HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-12, Page 8[gate
LOCAL A!,1 '- I" tvANTI ?U
--fl r--
SE'uk l li
and district.
--to sell for—
*phalli l list of stock
For Vali planting 11117.
Slain} planting 1.118.
including many new varieties
which 1YU alone oontrpl,
Send for new illustrate s.1 rataltlgue
also Agents 1' cpusition. Handsome
free ot,tfit; vo Tv' y,
Liberal Commissions.
T?;., outl,ill Nu series,
, l•:stablisht+d 1 t 7 )
Warning to Bicycle Riders
Many comp:elute hare been received
of psi0ots tiding i,ieyole cn the side-
walks. •
Notices heteby given that this :s
contrary to t..0 ,Jwu 1.,—laws and any
•,arson so aging is liable to a penalty.
i y order
Ji:o, A. Wilson,
June 20th 1317 Town of Seaforth
Western University
Three More New Professors
Equal to Any in Canada,
Students can now obtain as
good an education in Arts
and Medicine at the Western
as anywhere. -
CORRESPONDiENCE +l Walton 5t. Columban
Mew. ralt�,�aa•+.�•up�..+.wl,��»»Ws+�wp�,8
Mr Sidney iioltnago of the lith Con,
has the bnildiag 0wupleted and the
necessary machinery installed for flit,
manufacture of cement tile. This will
be a great eo,venfau00 to the farmers
of this district and we wish Mr, Dol
tnege every sticet'00 in his nein venture •
Mr, Joseph Brewster upon going to
the field last Saturday morning found
his t'ercheron mare lying dead.
On going to the field ono morning
last week Mr. Chas Little found ono of
his best horses with its leg broken, the
animal had to be shot, This is a Bur-
kina loss to Mr. Little as it was a very
valuable animal,
The many ffieuds of Mrs, blugh Ross
will be pleased to know that she has
completeley recut/«ted frum leer recent
Mr, Juo.Haist will have an auction
'1010 of his farm, farm stock and imple-
ments on Saturday July a 4
Me .Jannis Hatt drove a party of
frivi,tis to hayfield. in his Automobile
last J1. uday.
lMr. r obt, Dodds purchased a fine
young driving horse in Walton last
week. -
Mr. Thos. Wheatley has purchased a
new Cherrelet Car.
Mr. 'Thos, Pothick of Loudon visited
the home (Ow parents Mr, anti Mrs,
1.1. Pethiek last week,
Uu account of the recent heavy rains
a great deal of the crop in this locality
1 hoe been destroyed.
Mrs. Bober; Grieve of Manitoba is
visiting her sister Mrs, Hugh Ross It
is about tell years since she was
here befare,
Mr Jim M Govetilock has 111r Lou
Absrhart of Seaforth engaged with his
gasoline engine pumping the water out
of the clay pit in the tile yard. Owing
to the wet season this's the second time
the water had to be pumped out,
I; E Braithwaite, M A, Ph D Manley
'Slre, 1'. Eckert had the lucky num-
Ontario Statutes 1911
Copies of the Ontario Sessional
Statutes for 1917 have been-reeeived
by me for distribution to Justices of
the Peace and may be obtained on
application at my office in the Court
House, Goderich, or will be forwarded
by Express 'pon request.
C, Seager,
Clerk of the Peace
On iy:count GI the wet weather and a
possibility of little work being [lune on
the Einburn Drain this season rate-
payers ill McK,llop who intend to pay
their assessment for 0onstrnt:tion of Band
drain in. cash will not be requited to do
so until further notice is given.
By 0r.1er of the McKillop Council
M Murdie. Clerk
Tenders 'Wanted
Tenders for the construction of the
Doimage Drafts in McKillop (Lot 29
Con 6) as per P1sus Profile roe of Eng
ser will be received by the undersign-
ed until the 10th day of Jelly at one
o'clock p. m. A cheque for s per. cent
fthe contract price to accompany tender
The lowest or any tender not neee98•
drily accepted, Tenders to be opened
t Council meeting at Com. Hotel
Seaforth on July 10th at 3 o'clock p. in.
M, Murtlie clerk
Seaforth P.O,
Mr, and Mrs, Edwards of Toronto
re visiting Mlee Ferguson.
Frank King of Detroit is at home
ithhis parents Mr. and Mre. Thos.
The L. 0. L. will celebrate here on
le x2111 of July. Itis expected that
veral Lodges will gather at the pleae-
t summer resort ,for the day.
After visiting his brother here, Mr,
ex Thompson of Looisan8 left to
lit other relotivfe at Belgrave.
