The Seaforth News, 1917-06-21, Page 8Moll CONTRACT 8EEALED TEND BRS addressed the 1)0814nm/tor General, will be mei d at Ottawa until Noon, on Arida 1e 29th Clay of, luno, 1017, for the co eyetice of Ilia Majesty's Math, on l,rcp esrd Cc .,,: • u Ler years, 11 limes per week on the route, ov Walton No, 3 Rural Haute, From t rut of Oetobsr,1917, Printed notices containing forth inforruation 118 to condition of prepare Contract may be seen and blank form cf Tender may be obtained at the Poe offices of Walton, Blyth and Brussel and at the office of the Post Uff1 o. t,n8pector, London, 0, C Auderaon, ltnpetin telnlen t, Post Office Inspector. Post tfliee Department vanada Mail Sertuoe PI tach, ^_rtta}yn, 113th May 10,7, to y, a Ix ter hs lir $ SEALED TENDERS adtireaeed to the undersigned, mud enriorsecl "Tender kr Supplying Luul for the Dominion Buildings, will be teemed at this offrce until 4.00 1'. 111. uu Tuesday, July 3, I alias Wilson, of Ailsa Craig, is a i lies. L, Laseagu of Little Current ie y' veniug and a large trend 1917, for the supply of coal for the visitor at the Mime of her brother, Air. Iuescia e g a Pobi,c Buildirle. thion rh out h Ill. (p, "Ile"' visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs, R Mice will be expeoteel, Bioko. iRev. .1, Ritchie is in Montreal at- ' tootling the Presbyterian Assembly. Rev. H. Ferguson preached dilrrng 1118 abaenea, ORRESPONDENCE Dublin 311sa R, Cion]u of the Normal at Stratford it punto for the holidays. Mr' end Mrs, Joe {Veber recently wept to Lontlon iu the motor Gar, Miss Al, Jordan hue gone back to Ogdeneourg, New ) ork where she ]e musing. Mertes 1': Woods and J Jordan wen to Clocita•ioh last week to the Exenrsion to Detroit. A large number• from Isere wore at the races in 2litcholl, Ml' E J alnrphy is visiting (*Jeannie to 14amilto 1. eroarkartyr her daughter, Mre, lfaralily, Mr. sits lflre, Jeffery have been m 11onsnll vlaittug roletivos. Lightniug struck a tree near the 'house of Mr. James Bethune ansihrok e wintlews 10 the b008e, 'flies Elsie Parsoue is organist in Grace Uhuroh during the absence of Alma Hogarth who ie spendiug a few mouths to Guelph, Winthrop Stay pressing is now the creder of the day Messrs Gardiner, Brown, and czar. smack have pressed for J, H, Catup- bell, Chas, Little, R. Campbell, Otto. anti John Prioe and others. There le a good demand 58181 prices aro ,stiffening, lir, Brewster of the Brunelle Road lost a valuable mare which died Ill the field He paid 5400. for it only a few weeks ogo, Mre. Hugh MoLaron of Port Nightie in the parental home of airs, Willtezn Sterling, 31uoh regret ie felt that Rev, F• (1 Itiuberd, who has boon rector of Bay. field, Varna 8nl1 Mellon fur the past two yeara hue been forced by 111 health to rosign, lie will tape up hie work at Lakeside whioh will bo mud, lighter, Elia many friends here hope the moiler work will prove benofioial, 81 Jae Johnston is improving in health. Fishing for herring off the dock is now a favorite sport. Anyone selelling to send baxee of comforts to the boys, or contribute, aro aehea to ()allot F A Enwark's ur Greene -11 lade's store, Auburn There are four pupils from here sung on the entrance examination f this week, Mrs Hugh Russ is very 111 at present. 