HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-26, Page 7Practical Designs .An unusual arid yet practical novel- ty is shown M the romper dress here illustrated. `It is on the order of the envelope style of chemise except that the' envelope section fastens under the dress at the top of the hem and does not take away from the dress effect. McCall Pattern No, 7750, Child's One or Two -Piece Romper Dress. Pattern in 5 sizes; 6 months to 6 years. Price, 10 cents. Heather jersey cloth is used foi de- veloping a very smart military coat and service dress. The coat has an inverted pleat in the back, and the skirt of the dr se s may be divided front and back to be worn over bloomers. McCall Patterns No. 7881, Ladies' Military Coat; in 30 -inch length; in 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust; and No. 7877, Ladies' Service Dress; in 6 sizes, 3410 44 bust. Price, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. HOW THE DEAF "HEAR" MUSIC. Music is an Essential Factor in Train- ing of the Deaf. -Music, declares the head of an insti- tution for the care of deaf and dumb children, is more essential' in the edu- cation of the deaf than it is in the training of the hearing child. In this institution' the classrooms are provided with pianos, around which the children gather between re- citations. "When the teacher plays an excit- ing feeling conies up through the floor," is the way one deaf boy de- scribes it. Others, when asked to explain their sensations, said: "I feel it in my tem- ples and in my legs." "I feel it through my whole body," and "I feel it in my chest and lungs." The children "hear" more distinctly when they are allowed to place their elbows on the piano. • Rural Church and the Farm. A great need of the country is di- version. People who handle the plough need to have something to think about. They have many hours to think. That he may not be a pes- simist or a false philosopher, that he may not con over evil thoughts and fill his mind with wrong and inhuman sentiments is for the Church to, have a care. The pulpit must not think it beneath its dignity to organize play festivals, and the minister must not be ashamed to wear motley, if by so doing he can bring a better and a nobler .spirit into the countryside, The tedium of country life is unsocial. It is against the welfare of the State. It is bad for the heart and. for the soul, Children and Birds. Interest children in birds. By a study of 'bird charts you can attract the kindou want by providing the Cy food th e y like, Native birds are easy to domesticate, and respond quickly to attention to their special needs. Place a trough of bird feed, 'a wash -basin or bird -bath, and a shallow basin of drinking water on your wincloW sill. • Buckwheat makes an excellent ip'lealtkfast cereal. The Waste of War is terrible, but the waste of food in times of peacp is colossal. Rich and poor alike eat tons of food that has little food value—and this useless food breaks down the so-called eliminating or- gans and depletes the physi- cal and mental powers. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is all food, prepared by a process which makes every particle thoroughly digested. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat. Two or three of these Biscuits with milk, make a nourishing meal, sup$lying the greatest amount of energy at lowest cost. Delicious with sliced or other an b seas berries fruits. Made in Canada. Probably many a purchase of farm implements has been postponed, in the hope that prices would be lower- ed before the necessity for their use became acute. AIT' evidences point to such practice as dangerous procras- tination. --o—o—o—o--o—o—e—o--o—o 0 0 1. PAIN ? NOTA BIT I LIFT YOUR CORNS q OR CALLUSES OFF du No humbug Apply few. drops then Just lift them away with fingers. —0-0-0-0--0-0--0 0 -0 -0 --- This new drug Is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist, It is caafled- freezone, and an w c now be ob= talned in tiny bottles as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask far freezone. Apply a drop or two directly up• on a tender corn or cal• lus and instantly the soreness disappears. Sloprtly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it oft, root and all, with the -angers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; not even the slightest smarting, either .when applying freezone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn- or callus, but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out. It is no humbug! It works like a charm.. For a few cents you can get rid sf every hard corn, soft cora or corii'rae- tween the toes, as well as painful cal- luses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites os inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesald house, AN OPERATION AVERTED Philadelphia, Pa.