HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-26, Page 5Page $
$1R EDMUND WALKER, C.Y.O„ (ii:. D O.L.,. President
AMP MAD, General Manager. ii. V. R. JONES. Aee't General Mounter
CAPITAL, S15,000,000 RESERVE FR Ii 1, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
`agpavards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
.are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. Shp
Seatfoz't .
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
Wrappers specially printed from your
own copy, we:can supply them at the follow -
ng prices—
WIJIWaIker & San
W. J, Walker„holder of go. •
ernmont Diploma and License
Day or Night calla receive our
prompt attention„
Day Phone (iTti
Night t I183
) ?G,pE��,WtLL
(./'G'Girl/!L'.f% t
Fall Term from Sept, 4th.
Ownmeroial, Shorthand and 'Pole-
grnphy Departments,— We have
throrough courses. usperin.-.sed in-
struotots and we plane Graduatos }u
positions, Demand upon no for
trained help is many thnos the num-
ber graduating. Get ;- our free
TU ES ay
"ALL RAIL” - also by
"Great Lakes Routes" .
(Season Navigation)
Your Future is its the West
' The fertile prairies have put Western
Canada on the map. Thera aro still
thousands of acres waiting for the man
who wants a home and prosperity. Take
advantage of Low Plates and travel via
Carn,.eblaln Pacific
Agents Seaforth
W. B. Il$3WAR lir!
District !Passe n ge rAgt
Toronto, Ont.
lln all counttsies,Ask for our INVENTOR
cADVISER,.whidh will be sent free. -
' MARION & 1w1AJ3ld '
Try ITs For A
Refreshing Shave
Our Speciality
Call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
\ fNC/
BUFFALO —Daily, ¢eTTreex
Lane BDrnALo • 900?. 51 1EAeTo Now. ILIU15 M oT. --CLEVELAND 9
Arrive OLNYNIJND' 1:90 A. It, 1 8T.NDAen True l Arrive $D7rA1.0 • WO A. x.
Oonaeottaoe of a Cleralaad for Cedar Potat. Put'In-Bay Toledo, Detretb sad 411 pointe
Weal sed 9oabhwoat, R4llroed tt0kote tontine botnoon Bnffato sed °leyol4nd
ere gcod ton breeeporintlo¢ o iekir etoomore. q0k your Metol nut for
trek to via n. B, Ltno, N1' Tourin Aatomnl11e Neta--a8.D0800U Trtp,
w�Ek2 days rotor¢ limit, foroarn nob o:8eodiaal2T (n.tvltaolbun
aeon ally oelorod motional [male oharb of he treat : hip ' a¢ANneee ' 8081 00
ro0olpb of Ave eontt. Also arils for our 2a•pago Dt0tortol and deaariptive booklet tree.
The Cleveland & Bulfals
Transit Company
elerdh 0,0819
Thee malt
—the 1
ar6 Lse
seamiest evilly Steamer on (linmin oChawrlemodins<npe.ltp, 1sD09pesto.gdn.
SRkrjAEUvy_ •
-_ulll'Q% 111 �4111�e. GtlLVh1
It is one of the ironies of fate that
the poet front whose pen has come the
immortal lyric of the heartens was
himself a roving outcast --a homeless
wanderer. The world remembers the
pathetic story of John Howard Payne,
Broken in health andreduced in fortune
the poor Amoroian exile found himself
m the throbbing heart of the great city
of London, Botwegn his publishers—
who allowed him little—and his Dred-
itort,.who came to see him
often --the penniless poet was in sore
straits, The Attantfo ocean separated
hint from kith and kits. He felt the
mutest sense of isolation—the bitterest
pangs of loneliness. Perhaps no sol.
itude is more oppressive than the sol.
Rude which broods in the repellant
'loops of uneympathetio multitudes. it
is, as Lucian Knight has said, theheart's
Sahara, lieroftof all other consolation
Payne seized the harp, and lightly
he touched the strings. But not in
vain, For the fire of inspiration was in
the poets soul; and on the banks ofthe
River Thames, from the aching heart
of a humble exile, leaped the hearth-
stone melody of "Home, Sweet Home".
Our young men who wish to succeed
in business must nut spend their time
and money in simply having a good
time, They must not be discontented
with our little city and think they are
too big for it, The right way to get
into a larger place is to outgrow the
one you are iu. Grow until it beauties
too email to hold you any_ longer, Some
of the young men who naw th,nk they
have outgrown this place would fit bet-
ter in a much smaller place
Home is a haven of rest to a Ivan aft.
er a hard day's work, Mother, you may
be tired after a trying day with the
ohildren,but remember thatothers have
trying days too. Father has been in
the office all day poring over businesa
perplexities or financial problems but
now he looks the office door and with a
sigh of relief he thinks of his loved ones
and turns his fade towards the rest and
pease of home, Don't meet him at the
floor with a look on your face that
would atop an eight day oloolr. Greet
him with a smile, make him feel that
home is the most peaceful and restful
place on earth.
