HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-23, Page 5Page 5 TII>a Sl AFORTt1 NEWS THE CN\TADIAN BANK OF CO F Ei 5111 EDMUND WALKER,' C.V,O„ LLD., p,C.L„ President CAPITAL PAiD UP,$15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 SIR JOHN MW, General Manager H, V. F. JONES, AWL Oen'l, Manager Careful attention is given to the bank- ing ankung requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. a. Sea omctJo, Brea a.c.ic J,CI. MUL.L.IN MANAGER Genuine Vegetable Parchment Wrappers specially printed from your own copy, we:can supply them at the follow- ' ng prices— THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTI4 11oJ.Waiker 86 Son Undertakers and Embalmers W, J, Walker, holder of go, eminent Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt atteutiol,, Day Phone 1179 Night " ,I81 6CENRAL ,1#21/1e, STRATFORD, ONT. Fall Term from Sept. 4th. Commeroial, Shorthand and Tele• graphy Departments We have throrough courses, experie: ced in- structors and we place Graduates in positions. Demand upon us for trained help is many times the nun bar graduating. (tet ldlr free Catalogue.. A D MGLPAHLAP4 •rlttnlOt al, yy The Lest. Liver fill.—The action of Bracelfiieii John Kitchin and tonsil,/ have rattan). - ed from Sarnia and now live here, Geo. Forrest of London and wife and daughter are gneste at bfr, Wm, Forrest The Sunday 5ehool went to Bayfield for a pio is on Thursday. Barley is a fine crop it is now near ly all in. Neil Yeilowleee, after spending his holidays here has returned to Bowman villa, Mre. Addison and family are visiting relatives at Londesboro, Murray Gibson was in Toronto last week. the liver is easily disarranged. A Budden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over -indulgence in some fav- orite food, excess in drinking, are a few of the onuses. But whatever may be the cause, Parmelee's Vegetagle Pills can be relied upon ae the best correo Live that can be taken. They are th leading liver pills and they have no sup eriors among gush preparations PROMPTLY SECURED Yu all countries.Ask for our INVENTOI7'$ t,BVISEit•, .which will be sent free. MARIONfe MAR/0" I-Iullett Mr. and Mrs, Carter of Seaforth re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs, James Car- ter. Edward and Clare Blake have re. turned to Detroit after spending week here. Misses Flossie and Etta Brown and Mary McGowan are home again after n. pleasant visit with friends in Stratford Miss Mildred Barry of Dublin and Miss Winnie Long of Brussels are spending a week with Miss Loretto Flynn, Harvest is now beirg rushed and a gooai crop is the result,: Kippenl Mr's. Wm, Moore is iu Detroit with her daughter, Mre. Slade. Miss Clutton of Leebnrn and Miss' YOungSOnOf Blanohard are visiting Mrs A. Monteth, Dr. Aiken of St, Andrews church went to Courtright to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Noakes and son of Seaforth visited Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Riohardsoa, Mr. and Mrs, H. Whitman of Toronto are visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Whit- man, parents of the former. Mr, Nichol of Ridgetown has bought the storehouse of Hay Bros, and is in. stalling maohinery to clean grai,,s (beans, etc. Dragged Down by Asthma.—The man or woman who lo continually subject•to asthma is nufitted fur his or her life work. Strength departs and energy hi taken away until life becomes a dreary existeuoe, An<1 yet this is needless Dr, J, D. Kellog's Asthma Remedy has an army of i'e Olaall et0 brought 0.t > (tY g g. 1; suffers. It relieves the restricted air tubes end guard against future trouble, Try it. The Friend of All Suffers—Like to 'the shadow of a took in a weary land' is Dr, Thomas' Ecleotrio Oil to all those who suffer pain, It holds out hope to everyone and realizes it by stifling suf- faring sosrywhere, It is a liniment that has the blessings of half a eon- tiuout, It is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquired for. Try lis For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING ' Our Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop OA RDNOS BLOCKSLAFOk•1'H CO Mat -1titl ee ILX BETWEEN BUFFALO &CLEVELAND; 3 -- MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS 3 Tho Great Ship "SDEANDBEE"—"CITY OF ERIE"—"CITY OF BUFFALO" DDTwESN BUFFALO—Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th —CLEVELAND Leave BUNT/J.0• 0:00 P. Br, ) PANTS= 9 ev6 OLeVSLANo • MO ' P. 20. Arrilo 0LCVDLAND 7.90 A, III. STANDARD STANDARD num ArMMYO 13802^,10 + TLSO A, IL Oonne0tlons at olovaland for OotOar Point, Pat•ln•Bay, Toledo, Detroit and all pointe ;Peat ane 900tlnv008, Railroad tlakets rending between Buffalo and Moreland Itre good for transportation on our Otoamera. Ask yeti? ticket agont fO1 610k009 via 0. & II, Ling, Mow Tourist Anto,abhDn mato—t9,00 honed Trl9, with 2 days return limit, forcers not oxeeedrnglef in,WLoolba0o. 110nntifally colored 000tro)l01 puralo o0art of The Croat ship " 0nEANnn0E " sant on receipt of five conte. Also ask for our 24.9000 pictorial and d0000lptivo booklet free, The Cleveland & Buffalo 4 Transit Company Cleveland, able Ties Groat ahlp"OREANDaDO" —use rarsoetana+ino,t cony paMeng1.0 Stamm op inland "Ater. or(6. 