HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-16, Page 4' Fit°fffSSIONALCAFIDS.
� gtfa. 14. ilUISR [LOSS. Phyaldan and Sur eoa
tate of Condo Hospital, London, Englund.
al attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose
tIt coat,
Moe sued reside nee, behind Dominion Sank.
Dilaxo Mono N o, S, Residence, Phone No, 1..06• -.
,..4,.rinao.0.0.0+T'agot W tM�IMOMWNiM..nM!M
. W. J. BURROWS Seaforth. Office and
&use — Goderlch BURROWS, east of the Metho-
ealearsh. Coroner for the County of Huron.
hone, Ne. 40. _
/11 103. SCOTT & MACKAY, Physicians and
e4vefie, Goderich Sterol, oppoolte Meths.
actrr, graduate Victoria and Ana Arbor, and
Umber of Ontario College of Physicians sad
9uea�soons, Coroner for Cototy of Hilton.
Bdlo3Cav, honor graduate Trinity University,
a4d anxdallst Trinity Medical College Member of
rc et Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario,
Reigt, DEO. HEILEMAN, Osteopath& Speciails
in women's and Chlidree a Diseases and
aloausu'bdc Troubles, Acute and Chronic Dle-
cediaro, Ear, Eye, Noee and Throat. Adenoids'
osmnved without the knife, Consultation free.I
Mere. t mtel.
irverdef. tura • to e, p.m : Frldal •i to .!i p,!n
rriace Licenses
.• i
Ilyo -n considering
postcard will get ouLife ates.cetdent;'
8ouerai Agent for London Life Insurance Co,.
an 11;nr,,ntrest Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
*Imes Watson
Ban:gal Fire, Life and -Accident lnsuranee
dRest, and dealer In dewing vtachtnes.
'Ra °. Street, Seaforth,
YAM M Fire losaraIco Co
Perm and isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
Counoliy, liclent h, President, James
livens, Beechwood, Vice President, Thomas
:lisps. Seaforth. Soc.-Treas.
,,• Directors
F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, —
OWIoYbsop W. Elan, Constance' John Bennewels, 7
;tigotiopaeen• Robert Fetus, Constance;
Itel5eZuon, Clinton; tt McCartney Seaforth;
L9 Connolly, Goderlch; Jas. Evans, Beechwood. _
Agfa, Leitch, Hariock; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;
'William Chesney, EgmondvIilel J. W. Yeo,
H laseavine; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen' James
Kea and John Govenlock, Seaforth, audmitors.-
sales desirous to effect (neuace or trapsact
miter business will be promptly attended to by
apprlcatlon to any of the above officers, addressed
seeks& respective postotcee.
112 0156+AifOR,TH [DE $
From. the Dfrtoe
Phone 84 leveeing 127
One dollar -per year, strictly 1a ad v a nee
tt not paid In advance, one dollar and
a half will be eltargod. United states
papers, lilty cents extra, strttkly la
adyen ced,
When subaerlblrs chaange their address
notice should be Zen um Immediately, giving
th the aid andaacribars will sonferthe a favor new by notifying Us
of any Irregularity of delivery.
Reading Notlaee—No reading notice,
advertleingeany entertainment or matter by
which money wOl beoInserrttedeInyTall News
muse wW
dono f change, The price for the TEN
don of business line announcements It TEN
pante per count contract ea!for dis to
parties having no E pensrr diseach
advertising, and FIVE cease peryone acch
insertion h those having display entertainment
rtainm tst
and for notlot10, Cardclety and h nks 5 tont
readies nodose, Cerd'of Thanks 5 to.p
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notdcae—Ten cents per line for hret
insertion and five cents per line for each
subseduet insertion.
Yearly cards—Professional Cards, not
85,00 per Fear, payable oae will ttly In e advance
Display aIverti.Ing—Rates furnished
on app,loatlml.
" Advertteameats ordered for Insertion,
wwrritten f instructions will sent appear without
mitten orders are received for their dts-
Letters to the Editor must be accom.
partied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no resume -
lability whatever for the statetments made
in glens topics w t not be published aters on t all
except as paid advertletng, plainly marked
as such. The tate for ouch matter Is ten
cents per fine.
General Observations
Purchase ebonld be made on the basis
otthe Protein contained In a digestible
form or the Total Digoatible Nutrients
(protein phis starches plus lot x 2f).