1 Bullet$ Airs. 100. t;illeepe front the West w 1 has been }^18iting at the hauls of her Ur, Saturday sire. Snetw Cian'forcl oft bar of mother-in-law is minoring from au at.; the I;th passed another milestone it1 byterle. tack of plow -man, the journey of life, when she was 81 Hand h The Misses Jean, Mary, and Agneo J 708rs of ago. "ilra00y" 18 81111 vouun l Mr. a McKellar spent a fe}v cls s C i I in feelings as at 21 a ford last week, Play in aid of the Red Cross here on Roger, of Beet Wawanasll, who Fred Moss is the happy man this I 18'8 a boy, Mrs. died + • recently, She was the last mein• those who organized the Pres n 011080)1 in Auburn, her hu8- eiug one of the first elders. lid 1)1rs, Walker are the proud Carling- "he has 8101 en parents of a eo11. y inat iu - , enemy and would like to do a "good The Belgravo Club will give the turn' to any neighbor still t t e! Dominion. Mr. and Mn.Sadler of Parkhill Combinedspecificationand form ofwere here last week. tender eau be obtained on sul,liOatiunSayfl@Id '11 et tide office and from the caretake of the different Dolauuon Buildings, Per8o118 tendering are notified the tenders will not he Goneldered miles made on the printed forms supplied and sigued with their actual elgnatnres. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque ou a chartered bank a ab p y le to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c. 1 of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do iso or fail to complete the contract, 1f the tender be not bo accepted the cheque will be returned, By Order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary, Departruent of Public Works, Ottawa, 111118 9, 1917. eonstance re, Atwood and children of Wind le I Walton8or spent a week with her parents, Mies Lulu King of Stratford Normal air' and Mrs. B. Riley,t The following is the minimal Reportschool is home, e of the „Walton Red Cross Union". Year : Among those who took the Grey, hound excursion to Detroit were Air, 5714.52: and Mrs. Wm Osmond, Wm, MGDool 69.10 !Frank Cameron, John Tippet and Fred 985,60 i Fowlle. Sirs. Deatiout has returned to her Si 769 2 home in Detroit after visiting her par.� 1027'85 elite Mr and Mrs, John Tippet, LOCAL AGENT WANTED —for— SEAFORTH and district. —to sell for— "THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES Splendid list of stock For Fall planting 1917, and eudiug May 31 1917. Donations Quilts Teas Total Expenditures Balance on Hand 5 141 37 Number of artielee shipped to Lon- don and Blyth are as follows; 244 Flannel shirts 36 hospital shirts 73 Pyjama suits 953 Towels 697 Pairs of Socks 8 Field cushions 1 Scarf In addition to above there were also the following articles sent to our boys 0V8I.Be$r. 300 Pre of Socks 31 Towels There were also 12 quilte made and sold locally. A very intaressing wedding took place at "Fairview Farm,' the home of Mr, and Mre, Fred Oxtoby, on Wed. needay June 6th, when their daughter Mies Fannie Mae became the bride of Mr• Frank Hackwel] of Walton, The ceremony was performed by Rev, 31r Spring planting 1918. !McCullough, Mrs, Gardiner, sister of including many new varieties :bride groom played the march. The bride was dressed in embroidered lace wllich we 'alone control, over white. About 60 guests were pre. Flo Agent's Proposition, Handsome Send for new illustrated catalogue lover at the wedding and 160 at the I wreceptionl. Atnoug the presents which ree (unfit; ESCIt181Ye Territory. to Liberal Commiseiens• the bride from her father, of51000 young couplecouple have a host cf frier($ who wish STONE and WELLINGTON them well. The Fonthill Nurseries, Rev Mr Lundy returned from (Established 1837) I Brampton on 'Thursday night He was ORONTOONTARIO visiting his father who is ill. === I Mr Joe Nicholson had a colt killed DRAIN TILE by lightning en Wednesday uight slur. e will tug the electric storm Ori open a kiln of u lir M Rowland was visiting friends in June 22nd & 27th; Wawanosh last week all then have Tile from" Hay pressing is now the order of the is up t0 7 ins. day. There is good demand et the KRUSE BROS. Present Egmondville Under the Auspices of the Red Gross Society a. Play entitled "Lazarus Phone 2 On 146 Taken