HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-20, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS eveaillenewasoureseeseeeseserwe PROVESSICNAL -CMOS. MEDICAL E;11.1i611B4Mspittr it:W*4d, it ItatreCirt ....... W dtheeeee 'el 3(y., En. Nese ime oyes psalm. 0eer. behind Dominion Bank. M3 3 N 0.5. Residence, Rote No. 106, Dile . SORROWS. Stater*. Office and li ...., Goderieh Settee, east 01 the Maher. OP Coroner for the Coma; of Huron. T 40. Dix wan & MACICAY, Physicians and Goderich Street. appalls Meth.). die , Worth. deitireits aeadoate oietorta and Atm Arbor, and manta, Ontario College of Physicians and a Coroner for County Of Huron, honor graduate Trinity University. 3jwtTrinity Medical College. Member of Cell.I 33 Phyel, Mae and Snreeons, Ontario, DR. . EElLt1.tAH ..0eteopatiric Spexialls 10 omenan 's d Children • Dielases and ReatiOtietk Teoutrice. Acute and Chronic Ills - wedges. on, Fr's. Non and Teresa. Adenoids remelt/A writhe,. he Melte. t. 0103U00 itet, a lintel, TOCK111..g,„?...p• ..11 pAst sulay,Ltn e 9.1 VIn OEIMATEI IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. SEAFOrnrii, ONT. Phone 34 levitating 127 2, • Issued b/ JOBS, Marrk bitnORSOS ' put tan, sea , talk Insuran e ...„nolderig Insurance. Life or Acetdent2 liyou are, a poacard will get our rates. D. IRINeHLIEY, en erel Agent 3s Londou Life Insurance CO., and I nanarialGuaranteeand 3...eldent Insurance Co. Seafortb, Ont, James Watson General VIre, 1.110 and Accident Insurance Agent, and denier In 0owogMachlnee. Iloun 89r. Acrtforth, THE McIULLOP Vitilum Fire insurance Co.1 Panto and Isolated town Property Only insured. OFFICERS ste. conimuy, coderich, President, lame Evan s, Beech w und . V I',ideflt, 1110)000 817, Seaforth Soo. Treas. SUBSCRIPTION one dollar' per year. strIctiy Rd v a nce not paid In advance, one dot\ ar and a belt will be charged. United 6111.101 papere, fifty cents extra, striokly In ad v tweed. When subscribel. chaange their addree a notice should belitoo itmeclist0171delat both the old and the new address. Sub- ecribere will confer a favor by notifying ea of any irregtdarity of delivers.. Reading Notices -No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money Is to be made by any pereon or cause will be Inserted In Tim News without charge. The price for the inser- tion of business announcements le TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties having no contract (or display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each insertion to those having display contracts, and foe church,"eociety and entertainment reading noticee. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 lines, SO recto. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern. meat NotIcet -Ten cents per line for first insertion and five cents per line for each subsequet insertion. Yearly ,•urda-Professlonal Cards, not =ceding one Inch, will be !needed for 35,00 per year, payable strictly In advance Display advertising -Rates furnished on application, " Advertisemente ordered for insertion, wUntil forbid," and those sent without written instructions will appear until mitten ordere are received for their die- ontinuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature. not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In each communication'. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly Marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per line, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Directors D. F. McGregor, Senforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rirm, Constance; John Benneweie, relative, In Greet Britein Melina for eeeelption on the grounde of e 03311 1)8- ulg 111 hie olvil oocupetion are generally mule by the employer who appeals, to the tribenal on behalf of his men, 11 11 felt that such a olaim can be best made by the employer. in any event a men claiming essential tem. upation would need to have the eimp- art 01 11(8 employer to his elaiin, SERVICE FORKS SIMPLE The forms for military report are equal- ly siniple. 'nose willies used by men who do not wish to elaim exemption. 'they avoid the necessity of reporting in portent until a time es a (month is milled up for survive, The deolaration etatis; I hereby report 11278811 for military 001. 08, 1 will report myself for duty when canoe upon by notice mailed to e et .,..," Bletilts follow for tits 118100 and ad -- dross of the reomit end his status, whether a bachelor or a widower bio present occupation mid the name and Adams or his employer. Both classes of forms 018 )100 in tile hands 01 1118 printer, and will be dis tributed immediately they eve available 1 Members Of Exemption 11 Tribunals ssodshrtsra; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Malcom McKeon, Clinton; 0 MM'artney , Seworth; 111.11i3 Connolly. Goderich; Jan, Evan., Beechwood. 