For eztample, Rod Oloverhey contains
152 pounds digestible protein anti x011+
pounds digestible nutrient* per toll
timothy hay hes only SO pounds dig
fling Will Commence About August
20--Patriotismn Det_ntuuts Con-
servation of Crop
eetible protein end 970 pounds total The gravity of the situation in re -
digestible nutrients per ton, corn en -rd to the harvesting of Ontario's
silage has 22 pounds digestible protein,ps serves but to illustrate more
and 354 pounds total digestible nut. ",N,the .seriousness of the call of
daubs per ton, end mangels or swedes - 'rir,„of the western prairies
about half as leech of oath,men from the eastern
Clover, or better, alfalfa, hay supplies -rimer the clerk,
the protein el a ration in about the An lee Oream Social will be held In
correct proportion while timothy hay the Salvation Army Citadel, Wednesday
must be supplemented with a Holz August 22nd at S P, M, Capt, Scott
protein ureal. Again, corn ouailego, and Lieut, Tuoker of Clinton, Oapt•
although bellty, supplies the oheapost Fox Loig(rt of podericll
total rltltriettte of any feed but requires will
a protein meal to balance it. Ensilage
made from green clover, oats, or oats,
peas stud vetches, ie worth almost
as much as good corn ensilage.
The saute relationship exists between
all the meals which are pnrohaeed for
the feeding of stook. The farther who
has grass hay Lsuch as timothy] and
corn ensilage, mint buy meals on the
basis of ohompness of protein. At pres-
ent prices these in order of cheapness
are;. Cottonseed meal, dtied distillers
graius,lineeed oil meal, gluten feed,
vheat bran, 0llo is middlings, and oats.
ill, on the other hand, he has alfalfa or
clover hay, corn or other good silage
and roots he need purchase leas meal
and attonid select on a basis of cheap•
nese of total digestible nutrients. At
present prices these in order are;. dried
distillers' grains, beet pulp, wheat midd
liege and bran, gluten feed, cottonseed
lineal, linseed oil meal, and oats,
= D
Britain and her Allies need r60.000,
000 busi:els more wheat than there is
visible supply for export from the two
countries to whom site looks for supplies
.e -et T^7 —Canada and the Uuited S totes—ao-
Pw- r;tide' l cording to a statement by Hon W J.
! Hanna, Canada's Food Controller, and
(rt,lllai this is calculated on the decreased scale
of consumption already practised in
Great Britain, To make np this shor-
tags, the people of Canada and United
I are organizing to substitute other foods
and reduce cons0mptiou of floor foods
by Duo sixth, Household scientists say
it can bo doge without loss ;f healte or
of Canada oral United States must out
Imitations down their norma' wheat an ply eon•
sola - semptior, by 160,000,000 bushels to
on the meat the neode of Great Britain and
Merits the Ashes. It is estimated that the men
Of at the front will require 1,105,0°0,000
bushels of wheat. This means at leas
Mtoard's ' 460,000,000 will be needed from Canada
Liniment and the United States Under normal
oouditiuus 111 these two countries only
190.111141,00 bnahels surplus would be
for export, and so l,y special effort the
I nouple+ of the United States and Canada
00171 have to snake nit a shortage of
fo9,000,1100 bnsha:a
For Sale -
W. L. KEY. Seaforth.
Phone I aO
A Business
Without a proper
systln of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
power, . . . .
Seaforth News
Will supply the
required energy
Ilene . 84
= w"`eaciiinga127
Tito Food Controller calculates that
food wasted i11 tho garbage pail each
year through carelessness and lack of
kitchen econotnynmoullts to $56.000,000
per year or about $7 per head of our
Buying Utile Feeds
For Winter Use
The most successful cattle feeders
purchaso and feed profitably a reason-
able supply of mill feeds and ooneent-
rates. What ferule to select and when
to purchase ere at present moot difficult
The man who buys meals in small
amounts as needed and Hoye the meal
oheapost per hundredweight is a pour
buaineso man and does not appreciate
the real values of feeds,
The feederwho hag rich and succulent
farm grown roughages need purchase
and feed lase grains and meals and the
meals pnrohaeed need to bo of leas
concentrated nature, The intelligent
cattle feeder always raises on hie farm
the best possible quality of feeds and
makes hie parchaaee of grain and meals
to balance the rations properly,
There are but two Correct methods
of choosing meats when purchasing.
