HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-12, Page 7'AMAZING EFFECTS ( "ThePoor Man's
I Potato99 has become the
OF FLYING SHELLS' rich man's luxury. Whether
Harm Done is Wrongly Attributed to
at t;e dollars a bushel
Destroy, and in Other Cases Restore
the Power of Speech, Hearing
and Even of Sight.
, The amazing effects of shell explo-
sions have been well exemplified in
the present war.
In some eases.these effects have
been to deprive men of the power of ing added and nothing taken neat is all that is needed, A wasp
speech; in others, to restore it. in away—gives mental vim will emerge from the nest opening,
the same way hearing has been lost, perceive the jug, and fly hungrily at
and also regained; while sight has and physical vigor for the it. The hollow sound of its buzzing,
been suddenly banished, and as sud- hot days. Delicious for echoing from the jug, will make it en-
ter, when it falls into the water.
Wasps are able to communicate.
with each other, and the imprisoned
wasp possibly calls to its sisters, At
any rate, the colony, one by ono, in
the course of the day, will find its
way into the jug, This system is per-
haps easier, than the distribution of
poison on food for the wasps. If the
Delusions and Superstitions of Men of latter method should be tried a little
World -Wide Fame. paris green or white arsenic may be
distributed on minced meat and scat-
tered where the wasps will find it.
s The wasps Known as hornets and
twenty-five cents a bushel, yellow jackets do considerable harm 1
potatoes are not a complete to ripening fruit by Dating through
food. Two or three Shred. the skin in orde7,• to wick out the fruit
juices, Much of to,
harm is attri-
ded 'Wheat eiscu is with buted to bees, but inlrlmast all cases
when bees are feeding on the exuding
juices they are frequenting holes
made by other insects.
These wasps nest in the ground or
meat, are much more easily in old trees. If the nest can be die-
cclvered, which usually means watch -
and cost much less. ing the insects when they fly home,
Shredded Wheat is 100 the entire colony can bo quiekly ex -
per cent, whole wheat, noth- terminated. A 'gallon jug, quarter
full of water, and placed next to the
milk furnish more real,
body-building nutriment
than a meal of potatoes or
denly brought back.
But one of the most astonishing ef-
fects of all was that narrated by a
French captain, It occurred while he
was occupying an observation post in
a tree. An 8 -in, shell happened to
explode immediately beneath him, with
the result that the displacement of
the air hurled him clean out of the
tree. It also knocked him senseless
for a few moments, and when he came
to himself he made the amazing, and
no less disconcerting discovery that it
had stripped him of his breeches, vest,
and tunic, leaving hit", as he put it,
"as bare as a worm,"
Another soldier hasdescribed the
freak of a. shell of which he was the
victim. It exploded several yards
away from hhn without doing him
any harm. But it blew his overcoat
from off his back, and when he picked
the garment up it was minus all the
A Very Close Shave.
A British officer had a very re-
markable experience. Though not
hhnself struck, the explosion of shells
around him made him totally deaf
and dumb. He was, of course, invalid-
ed home, but by the time he landed
in England his speaking and hearing
powers had fortunately come back to
.A carabinier had an exciting ex-
perience of the vagaries of shells.
While he was sitting on a box in front
of his tent, one of these projectiles
came hurtling along and passed be-
tween his legs without doing him the
slightest harm. His improvised seat
was, however, smashed beneath him,
and the eccentric projectile played
great havoc inside the tent, where it
smashed three rifles and did other
Early one morning, when another
man was lying in bed, a shell came in
at the window. It passed over the
bed a few inches above him, but ex-
ploded on the floor, wrecking the
woodwork of the whole building, but
luckily harming nobody.
Then there is the case of a shell
which pierced the wall of a room in
which one of our gallant soldiers was
engaged in the operation of shaving.
It completely wrecked the room, but,
although it passed within a few
inches of the shaver, he sustained
barely a scratch. A pretty close
shave indeed.
The eccentricity of another shell is
shown by a trooper, who was cer-
tainly a very close observer. He was
standing between,two horses when
the projectile burst close by, killing
both animals, but not injuring the
trooper in the slightest.
Thrilling Moment in Encounter- Be-
tween Cavalry and Aeroplane.