00,98. 01 ming spew, 0000 -passengers, FARE $ 350 :.nun . ......"_ 7;11 F e r h sure d ; ': Id -Ti'1 l f , Itl . "The Canadians in France" A GREAT WAR MAP qq--,1rw -ww+- o.1..8M O ! TownTopics i is .11.,....•..,..6•04.... ,.1•0+.1111.,•111.. 5 a1••••=gMo11Mi'i,.nM IIMINSeMMOU•M Canadian homes will no longer have difficulty in following the Canadian troops in France, There has just been issued a map of the European War area hire. W. Smithers is fu London this that clearly shows every point of ill- torost that lige imp mentioned pipe@ (( Week visiting her sinter, Mrs, A. Ayohi Canadian porous first landed in I{'renoaa. Chitins Parties visiting Toronto Fair have your olotites put in ohapo early, Pressing, cleaning and repairing done at My Wardrobe, Goderiob St, opposite Qtieelefl Hotel. Pte, Percy Eolph (spent a few day in town this week. Mr, end Mrs, Leonard Bolton retinu- e(' on Friday and are now ooeupying their new hone, Pte,,,Stanley Hays of Camp Borden spent Sunday at home. Pte. tioLeod, who went overseas with the ;Gist, returned o1 Friday. Mr' and Mre, Wm, MoKay and dau- ghters, Misses Margaret and Helen and Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Duun and daughter, Pearl, of Ingersoll motored up on Sunday to visit their sisters, ML's, Willoughby and Mrs, Button: Mrs, J. F. Snowdon and Gwendolyn and Gerald left ou Monday to visit rel- atives at Niagara Falls, Ont. Mies Margaret McKay of Detroit is visiting her sister, Mrs. tllaeon, in Eg• mon(lville, Mrs, W. ()tighten and three children are visiting at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smithers in Tor- onto, Mre. Thomas Sandrick and two children of Ingersoll are guests at the home of her sister, Mrs, John McTavish Miss Mabel Smithers, who has been visiting relatives here returned to her home in Toronto on Saturday. Mr, John McTavish left on Monday on a trip to the West. Miss Kathleen Burrows has returned from a visit to frieds in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Passmore and ohildreu of Chicago are the pats of Mr, and Mrs, J. 0, Grieg, Miss Verna Graves has returned from Bayfield. Lieut. Stewat Soott of Brussels is visiting his grandmother, Mre, J, P, Brine. Mies Ethel Grieve has returned from Bayfield where site has been spending the holidays. Rev, Mr, Tuer of Mitchell occupied the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church last Sabbath and preached two excellent sermons. Rev. A. McFarlane of Bayfield will preach next Sunday. Mrs, Grassie has returned to her home in Blackheath after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs .Ellen Murray] It has boon made specially for the groat Canadian Weekly, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal and is a oredit indeed to Canadian en, toL'ly+e, it 10 9a marvel of detail and L p yet not crowded. It is in four colors and about 21 s 3+ feet and folded into a very neat Dover. about 5 x io inches, The Map is surrounded by a border of the regimental badges and coat arms of nearly every battalion that left Gatiada, from Halifax to Vanr00l1veT, The Map is endorsed by returned military ex- perts as most complete and accurate in detail. The Map could not be prodoo ed, except in such large quantitiee ae The Family Herald will use, at less than two dollars a copy, yet it eau be had absolutely free with The 'Family Herald. The publishers of The Family Herald and Weolrly Star for several months have been fighting hard against the no- ceseity of increasing their subscription rates but eventually had to come to it like, most other papers, The' iumrease however, is a mere trifle—twenty-five Dente a year making their new rate $1,25 -and with the year's subscription they will include a oopy of this great War Map free ofoharge, This is cer- tainly to generous offer, and one that Cauacliaus will appreciate, Many ex- pected a conch larger increase in the subscription price and are surprised small extra amount charged. News eubaoribere can have the Star and. News and Free Map for $2,00, Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive tracts, where they sot tip disturbances detrimental t tha health of the child, 'There man be no comfort for the little ouee until the hurtful intenders have boon expelled. No better preparation for this purpose can be had than Miller's Worm Powder They Will imtnediately doetioy the worms and comet the conditions that were favorable to their existence: • Thur tog 2 Miss H. I. Graham has ieesurftetl from spending a week in Stanley. Mr, and Mrs J, G. Mullen have re. turned from a motor trip 10 Belleville. Miss Boswell of Toronto is a visitor