HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-09-06, Page 4PROFESSIONAL CAUDS, l^���-•-- MEDICAL, 1FJ.1V11 ROSS, Physician and Surgeon i Louden, Lnc land Orion lloceses Lo 0 lits rtloat to 'ttaeaaes .9f .Eyre, Ban Nose mid eedde nee, behind DPIninion Bank. 0 e e N 0.5. Reoldence,PPhone No, 106. ? Met . 3. BURROWS. Seafottb. Office end — Goderlch Street, east el the Metbo. Coroner for the County of Huron, No40. n11f.OCIOTTGoderl b Sl rest, opYe iltenMetand filogeoens - dle Seaforth, Senaly, i Ont a Victoria and MO Arbor, and aaamiew of Ontario College of Ptere slaw and 9uryesaa vCoroner for County of Huron. SSas honor graduate Trinity University, nldtralYBetTrinitY Medical College. Member of CallarsN Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. rt LOBO. HEILEMAN,steopathic Speclalls ge Women'. and Children a Diseases and 1/1100 s$ o Troubles, Acute and Chronic Dh- ofl,tag0, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat.. Adenoids g�talss�6 without the knife. Commutation free. 8- pea Hotel. to t 15 sn , Frl... ..da1'r._. TneMda>, s a n• B to, r ,Pim tuned by JOHN iinrrials Licenses F, DALY,iewaler rind optlefau, Sex• torch Insurance Ale Ilyyonn aneepu postcaard will get our rates Accident? Js D. n1111Od EIIOHY, General Agent for London Life Insurance Co.. and impeelal Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Seaforth, Ont. James Watson General Fire. Life end Accident !flatmates Agent. end dealer in Sewiug Machines, Ai sin St, ec•,, senfsrtb, THE McKJLLOP Mutual Fire insurance Coa Parra and Isolated town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS Jas, Connolly. 1oderieh, President, James Evans, fleeeh wand, Vice -President, Taomas Heys, Seaforth Sec. -Tress, Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rion, Constance; John Bennewels, 8rodghagen; Robert Ferris,-Hariock; Malcom SicKeon, Clinton; el McCartney, Seaforth; eaves Connolly, Goderlch; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agent. Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hlnchley, Seaforth; Rrilllam Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 7dolmesvfle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen• James Ken and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to by =Mention to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective poetofiices, C2� The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Minard's 1 U UW� eD Uu' MI IN USW IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONT. a Phone 94 Evening 157 SUBSCRIPTION !1 One dollat'per year, atrlcile 14 alt v s Dee it 401 paid In advance, nue dolear and a pelf will be charged. United Steles 1. papers, fifty cents extra, striekly 10 t advanced. t When subscribers chaenge their address notice should be Zee t us ImmedlatelY, glving both the old and the new address. Sub. scribere will of any irregulgdtY of delivery notifying us Reading Notices—No reading notice. advertising any entertainment or matter by which money le to be mode by any parson or cause will be inserted in Tug News without charge, The price for the inner. tion of business announcements le TEN teats per count line each Insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each lneertiou to those having display contracts, end for churchevelety and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 lines, SO cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notleea—Ten cents per line far first insertion and five cents per line for each subsequet Insertion. Yearly cards—Professional Cards, not exceeding one inch, will be Inserted for e5,00 per year, payable strictly in advance Display, advertising—Rates furnished on application. "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntIl forbid," and those sent without written lnstructicns will appear until cdttenorders are received ter tholr die. ontlnuance. Lotter. to the Editor must ori accord., partied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but es a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no