Goven k
Miss Rae , a lam of Lindsay and
e Graeae of Seaforth are guests of
formor's sister, Mrs, Win, Ferguson
v. Mr, Darling and family are
in the,Methodist p5rs0nego,
oar on the Red Cruse quilt that the
Roxboro girls donated towards the
1 Red Cross Fund,
Mr. Frank Dougherty from Chicaga
and Mrs. Jas. Dorsey from Duluth
visitors in our burg last Sunday.
The many friends of Mr, Jerry
O'Hara are sorry to learn that he is
not improving 8.8 rapidly as was their
The prospects of a bumper crop is
expected but the heavy rains will delay
the hay crop from being harvested.
Mr. anti Mrs. John Mcalaun, Mr,
and Mrs. C. Eckert and Mr, and Mrs.
J. K. Holland were visitors at the home
of Mr. P. 1i:ckart last Sunday,
Miss Margaret Mollis, has been
appointed teacher in the Mill Road
School ill 'rueker'srnitll. She is a good
I teacher, who -will give eatlafaetinn in
Ther work.
Mr, and Mrs, A, E, Johnston of
St. Augustine have left for Exeter after
visiting at the home of Mr. W. U.
Mrs. Elgie of Davidson, Sask, , is
I visiting with her uncles, Meagre Wm
I and Robert Elgie, It is ten years
since she left Ontario,
A bunch of gypsies in five caro was
quite an advance on the old time horse
(trading gypeies in their van, mantling
old pots and pails.
Dr ,L,J,Cartier,wife and son,of Bran.
don ,Man,were viettieg relatives during
the past week.
Mr Jne Pa e d
yn an daughter, Mrs, L
Trifford and ehilren are 110111ng Mrs.
Mr . Clarence Graham of Hamilton
pent a few daye at his home
Mrs. Walter Naftel is home after a
visit to her home in Perth,
The Robekahe hold their picnic on
Wednesday on the old Hillier property
If the day is fine a largo number of
OddfeJlowa and their fainillies will have
a pleasant outing.
There will bo no Huron Old Boye
exotlrsiol,, this year.
The Orange Lodges attended the
Muimesville church on Sunday.
Mrs, (Dr?, Neal visited recently at
he Mune of Mrs. Wm, Neal,
A tine boy has come to the home of 1
Mr, and Mrs. W, H, Shortreed.
The Annual PrautoService wooheld
in St, George's eluvial' on Sunday
afternoon. District Chaplain Rev.
R, E. 1'age delivered a very forceful
and eloquent sermon 00 subjects of
interest at the present time to the
The funeral of Mr, Wm, Hnmphriesf
a highly esteemed resident who died
at the ego of rag years, took plane oil
Thursday afternoon to Brusseeis cem-
etery, He was an Anglicau, All the
ohildrou were home for the service.
They are Jas. H, , Winnipeg, Dr. Robt.
11, Orouge N' Y, Wm, J. at home;
M re, J. W. Hull, Sask,; Margaret
at home, bliss L„ Michigan,
1'he Garden Party given on Wednes-
day by Duffs Church on the matselawu
1458 a Mtge success probably the larg-
est in Huron County. The gate
was $.;OO and the total $535, The
weather was fine and people came
from ell:surrounding parts, The supper
was such as the ladies of Walton are
famous for. The programme woo very
good provided by local and foreign 1a1-'
There will be service in the Method
ist Churches on Sunday as follows
when addresses will be given by ?Ir. S
H. Gilroy and Mr, W, H. Kerr of Brua•
sells; Waltou at 11 am,; Bethel at 3 pm
and Providence at 7 pm.
The Womens Institute will hold
their regular monthly meeting in The
Worktnans Hall on Thursday July 19th
at 3 pm. Mrs, 11, A, Luudr will give a
paper on "Living up ta- our Motto'.
Each member is requeetrd to answer
roll call expressing some thought per-
taining to the current topic.
Worms feed upon the vitality of child.
dren and endanger their lives, A sim-
ple and effective cure is Mother Grave
Worm Exterminator,
aC, Coluwbari Church Vilna the scone
of a pretty wedding on Wednesday
July the .1111 when 5lise Florence U.
