HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-26, Page 2FRENCH INFLICT HEAVY LOSSES
CreWet Prince Continues to Batter. French Positions on it Front
of Twelve Miles.
London, July 22. -In France, in the,Prince pounded the French positions
region between Soissons and Rheims, mercilessly in the early horning, after
the I''rehheh have again given an exihi• 1 w11ic13 the leash was slipped from the
intim of their tentxaiotls ability- at de- infantry' which attacked on several
fence. Despite the hear losses they iretaro, only 'F meet withea galling
p y fire from the French rifles and ma-
lted tints far sustained in their at- chine guns. Often the opposing' troo e
tacks along the Chemin-des-Denies in p p
came into hand-to-hand encounters. g
France, the Germans again Sunday Several times the Germans reached "anis e, tin -65 to $10.06. in bogs, track,
Made fruitless efforts to defeat Gen-linonta, prnnhnt sltsI1IIV.
Cascinatas plateau, but each time •lztltl'rra---tsar rets ,iellverea Montreal
eral Petaiir's forces, delivering at va- were driven back, suffering enormous t'1•etghts. !sage included --than. per ton,
nous points attacks with large effec' casualties, Only at one point, on the iiigs 1)i;:us'ton1 S44 'tu 4g46o 8 noir feet First -The dissolution of the Ce
speech with R hooray tlibthte to Dr.
tires, among whom were fresh rein- Californie plateau, were they able to anus, per bag. 88,2 0. g trnl Commute von Bethluanit=FIolhvr ' the Lives, encs, From Epine de Chevregny li t,v I13trn Nn. 3, um ton 812.00 to a of the Baltic fleet and G, h retiring
gain a footing, and here the position 512.60: nitsea, per tan, $9 to 571, conic rho eteetion of a achy co}mntImperial Chancellor, whose work, he
to the south of Corency, approximate- b still in dispute in a stuhborn battle 'Toronto.
Second -The issue of anotification! said, history would a appreciate,
w Tats per tau 5s FO to 50
to alt detaehmonts of the ships of the.
The Chancellor declared that the
Baltic fleet that et desire them to i.e-! war was forced upon unwilling, Ger-
move-at once all persons suspected of, many by the Russian mobilization,
inciting to insubordination against the: -
Markets of the World
Nn 1 Northern. $383$lallo. 2 Northern,
52Mallli 8, biilocitsttN.o. 21 CM., $21e, iraelt
l)tt,•. porta,
Ante:loan corn --No. 3 yellow, $2.05.
nominal, truck Toronto
Ontario ieats-No
hesat� Nofficial aper car
lot $2.45 to 02.50; No. d, 52.43 to $2.48,
according to freights outside.
HerettskY, tate New Premier, Ap-
peals to People to Support
Petrograd, July 22. -•--The recent dis-
Dr. Miehtelis In His Inaugural. Address to the Reichstag Declared
That Submarine Catnpaign is a Lawful Measure,
Deas• -..no, 2, nominal, according to turbanees in Petrograd were illstigat- A despatch from Copenhagen says;
freights outside.
Rarlel'-malting, nominal, according ed by agents of the Gevmpn Govern-; Dr, Michaelis, the new Tmpetial der -
t0 f 1'tghta outsidn. Ment ea
Rye No. ^ nnu11na1, aecnrdtng to Ys Premier ICorellsky, in a minx Chalheellor, in his address to the
rrelghte outside, in message to the sailors at Revel, Hel•. Reichstag Thursday afternoon de -
bags, $12,1111 second patonte, 1n Tutu singfors, and other poets, The new
bags, 4,1..46; strong bolters', in Jute Premier appeals to all Democrats to glared his adhesion to Germany's sutt-
gs, $12.0° stand bythe Provisional Government marine campaign, asserting it to be
OnIarin flour -Winter, aeeordhi to
The Premier's message is an older a lawful measure, justifiably adopted
of the day to the army and navy, di_ I for shortening the war,
reefing; Dr. llZleheells opened his Reichstag
ly 12 miles, the artillery of the Crown for supremacy.
