HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-30, Page 1W. 4, 1340X &•eo.
Furniture Dealers
Phone 50 '
N'rw Series Vol I5, No 35
Nice easy work 7 Y child could almost do
the work. come and take one Section as
follows ;
5 girls to pelt in hip pockets.
5 girls to pint in side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want 25 or 3o girls for . pants
making. 1111 nice clean work and easy and
steady all year round. 5o hors per week
We have girls making over ten dollars a
week. Why can't
Apply or Write t
Fred I obinsori9 i raffia ere
Seaforth Ontario
An up-to-date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade•eandy
Special Regular Dinner every Saturday
Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand.
Our home made Dandies always the best.
Chocalates, Carmels, Bon -Bone & Taffies a
Having installed an up date plant for making
next door to Cardnos Bros
ester Fair
London Canada
SePt 7th to 15th I917
18o7—"A half Century of success''— 1917
The Greaa Agricultural Exhibition
of Western Ontario
$32,000,000 in Prizes and Attractions
A very interesting programme, Minding illiiitary and the other
feathers—TWICE DAIIY
Prsce Lista, Entry Fortes and all information from the Secretary.
Lieut.- Col. W. IVT, Gartsho•e, A, M, Hunt
President Secretary
$12.00 TO Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any
WJNN1PE6 Station Haste! Calgary, Edmonton orEnr-
bank, Alta,
Return bare Half a Cent per Milo to Winnipeg till November 80th, 19I7,
plus SPECIAL $ TETHOUGH0 to Original
10,00 P. M, AUGUST 13rd and 80th,
The Best Equipment and Lend Counter Oars
Electric Lighted Colonist Cara
Special Aoceommodatfon for Women
Yrei Tickets and Leaflets showing number o1 toborea iemitted et atel1 paint apply to
OFIAS, A. ABEREtART, Town Agent,
or write Gederal Paeeonger Dept, O. N. R. , Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Thos, Hemmen
The funeral of the late Mre, Gem -
!nail was hold to the Egmoindville
Cemetery on Saturday afternoon when
the friends of the deceased lady paid
their last kind respects.
The late Mrs, Gemmell was born
near Walton 78 years ago, her maiden
name being Jane MoFadzeen. After
her rnarriage she lived in Tuokeremith
until about L8 years ago she moved to
Egmondville, Her husband died sev-
eral years,
Mrs. Gemmell was a great laver of
flowers and her greatest delight in
oaring for them,
She leaves a family of three sons
arid five daughters; John and Dayid
of Tuokersmith, Dr. W, of Stratford,
Mrs, Hinobley and' Bessie of Regina,
Ellen and Grace at home.
What The States Have Done
It is four months since they declared
that war existed between Germany and
United States, Let us consider what
they have accomplished during- those
mouths toward winning the war,
They have reoruited their standing
their standing ariny and their miltia
up to war str ngtb, they hese
therefore, about 700,000 soldiers under
arms; those who are not veterans lir
undergoing the final training that will
will prepare them for the front.
They have registered all the yeung
men in the third deoado of .their and
drawn nearly 700,000 of them to form
R new army the training of which ie to
begin iu a very few weeks.
They have thirty tw a training camps.
They have, for three months been
training 40,000 youug men to fit them
for officers,
They have sent one division of re
gnlar troops to Europe, It expected
they will have I50,000 men on the
fighting line before winter
They have formed a Council of
National Defence, a-Purchaaing Board
and a commission of Food Control'
They have raised a loan of
$2,000,000,000 and are ready to raise
more, They have met their own needs
and loaned money to the allies,
As a nation they have undertaken
support of the Belgians, They have
sent aid, ;financial, and political to
They have been carefully layiug the
foundation for n great and mighty
They are profiting by the past work
of their allies and very soon this pre-
peration will tell ou the contest,
Headquarters, Military District Nol.
Loudon, Ont, , Aug. 24th, 100 7.
To The Editor,
The News,
Seaforth, Ont.
