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The Seaforth News, 1917-10-04, Page 1
W, T. B.OX & eo, Furniture Dealers Phone 50 Nerv.Serfes Vol. T5, No. 40 50 6I:!LS! SEeTfON WORK Nice easy work T. child could almost do the work. Come and take one Section as follows ; 5 girls to put in flip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garter: 5 girls to loin garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or do girls for pants making. All nice dean work and easy and steady all year round. 5o hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can't you? ?apply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFG, CO. Fred Robinson, Manager Seaforth Ontario 99 RESTAURANT PEND eeNFEeTIONERY Pin up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homeniade'candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always. on band. Our home made candies always the best, Chocalatoe, Camels. Bon•Bons & .Taffies a specialty. Having installed an up date plant fol snaking ICE CREAM TRV IT OLYMPIA RESTUARANT next door to eardnos Bros SEAFORTII FAIR POULTRY "(Additional) Rhode Island Reda—000k, H. Edge T. Fowler; Orphiugtoue auy other .rind cook, hen and cockerel, W Ballantyne; . cockerel, H, Edge, pullett, H Edge, W Ballantyne, LADIES WORK Apron— Mrs J Gowrie, Mrs M Ross Rithen apron Miss Livingston, A W Stobie; Baby outfit Mrs M Ross• Button hole Mrs Ed Daley, Mrs MoGavin; Cuff ease MPs 0 Snaith; Doyey Mrs Chesney Mantle Miss Andrews, M Broderick; Centre piece 19lrs Chesney, Mrs`C Bar- ber; Counterpane Mise F Floss, Miss 0 Molure; crochet, cotton Mise Flocs Miss .,,. Molttve; wool Mrs Ross, Mra Smith; ..r .0 stand cover Mies Andrews, Miss Living-. stone, 1a1ning Mrs Daley, Mrs Smith drawn work Mrs Molure, Mrs Chesney child's dress Mrs Barber, M Thompson girls dress M Thompson, Mrs Smith Fancy work jas Graves, Mies Molure; tea cloth Mise Foss, Mrs Daley; Fas- - (dilator Mise Livingston, Mrs Rosa, foot f" stool Mrs Smith, gloves Mrs Ross; fancy knitting Mre Daley; laundry bag Mise Livingstone; rag mat Mrs Daley; man mitts J Kerr, Miss Foes; W mitts M Dr Grieve; night shirt, Dr Grieve, Mrs L ,:.... C Sipitb; Mens, W. Socks, Mfse M John Ston, De Grieve; Mons fine Socks, Dr Grieve, -Mrs i',^iourie; Netting, Mrs Hour ie, MrsA MoGavla; Patch, Mrs 0 Smith Dr Grieve; Handitercheif, Mrs J Hourie woolen stookinge; Mrs Ross, Mrs Hourie Sofa pillow, Mies Andrews,, Mrs MoGov in; emrboidory oentre piece, Mies Fine Ms Ross; colored centre piece, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Houma; 'Cable nap. kine, wars Hourie, `Mrs Ross;; Etnb, Sham, Mies McClure* Sham, Miss Foes Mrs Ed Daley; pin cushion, Mre A Cal der; Purse, Mies Andrews, fDr. Grieve; Burnt woods M Forzoet, Mi$A'AgoOls'e Quilt cotton-, Mise NI Johnston, Dr Grieve; Sill. Quilt, Miss Livingstone, Dr Grieve; Woolen quilt, Dr Grieve; Cotton crazy quilt Mrs M Roan, Dr Grieve; silk. crazy quilt Dr Grieve, Mrs 51 Ross; cot ton quilt, Miss .Johnston, tine . shirt, Mrs P Smith; coarse shirt, Dr Grieve.; Shirt waist, NI Thompson; shopping bag Miss Foss, Mrs M Roes; shippers, Mrs Hourie, Mise Livingstone;:oounterpane Dr Grieve, Mrs "Hounds; slumber robe, Miss.Foss, Dr Grieve; earn pillow. Miss Audrewa, Mies Livingston; A,IO sofa pit. low Mrs Barber, Mrs Ed Daley; tatting Jas, Graves, Wm Hartry; Tea cosy, Miss Livingstone, Ladies' underwear, Mrs A McGaviu, Mrs J Chesney, whisk holder, Mrs C Smith, Mrs M ]toes. Woodcarving, Mrs A . MoGevin ; work bag Mrs Ohne Barber, Miss Foss; towel Mn Hourie Mrs A 'hvleGavin; eyelet centre piece, Mrs J' Chesney, 'Wm Her ry; couuterpieoe 0. Mre Chesney, Miss Andrews; Punohwork, Miss Andrews; oap, Miss McClure, Miss Johnston; din. Wer matte, Mrs 0 Smith, MiselMoOlure day slippers Mrs Heinle, NI Thompson Eyelet tray cloth, Mre Ross, Mrs Ohes• ney; Tray cloth, solidi Mrs MoG svin, M Thompson, emb, pillow covers, Miss McClure Miss M Thompson; Speoial, Mrs A Caldeo, CFIILDREN'S WORK Handkeroheif, Mrs Daley, Mrs Rosa Wool work Mrs Ross, Centrepiece Mrs Ross, Mrs J Hourie; Crochet work, Mrs Ed Daley, Mss Rourie; • Doll Outfit Mrs M Ross; Coll, Fancy Articles, Mrs Ed Daley, Mrs Ross, PLO WER Dahlias, standard, Jsio Cottle; Bou- quet, oaotue'and collection, Jlto Cottle Pansies, Wm Harty; Asters, Mrs Soni ere, Jno Murray; Aster colleotion, Mrs Somers, Jno Cottle; Stocks, Jno Cottle 'Verbenas, Jno Cottle, Win Hartry; Di• anthtis, R Winters; Petunias, Dr Grieve SE21FORTi-1, lltaTPERI, THURSDAY, ©eTeDER tl 1017 Jiro Cottle, Double, r L .Kerr; M