HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-27, Page 1W., WOK K cue O o. Nurnitnre Dealers Phone 80 New Series Vol. 15, No, "39 SE.(TJON WORK Nice easy work 7'3 child could, almost do the work. eame'and'take one Section as follows ; -5 gills to gift in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to join garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants making. All nice clean work and easy and 'steady all year round. 5o hors per week We have girls making over ten dollars a geek. Why can't Apply or Write to _ VW. E. SANDFORD MFG, CO, Fred Robinson, Manager Seaforth Ontario 1 94 REST2,°iURANT AND eOI+dFEe'll'1ONERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand. Obr home made candies always the best. Chocolates, Controls. Bon -Bons & Taffies a epeejalty, - Having installed an up date plant for making ICE CREAM T1R� IT OLYMPIA RESTUARANT next door to eardnos Bros THE FAIR Seaforth was favored by the "Weat- her Man" to the limit on Thursday and Friday last• The second day when the people attend was ideal, and ihh crowd was there. The exhibit wit° perhaps fruit as an exception was very good and the different classes well tilled. If any criticism is allowed the directors should fix up the aceommod. ntiod for exhibits both in the buil ding and outside. A light should also be placed at the gate at night. The following is the prize List: HORSES Agricultural— Brood gricultural—Brood Mare and foal— 1' N Forsyth Ed Hart, P Mcoabtl ; Foal— T N Forsyth, k'Moleary,L Gourley; Filly or Gelding, 3 yra; S Coleman, A. Wright, ADunkin, Filly or gelding, 2 yrs, D -J O'Rielly, S Oolefnan, Geo Coleman filly or gelding 1 yr, Theo Butts; Team in 'naaotiese= Win Pethiek, A- Dunkin; weepstake- T N Forsyth, Heavy Draft-- _ B Mare&foal--Jos Smillie, L Gorrley ,Foal, Jos Smillie fJ Lane & son; Brood .!Hare and, foal-- J G Grieve and son,. P McCann, Jas H Campbell; Foal—J G' Grieve, J H Campbell; Filly 3 yrs— O'Rielly; Gelding 3 yrs --Jae Hay 1st & 2nd; Filly lyre— Jno Rowoliffe, J L Kerr; Gelding 2yrs— ,1 G Grieve; Filly or gelding 1 yr —A Wright, F ,Coleman; Team in Harness—J J Afern• or, Jae Hay; Cioneral Purpose— Team ill Harness—Jdhn Deoker, 0 C Dale; Dominion Bank for Heavy Draft filly or gelding-- John Rowoliffe; Walk - i ug team-- Jae Deoker, Roadsters— S Mare and Foal— R Wilson, J J Hay J Decker; Peal— J J Hay, J Decker, R Wilson; Pally orgeldin , g 3 soare— J Decker, E Rezone, Thos O'Rielly; Filly or gelding 2 yrs J R Govenlock P Johueton, R Wilson; Filly Or G z yr J Lane; Team— .J Decker, 0 Miller Jas Williamson; Roadsterin harness — T J Berry; J Higganhothau, J Fryfogle Carriage • — Mare and foal- W G Broadfoot; Foal W G Broadfoot; Filly or gelding 3 yrs F A Wood, A Bottles, E Wiliest; Filly or gelding --tyre— A .1 Houston, ( ,E Thompson, Filly or G i yr J L Smith; Single --W Buchanan, A Betties, Jas Carling; Team— E Thail, Jno Fresher, E J Wiliest, • CATTLE Shorthorn—Heifer 1 yr—W Pepper; Bull calf 1 yr—W. Pepper; Still 3 yrs J, W. Beattie. Grades—Oow 3 yrs.—Jae. Carnoohan, 1st & 2nd;Dairy Cow—Jae, Carnoeban, also Heifer 2 yrs and 1 yr and steer calf; Heifer Calf—A. Elooat, Jae Carnoohau, Fat Cow or Heifer Jas. Oanioohan; Steer 1 yr Jas. Carnolian. Jersey Cow—J, 3 . Hugill, J. E, Gov- enlock. Holstein Cow—Johna:Archibald. POTJLTR Y '73rahmas Cock—Mrs. J. Howrie; Hen Howrio; Pullett 13.P, Wardell, Barred Rook -Wm, Yuill let and 2nd Hen—Wm. Ynill lat & 2nd; cockerel— J. MoOullough, Wm YuiII; Pullet— . Me0ullough let &.2nd, Bnf'Coohine Hen—W; F. Edwards, Cockerel W. F. Edwards; Pullett W. F Edwards; A. 0. V, Cochin Cook W. $' Edwards.; Hen W. F. Jildwards. Grey Dooking Cock—J, 13; Battler, W J Edwards; kien—J, 13. • Battler dt H rCockerel & e ow i , 1 sulltt, W, F, Ed- wards 181 Sc 2nd. Red Game—Cookand Hen 3 H Battler A 0 V Game Hen, Cookorei & Pullett H. F. Wardell, let & 