The Seaforth News, 1917-08-30, Page 4P11011'E5E101411 CMB . MEDICAL n It(4 S, Physiclaa and Surgeon 1)R'L,sai ouden hospital, London, EnglandNese and Special sallataepon to diseases of i¢ye. •°e m5 at 5 e, ane SODo obehindnees,, Bank.6. BURROWS Seaforth. p ns Arid Goderich Street, eas{4f die6lgyliaoa. Coroner roger for the County of Huron. DIAL 111C011` & MACKAY, PbysRolane and Goderich Street, opposite Metho- diet Smterth. mmab0l of Ontario ViColle ando Ano Amor, end Ontario College of Physicians 844,141 . Coroner for County oft Wren. yi<' 4I9E4Z boner graduate Trinity Udverslty, gold ns®tlbllet Trtnity Medical College. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. N•alt.P11[O,BE1LEMAN Osteopathic Spcclalls 6' la Women's and Children's Diseases and itYasiapolc Troubles, Acute and Chronic D1e. a4desa, Eor, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids tumefied without the brdfe. Consultation fres. R aye -)Patel, •rneaday,h a,n•. In a -p.m ,_ ITida i s to ,,,_p,ln meals ae Ue nSeS doplk a° "x4 fart$ Tins. lame liyou6 arc, postcard will get our rae tes. III14 enLev, Senegal .'gent for London Life Insurance Co., and I mpoiat Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Seaforth, Ont. Tuts gRAFO TVI DIE IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY l Front the Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 144 Evening 127 ,ow ja .e-ef Vi! atSOIL !,eneral Fire, Life and .1 ei liint L.i,nreuee Agent, 5entain,3tro l tiL rrhiu Sewing Machines, THE McKfLLOP Mutual Fife 9usuran.0 Coe Parade and lsoiated town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS Sae. C'onnt!,y, , r derich, President, James Evans, tteevhw•and, Vice.Prei.tdeut• 'rooms Bays, Seaforth. Sac. -Trees, Directors SUBSCRIPTION One dollar"per Your, strictly in ad v a nec it not paid b1 advance, our dollar and papers. will be extra` ntriel017 (11 ad'anima, When subscribers obaange their address both the old andettbesnew immediately, Sato. scribers will confer a favor by notifying ua of any irregularity of delivery, Reading Notices -No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money Is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tun Noma without charge, The price for the inser- tion of business announcements 1s TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts,. and for church,Isocfetyand entertainment reading notices, Cardlof Thanks 5 to_;9 lines. 50 cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices -'ten cents per line 000 first Insertion and five cents per ifor 5ab8ednet insertion. -. Yeorly cards -Professional Cards, not exceeding derwill ctaee S50pr yea, payablestrictly Iit d n Display alivertiaing-Rates furnished 04 application, " Advertisements ordered for Insertion. wUntll forbid," and those sent without written lnatructicns will appear until crltten orders are received for their die. ontlnuance. Letters to the Editor must be aceoni- panted by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topica will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter is ten cents per line. J. F. SNO WODON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER I 1 1 1 1 i .91:11.4,a THE SEAFORTH NEWS Mrs Booth formoely Mise Pittman 'of town, left on Friday after a pleasant visit with MiGs Hutchinson, to visit fsionda t1I ttantilton, Burlington and I'01'0l1t0, Windsor and Detroit, taking tate 'boat to Fort William to he donee in Calgary, Mr and John McLennan went to Hen. eel1 yOlterdey to attend the funeral of their aunt, 10110. Weightman, who tied et tete ago of 85 years, D. F. McGregor. Seaforth; John G. Grieve, - Winthrop W. Rhin, Constance; John Bennewets, An p1' q h ru}nnp !� 4eodghagen• Robert Ferris, liariock; Malcom General Observations I McKeon, Clinton; (t McCartney Seaforth; G11G1 f8 tel tet James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood. Agents Alex. Leitch, Matlock; E. Hlnchley, Seaforth; William Chesney. Egmondvllle; J. W. Yeo, IHolmesviile; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen• James Ear and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective postoIIcces. 11/ ,r &LXgti ilIST Pt' -ice Sett Oa. 1t[tliTh'SLTNI ENtC!i:: LIMITED -° ' 010(320 C.0 niCINR1S1 P I I. MOIJT r• Sgllyp ',The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Minard's L - 04* Vacant lot, back yard and school gar- dens have produced $350,000,000 worth of vegetables this Summer in the United States, In Canada, by the same proportion, the increased pro- duction of vegetables in cities and towns amounts to about $28,- 000,0000. v.