In" will be given by the Bel. grave Dramative Club on Wednesday, June 27th in the Workman's Hall, CI intoe 01111011111116 4, B. Moulton was in Brant - week. id Mre, Mallon and Mire. 1-to- laforth visited Mrs. F. Jackson eek. ;roily Morrison of Hensel no time visiting Airs, R, J. n Scarlett of Loadbury at• rneoting of the District L Staff Rev. Mr. Darling is home again after attending the Conference in London. Mrs. W, W. Sadler has gone back to Hamilton after a pleasant visit. Mr, .F, Elliott attended the funeral of a sister in Wisconsin Mrs, Hothan, Mre, R. Sadler, Mre, A, Oliver, Miss Worden and Mies A, McLellan were delegates from our Landeborougli of Detroit is Institute to the convention in St, 118.. here and in Teckerereith (Marys, .Mre, Cooper of Seefog"0 glstWleg Quite anumber her went to Seaforth for Decoration Day, airs, Moore and eon of Toronto are visiting her mother, Mrs. e, Aixun Sr,5 Mre. Wm, Wilson of Cleeland, Ohio, is visiting her mother and friends here Mrs. Thuell of Brussells and Arnold and Vera Cololough,notoredto London and backiaat week^ Clerk, Wool 1 Wooi 1 () wipe to oar 11aring Bald am See forth :Kill we will not be aide to handle any more 0(8,1. swelter Thouipsuu ,k Nous 1,8. Cost A braes) t. chitin and broach on the road near Luadbury on Saturday 111118 9111. 'Von dollars reward will be given if left at the New» Office, 5eltf0l't11, FOR SALE icy Tender Snbjeo6 to removal, the t]weiling House in the rear of the Methodist Church now occupied by frit, 1, 13 Thompson. Highest in any tender not neoess8rily accepted. Tenders reeeil'. ed to July lfitlt 1917. .For particulars apply to 1)r, 1"• 1, Burrows 8esforth1, Man Wanted on fared Wanted a married man to work farm by the year. House provided, E. J, BOX • SlVelrieE Any ratepayers in the Township of MoKillop who wish to pay their 11118088.-• merits for construction of the Kiuhurn Swamp Drain (in Bullet,) in Cash can do so before the 30th day of July 19,7 to G K holland treasurer or .to the Dominion Bank Seaforth After said date for all assessments not paid De. beuturee will„be issued 011 a five year term at 6 cent ' per lit Interest, M Murdio Seaforth CO'K RR S. Es— OE. s- a ry.:.+ t ai:{'t8J tt,ue,r 1 ``, i;.',: A LLSN L Ml fie' ItY 0 Ur should give the coinsci- entiousness of this store a proper place in your consideration—F >e're lty Conscientious in our service to you—ave feel the responsibility your „ confidence puts upon us. 1t means that in you can get value and satisfaction tailored to your measure from a choice of a wide range of fabrks and models. TE have a knack of doing the unusual in the clothes. 'Te put more into them than you get in any other line --better style, better tailor- ing, better cloth. We keep pounding away on the advisability of wearing Art Clothes—we're earnest about it—we believe in it sincerely. And when we once get you to believe, you'll have a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes, ,.•,n %Teti u, 4,1 icS) hi R`'yt'1+y:w�iru.I,r�q ta•}v:!1 ,r is,t�� 1,° 1"iir efir "` to r+ special sale on Saturday of Broken Sizes 0 .Lather's Shoes These shoes will be sold re— gardless of price 1{, t-.[,,, °ate, Ai 1jj ��� 4 i�v ltfal{1i 4yll "f ra r `®�9 `Y�f lafYlt "The Home of Good Shoes' Phone 51 Seaforth Hair Cv ting There grows on a normal head an average of 100000 hairs approximately 1000 to the sq, in. all of which must be scient- ificallg clipped that map lap smoothly in place over;the en- tire head. This mustbe done with shears and comb, and if clippers are used the hairs mu st be properly tapered, or there appears around the head a mark or wig like appearance, a conditions competent barbers will avoid. We claim to haverhis Art down to a science, ivhich the men who wearourhair•cuts demonstrate whereverpou see them So why consider where to have your hair -cutting done when you may conte direct tc the Commercial Barber Shop C4th with the full assurance of having itdone artistically bp experts The Shop that is always up-to-date. (commercial Barber Shop Ctith ROBINSON Prop HOWWELL .:t 11Y ,YO)3N W. S. MoCULLOUGH, M.D., D,P.H„ CHIEF OFFICER :t )A OF THE PEOP1NCLAL BOARD OF HEALTH. BABY FOOD t�f yd•��:»• .