HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-20, Page 7Fashionable
TO -day, more. than ever before, le
woman's opportunity. Many new De-
eupatloats aro
now o tuned to her
h- \elite; before the war, she was deemed
unfilled to illi And truth to tell she
has risen fur the opportunity, and now
shares many business respensibilities
in former times confined to men. But,
as women are subject to more fre-
quent flnetaationa or health than men,
many will be handicapped early, if
they regard their health requlromouts
too lightly.
The nervous Strain, long hours and
prolonged mental or physicidneatiguo
thin the blood and weaken the nerves.
Saab conditions as women aro now
called upon to undergo can only be one
lured' by a full-blooded constitution.
Title ie as, true for mon as for women,
only weaker women suffer soonest.
The woman worker, 10 any line, re-
quires her blood replenished frequent-
ly. the needs now, rich blood to keep
her health under the. trying conditions,
of business life, and to fortify tier
system against the effects of overwork.
This applies also to the woman in the,
,home, who, perhaps, has more worries
and anxieties than usual. So let all ;
girls and women take heed and renew.
their blood promptly at the first ap-
proacf of pallor, leek of appetite, head-
ache and backache. This can be best
and most elioctively accomplished by
taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills which
make new, rich blood and thus help
womankind so perfectly. No woman
need fear failure of health if they take
these pills •occasionally to keep them
well, or give thein a fair trial if they
find themselves rundown.
You can got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any 'medicine dealer or by
mail at 50 cents. a box or six boxes for
$2:50 from The Dr; Williams' Medi -
eine Co,, Brookville, Ont. .
me -
Made Fi1l'i•ontgurCaGoverusesMneh.nment lllitegulation
War bread made ilomt Government
1 vegetation flour nae caused so =eh
1 ilialess ,in England that chemiats a
bakers are working togetherunder i
direction' or Crown officers ill an
fort to eliminate the "rope discos
which affects the bakings. Pia
adults who eat lite bread devol
aOVOre eases or indigestion, wh
children break out in sortie in nia
parte of the body,
In addition to the ill health amp
the consumers of the war, broad t
monetary loss from ruined Whin
' has roughed a large -sum and is gra
ing larger. Affairs became sp Serio
that a delegation or the London Me
for Bakers Association called on t
Prime Minister and urged a return
•the 75 per cent, flour.
One case was cited in which a bak
shad to destroy 3,600 loaves of brea
largely because motile had ruined
In another instance a baker sold 1,2
loaves tlf spoiled bread to manuft
turas of pig food and was compelled
suffer a double loss, far when the
thorities heard of the matter the bak
was arrested and fined $250 -f
"wasteful extravagance in war time
A. P. May, secretary of the metr
polltan committee for war savinge an
food economy, attributes most of tfi
trouble to too largo a proportion
non -glutinous materials in tete lion
In some eases it was founckthat bake
were using peanuts, called by the En
fish monkey nuts, to mix with th
So far "rope disease" has baffle
the investigators in the British Isle
One London baker in testifying before
an investigating committee gave it as
his opinion that "rope" is a second
fermentation which arises in the bak-
ing and is furher developed through
keeping the bread for the stipulated
twelve hours.
The dainty smocked frock is just the
thing for the little girl . The model
smocked or shirred in yoke shape is
charming and childish developed in
lawn, pongee or crepe de Chine. Ma -
Call Pattern 'No. 7916; Child's One -
Piece Dress, smocked or shirred. In
8 sizes; 2 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents.
Could Finance Her War , Debt With
Surplus Worth $459,000,000.
Even if" only, half of the 1917 Cana-
dian crop is shipped out before the
close of lake navigation, the'Govern- '
ment statement. of March t31, 1918,
should show a heavy increase over the l
$244,000,000 ex orfs last year. If at :
p Y
that time, the'national war debt, t
should, stand at $1,200,000,000, as has'
been forecast, it would still be well] 6
within the financing capacity of a t
country able at the end of three years.'
of war to produce in one commodity
f one-third of its
alone the equivalent of o t
whole liability.
