HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-26, Page 1BOX & Co,. FllriIttare Dealers Phone 5Q ' W.T.e 130X ntIllALMEIte AlI kUNltitAL Dlititqr0ite ell. e. BOX no] ere of Goverinnut uyplomaand Lleenee-OnAacss 140PARAr¢ 'names { 114yht 04118 lbp New Series Volume 15, No; 29 SEAFORTH, NTARIO, THURSDAY, 411ULV 2U 1917 wilt there uo(donbt of the result. Oanediane who art awalte to realities will know what the issue means. It may influence coneeivtthly the onteome of the war; It may directly affect they well-being mud the reputation of our troops at the front; stud it will put the honor .,91 Canada, in the eyes of her allies and in the judgement of posterity, in the balance.'. ANTE 51' G1RLS! SEeTION WORK Nice easy work Ali child could almost do the work• eche and take one Section as follows 5 girls to put, in bin pockets, 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make darters. 5 girls to join garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants making. dill nice clean work and easy and steady all year round. 5©'hours per week We have girls ;making over ten dollars a week. Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. Eo SANDFORD MPG, 'GO. Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTII ONTARIO OLYMPIA" RESTAURANT AND eoNFEeTIONERY Pin up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on band. Oor home made candies always the best, Ohooalates, Oarmele, Bon -Bons & Taffies a specialty. Having installed au up to -date plait for making ' _..10E CREAM TRY IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to eardnos Bros Western Fair. London Canada Sept, 7th to 15th, 1917 1867-"A half Century of Succes3"-1917 The Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario $32,000,000 in Prizes and Attractions A very interesting programme, inolnding Military and other features -TWICE DAILY._. FIREWORKS ERest NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS I BJLY REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Prize Liete, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. Lieut. -Col. W. M. Gartehore, A;M. Hunt, Predident Secretary For Private Sale Mrs. E. J. Murphy, Dublin will eell privately the following artioleet-Rage Buffet, Leather couch, Leather dining chair, Leather rooker, Hanging Lamp. • ""Parlor table, Hall stand, 9 yd. stair oarpet, Sea grace roclter, Curtains and drapes, Hand painted pictures and cut glace, Brass Jardeniere and' stand, Brass bed With mattress and epringe, Princeeo Dreyer and wash stand, Bed room chair and rocker, Glees kitchen cupboard. Evefything is in • perfect condition, only, in tale a short tiros, Must be sold before Aeguet the let, 1 No matter how deep•rooted the wart or oorn may be, it muotyieid to Hollo- way's Corn Curs if need as directed, Catoneal Mill Starts WINGHAM FARMER MURDERS WiFE Wingham,July 22, -Fired by the fury of jealous rage bridled ;luring six months of soperablolf, Jarnos MoOrakeu a young farmer of the fourth concession of Morris, neer the 0eetre side road, shot anti killed his wife with a revolver at their old home this evening, Returning to the home of his parents, where he has been since querrelliug broke up his own domestic tranquility, McOreoken told his mother what Imbed had done and told her t0 send for the corner, from Blyth, • As he 010 so he.turned the weapon on himeOlf and inflioted wounds with the hope of end- ing his own life. His wounds are re- ported se not 188110us, and he has been placed under arrest by Constable Pbip pen, Mcoraken was married about four years ago and has one son, Six mouths ago family troubles became so serious that he and hie wife found it impossible to live together longer. Shortly after 8 o'olook on i'uoday night he left the home of his parents for his` own old residence