HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-20, Page 81[>L Si?AFORTII`l N cottage Wanted Wanted to out a cottage or rooms ill liesierth. Apyly to Kira. A Gula eaferth,Ont, WE WANT NOW A heli ble Agent in Huron (smutty to Sell Ihdliatm's Peeerlees Pettit laud Ornamental trees ilurtug Panetta Win- ter months. uuud pay, est:Mo rn terr- itory, flee selling equipment. Over 600 Aetna oldie choicest • Nur- sery stook a ,lading New varteties con• trolled by u, Handsome na.to-bate angling egmi t,lent and a spla»nlid Can admit grown stook, to offer customers We are not jobber,. Write now for agency terms to PELHA1i NURSERS: LO. , Toronto, Out, N. E. Catttlegue sent of request to appilo,ots ferag iioior: ur purchitemis of Nursery ateek. 1 ORRESPO iDEIVICE K'te�Mpr,•,u1t�+ruN+r+gx�--w ew.�Pu eromarty Buyileld Dr Weed spelt a Sow days in Ottawa recently, He still suffers from rhotue• attar. Mr and Mtn Heath et Hamilton are in their cottage or September, The Thank otferieg service of the ,Intoes A1„,,1„ of rlenttlu 18 (sone »11 a w, M, S. was held on Saturdays visit to his father. Mr. and Mrs. C, Steinhoff and dough- tleorge 11'est0l is wekiug en a woken ter of Toronto visited relatives here, contract in Ooderroh. 11r anti Mrs Norman PRO, _Miss The lith tugs are geeing good oatehee Ne1IiaBruce olid Miss Currie were 111 this fall, One cutch alone has realized Toronto recently ns mach as Slut], Fish bring a good p1•iee at present . Miss 111oCullook is attending sob,00l in (tratferd, Everyone is preparing for the big Varna Fair in the new at Mitchell. ilrondesbaro cousin her cousin, Mrs, Beatty. Airs. Hines of Detroit visitedher lira wvbb e;f `teafw.th is a guest of Varna Patriotic Society will holt( her daughter, lire .1, H. S?lieibreok u1n their animal meeting oil `1'uveday. the 13 Ponca Pion. The Red cross 10R is :Ito home of Mr, (.), Woodshas gone to Llstowell to the Collegiate. fa c;lcaaant c:zs.hcin; for ,-hildten is Mrs Geo Moult n Friday 7sMpt ast Miss Gladys Beatty eo a Clinton at wtleeer 0 ,ori ir. is e'' o;cted, from God»rich. a,.otlner Uaa:•vu' tt;'.1tun la:tteruiivait' l school. tl., c is e t! ; i F•tttvt fur drivil s Miss 911.:e F( !Twit r• creel: iu The beau harvest is fest comm SI vs 1+~. Drake.. of Seaforth spent,1lOu c,, w.:;ta ..r.':e the system, 14011(10D,14011(10D,K e.n day with her daughter. Sirs J. MoDon slut westber will t,ive good crop of 1t,d. this needful ortiole of diet. A large number from 'here wen to London Exhibition, r -- 'Brussels The trains have been late here quite often recently, linen/els ,'air Wid be on Oct 4th ent! gth. Mrs. Hendolsou of Seoforth is visit- ing her eon George, 1Mr, (Garfield Lung and family ate removing to n1'iegara Falls. Mrs John liauniug is ill with ty- phoid fever at (,resent, Rev. Father F'e;ton oouiluuted a 40 hours service in his churoh here last week when many front the cam1try n_ round was present, Staffaa Mrs Alex McDonald has returned Mr Flynn° of VVetorloo is visiting his brother. Mr Wm Kerslake has sold his home tours McTaggart and gone to Teeker. with to live with his daughter. Mr and Mra W Sadler and Mrs were in Hamilton with relatives. Quite a number of accidenta rooeutly 1111r W, Jeffrey lost part of a finger in the threshing lnaehine, Mr R. Ebfer- hardtgot a thumb taken off, and Mrs A. Norris had her wrist broken. lvir Hutt Mrs Joll'rey and Mira Hortata visited friends in Soafol•11 on'tlnutlay Mr mud Mrs Robt, Sadler and familA spent Sunday in Exeter. Mini limey HutehIsotl Seaforth spent the week end with her beotho1, Mr F D. Hutchison, Mrs Albert Norris and Master Clar- erlae spent 111e week end with friends in U»rierioh. Asthma Overcome. The triumph eve asttuua has assuredly time. Dr. J. 1) Kellogg's Asthma Remedy hive proved the most postive blessing the victim of asthmatic attacks has ever known. Letters received frons thousands who have tried it form a toatimouial which leaves n room for doubt that here is a real remedy, Get it today from your dealer. F ee I r'r'ETf ortal Cry of Canada at the Second Battle of Ypres. The defence of Ypres s:l'o:•.