Returns For Month Show In-
crease in Exports and
A despatch from Ottawa, says: -
The figures for June continue to show
a remarkable development in both ex-
ports and imports. For June the
total trade amounted to $213,800,908,
compared with $162,036,400 in June,
1916. Exports for the past month
totalled $116,256,841, and imports $97,-
515,067. During June there WAS ex-
ported foreign merchandise to the value
of $3,725,324, as compared with $54,-
347,307 in the corresponding month
last year. The total trade for the
first three months of the fiscal year
was $622,407,781, and for the same
period last year $431,t826,215.
A despatch from Copenhagen says;
Admiral von Tirpitz has telegraphed
an appeal to Ernst Bassermann, the
national Liberal leader, who is now an
invalid, to leave the sanitarium where
he is under treatment and'assist in.
the fight against the bloc resolution
in the Reichstag, which will cane.
up Friday. The von Tirpitc message
"No Passing food difficulties or
war weariness must be allowed to -
soften the German people's determin-
ation and render peseibie a peace,
which would threaten the future of
Germany and its working classes. The
bulk of the national Liberals will
probably vete against the non -an-;
nexationist resolution."
Straw -Car pronto, '
Country Prodttoe—'Wholesale
nutter--c'rcunuy solids, Per lb., 34
to 345e: prints. per 1b„ 342 to 35'; dulry,
per lb v to ,e.
TOTAL 4,500,000 gg e,
doz., 32 to 93r.
c bus -�,large, 233 to 23r.; twins,
221' to t,e; tiiplrts, 23 tot3tc' aid,
. St it triplets SU$r
Figures Represent Casualties
Announced in Official
Lists of Berlin.
London, July 1S. -The Gelman
asualties for June, days the Times,
large, 30, twins. ;
Pressed poultry -Spring chickens, 80o;
fowl 20 to 22e squabs, per dot., 54.00
to 54.60; turkeys, 25 to 30e; ducks,
Spring, 23e,
Live poultry -Spring chickens, lb„
22c liens. 10 to 150; ducks. Spring 13e
l-lonev--t•onib--l;xt a flee and lieavy
weight, per doz., $2,76; select, $2.60 to
52.76; No. 2, $2 to $-,26,
Beans -Imported, hand-picked, 50.00
to 50,50 per bush; Lintas, per lb„ 15 to
were 1(16,5.27; killed, 29,000; missing, S1'totat of -Red star, new, bbl.. Seee to
$ til eroxiees, ,ie W. bill., $7.60
37 00
, 0, severely wounded _L 000, The
to $b,00; seconds. bbl„ .$6.60 to 56.75.
total casualties are now four and a —
half millions, The killed nee over a Provisions—wholesale
million; prisoners, 316,000; missing, Smoked meats -Hants, medium, 30 to
32 do., heavy, 26^to 27e; sacked, •t1 to
275,000; severely wounded, 691 000. 4^e; nils, 27 to sc; breakfast bacon,
These figures represent the casualties 3a to e; hacks, Plain, 3C to Ole; bone-
Cured meats -Lang clear bacon 26 to
announced in the German official lists.
Mc per 11"; clear bellies, 21 to 66e
DRIED FRUIT SUPPLIED Lard -Pure lard, tierces, 268 to 27e;
tuba, 27 to Tao: pails, 273 to 2710;
TO TEUTONS BY SWEDEN compound. tierces, 21c; tubs, Sac;
pails, 11te,
A despatch from London says: -In Montreal Markets
the Prize Court the Attorney -General Uontreal, Ju1' 24-cuts-c'w,adta»
asked for the condemnation of some Western, No. 2,821c; do.- No. 3, 315e;
etrci. Na, 1 feed, S18e. Raney -\Ian,
1,500 10119 of dried fruits from New Peed 53.36. Flour -Inn Spring ,cheat
York and San Francisco, seized on patents first& $13; seconds, $12,60;
the stearnxers San Francisco and sthong bakers, 5x_.30, SP011( patents,
choice "13.26; su•atgiht inners, 513.60
Pacific, consigned to the Swedish to $etset do., bags, $6.00 to $0.16.
