HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-23, Page 4fROFE!sl0NAL ClA115. MEDICAL Dat, Se _ ROSS, Physician and Surgeon IIMM don Hospital, Leaden, England gp teblI m to dloeeeee of Eye, Ear, N010 kali Vents& Mot rod wide re. behind Dominion Bantu Mhos Mee P c.S, Residence, Phone No. lee. D1/141g, BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and Goderich Street, east of the Mahn. 08s. Coroner for the Cotu ty og Minn. tgel9efl:We, No. 40, ,p}I,yy gfOYT & MACKAY. Phydciane and eagyroos, Goderich Street, opposite Victbo- ntaefL0nnrc, Seotorth. Arbor, and !erre., graduate Victoria aud Ann Ideas and tis of 0os0eti od Ontario College Phys au oak Coroner for County of Huron, vs, honor graduate Trinity University.. �a IistTrinity Medical College, Member of ,td Phyefciono and Surgeons, Ontario. CEO. HEILEMAN Osteopathic Speclalla la✓ Women's and Children o Diseases and lagiatraafc Troubles. Acute and Chronic Dle- ns3ebuu Ear, Rye, Noae and Throatt. Adenoids rammed without the knife. Cououltntlon free. yleyal Betel, yacoedeltwtoqp.m• kTulay_8to,e_p,m f�+,fi'd qq ffyD p p(� F BALbylewele shill ge Licenses te04, l ,1C: ea- aaooro..,,.en,+..., Troa nsetrance ,oris year-,ncldering Inourauce, Life or Accident? :11yt0 are, a postcard will get our rates. d. 15. 111N13liLE'Y, .ser teal Agent for London Life Insurance Co.. , e'e d lrener!al etuaranteeand Accident Insurance Co.I Seaforth, Ont. a e'Watson Selma( 1'ire. Life aud Avelduut IttsnranCe ` A0e0tfiti, 0niiia lerfOrin Sewing Dinoltlnee. .42 THE McKILLOP Mesal Fire Insurance Co, 34artn and Isolated Town I;'roperty Only insured. OFFICERS Jae. Connolly, t derieh, President, James 1Cruus, Oeethwood, Vice -President, Thomas Hap, Seaforth_ Sar. •Treaa. - Directors la. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rhin, Constance; John Beanewelo, l'dtodghagen• Robert Ferris, Harlock; Malcom McKeon. Clinton; a McCartney,Seaforth; lames Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, eechwood. Agents Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hincihley, Seaforth; unit= Chesney, Egmondville• J. W. Yeo, ;iytameevllle; R. G. Jormouth, Biodhagen• James Zara and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditoro. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact &Lber business will be promptly attended to by ;apelhatlon to any of the above officers, addressed to 5Pttr respective poetofces. �G1 Itikrator avail ,051 t:Priep26ot.s.fidt '' 'sLii iMEDT '--.LIMITED -- Genera 0•cPICHAltDSAGO, The Original and Only Genuine .ser wwwem OutrowiE I , IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. + SEAFORTH. ONT. i Phone 84 Eveuluif r 1 wan SUBSCRIPTION Ono doilar'per year, strictly 111 ad vanse if not paid in advance, one dol'.ar aud u hall will be charged, United States papers, fifty cants extra. ,trickly to advanced. When subs0rlbers chaange their address notice should be/entuslmmediately,giving 1 scribers wgdcooleer d a favor by uooWylag es of any Irregularity of delivery. Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Minard's Liniment for Sale ld SCRANTON COAL W. 1. 1`i'CY , Seaforth. Phone I aid Reeding Notices --No reading notice. advortleing any entertainment or matte by which money a to be made by any person or cause win be inserted In Tun News without charge. The price for the Ineer- tlou of business announcements Is TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties staving no contractfor display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each and for church,",eodety$adisplay dp entertainment reading 50 cents. notices. Card of Thanks 5 to„, T lu SEAFORTH NEWS tiate than oheraoter, rhea* things oalt't possibly injure you, unless indeed you take notice of them and in combat - them give thene uheraotee and standing.' if what is said about is tree, set your. self right et epee; UR to false, let it go for whet ie will fetch, If a bee stings you, would you go to the hive and tlo. Amy it? Would not a thoneand coins upon you? It le wisdom to any 111110 re. apecting the injuries you have received. 