reopen. niblllty whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics wilt not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per line, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER THE SEAFORTH NEWS mother's drudgery neap know a limit An eight-hour day for mothers, and even less phygioal tasks, is veggie's if son and daughter are thoughtful, and dutiful, All of mother's work is noaanretl by love, and love is -really a. hard taa1maeter. Father, son, (laugh- ter, use your best endeavors to op. proximate mother's love—for you oat1- not install it; Does, mother ever go on a strike? She might strike for more love, ; if that were poeslble, but Never for shorter hours' Is there a ease on remora where any one has for- gotten his pure, right,oduoating moth. sr? The weight of years does not dim the memories of childhood, but rather 1111011801180 them• 13ee1c in those happy innuoeut days there stands one con• ural figure—Mother. • The undying lova of mother is beau. tifully expressed by Holmes; 'f Youth fades; love droops; the leaves bid friendship fall; a mother's secret hope ontlivee them all." Don't wniit till some is gone from you to tell their virtites. Don't wait uutill your sister is far away in another land to tell her how helpful, how pretty or how eourteong she is. And don't 1 end the long sleep Domes before you wait until the weary hands are emend 1 make mother know what a beautiful blue her eyes, how tender her heart) ( and how dearly you tole }ler, Tell it all now—now, when the walk thru life 4 is hard, and the sunshine of praise is yea,:;tled for to brighten it, and to warm and 81145" rage the pilgrim by the way- side. Let the sunshine into the gloomy rooms, have a 0011011 to lie 011, a piano i to play on, in foot a home to live in; one wherein a sense of hospitality and good oheer exudes from the very ME CIRCLE tennis and claire, instead of e learnof gloomy elegan0e, when maU00- every coLvoitt thing is for allow and nothing is to be tined. Nail the flag to the plow— The country needs the grain, While the sailor boys guard The tracks of the main. God gave yon the fields And the sun with its tight; Then doubles their yields While the sailor boys light. Nail the flag to the plow— The soldiers must eat While defending the trenches Or suffer defeat. Yon can help the brave soldier At this time of his need By increasing your acres And planting more seed. Nail the :lag to the plow -- Your alildreo and wife Mtist be saved from atarvetton Liniment i While the world is its strif,'. Your duty is 1,•.aiu; Your ntlssiaa: is grated; i Each 10.11 i. 11 ],urn • When YOU say you're 00) To light with a gut,; Then work in the ileitis Till the setting of sun. Anti show to the world $y the sweat of your brow That you're serving your country With a dig 01, your plow —W, 8, Lockwood. For S kte SCRANTON COAL W. L. lily, Seagortti. Phone 150 EI(.HE HOURS FOR MOTHER Tile principal of one of the leading 184001 of tide country, in a public' es address said that the tavorito work Pi Business Without a proper systill of adver- tises is like a motor without the power. . . . Seaforth News AVERT1SEf1I NTS will supply the required energy hone .04 " eveningsl27 i2 of most int•entore is the invention of labor salving devisee 1 Time is motley and time saved is money earned is the slogan of the great mnuufacturere. Financial gain without a corresponding moral gain isnot progress. It is the proud boost of Americans that the United States is the wealthiest nation time has pro- cinced, but of their moral wealth we I have little to say. There is no short I crit itt the development of moral worth. No inventor has been able to per - eat a scheme or device that will save time in the growth of a sturdy ohara- I ater, :Moral character is essentially the I work of the patient mothers of our ' laud, 'Cluny know no Dight -hour limit. iFrom early morning to late at night.. the Christian mother bends to her teak. My boy, my girl, if the good mothers in this land should cease their