VictuallingCommission, a Govern- has. oatBarrels, $0,60 to W7-1!--13.6
0,36; do.,
brigs OU lbs„ 51,40 to S4.SU'Middlings,-
Ment department, but alleged to be to 596,. Shorts -$40 to $41. Middlings-
54.0 to $42.Montilla. $44 to $49. Hay -
intended for export to Germany. No. 2, per to, car lots, $11 to $11.00.
Before the war, said the Attorney- Cheese -Finest westerns. 211e: do.,
General, the annual requirements of :,`T t»;9';2elees11de t's6c-- E°1eTams"
Sweden in these commodities was 4-c: selected, 30c; No. 1 steels, 35 to
6,500 tons, but in 1915 the imports had 860; °' 3 stasis; 3't to 2c. rotatoes-
p Per bag, ew• lots, S- to .0
totaled 11,556 tons, while for the first—
half of 1916, 6,500 tons had been int- wlnnivese Grata
ported. Besides this, he added, Swe-ti'inntpeg, duly_ t -Cash prices
$2.3 ;o, 1 Northern, 52.12;
den had on hand before the tear 11,-.dn„ 53.34; �� s. da., S23s; Na. 4,
1 52 ^4. Na. '6, 5'..013: No. 6, eleee: feed
t.00 toils of these fruits vet in the •-•-
and that the submarine war wee
also forced upon Germany by Great
Britain's illegal blockade -starvation
The faint hope that America, at the
head of the neutrals, would cheek
Greet Britain's illegality was vain,
Germany's final attempt to avoid the
extremity by a peace offer failed, and
the submarine campaign was adopted,
said the Chancellor.
The submarines, the speaker con-
tinued, bad done all and more than
had been expected, and the false pro-
phets who had predicted the end of
the war at a definite time had done a
disservice to the Fatherland',
Provisional Government and against 11
our offensive and to send these in -
dividuals to Petrograd for trial"
Third -Detachments of Kr st t
on ad
and of the battleships Petropavlovsk,
Republic and Slava, the names of
which have been disgraced by the ac-
of counter• -revolutionists, shall Inflicted Loss on Turks and
arrest within 24 hours the ringleaders Travelled 12(;Miles Up Euph-
and send them to Petrograd for trail,
thus giving assurance of complete
loyalty to the Provisional Government.
KIN7 ■
rates in 10 Days.
A despatch from London says: -An
official report relating to the Mes-
opotamian campaign shows a consid-
erable British advance. The report
I "On July 11 one of our columns en-
gaged a Turkish force in the direc-
tion of Remedies, on the Euphrates.
After a short action, in which con-
siderable loss WAS inflicted on.•the
Turks, a further advance was broken
off by ns owing to the extreme heat.
Ottawa, July 22. -King George has As a result of these operations we
expressed his gratification at the steps have beenpthe able htfes in the about 12
being taken in Canada to provide miles
up Euphrates in last ten
"those increased supplies of food which
are absolutely essential to the defeat`
of the enemy's devices, and to a speedy
and successful termination of the SWEDEN SUPPLYING
In a message sent to the people of —
Canada through the Canadian Govern- despatch from New York says: A
meet His Majesty says: special eable from London says:
"I learn with deep gratification of `Autheritative information enables
the effective steps being takelr in the the World correspondent to state that
Dominion of Canada towe 'c providing Germany has contracted for 1,500,000
those increased supplies of food which tons of high-grade hematite (an oxid
are absolutely essential to the defeat of iron) from Sweden for the comin
of the enemy's devices, and to a speedy year. This particular ore is essentia
and successful termination of the war. for German purposes as -the only kin
have no doubt that the self-sacrifice available for the manufacture of m
isplayed on the battlefields of France cltinery and tools, and it is carrie
y my heroic Canadian troops will across the Baltic Sea.
nd its counterpart in the efforts of "The ships are convoyed by Swedish
those who, at hone in the Dominion
re devoting themselves to this work. German warships, showing tTie ex
His Majesty Expresses Gratifi-
cation at Steps Taken
by Canada.