On an estimated yield of 275,000,000
bushels, gross value of western Can-
ada's wheat crop should be $605,000,-
00, the highest amount realized in
the history of that country! from af
ingle product, Canada's fiscal year
does not coincide with the full eaten-
ar crop year, which would be about
30, when the export movement
s practically at an end, and thegrain
trade is best in position to take stock
and balance accounts. Moreover sea-
onal changes affect initial interior
grain movements as well as lake ship-
ments, and comparisons of corre-
sponding periods of time are -for these
and other reasons not always wholly
For the 12 months ended March,
91,7, wheat exports amounted to
244,000,000. -This trade covered an
abnormally large carry-over from the
915 crop, which had appreciable
weight in receipts even in the late fall.
of 1916. The average Canadian price
or wheat in the fall of 1916 up to the.
close of navigation was not far jrom
1.70, Fort William delivery, or $1.50
to $1.55 on the farm. Notwithstand-
ing that production fell to 280,000,000
bushels in 1916, the dollar value•of ex-
ports was $72,000,000 greater for the
st fiscal year than for the year end-
s March, 1916.
August 1, 1917, lake terminals held
early 12,000,000 of first grade wheat.
stimating the export value of all
western stocks at $30,000,000, a mod-
est appraisal, Canada begins the cur-
rent grain year with a salable surplus
worth $459,000,000 at $2.20 ' per
bushel. -
to J"his Watt, neyel Naval fieserve, "for
most conspicuous gallantry." When
a F hailed by Austrian cruisers at about'
or a hundred yards range and ordered to'
stop and abandon his drifter, Watt or
o -
uponfull speed ahead, and called
upon the crew for three cheers and a
fight to a finish,
Pluck Won the V.C..
The London Gazette publishes a
number of award, decorations and
medals in respect of the action in the
Straits of Otranto on May 15, when
three Auntrian cruisers attacked a'
number of British drifters, The lie't�
includeet- Victoria Cross — Skipper
This is to certify that I have used
MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family
for years, and consider it the hest
d ! ment on the market. I have found it
FOR infix ONES
Mrs, Delvina Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue
Que., writes : "I have much pleasur
n stating that Baby's Own Tablets
aye been a marvellous medicine i
Y e n
he case or my baby. I have been us
lig the Tablets for four years and
on't think there is anything to equ
hem." In using the Tablets the moth
er has the guarantee of a government
analyst that they do not contain one
particle of opiates or other harmful
drugs—they cannot possibly do harm
—they always do good. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
excellent for horse flesh.
"Woodlands," Middleton, N.S.
Woodlots on the farms can bo made
an important factor in the relief of
the threatened fuel shortage.
To_ improve plants of perennial
phlox, late this autumn give them a
surface dressing of hydrated lime and
, incorporate the lime with the soil, us-
e ing a garden rake where there are
many plants or an excelsior weeder
where tliere are only a few plants.
- Spread about
the plants p tsaer
a circle of about two feet from their
al base.
'Who could resist a coat like this 0
with its smart short waist and fash-
ionable collar? Large and practical s
pockets bulge over each hip and take
away from the straight -hanging ap- d
pearance so long popular. Gray ,
homespun and black velvet are the i
materials used. McCall Pattern No.
7920, Misses' Empire Coat, in 3 sizes;
16 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents.
Those patterns may be obtained s
from, your- local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, -Dept. W.
Above Human Weakness to Heights of 1
Brave Deeds.
Not long ago there was a serious
fire in an old tenement house in a t 1
large Eastern city. It was well under
way before the alarm was sounded,
and the old building burned like tin-
der.. There was no hope from the first
of .saving it; but every one of its oc-
cupants was thought to be safely
down on the ground before the walls
• began to waver.
Then soddenly a scream sounded
from the third story, and down la
through the clouds of smoke and fire e
peered a frantic woman's face.
It seemed almost hopeless to try to PE
save her, but in an instant the fire-
men had a ladder up and a man was
swiftly scaling it. Just as he reached
the second story a veritable wall of
flame rushed out of the windows to
meet him. Tor a moment he stagger-
ed, hesitated—
"Lift him up, boys!" commanded
the chief in ringing tones. "Lift him
For a second the .crowd below star-
ed, "Lift him up?" There at the sec-
ond story! How could anyone reach
him to lilt? --
Batt the firemen knew. They, too,
had been "lifted up" in such a plight;
and they made the very heavens echo
with a swinging cheer for Billy.
