HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-23, Page 8R(a)e THE SEAFORTH NEWS LOCAL AGENT WANTED -for- SEAFORTIi and !1'istrict, -to sell for- "THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILLNURSERIES Splelautl list of stock For Fall plautiug 1917. and Spring planting 1.,18. iecltultng hinny new varieties which w alone control, Scud for n, n illustrated catalogne- alse Agent'i ,'reposition, Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory. Liberal Commissions. STONE and WELLINGTON The horithill Nurseries, (Established 1837) TORONTO uN'1'A1110 testern University London Three Tutors New Irrofessors Equal to Any in Canada, Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medicine at the Western i as anywhere. E E Braithwaite, M A, Ph D President _�P,r�o },n�p f}6�i I/rie� T}t,Syyy Every Monday till October 29th, LOW FARES FROM, TORONTO TO Albreda . , - 554,00 Athabasca 48.50 Edmonton , 47.09 *tether . 47.00 Cancra -... 39.75 North Battleford 43.75 Regina ... 40.50 Forward .. 40,25 Saskatoon . 42,25 Dauphin .. 37,75 Lucerne .. - 53.00 Oanrose 46.75 Hanna . , , - 45.00 Rosetown .. 43.60 Vorkton . , 39,25 Moose Jaw 41.00 Prince Albert - 43,50 Brandon ... 37.00 Winnipeg 35.00 For Tickets Reservations, Liter- ature and information, apply' to C. A. lberhart Druggist, Sea - forth, or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 13 Bing St. E., Toronto. FE , ANMOAN prig roe, CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 - TORONTO - Sept, 10 Oa e. Nero Thal brilaarlly Progressive dealt MOBILIZATION F NATIONAL RESOURCES enstraetIve and l,.traettvt Heeds for Ifaa a CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 12tJO--1200 ERS-12tlO noises 8tenp free, Stell to gotfoakaael FJe athie ly `f.Id Tie very Apra et fl}vnteaiea Midmost -at p GIANT uvu- ' A AND cc AGRICrIL'4"WtAL DISPLAY cldging Competitions for Young 'inners - - Now Farm Crop Coca- atitions - - Extended Classifications 11 Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES �T-Italian, French, Persian lerican and Canadian Masterpieces SIC -Innes' FAMOUS Soloists and a •e of other kadie.g organisations. WTIRE NEW MIDWAY l.TIONAL MOTOR SHOW t$'r SHOWING OF 161E MODELS lely enlarged Government and r Exhibits . - - War in all its is �'- Model Camp - - ArtiJlaxy t - • Aeroplane Flights - - Scores uprises in store for old friends thousand thrills for new ones. )tJCED FARES ON LINES OF TRAV�I OTIeE 'ublie Library will be closed g. 2nd, to Ang. 16113, for Lib helideye, YP' +aR a7rMm�rra�ro L. -II CORRESPONDENCE 1 G n�,�.lY.�aY..,�.nro...•rY..o..Ye�„m....nld elintoln Me. Frank Watson attended the Greed Lodge meeting in Toronto of the 1, 0. F. as delegate, Sergi, Major Grant of London was fu Clinton looking up band recruits. Rev. J, A. Agnew and family are spending a few weeks in Loudon, Mies Mina Armstrong of Sseforth is visiting her ;mush), Aire. Whaatly on Huron St. Mrs, C. D, Bouch, who has been principal of the summer school at ilracebridge is home again, Walton Nu service in the Methodist (:Burch next Sunday one account of Anniversary Services at the Bethel Church, The trustees of Bethel (Atwell cordially in. vite you to their serviced next Sunday at 11, a. m, and f, ,3,e p, tn, Rev, J IA. Agnew of Ciiutun, will preach at both eervicee. Rev, Mr, Craik will preach in Out ario St, Church in Clinton next Sabb. nth, Pte. B, Clarke arrived home from England last Friday, His many friends are pleased to see hint honia again His health has not been good for some months hitt he has ,inns Six bit, The uirloial Board recently met in the Meteodist Church, Good reports carne in from the three churches- The pas- tor's salary watt increased. Plans ere being made to have evangelistic ser- vices in the three churches in the Fall. David Crawford was appointed dele- gate to the district meeting, to bo held i in Clinton Sept _nth, t't ?deeliilt3x, T. Marshall-, F', Me0. 