Is Cause of German Success in
Eastern Galicia.
A despatch from London says:-
Disaffection among Russian troops has
resulted e
t d in 011 important gain of
ground by the Germans and Austrians
in the region of Zlaehoff, east of Lem-
berg, the Galician. capital.
Persistent German attacks at first
were repulsed by the Russians. Lat
a Russian regiment near the centre
the line voluntarily left its trench
and retired, forcing the other units on
the line to fall back. This movement,
Petrograd says, gave the Germans op-
portunity for developing their move-
ment. Some Russian troops are re-
ported to have refused to obey their
commanders under the influence of
the extremists who brought about the
recent disorders in the Russian capi-
tal. Prince Leopold led the Austr
German advance in person, and h
troops, Berlin says, occupied thr
zones of defence and captured "a few
thousand" prisoners. '
North-west of Halicz the Russian
have evacuated Bludniki. Near Brz
zany, between Haliez and Zlocho
the Russians have repulsed Germ;
e efforts. A Russian offensive move -
g ment near Novice, south of Reline.,
1 brpught no important gain,
a- t �~
Occurrences in the Lancl 'That Reigns
Supreme in the Commer-
cial World,
A decrease of twenty per cent, in
the consumption of bread is reported
from Maidstone.
Brigadier -General Robert Anderson
has had the honor of knighthood con-
ferred on him by the King,
Roland Ding, a well-known York-
shire pilot, was killed while looping
the loop with a new machine.
Major-General Mills, of Caron Mills,
rector of Bennington, Herts, has been
Itilled.while flying in France.
Xt is expected that Lord Beetle will
shortly resign the position of British
Ambassador at Paris, and that his
successor will be Lord .Ilarding°,
Nearly two thousand special per-
mits have been granted to children be-
tween 12 and 13 years of age to work,
on the land in Northamptonshire.
In the past five days 528 rabilitf
have been trapped on a farm of five
hundred acres in South Devon.
The late Duke p2.' Norfolk left be-
quests for charitable pxuposes and to
servants to the sum of £300,000,
The Union of Scientific Societies
have passed a resolution urging the
Government to reopen the museums.
The profits fits of the Booth Steamship
Company for the past year were
£449,353, after making provision for
war taxation.
Second Lieut. Hicks, R,F.C„ Castle
el• Bromwich, near Birmingham, whose
of machine overturned when he ' was
es alighting, died in Northampton Hospi-
Sergeant-Major Keys, eighty-two
years of age, and a veteran of the In-
dian Mutiny, is one of the orderly -
room clerks at Worthing recruiting
A recreation hut for the use of wo-
men munition workers has been open-
ed at Plumstead Station by the Y.M.
o- C.A. at a cost of £1,000.
is The Italian Bronze Medal of the Or-
ee der of the Crown of Italy has been
awarded to Corporal Barnard of the
Surrey Yeomanry,
s Captain Chave, master of the liner
e-A.Imvick Castle, has been appointed to
if, the command of another vessel of the
Union Castle fleet,
The King has invested Major-Gen-
eral Sir George Younghusband with
the insignia of Knight Commander of
the Most Distinguished Order of St.
Michael and St. George,
A lecturer at the Institute of Pub-
lic health in London stated that mos-
quitoes have played a bigger part in
the history of the world than any
other organism except man.
51.40. ltnsis rnntrnct. duly, 02,42; I
Sumpter of 1916 no dried fruits re-' iueast •^3- ons �, ^Civ 7-r
\o: 3. C.53 ,, 730c; extra Nail feed, 73�c; d
mained in Sweden. The inference n 1 eta. 75N
c \o ;e -
$ tetra, ,,gc. b
was that guarantee not to re-export ter -No. 3. Sl.3s; Nn. -4, 51.26; relecte.t,
}.n2 s e.