Holland was united in marriage to John
V. Flynn, only eon of Mr. and 11'ir0,
Hugh Flynn of 13eeohwood, Rev. J,
111. Eokort 0, P. of Minneapolis uncle
of the bride performed the ceremony,
The bride who was given in 111811ltlga
by her father Mr, 0, K, Holland of
Beachwood was prettily gowned in
white embroidered voile and. georgette
crepe over white silk with white Leghorn
hat to,natoh and wore a corsage boguet
of white roses, Her slater lilies Leona
Holland who was brideernaid was taste
fully attired in Alice blue voile over
white silk with white piettue lint and
carried pink roses, Mr Thos Flynn of
Mullett assis,ed the groom
During the 00001nony Mrs, J F Carliu
and Mrs Leo Fortelle sung "1 love you
truly, Miss Minnie Carlin played the
nuptial ameio
After the ceremony the bridal party
motored to the home of the br'ide's
parents where a sumptous breskfaet
waa served to immediate relative
Ill the evening a reception was held
at the groom's parents where cards
dancing, tied a dainty supper was en—
joyed by over three.huudred friends
relatives of this popular young oouple.
The Douglas or011estra of Stratford
played for the claiming
Mr, and Mrs, Flynn will reside on
their farm near Beechwood and mill be
"at home to their friends after August
the first
The Bowels Must Act Healthily,--lu
most ailments the first cares of the
medical man is to see that the bowels
are open and fully performing their
functions. Parnrelee's Vegetable Pills
are so compounded that certain ingred-
ients mu them aot on the bowels solely
and they are the very beet medicine
avai.able to produce healthy action of
the bow.le. Indeed there is uo other
specific so serviceable hi keeping the
digestive organs in healthful action, -
alueTIGi' 52Li
Farre, Farm Stools awl lmplenrenti
Lot 27, on Coo, a, McKillop, 'aturda9
July 14th l ii r 7 commencing at 1 p, rn
Consisting of,—Heavy draft Mare
11111d one mouth old filly, it, fold to
0umbeilaud Gem; A general purpose
mare supposed to be hi foal to Signal -
Mall; A driving u,a..e; A mare 4 yrs old;
2 mares, 3 yrs. old; 2 cotes eupp0sed in
mall.; a fresh coy; 2 yearling heifer's;
2 yearling steers; 11assey-l-Iarris.
Seed Drill; dtoiormiek Cultivator; Sot
har'r'ows (three 81'otioned) ; Cooks11ntt
walltiugplow; wagon; Deering Mower;
Buggy;'New ]Hine fainting m.11 with,
bagger; Dise; hinder; Land Roller;1
grindstone and other lu'tielee'
THE FARM --containing fifty acres,
Lot 27, Con,8 McKillop will be offered
'for sale, 'Pliers is a bank hare, stone
stabling„ hen House, buggy house, two
story cottage (27 x 28) cement cistern
There are 23 acres of crap, twelve acres
of hay, Balance in pasture, Farm will
he Bold on reasonableterma anclaoc0uut
of ill -health,
TERMS: -Ail sums of $u and under
cash. Over that amount 8 mouths
credit on approved joint dotes 5 per
cent per annum ow for milt on credit
duo, Hoist T. Brow
Proprietor Auotsotleer.l
We will open a kiln of Tile
on Saturday July 7th. We
will then have Tile from
in. to 7 in.
Phone 2 on 146
Whether you are going west to home-
stead 0r only fora trip the most ecom.
ical method of travel is to take advent•
age of our low Homeseekera fares good
going on special excursions every blow.
day. For tickets and full particulars
apply to
Ohas, A. Aberhart
Town Agent
Canadian Northam Railway
0 ., should
give the consci-
entiousness of this store
a proper place in your
conscientious 112 our
service to you—we feel
the responsibility your
confidence puts upon
izs. It means that in
VL ill
you can get value and
satisfaction tailored to
your measure from •a
choice of a wide range
of fabrics and models.
E have a knack of
doing t -he unusual in
the clothes. We put more into
them than you get in any other
line—better style, better tailor.
ing, better cloth. We keep
pounding away on the advisability of
wearing Art Clothes—we're earnest about it—we believe
in it sincerely. And when we once get you to believe,
you'll have a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes.
6rei Clothing Co
Thursclfty Jury 12
special sale on
4 -
rok Sizes
ites's Shoes
These shoes will be sold re—
gardless of price
P. R. setyrT
''The Home of Good Shoes'
Phone 5'-
You simply say to the drug store
man, "Give me a quarter of an ounce
of freezone," This will cost 'very little
but is sufficient to remove every bard
or soft corn from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether mom-
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn should relieve the .sore -
nom instantly, and soon the entire eerie,
root and all, dries up and can be lifted
out with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that, while freezone is
sticky, it dries in a moment, and sim-
ply shrivels up the corn without in-
flaming or even irritating the surround-
ing tiesue or skin. 0
Don't let father die of infection or
lockjaw from whittling at hie come,
but clip this out and make him try is
Everyman must shave and
keep his hair neatly cut
these daps, so whp not make
it as pleasant a job se possible
by having pour barbering done
under sanitary conditions by re-
liable Barbers, at the Commer-
cial Barber Shop Goth.