Dear Sir;
Under instructions from Head-
quarters, I am directed to ask your
oo•operation in familiarizing the
public with the proper procedure in
making complaints on behalf of soldiers
and soldiers' relatives. As you are
aware, oomplainteof discharged soldiers
and friends or relatives of soldiers
appear in the newspapers from time to
time, These concern themselves for
the most part with reports of casualties
pay of soldiers, separation allowances
and assigned pay payable to soldiers,
wives and families and kindred sub-
jects. Iu spite of every care and
diligence on the part of those in anti•
ority, such complaints muss be recog-
nized as inevitable and inseparable
from Military operatione on a large
scale. Many of these complaints, no
doubt have some foundation and are
proper sebjeote for investigation. The
District Officer Commending and his
Staff will deal with 9tioil complaints
time causiug delay and areatiug an
unfortunate impression ill the publlo
mind with regard to the manner 111
which those mettere aro dealt with by
the ofliefale concerned.
While it is not desired to attempt to
limit, in auy way, the discretion of
Editors Iu printing complaints winch
they may deem in the public iutereet
to publish, it is desired to eek the it
ao-operation and to have all etioh come
plaints brought immediately to the
attention of the proper authorities
that they may be investigated and giv-
en the aympathetio consideration aitd
prompt Elation whieh they deeerva, It
would be in the public interest if you
would bo good enough, from time, to
see that all such oases of complaint are
referred direct to this District Head-
quarters for iuveetigatiolt. No apooiai
form of address is nooesaary but any
letters addressed to the "Assistant
Adjutant General, District Headquarters
London, Ontario, " will invariably find
their way into the proper hands,
!Moreover, if you will be good enough
to forward immediately to me any well
founded complaints which may have
Coma under your notice, every effort
will be made to deal with them prompt.
ly and thoroughly.
The geographical area of Military
District No r with its Headquarters at
London, Ontario, comprises the coun-
ties of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin,
Middlexaox, Oxford, Waterloo, Welling
ton, Perth, Huron and Bruce in the
Provinae of Ontario, therefore, all
military questions of whatever charac-
ter arising within this part of the Pro-
vince should be referred to rile Dis-
triot Headquarters.
Permit me to thank you in ` advance
for your kindness in giving this matter
whatever publicity you consider in the
public intereet necessary.
Yonra very truly,
Walter James Brown,
Lieut. -Colones,
A. A. G., M. D, No 1.
elancy=Frie I
A very pretty wedding took place at
6 A, M. on Tuesday morning in St,
James' Ohurch, Seaforth, whdn Father
Corcoran united in Holy Matrimony!(
Mr. Harry J, Clancy, of Detroit, and
Miss Rebecca Friel, of Seaforth.' The
groom was formerly ou the staff of the
.Dominion Bank, before becoming con-
nected with the automobile business in
Detroit. The bride is a popular young
lady in Seaforth who has a host of
The groom was assiatcd by Mr, Jos,
--Brown, while Mies Eva Clancy of Do-
troit, sister of the groom, aupported
the bride,
The bride wore a rioli grey travelling
suit. Speoial music was furnished dur-
ing the service by the choir. After the
ceremony the guests drove to the resid-
ence of Mr, Chas, Stewart, whore a
sumptuous breakfast was awaiting
them. A large number of valuable
presents attested the good -will of the
friends of the bride.
After brealtfeat the happy young
couple' left on the 8 o'clock train for
for their new home in Detroit, amid
best wishes of a host of friends,
Mr, Christie of Toronto is relieving
Mr. C. McGee, Manager of the Steri.
ing Bank, who is on his vacation„
Mr, and Mrs, W. Pollard of London
are the guests of the latter's parents
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Spackman,
Rev. Mr. and Mr's. Saunders of
Wallaceburg are spending a few Weeks
Mrs, Robt Howard and family of
Smith's Falls are guests of icer brother,
Mr, H, Johnston,
Miss Knox of Blyth is the guest of
Mrs, Copeland.
Mr, and Mrs, McCallum and Mr, and
Mrs. MoNiobol and children of MoKill•
op visited Mrs. Brandon on Thursday.
promptly if they are referred 10 them, ^ Mr, and Mrs, Baum of London are
Unfortunately, however, it too often spending a few weeks here,
Mappens that the pereene iutereited Rev, Mr, Torrance of Detroit is�
commnnioate it the first instance. with spending the summer hate, He preach-
the Press' or refer their difficulties ed recently a vary able sermon in Trill.
to the heads of Municipalities, Clergy- ity Ohoroh,
men, Members of Parliament and others Rev, Mt, Boyd of London preached
in tiro'Preahyterian church of Sunday
e8 the pastor, Rev. A. McFarlane took
the services in Seaford* that day,
John McKay of Henaall was drown-
ed here Sunday while bathing The lake
was a little rougher than usual, and it
thought that the auoctinhbed to heart
failure while etruggfing with the wa006,
John McKay waa a brother of William
MaKay, prinoipal of Hensel' school,
and had come to Bayfield with the for-
mer and his family on Thursday to
camp at Deer Lodge Park for a few
days, On Sunday, with his two nephews
and a friend, he went in bathing.
