HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-08-09, Page 4EI1troRT1 NEWS
A Ii, 1LUGI1 BUSS, Bbyyslclen and SOT eon
Late of l.ondoe jioepltat, Loudon, E.g and
�ff��1 atteotioa to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose
to*ani etc, behind Dominion Bop
00cIhoRIaN 0,5, Residence, iterate No. 10
0k.. F: 1. BURROWS, Soofortb. Oi$oe and
etrddeaee -- Gudrrtrh Street, east el ere,
O Pier*, • Coroner for the County of Fluroa,
TWPh9an, No, 40.
Atte, acurr ill MACKAY, Physicians and
Surgeon,, Goderlcb Street, opposite Metbo-
ills tCburch, Seaforth.
meow, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member of Ontario College of Pbys4tdaae and
nirvana Coroner for County of Buren.
MacKay, honor graduate Trinity Udverie
aaM medalist Trinity Medical College. Member` of
e of Pityefoiane apd Surgeons Ontorlo.
DGEO, HEILEMAN. Osteopathic Specials
la Women's and Children c Diseases and
tab: mu is Troubles. Acute and Chronic Dhe
wawa Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenolde
eaoovedwithout the -knife. Consultation free.
Royal t otel,
Tnesd a a.w, to 0 p.m.: Friday 8 to tt Jrt,!u
Warrabe Licenses do SeanPti.
ins ranee
Are you considering Insurance, Life or Accident?
Myer; are; a postcard will get our rate!.
J. D. H1Nl H1.EY,
• Gen era! Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
And lmperlal Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
James Watson
General 1?ire, Life and Accident insurance
Agent, and dealer fu Sewing Machines.
Main Street, Seaforth,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Parer and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
300. Connolly, Gederitb, President, James
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President, Thomas
Biqa, Sesforrth, Sao: Treae.
D. F. McGregor, Seoforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rinn, Constance; John Beanewels,
Rrodghagen; Robert Ferris. Harlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton; G McCartney,Seaforth;
James Connolly, Gaderlch; inc. Evans, eechwood.
Alex. Leitch. Harlock; E, Hlnchiey, Seaforth;
William Chesney, Egmondvllle• J. W. Yeo,
Boimeavine; R. G. Jarmouth. Brodhagen- James
Sam and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact
ether business will be promptly attended to by
application to any of the above officers. addressed
to their reopective postoffice .
1i8 BST.
.Q .
ifico 2S Cts.Or10
Offs mumulTC4;
•,Massaro Glc keel, aS8t1 1
"• OCa H.�•S• li
LT-•ws1! A
-The -
From the Ofrsee
Phone 33 itvening I2,
One dollar perear, etrtotly to ad v a nee
If not paid itt advance, 0110 dollar and
a hall will be charged. United Statma
pepers, fifty Dent; extra, strictly in
When subscribers chaaugo their address
notice should be $e•t us lmmedlaWWe, airbag
scriber" willdand confeer a favor by uetifYiaguus
of any Irregularity of dollen'',
Reading Notices—No reading nodes,
advertising anyentertainment or metier bV
or caul money llbe inserted rteitt any
without charge. The price for the iaoor-
tion of business announcements w T13101
cents per count nue each insertion be
parties having no contract for diaa}.s
edverdsiag, and FIVE cents per Use enuddts
insertion to those having display aotdnt4 $,
readingr notices. ooCerd-of Thanks"5 teea5
11nes, 50 cents,
Judicial, Legal. Official and Gevero-
ment Notices—Ten cents per lila Ins RpK
insertion and ave cents per lame for auk
aubsequet insertion.
Yearly cards—Professional Cards, est
exceeding one Inch, will be Inserted far
55.00 per year, payable strictly In advance
Display adverttdng—Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for lnsartios.
wUntlt forbid," and those seat witheet
written instructions will appear until
erftten orders are received for their dh-
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own stattatura, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
ahgious topica will not be published at as
except as paid advertising, ptalaty mrrlead
as such. The rate for such matter Is sea
cents per line.
s,a.,, a ,e. * .-
I General Observations
'meet, It give* the resuite of many ex,
periments and, in ehort,in plain and ex-
piioit language explains very fully the
operations that are necessary to bring
the evaporated apple up to the highest
standard of oommereial exoollenee mud
nutritive value, The bulletin pan be
had free by addressing the t'ublioetioue
t3renoh, .Department of Agriettlture
Summer was long in coming but it is
none the colder for that.
The coo! wave of last week was heart-
ily welcomed by all.
The schoolboy eighe as he thinks
that half tete holidaya are gone again.