Whish method to follow depends. al-
iosethot on the duantity. quality. Anra
35,000 Farm Laborers are wanted in
the Provinces of Sasltatchewun,Alhorta
and Manitoba to harvest the crepe.
The Canadian Northern Railway will
operate the first Excursion trains for
for the West, leaving 'Toronto Union
Depot at 10 P. M, August -23rd and
30th and running through solid to Win-
Every farmer can in a few minutes
with present feed prices and the
analysis of digestible nutriente, verify
the above and select his purohases ac-
Certainly if fie wishes to get the
most value far his money ho roust fol-
low these four rules: -
1. Buy the highest quality feede, not
those containing dirt, filler and indi-
gestible fibre.
2, Buy feeds containing the desirable
elements in the cheapest form,
3, Buy co-operatively, in car -load if
possible, and thus save extra freight
oharges and oommiseiorls.
4, Buy when markets are lowest, usu-
ally in the summer and fall, and save
the storage, handling oharges, and,
usually, extra profits made by the mill-
ers and dealers.
Thursday 3u"l 10
The equipment wil consist of olectrio
lighted colonist oars, lunch counter
cars, and fu addition, the Railway will
continue their last year's innovation of
keeping a special oar for the aceomo
dation of single women and Gamilies,
and of plaoing it in the train where the
ocoupants will be separated from the
other Passengers
The territory served by the Canadian
Northern Lines offers the widest choice
of employment with high wages, but re-
gardless of where you may locate, re-
member we give you the best service
to Winnipeg, where you will re•
purchase to final destination, no matter
what Line it may be,
For leaflet allowing special train ser-
vice, with dates, number of men re-
quired at various points and other
information, apply to Chas. A. Aber -
hart, Town Agent, or General Pass-
enger Department, Canadian Northern
Railway, Toronto,
Mr. W. Adams visited his unole Poet -
master Scott recently,
Capt. Froud and Lieut. Saunders of
Seaforth visited the Iooa1 Salvation
Army officers lust week,
Mrs. A, J, Grigg and daughter leave
this week on a visit to Winnipeg.
Dr. Gibson of the Soo, Out, visited
his mother, who is in very poor health,
1 last week.
Much regret is felt over the tragic
death of Dr, Bean who was burned jn
the fire that destroyed hia Home in
Conseeon. His wife and babe were also
badly burned at the same time.
Dr. Woods who is taking treatmon-
1 at Battle Creek for rheumatism has
been home for a few days.
1 Rev, Mr. Stuart of London is visit.
inghis sister Mrs Stanbury in her dome
Special services were Held in the Met
hodist cho:oh on Sunday. Bev. J, W
Hadley of Nile preached two interest-
ing sermons during the day. Special
rousts was provided by the choir.
A large unmoor from Seaforth were
here on Monday as it was their Civic
Rev. W. J, Hodgins of Stratford and
family are enjoying eur Lake breezes.
Rev. W; F, Oluff and wife, of Strat-
ford are the guests of Mrs, Spackman,
Mt, J. B. MoKiliop and wife of
London are 3nests of Mr. anti Mrs,
Frank Gloss at their cottage.
This resort is ow full of summer
vieitore who enjoy our cool breezes and
store up health for their busy oily life
during the root of the year.
Cottage Wanted
Wantod to rent a cottage or rooms
in Seaforth.
Apyly to Mrs, A Gala'
Seaforth, Ont.
MIMMiMMgi soca a,
Farmers' Sale Notes
MIM4ltIMMIoMMMM1Mat*Mu1MMMMl*Uralits seep Mhll M
'�■■�B �*gal �J ■ -- -r. -- - *
Established 1871
w -
377 11
B° farmers will do well to leave their sale notes with The ;:
M u
m Domino Bank for collection. Consult the Manager. a+
M a1
sillRxsinxxxxxxMMmalummummai lmutoxamomgxmxxMM1lMmAamaliarflm
Send your cream to ns and reoeive
sop prises, We are running our plant
the year through and oan handle your
full supply and furnish you with Dane.