To show that it is sometimes pos-
sible for an slater to pass surpris-
ingly low over guns and yet escape
being brought to earth, Mr. Claude
Grahame -White cites in Heroes of the
Flying Corps an interesting encoun-
ter between an aeroplane and a squad
of cavalry. One of the aviators of
the Allies, descending near some.Ger-
man outposts, was surprised by a pat-
rol of hostile cavalry that galloped
-- into a corner of the field where the
aeroplane had alighted and rode full
tilt toward it to make its occupants
At the side of the field farthest
from the Germans lay a wood; and
the space between the aeroplane and
the trees was so small that. the ma-
chine could not rise into the air in
that -direction. All that the pilot
aonid do in his endeavor to escape
Was to run his machine across the
ground directly toward the approach-
ing horsemen and seek to rise suffi-
ciently high to sweep above their
heads. Hetookhis machine abruptly
into the air and flew down straight
toward them, thinking that his chance
was poor, and expecting either to be
struck himself by bullets or to have
some vital part of his machine hit,
There was one point in his favor,
however: the German cavalrymen,
taken by surprise when the aircraft
cams rushing toward them, had open»
ed fire in scattering and very hap-
hazard manner. Only just above their
heads, although travelling very fast,
awept the aeroplane, with its pilot
and passenger crouching low in their
seats. Over the cavalrymeia it flew
and then it began to climb rapidly;
and although a storm of bullets had
met it as it approached and had been
directed on it while it passed over-
head, the craft flew on unchecked. No
vital part of its mechanism was hit,
nor wero Its occupants iljured,
breakfast, or any meal, with
sliced bananas, berries or
other fruits, and milk.
Made in Canada.
It is an open secret 1n the Balkans
that Icing Ferdinand of Bulgaria im-
mediately has a fainting -.fit every
time the sound of guns reaches his
ears. Perhaps this is through sheet
funk, for "Foxy" Ferdinand lives in
abject fear of being assassinated.
Lord Roberts had a great aversion
to black eats, and could not remain in
the same room with one of these ani-
Tho Raiser's father, Frederick III,
could not look at a bunch of water-
cress without being seized with a
shivering fit. At the sound of the
word "lana" (wool) the late Presi-
dent Diaz of Mexico became sick.
A curious delusion haunted Pascal,
the noted French philosopher, Al-
though the most brilliant genius and
Can be Avert°by Feeding the
Starved Nerves With Rich,
Red Blood.
Nourish your nerves that is the
only way you can overcome life's
worst misery, nervous exhaustion.
The fits of depression and irritation,
the prostrating headaches, the weak-
ness and trembling of the legs, the
unsteady hand and the imperfect di-
gestion that mark the victim of
nerve weakness, must end in nervous
wit of his time, he always thought he breakdown if neglected.
saw a yawning abyss on his left hand. Nourish your nerves by the natural
Parnell's horror of green was well process of filling your veins with rich,
known, He would not wear a coat or red, health -giving blood. Your 7
tie with any tingle of green in it, and nerves are crying out for pure blood
he objected to anything like a green and the mission of Dr. Williams' b
wallpaper. So strong was his aversion Pink Pills is to make new, rich
to the color' that one day, when a lady blood. This explains why these pills
whom he knew very well came to see have proved successful in so many
him in the House of Commons, he re. eases of nervous disease that did not
fused to shake hands with her be- yield to ordinary ' treatment. For
cause she was wearing a green dress, example, Mr. Wilfrid Donald, West
and hurried away from het• as quickly Fiemboro, Ont., says :—"Before I
as possible. began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
One of England's greatest states- Pills I was in a serious condition. I
men, Pitt, the younger, fled at the was not only badly run down, but my
sight of pigs. nerves seemed to be completely shat -
As a young' man Sir Evelyn Wood, tercd. I slept badly at night, and
V.C., once rode a giraffe for fun. He when I got up in the morning was as
was thrown off and.kicked. Ever af- tired as when I went to bed. I seem-
terwards the sight of a giraffe or the ed to be on the verge of a nervous
picture of one produced a pain in the breakdown. At this stage I began
head, where the animal kicked him, the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
In the course of a few' weeks I felt
much relief, and continuing the use
A Great Remedy
nit liE'Ni1JIlSON'S Berl) Treat-
ment (tablets), the groat blood
purifier, will cure rbeumatltm. con-
stipation, eozama, kidney, liver, stom-
ach and female troubles. Price 51,
with i6 uaranteo, or 0 boxes fur $5,
potpuf d, Ilendersun iiorb Co., Dept,
+ insAve.,Toronto.