at the home of Mr. Robert Bell, Mrs, W. Govenlock, Mrs, Parker and Gray are holidaying in Muskoka. Miss Isabel Ssott of Roxburgh has been appointed organist ill North St Methodist Church, Goderiob, Miss Madge Stewart and Miss Mary Modeland left on Monday to attend the millinery openings in Toronto. Mre. S, Dickson has returned from Montreal where she has been spending some weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E, A. Corbett, Mrs. Wright and little son, who have been guests at the home of Mr. and and Mr, and Mrs, R. Murless Jones for the past mouth, left on Saturday for their home in Ottawa, Mr, James Beattie is on a visit to his daughter in Peterboro, Mr. Beattie intends taking in the Toronto Exhibi- tion on his way home. Mr. L. T, DeLacey wont to Whitby on Tuesday. Miss Linnie Holmes is visiting friends in Toronto. Mies Rena McGee of Toronto is a visitor at the (toms of her parents, Mr, and Mrs James McGee. Mrs. (Sergt,) W. 0, Winter and two boys of Walkerton, also bfr, Richard G Winter of St. GatliOrinee, aro visit- ing at the home of tars. Wtn, Winter. Misses M. and d, Durbin aro visiting friends in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, W. Solater and Mrs Kruse were visiting in Auburn, Mrs. Lawsonend. daughter returned with them. Mail or Phone your Orders 1 Stewart's Sell it isr Less Advance Showing of the Newest Styles in o en's its Fresh from their individual boxes these Stylish New Suits give you au advance idea of what will be worn during the coming fall and winter. There are so many stunning new styles this description could not do thein justice. Styles that are so widely dif- ferent from what has been worn here- to -fore, embodying the very essence of refined taste and good workmanship. Navy, Green, Brown and black are the predominating colors, made in beaut= qualities of rough finished cloths, While price tendencies are generally upward, you will be agreeably surprised at the flow pricing of these delightful Suits, Prices S20 to $40 r x"ialit'"? .w =ci ttr"Teefe,c :.imam' Ya'r.3',rceract ='iti•cCA«»ararten.ve •r,:::_ Mrs. Torranoc and Miss Torrance 6 London are visiting Mrs. Sim Neely at Present, bliss Helen Fitzgerald is spending her holidays in Toronto and Grimsby, Miss Minnie McKay has returned from a visit to Boston, Mr, Roberton MoLoan of Toronto was in town on Saturday. Mr. and Irirs, Alex McLennan mot- ored to. Woodstock and spent the week• end. Mr, and hire, James Grieve and family spent Sunday with friends near Clinton. The 110011 train was two hours late on Monday owing to a break down of the engine, Mr. and Mrs, E. Hinohley are in Thessalou, Algomia. Maniey Miss Anna Manley is visiting her grandparents Mr, and Mrs, (ion Eckert of Seaforth, Miss Agnes Eckert has returned home after visiting relatives f,1 Sea. forth, Mrs. B.Rawley and daughter Clara of Port Huron visited relatives around Seaforth last week, Miss Kate Eokert left on Wedues. day to visit friends in Port Huron and Detroit. Mare, J. Nolan and Mrs, T. Flannery returned home ou Monday last afte visiting friends in Windsor and Detroit Corns are caused be the pressure of tight boots, but no one need be troubl- ed with thein when s0simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. LOST On Monday, Aug. 20, r907, 0 Goderiob street, a 14 carat pearl ri with three pearls. Finder plea leave at the NEWS office and get reward, NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Pa masters in the Township of Mobil That unless the Noxious Weeds their several road divisions are out otherwise destroyed to prevent, t sends from ripening, The Nox Weeds Act will be 0nforoed. By order of the McKillop Comm M. D'Iturdie, C Naves isxccwmesmenTormva. ^m. ,vnaxe„sa eauruuorrancs esu Th ! r:i o 1 2 * Eileen or '=s 11 6 rve th Wes Lir "Going Trip West"—$12,00 to WINNIPEG te ,;Return Trip Etist"—$18,00 from WINNIP GOING DATES All 01,1110110. In tnoluilo West , 1' Smith's Pelle 11tt, la and Inellldlne '10,09101 on 1.nko <tetnrin Shore August !3181 11.11, cid I-ltvalurkPetcrle re ' Linn also from 9fa,ir,na beto•r,v litugsiml mud 1Lvn'rov .1u icti00 null in+•1uo1 cc, 111001 from station+ ,n Potion direct lint, 1'i nl leu ions nu Knoll rite. 'Mori gum, apt `hiTulcil, i rum .11,11 ns 011 \h01, Llog, li0aa,•u;Yr to 1"' z, Inclnoll,., Front stullone Pru tinny J1111e_ (len to Purl '1lrNlcr,11 mud lturk0001-131bra}„r 111. Atig'u,3t 2101'(1 P'rono stetting Wont and 8011111 of '1'Orualn no In nun 1Il 19i1in1: llnnail ton nod ni"lu door, Ont„ m nnud 1 Owen Sound, wall(ortoll l'restvatsr, tVinghanl, felon, LixtO,, cl, (indorinh, et, IN In ry O, fort 1ltlrwel August 800, land St. TI1orinas branches, 111111 stalloe0 ''Jerome and North lo Bolton, Img08110, Sl'1r:CIAI. A'ItItOUGII TRAINS District Passenger Age tiers from Canadian Pnclfle Ticket IOOWARD, Further I)arttol .:. _.- ' Agoate. W. R. . .. ..... .. ...... ...-.;;... STEWART 131t0S. , local ,goats.