No. _`t:. \v., 52.83; No. 3 l'.\\
fruits had been systematically broken. 81 11• f d •1 11 Fl x fi
, warships until they are taken up by
All those thus loyally engaged contrh- ceptional importance which both Ger
ute in important measure towards as- many and Sweden attach to th
using victory." trade.
PREMIER OF RUSSIA ! I S^Minneapolis, July 4 -wheat -July, b
September. $^_.n7: No. 1 hard,
A deeeatch from Montreal says:- .76: No. 1 Northern. MCC to 52:70: s
p \a. _. dn. 82.30 to 53Rd. torn—Nn. S
A dr: patch from Petrograd says:-; The anniversary r. the disastrous at-, yetlen•. ,1.81 to 51.91. oats—No. s
white. A -, , r. Flo,
Lr:ut— 'July
to 532.•,4.
Premier Lcrfl' has resignrd, and that be the time chosen for trying anew to; Pulutt. Juiy ^4-tvhea� Ne. 1 para.
Alexander F. Kerensky has been ap- hoist into position the huge central. `2.31: No. 1 Northern. $2.58: No. 2.do.,
Sz.; 3. Linseed -43.07: July. 3.07;
pointed Premier, but will temporarily span of the eig Que hes bridge, September, 53,01t; October, 53.05t.
The Bourse Gazette announces that tempt of last year, Septenker et, may h -C3 r unchanged.
retain his portfolio of Minister of The new span is well under was at ` —•
War and Marine. Siltery, being now abeet one-third ! Live Stook Markets
BRITIs PRICES "The British navy cannot hinde
SH this trade, and the Russians hay
been powerless to do so, especially of a
���� �+ tic late. As a means of enabling Ger
LARCEraY many to continue fighting, it'
REDUCED g g,is of vi
tal moment, so the question has been
raised here whether America may de
ood Controller, Baron Rhondda, tide to give Sweden the choice be -
Takes Steps to Reduce the t tween getting American food sup-
plies or of ceasing to assist Germany
High Aviation Appropriation
Passed by Senate.
r Washington, July 22. -The House
e bill appropriating $0.10,000,000 for the
viation service was passed late yes-
_ terday by the Senate without amend-
Taroni July 24—Exna cltelre .leers.
hf, Tzretelii has been appointed t+ completed -and it is exported that it Flt.•'s n, ; t2: chotre he.,vy steers. 314.60 F
the post of 'Minister of the, Interior, I will be finished in September. to $11.10: butchers' rattle, choice, $10.60
to 511: de.. good, 410,26 to 510.40; do.,
which was held by M. Lc,ff, but will! No change has been made in the to .:� to .9.60: do„ common. SS
Posta and Telegraph,. I care 1s beingtaken to assure that o•, good uns, s to 4a. o,- do.,
medium bulls `;- ^- to 3- -O• do h
retain hie portfolioof lfta.,ter t' methed of putting it in place. Every to d or. butchers bulls, choice, li10fl to
\ek acoff has been named pro- ( there be no defect in the material tu11s. $5 to $6; butchers cows. choice,
c' SS.1U to S9• t- •t A
visionally as Min.,ter of Justice in which could cause another disaster. da, . d, ot to S', do.,
medium, S7 t4 57.50: stockers, e6.36 to of
place of M. Pereriziff, who resigned, Government engineers visit the scene, 5s: fieaers. ,4 m S9.l0; canners and
Thursday; a ,utters. $6,75 to $6; mincers, good to 11
f the work every week to supervise • choice, SSO to $100: do.• emu. and med., tr
rice of meat for the army and civil -1 A despatch from London says: In
ars ,�. r. __.______.-._ _. 147.50; \•earlllig0. $10 to 511: calves 1a
Canada's Problem is to Reduce Un-
necessary Coal Consumption.