Whei, 75 feet from the shore he mai-
denly event down without warning and
did not some up again, Th;' relatives
and others nearby searched all after-
noon and night but were uneuccoasfnl
in lcoatiug the body until Monday
morning, when it was found about a
mild from the spot -where the accident
occurred. Mr. McKay had lived fn
Australia, in Dakota and before coming
to- Hornell four years ago had been in
Montana couduating a drugstore. He
lost hie sight and accepted This brother's
invitation to come to Henaall, He was
a man of unusual attainments and was
universally liked, It is believed that
either heart failure or cramps caused
him to go down as he was an unusually
good swimmer, and those near him diel
not have a ohance to effect a rescue.
Soft corns are difficult to eradicate,
but,Holloway•s Corn Cure will drew
them out painlessly,
I Mieeee Margaret and Holo Melf.ay
of Ingersoll returned home on Saturday
after visiting their aunt Mrs. N. A
Monday is Labor Day.
The echeole all opal em Tuesday
Mr. John McLennan has ,saued a
writ, we are told, aphis; the Town, to
prevent 1t causing a nuisance by run.
ihhg sewage front certain streets upon
land near iris property, Mr, McLennan
claim the odor is very offensive at tunes
and he also cleirns damages by -reason
of the open ditch,
Mrsr•Paugtuan, who has been spend-
ing several weeks with her mother Mrs
Frank Case. left yesterday ash a trip to
Come in and get the .Family Heratd,
the Seaforth Rowe end the Great War
Map for $2,00.
ry- W. T. BOX & el),
l'LNBiiAL inttuc olid
H. 0,, 1907[
Hennas c t uov nrse0; 0 . seeleuu and
License --0u .Yrisgt 8AliATS
thanes I''fele: Cr,:tpl7k
$I,OO p dr year
Paul Cathedral, London, on August
16, by Rev. Caner Tucbcr, Charles
H. Saunders of the Exeter Advocate
to Ida' Mary Marchand of St. Jac
obs, put,
P1TE-HOUGHTON— In Cromarty,
Aug. 4th, Benjamin Pite of - Park. �
hill toMisa Annie Houghton of Park.
hill formerly of Cromarty,
REID—In Hullett, Anguat 17th, Jas.
Reid, aged 77.
° 4't'r:+tadrn;vr__^.s01a?:.1P,1t
Graduacio n
Ecru that rnnluaticn G1itx arc• �6
u odor Awl a„metinia,t really
useful, durable, aunt i,:•ae,titui
!s being sought for In uteri; the
[1J0lcat oeeaaioa wo woalni Di,g-
;� gent 0041 Moht deniIa'•le c Rli �;
oifts q, a It tr •'A Wilet
Watel1" to the t nri,
Writ's or Pae1•7t tet,, The
price for e1Eher is
07,49 end n ota1,0
Make taut !;rad'. oti:,10 Gilt - 0, rtatoh
the raelnuriC% c•f the eeaaaiea Aril/
live 'with 1020 watch-`rr 4 hive rim .-.
Nrrb 'apattgr
d'arrrsser To
1 2.auuu r Se.
'1al17'r 3
lfOurtrra x111 nptirialie i
'Marriage •Liconao issuers
Evening 10
The store pace tf>lll aim's vs
The Store of Quality
1` StN'S
Introducing a showing of
the newest and best in
Ladies' Tailored Coats
with alI the best ideas
of the fashion leaders
combined into garments
exceptional worth and
The new jackets are
attractively long in length
and are the latest dictation
of fashion
The new fabriclend
themselves with beautiful
grace to the lines of the
new Models and the re-
sults are delightfully
Let us show them to you
SRZ ueR rB