711i also attend the dSt:''en .:Meeting as missionary dela. gates, Mr. end Mrs. Robert Woods and Mr. and Mrs Johu and Miss John of Elimville are visiting and Mr, and Mrs James McLauglin, Stafla Mrs. Kennedy of Clinton is visiting friends in the village. Miss Dorothy Hutchison returned home after a couple of weeks visit with Mende in Aylmer. Mr. John Saddler, Mr, and Mrs, F. D. Hutchison and family spent Sunday in Mitchell. Mr, Leslie Butson spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs Ed, Saddler of Hamilton are visiting friends in the burg. Winthrop The garden party on Friday night at Mi', Hams was a grand emcees. The entertainment was of a high order The Lawries were enterafntug and the I and the music of the Kiltie Band kept everyoue in good limner The proceede were about $2.33. Pte, Nelcou Goveulock was home od Saturday, Miss Elhel 1. Hare left on Monday for a visit with friend: in Durham. Mies b'lorauce Kerr of Tama spent last week with ler friend Mies Ethel Barn. Bayfield One of our most esteemed citizens palmed away last week in the person of Mies Gardiner, Fur years mho was in charge of the post here. Her sterling character made many friends: ilir, John Fair of Bervie has been visiting at the parsonage. Mrs. James Cameron and daughter of Toronto are visiting Mrs. William Event. Mr, and Mrs, Young of Dakota are here visiting the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Eagleson. The annual garden party of Trinity Church was held Tuesday evening on the rectory lawn and was a very pleae. ant affair, Miss Elsie Reid of -London is visiting her deter, Mrs Merner Mr and Mrs McKinnon and daughter of Clanton are eamping here 'I'he anniversary Services of S Andrew's Ohurrh were held last Sunday being oondueted by Rev George Telford B. D. of ,Blyth. Special music was provided by the choir. The attendance at both services was largo, llltellllop Anniversary Servicesat Bethel Church next Sunday, Aug, 20th at 11. A. rtt. and 7.30 p. m, Rev, J. A. Ag- new of Clinton, Chairman of the Gorier. ich District, will preach at both ems. vices, The oflicials of the Ohurolt cord. hilly invite you to these services, Mr. Wm..Kueohtel met with a pain- ful sceidout last Friday afternoon, 13e was starting out with two colts hitched to the binder when theteam got away and caused quite a mixup for a while, Seeing danger ahead, Mr. Kneehtel jumped from the binder but in eo doing had hie leg broken in two places near the ankle. His neighbours are sorry for especially ae he was in the midst of gathering iii his good crops, Oue of his sons will return home from the {West to help on the farm, Wesley Hackwell is home for stun mer vacation. He is studying in Roch- ester, N. Y. and is doing well. Henson Harvest is in full awing, All crops are bumper, Onions are now being gath- ered and the yield will be good. Hensell bowlers captured some good prizes at the Exeter games, Indians are busy pilling flax at present. It ie reported that Pte. Strang who went teeereSOS with ei et has been kill- ed in actiori, Pte. W. Moore is home on furlough I He was warmly welcemod home, Mr. and Mrs. Win, B• Jarrot of Brigdeu visited their friend, Milton Love, Uniess worms be expelled from the system, no child (limbo healthy. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator ie the best medicine extant to destroy worms. Dates of Fall Fairs Alsia Craig ... ,..,....Oat, 5 Alvinston ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,0ot, 9, 10 Amherstbutg Oat. r..z Atwood Sept. 18, 19 Beeittsville ..................Sept, 21. 22 Blenheim ......Ont. 4, 5 131y1h Oat. 2, 3 Bothwell Corners Sept. 20, 21 Bowmsnville Sopt. 18, lq Brampton .....................Sept. 21, 22 Ont, i, 2 ,.,.,.,...Sept, 13, 14 ............. „Oct. 4, ▪ ...,.,.,,Sept 25, 26. ,.,.Sept 25, 26, ,,,.,,,.,..,Sopt''26, 27 Sept 18-20 .. ,....,Sept 18, 19 Sept 11, 12 ....,,..Sept 28, 29 ..Out 3 ,.,..Sept 27, 28 .,,,,Sept 25, 26 Sept 13, 14 .....,....,Sept 20, 21 • ,,.,Sept 14, 15 ............ .0et 4 .....,,,,..Sept 18 20 .........,..Sept 26 27 ,.Thanksgiving Day .Oat 4, 5 ....,.,..,Sept 26, 27, Oct 9, xo Brigden .,,,,,,...,, Brighton .......... Brussells ,.,. ,,.., Oampbellfortl ....,. Cayuga .,,,....... Charlton ,.....,..,,, Ohatbam (Mosley ...,...,... Colborne ,,.,....,.... Comber -.Le.... Dorchester Station Dresden •.• ••••••••• Drumbo ... , Dunnville Durham ......... . Elmira ,,,,.,.,, -„ Embro ..,,,... Esser .............. Fergu ..., ,,, Fleshes n ......... Florence ,.,..,,.. Forest ... ........... Fort Erre Galt Georgetown ....q,,, Glencoe ,,... •.•.... Godericll ... ... ........ Hamper Harrow ............. Hepworth .. •,,..... Highgate ..,...,,..., Oct 3, 4 ,.....Sept 25 26 Sept 20 21 . ,,,,,,.<.!;ept 20 21 .Oct9,10 „,„„,„,Sept 27, 28 Oct 12, 13 Ingersoll ...,.. Tiniaardine ............ Lakeside .............. Lambeth .............. Leamington ,., .. .... ..... ..,.,Qct 1 2 ...,...,,.Sept 20, 21 .............Sept 27 .......,... Sept 26 ....,...,.,.,Oct 3-6 London (Western Fair)..,... Sept 7-3,5 /Molotov .......... .. ...Sept 27, 28 Listowel ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,Sopt 20,21 itladuo ......................... .Qot2, 3 Morford ........................Sops 27 28 Merlin ..,...:..,,,.. Sept 20 2r Melbourne uoot 3 Midland .. , ...,,.,,Sept 27 28 Mildmay ... ............. .....Supt 17, 18 Milton ......................•. ...Oat 9 10 Milvertou .....................Sept 27, 20 Mount Bridges Mount Forest ...............Sept 19, 20 New Hambnrg..................Sept 13, 14 Norwich ......, Norwood ., .. e, • Orangeville Ottawa (Central Paisley ..,...,...,. Palmerston Paris ..... . Parkhill ..,,,, Petrolea ,,,.,,., Ridgetown , Ripley Rodney Sarnia Seaforth . , Shedden ,..Sept 25, 20 Oct 9, 10 .,Sept 18, 19 Osziada) Sept 8-17 ..... ......Sept 25, 20 .,,.,.,,,,.Sept 18, 19 ,,,.,,,,.,.Sept 27, 28 Sept 24, 25 ....,,....,Sept 20, 21 Oct 8'•-.111 ..,..,.,,-,Sept 25, 2e . ................Got 1, 2 .. Sept 25, 20 ..,,Sept 20, 21 ,,,.,...,..Sept 29 Statford ,,.,,,.,,., Strathroy .,......Supt 17-19 Tavistock ........................ . ...Oct 2 Tees water .. ...............Oct 2, 3 Thamesville .................. „Get 2, 3 Thedford ........,............,..Supt 20 2I Thorndale ........................Sept 2425 Thorold ... ,.. ........................Sept 18 19 Tiverton ..Got 2 Toronto (0 N E) ,.......,Aug 25 -Sept I9 Wallaceburg ... ...............Sept 26 Wallaoetown ..................Sept 20 21 Watford ,,,.<.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,Oct 2 3 Welland ..............................(Jit t-3 Wooton ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, Wheatley W iartou Windsor ..........., Wingharn .....,....., Woodstock .. ., Wyoming .,.... ., Zurich ....,......,sept 14 I5 Oct 12 Sept 25 28 .., .,...,..Sept 24-27 ,.. ..Ont 9 10 ........Sept 19-21. .... ....0ot 4 ..,..,.....Sept 19 29 4 I l nI dime„li VOVK WRVS. Ex - • N..fafF 1.5.4 3;= Zap LLL UM 70 U should dive the consci- entiousness of this store a proper place in your consideration -we're conscientious in our t er vice to you -we feel the responsibility your confidence puts upon us. it means that in a CE,ITMES :sV=xn run,riw you can get value and satisfaction tailored to 'your measure from a choke of a wide range of fab o a::> arid models. WE have a knack of doing the unusual in the clothes. We put more into them than you get in any other line -better style, better tailor - mg, better cloth. We keep pounding away on the advisability of wearing Art Clothes -we're ref about it -we believe .in it sincerely. And whoa we mei get you to believe, you'll have a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes. Graig Clothing Co 294x d li." 1r11' Thursday Rug 23 Slipper Sale Right now when slippers are in great demand we're going to give our Patrons a Slipper Benefit as we do not like "Carry Overs" We want New Slippers Each Season • Men's tan and black oxfords $2,49 Women's Patent and Kid oxfords $ Women's tan pumps and oxfords $1.98 Itis -simply good business to close out our stock in its season, that is the whole secret and while it mean% a loss to us it will certainly be a Great Benefit to our Friends. Come in on Saturday and get your share of the good things we have in store for you. H. "The Home of Good Shoes' Phone 5r Sure! High Heels , Cause Corns But Who Cares Now . y„e„«,nuns„nn„.nwo,no„n,«...,u,«..,u.«,.,o•..,.t Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit ettay cause lockjaw and women are warned to sten it. A few drops of a drug called freez- one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freeze/1e, which costs very little but is sufficient to re- move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. 1 This drug is an ether compound and dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your wife's dresser. Seaforth Razors Now is the time to have ponr razor put in proper shape, this being one of the barbers quiet periods you are assured of a sufficient amount of time de- voted to each razor, thus assur- ing a smooth quick cutting edge resulting in a saving of time and worry. Delap no longer, bring your razor here and have it honed and' enjoy a Real Shave next time. We guarantee a smooth clean. cutting edge. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W ROBINSON Prop. T KEEP WELL ;i BY JOHN 6t'. S. bicCLeLLOUGH, 01.D., D.P.H., CHIEF OFFICER OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTH.er et NOSEBLEED. N THE O11.DINARY CASE of nosebleed the loss of blood will stop spontaneously lu a few minutes if the sufferer will remain quiet. De some cases the loss of a few teaspoonfuls of blood is helpful rather than harmful, and, therefore, it is Just as well to wait a few minutes for spontaceous stoppage, Ween the time to do something arrives it is welt to make use of the simplest procedures possible, Grasp the soft part of the nose between the thumb and index finger in such a way as to close both nostrils,, and press the wings of the nose against the septum. The septum is the parti- tion which separates the nostrils from each other. The head is then leaned forward without bending the back, After about ten minutes the pressure of the fingers on the nostrils is very slowly and gradually lessened. Five minutes should be consumed in turning the nose loose. In the majority of instances the bleeding tapes place from a vessel within the territory pressed upon, When such is the case the pressure is reasonably certain to stop the hemorrhage, The method is also eificacious when the bleeding point is higher up. The method of care lis that oaleo 15 as follows: The nostrils fill up with blood, Tbe blood coagulates. The clot stops the hemorrhage. It is good Judgment to leave the clots in the nose for at least an hour after the. bleeding has stopped. They can then be cleaned out with a clean hand- kerchief o.. by washing in slightly cold water. If these methods fail the physician must be palled upon, FIe usually examinee the membrane for the bleeding point. If he finds it he may touch it with caustic or some milder application. Or, this failing, he will probably pack the 110150. - There are many causes for nosebleed. This explains why some cases are easier remedied than others. Among the causes are the following: -- 1. Too much blood. Where nosebleed comes along with a severe congestive headache it gives relief. A certain amount of bleeding helps. 2, Over-exertion. The nosebleed which comes on whilechildren are playing hard ioelongs in this group, The bleeding stops spontaneously in a few minutes, 3. The onset of infections. Typhoid particularly is liable to start With nosebleed, 4, Growths in the nose. Nasal polypi are especially to be mentioned. 5. Injuries, including the scratches made by picking the nose. 6. Chronic diseases and conditions-e.g., hemophylia (bleeders), pernicious anemia and leukemia,- 7. Vicarious menstruation, 8. High blood pressure, 9. IRidney disease and heart disease. SIC-YII3AR MOLARS. Notice the mouth of any middle-aged man or woman when ho or she laughs or opens the mouth widely in Speaking or singing. The chance is that you will notice ono tooth gone on each side of both upper and lower Jaws, The vacant space is always at the same place -toward the corner of the mouth," If you ask a dentist which tooth it is that is missing he will tell you the six-year molar, It is significant that the loss of teeth begins with the six-year molar. The reason is easily understood. The six-year molar comes in at about six years of age. It seems to be the last of the temporary teeth. It Is In fact the first of the permanent teeth. Boys and girls do tot begin to brush their teeth until they get into school, begin to have sweethearts, and in consequence take pride In their personal :appearance. The urge to brush the hair, to keep the clothes clean, to wear a tis, and to brush the teeth all ground in the same instinct, to consequence the stx-year molars have had several years of neglect before the babit of brushing the teeth is established. And then again they are not cleaned as easily as are the front teeth. Presently the melees begin to ache. A dentist is consulted. He finds a large cavity, "The tooth 15 too far gone. It will be easier and better to' pull it," is his verdict, And in consequence the unsightly gap so nearer universal in middle-aged people. The six -yea molar le not a delicate tooth, It can be saved. To save it a habit must be changed. lasteae at beginning the care of the teeth at a part of the preadoleeceet sex urge, it should be begun In the Home in the pre-school years. If children four years old and even younger' were taught, to brush and clean the teeth every day, and if they were sunt to the dentlat periodically there Would be none of those unsightly gaps at the dbretet's or the month, 13v,.tho. tt+i', _ flip -e3r.. »e., mh1«..,p nrr- r,• -+.,.r,.4, -v -l456-, 4' «w,'J'2 •.