HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-16, Page 8LOCAL AGENT WANTED --for--- :3L?.AFORTI1 and district. —to sell for— °TFIE, OLID RELIABLE?, FONTHI LL NURSE RIES Sptentlfd shat of st,,.k For Fall planting 1017. and Spring Omitting 1418. tno.trtlatg mituy new varieties whii,N we alone control, Staid for t:ew illustrated catalogue also Agentii Preposition, Hnudsome free c,itfit; h;xeineive 'Territory. Liberal Cminuissions. STONE and WELLINGTON "i bo Foutbill :tin:'armee. (Pletablished 1611 TOIION'i") t1NTAI110 CORRESPONDENCE 0,-,-.40---000----0,,,-,,n,----.0R-440 il)ublin Mr, Jos. Kenny and falnily, Ottawa are visiting at the home of hire. Phillip Kenny. Miss M. Tiernan has returned to :her home in Windsor after a short visit here. Mise Nellie Moir of Stratford visift her grandmother, Mrs, BloDermott,-for• a few days Mrs f;, Jordan and daughter of Buf- fah) ere visiting trieude here, Mr, 1', :fouler' of Buffalo is visiting his mother here, Mrs. L Iaawby and daughter of Port Huron are with friends bare, 1 'tlr W Mini:hammer of Detroit is visiting at Mr M J Klinkiiaminer's Miss hl Maloney visited in ytratfard -- --- Mr. and hire. Stapleton are home 1 I again from the treat, I iMiss Nellie Ryan of Toronto ie at her f esterf I niuer°sity ' her house limo, London Three More New Pr, fessorsl ll ensail Auburn Two lives were lest, ono; In of futile attempt at rescue, int a small stream running through the the tiovier farm two miles front Auburn alt Saturday afternoon The deed are Airs, fl, (for. her and Elate I.00kbart, 1 t •year daugh- ter of Thomas Lookliart of Auburn. In company with four others, Elsie Lockhart, win- was visiting at the Gov - ter home, wont to the Creek to bathe. 1t is belived titan she slipped into a deep hole and went down without a sound. When the other ultiltlreu left 11 water they noticed the absence of sie, and ran frantically to the farm, 1 Weir Mrs. Gorier. Mrs. (levier ran to the meek, and, flatly dressed, dashed into the water' in au effort to find the missing child, She, too, fell into quo of the many treacherous holes in the stream, and was'drowned, It was an hour before any leen were found, and half an hour later both bodies were recovered from the stream by the tiro of garden rakes, Mrs Gooier is survived by her hus- band and two children Walton The lied Cross Picnic held on Jas i Rae s lawn on Wednesday last was very Equal to Any in Canada, A targe hay crop is new safe in the barna in good ale 5tUC�eRtS can- now obtain as good - an education in Arts The bean anal onion (cepa are Paw- ! row- ing nolo and a fine harvest is expected. and Medicine at the Western Barley enttltlg is now in order, as anywhere. U. M. Knight is now home after attending slimmer school at Guelph, E E Braithwaite, M A, Ph D Fire nearly destroyed the tlourmill President,when the roof caught, it is supposed • from a spark, and was only seen in time to put the fire out before nuleb Homesee ersy Excursions Every Monday till October 29th, LOW FARES FROM TORONTO TO Albreda . , 554.00 Athabasca 48.50 Edmonton , 47.00 Stettter , 47.00 Cancra , .. 39.75 North 9atttetore 43.75 Regina .. , 40.50 Forward .. 40.25 Saskatoon . - 42,25 Dauphin , . 37.75 Lucerne .. 5100 Calgary, , 47.00 Camrose - 45,75 Hanna , . , 46.00 Rosetown , 43.50 Yorkton .. 39,25 Moose Jaw 41.00 Prince Albert 43.60 Brandon ... 37.00 Winnipeg . . 3540 For Tickets, Reservations, Liter - Cmum and Informwtion, apply to . A. Aberhart, t)ruggist, Sea - forth, or write R. L. Fairbairn. G.P.A., CS Xing St. E., Toronto, 1 damage was done. I Mr. Chas Hawke is renewing aequa iutauces in the village, One of the commonest complaints of Mrs. Ireland of Kincardine is here infants is worms, and the most effective visiting Mr. Smythe and family. H cure is Mother Graves' WormExtermin• ' ator. successful. The baseball match wee vary good and was wen by 16 to 42 the Tug-of-war was very exciting, There was a largeerowd and the proceeds tvere $345. Much credit is due the energet- ic committee, Mr, E. Constable met With a bad aeoideut last week, He was drawing his hay fork hack when it jumped fram the hook and fell on him on the wagon knocking him unconscious, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Wroxeter spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Jae, McLaughlin, Staffa The caretaker of Staifa cemetery wants to notify thuee a he have not yet paid for the care their plots, that if payment is not made shortly, their plots will not receive any more at- teutiou this year. Mrs. Geo. Lodge is the guest of her mot err, Mre, Dalton, Mr, and Mrs. Hooper of Wroxeter spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs, Love, Miss Ida Wanibold of London spent the weak with her sister, Mrs. Flynn, Mr Capel Templeman of London is speeding a eouple of weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. Templemsu. A number from here attended the lakeeide bieei:es on Sunday last. GR\AD kN NATIONAL, fX IBI l ON Lug. 25 - TORONTO - Sept. 10 a. a More Than ordinarily Progressive Scala MOBILIZATION 1JF NATIONAL RESOURCES retractive and Deotrnctivo Needs for War XI FE: DERA8 ,E .