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The Seaforth News, 1917-09-06, Page 5
,y Page ANADJANKA4,1 BANIc SiR EDMUND WALKER.' C.V,O,, LLD., D,C,L, President CAPITAL PAID UP,, 15,000,000 -•19ay.c'. RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager 11, V, F. JONES, Asst Gen'i. Manager SENDING MONEY ABROAD Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The cost is moderate. Apply for particulars. 66 `,...o- ea1foxat3a. 13.r , ..c..0 J,G, MULLEN MANAgtER Genuine Vegetable Parchment Wrappers specially printed fI-9III your OW11 'corky, We;can supply them at the followi- ng ,p•riCes— TIE SEAFOR,TI NEWS S E1 F©RTH W1J1Walker 85 Son Undertakers and Einbalhners W. J. Walker, holder of go. • ernment Diploma and License Day or Night calla receive our "prompt attention,'", Day Phone 678 z Mgirt " 118;1 1/t"' STRATFO.RD. Fall Term from Sept. 4th.:- Commercial Shorthand and Tele! graphy Departments We have throrough oonrses, experieroed in— structors and we plana Graduates in positrons, Demand npon 118 for trained .help is many thnes the num- her graduating. Get our free catalogue .• .• A. R IIRCLAAHLAN eatNCI1EtL • PROMPTLY SECURED In all countries.Ask for our INVENTOR: ADVISER, .which wllt'be sent free. — WA MARION do 1K4.1344 MUSIC NPiss Annie G. Got'enlook, Graduate of Canadian Academyof Music,Toronto, Teeohers's Course announces the re- opening of her ()lasses in piano, organ and theory, Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Aoadenty and Toronto Conservatory examinations. For terns and scholarship apply at Staclio, North Main St, , Seafortb, Tho cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within teach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's, blethers Value This 011—Mothers who know now soddenly croup, may seize their ohildren sed how necessary anti prompt action is in applying relief u..waye keep at band a supply of Der, Themes' Electric Oil, because exper— ience has taught thorn that there is no hotter preparation to be had for the treatment of this ailment. And they aro wise, fur its various uses reuder tt a valuable medicine. T11y Us For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING Our . Speciality • Call at Bolton's Barber Shop OA.t2DNOS 13LOCKSEAFORTH DAILY Bk 'W[FN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND 3 1 MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS' 3 The Great Ship "SBEANDBEE"—"CITY OF ERIE"—"CITY OF BUFFALO,' namwmmx BUFFALO—Daily, May 1st to Nov. L5th—CLEVELAND Lome B1rrpALa • 9:00 0, 0t, t Rumour; Leave er,r.VOLeun , 9:00 P. 00. Arrlvo eruvuLea0 750 A. 91. ( STANDARD Thin Arrive nURlALo • 7:30 A, di. Connections al• - 1 a 010 oland for road Point, eosd1n•Bn V r Toledo botrolt Mid all int wear and 6o for transportation naation no our readers .6.0kou nimbi and agent for Aro geed O vIe 0aep93. Li o. on aur stoamt , Aok y-ar 00 Rob d Trip for ttrowithvia ys Br Lino. N00 fm0 0 A og000di n .9710 O Round Trip, with dnyazoturn omit, rorearsnotosaoadanptntiu.whoaltiano. Boadtttully calomel eocttoaal puaelo chart of Tho Grout Ship " auceaanac ' .004 on ro0oipt of fir,06011. Also ask for our 83.pago pictorial and denoriptivp koolaloo fro. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Company pimdowL 0111 7hoerrot Ship n8BEANDIIElln —/ho largest nImonl eal17 no Irrt n Inland otU o 00110 nar�8looping woolly, 7600 pare gen. , c4 WSq sit Eti,snad . :FARE +35® .rewri`� mal. !gi The Thinking Power sy WILLIAM J3LAKEMAN Something over a hundred years ago when Europe 1111.S cutting one of those advances In uew lines of' thought which have marked different Stages of intellectual development, when a crop of great French tliinicers-Voltaire and others -were attra(ging attention, a wealthy Parisian lady conceived in some degree those ideas intended for the arnelloretion of women that are in vogue during the present day. dMtno. Drivaux dill not follow the tines of the present .movement, where- in women contend for equality with men, Iter idea wits that wotnen were capable of higher intellectual 