a^wor,«:«:»:»....«.q..,o,.g«nra ,.r,«: w«.qg..•«, ?d» ..... . ........ ::� : 5
XPERIEATCE in the control of infections diseases brings very forcibly
to one's mind that the present methods of preventing the spread of
these diseases are of doubtful value. What is the ordinary pro-
cedure say In a townof2,000 or 5,000 population? Scarlet fever
for example is discovered, the physician in attendance notifies the health
officer, and a placard is placed on the -house for six weeks, notifying the
public that none are allowed to enter the home but members of the family
duringlectionthat time. - These directions. if followed, limit. this focus of In -
Down the street a few doors Mrs, Brown's little girl, eight years old, is
a little under the weather, vomits once or twice and has a slight scarlet
rash on her body with a little fever, but is not very sick. It may be that.
the young doctor, who is called in, regards the case as one of indigestion,
prescribes a laxative and sees the case no more; or perhaps suspecting
scarlet fever, he covertly or at the instance of the child's mother, who
doesn't want her house placarded, fails to notify the case to the Medical
Officer of Health, Consequently after a few days Mary goes back to school
and no more is thought of it. Mary, however, fails to pick up as she
should, She Is pale, flabby looking, and complains of headache. H.;r
mother ends she does not eat her meals, and on Saturday night while
superintending her bath she notices that Mary's feet are a little swollen.
and her oyes look puffy. The mother is alarmed, and finding the family
doctor out of town another one is called. He finds on examination of the
urine that the child has nephritis or inflammation of the kidneys, and
Mary is sent to bed, She is seriously ill for several weeks. She gets well
for the time but her kidneys are maimed for life.
By this time there is a general outbreak of scarlet fever all over the
town. Everyone is alarmed. The public schools, are closed. The local
board of health and the medical officer of health take stringent measures,
but despite their efforts the number of eases grow. The outbreak lasts
moat of the winter, spreading to the adjacent townships and villages. It
seems to wear itself out towards spring, returning again after the lapse
of a year or two to carry on in the same way. Several fine children have
died of the disease during the winter, and several mothers of families are.
left with aching hearts and the outer semblance of mourning for their
little ones. Others have had somewhat, the experience of Mary's mother.
But let us follow Mary a little further, Ten 01 twelve years have
passed, and she has grown to be a fine young woman, . She is courted and
married by one of the best young men in an adjacent town. She is loved
and happy. Her husband has provided a pretty home, and her mother
and father are rejoiced to see that she has bright prospects before her, After
a few months she writes her mother that she is not feeling well, that she
is sick in the mornings, vomits a good deal and has headaches.. To the
mother this is not unusual. -Her daughter is pregnant, Most of 11001811
have these little troubles when in this condition. But she is not improv-
ing and the mother is shocked when she visits her to find Mary with puffy
swollen face and legs. The doctor must be called at once. He promises ta
call in the morning, but during the night Mary has some sort of a fit and
becomes unoonscions, 'Phe doctor comes hurriedly. He finds the patient
has eclampsia There is a consultation. A necessary operation is decided
upon, but in spite of the efforts of two or three of the best doctors of the
neighborhood and of a specialist from a nearby city, the poor young
woman dies, What a tragedyl It is not an uncommon occurrence.
It dates back to the neglected ease of scarlet fever' in the little school.
girl, The neglect Ilea had far-reaching consequences, Every neighborhood.
has had such cases. Every physician is familiar with them.
Mild cases of scarlet fever are often more dangerous than severe.
ones. 'Phe mild cases fail to receive the careful attention which would pre-.
vent thedisastrous d sastrous consequenros just outlined. :Chose' mild cases,.
because they are not controlled, spread the contagion far and wide. The
same is true to some extent of all other contagious diseases, It is playing.
withublic health p salt and with human life, health, and happinessto deal with
the most
asset of the people, good health, in such a fashion.
How can it be remedied? By education; people roust learn that the best and
most satisfactory way to deal with these contagious diseases is to be frank
about thorn; The slightest suspicion of scarlet fever' 111 a family should
suffice to have the Medical Officer of Health notified and the case prevented
from doing any harm to others, If Mary's .case had been regarded with
due weight and received proper treatment site would now have boon A
happy wife and cow, ink alai her togixsh mother agd tg,Ck1 ocjo
fid, hfir Ed}e.. torA t:t w , Yfre I,ttt
.r:•• . - r W W