1 Judicial, Legal, Official and li fGovern- mens Notices—Ten cents per t Insertion and five cents per line Inc each subse4uet Insertion, Yearly reih,Oilli0eIsertf exceeding otncwbInserted r 05.00 per Year, payable strictly In advance Display advertising—Rates furnished on application, Advertisements ordered for laeertloe, wUntil forbid•', and those seat without written Instructions will appear until critter' orders are received for their dla- ontlnuance. Letters to the Editor must be eecotn- Denied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made in such communications. Letters on rell- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plataly marked as such. The rate for such matter la ten cents per line. MR, FARMER "IE you need harvest help apply to Tie Ontario Geverntnent Employment Bureaux, 108 Duudhs St, London; Ont. Experienced help at the rate of $45 per month, $11 per weak or $2,00 per clay, Wily should you go out to tea anal praise your neighbors' muffins, when you have forgotten to tell mother how good hers were. Wily should you Re- nounce how mutt Mr. Wilson over the way knows,' when father is a groat deal better informed mail, and it has never entered your little head to whis- per quietly to ltim how much you ap- preciate his wisdom You keep your abality to discover faults for the home while the eye that should look for virtues is closed tightly until you go out Teaoh your children to love the beau- tiful, Give them a corner in the gar. den for flowers; encourage them to put it the shape of hanging baskets; show them where they 0011 best view the sun I I set, rouse them in the morning, not with the stern "time to go work," but I with the enthusiastic "see the beautiful ens rise." Buy for them pretty pit'. tures and encourage them to decorate their rooms in his her childish way. Give them an inch and they will go a mile, Allow them the privilege and they will make your home beautiful. Setting a young man afloat with EDITOR AND PUBLISHER J. F. SNO WDON 11 ra 8 General Observations 1 This oountry does not oars what pol- itical party is in power but it (Ines care whether it Wins the war or becomes a serf to Germany, *00 The crop reports from all parts of Ontario are that a bumper crop is be ing gathered. This, with the price prevailing, shows the wisdom of the Food Campaign raged last spring, Every pound of food will be required next year. ee0 It is not too early to plan for incre;s• ed production for next year. Ground for fall weeat should be prepared and the grain put in. Later ground should be broken up for for an increased spring seeding next year. . Business Without s proper systiil of adver- ttsill is like a motor without the 4. power. . . . . Seaforth News AVEIZTISEM!.NTS will supply the required energy Bone „ 34 =.evettings127„.".'., A tee Who of us is so immersed in the cares of bnsinese or so hardened by the grind Of daily toil that we cannot find in this magic word, Home, a charm be- yond the spell of the amulets? Hemel Home: The very name itself is an an- them in an acorn; Composed of only four letters of the English alphabet, it is 0110 of the simplest words known to the tongue of Tennyson and Shake - spears. It takes but a breath to v0100 it, It takes but a stroke to write it, But an ocean plummet cannot sound its crystal depth of meaning. It has been the dream of all poets. It has been the inspiration of all heroin thoughts and deeds and lives -,E 'y;Rae COWAN SALE REGISTER On Saturday, August 26th, at two o'clock p. m, on the premises, two blocks west of the Woollen Mills, Sea - forth, household elfecte' James T, Grimolciby, Proprietor; T Brown; Auo• tione00, money left him by relatiyes, is like ty, ing a bladder under the arms of one u who cannot swim ten chances to one he will lose the bladder and go to the bottom. Teach him to swim and he will not need the bladder. Give your child a good education. See to it that his morals are pure, his mind cultivated and his whole nature subservient to th taws which govern loan, and you wil have given what will be of mora value than the wealth of the radios. You have given him a start of which no mss fortrte could deprive him. HARVESTEKS! LOOK! 36,000 Farm Laborers are wanted in the Previnoeeof Saakatchowen,Alberta and Manitoba to harvest the props. 'rhe Canadian Northern Railway will operate the first Excursion trains for for the West, leaving Toronto Union Depot at 10 P. M. August 23rd and 30th and runnieg through solid to Win. nipeg, The equipmeut wit consist of electric lighted colonist oar's, lunch counter oars, and in addition, the Railway will continue their last year's innovation of keeping a special oar for the a000mo dation of angle women aud families and of placing it in the train where the ocoupants will be separated from the other Passengers Thursday 1111 THIO - drio tIX 10411. FR'NE rRox 'AA.