Prepare now for Greater Food Pro-
duction than ever. Now ie the tome
Genuine i"
get Falt wheat it:. Be sure the
i ground is welt prepared then sow early.
This is the firot week of the fourth
year of the war.
Beware i
Imitations : Agricultural Knowledge
Oil the s Au eutirety new catalogue la ready
hierltS for circulation of the publications Lieu-
, • ed in the !eat few yeare by the Boutin -1
Mnard fort Department of Agriculture,
Liniment There are 317 Bated, of which 31 ale
devoted to the dairy, butter-ntakieg,
cheoee making, cold storage, cow test.
ing, etc. ; 04 to the cultivation of
field crepe, granum, plant diseases; 31
to live etuok and everythitg appertain -
leg thereto; 19 to apples attl frui.e
generally;'24 to gardening, fruit, flower
and vegetable, ltotte end school; 33
to poultry, raising keeping, lteusieg,
feeding and marketing, candling, pre-
servation, ptuduetion and shipping eggs
and 42 to tuicoellaneous snhjeute, eon -
unable Hints, mold storage,bees, honey
producation, soil fertility, maple sugar
production, manures and fertilizers,
farm machinery, forestry, and the War
Book of 1916 and 1916. The Agrucult.
tura) Instruction Act std so ou The
catalogue will be :ant without charge
on application being made to the Pub-
lication Branch, Department of Agri°
culture, Ottawo,
for Stale
W. 1. KEY, Seaforth.
Phone ! iiO
Without a proper
systm of adver-
tisin is Tike a
motor without the
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
hone 84
.. evenings127
The Evaporated Apple Industry
With the apple picking season close
et hand and the large quantities of ap-
ples grown itt Canada, a more timely
bulletin than the one on the Evaporated
Apple Industry, wtitteu by Mr. 0, S.
McGillivray, Chief Travelling Inspector
of Fruit and Vegetable Canneries, and
issued by tete Department of Agrioul.
ture, Ottawa, could hardly be devised,
11 speaks of the old time teethe re when
apples were out into s ectious and hung
upto dry, and then with many tlluetra-
tone and dralvitgs, desoribea in full
the process, the wholeaomeness and
nutritive value of the evaporated apple
the implements that can be used, at,d
the atructyres that are advisable for
mauufaoturing on a scale of different
dimensions, The bulletin remarks that
tete industry is only in ite infancy in
Canada, but 10 of great value and ine.
portanoe andopon to extensive develop
Great Britain and our European
Allies are looking to Canada to provide
Om food 'supplies which ere required
to feed their ermiee end peoples and to
shatter Germany's threat of Starvation
Every citizen of Oauada is under a dfr-
eot wet' obligation to vara food in order
that our allies and men in the trenches
may not go hungry. Maximum pro-
duetio t, elimination of waste and the
consumption of perishable products it
order to role/tea storable goods for ex-
port are three immediate waye ill which
the food shortage may be relieved.
Here are afew extracts from speeohts
of men who are in tough with the sit,
"The primary dirty of a Food Control.
ler in Canada and the United States,"
said Hon, W. J. Hanna in a recent in
terview "is to see that men at the front
do totfor want of food, and that
our Mother Country awl oar European
A.11ies should nut suffer from want of
"Have you power to check prices?'
Hon. W. J. Hanna was asked,
"Are yott goiug'to exercise it?"
In the eases where we have the nec-
esearydata we will not hesita to cheek
prices declared lilt, Hanna.
Sir William Hearst, Premier of Ont
erto, fears the shortage of food suppliers
will hinder the Allies in winning the
"We must look calmly and fearlessly
at the present situation. Unless theta
is greater thrift, economy and conserv-
ation of food, there will shortage of
supplies to Great Britain slid her Allies
that will hinder the chances of winning
the war," said Premier Hearst,
:'The majority of people eat too much
any way" said Miss Eddie professor of
Honsehold Science at tete Manitoba
Agrioulturel College, when disouesing
the Canadian Food Controller's suggest-
ion that hotels and restaurants instit-
ute two meatless days per week. "And
limiting hotel menus to two or three
ouuraea is a fide idea.
