HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-07-12, Page 4'PROFESSIONAL CAll)
fit. tl. U1:GII ROSE, Pttysidan anti Surgeon
Late of London hospital, London, England
10,14o attention to diseases of Eye, Lar, Nose
Ole, z and rusid,*nce,behind Dominion Batik,
YCaaee Piton, N o.5. Residence, Phone No. 1Q6,
TIaY, F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and
til✓ nkler= - GodericJI Street, eget of the $etho.
AIel Church. Coroner for the County of Huron.
103ephone, No. 40.
.... ..
U. SCOTT & MACKAY, Physician's and
Surgeons, Gadertcb Street, opposite Metho-
'ftlulChuroh, Seaforth.
&teal, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, sad
Minion of Ontario College of Physicians and
Stumm. Coroner for County of Huron.
MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity Uplveralty,
gala Trinity Medical College. Member of
Tallest ,of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.,,,.
DK H'EILEMAN, Osteopathic Special's
,la Women's and Children s Diseases stud
liesxrastic Troubles. Acute and Chroalc Die.
went. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids
saktw'red without the knife, Consultation free.
1BAre :•ntei.
. 011'. to_S p.m : Friday a to d p.m
Issued by JOHN
4iif• i1 tt je Licenses Fdpauweaarf.atom
lac you ontsidering insurance, Life or Accident?
'Dyne are, a pootcartt will get our rates.
Geo etas Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
loud lztpeeial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
Seaforth, Ont.
;lames Watson
e,s ->rai Fire, Lire and Accident insurance
'grit, and deafer in Sowing Maehin08.
,Bs:;n Street, Seaforth,
Neal Fire insurance Co
'Parse and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
rennolly. Gederi, 11, President, Jame,/
Stsna, neerhwood, Vice -President. Tnomas
Sara, Seaforth. flae..Treas.
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rinn, ' Constance• John Bennewele,
Byodghagen' Robert Ferris, Itarlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton; t; h10Cartaey Seaforth,
James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood,
Airs. Leitch, IIarlock; E. Hluchley, Seaforth;
William Chesney. Egmondville; J. W. Yeo,
Hdmesville; R. G. Jormouth, Brodhagen' James
MOT and John Govenlock. Seaforth, auditors..
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact
other business will be promptly attended to by
application to any of the above officers, addressed
!!010* respective postofiices.
rtQ 1
11"'14N. flee
o n ets, pet*
000 , o C.0 REHAROSa.
From the Office
Phone 64 15v ut:+ug 1'!7
ULB dollar er yetr, strictly to ad v a nee
it not mkt
ten advanes, one duller and
..Sar 6 •ed. United B
p half wifbe
papere, fifty coats extra. *trickly lu
ad van red,
When oubscrtbet0 choange their address
notice should be lent up immediately, giving
scribers will confer g (favor w by n tIfYinguue
of any Irregularity of delivery.
Reading Notices• -No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which mouoy is to be made by any person
or cause will be inserted in Tug Naive
ton of business announcements to TEN
meta per count line each insertion to
parties having no contract for dlspiay
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for chureh,'soclety and entertainment
reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to -11
Hoes, S0 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices -Ten cents per line lar first
insertion and five cents per Ilne for each
subseouet insertion.
Yearly cards -Professional Cards, not
exceeding one inch, will be Inserted for
223.00 per Year, payable strictly In advance
Display advertising -Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for insertion,
wUntll forbid," and those sent without
written instructions wilt appear until
mitten orders are received for their die.
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panted by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith.The publleher accepts no reepoa.
etbeiy whatever for the statements made
In such communhmtions. Letters on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter Is tees
cents per tine.
J. F. SNO WcioN
Genera! Observations
ISeldoin'have three months iu stlecos
slots been as wet as the moral a of May,
June, July of 1017
Russia has the real `Come Back'
when she starts forward. Her pressure
41'64-' en the East Front io very good news
The for the other Allies.
Original xt..
on the
Children should be early taught both
by precept 011(1 example, to keep their
proneiees. Straws show which way the
wind blows likewise emelt thiugs re-
veel 0 raison's true character, the
breaking of promises wit. lead us fl:to
the habit el uegle.t and earless2lese,
even if it injures no 0110 else which it
often does.