(tT SPECTACLE 1200—PERFORMERS-1200 'lades Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told ae very Apex of Spectacular Achievement ;GIANT LIVESTOCK AND 1AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY ging Competitions for Young fears - • New Farm Crop Cona- tions - - Extended Classifications Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS P TRACTORS MW FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES —Italian, French, Persian icarl and Canadian Masterpieces ee—Innes' Famous Soloists and a of other leading organizations. IRE NEW MIDWAY PIONAL MOTOR SHOW 3' SHOWING OF 1918 MODELS, enlarged Government and tExhibits - - - War in all its - - Model Camp - - Artillery • - Aeroplane Flights - - Scores ?rises in store for old friends bousand thrills for new ones. aJCED FA R E S ON dii_jNES OF TRAVEL 1.10.1771M11691,01WM111,0041.11411110,1014 p. N ?TieE tblio Library will be °lobed 2nd. to Aug. 16th, for Lib- didays Winthrop The garde%: party held at. R. Scarlatt's home was a successful one 01.1 Friday. The evening was line and a large tiuraher were present. The pro- ceede amounted to $170. Mrs. 11. Scarlett returned home on Friday from 3 visit to Brockville, Haying is finished and a line lot has been stored away. Barley euttit,g ;a now in full swing. Miss A. McDonald of Zurich is visit- ing hire. R. ficarlett. Londesboro Mies Core White of Drayton is visit. ing her cousin, Mies hillier, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Watt are now at home after their honeymoon trip, Mr Ernest Adams is in very poor health, All the girls who were camping are at home again, fB Mr John Hutton unloaded a oar of oats and cement. The harvest is now in full swing cut- ting oats and barley. Misses Julen and Kate Brown passed with first olaae honors the elementary grade in the Foronto Conservatory of Music, 2'reeh Supplies in Demand,—Where- ever Dr. Thomas Eoleotrio Oil has been introduced increased supplies havebeen ordered showing that whereever it goes this excellent oil irepresseette power on the people. No matter in what latit- ude it may befonnd its potency is never impaired. it is put up in meet port able shape in bottles and Cao becarried without fear of breakage, Dates of Fall Fairs Meta Craig ..... Qot. 6 Arnhorstburg Atwood ,.. Ogg ,,....., lloatttsville ....,,.rr. Blenheim .,,..,..,.., Blyth .. .............. Bothwell Corners..., Bowrtanville......,... Ii ratnpton ............ Brig() on Brighton ,...... Brasselle 11,,11 Oampbellford Cayuga Charlton .,.,....... Chatham ... ,• Ohealey 111,1, 111,,1 ,..Oct, t, 2 ,..tupt. 18, :19 ,,,,,,, Sept, 21, 22 ,.Oct, 4, 5 ,(let, 2, 3 ,,.,,,Sept• 20, 21 Sept. 18, 19 ......Sept. 21, 22 Oat, 1, 2 ve pt, 13, 14 ,.Oct..1, r..., Supt 25, 26. .,., ,..,.Sept 26, 26, .,.Sept 26, 27 Sept 18-20 ,, Sept 18, 19 Colborne ............. Comber Dorelteeter Station Dresden ............. Drnmbo Dunnville ,....,..... Dub am ...,...., .. .,,,,.....,Sept 11, 12 .......,...Sept 28, 29 .....,,...,Oat 3 .......,,..Sept 27, 28 ,.........,8sept 26, 26 Sept 13, 14 ,........,Sept 20, 21 Entbro 111.1.,........ Essex 1.• .0..011., ., Fergus Flesherton ......,,., Florence ... •.., ., Forest 1111.. ,.. ...... •. Fort Laic ,.. Galt ...1.,,,, ,.,,.,.., Georgetown Glencoe ............... Goderich .............. ,. ,,..Oct 4 . 90111 18 20 ,..,.,..,...Sept 26 27 .Tbaiikegiving Day .., 111,1,,, .slot 4, 5 ,,.,,••,.,Sept'26, 27, .............Oct 9, t0 4, 6, ,,,,,.,,,,.. Oot 3, 4 ,,...,Sept 25 20 Sept 20 21 Hanover ............. Harrow ............. Hepworth ,. ,..,r,,, Highgate ......,.,... Ingersoll .. . Jarvis A.... .1.o. 0•111.4 41 Kincardine ........., Iiirtou ................ Lakeside ........... Lambeth Leamington ,..,....... ...,.....Sept 20 21 ..........,Oct 9, 10 .,.,Sept 27, 28 ..,,..Ou't r2, 13 ,Oct s 2 .........Sept 96, 27 .......,...Sept 20, 21 .,,,.,,.,..Oct 4, 5 Sept 27 Sept 26 •............Oct 3-6 Thulesday Atm N! onden (Western Fair) ,Sept 7-4 g Lin:know Sept 27 . 