The Seaforth News, 1917-08-09, Page 1W. T, BOX & eo. Furniture Dealers Phone 50 1 • 11 New Series Vol. l5, No. 32 SEAFOl` TI.1, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AIUecST GWLS! SI TION WORK Nice easy work Fl child could almost do the work. come and take one Section as follows P 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to join garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants snaking. Till nice clean work and easy and steady all year round. 5o hors per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can't ilpply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFG, CO, Fred Robinson, Manager Seaforth Ontario LYMPI RESTAURANT AND eeNFEeTIoNERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand. Our home made candies always the best, Chocalatee, flannels. Bon•Bons d Taffiea a specialty, Having inetalled.an up date plant foi making ICE CREAM T V IT OLYMPIA RESTUARANT next door to eardnos Bros NINNISNI W. stern Fair London Canada SePt 7th to 15th 1917 1807—''A half Century of success''—Ig17 The Grea3 Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario $32,000,000 Prizes and Attractions A very. intereetiug programme, inluding Miiitary and the other feathers—TWICE DAIIY FIREWORKS ETteH NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS DRILY • REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Prece Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. Lieut.• Col. W. M, Gartehore, A. M, Hunt President Secretary HELP t LABORERS ,WANTED FOR THE WESTERN HARVEST $12.00 TO WINNIPEG War Anniversary A sprain] War Anniversary Service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday evening to mark the begining of the fourth year of war, ft was Also a memorial for Pte, A, 0. Neely who fell in Trance. Members of the Orange Lodge were also present, Tho aormon was a carefully prepared declaration of the aim of Canada in the war, Canada was not fighting for England or Fr•atteo but for her own liberty and freedom of action. Many in 'Canada bad heard and answered the call to protect their fireside from a ruthless foe. Many others had nob but followed the way of selfishness, • The Kaiser had deliberately brought on the war to satisfy his insane lust of power. He had however failed in hie believe he was only fighting to save Germany. His claim is not honest even to his own people. - The war has revealed the character of the nations engaged. No one knew the falsneas and baseness of the Kaieer until this war revealed it, in the same way the character of Frauoe of Eng• laud and Canada were shown to have 198 suits of pyjamas, 42 Flannel shirts the nobler qualities. (156 pre of socks, 102 Towels, 1r Dress - The speaker thought it was amazing `inti gowns, 48 Comfort bags (unfilled), what Ceeada had done by means of the 6 Pennies) property bags, 4 Hospital volun.,... system but that system was night shirts, Feath r Pillows, 36 Soulto• just as unfair in enlistment as it would latus or many tailed bandages. Edna DeLaocy, Sea. REO CROSS REPORT For July EECEIPTS. Balance on hand $560,79 Proceeds of Lamp donated by Messrs Keating and Scott 9I.00 Roxboro girls sale of (socking )38.00 A friend 200,00 Mies M..1, Hngill, Irvington, Oal. 2.00 Margaret Casa and Helen Stewart ,28 Miss Mol3ride Egmondville branch Rug Moth ly ooutribetions EXPENDITURES Hon. Jas. Mason for prisoner Mrs Shade Vire Calder Hon Jae. Mason (yarn) Stewart Bros. J. Metavish Balanc, on hand 1,00 9.21] 1,76 r12,21) $1116.20 10.00 1.75 13,50 264.0 ]5x•12 3,10.12 782 49 333,7 SECRETARY'S REPORT if used in colleoting the taxes. A rich tribute was paid to those who gave their lives on the field of battle and the aennou closed by reading a poem by James Hughes of Toronto' Belgian Relief •staff Tue follewing letter was received by Mra. W, J. Walker thanking her for a parcel el` about 200 lbs of clothing sent in response to an appeal from Pts Rees Hermiston of Listowell. About 50 Ibe were sent by the ladies of the Pro.by- terian church. Mrs. Walker thanks all who assisted and will forward any other dohations of clothing left at the store. Plus half a Coat Per mile Beyond Return, Half a' Cont' peg Mile to Winnipeg pins t1800 SPECIAL THOUGH TRAIN THE BEST OF EQUIPMENT AND LUNCH COUNTER CARS 8pee1e1 Aecommodatoin for Women Call 0n CHAS A. ABEIt13ART, Agent, Saalorth Or write Geueral Passenger Dept 0 N R Toronto, Ont, wommompummenewmenwerestwatinulteswilMmlrattommtmenneu Hospital Elizabeth Poperinghe, Belgium 