News was receive d on Tuesday of th
death at a Military Hoapital at London
Eugiaud, of Ratak! J, MoDonald, of
Edmonton, a major in one of the West-
ern Battalions. No details were rec-
eived but his death is believed to have
been due to asthma ;from which he is
known to have suffered ever eines going
To the waives of Clinton who are
now 111 their fortys and to ,man y others
none of our old doys was better known
than liauald McDonald and none mote
highly respected. He was always where
one expected him to lie; he was a
atatutob friend or worthy opponent; he
was always on theside or other of every
queetton; in other worda he was a man
of great force of Character and abeolu,e
iudepeudence of thought,
Older eitizets remember his father
Arehibtt Id MoDouald who carate to the
London Road (Granton) fifty or sixty
years ago, He brought with him from
the glens of Nova Scotia where he was
born all those notable Highland Scotch
characteristics which we remember in
hie very gait; his strong opinions, his
great grip of life; his fealty to Whit t•
ever cause ne e'sp'oused his perfect po-
inty ill everything and many other tra-
its of hie race. These his eon Ronald
inherited in such a large measure that
where ever he was hie presence was
felt as a force.
Hie wife who was Jeanette (Dot),
daughter of the late James Fair sur-
vives him with nevelt children, To
her and her children inexpressible syte.
pathy goes out from Iter many friends.
What maybe said of so many others
must be said of him Raunald MoDon•
aid wan no slacker. He might perhaps
less noble minded men will say that lie
ought to have denied his country's 0611
that withdrew hitt front thoeo depend-
ent on him. He chose otherwise b.e
Based tits other the nobler pact—New
When Holloway's Corn (Jure la ap-
pled to a corn or wart if kt,le tete roots
andoailosity monde out without injury
to the Beale.
i_Alluremenf of Speculation
Few days pase when farmers, young
and old, are not aekett to invest in
duanoial 00t0erne; in epeoelatione
whiol) dangle untold riches before their
longing eyes. The agents e.re clever
and preserving, They have a thousand
etrings to their bow, Town lots, min-
ing claim, natural gas and oil wells
patents, and all means of eutieement
ail the more alluring singe the risk
which ac0otnpauiee then is hidden more
or lees honestly under the name of
'some master of finente, or by an advere
tietnetit cleverly inserted in a 0onepic•
mune plane in a newepaper of wide
oiroulsetiou, It is a veritable scourge,
a plague One moat live in the oonutry
and !tear the wails of the viotime, to
graep the whole situation, I do not
think that 1 exaggerate when 1 declare
11101 in thee ono ootutty where 1 live,.
$100,000 and more have simply been
thrown away byfartuers Some of those
eeized by a fatal frenzy, have not her,
Hated to sell their beautiful fame
in order to barter the value fora scrap
of paper which guarautead them tete
ownership neither of an inoh of land
1100 a pennyweight of silver.
Can this evil not remedied? is it
00008000y to leave the farmer to learn
wisdom at his own expellee by beoom.
ing the prey of greedy plunderers?
le it neoesesry to allow him and his db.
ceudatte to be der0101111y allured front
their anoeetrelcalling and brought to
—Mgr. Choquette at seventh annual
meeting of Cotnmiasiou of Coneervetien
The best way to the Harvest Fields
of Western Canauda is by the Canadian
Northern Railway, Speeisl throu trains
will be operated from TORONTO to
Winnipeg on Excursion rates, The
equipment will consist of electric light-
ed colonial cars and lunch counter care
specially designed to cater to the need
o, large bodies of men at moderate
rates. West of Winnipeg the demand
for labour 10 great along the Canadian
Northern Railway and the wages are
correspondingly high. All particulars
from Oliaa A, Aberhsrt, Town Agent,
or General Passenger Depts„ Montreal
Quebec and Toronto, Ont.
No batter protection agaitet worms
can be got titan Millers Worm Powders
They consume worms and render the
stomach and intestines uurenable to
theta. They heal the surfaces that
have become inflamed by the attacks
of the parasites and serve to restore
the strength of the °laid that has been
undermined by the draughts that the
worms have made upon it attd that their
operation is altogether health -giving,
A safe and sure medicine for a child
troubled with worms is Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator,
Impurities of the Blood Counteract-
ed.—Impurities in the blood cons front
defeots ill the action of the liver. They
are revealed by pimples and unsightly
blotahes an the skirl. They must Le
treated inwardly, and for this purpose
there is no more effective compelled to
be used than Patmelee'a Vegetab:e
Pills, They aot directly on the liver
anti by setting up healthy processes
have a beneficial effect on the blood,
to that the impurities are eliminated.
A house containing eight rooms with
electric light and furnace on John Sr,
West, Possession on the rat of Sept,
Apply to 1?, Ca, Newlin,
Came to my premises, Lot 1, Cot,
I3 MoKillop, on July 3rst a number
of ducks Owner please prove property
and pay expenses and remove,
D, Holmes
McKillop Council will meet at Wal-
ton as a Court of Revision on the Mur
ray -Lamb Drain, and for other business
od Wednesday the 15th day of Angus
L9 t7 at one dcloch p, m.
