade in such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising. plainly marked as such.. The rate for ench matter Is ten cents pet line, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER be, if it Offered a likely mime of Be. miring for them, immediately, the ethos; and spoils, The preeent situation of the Bo called Liberal party chars a close parallel to its position et that onto. 1 t has taken up an attitude of hostility to the pat. riotlo, detltooratie and eserntielly Lib• oral Coneription, without the slightest regard for either the interest or tate honer of the country, but Grit machin. late thinir that the conbinations of machine Grit*, "Liberate" who don't know what Liberalism menet anti- British Quebec agitators and disloyal. bits, auti.1$titisih aliens, pro -Gorman agitators who profe6s to be Sooialiate, but are not. Serialists who are poorly informed anti badly led, well manning but impossible idealists and paoidoieta whiles fatuousthovutou totlhou! tlherories ur fade, to the oxultleiou of all 50111m0n moos, lender them. a menace to the country—be0nuee, we say, the intellec- tual and moral Villagers who apparent- ly cutttrul the "Liberal" nlsolhine, think (they can win au election with this de- 1Imitableconbinatiou, they are jauntily willing to bespatter the' great repute which the country hos oornad for itself in this war, and to endanger or to pre - I Judie() its material future. It is to be ! hoped and expected they will have the ! sante experience which they had with l their commerical union battle -cry in 11891. IThe speeches and actions of the men who manipulated the recent couveutiou Iof Western Liberals, were such to every true Liberal who had the reput- ation and well being of Canada at heart, They gave the impression of a lot of tricky, 'clever' little villagers who had long practised and rehearsed their piece, and had corse to town to "spring it" on the cltizeua, and show Hors clever they actualiy were. They bailded bet - 0 ter than they knew. The riotous aid bumptious absurdity of their prooeed- ings, opened the eyes of. many decent men who previously had taken his Lib- eralism canoed, and who, when he saw some of the manipulators of theoaiming faotory at close range, concluded that he must he taking the wrong pabulum, We have briefly reviewed the "Lib- eral' party in Opposition. Was there any difference in its record when it was in powelir There was• It was much worse then. It failed, or more exactly, it never tried, to oarry out a Bingle pre- election pledge or to apply a single pre. election policy, Previous to the 1896 election it never ceased to denounce the "robber eonbines" and trusts' under which names it described the olass of financial exploiters who have been the continuous obstacle to Canadian econ- omic organization and prosperity and the greatest corrupting lu(uenee in Canadian polities. Aesoon as it attain, and drugs, and dyes, and for the mann oil power, It became flim foul and eer- factine of wood alcohol in its different vant of this intoretes, The trusts *ltd forms, If you atop this. you cripple ooubines—now known as mergers— flourished as never before. They had xp YOUR �1 CHILD IS CROSS, their representatives in the cabinet, 1 PE 1RIsI', CONSTIPATED Corrupt slid incompetent adminstrat-' tun, 1vh ilo the resour0es of the country ©t t(� e a wore frittered away; insane and oxtrav- i- Look Motherl If tongue is coated, Viewed by Liberal cleanse sloes bowels with "Call• Mares agent legislation—these were the gaol- forma Syrup of Flgo," tinlmont "" "— stirs displayed and the ends achieved by' Froin Tno Winnipeg Tribune (In the r•Liherai" party when £n power, 1 dependent L$bernr) • L.n.ada to now paying, and will long! recall 0 nIa Syrup of 7'igs; abeeauselin continue to pay heavily, for that tray• ' a few hours all the clogged -up waste, 2IU T1ON SALE Of Fenn Stook and lrnplemeuts, Mr 'phos Brown has been iitstrnotecl to sell by publioanotion on Lot 8, oonceesion 10, MoICillop, on Wednesday, Ootobot• iOtit,at one 1',1'1,, tho following: Her. roe— Heavy horse rising 6 years, heavy lidera rising 3 yearn, driving horse rising 7 years, quiet and