� "It is 110W vital for the United King• dons and the Allies in Europe to obtain from Canada foodstuds iu tar larger quantities than under peace oon. ditions,' says Lord Rhonda, Enormous quantities of food are thrown out daily by stores dealing in perishable goods. Dealers have to allow for this loss by ittoluding the vallis of waste in their margin of profit. It is suggested women organizations in various towns and cities arrange to Liniment have the food, which may otherwise be wasted, collected from the stores each day and distributed where It will be - most appreciated, or sold at cheap prices fur the l'euefit of (1,11 of the war feuds. roe Safe SCRANTON COAL W. 1, KEY, Seaforth. Phone 130 A us ass "Without a proper systm of adver- tisin is like a ,Emotor without the . power. e . . . ++ Seaforth News AV!JTISEMENTS will supply the required energy hone - 54 '":'•;eVenings127 , +4 Thu Food Controller says the price price of bread is too high, compared with the price of bread in Etlglatid made from wheat grown ill Canada. He says prices moat come down or ho will be forced to take action. Miss Agnes McKay etas accepted a position as teacher in the Auburn School Dr and Mrs Lindsey and family mote orad up from London and spent Mon- day with relatives in town 11r and Mrs Barbour are in Toronto attending the Exhibition' IYir. and Mrs. 11. Hlnchley have re- turned from a trip to Algoma. Mra. Grieg, who has been visiting het son Mr. 3. C. Grieg has returned to her home in Clinton, The regular monthly business meet. ing of the Red Cross Sooioty will be held on Thursday afternoon Sept. 6th at four o'olock iu Carnegie Library Hall, Miss Barbour of Toronto will' sing in tin Presbyterial) Church on Sunda) next. Mr J. C. Greig and Billie are fn Toronto this week, Mr, and Mrs. F. 1) A'ttrhiaon and Love from Statfa motored over on 1!'ri• day with a party of 101011ds from Sault Ste Merle and Toronto and spent the day with Miss Htltoltison North Main St, Manley Quit a number from Seaforth were visitors in our burg last Sunday. The threshing machines have started their rounds for the:season again, Mise Helen MoMantl of Seaforth is visiting relatives Moro, McKillop Mrs. MoMennau and Miss Rhea Bailey, both of BIauB- hard were visiting at the home of Mr, J, d, Irvine last week, The somewhat wet weather is keep. ing back the harvesting of onto whioh are an immense crop. Same who have threshed their:wheat say that it is somewhat shrunken ro doubt, During the tato haying Messrs. Martin and Dempsey tools three Made of alsilre clover hay off three quarters of an acre cm the farm of Mr, J. J. Irvine, This was a yield of four tons to the acre, Mr, Freeman Hatkwoll had similar yield of olover hay. Political doings in Parliament and the oouatry are disgusting, at least, as far as aid to our men in trenches is oon• cernd. At the present state of affairs we will soon be little better than Russia Miller's Wenn Powdore will tidy vornle from the system without injury o the child, The powders are eo easy to take that the most delioato stomach 04/11 assimilate them and welo0nle them SO speedy 0148009 Of pain, twosome they promptly kill the %orale that pause the pain, and thee a Buffering child is reliev ed, With 90 sterling a remedy at hand no child Should suffer an hour from worms, Quite a number express their intention of going to the Termite Exhibition al. though the fare on the railway is not as low as 1t as it Used to be. Potatoes are growing title and we predict they will be down to 5o Dents a bag u1 a month, Walton Daniel Knetohel of Moosejaw arrived home on Thursday to assist his father who was injured by a runaway. Mr. and Mts. Martin of Seaforth visited Mr. Jas. McLaughlin on Sun- day. , • The heavy rains of last week helped the root crop.' Grain is a very heavy crop and some of the farmers are threshing out their barley to make room for the other grain, The Walton Red Cross Union will resume their weekly sewing meeting and teas on Tuesday Sept. 4th. A GREAT BARGAIN .The War map issued by The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is now ready for distribution, It is certainly a great map and a great help in following war news. It is greatly praised by returned officers and men. The price of The Family Herald is now 51.25 a year, a smaller increase t' an was expected, and with the map given with each subscription it is cheaper than ever, The map alone would cost much. The paper and map are given to both new and renewal snbrcriptious at $I.25 a year, but the map cannot be secured otherwise. The Family Herald is the greatest family and farm paper on the Contin- ent a great credit to Canada. cottage Wanted Wanted to rent a cottage or rooms in Seaforth. Apyly to Mrs, A Guhr Seaforth, Ont. Automobile for Sale Reo, five passenger, first-class con. anion, cheap, easy berme, apply to Oscar Neil, It Seaforth,, Ne i leie, St, Joseph's School of Moole. Year OilOna Sept. 3rt1, 1917, For particulars apply St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth, Ont Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing Voters" List Voters' Lista, 1917.1 Aftinioipality of 7dwn pf Seaforth, County of :V:'uJh4, Huron Melones) Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario'' Voters' Lista Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered or the list, Inane pursuant to to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Of the said Municipality to bo entitled to vote in