labors for jive; oro short week the atmosphere of evil would be so dense that love and honor would be almost stifled. While mother's labor of love lir fon It 'tori s 4 hetet reodgdiaas f1.' There is an old saying to the effect that an untidy mother has disobedient children, and, while neither parents or wherefore of it, yet there always a lack of reapeot and an indiffererencs to the authority of a mother who takes no pride in her personal appearance. The meanest men in the world are those who have allowed themselves to drift away from their mothers and for- get all about them. The best and bravest then in the world are those who nave never been so proud as when do- ing something pleasant for the kind old mother. Do not choose a vocation for your daughter—do not insist that she be- come only a lady, when she might have electritiied the world. Who knows but the talent that you repressed might have been that of a genins. Give it free scope and a hearty welcome. Herlsalii bir, Wilson Berry has joined the Sterling Bank staff, At 0. meeting of the elders of Car- mel Church SIr, Rennie was appointed leader of the choir at el; ineresed sal. ary, Mr. R. Melville died suddenly of heArt failure. Mr. Wm Johnson of Zurioh recently delivered 32 hogs which weighed 6880 pounds at $I7 per ewt and returned home with the handsome of$1,119.00VI Mise Maud McCully is reported do- ing well after an operation for appen- dicitis in Victoria Hospital, Drives Asthma Before It, The smoke or vapor from Dr. J. D. Kellog'a Asthma Remedy gives asthma no harm to linger. It eradicates tile, cause, Our experience with the relief - giving remedy shows how actual and positive is the succour it gives, It is the result of long experiment and was not submitted to the public until its makers kt,ew it would do its work well. Automobile for Sale Reo, five passenger, first-class eau- ditiou, cheap, easy terms, apply to Osoar Neil,. 1 1 Seaforth, NoTice St. Joseph's School of Musle, Year Open% Sept, 3rd, 1907, For particulate apply St, J08eph'iallnivent, Seaforth, Ont Thursday Sal)t rt MM11tMW11jM Night Watchman Wanted Man wanted for outside night watoh' loan—Apply personally to' debt. Bell Thresher Ss Engine Company, THE ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW of the SEAFORTH HORTICUL- TURAL SOCIETY will be held in Cardio Bros' Store formerly occupied by Mr, W. T. Hays on Saturday afternoon and evening, September I5th 1917 Everybody welcome— Ad– mission Free, Red Cross Benefit The Directors wiil donate the entire exhibit to the Red Cross Society who will offer the plants, blooms etc. for sale at 9 o'clock. A D Sutherland Wm Hartry Sec -`meas. Pres. `n Icur� A LAST CHANCE HARVESTERS To Resell Western (ianada At Excursion IRates. $i2 TO WIN'.NIPEG Plus half cent per miler beyond' Return, half -Dent per mile to Winnipeg plus $18.00. EXCURSION DATES Sept. 10111 S6 12th Prom all points West of and in- cluding Ottawa Ont. G00DGOINGONREGUL tRTRAINS Tickets and all information frotn ORAS ABERHART Town Agent: or General Passenger Dpt. , Toronto, Ont. xxxxsoossbusosimxxxissisossossimmosniesssismses • THE DOMINION DANK R CAPITAL ,AND RESERVE $13.000,000 10 r Established 1871 Savings Department • Have you money in the Bank? Are you saving? By • putting away a few dollar's at a timo you will soon possess a fund for emergencies. w Deposits of One Dollar and upwards receive& NI Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. °°4 M A 0 A SEAFORTi'i BRANCH: 01. M. JONES, Managro'set 0 ti •0sttle Sri txltausurefuemusset trsissu os iilAuulasetk iatessulklliEirwEgi CREAM WANTED Send your cream to us and t'sosive lop prices, Wo are miming our plant the year through and can handle your full supply and furnielt you witit mans. We pay twice each month and weigh samplo,and test each eau of cream oar° fully. Our motto is " Honesty to 001 Patrons " Patrons are requested to re turn all our Cans "11011 not in use, 3 tater ap:1Bnttorinilk ileo on timid u:1 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co, ay SEAFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat ......... $2,20 Oats 11?