Ire another instant the crowd, too,
joined in, incl' Billy, all hesitation
gone, was running as nimbly and as
coolly up .that narrow ladder as if it
were merely a "test -out." In a few
moments more he and the woman were
being welcomed—with more cheers—
as they reached the street and safety.
Which were the' cheers that counted
most —those that applauded the fine
action already done 01' those"that lift-
ed the man above himself and his
weakness to the heights whore the
brave deed was possible? Thole who
lifted his heart lifted the whole man
much more stlre.ly than they could
nherely by touching his body.
Perhaps you can "lift" seine one in
that way, too, _
A Tunbridge Wells sehool6lrl, in a
prize sstay 011 "Babe," wrote: "Never
given child money; it might swallow
it. Nevar tell a Child a Ile, Never
511111tc a 011112. Never et1'ike a child in
..i .
a pilssion, Never throw a child up iu
the 1lir and catch it--lt might be
A wholesome
table beverage
with winning
Used every-
where by folks
who find that
tea or coffee
"There's s a Reason'
Canadian Postern Cereal Co„ Lid.
Windsor, Ont.
Ont. -
Make Your Money Work.
Better buy one of the Government's
war savings certificates. They yield
over 5 per cent. interest and have the
whole Dominion of Canada as security
You can get your money back any
time you wish or leave it out for three
years, A new certificate that is just
the thing to teach your boy or girl
proper investment habits has just
been issued. It costs $8.60 and pays
back $10.00 at the end of three years.
For $21.50 you can get a certificate
redeemable at $25 in three years, or
for $86 you can get one worth $100 in
three years. That is better than let-
ting your money lie unproductive. The
certificates can be had from any bank,
money -order post office, or direct from
the Department•of Finance, Ottawa.
RINE Granulated. Eyelids,
Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
Sun, Dnatend Wind quickly
relieved by Murine. Try It in
V IdoSmerting,JastEyeComfort
Neurine a Bernet' At Your Drug tete ar by
Fn ym Doo1101 he Sue Pram
Eye Salva. in Tubes 26c. I`or Book of the Sue- �rao.
Ash Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago d
The doll is the oldest form of play-
thing known.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
The 'excellent advice 'these verses
contain loses nothing by the ingenuity
that their author, Mr. William H.
Davenport, displays in their composi-
tion : •
Traveller through time's treacherous
Tell t11e truth.- -
This thy transport, this thy ticket;
Tell the truth.
Though thou'rt tired through toilsome
tilling .
Till thy tones, they're trembling, tril-
Tell the truth triumphant, thrilling;
Tell the' truth.
Thought that's twisted twists the
Tell the truth. -
Truth that's tinkered -taints the tinker
Tell the truth. -
Toil's true task, truth's thorough
Time's true trail, the truth's true
Thought's trite throne, 'tis truth trans-
Tell the truth,
To thyself thou'rt truth's translator;
,•._Tell the truth..
Though the thousands term then
traitor, -
Tell the truth,
T1s triumphant truth they're trying;
'Tie the tempter's toils thou'rt tying;
'Tis through time thou'rt testifying;
Tell the truth.
Minard'a Zinimont Cures Suras, .Eta
--o—o—o-0--o 0 0 0 0-0—q
Applyca few drops then Ilft
corns or calluses off with
fingers—no pain. b
Just think! You can
lift off any corn or cal-
lus without pain or sore-
A Cincinnati man dis-
covered this ether com-
pound and named it
, freezone. Any drug-
gist will sell a tiny bot-
tle of freezone, like here
shown, for very little
cost. You apply a few
drops directly upon a
� tender corn or callus.
� Instantly tho soreness
1 , disappears, then short-
ly you will find the corn
or callus so loose that
you can lift it right off.
Freezone is wonder-
ful. It dries instantly.
It doesn't eat away the
J corn or callus, but
shrivels it up without
even irritating the surrounding skin.
Hard, soft or corns between the toes,
as well as painful calluses, lift right
off. There is no pain beforeorafter-
wards. If your druggist hasn't
freezone, tell him to order a small bot-
tle for .you from his wholesale drug
^oil ;�4t@l
Woman Saved From a Serum
ous Surgical Operation.