F r S&ire
W. L. 1SE`l, Seaforth.
Phone 180
Without a proper
systm of attver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
Seaforth News
wilt supply the
reiluired energy
110dt - 34
= eveniagsl27
Show us a fatuity where good music
is cultivated, where the parents and
children are accustomed to mingle
their emcee together fa song: and we
will show you one where peace, love
anti harmony prevail. and emote the
angry voices have no abiding place. }
Nowhere is. a `woman's ohmmeter
Inure clearly ebown, or her talents
gives; more so0pe for cultivation than
in. home malting, end in 210 0p110r0 is
tlto true woman mom 001tellt anal hap-
pier titan in housekeeping. Mcrae is
indeed the "dearest plane" on earth
when rightly made, and the memory of
whioll remains with tie until death, end
will do 121020 to protect and res
strain its inmates than the grandest
and most eloquent 800010ns from the
tt10 gifted tnittiatera 11 orators lu
moot and
short, home is the kindergarten of all
4'hristien work gaud influence, the
starting paint of ell beautiful thoughts
and deeds,
"You're the most euriono woman 1
ever heard of," said boy to his muoth-
or, "You tell me that I have a bad
temper, enol yet blame nue for losing
Kn.,dtleae mattes sunshine wherever
it goes; it is the real law of life; the
lilt that connects earth with heaven.
Would you live it. the remembrance of
others after you etre gone? Write
!your name on the tablets of their
11100:10 by acts of kindness and love,
It is wheu the eon 12as gone down
that the home influences become ao•
tual and potent. In opening the ten-
der buds of young charaotors, the light
from the heartetoue is far more ef-
deient than the sunlight, The distinc-
tive characteristics of the home life are
manifested most strongly when the
labors of the day are ended and the
family gather round the &reside for
the evening. Oue hour of evening
homelife 18 worth a month of the ordin-
ary daily experieece,
Mc Kiliop
Haying will be late, but we believe
there will be a heavier crop than last
year. e-;
David Holmes has sold a horse to Jas.
Simgson, the price being quite a bit
over $200. Horses are keeping up wel
The teacher of No 9 school hoe re
signed and one of the lady teachers
of Nott has also resigned so we hear.
Huldie drothers have erected a new
barn on whet used to be the Hewitt
Wild Strawberries are now in season
A large number front here attended
the Walton garden party on Wednes
day evening of last week.
Henry Beunewsis Jr, is in poor
health this summer he was laid up with
rheumatic fever for some months in the
winter and spring and has not got ovai
it yet.
W'alto n and Winthrop Orangemen in
tend going to Stratford on the 14tH,
A football match between Tucker.
smith and London Road teams result-
' ed In a tie.
Pte M. Fater is "steadily inproving
in the Hospital in France of wounds.
Geo, Hill of Tuckerstnith has .receiv
ed word that his son Pte Jas, C. Hil
has been tvouldell, He enlisted in
1 Stratford, where his wile and family
The country here has every appear-
ance of a good crop if only we gat some
dry weather to save the hay crop.
Miss Rata Jarrett of Toronto is at
her home at present.
Wo ought to cc11s;der e:ome and all
the members of tie household as en-
tltled to the first consideration iu all
things. Wl.at are those we tweet In a0•
eiety to us that tee should take such
pains to be aggreeble to theta and
neglect those who l':at'o the strongest
claim upon Its? It all cornea about
because wo have got into a wrong way
of thiukirg. We have put the home
into the background when it should
occuppy the foremost place in our
thoughts, We should strive to make
ourselves auch pleasant members of
'the household band that onr absence
I is like the loss of the sunshine from
Ia summer day. We can do it and we
will do it if we enter into the right
spirit -the spirit of home.
Dur country needs grand and good
men, and to become a grand and good
matt, one tuuet be a grand and good
boy. It is a wrong idea that every
boy must -sow his will oats," When
yon sow a crop of wild oats, you must
take time to harvest a crop; and the
crop is never anything Lot chaff.