•;.r„r,:rrr11111,1t,,rr:n fi0 115 Bran per ton 40;00 Shorts per ton,......., ........ ..... dS Floiil,.:at+,: 6.30 6,80 Butter. .. ..........• , •32 Eggs ............... ui,,,, 30 Hoge to farmers ..,...17.2H HOUSE TO RENT A house oontaining sight rooms with electric light and furnace on John St• West. Possession on the 1st of Sept Apply to F, 0. Neelin Cottage Wanted Wanted to rent a cottage or rooms in Seaforth, Apyly to Mrs, A Guhr Seaforth, Ont. Mountain Barriers Handicap Italy's Red Cross Workers hREpARING HEAVY ARTILLERY ON Tkt M OUNTAINe COMMANDING GARI uSreie TRA NS pO RTING ITALIAN` woUND6U DOWN THE MOUNTAIN 510 Over Italy's far -firing 460 -mile battle line where Austria, aided by nature in the toe-boun,d ramparts of the Alps, has striven to keep free Italy shut out from enslaved Italy, the Italian Red Cross Society 18 heroically waging Its light for the relief et suffering humanity against odds far greater than those sur- mounted by the Red Cross banner - hearers on other Allied battle fronts, On the western front the auto- mobile ambulances quickly speed back the wounded from the front lines. Likewise medical attentioin, 'and hospitals are near at hand for the Russians on the 0OItstern battle line, though supplies are scarce. But the task -or caring for the Italian wounded among the un- stable 'snows and mountains of the Alps is almost inconceivable. Often the sufferers trust be transported in box -like cars sliding 'on, over- head cables or even lowered by ropes down the mountain sides. On snow, sludges or by burrow back are the most t:ommon methods of carry - ins the Italian woanded down, the mountain trails. Intense suffering and often death is caused before the hospitals, miles away, are reached. Treae.herous snow, lee and rocks, and the extreme cold, cause many casualties among the Italian sol- diers, Tllotlsands of alnputations have resulted in the two years of warfare among perpetual snows, The Italian Iced Cross Society and the Royal Italian Government fund for orphans of Callen Itallett soldte,'s ask of their Canadian ally —"Will you help?" In answer to Ole appeal Southern hind Western Ontario have fixed a goal of $100,- 000 to be raised by popular sub ecripti0us, Campaigns will be con ducted during August and Sep- tember. JiiVery dollar given to the Itatiau Red Cross Society will 'shorten the war against Germany and its hor- rors. I':very fit lighting man in the trenches, be he Canadian, British, ttallan, or other ally, makes more efficient fighting forees--thus has- tening the war's end. CHURCH NEWS All Items a oder thl8 Head are published free of charge, ex- cept those rogerdingmeetings where en admission tee• is oherged. T110 rate for such 001015 ave cent per count Inle SFAPOIHTH OHIJRe114e S St. James' St, James, Churoit, Rev, Father P Oorcoran, Rev, Father G, R. North - graves ,Morning Maes 7 a.m. High Mass 10.30 a.m, Sunday school 2,30 p Evoningvespers 7 pan: St. Thomas' Bar, 1, H. Brown, Rector, Sunday sexvioea 11 a,m, and 7 pan, Sunday heal 0.30 p. m, NY omen's Anglican WOK,.GL0L .HAIR_. FREE 'R.OM DANDR,Urt”. Girls! Try Ill Halr gate soft, fluffy add beautiful -Got a 26 pent bottle of Dandorine, If you oars for heavy hair that gUs• tens with beauty and fs radiant wll life; has an lucompara,1100h le eoftness e.1 ~ le Rufy and lustrous, try Dandertne. Just one application doubles the beauty of your ha1r, besides ft imme• dlately dissolves every particle of dandruff, You pan not hate ntee heavy, healthy hair if yon hale dandruff, Tills deiitruotive setirl robe the hair of its ]nitre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome 01t produces scalp;feth ishaieB aootstcfamish, loosen and die; then the flair falls out rast.g Surely get a 25-oent bottle oral' Knolvlton'S Danderine from any drug store stud gust try it Highest Prices Paid for rag's, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & Millman SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Aoroes froth Creamery Phone 183 p The ,ifferen Wqp OUJ,1rAy so 1 - Miesioupry Association; iissdav 2„srl f tit lnwf?I9 to )Je Sf4fSffed pm. Childrensebranoll Saturday 2 pm, • -• • •••..r,afg good Photo: nteroession services every 'Thursday, : graghs, but tot'7ake the ha_oj .0 p.m. First Presbyterian Rev, N', H, Larkin,, Pastor, Sunday servlpa- 11 a,1n, and 7 p m, Solidity school 3,30 ' Prayer meeting, Thursday,. 