reliable and a good worker; blood colt rising 3 years, one heavy draft team 0 years old. Cattle Seven nliloh cotes oalviug from Feb- rnary to May, 8 heifers rising 3 years, 5 steer's tieing three years, 3 steers ris- ing 2 years, 2 heifers rising two years 7 spring calves. trigs --`three sows litter at fo 05; g store hogs, Also a ulna her of hens and young pullets. Inhplsm. ants -Massy Harris binder 7 foot out Massey Harris hay loader, Massoy llitr- rie side ratio, 151ossoy Barrie fertilizing rule drill, Dsoriug cultivator with seed box, hay rake, Kemp manure spreader, two wanting ploughs, twin gang plow, 2 sets iron harrows, Massey Barrie niow or, lumber wagon, top buggy, cutter,' pan bobsleighs, gravel box, 2 hayracks, 2 sots double harness, set siugle barn. esa,grindstone, wheelbarrow and other arctioloa too ntuneroue to mention. Also a quantity of maegolds in the drill a number of cedar pasts and a quantity of lumber, Household furniture -11 of fat range, new; glass uuphoerd, 2 tables kitohsn chairs, 3 bedsteads, parlor suite 15110.1.11 coal oil, tains, Tho whole will be sold without reserve as the proprietor; has sold the farm, 'Perms—All sums of $e and under, cash; over that minuet twelve mouths credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, A leis count of 5 per cent MH' for oash,on ored- t amounts. THOMAS O'LoCGLIN, Proprietor; Tilos. Brown, Auctioneer. t.SaneraIObservafionsi The saving cif wheat, beef and bacon for the soldiers at the front should appeal to all. f t does not menu taking lase food but it does mean taking less of these foods aid more cl the pro- ducts of oatmeal and cora meal and the use of more fish aid nuts instead of beef and bacon. This is the measling of the pledge cards. ( *n* The question of stopping the mann- facture of alcohol 15 one which should e ; be carefully !handled at present. A very small proportion of alcohol is !used for drink to -day, compared to the amount used for leaking chloroform 1-a BJCTaON 61- LE Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed, to sell by public auction at Winthrop,` o11 Saturday Oot'13151 (917, at 0110 p, rot 25 acres of land being part of Lot 26 Oon. 9, Towushhp of McKillop, On the premises are a good frame house., formerly used as a store and post oghceC combined, also a small frame barn. At the same time all the store goods andfixturesinoluding 2 large galvanized oil tanks and a number of oar: barrels, 'I`he house hold furniture will also be sold at the same time. Terms—Chattels atitl goods will be sold for coal, Terms on the farm will be made known at the sale. Miss 0, Murchie, Proprietress FOR SALE 7 Room House, good cellar, Hard end Soft Water, god condition and splendid loeslity, Apply this calico, no lila Merits Laurier Liberalism ..n For Sabe SCRANTON COAL W. 3. liS.tY, Seaforth. Pltott, ISO IBlsk less Without a proper systna of adver- tisin is like a motor without tete power Sc forth News AVERTISI'.1f=NTS Will supply the required energy hone - 554 c,., eveniitgsI2i 1 '_1•. •1'1,x• 1,, nti 'r.,, I.ii,c'ral party 15015015 est' of "Liberal" governulent sour bile and tormenting !oath gently The machine politicians and ma- I moves out of the bowels, and you have n•;as a tea._•ra! frosts. in nLy „„10„,p 1 a well, playful child again, tonne of ill,. t 'rill , I a began to de- generate E112,11,05 as any), p+ it was born. • It cot:teir1,5 at the time of Coufedeh- ul'.1. sosu+e met- of principle and of u1 1,10 who were able, 11011005 and caur- ageelis, lint the groat majority of the 1t•:1:10eg active politicians of the party wen, merely 1,;lrrow poli tieing . with psych: '104 and 1,5151 olr of the village, chow sole tnnreeption of the raison d'etre of It party, they had no teal conception. The character of tiro so- called Liberal party ---of the early bays is well illustrated by 111850rieal and Pathetic incident in the career of Alex. ander MacKenzie, an honest and able drat, but with an inadequate ex. perienes, and with consequently, an overtrnet£ulnoss in human , nature, which prevented him from discerning, early enough• the trne character and sine of most of his associates. When he was Protuier of