HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-20, Page 5v
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SIR EDMUND WALKER. SIR stows; MW, General Manner
C,V.O., LLD,, D.C1,, President 11. V. P. Joms, Ass't. Gen'l. Manager
CAPITAL PAID UP,$15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000 •
Open a Savings account with this Bank and
deposit money which would otherwise be kept
at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or
theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis.
faction of knowing that your money's secure.
Seafoxth iBrasa..c.t
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
Wrappers specially printed from your
- own copy, we:can supply them at the follow -
ng prices—
W.J, Walker 8b Son
gmba 1 mers
W. J, Walker, holder of go. •
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night calls receive our
prompt Eat011tion:
Day Phone 67g
L'Night 118e
,),-)GamiAL 0
Fall Term from Sept. 4th.`"'"
Oommeroial, Shorthand and Tele-
graphy Departments.— We have
throrough courses, experie:.oed in-
struobors and we place Graduates in
posittons. Demand upon ns for
trained help is many times the num-
ber graduating. Get our free
*PRIM' 41.
Voters List, .tel7. Municipality of
'the Township of MoKillop, Comity of
Notioe le hereby gaen, that lhave
transmitted or delivered to the persons
mentioned in Section 9 of thti Ontario
'Vetere' Lists Aot, the copies require d
by said sections to be so transmitted et
delivered of the List' made pursuant to
said Act, of all persoueeppearing by the
last revised Assessment Roll of the mild
Municipality tobe entitled to vote in
the said Municipality at elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal Eleetions; and that
the said List was first posted up at my
-office at MeltillOp on the. Ilth day oi
Sept, 1 917, and remains there for it s
Alia 1 hereby call upon all voters to
take immediate prooeedinge to have 8133,
errors or ommisaiotis corrected itcoortl-
ling to law
,Dated this iith day of Sept, 1917
Morello , Clerk of MoKillop,
Miss Annie G. Govenlook, Gradnate
of Canadian Aoadoinyof Musio,Toronto,
Teachers'COMBO 91111000005 the re-
opening of her classes in piano, organ
and theory. Pupils will be prepared
for Canadian Academy and Toronto
Conaervatory examinations.
For terms and soholarship apply at
Studio, North Main St. , Seaforth.
Try Us For A
Refreshing Shave
Our. Speciality
Call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
I have or sale sew
Bonds and
of a particularly
High grade, bearing
interest from 5 to
6 per cent.
All information con-
cerning same cheer.
fully given.
Bond and Debenture Broker
M 3031 titreet, Seaforth
Phone Or e
ItIcKEN2i I 111-111 Tuckersmith on Sep
3rd,to itfr, and Mrs, Peter McKenzie
A son.
DIKON-111 Seafoeth, on Sept. 7111, to
Mr and Mee Geo, D111031, a son.
a 10'.....d*....CP.,....ilMl.....40 ‘......011........010
Kan Herawl......1,41.41...1.1161.00.M.T.111001WIN
i TowaTopics
WI 1
Dig up your overooat, have 8 look at
it, by renewing the velvet oollar, Preen -
lug and Cleaning mayeeve youthe priest
of a new 011(i, Nty Wardrobe Goderiolt
St. opposite Queens,
Mr. David Ail. .Haolovell of Boohoo
ter N, Y. is visiting at Mr Leonard
Bolton, s William S.
The pink wool coat donated by Mita
Lukes and drawn for at the Rod Cretin
Rooms last Thersilay was won by Mrs'
Robert Hendereon of Broome/if,
Mr, K, C. Sidemis woke hi the
Methodist Church last Sabbath morn-
ing on 'iThe need for Leadership,"
In the evening he addressed 880800 in
the Presbyterian Church at the ()lose of
the usual service, on "The Canadien
Standard of efficiency Tests for Boys,"
Mr, Earl Van Egmoed presided at
the organ in St, Thomas Church last
Sabbath in the abeence of the organist,
Miss Margaret Edge whe is confined
to the house through Minnie.
Mies Campbell of Durham and Miss
Woods of Zurich were week. end visitors
at the home of Mee, W. K. Goldhawk
Rev F,H. Larkin will aonduct anoiv-
canary Bongoes in the Presbyterian
Church in Dunnville next Sabbath,
Miss Violet Parkes of Dunnville is a
visitor at the home of Mr Al Williams,
Mr and NIrs F. Holmestead have re.
tinned from apendiug a month in Tor-
Mr and Mrs Bert VanEgmond of
Regina, Miss Agnes Ferguson of Bay
Gity and Mies Mae Ferguson of Man-
istee Mioh, who were here attending
the funeral of the late Mrs W,D, Van•
Egmond, left on Monday.
Mr Robert McKenzie of the Stewart
Bros staff has accepted a position .as
traveller with a Hamilton wholesale
Corporal Clarence Scott of the First
Canadian Contingent who is on fur
lough was in town for a few days on
his way to Edmonton'.
Mrs Bateman and family have return
ed from Paris to Seafeeth.
Rev G. Speedie of Toronto occupied
the pulpit of the First Presbyterian
Church last Sabbath morning and he
spoke of the work being done by the
Upper Canada Tract Sooietv.
Rev. Mr West of Dunnville next
Sabbath will' preach in the:Prebytertan
Mrs McDougall of Toronto is the guest
of Alis T. Stephens at the Queens Hotel
bliss Violet Parkas of '-Dunnville is
visiting Miss Ethel Williams.
Judge Dickson of Huron has ap
pointed Mr J,M. Best as the member
for Seaford) on the Local Exemption
Tribunal under theMilitary service Aot.
Mr Best is a Mall of integrity and good
judgement, and Judge Diokeou could
not -have made a better appoititment.
Mr Best has two sons at the front,.