_ men -tor a record vote and with less Canada depends upon the United!
- to the President. supply both for domestic and indus-
The Senate's only dispute, with trial purposes; she is therefore much
many members expressing a desire to interested in the coal conditions ob-
pass the bill immediately, was over an • tabling there. A recent communica-
anhendment of Senator Hardwick, of tion from Secretary F. K, Lane of the
than an hour's discussion. It now goes States for a large portion of her coal
Profits of Middlemen. i by sending her this essential war
A despatch from London says; -
reduction of 25 per cent, in rho pricer
bread at an early date was an-�,�•C, WASFOR FIGHTING
ounced by Baron Rhondda, Food Con-, ING U-BOATS.
oiler. A graduated reduction in the!
,the construction of the span. 1$40 to $60: springers, 550 to 5110: light
ewes, $5.36 to 88.61; sheep. heavy, 56 to p
ns, which, by January, will mean a' London list of naval heroes mentioned
per cent, decrease from the amount for various services performed, ga-
w paid, also was announced, In zetted on Friday, appear the names of
scussing these reductions with the more than fifty oxen variously honor-
ssociated Press, Baron Rhondda said: ed for meritorious action against en -
"Steps have been taken to control enxy submarines. The names of two
e profits of butchers and others in recipients:of Victoria Crosses are in -
manner to ensure that the benefit eluded in the list.
11 accrue to the consumer. The
od Controlier is handicapped to a
Midnight sun excursions are now be-
rtain extent by a lack of knowledge ing punned to the Yukon from British
f what the United States expects to Columbia ports.
Consequently, exhaustive price-' An English inventor's pen wiper
ings are now difficult. It is hard consists of a glass cup holding a
r us to fix our prices until the United sponge that is saturated with glycer-
ites has fixed hers. in, which has a preservative effect
'We have done much toward re upon pens.
sing the consumption of bread Wesley College, Winnipeg, is now
rough economy. Twenty per cent.' without a faculty, all the professors
ss bread is consumed now than last having resigned in accordance with the
ar rth through
elements. stoppage
Thihas been done,' requests made by the board of gor-
ernors. Reconstruction of the facul-
twithstanding the recent shortage ty will take place upon the arrival el
potatoes, which, happily, are plenti-, Dr, Riddell, new president of the col -
now, and reduced in price. 'lege, from Edmonton,
0o0d$ o ch5oi6ce534 to 516; sprung lambs, 30
and sintered, 515,;1 to
Tie question of the new British dans , A despatch from Helsingfors, Fin -I dalfoncreal� 7nit; NI* ri
ger zone has assumed a serious aspect I _ ng lambs, $13; A
y vote of165 to 27 votes declared'milk-fedh
change the so-called safety channel adopted ltforthwith! stags. S13 to $1^_._08. iwi
j in full by a vote of 136 to 56, f + ' Fo
man coast, er stDutch at loverseas shipping earer the Ger-1The Diet rejected by a vote of 104; DECLARES THAT L
1ppang to 86 an amendment by Deputy I o
will be at a complete standstill, as is , Cuallas proposing that the bill _should' IS GERMAN AGENT. do
the case at present. The Dutch Gov he submitted for the approbation of !