2nd, Game SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEIVi E1R 27 1017 llautacu—Cools--H, P. Wardell, J EI cru; Table butter, 1t A Campbell, Mrs Battler; Hen J lat Baffler, (3 Harn; Roll or Print, Mrs G Elam, J' (Sochin Bantam (Jock• -W F 79dwarda J fdugill; Plate butter, Mrs J f1 1st & anal; i:Iou Juo Prenter• W F Ed- Chesney, M;s G Harn, wards; Cockerel & l'ullettW I1 Edwards r101iTi0flLUTliA1, 1st & 'dint, Lougahair ooclr=-Jno Howrie; Hen Jno Huwri°; Pullett I3, Fi Wardell; S, Hamburg, cock, lieu 000lrerel .G pullet 3 El Battler. Hondan—Cook & Hen --W Is' Edwards Poland' Cook—J H Battler; Hen 11 F Wardell, J 13 Battler; ooekerel & pullet J fl Battler; Orphingtona Book Jno Pe r ether FII Wnrdel , „ 000lt0rel W Ballautyre 1st & 2nd. Blank Spanish cook—J Howrie, J H Battler; Hen .1 13 ,Battler, J Howrie; alslrerel.1 H Howrie; :Minuraae cook,- W F Edwards, Wm Yule; Hen, 000lrerel & pullet Wm Yule let & and, 3. Wyaadottee--.ben, cockerel & pullet P Daly & Son 1st & 2n3; W. Wyaudotres cook & hen -J H Bat. tlor; Cookerel & Pullet Ohas Barnett rat & 2tici; G. Wyandottee, Odok, hen, 000lrerel & pullet P Haley & Son; A, 0 V Wyauci- ottes cook, & hen, H F Wardell; 'Red Caps H L' Wardell; Hen 13 F Wardell. 3 H Battler; Cockerel H F Wardell; Bronze Turkeys, Hen W G Broadfoot A 0 V Turkey Tom & Hep E R Snow- don. G Geese, gander, goose, young Apples, r2 varietiee— H Criob; wint•. er Apples, 31 Crioh; Baldwins, H Crioh J li Govenlook;'Poralcius, J11 Govaulook Spine, J It Govenlook; Russet, H Crioh; wealthy, H Orioh; Ontario, 13 OHO, Jno Soott; Snows, 3 R Govenlocir; Maiden s Blush, J Hugill, H Crich; preening, H Crioh; McIntosh Rod H. Crich, Pears Clapp Favorit o WBallantyne, te A EI coat; Bartlett, W Ballantyne, 3Irs A MoGavin; Heohel, W Ballantyne; Anjou H Crioh. Golden Drop Plum, A W Soobie; Lombard, De Grieve, J R Govenlocla Abundance, Wm Hartry, IR Govenlock Bradshaw, Wm Hartry, A Soobie; Bur Lank Mrs S Somers, JR Govenlock: Any Other Kind, A Soobie.-Grapes, Niagara, H Crich; Concord, A Bloats, H Criob Rogers; Dr Griove; weldon; Rogers No 82 and Best Colleetion, Et Crich. • -- CANNED FRUIT Honey in comb, in jar and nolletion Wm Hartry; Maple Syrup—Juo Murr- ay, R Campbell; Pickles, Mrs 0 Smith Catsup, Mrs Ili Daley, G Holbein; Soap (3 0 Dale, A Soobie; jelly Mrs E Daley gander &. goose—Douglas & Son, B Mr Hartry; wino, Dr Grieve. Geese, gender & goose E & R Snowdon ( 000KING A0 V Geese, gander" J Battler FtHomem d e li1ead)John scat, Mrs Fowler; goose J H Battler, F Fowler gander & goose Mrs J Ham, .1 13 Bat- tler, Pekin Ducks, drake & dunk HR Snow- don, Douglas & Son; young cluok & drake Douglas & Son 1st & 21111. 'Indian Runner—Drake, duck, young drake & duck J 13 Battler; A 0 V Orphingtou—cook & glen W Ballantyne W Leghorn, S C cock, hen, cockerel & pullet—H F Warden; B Leghorn cloak & hen Jno Howrie ist & 2114,. Anda lueians cock & hen J H"Battler, Jno Howrie; cockerel & pullet Jno Howrie W FEdwards; R Docks— drake, duck young droke & duck J H Battler let I Fowler 2nd young duck; Guniea fowl nock—H F Wardell; Belgian Hare—bnelr & doe—F Fowler A 0 V Harn.—book & doe—F Fowler young buck Mrs 3 Somers; young doe F Fowler, R Winters; Silver Campiues Cock, hen, oocicerel & pullet J McOui lough. ROOTS & VBGE1'A13LES Late Potatoes= -'Thos Coleman, F Coleman; Early potatoes— J Murray 3 Hugill; Winter cabbage— 0 Holbein Thos Ferguson; Savoy Oabbage— F Coleman, GBro adfoot; Red cabbage R -M Jones, C Holbein; Fall Cabbage C Holbein, W 0 Broadfoot, Other Cab. bage— 0- Holbeiu, (3 Broadfoot Cauliflower, 0 Holbeiu, G Broadfoot White oel"ery, John Cottle; Thos Ferg. 1.1a011; Parsnip, J Outtle; Carrots, S R J Murray, GBroadfoot ; Gong- 3 °tittle, T-Fergusou• Other :varieties, _0 Holbein. L.B. Beets- Jno Murray, 0 Holbein; Blood Beet; John Mlarrav, O Dale; Tomatoes 0 Holbein; Table Corn, John Murray, T