12-7-17 Dear Mrs Walker : How lind of you to send us such nice Clothing for our poor refugee children. They came . very quickly and safely and if you are kind enrngh to solidus somo mere, as yon say I really think it the best way. A port of your presents have been given to a criohe where we have a number of babies from a few days to 4 years, some of them orphans, others are children whose parents live in very dangerous places quite near the firing line. These places are continual y being shelled,We go and take them bare and keep them until the place is safe again. The other part of your generous gift is given to re- fugees' childrbn whose parents have had to fly from h erne without bbing able to save the least skiing. There are here suck numbers of poor ohildran, of whom were ouoe rich and happy now feel more than others these privations. I send you by ;hie mail a paper telling all about our work. 'ou see that we also have hospitals for wounded civilian and schools, • How kind of rot to ask what else we need most, The following articles would be very useful to us. ' Some pina forts and overalls for 25 babies from 2 too years in white or blue or grey hol land; for the same age cashmere and woollen socks and strong shoes; sheets for babies beds, email bibe, 24 dresses in grey flanellete for childrenfrom two to 'four; little jackets for winter would also be acceptable. 1€ you oonld let us have clothes for women and girls we wouldbe glad, It is so kind of driv er Hermiston to mention our work to charitable ladies of Itis own country. He and the Prince de Broy are not near now though we 000aeionaliy see ,hem'. They, are in "good health. The Countess Van den Steen and myself thank you. Please thank all who ass' thea. Believe me, yours sincerely Mrs, J. Ferlinder BELGIAN RELIEF REPORT Balance from last month .70 Ars. W. 0. Reid Mrs. J, Mactavish Mrs. Delaoay Mrs. Chas. Stewart 52 00 2,50 2,50 2.50 Mrs, W. R. Archibald R, R. No 4 2.00 Proceeds from sale of home made Candy etc given by Kathleen Ran- kin and Anna Sutherland 1.50 Post Office ,13 Dominion Bank '17 Commerce Ba k . 56 Total 17.48 Expenses .15 Remitted to A. DeJardine x7,00 Balance .3I Mrs. 7. B. Thompson APPRECIATION 9 1g17 Returning to Inglatd last summer with fever, I have spent, three of the winter months in France in Beaumont Hamel District, se a stretcher bearer, so I have had wonderful experiences for a Canadlan boy. I am just discharged from hospital where 1 have been for two menthe, thie time with "trench fever," and I do with to elate that the V, A. D, Hospi- tal where I was, really was like a home, for the sisters and nurses wore so land and did everythingeo cheerft,llytomalte us comfortable. So give me a V. A, D. Hospital every time. 1. felt that we should write you to tell yon how meat we do appreciate what the Canadian Red Orme has done for us so far from our homes and loved ones, for I have no *relatives at all over here. So many of the British patients have said to us "That your Red Crete certanly does look after you fellows." Again I. thank you. The Last Asthma Attack may really be the last one if prompt measures are taken, Dr.‚J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will safe guard you. It will penetrate to the smallest bronchial passage and bring about a healthy con- dition. It olways relieves and its con- tinued use often effects a permanent cure. Why not get this long -famous remedy to -day and commence to use? Inhaled as smoke or vapor it is equally effective. The following letter was written to the Canadian Red Cross Society Tor.;• onto by a Seaforth boy and is copied from the official bulletin of the Society It is supposed that it was written by Frank'Habhirk of'leeafortb. T1xOANTON HEATH, Si aEE?, Dear Madam, I just wish to epxress my appreoiat- i- n and my gratitude towards the Rad Cross Organization for the gifts -which I have received at different times from the home branches and from the Lon- don office while in the hospital here in England. I am writing not only for myself but for six other Canadian soldiers who were in oernwall Hall V. A. D. Hospi- tal with .me, I have visited the St, Jobe's V, A.D. Hospital also the Seven- oaks, Kent, and the boys there did ex- press to me their appreciation of the gifte of apples and toilet articles which were so freely given to us through yetir Red Cross visitor Mrs H, She has been so wonderfully kind to all of us in visit lug us and doing all in her power t make aur