—"One year ago I was very sick and I suffered with pains, in my side and back until I nearly went crazy. I went to differentdoctorsand they all said I had female trouble and would not, get any relief until I Wonld be operated on,. I had eufferedferrous. years before this time,but I kept get- ting worse the more medicine I took. Every month since I was a young gir I had suffered with cramps in my sides at period's and was never regular. I saw your advertise- ment in the newspaper and the picture. of a woman who had been Saved from an operation and this picture was int-. pressed on my mind. The doctor had given mo only two more days to make up my mind so I sent ray husband to the 4rug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe -me, I soon noticed a change and when I had finished the 'third bottle I was cured and neVer felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women know of my cure."--•--Mrs,TiloS, MCGoN- IoaL, 3432 I-artville Street, Phila., Pa. ISSUE No. 30—'17. THE PENALTY OF LIDERTY. ,Severe Discipline Practised by the Mother of Ruskin. In the matter of discipline John Ruskin's mother was a Spencerian be- fore Spencer. "Let your penalties," says that austere philosopher, "be like the penalties inflicted by inani- mate nature, inevitable. The hot tender burns a child the first time he seizes it; it burns him the second time; it burns him every time; and be very soon learns not to touch the hot cin- der." That was Mrs. Ruskin's method. To illustrate her way of teaching les- sons, Ruskin used to tell the follow- ing incident of his early childhood, which his mother was fond of relat- ing. "One evening, when I was yet in my nurse's arms, I wanted to touch the tea urn, which was boiling merrily, It was an early taste for bronzes, I sup- pose; but I was resoluta about it. My mother bade me keep my fingers back; I insisted on putting them forward. My i away would lyave taken me aw Y f • rem the urn, but my mother said: "`Let him touch it, nurse,' "So I touched it, and that was my first lesson in the meaning of the word 'liberty'. It was the first piece of liberty I got, and the last that for some time I asked for." r ORIGIN OF THE BAYONET. In 1675 It Was Adopted by the Armies' of France and England, The bayonet, which, in spite of all the latest inventions of modern war- fare, remains the simplest and most terrifying weapon on the battlefield, bears a :name the origin of which is uncertain. It is pogpillarly believed to recall 1'l pleasant old town of Bayonne, whic nestles at the foot of the -Bay of Bis- cay, sincea citizen, ono:Puseyyur , is credited with its invention' about 1650. Pushed into. the mouth of the gun - barrel like a Plug, jt was thus adopt- ed - ed in France and England about 1675. In 1689 it was attached by two. rings to the barrel by. General Mackay, and the socketed bayonet was introduced by Vauban into the French army in 1708. SUMMERA. HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of theyearer- is so danger- ous g ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. Tlie excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid 1s at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realises hei it ! season when s 1. Summar s the diarrhoea,'hholera infantum, dysentry and colic are most prevalent. Any one oYmayprove dead! if 1 troubles f dose not promptly treated. During the summer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil - llama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. So many of us are grasping at the stars, leaving life's plain, common work for others to do, forgetting that life's sweetest blessings come from do- ing the humble tasks in a noble man- ner. This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed, and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tiled other Liniments, also doctors, and was receiving no benefit. By a persuasion from a friend I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and used one bottle which completely cured n'ie, and have been using MIN= ARD'S LINIMENT in my family ever since and find it the same as when I first used it, and would never be with- out it. ISAAC E. MANN. Aug. 81st, 1908. Metapedia, P. Q. SAND SHOES FOR TOMMIES Are Made of Steel Wire and Look Like Bird Cages. 