«��•»•�I;TC.:. • . . .e e.• RFCIPES FOR Lime Water. rEASPOONFUL, of unalaked lime in a quart of bolted water. $hake in a.large bottle such as a gem jar and let stand for twenty- four hours. The clear fluid standing on top may then be run oft, This is Lime Water. Barley Water, Two level teaspoonfuls of Robinson's or Brook's barley -flour. Mix with Water to make a paste. Add water to one pint. Boil for twenty minutes in double boiler. Strain through two thicknesses of cheese cloth. Add boiled water to make up that boiled away so as to have one pint. Oatmeal or Berle Qt",el. Robinson's oatmeal(groats).y. Use either Robinson's or Brook's barley flour or sCook ufficient cold water forma paste eand add enough three water to make a pint through ltwoethiaknessessin a of cheesecloth. o1The gree' shdd a ould bel salt. Strain thick enough. to Jelly when cold. If too thin, cook longer. To one quart of skimmed intik, h ted to 105 Deg. P, add four toa- spoontuls of liquid rennet. Let stand in a cool place till the curd forms. Break up the curd with a fork and strain through four layers of cheesecloth or muslin. Heat the liquid (whey) to 155 Deg, F. and allow to cool grad- ually. Keep on ice. One quart of milk makes 24 ounces of whey. Alb en Water. To four ounces 00 water, eatWed to 104 De egg, stir wtth a knife until dissolved. Do not beat or shake the Strain through cheesecloth. h. Put a pound of meat in one pt nt of cold water. Add a pinch of salt. Cook slowly for three or four hours. Strain through two thicknesses of cheesecloth and cool. Remove all the fat. Jui• Partially broil eve; coals, bo hf si eseof a half pound of the top of at round of beef, Out In small pieces and squeeze out the Juice, using a menet Press or wooden lemon squeezer. Add a pinch of salt. Half a pound of beef ; lakes two ounces of beef Juice. Scrape a piece of round steak souped a knife and then very slightly" broil. Scraped beef is free from fibre and 1s better than minced beef. To one quart of whole milk heated to 106 Deg1'. dd of liquid rennet. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon uluofeasPounfula sugar. Let stand in a cool place till the curd fors. Strain off the liquid The balance is junket. m Put the egggCoddled Egg. Cover and let ad for see n or eight minutes.water and diTheywhite of tremove he a the Are. be soft and not liquid.egg should Take half a pound of good p> Prime Wash and soak in water Cover with water and adct half a teaspoonful of sugar. Coinward uble• boiler until the prune are perfectly tender, Strain through cheesecloth. The resulting Boum le prune Juice, Soap Suppository, Tat% 8t piece of mettle or common brown soap and cut out a portion. one or two inches long, pointed at one end and about as thick as a lead MIAMI. This will make a very good supposltfy. Slightly wet when about. to use it, Boratlo Acid Solution (2 per cent.) Put one tabjronpoonful of borates acid Crystals in a clean eight-uitca bottle filled weft' boiled water. Shake the bottle. Not all the crystals will be dissolved, but the watt' will be a saturated (4 per cent.) solution. Some. of stfluted with equal parts of boiled water will be a 2 per cent, solution, TbR per Cont, solution eboubl be so labelled and used do/ a stock Solution. • •,1 7 k