on the fifth line. A resump- tion of the old quarrel is reported to have followed, and the murder was ite culmination, 26 Candidates out of 29 Passed Exams. SEAFORTH,' July 19, -The number of successful candidates for the regent lower school examination from the Sea• forth collegiate is very gratifying to all concerned. The usual high record hue, been maintained as 26 out of 29 have succeeded in passing. There was only `one failure in the recommended list of of pupils, Following are the namee-Evelyn Adams, Verna Adams, Louie B. Allan Edward Archibald, Rose A. Boyd, Del- la Button, Gertrude Orich, Laura Cheep. nay (honors), Mary Crosbie, Ida Croz- ier, Gordon Dill, Mary Heye, Laurier Hyde, Elisabeth Keating, -Alice Knech- tel, Emma McDonald, Jessie McMillan, Mary MoNaughton, Dorothy O'Connell,. Thelma Pethiok, Beatrice Seip, Mary Smillie, W. Sproat, Edna Wagborn, (honors); W. Weiland, and Isabel Woods Dates of Fail Fairs Aisle Craig Alvinston Am h.er s t b u r g.. ......... Atwood ....:...... Beameville Blenheim ... Blyth .................. 13othwell Qorners Bowmanvil le Brampton... Brigden Brighton .... Bruseells Campbellford Cayuga ..., Oharlton .......,,... Chatham ..... Cheeley , .... Colborne ............. Oomber' Dorchester Station . Dresden , Drumbo Dunnville, Derham ., ... Elmira ,,, •• Embro ...... ,..... Essex .... Fergus ............. Fleeherton ....., ... Oat. 6 .,.,,,..,:,Oct. 9, 10 ▪ .Oct, r, 2 .. Sept". 18, 19 ..,...Sept, 21. 22 • Oct, 4, 5 Oct. 2, 3 Sept, 20, 21 • Sept. i8, 19 ,.,.,.Sept. 21, 22 ...,. ,,.,Oct, r, 2 ,....,,Sept. 13, I4 ....... Aot. 4, 5. ,..,..,..Sept 2g, 26, „Sept 25, 26, ,,,,,,,,,Sept 26, 27 ...,.....Sept i8-20 .........Sept18, 19 Sept r1, 12 ..Sept 28, 29 .:oat 3 ,Sept 27, 28 ......,..Sept 25, 26 Sept 13, 14 ...,Sept 20, 21 ▪ ,,:Sept 14, 15 Oct 4 ,,,Sept 18 20 • ...Sept -26 27 ,Thanksgiving Day Steam has been up in the Oatmeal Mill eino0 Monday and preparations are being made to start on Friday, Van men are employed at 'present, A supply of nate is being got in and a fine brand of meal will be produced, Sea. forth Ile to be congratulated on having this industry started again. .A Powerful Medicine. -The healing properties in six 801ential oils are con- centrated in every. bottle of Dr Theo Eoleotric Oil forming one of the 'most beneficial; liniments ever offered to the use of man, Thousands clan. testify 00 to its power in alloying pain and many thousands more can certify that they owm their health 'to, it. Its wonder•- fa] power is 1101 expressed by Ito cheep neve. London (Western Luoknow Lietowel. ......... ... Mndoo ...... ..... Moaford Merlin .....,...,.. elslbouree Midland ., ... Alildmay ......,..,. Milverton Mount Bridges .. Mount Forest ... Fsir).,..,.Oept 7-15 .... ,,..,,,,Sept27, 28 Sept 20, 21 ..Oct 2, ;z Sept 27 28 • ,,,,,,.,,5%p1 20 21 Oct 3 Sept 27 28' Sept 17, 18 Qat 9 .10 ... .,, ., ,., Sept 27, 28 ..Oat b ,Sept 19, 20 Norwich ,,..,,,,.... Norwood ,,,,.:.... Orangeville ....., Ottawa (Central Paisley .....,,,.., Palmerston ,..,. Paris ................. Parkhill ....... Petrolea ...., ..... Ridgetotrn Ripley .,...,......Sept 25, 20 ..Oct 9, 10 .., .....Sept Irl, 19 Canada) Sept 8-17 • .Sept 25, 26 ....Sept 18, 19 ..,......Sept 27, 28 .........,Sept 24, 25 .,........Sept 20, 21 .,. ,..,....:Oct 8-0 Sept 25, 26 Rodney ............. Sarnia .............. Seaforth Shedden Sirnooe ......... ..... Statford . Strathi'oy . ... ...,....,Oct 1, 2 .,...... Sept 25, 26 ...... Sept 20, 21 • ..:Sept 19 .,.Oat 8-10 Sept 17-19 .,..,Sept 17-19 Tavistock .,..... Teeswater ......... Thamesville Thedford ,....... Thorndale Thorold Toronto (0 N E) , Wallaceburg Wallacetown ,... ............... .Oct 2 i.Oo1 2, 3 Oct 2, 3 ..............Sept 20 21 ...,..........Sept 24 25 .......:.....Sept 18 19 ........Aug 25 -Sept I9 „Sept 26 .........Sept 20 21 Weston ................... ...Sept 14 15 Wiarto,r Kept 25 26 Windsor ----Sept 24-27 Woodstock .......,....