- mg the fire: ghastly gess attack April 22, 1915, exalts all history. By it ow' men were transfigured and the undying, imperishable Sou/ of Canada revealed. in the name of these Heroes of Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, VimyRidge, Lens,The Somme, Verdun ---aye and the Death- less "Old Contemptibles"--- we beseech you, Women of Canada, to Dedicate Yourselves and Your Families to War Service by signing the Food Service Pledge. The sacrifice is not great. We merely want you to substitute other foods for part of the white bread, beef and bacon your family now eat. "What follows almost defies des- cription. The effect of these poisonous gases was so virulent as to render the whole of the line held • by the French Division practically incapable of any action at all. The Stand of thg Canadians "The left flank of the Canadian Division was thus left dangerously ex- posed to serious attack in flank, and there appeared to be a prospect of their being overwhelmed and of a successful attempt by the Germans to cut off the British troops occupying the salient to the East. "In spite of the danger to which they were exposed the Canadians held their ground with a magnificent display of tenacity and courage; and it is not too much to say the bearing and conduct of these splendid troops averted a dis- aster which might have been attended with the most serious consequences." From Sir John French's Seventh Despatch, General Headquarters, 15th June, 1915 of food in your h Thou Shalt o ant The Undying Pledge of Canada's Mothers to Her Sons. When baking use one-third oatmeal, corn, barley' or rye flour. Or, order some brown bread from your baker each day. Substitute for beef and bacon such equally nutritious foods as fish, peas, lentils, potatoes, nuts, bananas, etc. Third, and this is most ire- portant --- positively prevent the waste of a single ounce ome. A Food Service Pledge and Window Card has been or will be delivered to you. The Pledge is your Dedication to War Service ---The Window Card is your Emblem of Honour. Sign the one and display the other. Woman's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources Committee, in Co-operation with The Hon, W. J. Hanna, Food Controller. nd e up r Food Service Pledge i Muir lay Try School Shoes pt 20 The merit of our SahoolShoes is unquestioned W have been exceedingly careful in the selection of this very important part of our stock. We realize that it is no use for us to sell• a a Shoe to boys or Girls going to School,. that will not wear It would be folly to do this. We are not here a a loll time to come will insure continued 11 a dtl yta s for day, but e'rpect to sell for the kind of School Shoes that custom. "The E-ilogne or Good Shoes' I.. i'honr ; t ?' Seaforth 6,. .Y. -.,yam _...t,%L:L.,?nvnammu, x,...-� • 11 e-a.e..o�.c..s.w.-.a,o.,a..u..a•.n.N-e•w"o-v.�e.n ... SUFFERING CATS! .Attention Ladies! GIVE THIS MAN I THE GOLD MEDAL I Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. Be says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug is a sticky ether comppound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is snffi- eient to remove every hard or soft Dora or callus from one's feet. Cut this out, especially if you are a woman reader who wears high heels. T Afrange to have pour hair- properlg washed and treated by me. Prices most moderate Shampoo Shampoo with tonic 40c 50c• Appointments made for any evening after 8 p. m. Saturday excepted. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W ROBINSON Prop KEEP ELL BY JOHN W. 8. IUCCULLOUGH, 111.1)., D.P.H., mime OFFICER OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTIi. HE BOARD comprises a chairman and six other members, of whom the Chief Officer is executive officer and who in the absence of the other members of the Board carries on with his assistants the work of the Board. There is a Chief Inspector, and the Province is divided into seven districts, .to each of which there is assigned - a District Officer especially trained to give advice and assistance to the Medical Officers of Health in the various municipalities in the Province, , 'As Ontario