103 Murdie Clerk
0e111QS 01 0I
Re Q� -epu®i•zS erpam 00 d.ea ono
'CtZnipmance Ifprggtdeoad ori ors pelaodos
• pus IO OI ' i 38 MX VMS
nit It e>rj Meade 04 poluso4 iSMI!
gig 9110 MI he I ttoesee 30triAimms1>
itaricame ;woo V 'via
• no 4P110,0001 sR npt13H ettS
IIIM otti01l01/111lilt auua.rodull
Itf1MAMMPIMIMM18 ill8XXXXX•313 3431MMIM)MMM 1.31X XXIItM DIX313 1014XXMX:
■s arl OlEffiee, Ysrattr ani
4nl alts I[OMtftNe ®.Oaf Sll, pr .Idnnt W. O. MWw PepsOMwt i
0. A. w04ifgl', nwsw,l ttaw+'po' el
Rosen. Pd 87.000.000 M
Savings gs De artment N. P Isi
• Cepiel Paid 110 $41.000,000
Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upwsrtht.
tt Place your savings in tate Bank.
RRt:etwomomerra eIIAAAMAoamin 1Bllt eenisiein1f'Ar1Arineel If111wtioe'dlei*M
Saud your cream to us anti receive
Bop prices, W1 are running our plant
the year through and oat handle your
frill supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twioe each month and weigh
sample,end test each oat of Dream 06re
fully. Our motto hi " Honesty to ou
Patrons." Patrons are requested to re
OM all our cans when not in nee,
3 titer anlBttttermilk also on baud
nI for at market prides,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat,.......,..,... $2.00
Oats ... . ,........ . 60 65
Bran per ton ..............:...... ...40.00
Shorts per ton ................. .,.,.. 48
Flour ............... 6.30 6.80
Hogs to , farmer!............ 14.33
Whether you are going west to home-
stead or only for a trip the most eoom-
ioal method of travel is to take advent
age of our low Homeseekers fares good
going on special exetlrsious every Mon-
day. 1i'ot' tickets and full particulars
apply to
Chas, A. Aberhart
Town Agent
Canadian Northern Railway
Tress and Wind.
The effect of wind upon trees is pow-
erful. Even the presence or absence
of forests may be determined by the
character of the prevailing. wind or
the conditions that modify it. The
wind acts as a drying agent, giving a
special aspect to many plants. When
it Is almost always from the same
quarter the plants show greater devel-
opment upon one side. Trees are small-
er on the windward edges of forests,
Ind trunks and branches are bent to
leeward. The deformations are most
marked near the sea or in flat regions.
The cherry, plum, walnut, black pop-
lar, ash and certaju pines are very
Sensitive to the wind, but mountain
pines and certain firs offer great pow-
ers of resistance, and these are sec-
, ommended for reforestiug wind swept
Plain Hunger.
I "Doctor, what disease is the most
prevalent among the .poor?"
"An alarming condition in which the
nerve terminations in the stomach
stimulated by accumulated secretions
1 of the gastric glauds send irritations
to the spinal cord by way of the pneu-
mogastrie nerve."
"Goodness! L-1ow awful! And to
think that we rich people can do noth-
ing for those unfortuuate sufferers!'' --
Cleveland Leader.
Very Slow.
"Do you drink coffee?" asked the
doctor of an aged patient,
"Yes," was the reply.
"Coffee," cootinued the M. D., "is a
slow poison."
"Yes, very slow," replied the old
man. "I have taken it daily for nearly
eighty years."—London Answers.
A Goal He Had Never Reached.
"You are the greatest inventor in the
world," said a newspaper man once to
Alexander Graham Bell.
"Oh, no, my friend, I'm not," said
Bell. "I've never been a reporter." •
All items under this dead are
pabtished free of charge, ex-
opt those regardlogmeotlugs
whore an admission fee is
charged. The rate for Stich.
beinglive omit per count line
St. James'
St, Jamas, Church , Rev. Father P
Corcoran, Rev, Fathe r G. R, North -
graves .Morning Blass 7 a.m. High
Mase 10.30' a.m. Sunday school 2.30
p m. Evening veapere 7 pea,
St. Thomas'
Rev. T. E. 13r0wn, Rector. Sunday
services II min. and 7 p.m, Sunday
school 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p,m. Childreu'ebrateh Saturday 2 p.m.
uterueeslot services every Thursday,
.0 p,m.