We pay twice 88011 month and weigh
sample,aud test each can of cream oars
fully, Our motto is " Honesty to ou
Patrons " Petrone are requested to re
turn all our cans when not in use,
3.itter anlButtermflk also on hand
n3 for at market prises.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
The best way to the Harvest Fields
of"Westeru llanauda is by the Canadian
Northern Railway, Speoial throe. trains
will be operated from TORONTO to
Winnipeg ou Excursion rates, The
equipment will consist of electric light-
ed colonial cars and lunch counter care
specially designed to Dater to the need
o, large bodies of men at moderate
rates. West of Winnipeg tho demand
for labour is great along the Canadian
Northern Railway and the wages are
correspondingly high. All particular,
from Chas, A. Aberhart, Town Agent,
or General Passenger Depts„ Montreal
Quebec and Toronto, 0111,
Good Milling Wheat ............... $2.00
Bran per ton........ .....
Shorts per ton . .... ......... ... 48
Flour........ ..... .............. 6.30 6.80
Hogs to. farmers, ..... ........ .... 14,23
Whether you are going west to home-
stead or only for a trip the most eoom-
foal method of travel is to take advent
age of our low Homeeeekers fares good
going on special excursions every Mon-
day, For tickets and full particulars
apply to
Chas, A, Aberhart
Town Agent
Canadian Northern Railway
Andrew Murdock and family of De-
troit are visiting Mr and Mrs Robert
Mnrdook of this place,
The ked Capes contrioutions for July
were 20 pyjamas and 95 pal s of socks,
Cecil Simpsoa has left for Grimsby,
Mrs McNiohol of New York is a guest
of Mrs A Ross,
Mrs Ingram is visiting her uncle Rob
Young. -
I1 USE TO RENT firs Robt is at present very ill.
A. house containing eight rooms with
electric light and furnace 0n John St,
West. Posssssiou on the rst of Sept.
Apply to F, 0, Neel e,
STRAY Dueti6
Came to my premises, Lot 19, Con,
13 McKillop, on July 3rst a number
of ducks. Owner please prove property
and pay expeuses and remove;
, D, Holmes
McKillop Contrail will meet at Wal-
ton as a UOlirt of Revision on the Mur
ray -Lamb Drain, and for other business
ad Wednesday the 15th day of Angus
1917 at one o'olooh p. m.
M Murdie `Clerk
On Saturday, August 25th, at two
o'clock p, m, , on the premises, two
blooks weot of the Woollen Mille, Sea -
forth, household effects. James T,
Grimoldley, Proprietor; T Brown; Atte
Any ratepayers in MoKiliop wishing
to pay their aoeossment on the Dolm.
age Drain in moth may do so to the
township treaeuter ono r beforeAug,
24th 1917, After said date Debenture,
will be issued for amounts not then
By order of Donnell
No Moro Asthma, Dr, J. D, Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy sounds the death ltnel
of this tryiug trouble' It stops tho aw
fel choking and painful breathing. It
guards against the night attacks and
gives teemed ability to sleep and rest
the Whole night Tong. Meal'. jai claimed
for thio remedy, bet nothing blit what
earl be -demonstrated by a trial, 1 f yeti
suffer from asthma try it and convince
yowl soli of its great value.
Father of English Poetry.
The first English bard to attain last -
km fame was Geoffrey Chaucer, who
was born in London about 1340. "The
father of English poetry" was the
son ot a vintner named John Chan,
ser and in his youth served the ]ling
as a soldier and was taken prisoner by
the French. The English king paid
leo for his ransom, which was quite a
high price for a poet. Ohaucer's most
celebrated work, "The Canterbury
Tales," was written between 1873 and
1400. It consists of a series of tales
supposed to have been told by a com-
pany of pilgrims • to the shrine of 9t.
Thomas a Becket at Canterbury, and
In its pages we get such pictures of
!English life and ways 01 thought aff
are found nowhere else.
Robert Louis Stevenson was a close
student of style and has left more than
one interesting discussion of the tech-
nique of writing. .Ina letter to R. A.
M. Stevenson, dated October, 1883, he
"There is but one art—to omitt 011,
if I kmew how to omit I would ask no
other knowledge) A man who knew
how to omit would make au 'Iliad' of
a daily paper"
When Pressing Silk,
M, Hurdle Clerk of MoKiliop Always press silk under a piece of
Mann to prevent the silk from be•
homing hard and crackly, Wiest damp -
All Items,uuder this Head are
published frau of charge, ex-
cept those regarding meetings
where all admission fee is
charged. The rate for such
being Ove coir por eonnt line
S>E?7IIrORTIK eiguue $ as
St. James'
St, James, Church, Rev, Father P
Corcoran, Rev. Fathe r 0, R. North -
graves ,Morning Mass 7 a,m, High
Mass 10,30 0,1n, Snuday school 2.30
p m. Eveniugvespers 7 p.m.