V 7' Bowline. A to.
'k. 1 e ad 1' n
For Summer
A charming model for summer
weather has a long, straight tunic of
flouncing over a plain foundation fin-
ished with a deep hem. The fulness
of the tunic is laid in soft pleats top-
ped by a shaped belt pointed in the
front like the top of the -soft vest in
he blouse. A long collar which ex -
ends midway clown the front is one
of the attractive features of this hot -
weather model. McCall Pattern No.
839, Ladies' Semi -fitted Dress; 30-
nch length. In 5 sizes; 34 to 42
ust. Price, 20 cents.
The Home. Water Supply. of the pills they completely restored
Water in the house, to use lavishly my health. I can now sleep soundly,
for all wholesome conveniences, seems eat well, and am enjoying complete
at first thought beyond the means of freedom from the old nervous trou-
frugal people, who have earned by hies.'
hard labor all they have to spend. To You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
many, who have not closely consider- Pills throughaany deals' in medicine,
ed the costs andthebenefits, it ap- or by mail at 50 cents a box or Wil -
pears an extravagance. Instead of boxes Medicinefoe nfrom The Dr. that it is one of the greatest of house Hams Co., Brockville, Ont.
economies. Almost every farmer could
afford the luxury of all water con- EXPLOSIVE COAL
veniences in his home. Like their fel-
lows, sunshine, wholesome food and A New Sort of Fuel Which, Strange
fresh air, they do not weaken the mus- to Say, -Was Satisfactory.
miler, mental or moral fibres of life.
When one has been compelled to use In reviewing his early life in Con -
any of these debased for a time how stantinople, Sir Edwin Pears tells an
satisfying is the pleasure of purity amusing story of a coal 'contractor
and abundance. who was supplying the British fleet
As an investment for the home I with fuel. A commissariat officer on
know of nothing likely to yield so one occasion went to him to say that
much- in return in saving women's a man-of-war had just arrived in the
strength, in increasing house com- Bosporus and was ordered to proceed
forts, in preserving health, in impart- to the Crimea with distinguished of-
ing satisfaction in housework and in fivers on board; but it was short of
elevating the general tone of the ma- 'coal. The contractor answered that
terial side of living.—Dr. J. W. one of his small sailing vessels had
Robertson, in "Home Waterworks." ' just arrived laden with a cargo of coal
and that, he would arrange to have it
discharge the fuel directly on board
the man-of-war,
A day or two later, when the con-
tractor saw his manager, he asked
what had been done with about ninety
kegs of gunpowder that had been
stowed on the top of the coal,
"Oh, we found all the kegs empty,"
said the manager. "There was no
powder to remove,"
During the next three weeks the
contractor lived in constant dread.
He feared that every ship coming
from the Crimea would bring news of
an explosion on the man-of-war and an
order for his arrest, He became ill
from anxiety,
One day, a fortnight later, he heard
'with fear and trembling from his in-
ner office the voice of the commis-
sariat officer asking to see the mer -
Chant who had supplied the ship with
.coal, He put on a bold face and went
"Yes, you're the man," said the
commissariat officer in a loud' voice,
"You gave us three hundred tons of
coal. It's thebest wo have ever had,
Instead of our having to stop tbe,sllip
while we cleared the funnels, whet,
ever there 1s a new firing up the
smoke goes with a puff and clears the
funnel itself. I want three hundred
tons more, but, mind, it must be of the
sable quality"
Frequent and shallow cultivation
are essential to success with corn,
Deep cultivation moans root injury,
am Nits
Made from choice whole
wheat and malted barley,
this famous food retains
the vital mineral elements
of the grain, so essential
for balanced nourish-
ment. but lacking in
many cereal foods.
From every standpoint
`–•good .flavor,rich nour-
ishment, easy digestion,
convenience, economy,
health from childhood to
old age—Grape-Nuts
"There's a Reason"
vv¢ gull t 17.1.1. c-a=b11;,,
In fine plain gingham trimmed with
an organdie collar and bright hand
embroidery this is a frock to be reck-
oned with in any wardrobe. Large
pockets, and side yokes ending in
points which button on to box -pleats,
are new and fashionable features
which lift this frock far out of the
sphere of the general run of frocks.
MOCa1I Pattern No. 7894, Girl's Dress,
in 6 sizes; 4 to 14 years. Price, 15
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto.