comprises some 400,000 square miles It will be seen that each officer has a large territory to cover. He cannot be every place at once, but every call en his services that seems necessary is cheerfully responded tee at the earliest possible date. • In addition to the PROVINCIAL measure of publicity through the press the Board BOARD OF BEAT/III maintains a public health and moving picture ex- ORQAi\IGA'1.ION hibit which is pretty well-known throughout the country sice it has been showonein nearly every town of,, impo t nce01throughout the Province, o The demanmore d for the eXllibit is very great, and it is impossibre to over the entire territory every season. However, requests for the use of the exhibit are responded to in turn• a tion to the Board issues pamphletseupont,various1ethod of subjects, lfo Ileducation exaanple:uponall.the different communicable diseases, sewage. disposal in country homes and schools, the care of the baby, mosquitoes and files, eto., etc. The writer w111. be glad to send copies free upon application, - This is perhaps the most contagious of all the so-called diseases of childhood. It comes on like a common cold with watering eyes and running nose, and foto' clays after the onset of these symptoms there Is usually a 111EASLf;S tending all overofuse dark r thehbody lnniThheg usually contagiousce period vis • probably just before and during the continuance of t lelrash. eThexquatposure.•anti.ne period.is three weeks, and a person from a family where the disease exists should not return to school for sixteen days after the last The Medical Officer of Health may allow persons from the quarantined house not attending school or engaged in the manufacture of food or cloth- ing to leave their holes for business providing they -carry out his directions.. Mdren's cdisseasees scarryl g loked ittle don anger, and for thisn reasonle sthese casesarotreated 1n the home, and no @octor is called in. Many cases too are very mild, and many, recover promptly. Some people seem to look upon quaran- tine 1'o• a disease like measles, scarlet fever, or diphtheria as a disgrace or an inconvenience, and Inde the facts of its existence in their homes instead of, !ts they are required by law to do, ,at once .notifying the IvTisdical Officer of Health, and send their children back to school before they are well. In this way they do au injustice to their neighbor's children;.and often as the result 'of what is criminal negligence spread disease broadcast. Not only this, but in frequent instances they do their own children a lifelong injury by exposing them to the danger of bronchitis or pneumonia, ear and eye troubles, from which they may never recover, diseaseBut is the asimple e from measles 81 11 0o1 thanfrromdiphtherdiphtheria and tlscarlet fevers. More Combined. Physicians Physicians who know what they are talking abotit tell us that measles lays the foundation or many cases of Pulmonary tuberculosis, which is known and dreaded by most people. e * fly, The he house brings breeds 1»oman1e, especially0fresh nuteiher mi e, and takes about eleven days to attain full growth, llach fly lays 77?? eggs, so if this insect is given fair play sho thrives Immensely. There is 110 also 01 any civilized, or heathen, or 1107 community for the Ily. A11 should unite and maitc eternal war against her, All sorts of diseases ars carried MANS by the fly, why tot? She travels directly from filth of all kinds n ever seen the 1lovile' Illustatingtld thce growthrindbthe hethabits of this entelprl iCarry disease. ay.° ng insect? if not,you should loop up the Ontario Health Exhibit in the Donninio173uilding of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, and learn Ito first hand the natural hiss:ury of the house fly, !then you'll go home and put screens on your windows and doors and snake the good man build a' manure hox at the back of'the lot, No manure no Iles, 1) her axle the oro per goo 1i1'le dire atio and plat T Ai Bror Edo Fors Geld A De O'Ri or gt -a�„ut*ti Swot Heat ,Foal .mare P Grill J ;sty J. LI Filly (]oleo er, J a enel TeE Dale; filly o iug to 13 Dia J Doc