•••:.••..Saps 19-21 Zurich .......:.......,.....,...::Sept 19 29 The Need of ;inion Two Cents Single Cup Fire Hazards Nurnerotls electrlo fires are 3101 due to faulty wiring or defective ltppliauoes but owe their origin strictly to gross carelessness in the 'tee or misuse of the various oolveuieut electric appliances now placed on the market for domestic MO. Because of their convenience, small electric devices, such as many pressing irons, curling Mous, toasters, electric pads orblaiikets, electric plate warmers and electric sterilizers or heaters are now to be found in almost every cpm. mnnity4e.-If there were used with pro. per care the clanger would be negligible but unfortunately, many nears do not realize the peril of leaving them in cite ouit when not in use, In such case: t110sedevioestend to become overheated and to set Bre to anything combustile with which they are in contact, According to the fire underwriters, most of these fires are small, but the aggregate loss is large, and occasional instances show extensivedamage Fires of this class furnish a special peril to life, being most frequent in dwellings and often breaking out se., night A haraoteristio example is that which an electric pressing iron i0 left upon the r J. W. Defoe, Editor of the Winnipeg. Free Press, the foremost Liberal news- paper of Canada, wires his paper from Ottawa favoring a general election, and pointing out the danger of it ' unless there is a solidification of the both parties favorable to a sustained effort to win the war. In that despatch Mr. Defoe, says; The dissolution of Parliament will break the spell which binds the wills and conecienoes of men. The groat winds of reality blow away the mists and foga, and the issue of the campaign will rise before us as clear and distinct as the Rooky Mountains. Influences far stronger than these contemptible feelings of jeaiousy and partisanship which sway men's minds in this hour of indecisionwill come into play, The electors will line u i on one aide or the other in tho most Fateful decision that Canada can ever be called upon to make, The question to be decided will be simple and plain. Shall Oanade con. dune in the war 9e a prinoipah thus accepting: an obligation in character and degree identical; with that borne by every other nation iu the war -the duty of contributing in this war to the last ounce of her strength, Or s11a11. China da define her position in the war as simply that of a contributor and declare she baadone enough leaving the is0ne of the war to be decided by the, eco rifiaes of the other-beligerenteP Or to put it it plainer -aro we we going to stay in the war °rare we going to sneak ontP Those who fever the latter course will come together dnring the campaign whatever their other difference, They will all be in the tameboat, slackers, ebirkers, 'anarchists pro Germane, to- gether with those who, on constitution - til grounds, which appear to them roe - enable, ,oppose participation in what they consider a European war. If thee, forces asoert their claim ' to the title Liberal, which they are sure to do; and they open the campaign with a solid racial support which assures them at least sixty coats in Parliament, it must apparent to all that the battle will bo severe, with the Moue in doubt unless there is an equal solidification of the forties in Canada that are for the war In that event but only in that event Forest ...........................Sept 26, 27,. Fort Erie ... .............. Oct 9, 10 Galt Act 4, 6, Georgetown ........... ........ Oct 3, 4 Glencoe ..........,.........'