ernment has approaehed Germany on the Russian Provisional Government. 4. des etch from Petrograd says: A' fix
this question, and is expecting all ! letter from Gen Brussiloff's chief of St
HOLD SECRET SESSION i RISK LOSS OF SHOES. Radical Socialist leader, is an agent of du
i the German general staff. The evi
TO DISCUSS OFFENSIVE! deuce was traced through the confess'til
? .. to 1 .51,1 , lambs vearhngs 41 to
A despatch from The Hague Saye:-; BY DIET OF FI\LA D 4 lo.sn; hogs. no
vele; do., weighed off cats, $tn to ,16,21; df
s p land, -says: -The Finnish Diet v sheep. $7.50 to OS: milk -fed ealves, 13-
so far as Dutch shipping is concern- b a sot having ,grass-fed, $7; geed quality '
ed. It is now obvious that unless
calves. 3,' l choice select .togs S15.1O a
the necessity of immediately voting on to S36 for Irui ru», ant 815._1 to 816.10
the German Government is willing to the autonomy bill,
' � for short run: saws. 413.28 co Std; a
answer shortly. i ( staff states that Nikolai Lenme, the
A despatch from Berlin says; The cion of Lieut. Ermolenko that he was le
A despatch from Paris says; -The, time-honored custom among hotel' sent to the front of the sixth Russian Ye
Senate int Thursday convened in secret guests of depositing one's footwear in army to make a propaganda in favor t
session to hear interpellations by the corridor outside the door to have ,of an early peace with Germany. Le- no
various Senators concerning the it polished, is likely to conte into dis- nine's task *as to compromise the - in
French offensive in the Aisne and in !use for the time being. The growing' Provisional Government in the eyes of !em
Champagne, begun April 16 last, and : demand for shoes, even castoffs, has rho people by ,,eery possible
regarding the medical service during encouraged thefts of footwear in Funds were sent through the inter- C
the battles• hotels.
medtary of an employee of the Ger-
math legation at Stockholm. The al-
leged chief German agent in Russia
is :llaxsta Koslovsky, to whose ac-
count, it is drat, 2,000,000 roubles
are now stantiin
AN Ce 1 ALR).
In Northern Belgium the British Engage in Artillery Duels
With Enemy. London, July 22. -From an ofileer
on leave I learn that the Canadian
cavalry brigade has been on the line
Georgia, to strike out a clause author- U. S. Dept, of the Interior shows how
izuxg drafting of the men for the acute the situation has been made by
aerial service. The amendment was re- the entrance of our neighbors into the
jested -66 to 12, after Senator0 LaFol- war; One of the remedies urged
lette and Gronna made brief speeches particularly applicable to Canada is
opposing the draft. the immediate conservation of fuel
Details of plans for expending the by the efficient use of all available we -
huge sum appropriated have been ter -power. Elimination of unneces-
withheld, but it is known that it pro- sary consumption of coal is considered
vides for about 22,000 aeroplanes and a problem of national Interest and of
nearly 100,000 nien. • 'immediate concern. New power re -
ENEMY ATTACK FOILED Iso far as practicable b utilization of
gmrements should therefore be int,
ON SERBIAN FRONT hydro -electric energy; this would also
22 . -The
I apply to present steam generating
Paris, July The enemy at- energy consuming coal or oil in its
tempted, without success, a new at- production. Thus, all water avail -
tack on the Serbian front near Star- able at water -power plants should be
avina. There was cannonading on utilized to produce energy up to the
both sides on the whole front. Our capacity- of the works and the re -
artillery started a fire in the enemy quirements of the population and in
lines west of Sakai, which continued dustries within transmission distance
throughout the day.
of the site; every facility should also -
"British aeroplanes bombarded an , be given for the efficient development
enemy park at Denhir•-Hissar. In of new sites. In regions where wa-
aerial encounters to -day two enemy ter -power can be made available
aeroplanes were brought. dotvth," steam -power plants should be operated
only to carry loads in excess of those
Before going into an enterprise take that can be carried by water -power
heed to consider where you are coming plants. The adoption of this course,
out. Exits wee quite as important as in many cases, would mean cheaper
operation, particularly in view of the
rapidly ineree, ing price of coal.