'develop. merit than men from the Pact thatthey are made of finer texture. Iter plan WAS to -utilize the brute force of men by making it suhsorvlent to the Supe- rior intellectual faculties of,,'tvornen. • Mme. Drlyeux, who possessed an enormous fortune, purchased -an It/land hi the Meditet'rtanean Oak, upon which the proposed to carry out her idea, She bad no difficulty In founding her col- ony. Some of her colonists were of noble birth; others were commoners, but all were intellectual, She called for menvelilnleers wh-• _ ...v must ioln whir a fullunderstanding. that the Women were to do the thinking, the men to serve ns protectors, dime. Drlvaux's Idea iu separating ber colonists from the rest of the world Was that she might make an absolutely fresh start, untrammeled by existing institutions, laws, customs, Bat a per- fect rhalclne jiff '''' "- H _ - a. ,ue present In order o.' inaugurate a new future is very dif- ffeniY A weak spot In the founder's purpose was that among the hundred women she took with her there were y'' -op eneh 0f whom lyra loved' by a Mari'. These ,Men, llnwiiling 'to [tart: Witt) those they loved, enrolled them- selves nniong the masculine foiie who were to do the fighting and laborers, Thus at the Very outset did the canker- worm get into the roots of the tree that dime. Drivanx had planted with so much thought, trouble and expense. Mme: Drivnux had enlisted every OM colonist herself, takiug care that he was not opposed to her scheme or Unwilling to accept the direction of the women, looking to his muscles rather than his brain for his share of the work. But these three "misbegotten knaves," who had joined for•the pur- pose of getting possession of the wom- en they loved, deceived her by being the loudest in their • advocacy of her plan and their promises to he obedient and patient laborers and soldiers. Marriage was not ferbidden in till colony, but eVeryi wan who married was obliged to promise that he would obey ills wipe. Moreover, be was obliged to agree to be n hewer of wood and n drawer of water, looking to his wife for guidance like tin obedient hus- hand, Now, .the three marplots who had Joined the colony were much nut out at having to leave Paris for a consider- able onsiderable time in order to save for them- selves the women they loved. Even on the voyage they put their heads to- gether to devise a plan for being re- 1enefl on the colorists for the sacri- fice they were obliged to make. Nat- urally it was easy for them to get con- trol of the other men colonists, for the latter being content to let the women do their thinking were not disposed to think for themselves; consequently, associating with men who were dis- ,posed to lead them, they naturally fol- lowed. • Now, it so happened that 500n after the Colony was established a ship stop- ped at the island loaded with a fierce band of Arabs Prem the African coast, bent on pinuder. dime. Drlvaux called upon the men to attack the invaders and drive them away. Jules Champi- nols, one of the three men who had been plotting against the success of the colonial scheme, said: "We are ready to drive these men away, but we wouiti be pleased if you would give tis a plan of attack. It is our part to do the fighting, but your part to tell us how. Shall we take the offensive or act npon the dereusivo? Shall we use gens or shall we rely on 0nr bayonets?" Mme. Drivaux Looked scornfully on M.-Ctampinois, stamped her)foot and told him to drive the melds, away without asking any Further questions. Tito women who were about their chief were much frightened, "This colony is orgnnizecl," continued the men's spokesman, -"oar the plan that you women do the prinking and we wren l.11e.wofk and the fighting. Our portion of the good things we have Is for doing these Mono.- itis not Just that we should be called upon to think and fight, If we must do both we cnu't see wherein you are superior to us, and we call upon yon to•snrreucler the lead. ership In our favor." The Arabs were stealing up en these p00r 00101011 w111)0 the In010 were stand- ing r is1le. "We snail be nntrdoredl" "Cowards) Do your duty!" 