...,.;Sept 25 26. Goderioh :.. ......... ..........:: Sept 20 21 Gerrie Oct 6 Hanover ........... .....,Sept20 21 Harrow ,,, .....Oct 9f 10 Hepworth ......... ......Sept 27, 28 Highgate Oct 12, 19 Ingersoll .:.........Oct t 2 Jarvis Sept 26, 27. Kincardine ,,flop; 20, 21 Kirton ... ................... ...Oct 4, 5, Lakeside' ........ .............Sept 27 Lambeth Sept 26 Leamington . ,,. .. Oct 3-6 ironing board with the circuit closed, and then forgotten In such a case 1310 fn'e may not occur until et4310 hours later This form of hazard is already mum. ing large proportions The Actuarial Bureau. of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in one day noted approx. ;mately 100 reports of fires from this 081208, 0111 of a total of 2,000 losses 18 the day'e reports, and it estimates that' small 0180111041 devices are oauaiug fires at the rate of 30;000 or more in the course of a year. Moot of these fires, it is claimed, are entirely 'preventable, awl are due to careleestiesa on the part of the neer. There t one absolute preeantion which should beborne in mind at all times by every user, namely, that of shutting, off the current when 1180 appliance is not in use, Of Erne*. BRISTO W -In Egrnondville, July 13, .to Mr. and Mrs. Leo E Bristow a daughter, Doris Norine. DEATHS. ROWEY--In Tuckorsmfth, ou July 18, tiro, Hannah Rowey, aged 90 yrs, Long Statldieg Asthma, Many hive suffered so long from asthma _and have tried so many eo-called remedies they think there is no real help for them, They should read the lettere received by the manufacturers of Dr. J. D, Kel. logg'sAsthma Remedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate as their own, Even in long neglected cases this fam- mie preparation brings prompt help. MrnigialinNINEMMeitifiEMOMMASIEMPFAMIgire Graduation Gifts Now thatGraduation Oi1t are in order anti something really useful, durable and bea1111(1tl is being sought for to mark the pleasant 000ae,on we would suggest (hat moat desirable of all g116s for a lady "A Wrist watch" fo the young man a Voris( or Pocket Waters, The prier for either le 07.00 and upward 1t0eke that Graduation Gift it Watch the memories the occasion will live with the watch -for a We 11rne. 2"Areb '. Ottnttugr fenrrraanr Sin .g'ttnttug2 84 2430112rll 3friurlera au5 feettriau6 Marriage License Issuers PHONE 104 a Evening 30 17he store you•willalways ike. STYLE STORE FOR WOMEN Unusually Pretty Blouse s MACTAVISII'S White and Black Double Tips All Sizes 5oc to $1.5o Wonderfully pleasing are these cool little blouses, They frirly radiate freshness and softness. Many have frilly lace or net at neck and sleevo_or fanny Dollars lending a soft becoming effect to the wearer, Altogether they are about the beet looking lot of Waists we've shown for a long time. Price from 50c to 0.00 LADIES K1TITTED:AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Starting as low as I5c a garment end advancing step by step through all the popular priioes STORE TO PUT YOUR FAITH IN Wash Dresses For Children and Misses Here is by far the prettiest and most chic array of attractive attire for little girls and misses thob has ever been our pleasure to show, These oharmingfrooke cleverly indecling in thisseason'sfavorites the latest styles for women, are sure to meet with your instant approval, Prices front 25c to $11.CO What Kind of Rot Weather ;Underwear Do You Like? No matter anyway; you are quite sure to find it here in nioely fit- ting 'garments at very moderate prloee oonoidering the careful manner in which the garments are made and the excellent mat- erials they are made of All Sizes. in Stook -- Complete Price Range. Butter Wanted CHILDREN'S AND MISSES SUMMER UNDERWEAR The best hinds pro- ourable starting as low in price no lac a garment MACTAVISH SE 11FORTH Eggs Wanted