HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-09, Page 81 a LOCAL.AG.ENT WAN'1'1tI) --for-- SEAFOKTH and district, -to sell for- OW,r�PM.+o.�a na• req. ,•Yl■..- -q 11 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Varna "THE OLD RELIABLE Mrs, 1. Barber and children of Or- FONTHI I.,L NURSERIIS Splendid lint of stock For Fall planting 1917. and St'riing planting 1918. including many ties varietie6 whish we alone control. Send for nevi illustrated catalogue alar Agent's Preposition. Handsome flee o+1tEt; Exelneive Territory. Liberal Commieeionl, STONE and W1:LLINBTON Foothill Neisserias. -,Eateblished 1837) . TORONT,1 ONTARIO t esterl`i University versity Lomidon Three More New Professors Equal to Any in Canada, Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medicine at the ,Vestern as anywhere. E E Braithwaite, M A, Ph D iilia are visiting at her home here. ]lire , Baler who has been ill for a long time is now improving. Mrs, A. Forcer is improving, Mr, D. T.and Mrs,Weekes of London were reoeut vieito s, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Keys of Niagara Falls mono up te be present at the mem orielservice held for their son who was killed in lotion. elinton Rev A. E. and Mrs. Jones and anti - Oder are spending the month of Aug - net at Grated Bend, Pearl and Roy Curler of Stratford are spending the summer with their aunt Mre. W. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs, L E. Doherty of Strat- ford are visiting the hatters mother Mrs Smyth. Mr M Chowen agent of White Chin. eb attended the funeral of his sister last week, Rev, J A. and Mrs. Robinson are spending a month at Marktlale. Miss Lyle Thornton of Seaforth is visiting her aunt Mrs Chas. Bartliff, President Mies Laura Ament of Brussells has been appointed teacher in the school here next year, She comea highly re- oommended. A picnic will be held on Mr. R, Scar- letts lawn on Friday. Robt. McElroy jr, is home from Tor- onto at present. Mrs. R. Scarlett returned on Tuesday from a visit te her brother in Brock- ville, Homeseekers' Excursions Every Monday till October 29th, LOW FARES FROM TORONTO TO Albreda . ,00 Athabasca 854 46.50 Edmonton . 47.00 Stetter . 47.00 Canova . 39.75 North Battleford 43.75 Regtna ... 40.50 Forward . .., 40,25 Saskatoon . . 42.25 Dauphin .. 37.75 Lucerne . , 53.00 Calgary ... 47,00 Camrose 46.75 Hanna ... 46.00 Roaetown .. 43.50 Yarkton , . 39.25 Moose Jaw - 41.00 Prince Albert 43.50 Brandon , .. 37.00 ) Winnipeg . • , 35.00 For Tickets. Reservations, Liter- ature and lnformstton, apply to C. A. Aber!hart, Druggist, Sea - forth, or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 00 Xing St. Lr., Toronto. 1 CANADIAN RATIONAL EXKIB a @ON Aug. 25 - TORONTO- Sept. 10 On o More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive Anand DestrruucttiveNeee•.dsp far �W/ar Cf N ED/L' RAT 3 O1 V SPECTACLE 1200 -PERFORMERS -1200 Canada's Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told -'Tho very Apex of Spectacelar Achievement GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY fudging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Coes- petitions - - Extender{ i✓lassifications and Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES lin-Italian, French, Persian, American and Canadian Masterpieces. MUSIC -Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST SHOWING OF 1918 MOTELS Greatly enlarged Government and other Exhibits - - War in all its phases - - Model Camp - - Artillery Drive - - Aeroplane Flights - - Scores of surprises in store for old friends and'a thousand thrills for new ones. re bUcED FARES ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL NOTICE Tho Public ,Library will be closed tutu Aug. 2nd, to Aug, 16t11, for Lib- ign's bondage Winthrop Exeter Rev, Mr. Finlay of Centralia preach- ed in the Main St. Methodist Church on Sunday when quarterly service was held. Rev. J. W, Bain and family are spendinnga month at Bruce Beech on Lake Huron. Mr. A, E, Kuhn is back after taking two weeks holiday. Monday last was Civic Holiday in Exeter. Pte Gerald Fitton has returned to Ottawa where he is training with the Signal Corps, Mrs. Geary is visiting Mrs, F. W. i Gladlnan. ialla Mrs, Dingle and children of Toronto are guests of Mende in the village. Misses Emma and Clara Saddler of Hamilton are visiting their cousins, Ruby and Myrtle