Louisville, Ky.—"For four years I
suffered from female troubles, head-
aches, and nerllpusness. I could not
Bleep, had no appetite and it hurt meta
walk. If I tried be do any work, I
Would have to lie down before it was
finished, The doc-
tors said 1 would
have to be opera-
ted on and I simply
broke down. A
friend advised me
to try Lydia E.
Pinlcham's Vege-
table Compound,
and the result is I
feel like anew wom-
an. I am well and
strong, do all my
own house work and
have an eightpoundbaby girl. I know
yd a E. l'in h m'g ...Vegetable Come
pound saved ale from an operation
Which every woman dreade," Mrs.
NieLLIE namioS, 1521 Christy Ave„
Louisville, Icy. ,
Everyone naturally dreads the sur-
geon's knife. Sometimes nothing: else
will do, but many times Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Canpound has saved
the patient p
patient and made $13 operation un-
Ifyen e symptom sy ptom about which
you would like to know, writo to the
L D. Ptnkham
�yy Medicine given free.
Co.' Lynn,
Mass, for helpful advice ful ad i e
ISSUE No, 38—'17. -
Nunlllness Through Cold.
The moat remarkable effect of the
colli which a inember of one of the Ant-
arctie expeditions noticed was the
lose.of sense and touch in the fingers.
It was almeet complete, "Suppose you
wanted to look for a knife in your
kit -hag," ho said, "you would get it in
your band and not know, It was the
same with everything we handled, We
saw that we picked it up, and saw
that we held the article; we could not
feel that we had it," Ito added that
it was not possible to shave because
the skin became irritated and sore,.
while if the: beard grew too long it
attracted moisture and then froze into
a block. The only thing to do was to
keep beard and moustache clipped
close. __ ^
11?dnard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
"Be that taketil up tate Burdon of the
Minting lightenoth his own load."-
Warfaring Psalms,
The Rattier recently inspected the
German navy, wliinli must be admit-
ted everywhere to he the greatest
navy in captivity, -
a big knee like .this, but your horse
may have a bunch, or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat,
will clean it off without aging up
f '� -• Tho. only well known medlurn prided
.,,:,'+•.--= baking nowdor made In Canada
�`�\• that. leas not 0ontafn aluSO and
`E l which has rtlt 140 Ingredlonts
!/a/�f19(fll1191R�\1dd� plainly etotod on the lapel.
as,teer,at. z s+,
"Isn't there a good deal of waste in It is surprising how brave the aver
the bone of a sirloin steak?" "Not age man le when there isn't any real '
for me," replied the merchant, "I am danger in sight, '
very careful to sell the bone for as
much as the meat,"
MONEY ORDERS Y•s�•-1 and ether runt by mall. Wholesale
When ordering goads by mall, send bargains�C1111M for
ctrl olliedtnManue
a Dominion Express PIonoy 01281',factut-ers. 420.1, St, I'aul Wast. Montreal
ssTsotn..tt as
birds generally avoid bright colors
In alto construction of their nests,-roNcER. ruMores, Lut�Ila$, pTcl„
Internal and external, enrol with.
which might possibly lead th the dis- out pain by our home treatment. Write
cevely of their place 'of abode byus before too 1011. Dr, Bollman Meaicat
an Co., LSmited, coningwooa,. Ont,
n5inard's Liniment' Cures Dandruff,
Spray potatoes as long as the vines
remain green. Cultivate potatoes un-
til they are dug, to conserve the mois-
ture in the soil and keep the weeds
the horse. No blister, no hair —
gone. Concentrated—only a few
drops required at an application. $2 per
bottle dcevered.
ane Book 8:vi frnrib705eRe INstI.n, ehcdns
aerate minimal, for mankind, reduces Painful tooliln¢a,iargd Glands, wens, aruleea. Varicose leans', atlayaPaIn
andinflatronatloa Prim £I and £2 a beak at druggists delivered d
W. F. YOUNG, F. 0. F„ 010 Lymons Bldg., Montreal, Can,
Obsorbine and Absorbing. Jr.. are made la Canada.
CU11�:YE� hAS
When buying your. Piano
insist on having an
6d O -r 11 O H y CAL"
Like B y at 5 t uhbIirn
With Vitality --T king Iron
doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders—
Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate,
nervous folks 100 per cent. in two weeks' time.