he said Munioipaliiyat Eleotions for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Mnnicpal Eleotione and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Seaforth on the 18th day of August, 1917, and mind there foriu_- pe0ti011, = onset if] nYill0 And I hereby call owl all voter9Lto immeditate'prooeedings to Have y errors or omiaalone correoted a)COrding to law "'e -e'1 ==--� tts:Ir-STViiD0Fi Dated nt Seaforth this 23rd day`. of August, 1017, Mt .1- I J0111, A.' Wilson ! Clerk of Town of Seaforth MR, FARMER "11 you need harvest Help apply to The Ontario Government Employment Bureaux, 108 Dundas- St. London, Ont. Experienced help at the rate of $45 per month, $11 per week or 1$2 50 pe day, LOST On Monday, Ang, 20, 1917, on Goderich street, a 14 carat pearl ring with three pearls. Finder please leave at the NEWS offing and got a reward, Thu Iltijliyl(ii*iM1IMMi11ANRMMMMIMMIIMMMMIMiIIIS111NMMMM180MMIIMIIIII ■III• )�r INION BANS, - TH DOM r it Established 1871 ie ■M • Is Capitol mud Reserve ;)13,000,000 n la A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED i tri Y le G It vi Savings Department III• re i a aDeposit of One Dollar and upwards received. is 1y Interest paid or added to aocoants twice a. year.si 0ole 1 Efficient servio . lira ti q It 80 r SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, If/femora'sla M Mi 515111 HfiiiiitilSIIfl9Nleliplar[itrltricalfttllNIdaila RliflitlaS'AMU laglaallli CREAK WANTED Send your oreatn to us and receive lop prides. We are running 0110 plant the year through and can handle your toll supply and 11101112011 yon With cans. We pay twine each month end weigh eample,aud test each oan of means care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons Patrons are requested to re turn all our Oans when not hi flee, 3 liter analitittermilk sled on hand. n2 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEATORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat $2.20 Barley ......... 1 21) Bran per ton- Shorts on...Shorts per ton ..........................48 Flour ......... ....., ....., ......... 6.801 6.80 Butter.,...- 35 Hogs to farmers-- ...... .....,1 HOUSE TO RENT A Rouge containing eight room, with electric light and furnace on John St' West, Possession on the rat of Sept Apply to F. G. Neelin. NOTICE A regular meeting of the Farmer's Club will be held in the Library, Sea - fort h ori Wednesday Sept 5011 at 8 p. m. Geo, D. C. Harn President MouF =,tain farriers Handicap Italy's Red Cross Workers Rq p RING HEAVY ARTILLERY ON Ti liOUNTAINS COMMANDING �AR!__,� zl AUSTRIA) TR AN SPO RTING ITAL IWOUNDED DOWN THE MOUNTAIN 51Dp r--- - Over Italy's far-flung 450 -mile battle line where Austria, aided by nature in the toe-boull,d ramparts of the Alps, has striven t0 keep free Italy shut out from enalaved Italy, the Italian Red Cross Soolety is heroically waging its light for the relief of suffering humanity against odds far greater than those s111' - mounted by the Red Cross bautt;er- 'bearers on other Allied battle (routs, Oil the Western front the auto- mohile ambulances quickly speed back the wounded from the front !cines. Likewise m.edteal attention and hospitals are nosy at hand for the Russians on the 11ttstel'u battle line, though supplies are scarce. 13u1 the task of saying for the Italian wounded among the un- stable snows and mountains or the Alps la a1010st inconceivable, Often the sufferers must be transported in box-itke ears sliding on over- head cables or even lowered . by ropes down the mountain sides. Ou snow sledges or by burrow back are the most common methods of early - 1 ing the Italian wounded down the Mountain trails. Intense suffering and often death is caused before the hospitals, miles away, are reached. Treacherous snow, Ice and rocks, and the extreme cold, cause many casualties among the Italian sol- diers. Thousands of amputations have resulted In the two years of warfare among Perpetual snows. The Italian Red Cross Society and the Royal Italian. Government fund for orphans of fallen Italian soldiers ask of their Canadian ally -"Will you help?" In answer to this appeal Southern and Western Ontario have fixed a goal or $100,- 000 to be raised by popular sub- scriptIons. Campaigns will be con-, ducted during August and Sep- tember, Every dollar glvou to the Italian Rod Cross Society will shorten the war against Germany stud its hor- rors, Every fit fighting man in the trenches, be he Canadian, British, Italian, or other ally, makes more efficient fighting forces -thus has- tening the War's end. NUM NEWS Ail items under tilts /:lead are published tree 01 charge. ex. Ocpt those rogardingnlenUn0a where an admission fee is charged. l ,1110 Ii,e pent per count line SF,11F®RTH ORUReklES St. James' . St. James, Church, Rev, Father I Corcoran, Rev. Father G. 1t. North graves .Morning Masa 7 a,in, High Mass 10,30 a,m. Sunday school 2,30 p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m. $daY 11 ao TACK, OLOSOT HA, VEEE F,iEOM D4tNDR'17PI' Gleed 