Sadler. Miss Rheta Kerslake spent the past week the gnest of her aunt Mrs, Steph» eson of Varna. Mr, and Mre. Stewart of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr.andMrs. Jeffrey .McKillop Dome and ]rear the famous Lawrie Family of Hamilton at the Red Cross Garden Party ander the Anspiceaof the Young people of Duffs Church, Mc. Killop at the home of Mr, George D. 0. Hain on Friday evening Aug, r7, Clinton Kiltie Band will be in attend- ance, ass.eted by other talent, Lun- cheon served from 6to 9 o'clock, Every body welcome, Bayfield agalliimose Misses Elorence and Ethel Capling of St. Mary's are guests of Mies Fergus- on. Special services will be held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev, Jno , Badly of Nile will preach at both services. THE .SI AR:MTH -Nil W AU the Sunday Schools held u union pleuro on Friday in Jowett'e grove, l'he dsy was 'fine end a pleasant time spout by the Children, Mrs. 11. Bottom of Midland is visit- ing her brothers 13. W, and A. E, Erwin, Mrs. Brandon is visiting friends at helgrave• A gloom is still over the place from the sari throwing accident o; last week. Moe J Jnmeison stili wife of Swift Current are ,ponding the summer here Walton August Stir was Walton holiday acd piohio for Red Cross. A largely attended social was Heid on he parsonage lawn on Monday even- , Mrs. Al,ierson was vieited by her mother Mrs, Jas. Bishop of Hamilton, Many here are pleased to see Mre. W , L. 'Yc0utcheon of Penn, among ns again, Rev, and Sirs, Lundy are away for a months holiday. Much regret is felt over the resignation of Rev. It, E. Page St Georges oburoh who shortly goes to Coartwright. He has beenlrere four years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Clark are visiting in Stratford. Mr, Duncan McCallum of Seaforth ie helping his brother John McCallum with his haying, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Tbamer have had the sad news that their eon has been killed in France, He has been in the trenches since January last, The Women's Institute willhold their regular monthly meeting in Workmen Hall Thursday August idth'et 3 pm, Mrs John McDonold will give a pap- er on "Choosing Foods and Planning Meals in Pi ar Time," Mrs Geo Ram will also give Reports from the Dist- rict bleating held at Fordwioh. s _ Mrs, (Rev.) Bodging a nd son and daughter of Stretford are spending a monthihere, Mr, Robert Wilson of Seaforth was hors last week. Mies L Copelandof Toronto was visiting her uncle last; week. Dates of Fall Fairs Algia Craig ., Opt, 6 Alvinstan .Oat. 9, 10 Ainheretburg : ,... Osk, 1, 2 Atwood .Sept. 18, 19 iieanievillo ...,., ..........«Sept. 21. 22 Blenheim ......«.,Oct. 4, 5 Blyth ,,,,,..«.,.,.,,,,.,«......... Ott, 2, 8 BotlhwellOorners,«.,.,,. Sept, 20, 21 Bowmanvillo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sept. x8, ig Brampton- ......... ......... Sept. 21, 22 Brigdeu , .........-••,.........00t. 1, 2 Brighton »...,,,,..... Sept. 13, 14 Bruseells ...............Oct. 4, 6 Oampbellford „.„,„,Sept,.....,,.2$, 26, Ooyuga .........Sept 23, 26, Oliarlton ....... ,. ......,Sept 26, 27 Ohatliam .«..,..,. Sept 18-20 011ealey .., :.....................Sept 18, 19 Oolborne ...,..,,«..........Supt sr, 12 Comber ....................Sept 28, 29 Dorchester Station „, «.0ot 3 Dresden ........................Supt 27, 28 Drnmbo .......................Sept 25, 20 Dunnville .....................Sept 13, 14 Durham ......... ............Sept 20, 21 Elmira .....................,.,...Sept 14, 15 Embro .................................Oct 4 Essex ...... ...........,..Sept 18 20 Flesherton ,Thankegiving Day Florenoe ..............Oot 4, 6 Forest ...................Sept 20, 27, Fort Erie ,...,............. ,,..,.Oct 9, 10 Georgetown ........................Oct 3, 4 Glencoe ..................... ......Sept 25 26 Goderich ....................... Sept 20 21 Hanover ........................Sept 20 21 Harrow ... ............ ............Oct 9, 10 Hepworth ....................Sept 27, 28 Highgate .....................Oct 12, 13 Ingersoll ,.,,,,...... ...............Oct r 2 Kincardine .....................Sept 20, 21 Lakeside ...,.,... ..................Sept 27 Lambeth ........................: Sept 26 Leamington ...................... Oct 3-6 pilin London (Western Lookliow Listowel Madoe ,,,....,.,»,, Moafora Merlin ..,..., ,., Melbourne ...,,. „ Midland «.,.,. Mildmay „.,.,,,,,,, Milverton Mount Bridges .,, Mount Forest ,., New Hamburg...,., Norwood ...,..,..,., Orangeville Ottawa (Central. Paisley .,,, ,,, .. Palmerston ..,.,.,. Paris ... ............., Parkhill Petrolea ........... Ridgetowu Ripley' Rodney ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sarnia ... hursday • tt 9 „Sept 7-15 27, 48 «Saps 20,21 , Oat 2, .1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sept 27 28 .,.,.,,,,,,.Sept 20 21 ,, „Oot ,i ,,:.,Sept 27 28 ,.,...,.....Sept x7, id «.Oat 9 10 .....,,.,,.,Sept 27, 28 Oot ri Sept 19, 20 Sept 13, I4 .,.Sept 25, 26 .Oct 9, 10 ,.,,,Sept 18, 10 -Canada) Sept 8-17 ..,,,.. . Sept 2u, 26 .....,,,.Sept 18, 19 .,,,Sept 27, '28 .,..Sept 24, 25 .,..,.,.,Sept 20, 21 ............ ...Oct 8 -in ...,.....Sept 26, 26 Oct 1, 2 ,,..,. Sept 26, 26 Seaforth ........ Shedden .,.,.,,,,,,, Simms , . Statford Strethr'oy «,,,.,.,. ..,.,,..,Sept 20, 21 »,,.. ..,,.Sept 19 Uot 8-10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sept 17-19 ...,.,,,,,,Sept 17-11) Tavistoolr ... ... Teeswater ..... T}tameevill0 ........ Thodford ,.,... Thorndale .., ..... Thorold ..Oct 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oct 2, 3 .,oat 2, 3 ,,,,,,.,...,Sept 20 21 „...........Sept 24 25 ,..,..,,,,..Sept 18 19 Toronto (0 N E) ,.. Wallaceburg ,........ Wallacetown ....,, Watford .............. Welland ,., Weston Wheatley ........... Wiarto,i .,,, Windsor .........,.,. Wingham ......., ... Woodstock .........,. ......Ang 25 -Sept I9 .,.... ..,Sept 26 ...:Sept 20 21 Oat 2 5 ............Sept 14 I5 Oot 1 2 .,.,,,,..Sept 25 26 ......,...Sept,24-27 ...............Oat 9 10 ,,,Sept 19-21 Zurich ...........................Sept 19 29 essr LEAEN L9ifsB` ` ,� --•2xFh7.,...n..§u'_ ?A,S4l+-til:. U should xis.. give the consci- entiousness of this store a proper place in your consideration -we're conscientious in our service to you -we feel the responsibility your confidence puts upon us. It means that in court Cf . o- i h R a ..F Lu..n,ru you can get value and satisfaction tailored to your measure from a choice of a wide range of fabrics and models. WE have a knack of doing the unusual in the clothes. We put more into them than you get in any other line -better stylet better tailor. ing•, better cloth. We keep pounding away on the advisability of Wearing Art CIothes=we're earnest about it -we believe in it sincerely. And when we once get you to believe, you'll have .a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes. u1 r,ee-40 A Slipper Sale • Right now when slippers are in great demand we're going to give our Patrons a Slipper Benefit as we do not like "Carry Overs" We want New Slippers Each Season Men's tan and black oxfords $2,49 Wornen''s Patent and Kid oxfords $1,49 Women's tall pumps and oxfords $1,98 It is simply good business to close out our stock in its season, that is the whole secret and while it m9an5 a loss to us it will certainly be a Great Benefit to our Friends. Come in on Saturday and get your share of the good things we have in store for you, Jg , t { k�j{ -'r, . t}.;,,�1" ism„ �' ��' T 1Q "The Home of Good Shoes' Phone 50 Seaforth i t Laugh When People Step On Your Feet I I Try .this yourself then pass f it along to others. } It works! ..,e..wn.Pyu....,,N,. 4...aue,,.ui,f a,H 11u.,,...a.. Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough talk will be heard less here in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at once, and soon the corn dries up ..nd lifts right out 'without pain. elle says freezone is an ether com- pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but is suffi- cient to remove every hard' or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this • announcement since the inauguration' of the high heels. Razors Now is the time to have your razor put in proper shape, This being one of the barbers quiet periods you are assured of a sufficient amount of time de- voted evoted to each razor, thus assur- ing a smooth quick cutting edge resulting in a saving of time and worry. Delay no longer, bring pour razor here and have it honed and enjop a Real Shave next time. We guarantee a smooth clean cutting edge. Commercial Barber Shop, Cdth W. ROBINSON Prop, HOW TO KEEP WELL 4 BY JOHN W. S. Mc0tLLOUGH, M.D., D.P,H., CHIEF OFFICER OF' THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTH. BEFORE