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday
services 1I a.m. and 7 p,m. Sunday
schoo 1 2.30 p, in. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30
p.m, Children'sbranoh Saturday 2 p.m,
utercession services every Thursday,
.0 p,m.
Girbeautifutl--Get 1 Haloa 25 cent bottl and
of Danderine.
If you oars for heavy hair that as.
tone with beauty and 1s radiant with
lite; has an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine,
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff, You can not hale Brae
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff, snistscurf robxs
hair of itslustrdestructive
its very lite, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out
1ast.5 Surely get a 25•oent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug
Moro and just try it.
First Presbyterian
Rev, F, H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
seroiaes 11 arm, and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2,30 p,m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.45 9.1n. Women's Mies-
ionary Sooiety the first Tuesday in each
month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mis•
cion Band 3rd Taeedaytin the month at
7,30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band
every 2nd Monday at 4,15 pan.
Rev, G. McKinley, B, D,, pastor
—SUNDAY—Olaas at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun•
day sohool and Bible study class 2.30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Thuroda y 8. p.m,
Salvation Army
Oapt, Frond and Lieut. Saunore
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 pan, Gospel service 7 p.m.
Ohildrens Service—Directory class 10
a.m. Bible classes 4 p.m. Week night
Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p,m.
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor, Sunday ser•
vices 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, Bible class
3 pan, Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. m. Y,P,M,S, Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m, Women's Mission.
ary Sooiety 3rd Wednesday in the moutl
at 2.30 pan. Ladies' Aid ns' eta int
mediately after.
NiefCillop Presbyterian
Rev. D 0arewell pastor. Sunday
services Duffs' church 11 a.m Sunday
school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 3 pan, Women's 1Vlissionary
Sooiety last Friday in each month at
2 o'olook,
Uonstauce Methodist
Rev, 0, 0, ICaine, pastor. Sunday
service 2,30 pin, Young People's Lea -
g 102.30 p 0 Seuday \Vellum's Aexil
at'y first Tuesday of every month a
30 p.m. Lollies' Aid last Thursday
ofeaoh month 2,30 p,tn
Width*op Presbyterian
Sunday service 2,30 pm, Sunday
shoot I 15pm. Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p.nt. L.0. W last Wed.
Your Asthma Too, 'Tito Milano), of
Dr, 3, D Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is
not something that is merely to be hop.
ed for; it is expected. It never faille to
bring rtllef, and in your own individual
rase it will do the same, So universal
has been the 0(ooeee of this far.famed
sure that every one afflicted' with tills'
doe -owes• it to himself to try iia•
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books
and newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
Across from Creamery
Phone 183
If you will take the troub-
le to call at our Studio,
examine our Photos
(many of them ` pictures
of your (friends learn
1 earn our prices, and note
the attractive finishes;
We are°contident we con
please you.
There ie a standard of quality
behind Photographs made by us
And our prices are low as is pos.
siblo for good work,
Family Group Photoea Special-
We do picture framing and
Amateur Supplies and Films and `.
finish prints for Amateurs.
Coll and see its
D F1 Buck's Studio
LPhone 19 - SEAFORTH nal
atessommuoaao 'ammo
I have for sale sev=
Bonds and
of a particularly
High grade, bearing
interest from 5', to
6 per cent.
rill information coli-
cerning sanlie cheer=
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main I' tract, Settforth
Phone lit n
"For the Blood is the Life."
With any 01.0300 duo to impure blood
suds a. Eox.ma, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad
Logo, Abaconooe, Ulcer., Glandular
Swelling., Boll%, Pimploa, Sora. of any
kind, Pilo.,Blaod Poloan,Bhadmattem,
Gout, ate., don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. What you want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the Hood
of the poisonous matter which alone ie the true
Huse of all your suffering, Clarkes Blood
MIxturNisjuse such a medicine, It is composed
of ingredients which qulakly expel from the
blond all impurities, from whatever cause
arising and by rendering it clean' and pure,
amt b. relied on to effects lasting cur:
lo'! wr nn} of nsIimwnaG,
,fa Yrt em,.tep tnpAhr
our aMId.
1 0VerSt years
i seeress,
Pleasant to
Said be all
•ebeminta and
tofuse all
&beau tee-