Fuer- est; Phlox, Jua Cottle; Gladiolas, Wui Hartry; "liwlias, .Jno Cottle, Al Forrest out Flowers, W1n Henry, Alrs Somers; Col. of Rnututle, M Forrest, Mr it artry Sweet Patio; Mr Henry, M Broderick; Nasturtiums, Mrs Somers, Mr Hartry;. Begonias R Winters, Mr Hartry; Tub eros; Mr Hartry; Basket of ilowers, Turnbull. and McIntosh, Mr Hartry; Pot of flowers Mr Hartry. FINE ARTS Oil landscape, L Brigham, Mrs Hour ie; Marine, Mrs Hourie, M Forrest; Flowers, Miss Livingstone, L Brigham Fruit, L Brigham, Miss Livingstone Animal, 1I 13roderiak, Mrs Hourie Portrait M Forrest, Turnbull and Mc Intosh; Figure, L Brigham, Mrs Ross Watercolour landscape, Turnbull and Malutoeh; Marine, dao Graves ist & 2ndf Flowers, Mise Livingstone; Fruit, Miss Livingstone, L Brigham; Animal, Miss Livingstone .Jas Graves; Portrait, ,Jas Grave0,111rs M Roes; Figure, Miss Livingstone, L Brigham; Crayon Land scspe, Mrs Hourie, Mrs ii1 Ross; Port. rait, tlrs FI Aria; Any enbject, Mrs Ross, L Brigham, Pert and Ink sketch Mrs Hourie; Landscape, L Brigham Mrs Ross; Any Subject, Mrs Ross; hand painted Tea sot, L Brigham, Mrs Hour. is Mina, Mrs Hourie; Panel L Brig- ham. Collection L Brigham; Brass, M Forrest, Coll Photos D F Buck. FORD CONTEST Slow Automobile Race— Wm South- gate, Russel Dallas, Ladies Ford Driving Contest—Miss Hablcirk, Miss Adams. Harvest Festival The Harvest Festival sorvipes ou Sun day in SA Thomas, Church were largely. attended both morning and evening 'the church was decorated with fruitsof the season. The effect at night under the electric light was very fine. The sermons at both services were adapted to the occasion, The choir of twenty voices had prepared special ,music, which was well rendered. The offering or the clay amounted to over Sire. 00 Christmas Boxes for The Soldiers. At a meeting of the W. War Auxil- iary on Monday evening in the Library Hall, it was resolved to again rememb- er the boys overseas at Ohristmas. As all know, much money is required, and the Seaforth Pubao, who have ever re- sponded, are asked to give as freely as before To raise the neoeasary funds t was decided to open a subscription , the money to be handed to Mrs Larkin Miss Minnie McKay, and atThotnson's Bookstore. The Lists will be olosed on Nov. 3rd, Donationa of fruit cake are asked from the Women of the town and country, to be delivered on Nov, 6111, CHARLES PRESTON The many friends of Mr.. and Mrs, Preston will regret to learn of the death of their son Charlie, aged 18 yrs. who spent his boyhood in Seaforth and made many friends. A Elanilton pop- per speaks of him as followe: An esteemed and popular young man in the person of Charles Preston passed away on Monday last, after an illness of several months, He was a member of the Wentworth Street Bap- tiet Church, and was actively engaged in its various brauohes of work, partic- ularly in the Sunday school as secret- ary, and with the Baptist Young Pei). pie's union. -He also anted 'as seorot- ery to the Hamilton Baptist Sunday School Onion, and was always known to diligently follow up and parry out any task allotted to him. Prior to hie ill- ness he was employed in the account- ing department of the Steel Co, , of Canada. He leaves to mourn his tare circle of friends death a g , who will 'extend sympathy to the bereaved parents in the loss of their only son. .The funeral took plane this afternoon to Hamilton cemetery. Warta will render the prettiest of hands unsightly, Clear away the excrescences by using Holloway's Corn Cure; which ache thoroughly and raiulesely, . supwa Not So Many Colds Expected After Medical Boards Rave Exahnin etiThousands of Men in Canada, — W. T, BOX & e A EMNALtiL%i Aso) , . N13NSCRAL i11ais;Tr'oas ii. 6.'. 110XHolders of-Uovonli 7ypipma and License --0s t nen z.letbOAv a Phones AoOt °a l* 6D D$1.00pct' yellr Ottawa, Sept. —Before winter is upon Canada, Medical Boards es tablished all aver the mouutry under the Military Service Act, will have completed a close physical examination of many thousands of Canada's men, The object is to find what inen are dis- qualified from active service in the army by physical defects, and what men are available. Medical authorities calculate that a vast number of loon will reap very material benefit from title physical examination. • Discussing the matter to -day, a prominent physician said; "The Chinese have the" interesting custom of paying the doctor to' keep them in good physical condition in- stead of using him spaemodically to euro sudden illuesseo• Possibly, there