NEW YORK, N. Y.—Not long ago a again and see for .yourself how much
man came to me who was nearly half a • you have gained. L have seen dozens of
century old and asked me to git'o him a nervous run-downpeople who were ail•
prelimlpary examination for life Maur- ing all the while, double their strength
once, 1 was astonished to find him with and endurance and entirely get rid of
the blood pressure of boy of 20 and as all sympComs of dyspepsa, liver and
Sull of wlgo•, vim aha viCaltky as a young other troubles in f1�om ten to fourteen
okfl'i tin tact a young man he really teas days' tlm } }
-n' is anrling his age. The sloret he e s mp y b t lU t
Cs)said teas talchlg Iron—nu�atrd iron Clad
B,� without obtaining any benefit. But don't
fake ti
filled him with renewedlife. At 30 he was
in bad health; at 4 he was careworn
and nearly a71 !n. Nos at 60 after taking
bis tface beaming wlthi the vitality
Youth. As I. have said a hundred Wiles
over, iron Is the greatest of all strength
builders. If people would only take Nux-
ated Iron when they feel weak or run-
down instead
of dosingt
hemselves with
hcohollfobdrugs, stimulants cconvinced
and ai-
thbnthybeverages I am Cardin ff seIn
this way they could ward off disease,
preandenting iz and the eby organic lives thou-
taous ndoasis tad thereby theowiof
thousands might be saved who now -di-
ne' l ver, from pneumonia, other, kid-
liver, heart trouble and other true
causes which
The real and true
cause which startee then• diseases was
nothing more got loss than a weakened
condition brought I oa 00 leek of. Iron rIn
the able Iron os absolutely necessary
to enable Your blood t change tier haw living tissue. Without it, no mane raw
much or whatryou eat, your food merely
good, You don't get
doing YOU
get the strength
come weak and
and consequence
111te a plant trying to grow in a son
deficient In Iran, If you are not strong
or well you owe it to yourself to make
the. fallowing test: See how' long you
can work or how far you can walk
without 'becoming tired. Next take two
five -grain tablets of ordinary nuxated
iron three times per day of for meals for
twr,. weeks.. Then test your strength
y a ng ran !n the
•liroper form, And this after -they had'.
l same eases been doctoring for months
Relief Instantaneous, Healed
With 3 Cakes of Soap and
S sofi
0 ntmente
"I was very much annoyed by an
irritation on my back. I found out I
had a bad case of eczema.
My back was in a very bad
shape, and my clothing
cd0 that s the skin
became very sore. I sent
for Cuticura Soap and Oint-
ment. - Relief was instan-
taneous and with the useof
three cakes of Cuticura
Soap and two boxes of
Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B.
F. Grosch, Y. M. C. A., St. Catherines,
Ont„ July 4, 1917.
For hair and skin heelth Cuticura
Soap and Ointment are supreme.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A.." Sold everywhere.
acetate pr tinctu esatfion simply to save
e. Yew cents. You must take Iron in a
form that can bo easily absorbed and as-
similated like nuxated iron if you want
it to do you anygood, otherwise it may
prove worse than useless. Many an
athlete or prizefighter �edlie k has h•
stm 1 ion the day
simple because lie know the secret ed
strength and endemic* and fined
hie blood with iron before he went into
thdee affo inglorious
briole many another has the
down to lnn-15 Sauer.
simply for the
lack of iron,—Id. M.D.
MUTE, Nuxeted Iron. recommended
above by Dr, 1;• saner, Is not a patent
nor secret remedy,druggists,
one a ron
Is well entwn a drugyistr, and whose Iron
constituents si aro widely h prescribed U by emi-
nent lncrgalnna on pr here. it 1s the
older lc t'd, c iron t nuit to teetll,
a1I1 rrl, aces not Injureeithe
the teeth;
o maketh chem contrary,
black, nor upsot tp stomach;
the yry, (t Is a most potent n0s
1n nearly all forme ,i in canthi as
well as for nervous, run-down conditions. n m10 00021 ted have that great
Aerie, in Noxa toe Iron that lacy offer to
forfeitthey 8100.00 to any eha005' 11205 institutionwoman,
if they cannot,v11 take any man or woman,
under 6re, teho lanky tram and Increase
their strength 10th n or over 1n four us or-
provided they also no serious or-
ysur trouble. They also oiler to dyable
your money If it dose not at tense double
your strength l and env nil g In ten days'
time It la Alnplr,srd by nn gnarl dru rrlat?.
e s eek, The Well um Eye Specialist
and Doctre,r Judkins, The Alledical A .:cher,
Publish Astonishing- eport on on de rfui
Remedy To ., Strengthen Eyesight
Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many instances
A Free Prescription You Can have
Filled and Use at Home.