Canada, MacKenzie wrote to a friend that his time and energies were largely employed in sit- ting on the public treasure cheat in order to protect it from his polit- ical friends. Edward Blake was a man of very high character, and, for a Canadian politician, of exceptional intelle°. tuial eminence. Be resigned the lead. erahip of the party, his ostensible or immediate reason being his disagree- ment with the party's policy of unre striated reoipricity or ootumeroial union, which, he believed and with reason, meant the annexation of Oen. ads by the United States' The polit- icians of the party machine, who wore wore then, as now, the party, cared nothing, then se now, what the ultimate ,,ftBatof any =maitre or policy might chine press, organs of tiele "Liberal"' Sick children needn't be coaxed to. party iii their etl'ort to gat back to the •take this harmless "fruit laxative," ff,sh• ,lits ahanhlusal and with Owe- 01111ion8 of mothers kealio it ]randy Le 1 y cause they know. its den on the oteristic witlessness now tell tie that 1 stomach, liver and bowels is prompt , the Tory party is lighting for the and sure. Ask your druggist fora 50 -cent bot• "1r,1(t0r9" 5118 profiteers and ilia rade- tle of "Callfornta Syrup of Figs,'" which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups, cars: Ye gods: Is it possible that there are crown melt in Canada so de- void of intelligence and of pride that they eau read such insonate stuff with- out a sense of shame that it calf be not only thought, but actually printed in this esonntryP The Tribnue has de- rtbed this travesty of a "Liberal"party as a ghastly joke. Ro'eently the ghee:. linage has so overshadowed the jocular. ity, thai the sooner it is buriodRout of eight and memory the better for every decent Canadian, A real Liberal party might arise phoonix•liko from its ashes, Sleeplessness.—Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever may be the cause of it indigestlon,nervous derange merit or mental worry, try a course of Parmelos's vegetable Pills. By regul- ating the action of the otomaoh, where the trouble ilea, they will restore nor- mal conditions and heaifhful sleep will tallow, They exert a sedative force upon the norms and where there is unrest they bring rest. IN POUND Mr 111 Crawford, Dublin, has two pigs Bowe, in pound. Owner requeated to pay damages and take away,. "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any dlaoaeo duo to Impure blood such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Logo, Abooeeon0, Uloors, Glandular Swellings, Boils, Pimple., 8oree of any kind, Pilo.'Blood Poieon,Rheumatiem, Gout, etc., dolt t, waste your time and money on lotions end ,ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin, What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's .Blood Mixture is Just such it medicine, It Is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, tom whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting euro irhasandr eje,stimouwtr, jkr.deeriea tee pamphlet round Orerttl. Over 50 rears' 8815005, Plelak1, auat fo Clarke S Sold by ,it Chemist. end Storekeepers. refuse 011 Sebetfb+tee. Blood Mixture e CURES ALL SKIN 84 BLOOD DISEASES £i• DEATHS. SANDERS In Exeter, Sept: 2s, Mh'ry A Sandore, ageri 82. Brenner—At ; ideslrwood, Sept. 2181 Elias Brenner aged 73 years 0100.0MMfillogimoomammit tMMI Poco moigiowxuBttgiwwa.0,0 1 lit I TN.- DOMINION BANK 1 x s11iii Eatablla d Mr 1 Farmer -7-s' Business 1 Special attention given to the business of Farmers and 1 t ntion 1 Dealers in Live Stook.Sale notes collected on favorable 1 a berme, a x a Savings Department ' x a le baa Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. ,e • Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. isEfficient service assured to depositors, era ,, i • a 8u p SEAFORI'H BRANCH: R. M, JONES, Managesft La ,emmaa CREAM WANTED Send your 0500111 to Ile 151111 reoei1'e top prices. Wo eve running our plant ilio year through and can handle your full supply and f115054h you with cans. We pay twice each mouth and weigh sample,and test each can of cream eerie - fully . Our motto is " Honesty to our r'ati'ons" Patrons aro requested to re - .1251) all otic cans when not in nes, 3ltttlr anlBntteemillr also on hand n3 for at market priooe, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEA1ORTH MARKET Good Milling Wltoat .............. $2,20 Barley...... .. ...... ._....