'Wild oats" treed never be sown, 'the'
time spent in sowing wild oats is
worst thou lost, for the time emuftl be
spout ill sowing n crop that would
yield a golden harvest, Be oareft1
about the kind of seeds you sow, for
"whatever a man 00wetil that shall he
also reap,
Mr and Mts. John. Riley and family
of Seaforth spent a day visiting hie
parents Mr, and Mre, B, Riley.
Mrs Stewart of Seaforth, spent a
few days with her daughter, Mts. Roy
Mr, and Mrs Kindy of Toronto were
visitors for a couple of days at the home
of Mre, D, Sutherland,
edr and Mrs Lindsey of:Florence oel.
led fast week on friends here.
The steady raids are bringing along
the grain though the farmers would
like dry weather fcr haying.
If you do not know about the won.
derful Mountain sdsuery including
Jasper and Mount Robson Parks tra-
versed by the transcontinental line of
the Canadian Nottheru Railway be-
tween Edin0titotl & Vancouver get a
copy of our handsome descriptive book-
let, to bo had for the asking from
Chas. Aberhart
Town Agent
Thursday snob I
The majority of the neighborhood
event Wednesday afternoon at the
lroresters P101110 1101(1 to Mr. Tho*iae
odds grove the weather weftfevorable
and everyone had a pleasant time,
Mrs, Wm, .Pethiclr returned to her'
nettle in London on Saturday after
spending a few weeks under th0 Dr.'s
Quite a ntunbor from this vicinity
will no doubt attend the garden party
at Mr, Chu. llioClregor's lI.louday oven•
iu2 if the weather is favorable.
Mrs, 0. B. De Geer retards to her
home in Saskatoon ou Thursday she
has beau visiting het father Mr, !Henry
Cololo1gll who is not having tate beat
of health.
The Rev Mr, Abroy of Londesboro
will preach to tho Foresters of.Kinburn
in Burn's Church Hullott on Sunday
Sunday evening July 15112 at 7,30 every
one welcome,
Miss Ferguson our teacher is now
in Toronto for the vacation,
Mrs, McIntosh of Seaforth spent last
week with her daughter Mrs, A, Oliver
Rev, Mr, Love and family are now
settled in the parsonage,
Our Woman's institute had a nice
visit from the Fullerton Branch who
provided the entertainment. Lunch
was served.
Dr, Archie Nesmith, 1011050 photo
was in Toronto papers recently and
who has doue supe good work in the
Hospital at the front, is a eon of Dr.
A. D. Nesmith, of Staffordvtlle but who
formerly praotised here where Archie
attended school. He is a nephew of
Mesdames A D, and D, N. McKellar
of Cromarty.
Mrs. Wm, Kerslake, sr, died at her
home on Monday aged 74 years, The
funeral was held on Wednesday' to
Cromarty cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs. Hallo of Mitohell have
received word from Ottawa that their
son, Pte Ernest Halle lied been wound-
ed in the left fade, left ear end left leg,
He went overseas with tate 110th Batt,
and had been in the trenches for several
On Sunday George Suhr was notified
that his brother, Pte, Ed. Suhr had
been wounded, His right arm been
shot off, and hla'right leg out. About
three months ago Pte Suhr was wetted•
ed in the shoulder by Shrapnel, and
only returned to the firing line three
weeks ago. Pte.Suhr was born in this
vicinity, and enlisted with the lIOtb,
For several months he assisted Lieut,
Booth, recruiting officer add secured a
number of recruits personally.
i Wingham Convention
The North Huron Conservative Asso.
(dation met in Wingham ou Friday
when A, H. Musgrove, 11. P. P. gave
inside information on the hotel site
ation before the Ontario Temperance
Act was put in force, After a year
many who formerly opposed are now 122
favor of it,
Referring to the exteusien of the
franchise to women, the speaker said it
was the great unselfish work of the
women that won for them the franchise
in Ontario,
As a member of the Public Accounts
Committee he said tleeLiberale had not
been able to find nue dollar of public
money wrongfully used.
Emphasis was placed upon on the
wont of the Soldiera' Aid Commission
and other efforts to put returned men
back into civil life.