Dept. W.
1 fell from a building and received
what the doctor called a very bad
sprained ankle, and told me I must
not walk on it for three weeks. I got
days I was out to work again I
think it the best Liniment made.
It is easier to make enemies than
friends, but it is easier to get rid of
friends than it is to get rid of enemies.
No matter what other things there
may be, if there is no silo a farm is
not fully equipped.'
An inventor in Nebraska has pat-
ented wire netting covered frames to
cover open automobiles to catch hats,
veils or other articles that otherwise
might be blown away.
igo in a British Aeroplane Factory
to Inspire Men to be Careful.
"Notice: A concealed mistake may
cause a brave man to lose his life."
The simple, dramatic grimness of
the terse sign reproduced above as
hung in a British military airplane
hanger testifies to the caution with
which the fighting machines of the
English airmen are overhauled. A
single frayed wire or weakened strut
might mean the loss of the lives of
the pilot and machine gun operator
and the destruction of a fighting me-
chanism worth thousands of dollars.
The "honor system" means more in
an airplane hanger than, in the great-
est banking institution in the world,
Absolute conscientiousness in prepay-
ing the machine for the next fright is
imperative. Careless, casual surveys
or the neglect of needed repairs gen-
erally purchase the inspector's leis-
ure with the blood of the nerviest.
fighting men on earth.
The summer months are the most
dangerous to children. The com-
plaints of that season, which are chol-
era infantum, colic, diarrhoea and
dysentry, come on so quickly that of-
ten a little one is beyond aid before
the mother realizes he is ill. The
mother must be on her guard to pre-
vent these troubles, or if they do
come on suddenly to cure them. No
other medicine is of such aid to moth-
ers during hot weather as is Baby's
Own Tablets. They regulate the
stomach and bowels and are absolute-
ly safe. Sold by medicine dealers _.
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The! — -
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. - -
I heard a lark sing in the morn,
A happy lark with golden tongue..
It told me that thespring s.,bora;
It sang that all the world was.
I rose and threw my easement wide,
And bathed in morning's rosy heel
I listened to the gay lark's song,
And fancied that it sang of you.
Julia C}opton Cresap.
When Your Eyes Need Care
OseMurineEyeMediolne. No Smarting--Feelu
slag—Ants Quickly. Try It for Bed, Weak,
Sore Dyes and Oraaulated Eyelids, Diurlue is
compounded by our Oouliote.-not a "Patent
btedlolne"—but used In successful Physicians'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
the Publicand sold by Druggists at 50e per
Pottle. Dturiao Eye Salve In Aseptic Tnbee,
Da and Km Write for Hook of the Dye Dine,
Morin Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adw
In these daysof unprecedented
prices for farm products the farmer
must }seep "keyed up" in every branch
of his work to get the most profits and
keep abreast of his neighbors.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
ROffices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and Interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 Adelaide Street. Toronto.
..J internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical
Co, Limited, Collingwood. Ont.
When buying your Piano
Insist on having an
" OTTO I -I I K,a I L. "
Not with her ruined silver spires,
Not with her cities shamed and rent,
Perish the imperishable fires
That shape the homestead from the
Wherever men are staunch and free,
There shall she keep her fearless
And, homeless, to great nations be
The home of all that makes them
This is a mother's face I know, such
Is written there, one cannot be at
loss; t
And something more those tender
eyes -expr•ess—
The love of Mary looking on the
—Arthur Wallace Peach.
Minaret's Liniment Cures target in Cows
Cabbage worms, the most destruc-
tive insect enemies of cabbage, cauli-
flower and related crops, begin depre-
dations in early spring and continue
till the crop is harvested. Spraying
with either Paris green or arsenate of
lead, or dusting with pyrethrum after
the heads form, is recommended.
WHEN ordering goods by mail, send
a Dominion Express Money Order.
Milk absorbs odors very rapidly and
collects germs just as quickly. These
may not produce disease, though they
frequently do, but it is almost sure to
produce digestive disturbances when
fed to babies. Summer diarrhea is
very common among infants and this
is frequently blamed to the teeth, yet
most often it is due to their food.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Dog Remedies
And How to Feed
trolled Eros to say address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have Thick Wind
or Choke -down, can be
reduced with
also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister
no hairgone, and horse kept at work. Eco-
nomical—only a few drops required at an ap-
plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 id free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$1 and $2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" fret.