Take time to read and re -read a gem
of poetry, or to sing a sweet song 'to
your children. Above all take time to
study with your children the shading of
the leaf, the bird, the bee, the atone,
the pearls of dew on the grass bladetl.e
frost glitter, the snow crystal; take
time to watch the trees in their grant',
eur, the stretch of the meadow, tl a
sparkling stream, the oloud mountains,
the sunset glory. Beauties will bo re.
vealed to yeti you dream not of,
This world is full 01 beauty, We
alone, with enginery of our greed
make it ugly But we cannot altoget.
her succeed in hiding all its beauty,
and the open eye and appreoiabive
heart still without going far afield, may
catch glimpses "and often behold the
full glory of field and flower and star-
ry heaven, How deeply must we pity
tho life to which the beauty of the
world brings no euriahing, he who
does not tape take a deep breath and
feel a thrill of pleasure at sight of
mountain, prairie or sea. And all
the prodigal beauty of the world is
but a message to us of the greater love
of the life that upholds it all, of the
riches of him that inhaibteth eternity.
And fairer yet than field or flower
treasures greater and more enduring
than ours for the taking, the appreoat-
ing in .friendships, human love and
companionships. The peace that
broods from another's face, the
strength of a father's life, the light to
our ohildren'e eyes, the joys of home
and 1ieartaide—are not these the best
riches of life.
Home is where mother lives. And
whether you be prince or peasant, ono
of the eweetoat'spots onearthis the
abode of your mother
Town -Topics I
Pressing, Cleaning rind Repairing
Campbell's Blook opp Queens Hoto
up stairs.
Miss Harriet Murray left on Friday
to visit friends in Galt,
Mrs, J. A Wilson and Miss Dorothy
aro visiting friends in Hamilton.
Dr. and Mrs. Harburn and daughter
are visiting friends in Saskatoon
Mies Gibson of Auburn was a visitor
at tlte'home of Mr, and Mrs, W.
N iohol,
Miss Linnle Holmes and Mise Eva
Holmes of Boston are spending the
holidays at the home of their parents
Mr, and Mrs, S, T, Holmes,
Miss Evelyn Grisg is visiting re-
latives in Toronto.
The Misses Beatrice and Marion
Larkin are spending the holidays with
friends in Chatham,
Mrs. Wright and little soft of Ottawa
are guests at the home of her sieterl
Mrs, Murless Jones, Goderich Street,
Misses Isabel and Marion Watson of
Port Arthur are visiting friends here,
Mrs, Robert McGee has returned
from a visit to friends in Wingham,
Mies Edna MoGee left on Saturday
for Toronto.
Mrs. J, H, Broadfoot and her daugh-
ter Mies May have returned from au
extended trip to California and the
Mrs. W. Stoddart her sister Mre
Williams spent a few days in Olitifon
Mr and Mrs Murray of Ingersoll ware
a visitor in town,
Miss McClelland of Brampton is a
visitor at the home of Major Hays,
Rev. H, B.A,'Ketoheu of McNab St
Churoh, Hamilton will occupy the pul.
pit of the Presbyterian Church next
Sabbath, Rev. Rev. F. H. Larkin
will preach in Hamilton.
A sale of home made Booking, candy,
vegetables and plain sewing—aprons a
specialty, will be held in the Armouries
on Saturday July 28th commencing at
3 p, m. tinder the auspices of the Girl
Guides Sunday School Class, Egmond.
villa. The proceeds for Patriotic Pur-
Mr, Leonard Downy Church Organ
Dealer of London is installing an Elect,
ric Organ Blower on the organ in St.
Thomas' Church Seaforth, this week,
Mies Gertrude Reid isvisiting friends
in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, J. R. McNabb and
family spent Sunday with Mre, John
Tito monthly business meeting of the
Red Cross Society willbe held on Thera -
day afternoon Aug. 2nd at 4 o'oloolt,
Mrs. Phoebe Murphy of Sault Ste,
Marie has sold her cottage residence on
Godoriolt Street•Seaforth,
Stanley Hays, Robert Laird, and
Nelson Govenlock of the Royal Aviat-
ion Corps. Camp Borden spent Sunday
with friends here.
Mies Audrey Staples left on Monday
for her home in Ingersoll.
Mrs, Thomson of Bruseells is visiting
relatives here.
Mrs, J, W, Walker and Master Jack
left on Tuesday for Regina,
The many friends of Lieut, 'Thomson
will be sorry to leant that he is laid up
with tonsilitis iu the base hospital in
Mre, R, Ff. Archibald and Marion of
Dunnville are visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Archibald,
Miss Norma Jeffery is visiting in
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and Dorothy
and Mrs, McDonald left .on Thursday
for their home in Detroit after a pleas-
ant visit at the home of Mr, and Ali.
John Layton,
111 'r. Thomas McMillan has returned
from Rochester,
Mrs. Robert Smith and Mise pearl
Patterson hays returned from visiting
in Ingersol and London.
Mr, James Laidlow of California }s
on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Laidlaw
In Egmondville. -
Mr, Henry Howes hag moved to Mr,
Oen Eekart's farm.