stay is the ,hospital cheery. Really I cannot say too much for, the way she treated we boys who were per feet strangers to her, but as she said "We were Canadians." I happened to be the only Canadian born boy among our patients, so I rather think I was given more attention. but I do wont to let you ]snow we all appreciated her visits so much and I Was detailed to tell you so. I wee born in Seaforth. Ontario, and was fortunate in being chosen to re- present the Winnipeg Divide., of the Canadian St, John ambulance Brfgade- along with eight others from there and we were sent over by the ''St John Brigade and Red Cross of Canada' nearly two years ago. We were trans. ferred into the Imperial Army and I have emit) active service in Gallipoli Peninsula, then to Mesopotamia, where we were for the attempted relief of Kut. QUALITY ALWAYS Middle School Examination The following passed in Huron the Middle School Exams for entrance to Normal G E Ames, 7 W Argo, 1 J Allen, G C Best, M L-Chidley, E M Churchill Z A Churchill, 'M A Crich 1 Cott M L Cuthill (1 L Dyer, 13 ft Diekeon, M Edmund, E Elder, A Elliot, D I Fowlie, 6 A Grant, E 1 Grainger, T 'r Gilespie, V Graves, W S Hall; D 1 Hill, J R Hays, A E Johns, W 0 John- ston, E Kent, II Kerr (honors). A K Leonard, S Mine, A McConnell, M McNath, M A MoMnrolne (honors) E C McArthur; A B McEwat, J M MoEivan (honors), A Murphy, M Mc- Clineby, 7 0 Maxwell (honors), M 9 Nicholsou, H F Peter, RN Rowe, E C Robertson [with L S end Arith) S S Sims, E M Stoltz, 1 J Stouter,. J ,It Taylor (honor) C A E Williams, E J Webster (honors) E D Wilson, S Woods E J Walters, R 0 Weiler, A T William- Bolt. It Makes New Friends Everyday.— Not a day goes by that Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil does not widen the circle of its frinds. Orders for come from the most unlikely planes in the West and far north,for its fame has travelled far, It deserves this attention, for no all has clone so much for humanity. Its moderate cost makes it easy to get. �rW.T, SoX&eo, 1tMBAL14EBB Aria , $UNERAL P)BEC'1'0B8 MACTAVISD'S The store tha t saves you dollars H G, Hn7e Ualders of gaff re'.'' ; yplopta ant Lloenae-on aea4T.t PhoneB ' 80 $I,00per year KNIT UNDERWEAR GraduaCion Gifts NuW that Graduation Gifln are n order and something really useful. durable, and }manilla] 18 being sought for to mark the pleasant gest that most id Its for a a Watch" to the Wrist or Pocket Wateb. price (so ,,Itl,er is 07,00 and onward oaeaalon we would sun• tppF'� desirable of all y lady 'A Iyr1Bt r young man a The Make that Graduation Gift a Watoh the memories of the (religion n•il! Iive with the wateh—fora live time Pel . Oauangt $urrr;;nr tturtugr & Otnilf+rtd fermiers unit optician; Marriage License 1eerler0 PHONE 194 Evening 10 The store you will alwerps like QUALITY ALWAYS Vests and Union Suits fine lisle—laced trimmed—long sleeved and shert sleeved vests—full length and knee length drawers—Union $uits in both styles. Sep arate garments 15c to 75c. Union Suits 5oc to $1.5o HOSIERY Famous Niagara Mab- and Queen Quality Hosiery. We know you will fiud' among this offerings just the very grade of hosiery you desite. Cotton -15e to 5oc Silk 35c to $2.00. O. And A. CORSETS Noted throughout all styledom as the "figure" mt.king corset They are low busts and long hips with hose supporters front and s'de, made of excellent quality bastiste and contil, pretty Lace and r'bbon trimmed 5oc to $5.00 WAISTS chis seasons's prettiest models, becomingly trimmed with embroideries, laces, tucks, etc—some with allover fronts, collars and cuffs trimmed with narrow edging. Long sleeves—high orlow necks. Full cut and excellently and earefuliy sewed. Cotton Voile, Silk and Crepe de chene $I.zS to $6.00 JAPANESE DRESSING SACQUES Dressing Sacque of pleasantly cool, thin materials—precale and white and colored lawn daintly made in a number of pretty styles, they spell comfort for house wear this hot weather, Prices start as low as $1,00 Little Folksy Summer Wear 'Everything for baby" -- that desribee the offerings in our baby department, and a daintier collection of baby things could well be imagined. It is warm weather now, and elf mothers will be wanting new things for'the little folks to wear, Dreseee from fine sheer naine0ok, and some plain Wipe- these woe dresses mnst be see to be appro oiated, You cannot well imagine the dainty little styles and the wide variety of fabrics WEARE GLAD TO SROW GOODS M ACT'A'llSfl ',.SETFORT1