New York.—Dr. Beck, a New York state
eye specialist, and Dr. Tudithhe, a Massa-
chusetts physician, were asked to make a
thorough test of the popular eye remedy,
Bon Opto. 'Their reports were most inter.
eating, Isere they are:
Dr. Bock reports, "Wilen my attention
! was first milled to the wonderful eye rein.
edy, Ron Opto, I was inclined to be sk-epti-
cal, I make It a rule to test every new
treatment 11,111011 15 brought to Inv attention,
/laving specialized in eye work for the pest
twenty years, I believe I an qualified to
express an Intelligent opinion on remedies
applicable to the eyes. Since Non Onto has
created such a sensation throughout the
United States putt Canada, I welcomed the
opportunity to test 1t. I begun to met it in
MY practice a little over a year ago and 1
ant frank to say that the results obtalurd
are such that I hesitate to .tell of 111y ex-
perience perience foe fear it will sound incredible,
Some ofthe results I have-ar0omplishrd
With Bon Opto not only astonished myself
but also other physiehkus with whom I have
talked about it, 1 have had many indlvid-
uals who had worn glasses for years for
far-sightedness, hr: nr-eightednoss natigulo•
tam acrd other Dye weaknesses, tell me they
have dispensed with then through the situp -
Bon of the Bon Opto prineipel. Many eye
troubles can be trueecl directly to nm5011har
contraction and relaxation and since ilea
Opt" method tells how to exercise and de-
velop the eye nmeeles, it 'towhee eondlttan0
not possible through other means. I advise
every thnughtftll physician to study nen
Ot,tis 1 rinci1p
u1, Moro
it the daub: careful
Crim I have nisitheca is no doubt iru my
mind they Will come to the eoael11sion I-
have, namely, that tho Bou Opto method
opens the deer for the ear; of many rye
tamlbles which hoveheretofore 115011 impes.
sihle to (apo with, The treatment is s
simple in its application that it ennn be timed
et. home lay 0vynne of average intelligence,
la toy own practice I have seen it strengthen
the eyesight More than e0 per cent in one
week's time. I have also used it with Bur_
prising effect in cases of work strained ayes,
Pink 530, intlammed lids, catarrhal cau-
junctivites, smarting, painful, netting, itch-
ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, emelte
sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred
vision, and in. fact many other conditions
too numerous to describe in this report. 4.
new and startling case has just come tinder
my observation, which yielded to Eon Opto,
15 that of a young girl, 13 years old. Two
prominent eye specialists, after a thorough
exaninatioa of the young girl, decided in
order to save the sight of her right eye, the
left eye must be removed. Before permit-
ting her to be operated on, the young glrl'e
father decided to use Bon. Opto. In less.
than three days a mashed improvement was
noticed. At the end of a week the inflam-
mation had aluso0t disappeared, and at the
end of six we0111', the eye nes 5011011. Suet
think what the saving of that eye means to
this little girl. Another case to that of a
lcdy ninety-three years old, She came to
'ale with clull vision and extreme i.ntlamma-
tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al-
most raw. After two weeks' use of Bon
Optosixteen." the lids were absolutely normal and
her eyes are as bright as many a girl of
Dr. Judkins, lrinssachusetts physician,
formerly Chief of Clinics in the talon Gen-
eral Hospital, Boston Mass., end formerly
Rouge Surgeon at the Boston,
Engined Eye and
Ear Infirmary of Portland, Mnin0, and
medical author for many years, reports:
"I have found oculists too prone to opera
ate and optioiane too willing to prescribe
glasses while neglecting the simple formu-
las which form the basis of that wonderful
dome treatment for eyo troubles, Bon Opto.