is some merit in the system in vogue in the Orient, Certainly, thous- ands of people would live more com- fortably, as well as longer, if they knew early of latent weaknesses, such as lung trouble. I am satisfied that i will have abenedcial influence ou health conditions in Canada this winter for thousands of men to be warned in time of troubles that may develop, under the trials of winter weather." Perhaps there will not he so many people with colds in Canada after thoueande of people ars reminded of conditions that require attention to such_ simple and , inexpensive remedies as keeping the feet dry and the windows shut. A GREAT HIT The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal certainly made s popular bit when they issued their new war map of the European fighting area. It is said they are overwhelmed with orders. It is not for sale at any price, but is given free to all who pay a year's subsoriptiou to that great pap er. The price for the full year is $1..''6, map included. It is wonderful value, and it is no wonder they are se. During thousands of new readers. Re. newels also, many months ahead, are being sent in order to get the map now The map is very complete, and alone well worth the pride asked for. both paper and map. CONSERVATIVES A meeting of Seaforth Conservatives will be hel4 in the Council Chamber on Wednesday October the loth to select delegates to attend the convention at Clinton on Monday October the 15th, A full attendance urgently requested. :Meeting catled at 8 o'clock God Save the King. Bayfield Dr, Woods left last week for Strat. ford where has been appointed chair. man of the Medical examining Board, Mr and Mrs W, Moore of London are in their cottage at present. The Fairs at Seaforth and Exeter were attended by several' from here, Mr. Frank King has gone to Lon. don. A quiet, kindly pian passed away frons us in the death - of Mr. John Lougti at a good old, age.. • No More Asthma, Dr, J DKellogg's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell of this trying trouble. It stops the awful chocking and painful breath. ing, It guatde agrinet night attache and gives renewed ability to sleep and root tho whole night long. Much is claimed for this remedy, but nothing but what can be demonstrated by a trial. If you outlet from asthma try it and couyinge yourself of its great value, Expert Testimony. To speak distinctly, and directly into -the nzouthpieee — A N eminent telephone man of 30 years' ex- perience says that this is the great need in telephoning. Over half the service difficulties would disappear if distinct and direct speak- ing were practised. To speak towards your telephone from a yard or so away, or to speak across it means bad transmission—often wrong numbers, mis- understanding and annoyance, 4J You can help the service, avoid wrong numbers, misun- derstanding and annoyance, by speaking distinctly and directly into the mouthpiece, with the lips about half an inch from its rim. "Coed service ' " " our true intent." The e1I TeieDh ne Co. of Canada alfiSEMIta MINNIIKOMOMplaCIMPIZEINIVIPTRIPERA .1k Ideal Fountain Pens We have. lhoto 10 larl;e variety And all of that lost end rami de'frable gnrtlity al, ¢ wok,.- tin i1Yni/aa.tx 1oint 1r'04,.rare rt•v A dire '.,r ev,r-v heed. — n point Fvr every ,rurpo•.r —and a scrvlve tmnerino L 1 ed In arty ulher Pee line. 1 r :: {, ,.,, as 1 •p:c,,!,i. t Wo /115:, !tit: a pen adjunments told teplaee kick en eI denragtot -potnti, in few ntiar at 11, i. stere. .iffteb 4. 4atutugP 1 vrrenner tale -�tluaui3e .�Cgptollgig µrwrlrre uul a}uiriwso t Marriage License Issuers PHONE 1504 Evening 10 The store pou will always like Yez\=zasszEnza AV. The eliable Store MACTAVISH'S SEA FORTi1 The Quality Store if You want to be sure you are Stylishly, Correctly and Becomingly Attired for Thanksgiving, or any other time, don't fail to come here and select your apparel Then you'll know that you have the best goods at the least possible cost to you, not forgetting of course, that good goods(the only kind we carry) are the least expensive. New Winter Suits $15 to $40 Stylish New Goats $5 to $2Kii We are delighted and enthusiastic over the popularity of our New Silks, Dress eGoods, Suitings • it eaatiful for Every &cctasion Home Usage Dri i ng Purposes Street Wear Afternoon 'Teas Evening Functions Creat Values in all Lin. es Big Assortments 50c to $3 a yard Come to us for your Table Linens for the Thanksgiving Dinner and for later use. eome to -day J. MACTAVISII SEAFORTH