W, F.YOUNG, F. 8. F., 518 Lymsns Bldg., Montreal, Can
absorbing and Absorbine, Ir.. are -made Is Caaads.
dor PllllpylFaces
Try Galicura
Soap and Ointment
Samples Free by Post
A simple, easy,
speedy treat-
ment. Smear
the pimples
with Cu ticura
Ointment, wash off
in five minutes with
Dramatic Sculpture,
Three little boys were playing on
the beach. One had piled and pat-
ted and cajoled the sand into a reseal-
blame to a racing ear, another ' had
constructed with fair success a tour,.
ing car. But what the third little fel-
low had made was without form .and
"What is your car?" one of the
others asked him, IIe looked rather
uncertain until the questioner continu-
ed: "Looks like two or three together."
"It is," he said loftily; "mine's a
Minar5'o Liniment Cures Co1ds, Eta.
A Frenchman has invented a coffin
made of paper that is said to be
el caper and lighter than the wood
•-o—o—a—o—o—o--o—o-0- o—o-o
You say to the drug store man,
"Give me a small bottle of freezone.".
This will cost very little but will posi-
tively remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon :a tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in-
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lifted off with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply shrivels up the
corn or callus without irritating the
surrounding skin.
Don't let father die of infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but clip this out and make him try it.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him toorder a small bottle from
this wholesale drug store for you.
Positive Proof That Lydia.
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Relieves
Bridgeton,N.J.—"I cannot speak too
highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
i ble Compound of.
inflammation and
was very irregular
and would have ter-
rible pains so that I
could hardly take a
step. Sometimes I
would be so misera
ble that I could not
sweep a room. I
doctored part of the
time but felt no
change. I later took Lydia E. Pink -
Ham's Vegetable Compound and soon
felt a change for the better. I took it
until I was in good healthy condition.
I recommend the Pinkham remedies to
' all women asIhave used them with such
' good results."—Mrs. MItb~omD T. Cum-
MINJES, 322 Harmony St., Penn's Grove,
N. .
Such testimony should be accepted by
all women as convincing evidence of
the excellence .of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound as a remedy for
the distressing, ills of women such as
displacements, mflammation,ulceration,
backache, painful Periods, nervousness
and kindred ailments.
Cuticura Soap and hot
water and continue bathing for some
minutes. Use night and morning.
For pimples, redness, roughness,
, itching and irritation, dandruff.,ytch-
ing scalp and falling hair, red, rough
:hands and baby rashes, these fra-
grant emollients are wonderful as
j well as ideal for the toilet.
For freo sample each address 'post -card:
"Cutkure. Dant. N, Boston, U. 5, A." Sold
by dealora throughout the world.
City Eye Specialists Tell How To
Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a
Week's T e In Many Instances
A'" ren Preserlptidn'Yon Can Rave
Filled and Ilse at Home.
Boston, Mass.—Victims of eye strain
'and other• eye weaknesses and those
who wear glasses, will be glad to know
that Doctors and Dye Specialists now
agree there Is real hope and help for
them. Many whose eyes were failing
say they have had their eyes restored
and many who once wore glasses say
theyhaVe thrown them away. One
man says, after using it: I was al-
most blind, Could not see to read at
all, Now I can read everything with-
out my glasses, and may eyes do not
hurt any more. At night they would
pain dreadfully. Now they feel flue all
the time, It was like a, miracle to me."
A lady who used It says• The atmos-
phere seemed hazy with or without
glasses, but after using this prescrip-
tion for fifteen days everything seems
clear. I can read even fine print with-
out glasses," Another who used it
says: I was botltorod with eye strain
caused by overworked,. tired eyes which
Induced fierce headaches, I have worn
Llasses for several years both for dis-
ance and work, and without them I
could not road my own name on an
envelope or the typewriting en the
maehlno before 1118, I can do both 110w,
and have diecardod my long distance
glasses altogether, I Dan count the
fluttering leaves on the trees across tho
street now, which for several years
have looked Mise a dim green blur to
me. I sennet express my joy at what
9t has dune for 3110."
I1 is believed tient thousands who
wear glasaes can now dlseard them in
a reasonable time, and multitudes more
will be able to strengthen their oyes
so as to be spared the trouble and ex-
pense of ever gutting glasses.