'Next time you walk across a wood- block pavement and stick in the tar - ooze' think of the British army in Egypt. The contrast' will make you happier. For one tiling, the British Tommy would give $1,000 for wood - blocks. But not having pavements, Mr. At- kins is compelled to find a way to walk on dry shifting sand. His lat- est method is the sand -shoe, which is made • of steel and looks something like a bird -cage. Mr. Atkins attaches the cage to his shoes, and then can walk along some 10 inches above sand- level, while the sand sifts through the meshes of his undershoes, So Tommy can go on walking with comparative comfort. The difficulties through which he marches to conquer may be Fanged from the fact that when the Turlts;were coming with intent to des- troy the Suez Canal they had to dig parrow trenches for their big guns and metal this grooves, so that the guns could be dragged forward. They found this Method easter than building roads. s1 - In the Country. Sunimer boarder—Does this tree produce a lot of peaches? Farmer—Nary a one, Summer boarder—Weil, what's the idea of keeping it? Farmer—Because I get a great many bushels of pears from it, Miaard'n Liniment; real gnree Cargos at Cows Bet She Liked It! Very strong peppermints are grand- father's favorite confection. One day, he gave one to four-year-old Mar- jorie, and waited slyly to see what she would do when she should discover the pungent flavor of the candy, A few minutes letter he saw her take the partly eaten peppermint from her, mouth and place it on a table beside an open window. "What's the matter? he asked. "Don't you like the candy?" "Oh, yes," replied Marjorie, "I like it, but I thought I'd let It cool for a little while." WHEN YOUR COLOR FADES When a gill --ora woman—finds her. color fading, when her 011ee115 and lips grow pale, and she gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after alight exertion, or muter the least ex- citement, it means that she is suffer- ing from anaemia—thin, watery blood. Headache and backache frequently accompany this condition, and ner- vousness is often present. The remedy for this condition is to build up the blood, and for this pur- pose there is no medicine can equal Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. They `build up and renew the blood, bring bright ness to the eyes, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of renewed health and energy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, Plain food. The girl or woman who gives this tr•eatinent a fair trial will soon find herself enjoying perfect health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TO WRITE WITH THE KNEES. A Device to Enable Soldiers Who Have Lost Both Arms to Write. have lost soldiersv for who h A boon f both arms is described by Dr. Arthur T. Blachly of Portland, U.S.A. It is an apparatus by which they can write with, their knees after a little practice. A piece of • sole leather fifteen inches long and six inches wide at one end and four at the other has a semi -circular piscocut out on each side five inches from the narrow end. This piece of leather is bent where the scallops come to fit over the bent knee and the whole piece is bent from side to side. By two clips, such es are used in holding a pencil to the pocket, a pencil is fastened to the leather so as to project forward four inches in front of the knee. This apparatus is held firmly to springs the knee by three strong brass P rings attached by rivets. These are three- fourths of an inch wide and are made of strips twelve, thirteen and fourteen inches long respectively. To hold the paper in the proper position a small rack- like a music rack is made of wood with a hook to adjust and hold it to a small, firm stand two feet high. In writing the heel is raised and the foot, resting on the ball, gives the knee quite a wide range of motion. A stylographic fountain pen can be used as well as a penciL'The device can be made cheap- ly. The model cost $1.50, and the springs could -lie replaced with straps costing ten cents apiece, thus reducing the cost to $1.10. This device should be much 'more convenient than hold- ing a pencil between the teeth or toes, as was formerly done by some. The stand can be niade of an old box and a shelf put in for the apparatus. Dr. Blachly is awaiting with inter- est reports from France, where he sent the first models of his apparatus. Experiments by an armless man on the Pacific Coast proved that a legible "handwriting" was acquired with a few weeks' practice. The man had been trying to learn to write with a pencil held between his teeth and hadn't succeeded. made from straw by an inventive Frenchman. • YOUNG WOMEN 'W',ANT ,e Good of portu1111y ol0ered young women, desiring permanent work in Toronto, to learn waitresses' work in the largest established restaurant in Canada, Good wages paid, best work. ing` conditions and fair treatment, Write, I'ilono or Call, CHILDS COMPANY, 158 YONGE ST„ TORONTO. "There is a fellowship more quiet, even than solitude, and which, right- ly understood, is solitude made per - foot, And to live out of doors with the woman a man loves Is of all lives the most complete and free."—R, L, S. Miaard'a Linlsaeat Cures Distemper,t Order • jars immediately for can- ning. Glass jars in the long run are cheaper than tin cans. MONEY ORDERS The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order, A baby's dress that opens the full length of the back launders very eas- ily. lutinar¢'s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ldrsOELL4RiEOUO ,f 1ANCER, TUMORS, LTJNIPS, BTO., ',J internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. 