Every additional hydro -electric
horse -power used in Canada means
the yearly liberation of from 10 to 12
toils of coal for domestic heating or
other purposes where hydro -electric'
energy cannot be so effectively sub-
I —
Bombs Injure Twenty -Six Per-
e INtaDI e 1
A despatch from Loudon says: Ap-
parently the Germans are intent on
breaking the French line between
Soissons and Rheims, having delivered
another tremendous assault from
north-east of Craonne to east of Hur--
tebise, Into the fray were thrown
picked troops, who were mown down
everywhere, and the attack, like','
that had preceded o d it failed,'
Near t
S . Quentin, r
n where for n
Q some
situafi n
o has been calm, the Ger l
mans "also delivered attacks front',
of about a half -mile. Here they sue- with the Imperials three months, and
ceeedted in penetrating French first-line in recognition of the good work done
poei on., only to be expelled from have been graded first in efficiency'
then in a counter-attack. for that division, which division has
There has been no diminution in the top place for efiieieney of corps. In?
artillery duels between 'the Britleh feet, schen anything is doing with!
and Germans in Northern Belgium, nor cavalry it is likely that the Fort
in the ceaseless small attacks the Garry Horse, Strathcona's and their`!
British have been making against colleagues will be heard of. i
German trenches for many days,.
Around Monchy-le-Prenx these infant- The must economical way of re-
r' nttarke -h •p
a resulted
i intheBrit-s
Yparing fi.C.
is by .aconic
ish regaining steaming,
ro all the ground nd tl a =lost.
ga }
g �
buying a
p f.
one \C
9 y 4 to
era s a
c 8 0
h Germs
the ns east of Arras
Jul 11.
July ,
sons an Kill Eleven.
London, July 22, ---Again a large
force of German aeroplanes has visit-,
ied the east English coast, dropping
bombs. British aviators, rising to at-
tack, scattered the Germans and per-
sued them to sea. One of the Ger-
mans was brought down, Eleven per-
sons were killed and 26 injured by the
bonhbs dropped by the lafders.
Successes in East Africa,
A despatch from London say '-,
sz t
Describing operations from July 11 to
15, an ofiielal statement from head-
quarters in East Africa reports the:
ed su •
cress f
o the
enc'rr i
cl n
of columns working south-
ward o ",.
f kala c.
a agam,t enemy forces
established on the line of Itsbikale-
ti tigeri,
Troops Are Advancing Against Strongly Fortified Posi-
tions in Centre of City.
A despatch' from Canadian Army
Headquarters sae's: Early on Friday
morning Canadian troops holding the
front between Avian and Lens in the
flooded area established a post well
to the north of any hitherto occupied.
There was little retaliation from the
Germans. Thelnew post is only 1,600
yards from the heart of Lens.
The German defence of Lens is
worthy of a better cause, As our pa-
trols push forward through the mass
of crumbling rubbi
sh which now
marks the site Of
e one
FYAnre x
greatest pre -Wal' industrial comment
ties evidence is found everywhere that
the enemy intends to hold the centre
1 of the city until his losses become un-
; endurable,
The front line is marked by rows
of houses that have been ailed down
; to add by their debris to til
Too One -Sided.
Being single and his mother and sis-
ters being well provided for by the
business, a patriotic Scottish grocer
decided to enlist, leaving his assistant,
one Mackey, in charge, But a fete
e strength months later the master was dumb-
' of the tellers wherein the Germans founded to meet his late assistant it -
shelter• from the incessant artillery tired in khaki, et his "somewhere in France."
fire directed against them, Wire en- "Hie, mots," he said angrily, "did I
; tanglements have been constructed no' tell ye too stay at ham Y
around these houses, so that each is a "a i charge
self-contained strop o' ma shop?
g point with a sub_ "Se i tlhbclit nt the tame, moister,''
terranean exit in the regi' for its gar- replied iliacl(a "
loud but I su f
ed with wood y, ne un out
matin •- •
t. It h'
' un til
em ria v e eho
sen i '
t; ten X w s m char
l is h a e
ou. P g
es sa fol t efird �• but a' yex� womenfolk. 'i12an,' sez X
I prove e hard nut to crack, and there' I Inc =golf, 'gin ye'vo got iii fecht
are now thousands of such houses •
1 So I jincdl"
' the Lens salient, sc9 1`1 g; 0t2 0n' fecht some one ne can hitt'