7.45 p.rrl, 3y,,;"'en's Mies- fouery Sooietysthe first :Cneoday 111 as�.h month at 7,43, Barbara Kleiman Mie• Sion Band 3rd Tueodayfiu the month at 7,30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, 0. Moli.inley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a,nt. Public service 11 a,m, and 7 pan._ Sun day school and Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thureda y 8. pale. Salvation Army Capt, Froud and Lieut. Satinet's Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 pan. Gospel service 7 pm, Ohildreus Servide—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p,m, Weelr night wleetinge—Wednesday Praer meeting 8 p,m, Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J, Argo, pastor, Sunday ser- vices 11 aim. and 7 p.m, Bible olass 8 pm. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, tn. Y,P.M.S. Union 3rd Friday its the mouth 8 pian, Woolen's Mission. ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 pan. Ladies' Aid ors im- mediately after. Rev. Presbyterian. Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunda> services Duffs' church 11 a to Sunday school 10 a m, Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. Women's Missionary Society last Friday in eaoh month at 2 o'clock. eanstaitee Methodist Rev, 0, C. 1Caiu0, pastor. Sunday servant 2.30 rant, Young People's Lea. gas 4,30 p.m Sunday Wnmun's Auxil Dry first Tuesday of every month a 30p,m, idles' Aid last Thursday of each mouth 2,30 p.tn Windt"op Presbyterian Sunday setvlce 2,30 pm, Sunda) oho' 116 m. Iseti: , p Prayer meeting 'Tuesday 8 pan. L.C. W last Wed. Your Asthma Ton. The efficacy. of Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is not something that is merely to be hop. ed for; it is expected. It never fails to bring relief, nail in. your own iudivideal case it will do the same. So universal has been the 5800585 of this far famed. erre that every One afflicted with tllia dermas owes 11 to himself to try it. possible photographs- To trp the best, the newest appara los -- anything that will turn out better work for you at the same or less ex. pense. We ale always on thewa tch for new ideas that will enable us to make bet- r P1; otography, We Mad li L'p:ialitp of b Fan,:ily Group Photav chap Photos of Houses. We de vefop films and fin - isle prints fp,'•%vntateurs, Try us for Pictur.e Framing D r Duck's Studio L. Phone 19 - SEAPORTS I have for sate Sevo era! Bonds and Debentures of a p articularly High grade, bearing interest from 5i1- to 6 per cent. 7411 information con- cerning same cheer= :,u11ygiven. JOFI Bond, and Debenture Broker Main Streit, Sonforth Phone 00 a "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU AE SUFFERING With any disease duo to Impure blond auch an Eere,na, Scrofula, & urya', Bad Loge, Abeoesnen, Ulear Glandular Swolling., Bolls, Pimple.,Sore. of any kind, Piloa,6leod Poloon,Rhaumatiam, Gout, ate„ don't waste your tune and money onlotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin, What you Want is a mediciee that will thoroughly free tl chlood of the poisonous mutter which alone Is the true - 'dause or ill your suffering, Clnrke's flood 11)10500 )dont such a lnedlmue, itis composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood ill impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, mut ba relied on to east a lasting our:. (Th," n 1 k R% testim.idh, Artelro, nd rt,obef1an p/ lrr Over 50 years' . -. aa.eera, Pleasant (0 take, Fold by all cllmsiata end 3imbhoenora, rr10 aa nu OURES ALL. SulatItu tea, SKIN & BLOOD BISKASES, Clarke's Blood Mixture