13e11man Medical Co„Linited, Collingwood, Ont, 410000. ON DOG. DISEASES \1` � ”"And , R waned free to any Feed by mb dca's ..the Author ' Peruser H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dag Remedies 118 West 3lat Street; New York aoom.sere/CORM Ran e IrrNoll Outicura Soap shampoos pre- ceded by light touches of Ott - 'ileum Oint- ment to spots of dandruff anditching aro most effective, They tend to arrest falling hair and pro- mote a heal- thy scalp. Samples free b9 mall. Address Cutleura, Dept. N, Boston, U. S. A. sold every - whore. What IIe Thought,. The doctors at a London hospital wore one day holding a eonsultatlon: beside the bed of a man who was sup- posed to be harboring a diseased hip- bone. "I believe," said one of the stdi'geon, "that we should wait and let him get stronger before cutting into him." Before the other prospective opera- tors could reply, the patient turned his head, and remarked feebly; "What do you take mo for—a cheese?" Next to its unique„fiavour, the groat economy of Salads Tea has been the reason for its enormous sale. To restore black ribbons, strain some cold strong coffee entirely free from grounds, sponge the ribbon with this after brushing off all the dust, Then iron carefully on the wrong side. i'eraltalaicd Eyeli/19, Eyes inflamed by expo. ant s1 toSun Bust us Wind Sun, ,,,quickly relieved Murine Dye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Muria° Eye SalveinTubes2ac. For Boit el Druggists or Nubia roc Mcfaedy Co.. Cbisapa To help in picking fruit a Californ- ian has patented th' b' with Cut the first flowering, splices 'Cif gladioli os soon as they' open; they 1'11 keep .a long time in water and usually Na. new flower spike will ap, pear. When buying your, Milo insist on having all OTTO H1GiELry PIANO ACTION $OIF CAN'T OUP OUT %1 Bog Spavins or Thorougbph but you can clean diem off promptly with and you work the orse same times Dose not bliefr or remove tele hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered, Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free, ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind„ reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured a thimble a j14y;' Muscles or Deismi% Enlarged Oland., Wena, knife blade at the end. cy.ra. Allem pale quickly. price Si and E9 s beide a[ druggists or delivered. W F. 00000, P, 0 F., 510 Lyman: 01dg., MOntteal, Ua l Miaard's Liniment Dares Colds. Etc, Fa. fad Absorbine -J1.:ara ma0e I Canadi.l Like A oy ri t 5 /3 ubbI!ng Over With Vit : l®ty Tcking Ir'~if Did It Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate,. nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time. NEW YORK,. N,' Y.—Not long ago a again and aee for yourself how' much man came to me who was nearly half a' you have gained. I have seen dozens of century old d a r and asked .m hi e to give. a a ne • luaus run- down people who were ail- r p n w n elilni earexamination I Y f r elf incur 0 e in anee. I was astonished to find flim with g all the while double their strength t'he blood .pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man;• in fact a young man he really was notwithstanding his age. The secret he said was.. taking iron—nuxated iron had filled him with renewedlife. At 30 he was In bad health; at 46 110 was careworn and nearly all in. Now at 50 after taking Nuxated Iron a miracle of vitality and his face beaming with the buoyancy of youth. As I have said a hundred times over, iron is the greatest of all strength builders. IP people would only take Nux- ated Iron when they feel weak or run- down instead of dosing themselves with habit-forming drugs, stimulants and al- coholic B 9 9 coholte b every ee I am convinced disease, e, pre way they could ward off nisease, sandsnofc It becoming organic lives eson- thous ndcases and thereby the lavas of 15 every y'ee might be saved who now die every Year from pneumonia, Bother kin - ger usv maladies. hears trO The and other dan- gerous The diseases was nothingmore nor loss than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron in the blood. Iron Is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, 1011r food merely passes through you without doing you r,any good. Ycu don't get the strengthpout of it and as a consequence you be - i11'(0100 weak, uale and sickly loking 3000 e $ Ir 10401' 1'r -in to row in a 0011 d e e» 3 g gu ars not stropi n 1n iron. lY' o g ,delle e t Y1113 •s !t o •n t elf to ma a Cid orwell.Souoweit t a uthefollowingtoot:SeehowLangYon ' 3, can wort: or how fur you can walk a without becoming tired. Next take two x f ordinary - nuxated etablets o ery 2 five -grain t t•' me I for mss per da • after meals o t tees ti A]I(E i i iron n 3 -, r ` two