'rt . n awn a e•na nn f?1n ylm1"11' ere pronrh nl u„ , ' reeve place to "For heaven's strati: sale us and You may rp;•, ,, r, . "701111g; • inn i•hinking power- or per- fell!' cried Chtttnpinos, "We resign!" replied a hundred voices. "Follow mel" and, turning, he' led the men against the enemy, who ran to their ships and sailed away, The next clay after a triple wedding the colony broke up and 'returned to iFrance, THE $EAPOIRTH NEWS w.77"."llnrrq.'rwN.nine 1« p5. ..' y new, ,MM,a 0nomensoNYYninawnno,.M1M n. 5 I TownTopics !1 Parties visiting Toronto Fair have your clothes put in shape early, Pressing, ()leaning and repairing done My Wardrobe, Godorioh 81, opposite the Wens hotel, The Misses Laidlaw have returned to Toronto. Miss Florence Thompson left this week to teach in Toronto, The Misses Jean, Margaret, Erie Stewart were in Brantford spending their holidays, Mia Madge Stewart left this weep for Wallaoebnrg, Mr, R. H. Arohibalcl of Dunnville spent the holiday at the home of !ii Parents) Mr, and Mrs tiallies Arehihald Mist/ Ada (3avenloolc has returned to her sohool in Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs, George Hills spent the holidays with relatives in Toronto, Mise Grace Stephens has returned trom au eXtAnciell 119IcIN, jt1 lV uelr.aa Mise Barbour of Toronto -sang two pleasing solos in the Presbyterian Charon feat Sabbath, Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie were in Toronto attending the Exhibition. Mrs F',mania Patterson anent tl „o"ic end with friends in St. Thetnaa. Me. David 1Vilson is visiting vela sive in Toronto. Miss Mary Tweddle hue returned t her home in Fergus. 0 Mr Cooper is home after a pleaeant holiday at Mount Forest, The eohoola all opened on Tuesday. At the Collegiate there was a largo at. tendanoe. New floore and other i sprb• vomente were visible, Miss Ida Love and Mies Eva Love left on Monday for Toronto, Mr T. Rands left on Tne0day for a trip is Dakotah, , Mies Ruth Van Egmoud of Bradford Penn, is at her home. Mr ]fired 8 Beattie of Innisfree, Alta. his wife and son Howard are visiting at the home of their parents Mr, and Mre. Jae. Beattie, Miss Susie J'owla left on Tuesday for her home in Hamilton, after an extend- ed visit with relatives here, Rev, T. H. Brown and Mr, le, 0 Naelin ware in Gliuton on Monday at. tending the Anglican oonventiott, Mrs F, f1 Larkin represented the Women's War Auxiliary at the Me^ting of'the War Contingent held in Clinton on Monday, Ts lay, Sept IP A Rninody fel' liilion§ I e{lllanh01 J those subjeot to bilious headache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aro recom- mended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregularities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves ii./let blood vessella that the pains in the head wi'',l cease. )'hero are few who ars thea at 1 • aometitlle §tit;r�,aa. to /Holiness and 0 Mr. Lou Chesney was a Stratford visitor during the past week, r;;;9 -Mary Mocleland left on Monday for Stratford. Mr, and Mrs, Edward Bok and sea Leonard of Soaforth are visiting friends at Teeswater and Walkerton, Miss Grotto Watson lett on Frida for Regina. Mrs, H, 0, Box is visiting herparents in Strathroy. Mrs. MoOlay is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Margaret Pinkney of Stratford visited relatives iu town for the last week. Mrs, Sandrick and two ohildren left on Saturday for their home in Inger- soll after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. J. McTavish. Mies Jessie Scotts left on Monday for Holstein, where she will teach this terra. Rev. F, H. Larkin returned last Saturday from spending his vaoation in New York and Newark, Bow Jersey Miss Barbour of Toronto is the guest of Mrs, George M. Chesney, Goderich St Mies H, 1. Graham was in Clinton on Monday attending an Exeentive meeting of the Centre Huron Sunday School Association, Mase Jean Govenlook who has been spending the holidays at her home here left recently for Calgary. Miss Anna Woods hae been engaged to fill the vacancy in the Junior De- partment of the sohool caused by the resignation of Miss Bethune.