8 Listowel ,.Sept 20, al Mader 1__111 llnt.Sl. iii Merlin Melbourne Midland Mildmay ,.......... Ali Iten .............. Milverton Mount liridgee .. Mount Forest ,.. New Hamburg..... Norwich ... Norwood ........... Orangeville ,..... Ottawa (Central Paisley ............. Paltnerstou ,..,,. r Paris Parkhill ,r..., ..... Petrolea .......... Ridge to cm ,. Ripley ............. Rodney ............. Sarnia 1111 Seaforth Shedden ..., ,.,... Simmer) ......... ..... Statford ........... Strathroy ••• •.• ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sept til'21 Out 3 "...Sept, 27 28! ,,,,Sept 17, 18 ,..,...,1,,. ,..Oct el 10 ,,,,,.,,,,.,Sept 27, 28 Oot G ..,,,,,,,...sept 12, 20 ...,,,...Sept 13, 14 ...Sept 25, 26 .•(101 14, 10 ..........,,Sept 18, r9 Canada) Sept 8-17 Shpt 26, 20 ,..........Sept 18. 191 Sept 27, 28 ..,,....,,Sept 24, a0 ..,.,..,,,,Sept 20, 21 ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,•Oct 8-rU • ,,.,.Sept 16, 26 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Uct 1, 2 • Sept 26, 26 Sept 20, 21 .,. Sept 10 ..Uct 8x10 ...... Sept 17-19 Sept 17-1y Tavistock ,,,.,,..,, Toeswater Thomasville Theditrd .......... Thornclale ,..,.,,.... Thorold ., Tiverton Toronto (0 N Ej W all aceburg ,,, .... Wallaoetuwn Watford ,,........... ...Out 2 •....,.,..•.......Uot 2, 3 oat 2, 3 ..............Sept 20 91 Supt 24 25 Sept 18 lo Weston .............. Wheatley Wiarton ,,......,. Windsor Wingham 1111. Woodstock ....,... Wyoming ,.......... .....Aug 25 -Sept I9 .................Sept 26 ............. Sept 20 21 .................(lot 2 3 • Sept 14 15 ,,,.., ,1111.., Oct 1 2 --Sept 25 '20 ,...,,..Sept 24-27 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001 9 10 ,,,,,,,.,,,,Sept 19-21 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pct 4 6 Fll.. r' ti;A i3RVS. U should if dare, the consci- entiousness of this store a proper place in your consideration—we're conscientious in our sea -vice to you—we feel the responsibility your confidence puts upon us. It means that in , • ,loll can get value and satisfaction tailored to your measure from a choice of a wide range of fabrics and models. E have a knack of Tv doing the unusual' in the clothes. We put more into them than you get in any other line—better style, better tailor- ing, better cloth. We keep pounding away on the advisability of wearing Art Clothes—we're earnest about it—we believe in it sincerely. And when we once get you to believe, you'll have a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes. /Amp, s ri er 1.4 ly A S upper Sale Right now when slippers are in great demand we're going to i;ive our Patrons it Slipper Benefit as we do not like 'Carry 0t'crs" We want New Slippers Each Season Men's tan and black oxfords $2,49 Women's Patent and laid oxfords $ Women's tan pumps and oxfords 01.98 It is7simply good business to close out our stock in its season, that is the whole secret and while it mean'; a loss to us it will certainly be a Great Benefit to our Friends, Come in on Saturday and get your share of the good things we have in store for you, LA, ' ° OTT "The Home of Good Shoes' Phone 51 • Seaforth reear.c-*•.,..,-mow It Works! Try It 1 Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts i out without pain. }S .44.8011.4.11111114.4041.01111.1100{.0 .usow.« •.on«000,«.«.. Good news spreads rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid ranee feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply Just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn is so snriveled that it lifts out with- out pain. It is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never inflames or even irritates the adjoin- ing tissue. - sp This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lockJaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns. p etrerei , ae-.1-a-a ee :-lei-:-,:^,-1 1 1 1•. ae . Razors Now is the tine to have your razor put in proper shape, This being one of the barbers quiet periods you are assured of a sufficient amount of time de- voted to each razor, thus assur- ing a smooth quick. cutting edge resulting in a saving of time and worry. Delay no longer, bring pour razor here and have it honed and enjoy a Real Shave next time. We guarantee a smooth clean cutting edge. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W ROBINSON Prop . tW TO �✓ �a l 1 WELL x.i, e BY SOHN W. S. MCCULLOtJGH, M.D., D.P.D., CHIEF OFFICER OP THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF kr,,oALTH, i M1 -X :... , 11 1. . . 1 r . .. 1 1 7.1.:4 :».'»:»:». r :•+0:.:.:».:.