First Presbyterian
Rev. 1''. E. Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
services 11 te,ti. and 7 p in, Sunday
school 2,30 pen, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.413 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooietyethe first Tuesday itt each
month at 7.43, Barbara'Kirkman Mie•
cion Band 3rd Tuesday: ill the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Baud
every 2nd Monday at 4.1.6 p.m.
Iiev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
—SUNDAY—Olass at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.rn. Sun.
day school and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p .m. Prayer
Meeting Thurnda y 8. p.m.
Salvation Array
Capt. Froud and Lieut. &tuners
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 p.m.
Ohildreus Service—Directory olaae.10
a.m. Bible olassee 4 p.m, Week night
Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p.m,
Egmondvtile, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser -
vibes 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Bible glass
3 p.m, Prayer meeting. Wednesday
8p, in. Y, P. M,S, Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p m, Women's Mission.
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the monti
at 2.30 pen, Ladies' Aid 01 etaim
mediately after.
McKillop Presbyterian.
Rev. D Oarewell pastor. Sunda;
services Duffs' church 11 a m Sunday
school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m, Women's Missionary
Society last Friday in each month at
2 o'clock,
Constance Methodist
Rev, 0, 0, Kahle, pastor. Sunday
service 2.30 p.m, Young People's Lea-
gue2,30 p m Sunday Women's Auxil
ary first Tuesday of every month a
30 p in. 7,t,tiee' Aid Mat Thursday
cfeach mouth 2.30 p,tu
Winttt-op Presbyterian
Light Reading. Sunday setvjoe 2,30 pm, Sunday
"Bliggins is a pessimist, isn't het" cltool I 16pin. Prayer meeting
"Yes. He's so fond of bad news that Tuesday 8 p.m, L.O, W last Wed.
he goes down cellar every morning to
read the gas and electric meters"—
Washington Star. -
True. Your Asthma Too, Tho efficacy of
"What causes all the trouble in thio
world, anyhow?" sighed the pessimist, Dr. J, D Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is
"People, I guess," replied the foolish not something that is merely to be hop.
optimist.—Detroit Free Prose, ed for; it L's expected, It never fail* to
Monopoly, ging rt lief, aad in your own individual
Mrs. ICnicker—How many servants 0680 it Will do the sante, So m10050851
do you keep? ltlrs. Booker—One for has been the aunties of this far.fatned
general houseshirk.-New York Sun, sure that every one afflietetl with this
Ply the pleasure that bites tomorrow, dsaeae owes it to himself to try it-
-George Herbert.
Girlei Try,Iti Heir gets soft, fluffY end
beaut!fut—Get a 24 cent battle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hall, that gtfa.
tons with beauty and 10 radiant with
life; hue an incomparable softness and
IS fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine,
Just One applleatlon doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it Immo•
dlately dissolves every parttole o$
daudruff. You can not bait alae
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. 'This destructive scurf robe
the hair of Its lustre, its strength and.
Its very life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and Itching or
the scalp; the hair roote famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out
fasts Surely get a 26 -tent bottle of
ICnowlton's Danderine from any drug
store and suet try it.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc,
Also take books
and newspapers
Appelzft & Mills am
Aoross from Oreamety
Phone 183
• Satisfaction
If you will take the troub-
le to call at our Studio,
examine our Photos
(many of them pictures
of your (friends learn
1 earil.our prices, and note
the attractive finishes.
We are,;contident we con
please you.
There is a standard of quality
behind Photographs made by us
And our prices 'are low as is pos.
Bible for good work.
Family Groep Photosa Special-
We do pioture framing and
Amateur Supplies anti Films and
finish prints for Amateurs.
Oall and see us
D F Buck's Studio
LPhone 19 - SEAFORTH mi
1 have for sale' sev=
Bonds and
of a pa rticularly
High grade, bearing{
interest fro m 51-1c to
6 per cent.
2111 information con-
cerning sante cheer=
fully giver,. m/
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main 1 treat, Seaforth
Phone Ota
"For the Blood is the Life."
With any diamine duo to impure blood
nook ea eoxema, eorefola,Sourvy, End
Lego, Abnoo age, Uleere, Glandular
Swelling., Bolin' Pimpled, Soros of any
kind, Pile., Blood Polaon,Rheumatiamr
Gout, atco don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin, What you want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone is the true
cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood
Mixture Is just such medicine, It is composed
f ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all impurities, front whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
C1111 be relied on to effect a lasting cur;
7A,nsaem o/b.rrna.n.'It,
Arreler,etid be�fh;,G0h1d
Over 50 rears'
Pleasant to
Sold by all
Chemists and
St r beeper,,
&Me hates.