• Mrs. and Miss MoEweu of Toronto were week -end visitors at the hone of Mrs W. D. Van Egmond, Mr. 11, 0, Sideuiva of Oollingwood, who represents the National Caution of the Y, M. Ci, A,, was in town on Tues. day, Mrs, W. R. Goldihatvk is iu Torontq this week. Miss Phemia Cowan, who hat been spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cowan, has returned to Dundas. Rev, Mr, Rogers, of Iiotidon called on friends here this week. Miss Gladys Thompson has returned to Moulton. The Pute Wool Coat exhibited in Mr, MoTavieh's ;tote window, will be raffled oft at the Red.Ctoss Rooms 0n Thursday afternoon, o noon, Sept, 13t1t. Mise Agues Moray left this week for her school near Blyth, Mise Florence Thompson has return el to Taranto, Mille Rose Dorsey lits gone to Tilsotl• burg. Mrs James Woods of Buffalo spent a Week at the hone of her uncle and aunt, Mr anti Nye 3 Pinkney, i•rice l familial' with its attendant evils. ndtr+i deed staffer with these ;pills at hand. Every earful and observant mother knows when her child suffers from worms. She alto knows that if some remedy be not speedily applied much harm will result to the infant. The is Miller's Worm Powders, They driveworms from the system and set up stimu;wt•ivai and soothing effeuts, so that the child's progreaft thetoatter is pain- less and satisfying. BIRTHS. ELL1O'T—In Clinton, Aug. 27th, to Mr. and and Mre. Wilson Elliott, a son, DAVIS—In Wingham, Aug. 17th, to NL', and Mrs J, Davis, a sou. -- DEATHS. ELLIOTT-In Blyth, Aug. 27th, Ise, daughter pf Mr awl Mrs Adam Elliott, aged 27. MILLER -In Bullet, Aug 27th, M-rry Ann Olnff, relict of late Robert Miller aged 77 DALTON -In Staffa, Aug, 2Sth, Mrs, .Robert Dalton, aged So. Father of English Poetry. The first English bard to attain last- ing fame was Geoffrey Chaucer, who was born in London about 1840. "The father of English poetry" was the eon of a vintner named John Chau- cer and in• his youth served the king as a soldier and was taken prisoner by the French. The English king paid ;SO for his ransom, which was quite a high price for a poet. Chaucer's most celebrated work, "The Canterbury Tales," was written between 1878 and 1400. It consists of a series of tales supposed to have been told by a com- pany of pilgrims to the slake of St. Thomas a Becket at. Canterbury, and In its pages we get such pictures of Iiing lsh life and ways of thought as are found nowhere else. Brevity, Robert Louis Stevenson was a close tudent of style and has loft more than ono interesting discussion of the tech- ique of writing. In a letter to R. A. M, Stevenson, dated October, 1883, he says: "There is but one art—to omit] Oh, f I knew Low to omit I would ask no tber knowledge! A man who knew ow to omit would snake an Iliad' of daily paper," aI7 ifrale'u SE12.7 ?.tM1.11 5 J18 acultic n 0 h a 1 CA\AIMAN PACIFIC, sept From all Station in Ontario, Ottawa, Smith's F''ally and .test 1 i 1 1 Store Open.'Wednesday Afternoon as Usual, Advance Showing of Women's New Fail Coats and Suits The new Fall Coats and Suits are here. If ever there were garments that basked In the radiance of Dame Fashion's smile we have thele, These early arrivals are marvellously attractive specimens of the very newest creations, made with the new style collars and cape effects;e new ideas in cuffs and belts, making in all the most attractive and advanced show, ing of Women's Coats and Suits it has ever been our priviledge to show. Call in and see them, as we will be 4pleased to show them to you, whether you are buying or looking. Prices Suits $15 to $30 Coats $10 to $35 t rt SEA FRT tar1NJJ,L IA N PACIFIC t7alLavey ADDITIONAL EXCU SIO OR A` td a tt. Si TO WESTERN CANADA via GOING TRIP WEST { $ 1 2eoo TO WINNIPEG ltnether pvtioularsfrom Canadian Pacilio Ticket Aaenta,. STEWART BROS RETCRN TRIP EAST 180,00 FROM. MAIM eEC51' W. R 110WARD, District Pass' Agent, Tot•. meal Agents,