1 General Observations I a Agent. kle- - - 0 Ales. Leitch, Ilarlock; E. Ifinchley, Seaforth; William Chesney, EgmondvIlly• J. W. Veo, Nearly every one is satigliud with elolmesville; R. G. Yarmouth, Biodhagen; James Xar and John Goveolock, Seaforth, auditors. t'te War Franchise Act. It seems only Parties destrone to effect Insurance or transact other business 03(1 be promptly attended to by el:1'a that the soldiers who are giving applleation to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective postofficar, their lives for the country, should say how the country should he governed. 1 As many of there are dead and other : 7eeeee The I me prisoners in Germany and unable to vote, it is right that their wife, Original !mother, sister or ilanghter should cut and , a vote for them. Again, while it is right that people who belong to the vfli conntriee of the enemy should not be i;enllille .foreea to tight against their relatives it is a'so right they should not be allowed to say 11110 08011111 govern this aonntry. Beware ! of A, boatitiful example of the he ritiony imitations of pe1iibet wee give!: on Saturday last sold in Cattlime1 Hsill , the Liberals en the handed out the Medals to the S. 0. S. Mfilt3 boyo provided by a Conservetive Goy- a 1,111 011,„ of members Louise Flatiegan of the township of Minard's ; were on the ola tform The speech of I, Lagan. ; A large number of friends witnessed Liniment Mr Proutifoot wits a inaguslionnit I It 13111 Pule Begone.-Whon Neur- algia rooks the 1181109 or lumbago crip- ples the book 18 the time to tent the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eleotrio Oil Well rubbed in it will still the pain end produce Il sensation of mum and reel, Thane le nothing 30 good ao a liniment or as an internal medieitte in certain 06565 , A Wel of it will establish faith iu it. Millers Werra Powders not only ex- terminate intestinel anti other worms, but they are it remedy for litany other ailments 111 children, They strenglien the yeung etomaoh against biliousuese awl are tonioel in their effects where the child suffers from lose of appetite. 111 feverieh ttouditious it will bo found uoeful and they will serve to alley pain mai griping in the stotriaoh, from which children so often suffer. A Free War Map Every home iu Canada shoul(1 have a map of the great war area in Europe to site where our Cenadian boys are fighting. The (mimed map offered free with the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is complete in every I1 detail. It is the best map yet publieh- ed. The subsoiption priori of the Fem. . Fferald is now $ 1 . 21 a year but toensire up the different's to their subsolbers this great map which could not be produced meter two dullare a oopy except in suah large quantities, in given free to all subscribers newand re- newal who pay a year's subscription $1.25. 1( 18 a great big bargain in- deed. Hie Honor Judge Dickson has made the following seleetion of appointees er the various exemption boards under the Military Servioo Act for the ootinty, Goderich, Judge Dickson; °Hilton, Wm Brydone, Barrister; Seafortli, John M. Best barrister; Witigham, Dudley Holmes, barrister; Brussels, Wiu,Sin• clair, barrister; Exeter, Isaac Carling; barriater; Gerrie, W.S. McKeroher, Dungannon, Thos Slathers. The joint board of the tenate and Commons makes the appointment of the other members of the tribunals. Other names will also be subinit„ted by the county judge as alternatives: M an Iey A number of people from this vicin- ity took in London Fair. bliss Anna Manley returued home on Tuesday after a long visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs C. Eckert. Mies Monica Eckert spent the week. end with her sister Mrs Tom McKay, We are glad to hear that Mrs P. NIcLatighlin islrecovering from herrecent ilhaess: An interestingmarriage took place on Tuesday, September 18111 the parish church thiblin, by Rev. Fr., Dantzert uuele of the groom, when Mr John Eekert, son of Fred Eckert of the township of McKillop was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to bliss the beautiful service and Nuptial effort arid breath, doeply of c011' High mass. The bride, who was. 109111..1 seriptioe rind Food Proauction. inga beautiful dress of white satin and a white plush hat with a beautiful For Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. tSV. Seaforth. Phone 130 Without a proper systm of adver. tisin is like a motor without the + power. . Seaforth News AVERTISEMENTS Will supply the requiredenergy hOne • 34 ==evenlogs127 Exemptions Under Service Act • white plume, was assieted by her Mater who wore a beautiful pink satin dress both carrying a hotpot of enthral flow-, , Applications may Be made Qui ere, while Mr, Joe Eckert, colleiti of uf the groom acted as grmm oosan. Relatives or Employers After the ceremony the young couple ••••••••9011.0•1 motored to the home of the bride's parents e here t'1 87 were met by a num Ottleva, 30pt 16. -Exemption from bar of relatives. Atter a 500)91110(101 serviee, under the military service act wedding breakfast they motored to 1 mey le claimed on eight sepurate Mitchell taking the afternoon traill for gra retie. The forms of applioation. Toronto and Niagara Falls. Their which will be available at postothees (115117 friends wish them a long and throughout the Dominion in the nrespelous life. oouree of a few days, make thio clear. rhe grounds are: x The importance of continuing Huron He cross anti emp10ytuent habitual occupation, " e., Important:oaf continuingemploy. ant for which he ie. specially gull. tied. 3. Importance of continuing edece. on or training. 4. Serious hardship -owing to exceet- lona! financial obligatioes. 5. Serious hardship owing to exoep tutted hnsiness obligatious. 6. :Serious hardship owing to exeep. tonal donwstic position. 7. ill -health or infirmity - 8. Adherence to religious denomhts. den, of which the articles of faith for- bid combatant serviee. PUT •1X- OPPOSITE CLAIM The feim is drafted much after the style of a ballot paper. The applicant for exerntion Is required to place a cross opposite the ground on which the claim is made, His ease will then go to that lope1 tribune to which proof in support will be submitted. Application for ex. oroption may be made not only ,.by the raan himself but his employer or it MARRIACIES. WALPt1 SLEY PETIOK - At the Methodist parsonage, Goderioh • on Sept. 12, Edward James Walmsloy to Ade Maud Pethiok, both of Sea. forth, ELLIOTT-JOHNSTON-In Goderich on Sept. 9.11) Elisabeth Johnston of Goderich to Wilfrid Elliott of Godo - rich Toweship. SI Fume, MASON -In Clinton, Sept 7th to Mr and Itirs. W. A. • Mason a son. DROVER- In Tuckertnith, Sept. 13 to Mr and M rs Wm. Drover, a daughter, SHANNON -In Bullet, Sept Sth, to Mr and Mrs Hugh Shannon, 0 daugh- ter. DEATHS. REYNOLDS-ln Hallett, Sept; 6th Thames Reynolds aged 4 years. SAUNDERS-In Exeter, Sept 9th. Samuel eaunders. aged 78 years. Goderich Fall Fair Greater Premiums Mounted military manouvetTs New Poultryehous,- and en- larged poultry lists New -merry go•round for the children an other pasume-s- Splendid speed tests in four lib events,liberal purses. All distri:it horsemen invited -1 Remember the dates Sept 26, 127 and 2S. Notice War G. Al ..••••••••• REC1EPTS Deo. 1016 Count? Ocunail 55 op June 1917 " 100 00 EXPENDITURES Dec, tete, Mrs, Fitton. see, 12 00 c, 10 Mrs. FIamilton, pres. 10 00 Jena 1917 Moo Essery. Exeter 5 29 Miss Allen, Goderioh 1 06, " Mrs. Axon, Clinton 12 95 " " Mra. Gardiner, Blyth 6 24 " Miss Brown, Treas. 2 38 " Dinner 3 00 Mrs, Fitton, seo, 5 00 Total 63 81 Aug, 1917 Bal, on hand 51 19 BYRON SANITORTUM FUND Total Receipts 1042 77 Total liependiture 1000 00 Bal. on hand 42 77 Gera E, Brown, Tteasurer. I • :1111y Our choepiee s 111 he 011,11011 down tie first week itt eietober for nee assail, repairs. Our crusher will be miming as ristial. SEA FORTH MILLING (10, LTD. "For the 91ood is the Life." ‘V HSU ARE With any dimmers dna to Impuro blood oUok as Eczema, SorofUla, 8001 89, Bad Lege, Abe0001108. Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Iloilo, Pimple., Soros 0( 009 kied, Plloo,Blood Poison,Rhournatiom, Gout, oto., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want Is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poIsormus matter which alone is the true catue of ail your suffering, Clarke's Blood Mixture Is lust such a medicine. 01 10 composed of ingredients Arid, quickly expel from the blood all impuritiee, ftom whatever cause orating and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting cur,; IThiiiimpriti. fur siledion fainPilvi row., Over 50 years' 8114CtU, Mutest to tat. told 6y all ChOmist, and RES 101.4 ail &MUNN.. ALL ---- SKIN & MOO DISEASES. Clarke's Mixture mixture It Al 4.4.,,,d }A 41414 PG NI 31 XIIK110 XXX XXX XX X XXXXii•X XX XXIX X X X X X X X NI X X i or re Nerd Office, Tereshe IS 31 13 X , SIX 10141.5/41) 0.015Leillson, M.P., glIt...141AT7HEWS, Viare-Peandraeat X • , 311 Prosid.enat...I m. II le X X Capita raid Up $6,000,000 Reserve If Grad $7.0011.000 a a a et a a al upwards. i si al N ■ I IN T Savings Depart 01 aosissmansaresosamitensoustaismoscsalsoNsionsansixsitaisollossosatnawnint onnonasmatoomorarodoma, Interest paid on deposits of 4.00 and Place your savings in the /lank. SEAFORTH BRANCH', R, IVI, JONES, Managsm ent CREAM WANTED Send your mem to as and reoeive top prices, We are running one plant the year through and can handle your full supply and tutrhish you with cans. We pay twioo each month end weigh sample,and test each can of cream oare• fully, Our motto is " Honesty to our Patrons " Patrons are requested to re. turn all our Cana • when not in nee, 3 itter an I Biettermilk also on hand 113 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat Barley... 