Dr. Beak, an eye specialist of nearly
twenty years 'weak)°, says: "A patient
came to mo who wassuffering from
Blepharitis Marginalls with all the
ootanolnitullt symptoms, a5 morning
as'glutinatten 4x lila ljdln als1.•a11J,a tJA1i,'
junctivitls and .ephiphora. Her eyes
when not congested had the dull, suf-
fused expression common to such cases,
Having run out of her medicine a
friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used
this. treatment .and not only overcame
her distressing condition, but strange
and amazing as it may seem, so
strengthened her eyesight that she was
able to dispense with her distance
glasses and her headache and neuralgia.
loft hen In this instance -I should say
her eyesight Was improved 100%. I
have since verified theefiloacy of this
treatment in a number of eases and
have seen the eyesight improve from
25 to 75 per cent in a remarkably short
time. I can say it works more quickly
than any other remedy I have pro-
scribed for the eyes."
Dr, Smith, an :mullet of wide ort teri-
enoe, says: "I haVe treated in private
practice a number of serious opthahnlc
diseases with Bon-Opto and am able to
report ultimate recovery in both acute
and chronic cases, Mr. B. came to my
otHaa suffering with an infected 0310.,
The condition was so serious that an
cperatlon for enualeatlon seemed int..
porative, Before resorting to the
operative treatment I prescribed Bon-
COpto and in 24 hours the secretion had
lessened, inflammatory symptoms be-
gn.n to subside, and in sever[ days the
eye was cured and retained its nor -
;nal vision. Another case of extreme
convergent strabismus (cross eyes)
escaped the urgeon's knife by the
timely use of your collyrium. The
tightened eternal mus'leu yielded to
the soothing and anodyne efeee.ts of
iron-Optu. I always instil lien -Opts
after removal of foreign bodies and
apply it l000lly to all burns, ulcers,
and spots onthe eyeball or the lids
for its therapeutic effect. ity tlen:s
ing tho lids of secretions and a tent.
AM a tont) fur the eyeball itself the
vision is rendered mare
the ntnnbcr of ca::'. 02 ,....
lir. Conner says: ":I, c, ' e.
bad condition awing to 'We r... t .
strain arising from protracted micro=
00001001 research work. Bon-Opto used
according to directions rendered a stir -
prising nervine. I found my. eyes -re-
markably strengthened, so much so I
have put aside my glasses without dis-
comfort. Several of my colleagues have
also used it and we are agreed as to
its results, In a few days, under my
observation, 111e eyes of an astigmatic
case ware so improved thatlasses
have been discarded by the patient:"
Dye troubles of many deseriptlo rs
may be wonderfully benefited by the
use of Bon -Onto and if you want to
strengthen your eyes go to any drug
store and get a bottle of Bon -Opts
tablets. Drop one Bon -Onto tablet in
a fourth of glass of water and let it
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the
°yea two to four tines daily. Yon
should' notice your oyes clear up per-
ceptibly right from the start, and ire,
fiamination and redness will quiclaly
disappear. 11 your eyes bother you
even a little It Is your duty to tato
steps to save them now before it is
too late. Many hopelessly blind might
have saved their sight if they had cared
dor their eyes in tune.
Noto: A elty physician to whom the above
"'lido wag submitted, said: "lies, non.Opto la
a remarkable eye remedy. Ito constituent in-
gredients mo well known to eminent eye rope-
cion?td and widely preseribod by tient, r have
tined it very nn.cesandly in my own practice 00
patients v -0'e,' eyes were attained through over-
work or lnlsat Messes. I eau highly rootmmead,
it in ease et wek, watery, selling, smarting,
ital,l1s , burning eyes, red ;ids, blurred vision at'
for etre 1"005,:1 from exposure to -smokes, sun, �:•.
dust or band. It Is nuc of the very fete prepirsi,
ilrns I Poet should be kept on hall for r'egulae''
u,s 10 almost every family," Beti•Opte Is sot a
1 si t
moolmn,. or secret remedy, It is en.
,41,1,.:0 ps t t cion, the formula being printed ea
the ,he manufacturers guarantee it to
s 11 c oleldt0:per cent ie onoweek's time
,'s ,y n,, tan or refund the money. It,ts disc..
,gin Ori l v 1,11 goad druggists. including
s-tas,, .iso by W, Turnbiyn sutra
'1.'. 1laten et Cu., Toronto.