Ferguson; Field Corti—Jnii Murray, G 0 Dale; Fodder Dorn Juo Murray, Jas Oarnocliou; seed onionsllrs (J Harn, .Juo Murray; sett onion, 3' Coleman, W G Broadfo)t; Red onions , G Broadfoot, 0 Holbein; White 0 Holbein, G Broadfoot; P Onions, 0 Holbein; Onion- setts Thos Ooleman; , Musk melon watermelon_ W G Broadfoot; Citron, Jno Murray T Ooleman• Vegetable marrow T Oole. man, W G Broadfoot; Squash, W G Broadfoot; Table Squash W G Broad foot; Hubbard, Mrs S Somers, W G Broadfaot; Pumpkin Jno Murray, Win Harty; Radish Jno Murray, lab & and; Cn- onmbers—Wm Hartry,. W 3 Broadfoot: Butter Bean -0 Holbein, Thos Cole- man; White Bonne—W G Broadfoot, G 0 Dale: Sugar Mangele--Jas Carnochag A Wright, L. Red Mengel—Jas Cern- ocban, W G Broadfoot; Swede 'Turnip Jas Oarnoohan, Pete Cleary; 0 V Turn ip; F Coleman, R M Jones; S Beate— Mrs G Harn, Jno Murray; White carrot W G Broadfoot; Squash G Broadfoot; Pumpkin—. Wm Hartry, John Murray; collection 0 Holbein- . DOMESTIC M'F'G Single harness, M, Broderick; Team harness, M. •Broderioh; Parlor furniture' rfurniture W, J, Walker &Son; Bedroom W J Walker & Son; Brinks, J M. Govenlock: Tile, J b1 Govenlock, DAIRY Croak butter, R A Campbell, Mre G'I Ed Daley, G Dale Dr Grieve; Bakers Bread' Carrillo Bros; Buns, Jno Scott, Mrs Ed Daley. Biscuits, P -Cleary, Dr Grieve, Lemon pie, Dr Grieve J Scott Apple pie P Cleary, Dr Grieve, collect- ion, Mrs Ed Daley. Ogilvie special G Dale. chills cake, Mrs Ed Daley, R Frost, oaudy, Mrs Ed Daley. (To be continued) Waste Not—Want Not Food waste in war time is a orimo. People in Eurppe are etarving for food, Belgium is devastated anclthe artists Canada throws away would lie picked out of the dirt and eaten by the starv- ing Belgians, Serbs, Poles and other unfortunates of the war zone, Canada wastes an enormous amonut of good foodevery year. The Food Controller gives $50,000,000 as a con- servativeeetitnate, Expressed in wheat at $2 a bushel, this would be 25,000,000 bushel, whereas we are asked to save but 12,000,000 bushels this year out of normal consumption. Expressed in meat at say 40 cent a pounds, it would be 128,000,000 pounds, or enough to support a Oauadian army of 500,000 mon for 200 days. The bones throwu into the garbage pails every day contain the essence of hundreds of -plates of coup. The breed thrown there every day is a waste of thousands of loaves. No bone should leave the kitchen until every scrap of marrow has been boiled out of it; no sorap of bread should ever be thrown away. The woman who wastes a crust, wastes the war' effort of the farmer, the miller, the storekeeper and the traneportatiou and delivery men. Watch everything, Watch against waste in the kitchen, and hi the pantry Watch against watt° in the cellar and in the dining room. Aa moll food is wasted in the eating as in the cooking. Hensall Miss Annie Gelchrist is home again after a visit to Toronto, A' great many from here attended the Fair at Seaforth and remained for the Play at night, . The Rebekah Lodge of Oddfellows presented Miss Jessie Buchanan with a brass cloak, in recognition of her work as Seoretary Miss Habkirk of Brandon with her sister of Toronto are at home at present Rev, Mr, McConnell of Toronto will be inducted in Oarmel Church on Friday Sept; 28th, Mrs, 3. Hudson is visiting her son in Miohigau Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator dons not require the assistance of any other medicine to tnkke it effective. It does not fail to do its work, 1 Siaffa Rev, Mr, Love is of those who were not afraid to go out and help the farm. era in the harvest floid. Mr. and Mrs, Sadler spent a day in Exeter with frieuda, Mr, Ralph Miller and his bride, of Detroit, aro visiting his brother. Mrs, Fawcett and daughter visited the former'e parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norris, recently. lYIiss Pearl Lowerywas