James Bowman M. P, spoke on the
consoription issue at Ottawa and said a
great many Liberal members had nobly
voted against their leader,
Mrs D. Morrison spoke directly to
the women present ou their participa-
tion in polities and pointing out how
step by step for the past ten years the
Conaervateve party at Toronto had led
public °pinion towards advanced legis.
A resolution was Issued expressing
confidence in the Borden and Hearst
governments and urging conscription of
men and of wealth.
No surgioal operation f0 needed to
remove corns if Holloway's Corn Cure is
Estab ished'I871
Farmers' Business
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and
Dealers in Live Stook, Sale notes collected ou favorable
Savings Department
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received.
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year, m9
Etticient service assured to depositors.
XXXI4H1911XXXXVIS1lIgO■■■rW915315A1n111613XXXRMltl1I)rl4XXXR lflSVABGIA
Send your cream to us and receive
lop prices, We are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
fill supply and furnish you with mans.
We pay twice each month and weigh
sample,and test eaoh eau of creaut oare
fully. Our motto is t' Honesty to ou
Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
turn all ollr eaterwhen not in nae,
31tter anlButtermilk also on hand
ne for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat .............. $2,80
Bran per ton,...., 36,00
Shorts per tone.-- ....... ... 42
Flour ....................... ...... 6.15 6.55
Hogs to farmers ..........:......14.25
Every Monday till October 29th,
Aibreda ,. 654.00
Athabasca 48,50
Edmonton . 47.00
Stettler . • 47.00
Canora, , , , 39,75
North Battleford 43,75
Regina . , . 40.50
Forward . , , 40.25
Saskatoon , , 42.25
Da tlph In , , 37.75
Lucerne . , 53.00
Catllrose 4075
Hanna .. . - 46.00
Rosetown , , 43.50
Yorkton , , - 39.25
Moose. Jaw 41.00
Prince Albert 43.50
Brandon , , , 37.00 ,
Winnipeg , , , 35.00
Por Tickets, Reservations, Liter-
ature and Infor'ulation, apply to
C. A, Aberhart, Druggist, Sen-
f.,rtlr, or write It L. Fairbairn.
(;.P.A., 5S Bing St. I;., Toronto.
Calgary , , ,
KERSLAKE-At Staffa, July 9, 1917,
Mrs Wm Kerslake, sr. aged 74.
ALLAN -Drowned at Moosejaw, Sask.
on Jelly 5th John Howard Allen, son
of James Allen of 1'uckeremith, aged
24 years.
To safeguard the child from damage
that worms cause, use Miller's Worm
Powders, the medicine par excellence
for children, 'These powders will clear
the system entirely of worms will regu.
late and stimulate the organs injurious.
ly affected by worms, and will encour-
age healthful operation, Nothing could
be more desirable in their action,
011 for Toothaohe,-There is no pain
so acute and distressing as toothache
Wh+n you have so unwelcome a visitor
apply Dr, Thomas' Relootri° Oil accord-
ing to directions and you will fin(1 im-
mediate effeot and the pain departs at
once. That it will ease toothache isI
another fine gaehty of this oil, showing
the many uses it has.
Inventory of water,.
The first inventory ever taken of the
watee powers of Canada has been com•
plated by the Commission of Censer•
talion, whose investigations extended
over s period of two years. It le
e&t#mated that in 1010 1,016,521 units
of horse power were developed from
water power in Canada, 742,000 tor
elootrieil energy, seed the rest for grist
&Ill and pulp and paper mill 1188,
end the full reaouroeg of the country
have eoaroely been tapped. The Hon.
Clifford Siston, chairmen of the Con-
rwgtlon OM:emission, .has stated the!
tt It p48ag86e9 n y one.ilalt
edit `itflabia w powers 0
All items under this Mend are
published free of charge, ex-
oept those regarding meetings
where all admission fee is
charged. The rate for such
being five 00112 per count line
St. James'
St. James, Church, Rev, Father P
Corcoran, Rev, Pathe r G. R. North -
graves .Morning, Mass 7 tens, High
Mass 10.30 0.m, •Sunday school 2.30
p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m,
St, Thomas'_
Rev, T. H. Brown, hector. Sunday
servioes 11 eau. and 7 pose. Sunday
schoo l 2.30 p, m. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. Children'abranoh Saturday 2 p.m,
ntereession services every Thursday,
,0 p.m.