$DEntr '. Girls' Try k! Hair gots soft. fluffy lend beautlfu ol- a 26 cent bottle Pan xNeinxMnrM ttais Mr1l11WMPtgr,gaMxglrllt•!l*xIMAKRIlM:.- .-"..•_..� AgrlxgKMwhRM� IN Al,. .. ♦�1f �'A } .e• ■ ale s. w Established 1871 x _ x is 1 Farmers' Business ite given to the business of Farmers and i Special (attention ✓ Dealers in Live Stock, Sale notes collected on favorable 1 la terms. ■ M Savings Department al 0 aw Deposita of $1.00 and upwards received. x `g Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year, it it iiiLc Efficient service assured to depositoro.. rs 1 e SEAFORTH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, Managed li KxglRgRtPlgElqxxxqqqxlM9qAAxqPiKltlMqmW➢IgllgaXAMNW'�tYY47.'`p m. CHURCH NEWS CREAM WANTED publish ed Imo e I 'charge, rg ,ex_All tense are whet (hove itdrdssi8on fee 1.5 where Int 115 roto 1 Ice le bt11t0 live oeut pot Count mob o Send your cream to us and receive lop prices, We are running our plant the year throngll and can handle your full supply and furnish you with calls, We pay twine earth month and weigh samplo,and test each can of cream care fully. Our motto in " Honesty to 00 Patrons” Patrons are requested to re turn all our panewhen not in use, 3dttee au,Butterrnllk also o11 hand nd for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. The territory served by the Canadian Northern Lines offers the widest choice of employment with high wages, but re- gardless of 'where you may locate, re- member we give you the bust. service to Winnipeg, where you will re. purchase to -final destination, no matter what Line it may be. For leaflet showing special train ser- vice, with dates, lumber of .nen re- quired at various points and other information, apply to Chas. A. Aber - hart, Town Agent, or General Pass- enger Department, Oauadian Northern Railway, Toronto. What chance has a young lady little out of style who has to earn her own living, to shine in society by the side of one of our fashionable ladies whose papa is a millionaire? Sootally' we are the slaves of gold. Old fashion ed people look at it in the old fashion ed way and say that it is all wrong, And so it is; but it is a fact that stares us in the face that those who are worth the most are considered as of the ,,most worth. After all, perhaps the wisest man was right when he said, "the love of motley is the root of all evil" We should strive to make ourselves such members of the hounehoid bat d that our abeenoe is like the lose if sunshine from a summer day. We c. a do it if we enter into the right spirit of home. The idea seems to exist among us that to be polite to each other in the family circle is foolist, aud like "putting on airs." We must rid ourselves of this notice and at on the principle that whatever helps to make our intercourse pleasanter with those outside the family circle should be brought into use there. Profanity never did any man the least good. No man is the riotter, the happier, or wiser for it. It commends no one to any society, It is disgust- ing to the refined; abominable to the good, insulting to those with when we associate; degrading to the mind unprofitable. usedloss aud iojuriotts in society- Young man, don't be pro- fane, Spend some of your evening a t home with your wifeand children, If you have an amaible, gentle wife, surely your home must be a pleasant one, but if, from increasing cares or other rem. sons, she has grown fretful or sullen, who knows but a little more ateittion er kindness on your part might do a groat deal towards the return of the amiabil- ity you so much admired in her gir'- hood, If you would stay at home often. I er evenings, treating her with some- thing of he old tenderness, malting her believe, at toast, that you are not wholly indifferent to her happineue, y would soon see a change for the both 1; In your household. What's tale c.so of getting into worry and to fret over goeeip that hes been s t afloat to oaC disadvantage by acme meddlesome busybody vlho has more HOUSE TI RENT A house containing eight rooms with electric light and furnace on John St. West, Possession on the rat of Sept, Apply to F. G. Neelin, STRAY DveK6 Came to my premises, Lot 19, Con. I3 MoKillop, on July 3zst a number of duoks, Owner please prove property and pay expenses and remove. D. Holmes If you think a house should hate only one head, and