'Try ill Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautlfU o-Gew 0 emust bottle If you 0000 for heavy hair that glia• tens with beauty and le r'adlaat with Wes has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy0and applicatiotry r doubles rine. the beauty of your hair, besides It llama. dlatola, dIseoIvee every particle of dandruff. You eau not has- pylae IT heavy, healthy hall' if you Bare dandhe lhairr of its sluetre,it destructive et ength and Rs very lite, and if not overcome it Produces a ferfslinees rand oots tobings01 thair he scalp; the loosen and die; then the hair falls out faet,6 Surely got a 25 -lent bottle ol- Knowltou's Dande1'ine from any drug store stud just try it, ewes acaseeettawerteettesseememeeetsfeew St. Thomas' Rev. T. H, Brown, Rector, 5011day services 11 ism, autl 7 p,m, Sunday school 2.30 p, m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.m. Children'sbrancll Saturday 2 p.m ntercession eerviees every Thursday .0 p,m, First Presbyterian Rev, 1''. H. Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday services 11 s,ne. and 7 p m. Sunday school 2,30 p,m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Mies - lottery Sooietyethe first Tuesday in each month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mis aims Baud 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission 131nd every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p,on. Methodist Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor -SUNDAY-Class at 1U:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. Sten day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p,m, Prayel Meeting Mande y 8. p.m. Salvation Army Capt. Froud and Lieut. Sannnre Holiness meeting 11 a.m, Praiee service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 p.m. Childrens Service -Directory olass 11 a.nl. Bible classes 4 pan, Week nigh Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting 8 jam. Egmondvilie, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor, Sunday set vices 11 0,10, and 7 p.m, Bible class 3 p.m. Prayer meeting 1Voduoaday 8p, in. Y,P,M,S. Union 3rd Friday ' In the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the Inontl at 2.30 p.m, Ladies' Aid m 0*8 ;1u mediately after, McKillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor. Suuday services Duffs" churnll I1 a.in Sunday school 10 a m. Prayer roasting 1Ved- 110011ay 3 p,m. Women's Missionary Sooiotylast Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. 0. eonstance Methodist Rev, C, C. Keine, pastor. Sunday service 2.30 p,m. Young People's Lon- gin3,30 p m'mlday Woman's Assail ary first Tuesday of every mouth a 30p,nr, Lt.lies' Aid last Thursday of eaoil mouth 2,30 p.m Mintel"op Presbyterian Sunday contrite) 2.30 pm, Sunday Mosel 115pin, PraYer meeting Tuesday 8 p.m. L.C, W last Weds Your Asthma Too, rho efficacy of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is not something that le merely to be hop ed for; it ie expoetd. It never fails to bring relief, anti in your own individual case it will do the carne, So nniv'ereal has been the SUC00ea of this far fantod mice that every one afflicted with this denseowesle to himself to try it. , Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, banes, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc, Iso. take books • a3C1 newspapers Appelzft & Millman SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Xmas from Creamery Phone 183 The Different Wap OUR WAY Not nlelelp to be satisfied with malting guod Photo- graghs, but to mice the best possible photoq,aphs. 7'o try the hest, the newest apparatus -- anything that will turn out better work for you at the same or less ex- pense. We ate always on thewa tch for new ideas that r will en able us to make bet- ter Ph otographs. We make a ; ,, eciality of Fancily Group .Photos also Photos of Houses. We develop films and fin- ish prints for•amateurs. Try us for Pictur e Framing D F Buck's Studio LPhone 19 - SEAFORTH mil have t'or sale sen= era! Bonds and Debentures of a particularly .High grade, bearing interest from S!. to per cent. infli•l;llation con - earning same cheer= �Ul y giver!. JOHN ANKI Bond and Debenture Broker Main 1 t net, Se0for111 Pholia 91 a 14' "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any dleeaoe duo to Impure blood Litch as Rosana, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad oco, Abeaosece, Ul0ere, Glandular 5wolllney Sollb, Pimploe, Soros. of any kind, Pllo.,Btood Poleon,RhaemaNem, Gout, ate„ don't waste your timcand money on lotions and ointments wld011 cannot get below the surface of the 01115. What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicate, Ii 1 composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be reline on to effect a lasting cur; I n,,,,m„dr gjtrr1lnonialr, ,pr,Nowse. ftaq,5trr Over 50 rears' - - 811(1511. Pleasant to lake, Said ey ale Ohoodsie and Store*eepor. 00Jaee all Sateen, toe, Clarke's Blood Mixture a CURES AL1. SKIN & DL000 DISEASES. 6s