HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-16, Page 1W. T, BOX & eo.
Furniture Dealers
Phone 50
Now Series Vol. 15, ,No, 33
Nice easy work A child could almost do
the work. Come and take one Section as
follows ;
5 girls to put in hip pockets.
5 girls to put in side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants
making. P111 nice clean work and easy and
steady all year round. 5o hors per week
We have girls making over ten dollars a
week. Why can't
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Seaforth Ontari
An up-to-date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade.candy
Special Regular Dinner every Saturday
Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand.
Our home made candies always the beat.
Chocolates, Oarmels, Bon•Bons & Taffies e
Having installed an up date plant fox making
next door do Cardnos Bros.
Westeril air
London Canada
Sept 7th to 15th 1917
18o7 -"A half. Century of succes`s'-191.7
,The Great Agricultural Exhibition
of Western Ontario
$32,000,000 in. Prizes and Attractions
A very interesting programme, minding Miiitary and the other
feathers—TWICE DAIIY
Prete Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary.
Lieut.. Col. W. M, Gartshore, A. M, Hunt '
President Secretary
$12,00 TO Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any
WINNIPEG Elation East of Calgary, Edmonton or Bur
bank, Alta,
Return Fare Half a{lent per Mile to Winnipeg till November 80th, 19I7,
plus to 18.00 to Original Starting Point,
10,00 P, M, AUGUST 23rd and 80th,
The 'Beet Equipment and Lunch (7ountor Cars
Elootric Lighted colonist Oars
Special A0000mmodation for Women
For Tiohate and Leaflets showing mimbor of Laborers legufred Ai sash point apply to
CHAS, A, ABEIUiART, Town Agent,
or write General Pae8ongei' Dept. O. N, R. , Toronto, Ont,
Lawn Concert
Mrs. Finlay McIntosh
UUGST 16 1017
« W T. iiVX & Co
nlaun.Lrd$Ra AND .
runa1t4L tilltAtirtOR9
lee, nil:
Renters ,of now r r. .eplesee and
Closure—till +rpaaeTs
sh.00per year
A very sucoeeeful concert composed
of the following children took place on
MoDougell,e lawn in Egmondville on
Tbureday evening last; Ethel and Jim
Jaokeou, Vera and Ruth Jarrot, Isabel
and Jackson Close, Mtu'y and Frankie
Kling, Helen and Lauoh.lan Stewart,
and Laura McMillian The prooeeds
amounted to $2,7$ which hoe been
given to the Red ()rose,
Report of the Egmondville
itlay Hudson's Birthday party $ i Eft)
Pearl Strong's " 2 20
Maria Hill's "" 5 75
Lawn Ooncert, Mr, MaDougall'e 2 75
Donations 105
Total 14 15
Mrs, Mary Kling
Pte. Alex' Muirreturned to Seaforth
on Monday night and received a glad
welcome from the citizens, Ho went
to Europe with tho 84th Battalion and
was wounded in the Somme abort one
year ago.
Tractors For Fall
Dear Sir:—
A few weeks ago a number of farm-
ere of this section intimated tbeir in-
tention of securing Tractors for fall
plowing, and suggested the advisability
of the lnformationureau of the Sea-
forth Food Production Assooiabion
negotiating with the Department of
Agriculture with the view of securing a
tractor for that purpose. Through,
the correspondence with the Depart-
ment it was ascertained the Goverh•
ment had a fleet of sixty tractors de-
signated for various portions of the
Province and the farmers of Huron in
0580 of special need could secure the
service of one or more of these tractors.
On Tuesday last there was a demon-
stration of two tractors at work on the
Neilson farm near Toronto under the
direction of the Reseurses Committee
and the machines proved to be a great
improvement on they old horse plowing
system. They plodded along at a rate
of more than two miles an hour, turning
over three furrows as they went, Ons
oftheee machines, drawing atwo_furrow
plow, can tarn over five agree of land in
a ten•hour day, whereas by the old
system not more than one and a half
acres can bs•turned iu the same time
They require the attention of only one
With the aid of these machines it is
hoped by the Provincial Government to
reolahn for tee sowing of late crops the
half million acres of land that have
gone to pasture because of the inabilty:
Of its owners to cultivate it. This of
course would mean a great increase 0i
the 1918 crop,
The Government will demonstrate
for farmere'the possibilities of the farm
tractor and will organize aooieties to as
sist the farmer in securing these mach-
Farmere desirous of securing further
information regarding the means of
eecuring the tractors for fell ploughing
should communicate at once with any
member of the Seaforth Food Produc-
tion Association or with the chairman
of the Information bureau associated
F, G. Neelin, 'Chairman
Faultless in Preparatron,—Unlike
any other stomach regulator Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills lite the result of long
study of vegetable compounds oaloulat-
ed to stimulate the stomachic funotione
and maintain them at the normal con-
dition, Years of nee have proved their
faultleee character and established their
excellent reputation. And this repot.
ation they have maintained for years
and will continue to maintain for these
pills must always stand at the head of
the list of standard preparations.
After many weeks of suff01,4, Mar.
garet, wife of Finlay McIntosh passed
away at her home on John Street on
the 0th 'net. The late Mrs. McIntosh
was a quiet, kind, unobtrusive woman
devoted to her home and family. She
was born in the Township of MoKilJop
a daughter of the Iota Wrn, Hendsreon
of the 4tlt, Concession, Nino years
ago the family moved to Seaforth.
She loaves a husband and two dau-
ghters, Winnifred and Margaret, to
mourn her lose, The fuu(ra! took place
on Saturday to the Maltlandbank Cem-
Monday was Civic Holiday and also
the Bowling Tourament Day when the
Scoth Doubiee were run off on the
green. 'There were twenty.four entries
from the following towns, Goderich,
Attwood, Exeter, Stratford, Clinton
and Seaforth. The day was fine until
about four o'clock when a sharp shower
sent the bowlers to cover but it cleared
up afterwards and all the events were
run off.