The duties of the tribunal will corn -
menet) shortly,
Next Sunday, Rev, .1. F, Knight
of Hensel' will preach in the Methodist
Church in the interests -of
the Departments of Social Service and
Evangelism, •
Mrs O.J. Clark of Santipola, 081. 811(1
Mrs Earle of Woodetook are visiting at
the homes of Mrs 0, E Henderson and
of Mrs Janyee Beatty
Mr 0031 Eckert has returned home
frotn the Shakopee Sauitorium where
he has been taking treatment ferrite=
atism, He feels much improved. He
was met in Detroit by his wife, when
they matin flying visits to friends there
and in Port Huron
Robert LairdNelson Govenlook, and
Stanley Hayti of the Aviation Coro,
Clamp Borden, spent the week -end at
their homes here.
The Birth of a Nation, the greatest
photo play ever produced will be given
under the ausoioes of the Woreen's war
Auxiliary in Oardno'e Hall on Oct, 4th
Be sure and keep the date in mind,
Mrs Jackson of Indianapolis and
Miss Russel of London, who have been
spending a week with Mrs 5, Wallace
v81111.1.111 i%inctlay,
Air and AI J Lt.• Archibald and M,
and Al, s A rdebald ,100to1«1 to
Woutiste,„1, 1:',13 week,
Mei D. Sproat of Bolgrave ttecomp.
allied the remains of her slater, the, late
Mrs James Laurie, to Seaforth,
Mt Wm, Hartrey hag again won for
the second time the Gold Medal at St
Cetharinos Elmer (show for Gladiolii
The annual oonventiou of the Eatie
Huron Tetscherie Aeaooiation will b
held in Olinton on Thuradsy and Fri-
day Ootoder. 01111 and 12th, Dr Siloox
Piinalpal of the Stratford NornaelSohoo
will be preseut and glee Iwo addresses 1
at the day emotions so well AIS an Mile-
trated lecture et the evening sessionMr .
W.R• SmiJjje has received word
that Ills son Lieut. W. B.Sraillie, has
been gnarled at the front,
A. Public Meeting will be bald 111 14
O8rdno48 Hell on Monday Sept, 24th
when Mrs Williams, wife of Biehop
Willianas.will spank to the !Adios of
Seaforth on Food Seeing,
The tractor has arrived but the plow
is not yet here.
Mr Dingman vice•chairman of the
License board attended the liquor intim
on Monday,
Mr J. •Pinkney wen neoottd Prize fur
11 18 3 year old at Loudon last week,
$411$ 20
Women's Nig Auxilau
Bal. on hand
082 87
$2 16
2 boxes !told 20
Proceeds of drawiug for sectional
bookcase,donated by C,F,b1. it 25
Donation by Mrs Whitely 1 00
Methodist E. L, 20 oo
Mrs W, E, Kerslake 1 00
Expendi tore
J.A. Williams, p'tge on socks
3 balls of twine
P'tge on sooka
71. J. Finlayson Treae,
9 24
916 08
007 34
A. number of children in the North. -
ern part 01 1110 township who have been
suffering from what resembles Soarlet
fever are are recovering nicely,
Dr Burrows of Seaforth visited pat.
ants on the Leadbitry line on Sunday
he was accompaied laei'Mrs Burrows
and Mr and Mrs Bright,
Mr Tilos Pyrce of Seaforth, formerly of
MoKillop has been on his rounds buy -
ng oattle for Toronto market.
Beane 30111011 are nearly ripe appear
to be a full crop.
Mr, Theo, Jordan has gone to Tor-
onto where he has secured is positional
Mr and Airs .1 as,'Crouin, Mr and Mrs
P Dill, Mr and Mrs. L, Loviy, and Mr
and Mrs Wm Stapleton motored to
London last week to attend the Fair
Miss Luny Evans has returned to
Detroit after a few months visit at her
home east 01 3119 village,
Miss Al. Weber is visiting friends in
Toren to.
Mr. Joe Maloney has returned from
Winnipeg 90(1 1389) secured a position 30
Mr. Wm Hills, Hardware Store here.
Captain Barclay oondinited the serv-
iette in St. Georges Church on Sunday.
Rev. MP. Smith will be Fiera next 'Sun-
Mr joint Bea and daughter leave
this week for their home in Edmonton
after spending the summer here with
Theeshing is now the order of the day
and extra good yields are reported.
Several from hero attended the meet
ing at Seaforth when medals were given
to boys who worked on the femme dur-
ing the summer,
- Clarence Kaiser, son of John Kaiser
died in the hospital in Topeka. Kenna
after 101 illnees of typhoid fever. His
father went to him but he wee dead be.
fore he arrived. Much sympathy
felt for the family in their affliction,
The funeral took place front the Pres-
byterian Churei, and was very largely
• Lieut. Stewart Knox who has spent
the slimmer in training at London, and
who was honorably discherged, has left
for Whitby where he will act as inst-
Mile Hazel Elcoat who spent the hob-
idays at home has returned to Coburg
where aha id on the Collegiate staff.
, 4
14+,0-I41,0 0.14 •1
Necessary Farm
Egui ment
J,F, Daly 0
Cook Bros.
ORE and more the Ford car is looked
upon by progressive farmers as neces-
sary farm equipment, the same as the
p ow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower, the
harrow and other labor and time -saving
A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with
one or two of his horses and make the trips to
town, railway station, creamery, or to the neigh-
bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no
farm machine made that will save the busy
farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time
as a Ford. And it's so easy to take care of-- far
easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay and
oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and
no stables to clean, The Ford practically takes
care of itself.
Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would
ever again try to get along without it. His
answer will hasten your decision to own one,
Touring - $495 Coupelet $695
Runabout - $475 Sedan - $890
Dealer Seaforth
0 Dealers 0 liensall