+1.:y LESSONS IN EUGENICS. N 1815 William and Mary Dack and theiryoung son, Samuel, came from ~ Ireland and settled in western Pennsylvania. William was a peculiar, silly old fellow, who drank a good deal, stole sheep and other valu- ables. Mary his wire, and also his cousin, was ignorant, quarrelsome, and would become angry at her husband and leave him for days at a time. This pair proved a bad investment for the United States, and parti- cularly for Pennsylvania. Mrs. Annie Finlayson, investigating for the Warren State hospital, got track of 754 names of descendants o1' persons who married descendants, Taking out all persons dying at less -than 20 1 years of age, all persons Marrying into the family, and all who moved. away and were entirely lost trach of, Mrs, Finlayson had left 153 descend- ants of William. and Mary, concerning whom she was able to secure fairly compldata. Of the lot no one was a distinctly good citizen or a force for good in the community, Forty, although mostly of a low order of intelligence, are i capable of controlling their emotions and have not been a burden on society, ete In the second group are seventy-two individuals. The members of this group show various evidences of degeneracy, such as shiftlessness, illiteracy, lack of average judgment, sexual irregularity, heavy drinking, quick and violent tempers, and inability to control their emotions. In the third group are forty-one individuals. Some of these have been in insane asylums, some in penitentiaries, some in Jails, and some in poor- houses. Most of the insane have had some form of emotional insanity. They are quarrelsome, quick tempered, violent, and given to sulking. The disposition to leave their marital mates is very marked. Twenty-five were insane, twenty are described as lazy and shiftless, thirty-nine are below the average of intelligence, and thirty-four are described as ugly and quarrelsome, Thirty were alcoholics, twenty-seven were notoriously, sexually irregular, eighteen had a habit of leaving their husbands or wives as the case was. Of the nine children of William and Mary, Jane and Curtis founded the two worst fatality trees. Jane married her cousin, a bad man. Curtis married a defective woman from defective stock, The traceable cost to the state for caring for worthless descendants of this pair is $28,354. The actual cost to society has been inflstitely greater than that. There is no way of knowing the cost to the state or the value to the state of the mem- bers of the family who have moved far away, but the state of Pennsylvania laid up trouble for itself when it allowed William and Mary to move in and unrestrainedly to spawn out.a worthless brood. Two of the eugenic lessons Mrs. Finlayson draws from this family are: The marriage of cousins of defective stock produces a large propor- tion of defective offspring. Highly defective strains ought to be investi- gated and registered. The foregoing is an example of what we should endeavor to avoid in Ontario, How are we profiting by lessons of this kind? Everyone know of some feeble-minded, vicious, drunken father or mother, or perchance some unfortunate half -silly girl in a community, either of whom are pro- pagating their kind and laying the foundation for such a record as that of ' the Dock family. There are many of the class referred to in this Province.. They are steadily adding to our population of undesirable people. Our 10055 system of immigration helps in the same diredtion Just as in the Deck case, A census of Dur insane asylums, institution for the feeble-minded, and Jails show a large element of foreign population whtoh should never halve been received in Canada. A strict medical examination of ail immigrant« would prevent a lot of this and segregation of tiro undesirable classes we have so as to prevent marriage and the propagation of such species would tend to keep our people mentally strong and save the country a lot of money, Think about it! Is it not worth while? No medical examination of immigrants at the port of entry or ori ship- board, especially If the latter is carried on by the ship doctor, is of much value, because the llrst Is too hurried, and for the reason that the second Is made by the official of the steamship company, whose objeet is to land as many •immigrants as possible. The only satistaetory medical examination of immigrants is one made- by a thoroughly qualified medical examiner or molical board in the employ of the Federal Government before embarka- • tion, and preferably at certain centres in the native Countly of the proposed immigrant, In this way only will this country be saved the unloading of defective and dlseaeed people, which has been the curse of the United. States. Let us profit by their mistakep. . ,_. -,