Iii the First (vent the first prize was
won by J. M. Beet and Col. Wileon of
Seaforth and the second prize was cap-
tured by Chas, Humber and T, MaDer-•
mid of Goderich.
In the second event the first prize
went to W. Grant and J, Miller of
Clinton and the second prize to J.
Killoran and F. Hunt of Goderich
The Oonsolation Prize was won by
A pretty wedding took place at the
early hour of 6 a, m. on Tuesday,
Anguet 14th in St. James Church, Sea.
forth when Father Corcoran united
Leonard Bolton, a popular young bar-
ber of town, in the bonds of matrimony
to Nellie Duggan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm Duggan of Seaforth. Mr,
T L Andrew and Mise Mildred Duggan
assisted the married couple, Mr. and
Mrs, Bolton took the morning train
for Detroit and other Western pointe
smid the beet wishes of their friends
for a long and happy life, The News
joins in congratulating theyoung people
and wishes them all the joys of their
new life,
Civic Holiday
Monday was proclaimed by the
Mayor ae Civic Holiday for Seaforth,
The day was quietly spent -in different
ways. Some were bowling at the green.
Others went to Bayfield while others re-
mained at home and increased food
production in the garden. The heavy
shower in the evening assisted the lat-
ter and settled the duet for those bent
on pleasure driving.
The arrival of Pte, Mnir on the
eleven o'clock train brought a crowd
to the station at night,
The School Board has • received the
resiguation, owing to the illness of her
mother"of Mies Bethune teacher of the
Primary Departmont, Iftiee Bethnne's
resignation was accepted with regret as
during the years she taught she hae
given good aorvioe and was beloved by
the children who were under her in-
Inc i11op
A great crop of hay has been got in
in good condition. It was the beet re-
turn in forty yeare, The barley which
ie in the stook is also in good crop and
(late 'Binh ars filling fine are away
above the average,
Mrs, Cole and Midi Oohs of Stratford
have been visiting 'Ir. and Mts. S. J.
Henry Repein has been away help.
ing to build cement.
The salary of Rev. Mr. Oraik has
been raised too 900 dollars as advance
of 50 over last year
Mr. Peter Bohan bad the mierortune
of brooking the axle of Wooer last weak
which might have resulted in an acoid-
ent had he not been called to stop and
ou Meeting again the wheel dropped
The hay crop was a good and abund-
ant one,
Mr, Satnnel Smith mot with whet
might have been a serious accident
while working for Welsh Bros, He was
leading a team behind a buggy going to
an adjoining farm when George Grace
coming up on a bicycle frightened the
team they jumped against the buggy
apeettiitg ft and leaving Mr, Smith at
the mercy of the horses, Ho escaped
with some bruises which left himuuable
to work,
Mr. T. Kilbane of Buffalo visited
friends aroand Seaforth last week,
Mr, Joe Benny and family of Ottawa
Yore visitors here last week he is one of
Huron's Old Boys who has secured a
good position in the former place.
One does of Miller's Worm Powders
vill clear the stomach and bowels of
worms, 8o that the child will no more
be troubled by their ravages. The pew
dors are sweet to the taste and no child
will object to taking them. They are
n0n.injurioue in their composition and
while in some cases they may cause
vomiting that must not be taken as a
eign that they are nauseating, but ae an
udioation of their effective work,
At high noon on Satnrdev, Anguet
4th, in Knox Presbyterian church.
Londeaboro, the marriage took place of
Gweneth Clark, daughter of Rev, James
and Mrs Abery, to James Ham11ten'
Watt, eldest eon of Mr, and Mrs, James
Watt, Hullet. The father of the bride
The church was prettily decorated
with blue and e bite flowers end the
bride, who was given away by her
father, wore blue ribbon taflvtta, and
large picture hat of leghorn and satin.
She was attended by her two little
nieces, Maurseeu and Betty Wilson of
Teewito, in bind and white frocks,
carying large baskets of 'blue and. white
Miss Katie Reid, cousin of the
groom, sang very sweetly during the
signing of the register and was ac-
companied by her sister, Miss Annie
Riad, who also played the wedding
After the ceremony luncheon was
served at the manse for the immediate
relatives, Later Mr, and Aire. Watt left
for a motor trip, the bride traveling in
a uavy blue French serge dress,
white ribbon bat and gray fox fur,
Although the wedding was a
quiet one, they were the •recipients of
many handsome and nsefnl gifts, among
which was an exquisite silver tea ser-
vice from Knox Presbyterian church,
Now 11151 uradunti0u Gifts are
11 order and something really
useful, datable, and beautiful.
is being bought for le- mark the
Neaten!, oecabfon wewould sue.
gest that m051 desirable of all
11J gifts 1tr a a tatty "A Wrist
Watch" to the young plan
Wotat or Pocket Watch. The
price for either la
57 00 and upward
Make that Graduation Gift a wntoh
the memorfeb of the oeoasion will
Ilive with the watch—for a live time.
Nub ..'anaugr'
f3'erreeser Wa
OMUtttil & 'tulirxa'
'emitters tub npitriatts _
Marriage License Issuers
Evening 10
The store tpou will always
Better in quality, lower in -price
Every woman who likes to see the newest
FALL creations of fashion will enjoy
looking at these two garments.
Superb in style
Unexcelled in Quality
And Unusually
Reasonable in Prices
In New Models will be Found in Our Early
come in Today
and See Them
You'd'/ Surely Find Just
What You Like