GOING to a place for your summer vacation it is well to be sere that the water -supply is not likely to give you or the mem- bers of your family typhoid fever. Get a sterilized bottle from One Pre iecial Board of Health Laboratory at No. 5 Queen's Park, and bare the water examined. If you have a cottage of your own, take particular ears that the contents of your water -closet is screened against the ee.traawe of dies which may carry disease to your family or the families of your neighbors. Besides, if you take those precautions, you. wilt have a right to demand that your neighbors take litre precautions. If you use a closet, be particularly careful that its contents do TBE StI9llftlR not get to any source of water supply. RESORT If there is a good supply of -sand near your cottage it is a cheap and simple matter to instal a system of sub- surface sewage disposal. The Provincial Board of Health will supply you with a pamphlet telling all about how to establish a plant of this kind. If there is no sant or gravel the safest system to use is a closet with buckets, using dry earth or ashes to cover the excreta each time of using. I•Iave close -fitting lids to the closet holes and a screen door to keep out the files, It is a good plan to get your doctor to inoculate you against typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. If you are act satisfied that the drinking water is pure, either get a safe supply or bell all water used about your place. * * * Some of the dieters aro complaining because the Registrar General is prosecuting them for Yet reporting births. Well, they cannot complain that they have Dot tad warning. Fos' years doctors an.d parents have been repeatedly warned that they must obey the law regarding notification and registration of births. Some few of the doctors say they BIRTH should be paid for this service. In the opinion of the REGISTRASr4ON waiter they should NOT bepaid for doing what is s. plain duty, and for obeying the law. Any physician who does not think enough of his patient to register the birth of her baby does not deserve to have the baby's mother for a patient any longer. The Gov- ernment demands that physicians shall forthwith notify the Division Re- gistrar of the birth of a baby at which they attend. The Division Regietrar will provide post -camel forms for this purpose. These are carried post free. The neglect of the doctor does not relieve the parent or householder where the birth oceiris. They too are supplied with post-free cards for this pur- pose. It is the ditty of the Division Registrar if these returns are not promptly made to b3en to get after both parents and doctors and obtain the information, It it i.5 not supplied to him promptly be should notify the, Registrar General, giving the names and dates, The Department will do the rest. e 0 * Thais are the three most common means by which diseases are spread from one stereo' to another. How can these means of contagion be pre- vented? Fingers must be kept out of the sources of disease. Children roast learn not to put their fingers into their noses or mouths: =goings,. if the hands, se they invariably do, become dirty they must be 17003), weariest before each meal: Dirty lingers may carry infection to FLIES toss, pencils, etc., often used in common by children, and to• saga, epeens, and other table utensils which may be used by other mewbeant at the family. In the large concentration camps one of the importeaI ttseeMw taken to prevent;tbe spread of disease among the men t1. to ]nerve ail the foot utensils, suet as cup's, plates, knives, forks, eta;. boiled atter *ooh tta+W, Boiling is a convenient and certain means of de- stroying ,tilasese Perms, e e o' Food and water ea.rry many diseases, the former because it is often, exposed te arty Ilseeeeo and to tiles; the latter because sewage containing the discbsrgee of human bodies is allowed to get to the source of supply, be it spring, river., well, or lake, Sueh a food as milk may be WATER handled by people who are nursing typhoid, diphtheria, or scarlet fever patients and: thus be the path whereby these dis- eases are transmitted to others, Or the milk may be the product of :cows affected with tuberculosis, This 15 the cause 81 the greatest proportion of tuberculosis 1n children in whom 1,5 often lies dormant until the age of iii or 20 years.