weeks. Then test your strength I 'and endurance and entirely get rid of • all symptoms • of dyspepsia, liver' and other troubles in from ten to fourteen. f1 days' time simply by taking iron In the proper form. And this after e they has it s amt casesr been doctoring for months without obtaialning any benefit. But don't. , take the old' forms of reduced Iron, AIM acetate or tincture of irOn simply to•save a few Dents. You must take irOn in a form that can be easily absorbed and as- similated like nuxated iron if you want .It to do you any good. otherwise it m03" j prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prizefighter has won 'the day . -. simply because he knew the secret of great strength andendurance and filled - his blood with iron before lie went into ' tete affray, while many another has gone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of Iron.—E. Sauer, MX. NUT1c Nuxated Iron, - recommended above by Dr. 10. Sauer, is nut a potent medicine nor secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists, and whose iron constituents aro widely prescribed by erne - nein physicians everywhere, Unlike the. older Inorganic iron products, it is easily- assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, It is most potent rem- edy in nearby alt forma of Indigestion as well nes for nervous, v s run-down co ndltions. The manufacturers h have such .great offer 0o Hefei in 10.00 to Iran that they after to: tartlet Sao to any cha911y 01u.00 01' institution u they cannot,u htalcs any man or woman, under re who lacks dove, and increase their strength 100% or over in four weeks' time, provided they hove no serious or- ganic r ganic trouble They also offer to refund. your money if 14 does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten days' time. It is dispensed by all goad druggists. Dr. Beck; The W its Known Eye Speddd ist a ,d actor Adkins, ins, The Medical Authy i r, PublishAstonishing Report on WpidderF l ernedy Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances arid 2' skillfully blended and processed make a most deliciocess foo in flavor as well as a great body, brain and nerve builder. n r.� DIC. 1ECI0 A Free Prescription You Can Have Flllci ami Use at Home. New York.—Dr, Beck, a New York state eye specialist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massa- clntsetts pbyeiclan, wore asked to mane n thorough teat of the popular. eye remedy, non. Opto. Their reports wero most inter- esthtg. Here they area Dr. Beck report: 'When my attention was first galled to the wonderful eye rein. edy, Iron Opto I was Inclined to be skepti- cal. I make it a mild to teat every new treatment which is brought to my attention. Having specialized in eye work for the est twenty years, I believe I am amici to =prose an Intelligent opinion oh rete lee P pp�I appltdble to Co eyes, Since Bon es 'created d such a sensation throughout o tho United States and Canada, I welcomed the opportunity to test it I Bogan to. use 11 in. 1113' praetice n little over a year ago and I am frank to say that the mite obtained are such that I hesitate to to of m3' ex- Sori use for fear t will sound lnoredlble. me of the results I have accotilplished With Bon Opto not only astonished myself but also outer physicians with whom I ,cavo talked about it. I have bad teeny individ- uals wato had worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigma- tism stigma have disp nd hs d wther ith weaknesses,l me 01161- tion d6p ttoa. of the Bon Opto principal, Moony 0111 troubles can be traced directly to macular contraction and relaxation and since Bon Opts tethotl tells how to exercise end rle- velop the eye muoeles, it reaches conditlona not possible through other mane, 1 advlee every thoughtful ppbyeiclan to study Bon Opto principal, give it the game careful trial I have and there is no doubt in m mild they will thine to the conclustosyI have, namely, that the Bon Ito method opens the door for the cure o .many eye which 1 heretofore gg 1 Broublod wt h 1 a o boon mos: ible to cope with. The treatment is so 0lniple in its application that it can he used at house by anyone of average intelligence. hi my own practice I ;baud aeon it strengthen the eyesight more thea -50 per cent in one week's tinge: I have also used 1t with sur- prising effect ho cases of work strained eyes, pink eye, inflammed'lids catarrhal con- JnnctivItes, smarting, painful, aching, itch- ing eyes, eyes weakened Prom colds, smoke sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and in factmanyother conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and startling case has just.00me under my observation, which yielded to Icon Opto, is that of a young girl, 12 years old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thorough examination of the young girldecided in order' to save the sight of her right eye, the left eye must :be removed. Beforeermit- ting her to be operated on, the ycun girl's. father decided to use Ron Opto. n leas than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a•week the.inflam- mation had almost dlsappeareil, and at the end of six Weeks the eye was saved. Just think`tvliat the saving of that eye means to this little girl. Another case Is that of a lady ninety-three' year8 old. She carne to mo with dull vision and extreme inflamma- tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al- most raw. After two woeke' use of Bon Opto the lido were absolutely `normal and her eyes are as bright. as many a girl of.. sixteen." Dr. Judkins, Massachusetts -physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union Gen- eral Hospital • Boston Mass., and formerly House Surgeolt at the Boston, England Bye and Iter I1}firmary of Portland,. Maine, •and medical author for many yearn, reports; I have.found oculiets too Orono -to oiler. ate and opticians too wining to prescribe glasses while =gloating the simple formu- las which form the basis of that wonderful' home treatment for eye troubles Bon Opto. This in lay opipion, is a remarkable rem- edy for -tele ours and prevtntioo of many eye disorders,- Its 80000110la110gVVcloplhg-acid strengthening the oyesight will soon ;make eye glasses''o14- rashion'ed and theformof eye baths Which the )30h Opto method pro- vides, 15111 make its nee as common ns that of the tooth brush. -I ata tlid ougkly con- vinced; from my experleriee with ]Son Opteq that it will strengthen the eyesight at' least 60 per cent in one week's time is ninny in etanceo$ , Dr. W , Devine, direltor of. medler%'0i specttonpublished in thel;'Bobruatyeaton sch00120, 1a ip rejport stat@e that only 14,018 out of 80,005 ex- ex- nmFrld, need to wear gl50Sos now, a marked decrease over the previous report. Bon Onto is -hastening' the' -eyeglasoleos age In heavectaoled Beaton. Victifna of eye strain 'end other eye 'weak- nesses .and those •who wear gln0sea will be glad to know thast according to Dr. Beck. and Dr. Suakin there is real hope and help for them, Many whose eyes were fail.: •iqg say they have had their eyes restored by they remarkable proscription and ninny w• o once .Nora glasses 'any they nava thrown them away Ono man says after using it: ;.1 wee almost blind: Wild not see to read at all. Now I can road every- thing without my glasses and my eyed do not blurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time, It was like g mlrnclu to me." A1ady who used it'saysl 'Slee atmosphere seemed hazy with der without glasgea but after using this prescription for 10 days everything Seems clear. I can read even fine print Without glasses." Another wife it .1 1' says; "I. was bothered with cy0 DIC, JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which in' duoed fierce headaches. 1 have worn giasees for several years both for distance and, close work and Without them ICould no read my' own name on an envelope orthe. typewriting on the machine before` mt. I can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses altogether. I can count the fluttering lame on the trcet aerobe the street now, which for several' yearn have looked like a dim green blur to mc, T cannot express my joy at what it'han clone for mel" It is believed that thousands who wear glabses can now discard them in a reas001' able timend multitudes more will be able pptheir eyes so as tobo spared red oth strongmen 103 La the troblye�tro eloo 110 an aver, getting glasses, wonderfuilyeben0Ilted byetiteeIlse o!' this prescription at home. Here isthe pro- scription: Go to any active drllg-Stare and get'a bottle of Bon Opto tablets.. Drop one Bon Opto tablet in n fourth of a gross of water rind let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the oyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and mimeswill 'rluickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, It is your duty to take steps to save them now before It is too lata. Many hopelessly blind might haV saved their sight if. they had cared for diet eye8 in time, 140510—Another prominent physician to who the above article was 9obmitted, said: Ves,'tl Eon Oto er0s0Upt0On 10 truly a wonderful ey remedy. • Its constituent Ingredients• aro Wel known to eminent eye specialists and widely pr serl0ed- by them. I have used 1t very succour folly in my own prnnticnon "Patients wbossb,0(0 WItarla one etactthe vli ery vork Yewoprm0purhtlot,s,c fool should bo kept roti Mand for regular ase5 almost every family.' non Opte referredt Above, Is not a Potent- medicine or at 80e0 remedf It 1s ha ethical pre1inratfou, the f0 mule beteg printedon the package. !sae man factttrere r ttarantee dt 00 strengthen eresi7 ne Orr Bent in Duo week's time 1p many . stanc0 or 101850 Ilio'money,•it fe ditp,ai ding senor eieve5:nil :also byond O. Pa5ib15'ltnand V, nate • Co.. Toronto