„..1 20 Bran per ton ...... ..............90.00 Shorts per ton .......................... 28 Flour ................... ......... 6,30 6.80 Hogs to farmers .,... ..,...17.25 1'B eyR 1 4 E St, Joseph's School of Music. Year opens Sept. grtl, 1917. For particulars apply St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth, Ont Notice The regular meeting of the Farmer's Club will be hent in the Library in Seaforth on Wednesday Oct. 3rd at 8 p. lin G D. E. Harn President ...ee aa:..eama,amaneal:Reeasa CHURCH NEWS ' Ail hones under this Head are published free of ohargs, ax - 0055 1I(oa', 005501541(19'0100111180 where An admission fee is charged. The rate for snub -being ora Dant per snout llrle. Sg?RFOR111-H enf]Renes St. James' THXOZC, GLOSSY- RAra �... , TREE FROM DANDRIPIlir Glrla! Try it! Halr g get soft, BURY and beautlfu!—Geta 25 cent botttp of Danderine, If you care Tor heavy hair that glis- tens beauty ran life; has with am lueomparableandto Boftudiaeeat anwithd is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application ,doubles the beauty of your hair,. besides it imme- diately dissolves every partials oA dandruff. You can not bang 11100 heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This doetruetive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hal' roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fasts Surely got a 25 -Dent bottle of ianowlton's Dnuderino from any drug store and Just try It St. James, Chnrob , Rev. Father P, Corcoran, Rev. Father G. 1i. North - grams ,Morning Mass 7 a,m, High Mass 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 p tu. Evening vespers 7 pan, St. 'Thomas, Rev. T. EL, Brown, Reotor. Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Assooiation, Tuesday 2.30 p.m. Children'sbranoh.Saturday 2 p.m. utoreession services -'every Thursday, . 0 p.m. First Presbyterian Rev, .be, H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p in, Sunday school 2,30 p,m, --Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Society•the first Tuesday in sash month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mis• sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 5.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission. Band every 2nci Monday at 4.15 p.m, Methodist Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SfJ;\TDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.ln. Sun• day school anti Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thureda y' 8. p.m. 444545541 -42544554554555:7514445454/1415054.:454445:450545.1451 1 .highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, i metal, horse llalt , hides, , skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books at!id newspapers Appelzit & Millman SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER across from'Craamory Phone 183 ailanicasassamotosomlommesslonstaamonnostelfillt Xisrepresentation Never Makes frienij's We might induce you _ to buy our photographs once but tfthe portraits were un- satisfactory you would nev- er come back. • Lica /citiGtl u'makeis as good as first-class work- manship, artistic training and practice can produce & our prices areas logy as pos- sible tor good work. OUTSIDE WORK a sp eci- alty. Potos of houses Oe sell Films and finish for amateurs. Picture Framing; use carry a large assortment of mould ings: D F BEMs PHOTOGRAPHER SEAPORTH s, 51 tL 5 :• 4 tom c+ `ut nMass pit v` «a ovrrP to I . risors OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are rnQ e than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- lout Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners t.. for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. Runabout - - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupelet - - $695 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - - - $890 P. 0, B. FORD, ONT. J.F. Daly - Dealer = 'Seaforth Cook Bros. = Dealers S liensall