1. 20 Bran per ton....., ...... ........40.00 Shorts per ton .................. ..... -.48 Floer. .... ..... 6.30 6.80 Egge 43 Hogs to farmers ...... 17.05 NTICE St. Joseph's School of Music. Year opene Sept, 3rd, 7, For particulars apply St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth, Ont To Men Who Live Intuitive Lives-. Exorcise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and system gen- erally; but there aro those who are compelled to follow sedentary °imp- atiens and the inactivity tends to re. strict the healthy action of the digest- ive organs and 510111888 follows, Par - melee's Vegetable -Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a paeket of the pills always onhanci. CHURCH NEWS ' All items under this Head e.re published tree of charge, ex- cept those regarding meetinge where Ku admission fee is charged. The rate for such being live (tent per count line SP,71FORTH enunewas Thursday t:zept fflOK Cif.OfaST RAIZ run nobs DANDEVAP Girls' Try II ilaIr gets soft, fluffY aloof beatrtifiel-Viet d 26 cent bottle Of Pall d 0 ri n e • If you ore or heaVy hair that Idiot tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an inconanarable eoftnese and is Duffy aud lustrous, try Dandorine, 0.tliit ono Application doublethe beauty of your hair, besides t Imme- diately diesolves every particle MI dandruff. You eau not have altos heavy, healthy hair If you have dandruff, This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverislinese and itching of the swap; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fasts Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of Knowlton's Dituderine from any drug Moro tout Just try it, St, James' St, james, Church,' Rev, Father P Corcoran, Rev, Father G. R. North. graves .blornizig Mass 7 term High Maas 10.30 a.m. Sunday sollool 2.30 9 in. Evening vespers 7 p.m. -••••••••••••••• St, Thomas' Rev. T. 11. Brown, Rector, Sunday serviees 11 aan, and 7 p.m. Sunday school- 9,30 p. rn. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 pan. Chilciren'sbranoh Saturday 2 pan. ntercession services every Thitroday, . 0 p,M, First Presbyterian Rev. F, 11, Larkin., Pastor. Sunday servioes 11 a.m. and 7 p in, Sunday school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thureday, 745 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Societyethe first Tuesday in each month at 7.45. Barbara Kirkman Mis• Mon Band 3rd Tuesday:in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2n11 Monday at 4.15 pan. Methodist Rev. G. bleKinley, B, D., pastor -SUNDA Y-Olass at 1000 a.m. Public service 11 rem, and 7 p.m. Sun• day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p m , Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8, p.01. Highest Prices Paid • for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers. Appelzft & Millman SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Aoross from Creamery Phone 183 ---- atotaoluomoutazoodesamasolowootoOkoaall Asrepresentation Never Makes friends We might induce you to ' buy our photographs once hut //the ortraits were un -- satisfactory vou would nev- er come back, Jre,p roittait u makels as good as first-class zvor- manship, artistic training and practice can produce & our prices are as lowas pos- sible for good work. OUTSIDE WORE a speci- alty. Potos of houses 6.)e sell Films and finish for amateurs. Picture Framing, use carry a large assortment of mould tags. D B[JCS PHOTO6RAPHER SEAFORTFI LIM211111:020.1501,[6:31l1=512101 illTallOSSIES533,2BIOIESULMISII - 11 `11 11, 40" ardn One .P.118101.,u1"0 -1,-ereailgritirEliggiresliM23 pera iuose ay 1411y CT. 4th AY W. eranston Presents D. W. Griffiths 8tn Wonder o the Wold Under the Auspices of the Seaforth Soldiers' Aid Commission Original Music and Stage effects The Greatest Art Conquest Since the Beginninp-, 8 NIGHT Prices. MATINEE........„ Matinee at 2.15 sharp of Civilization 50C, 750, St.no ...... 25 cc, 50e, 75.: Mail Orders Now Plan opens Friday noon Sept 28th at Aberlitart's DrugiStore John A. Stewart President A. D. Sutherland Sec .1 iTreas:32., aumummo 41 10 15 11 a zr eele' t0ar