that be yours postpone your wedding indefinitely, Mothers sometime forget that the active and reoeptive stage of child. life in the nursery is never surpaseed at a later period. The little one ie taking impressions every moment, ac- quiring gentle habits or the opposite, picking up words and eentonoes tur. prising hie elders by the faeility with which he learns what they would rats:. or he should not know. In the baby's tome the foundation ie laid for the good or bad manners of the mature man, Cottage Wanted Wanted to rent a cottage or in Seaforth, ,Apyly to Mre, A Guttr Seaforth, Out. 001118 SEAFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat,.............. $2,00 Oats .......................,....., 60 60 Barley .......................... 120 Bran per ton...... ......... ... ......40.00 Shorts per ton ......... ......... .........48 Flour .............................. 6.30 6.80 Hogs to, farmers...... ,....,14.25 SF AIFORTI CIUR01t1 S ECONOMICAL TRAVEL Whether you are going west to home- stead or only for a trip the most eoom- ioal method of travel is to take advent• age of our low Homeseekers fares good going ell special excursions every Mon day. For tickets and full particulars apply to Chas. A. Aberhart Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway NOT1OR St. James' St, James, 01111001, Rev. Father 1? Corcoran, Rev, Fettle G. it, North. graves ,Morning Maas 7 tem, High Maes 10,30 a.m. Sunday school 2,30 p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m. 11.411. If you care for heavy hair that gfle° tens with beauty and is radiant will' is flhas uffy andIncomparable lu m ousbtrye A ndorlane.e. Just one application doubles the • beauty of your hair, besides it Immo. le, 8181017 dissolves every particle el dandruff. You can not hu4S Wes heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff, This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not oVercome 11 the feverishness s and roots fu lmleng h t000 scalp;; the ioseu and die; thou the hair falls out fast.O Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of Knowitan's Danderine trout any, drug store and just try it. f ale St. Thomas' Rev, T, H. Brown, Rector, Sunday services 11 eau, and 7 p.m, Sunday school 2,30 p. in, Women's Anglican Missionary Assooiation, Tuesday 2,30 p.m. Ohildren'sbrauch Saturday 2 p.m. utercession services every Thursday, .0 pan. Any ratepayers in McKillop wishing to pay their assessment on the Dolm- age Drain in cash may do so to the township treasurer ono r before Aug. 24th 1917. After said date Debentures will be issued for amounts not then paid, By order of Domicil M, Murillo 0.erlr of MoKillop ITALY APPEALS TO CANADA IN RED C OSS CAMPAIGN Goal of $100,000 Set for Souther . and Western Ontario District. _ Chevalier 1, Zu i i. ini, Royal Italian Consul - General, to Handle Fund. Italy's magnificent fight in the Alpine mountains of Austria is costing hundreds of thousands of brave Italian soldiers' lives. An appeal is now being made by the CHEVALIER L, MUNI, Royal Italian Consul -General to Canada. Govet'n,ment of Italy to the people of Canada through Chevalier L. Zunlui, Royal Italian Consul Gen- eral, Montreal, for the Italian Red Cross and orphans, of her "fallen (First Presbyterian Rev, 11', 01, Larkin., Pastor, Sunday eervices 11 sem. and 7 p in, Sunday school 2.30 pen. Prayer- meeting, Thursday, 7. 46 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Societyethe first Tuesday in each month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mis. sion Band 3rd Tuesdays in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, 13, D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public) service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun• day school aud .Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p -m. Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p.m. heroes, sponsored by the youthful Crowxl Prince Umberto di Savoie, to meet pressing needs. In answer to this appeal, South- ern and Western. Ontario have fixed a goal of $100,000 to be raised by popular subscription during August and September. Royal Italian Con- sular Agent Giovanni Danovaro at Welland has been appointed olilolat representative of the Italian Red Cross in this division. L. P. Shum- way and L. Porter Moore, of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. of the United Status, and associated with the War Council, American Red ' Cross during its recent successful drive for $100,000,000 in the United States, officially represent the Italian Red Cross as divisional directors and campaign organizers. Their headquarters are at Brant- ford. Through Colonel Noel Marshall, chairman of the Central Executive Committee, the Canadian Iced Cross hue pledged its. support, and that of all local units le asked, for the Ital- ian Red Cross campaign. "Every dollar that le given will make its bond between Italy and Canada. Let us show our Italian friends within out borders that we hold in grateful regard the land that gavo them birth; that we appreciltte her tre- mendous sacrifices in the great cause for Which we fight, and that we cannot regard with indifference her noble contribution to the aim- Oeee that is yet to be ours and hers," ie a recent editorial comment on. the Italian Red Orem campaign, in Canada. Salvation Array Capt. Froud and Lieut. Satinets Holiness meeting 11 a,m. Praise service 3 p,m, Gospel, service 7 p.m. Ohildrene Service—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p,m, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Freer meeting 8p,m, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. 1 Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & Millman SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER. Aprons from Creamery Phone I83 t71 -{Iii;;;101,116111=;;;;010WOLCISZNIUKIMMIMell Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ear vices 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible (dem 3 p.m, Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. in. Y.P.M,S. Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m, Women's 1Iiseion ary Sooiety 3rd Wednesday in the mond at 2.30 p.m, Lsdios' Aid m eta im- mediately after. hleittllop Presbyterian Rev. 1) Carswell pastor. Sunday services Duffs' church I1 sem Sunday school lU a m, Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m, Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each tenth at 2 o'clock. 02001516140e methodist Rev, 0, 0. Keine, pastor, Sunday service 2,30 p.m, Young People's Lea- gte3.30 pen Sunday Women's Auxil ars/ first Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. L isles' :Sid last 'Thursday of each utontlt 2.30 p,rie Winth"op Presbyterian Sunday :entice 2,30 pm. Sunday ohool 1 15pm. Prayer meeting Meade), 8 pen. L.O. W last Wed. The Different Wap ©UR WAY Not merely to be satisfied with making sued Photo - g raghs, but to make the best possible photographs, To try the best, the newest apparatus -- anything that will turn out better work for you at the same or less ex- pense. We are always on thewatch for new ideas that will enable us to make bet- ter Photographs. II We make a Sp ciality. of Family Group Photos also Photos of Houses: We develop' films and fin- ish i ish prints for•amateurs. 7 r as for Plctur e Framing D F Buck's Studi© tato sf Phone 19 - SEAPORTS tl Your Aethnta Too, The efficacy 0: Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Anima Remedy is not something that is morely to be hop at for; it is expected.. It never fails to bring relief, sed in your own individual case ib will do the same. So universal has been the moose of this far.fanod cure that every one afflicted with this deeeao owes it to himself to try it. 1 have for sale sevo eral Bonds and Debentures of a p articularly High grade, bearing interest from 5 to per cent. 2U1 information con- cerning salve cheer= Rally given. JO1 NK[V Bond and Debenture Broker main 1 traob, Seaforth Phone lit it ewr "For Erre Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any h Ure bleed a011Eczema, Scrofula Sdue to curvy, Bad auLogo, 111,5000000, Ulcera, Glandular Swelling°, Bolt°, Pimples, 80r015 of any kind, Pilee, m, Blood Paleon,Rhaumatto Gout, ate., don't • waste your time. and money on lotions and ointments which cannot got below the surface of the skin, What you want is amedicine that will thoroughly free the blood of thepoisonous natter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such amedicum, It is composed of ingredients which quiakty expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it cleat and pun:, can be relied on to egedta lasting aura, Ih rands./teat, caul. ors 1rcHoe seer mphleE • r '','1 erttk) Over 50 years' seeeea°. Plenum( to take, said by all OhonHato and etnrok.np.r.. Naps, all SOO(Eli N. Clarke's Blood MIxturC CURES ALL SKIN & 81000 DISEASES. 42 yl s,"'