marded to Mr, W. Riley of Mitchell by llev. Mr, Ritchie of Cromarty. The young coup- le will reside in Mitoltell, Mr, E. O, Chamberlain, Mr and Mrs• Montgomery of Seaforth spent Sunday at the home of Mr P Sadler, Mr and Mrs Wambold of Stratford visited Mr Flynn.' Mr Savage of Seaforth ucoupied the pulpit on Sunday evening owing to the absoenoe of the pastor Rev Love who is attending the funeral of bis 011010 in St Thomas, A number from here attended Seo - forth Fair on Friday. It Bids Pain Begone. --When neur- algia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the bank 1s the time pro test the virtues of --Dr. Thomas' Electric 00. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a sensation of 01150 and rest. There is l,othing like it as a liniment for its curative properties are great, A trail of it will establish faith in it. Walton Services in memory of two of et brave boys who fell in France for th defence of Canada were held en bun day in Duffs Chord' when apecint re ferences were made to the deaths o Pte. Alex. McLeod and Geo. Thamer Rev. Mr. Ora was hi Clinton las Week attending the District Meethig, A little rain would now be ratio. appreoiated as the grottud is getting to dry too plow. Harvest Thanksgiving service in th Methodist Church next Seedily Sept. 30th 41 y f,, m, factor's atibj'+et—Nat ional Doxology. Mr. David Hackwell of Rochester spent a fuw days hero. 1 -le ie doing well in College. Mr• Rheil Sr has been very 10, Methediat serviee was withdrawn last Sunday on account of Memorial Service in DoH"s Church. Bev, Mr. Craik is plauuing for evan- gelistic services at each appofntrent on the circuit this Fall. W. T.130.X&eeo JSbiSALINF1i8 AND . 1,6501,1141,PJ1t1Sat'01ltl Hallos of otm 140 'rlo,* and J teeess—Os ree:' r nitJ,Ts t Hoses l rnl'ith 03>M O(! $1.00 peii' yeiu' 1 e ' • h a 0 In all infantile complaints that are the result of the depredations of worms ill the stomach and intestines Miller's Worm Powders will be found an effect- ive remedy, They . attack the cause of these e troubles, and byex ell' ]1 th P tg e1 the worms from the organs insure an orderly working of the system, without which the child cannot maintain its strength or thrive. These powders moan health and improvement ra ;,k..�Y,S: '✓ 7v;'M: hn x' urs',• A rester deal Fountain Peas We have them 111 tarp variety And ail of that beat and renal deatrable .- unit an r t T I nuke - tlY W/O/nvev IOPAt; f'nI'a'tar,f Ptis A'l o 1„r every hand,— a -point far very perp[a-an.iaservice ,iltrrtinll:• el in any Orbe* pen !Ins, rr.,;e !i and np•vard. rte e..:ko late pen a.d'nalrelata and replace tr•.kt t re damaged palate in r: few mina!••e er rias stare. fa1'rressnr Bn 3snttugr & Jfrairlrre unit npfirluna i Marriage License lesuere PHONE ,04 Evening it A The store you will always H like wry THAN HAS BEEN We thank you—the public—for having Invade it such. We are indeed grate- ful for the big selling we did at our Fall Opening Our only regret is that we were unable to serve ,all who came to buy as well as to look. Come again soon. Many of the stands made empty at the opening are again filled with beautiful Hats, MACTAVtSD'S SER1FORTH We now extend a sec- ond invitation to come and see the Fall Fash- ions. On opening days the store was so crowded that many of you could not see and learn about the new styles and prices as you desired to do. Corot now. pass seasons no niatLer where,yolu slave been buy ing your Millinery, Dress GO ds, Suits and Coats You should now certainly see our magnifient showing of Fashion's best and newest creations. Such goods as we have to show -ni"alte buying a pleasure to you. An insFection of our Hats, our Costume Materials and our Made-up Garments will win your admiration and our prices will win your trade. Butter Wanted Eggs Wanted I-Iighest trade prices for both. Jo Mactavksh Seaforth 3