First Presbyterian
Rev, be H. Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
servioes 11 a,m, and 7 p 02, Sunday
school 2.30 p,m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Mies-
ionary Sooietystile first Tuesday in each
month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mie•
sion Band 3rd Tuesday) in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band
every 221(1 Monday at 4.15 p.m.
Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
-SUNDAY-Class at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a,m. and 7 p.m, Sun.
day school and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer
Meeting Thureda y 8. p.m,
Capt. Frond and Lieut. Sauuers
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 pan, Gospel service 7 pen,
Childrens Service -Directory class 10
a.m, Bible classes 4 p.m, Week night
Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p,m.
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser•
vices 11 a,m, and 7 p.m, Bible class
3 p.ne. Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. in, Y.P,M.S, Union -3rd Friday
in the month 8 pan. Women's loriesion-
ary Sooiety 3rd Wednesday in the mouth
' at 2,30 pen, Ladies' Aid meets im-
mediately after.
hlcifiliop Presbyterftin
Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday
servioes Duffs' church 11 a.in Strlltlay
school 10 a til. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m, Woman's Missionary
Sooiety last Friday i12 eaoh month at
2 O'clock,
Constance Methodist
Ren, 0, C. Keine, pastor. Sunday
service 2.3U p,m, Young People's Lea.
9002.30 p m Sunday Woman's Auxil
ary first Tuesday of every mantis a
30 p.m. Ltllie5' Aid last Thursday
tf each month 2,30 p,m
Winth.op Presbyterian
Sunday setviee 2.30 put, Sunday
school I Ilipm. prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p.m. L,O, V4 last Wed.
Asthma Brings Misery, but Dr. J,
11, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re
place the misery with welcome relief, le
tiled as smoke or vapor it reaches the
vary inninebrecesses of the bronchial
pateage9 and soothes them, Restriction
pisses and easy breathing returns. If
on knew as well how the remedy would
Lelp you es do thousands of gratefu
users, there would be a package in your
home to•nlght, Try it.
Glrlol Try Itl Hair gets weft, fluffy and
beautiful -Got a 26 cent bottle
of Danderine,
If you ogre for heavy hair that Oils-
tone with beauty and Is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
la fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, boslcles It M me-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not bays ■tae
healthy hairit if you have
dandruff, This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its metre, its strength and
Its very ]lie, and if not overcome it
the scalp to helahales woos famish,
loosen and tile; then the hair falls out
rast,S Surely got a 28 -cent bottle 00
K.nowltou's Danderine from any drug
store and just try it,
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc,
Also take books
and newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
"Arose from Creamery
Phone 183
If you will takethe troub-
le to call at our Studio,
examine our Photos
(many of them pictures
of your (friends learn
I earn our prices, and note
the attractive finishes.
We are:confident we con
please you.
There is a standard of quality
b ehind Photographs made by 11e
And our prices are low as is pos•
Bible for good work,
Family Group Photosa Special.
t y,
We do picture framing and
Amateur Supplies and Films and
finish prints. for Amateurs.
Call anti see us
D r Buck's Studio
Phone 19 - SEAFORTH igesi
A lady in Hamilton has
instructed mete offer for
Sale her home and 8 lots
Situated on the 'North
Side of Crombie St.
This is excellent' prop-
erty in good condition
and must be sold at once
to close all estate,
-A sn:tp for some one -
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone Dia
"For the Blood is the Life."
With any disease due to Impure blood
such as Soaema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad
Leg., Absaeuee, ulcer., Glandular
Swellings, Bolt., Pimples, Borne of any
kind, Pl1os,Blood Po2sen,Rheumatlsm,
Gobi, ate., don't ,caste your time and stoney
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. What you want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous mutter which alone is the true
cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood
Mixture is just such n medicine. It is composed
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all Impurities, from whatever cause
arising and by rendering It clean and pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting cut;
1Thorroarois of tootOrtooniolor
forortechon ,fe0s„fhhl
rmu, t bongo).
Over 50 rears'
0, 80001.
Pleueent t0
0010 by all
Ohmolats sad
tt rrh opo,a.
Hew aq
Sobelllo les.