This in my opinion, is a ronisrkablo rem -
ed or c
the are and
disorders. Its success in prevention
lopingy and
strengthening the eyesight will soon make
eye glasses old faeliluned and the form of
eve baths which the Bon Olsto method pro-
vides, will make it8use as common as that
of the tooth brush. I am thoroughly con-
vineed from my experience with Ron Opto
that it wi11 strengthen the eyesight at leash
00 per cent In one week's time in many in-
stances. Dr. W. I3', Deviate, director of
medical inspection in the Boehm schools, in
his report published February P0, 18;7,
states that only 14,018 out of 80,175 ex-
einined, need to wear glasses note, a marked
decrease over the previous report, Don
Opto is hastening the eyeglasslcss age in
bespectacled Boston,"
Plotm0 of eye strain and other Opve weak -
1100600 and those who wear glands will be
glad to know amt nressrding to Dr, Beek
and Dr. Jo,lhins, there is rent (tope and
help for thole. llany whose eyes were fall.
ing say they have had their eyes restored
by this remarkable prescription and many
1yli0 un(e 10101e gla,tees say they have
thrown them elver,' One man 0nys, ,oftT
uetee it: "1 cvss elmo0t blind. Could not
see to rend at nil,. Now I ran react every-
thing without lay glasses and my eyes do
not bunt any more. • At eight they would.
pain drr:u1fn11t. NNo1 they feel tine all the
time, • It 110 like h tnlrnrlo to her e ]adv
who steed it says; I hm atmosphere seemed
hazy wit 11 or wIllicalt glasses but after Using
this prreertption fon lb Saye everything
seems 0t; al', I can mat 1 r; rn dap print
101111out glasses." .lm,ll,,•r trim 11.•1,1 11'
ON's! "1 was buthcr.•d with qi2 sire.
caused by overwerked, tired -eyes which in-
duced Stereo headaches. I have worn glasses
for several years, bath for distance and
close work .and without them I could hot
read my 01'21 name on nn envelope or the
typewriting on the machine before Inc. I
can do both now cud have discarded my
long distanee glosses altogether. I eau
count the flutteringleaves on the trees
acme the street new, wlsloh for several
years have looked like a dim green blur to
ma I cannot express my joy at what it has
don; for ma"
It is be that thousands also wear
able time and nnullltitud stmoretwill be able
to strengthen their eyes 0o as to bo spared
the trouble and expense of ever getting:
glasses. Eye tronblups of many descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by the tee of
this prescription et home. Here is the pre
scrlption 1 Go to any active drug store and
get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop ono
Bon Opto tablet in n fourth of a glass of
water and let it &steely0, With'thislilted
bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Too
should amore your eyes clear up perceptibly
right from the start and inflammation and
redness 'ill quickly disappear,. If your
eye; bother yen even a Iittle, itis your duty
to take steps to Savo thein now before 1110
too late. ;.luny hopelessly blind might have'
saved their eight ill they had 00106 for their.
03'0510 —Antime,
NOTbither prominent pIysirian to whgqm
the above artlele was submitted, 0nidr 'Tog, tine
lion tlpto prescription 1s truly, n wonderful eye
remedy. Its constituent ingxredients, ere well
kmnva t0 eminent ole specialistsmad widely pre,
srribed by then. 1 I1nve .used It very mimes
fa11y itI hal 0140 pnlMli'e. on latienta 1511000 rye
wer0 of mat eat
overwork er 1011114 alnosrs
1e to mat tit. for 1,17 f001 regnlannnbo
Ecol should the kept on hand en for n referred
1sd 1
rhnnot curry sl'tisnily" mon chpin 5elorreer t
• IlnAre, Is 1101 m patent 16011101.•0 00 a 000.04.
t 1015m1n1 tieing pJrsila1rred oobul,i1.11e (pn0'100,, toe a.1lip10l0s1
htnr0mit 00 'lie hen
11 ler relit 111 110 '011'1 lithe In 02'asy
0000,51 0r refund the 11100 1. It I1 df u.^-.x-
good ll1l
r"gssts. inaluu1nr' 1.' 1r1
stores: elm, 6y 0, 'ransplen aad r. 11115
.h. C To• i