Mrs, Ellen Murray wait °ailedto
Blookheath owing to the illness of (ler
wisionimmiumiatimigiamisolinfouriday, Jolly 16
ThePrettiest of All Wash Goods
You will have no difficulty
in selecting Wash Goods
here. The big assortment
we carry is so varied and bas
so many entirely new ideas
that you' are charmed with
their beauty.
Fancy Voiles — Plain
grounds, with colored ftoral
designs and stripes, 27 ins.
wide. Price 35c and 45c
Crepes •— In plain
grounds with colored floral
patterns, 27 iuches wide.
Price 15c
New Sport Spots and
Stripes, Repps, Piques and
Indian Head for Skirts,
middies and Suitings,
llarvest Clothes
This store has a reputation for strong, steady
good wearing, well cut working clothes
at reasonable prices. READ THESE OVER
Black Bib..., $i.00 to $1.75
Black Pants $z.25 to $1.5c
Blue Stripe, Bib $[.25 to $1.75
Stripe Cottonade $1,25 tC $1.50
Work Shirts
Black and white stripe Sac to $r o0
Light colors 50C to $1.00
Flaxman $1 •00
Sox bels
Wool 35C to 5oc Straw., .. Inc to 5oc
Cotton 5oc Felt 5oc
Union 50C
Special Sale of
Scotch Ginghato
These are mill ends, They run from two
to ten yards and include all the newest
designs in stripes or checks, All guar-
anteed colors. They are a particularly
good cloth and wash beautifully, There
are dozens and dozens of patterns to
choose from. It will pay you to buy your
next yeor's suppY now.
Sale Price .15c
Cool Underwear
Light in Weight
Perfect in Fit
Strop; in Texture
Easy ill Price
Every best make is
represontedhere, and
nothing but guaiiin-
teed branded under.
• wean You aro sure
of tl,egreatastamnur.t
of value for voitempi•
erweer money wl:e;.
yo lr coon rare.
50Ctry $£. 25
July and August this store will close on Wednesday at 12.30
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
During the heavy electric storm on
Friday night Mr. McCann of the Gode.
rich Road East had a valuable now kill
ed by lightning.
Mre, R Scarlet; and little nefue left
Tuesday to visit relatives in Brockville
Mr, Roy Willis Toronto spent Sunda
with his mother-, Mrs. Robert Willis,
Miss Mulholland has returned from
a trip to to the Weet.
Miss Margaret Cowan is home from
Miss Margaret Ohittonden has re-
turned from spending a month in Tor.
Mrs. J. Pinkney spout several days
in Goderich with relatives last week,
Mrs. Was. Duggan and Miss Millie
are .spending a week with relatives in
Detroit .
Miss Jennie Roes of 'Toronto spent a
few days in town and vieinty.
oial De.
An engineer from the, Pr o u
partmoht went over the roads in Huron
()aunty last week in oonneationof build
ing. He says he found them In very
good condition tnuoh better than ho ex-
pected That very little extra Dost alio,
uld give tbia seotiou the boo t roads iu
Every woman who reads our Home
Circle and has a home, should thanir
God for it and also ba thankful that
she may be queen in it, Better be in
your own oozy home than wear a Vict-
oria's coronet,, Better be there than to
parry the ptirse of a princess. your
home may be humble, bat you can, by
oheerfnlnese, gild it with splendors snail
as an upholsterer's hand never yet kind
Certain morbid conditions mitet exist
in the stomach and intestines toeilcotrl•-
age worms and they will exist as long
as these morbid conditions permit them
to, To be rid of them and spare the
child sntfering use Miller's Worm Pow.
dere. They will correct the digestive
irregularities by destroying the wormsI
oondttions favorable to worms will tiffs-. {
appear, and the ohild will have no more
sfulerin ,from that;0 u '
I3uttrr, Wool
Eggs Wanted
Dun Caution,
"Prisoner at the bar, will you be
tried by jury or by the court ?"
"By jury, your honor, by jury."
"Humph! 'catty.-er_haven't I sem
you before oonoeMhener
"Viso, your honor, 1 sell you !cis in
4naamer and do your plumbing in wilt-
Pe1."--Richmond Times -Dispatch.
Either.itio Joke,
"'Jen't it awful thew
Ms tor T pritaesl flayst
e$t surly le. Just think. my !tete.
bond mill bows to wort three weeks be
lest money enough to pay for this aim.
Vie Wax gown
Pro.r have on."—QetrOM
Diploabaoy In tit. Moms
IUvery now and then wife urges hue,
band to buy Dome new clothes for him:
melt, but if he is a pretty goal talker
he can get out of it without making
ftor mad -Fort Worth Star,Teleeram,
Very Active,
Ding -s YeilellPe
tnatters,lidlimit bo?y Bang you bet( financialReOWes me . $10, and every time ha 00oa . _..
Pea lie dodges ria, --'own' opioa,
ttanoeatbto indoor,/ alivaya tram obt
Ito Moo (t