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SIR SDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LIK.,p„ D.G,t.., President
WNW Alias, , General Meaerrer, H. V. F. JONES, A.as't Consort Miramar
a ar
,CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,000,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
acre supplied free of charge on application. S54
Seaforth. Bxeaaa..o. .
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
Wrappers specially printed from your
own copy, we can supply then at the follow
ng prices—
WJ J, Wal ker & Son
W. J. Walker, holder of go,
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night calla receive our
prompt attentions,
Day Phone 07
Night " 113$
Winter Term from Jannary2ed
We have Commercial ohorthaud
and Telegraphy Department. The
courcee are thorough np to dateend
practical, The in sttnaters areex-
perienoed and we are receiving
scores of spplioatione for trained
help we cannot supply. Write at
once for particulars.
3a all countries.Ask for our INVENTOIV
ADVISER, ,which will be sent free.
MARION fit Mlle"
TU ES D;f: Y
"ALL RAIL" - also by
"Great Lakes Routes"
(Season Navigation)
Your Future is iii the West
The fertile prairloo have put Woatern
Canada on the map. There are still
thousands of acres waltlna For the man
who wants a home and prosperity. Take
advantage of Low Rates and travel via
Can . Saha Pacific
STEurail3T .: ROS
Agents Seaforth
District f»assengerAgt
Toronto, Ont.
Try Us For A
Refreshing Shave
Our Speciality
Call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
BUFFALO—Daily, May
n let to NNov. 15th—CLEVELAND
Leave Bnreum • MOOR. 91, 1tAanoas Leave O1.16ve1/20o • 9:00 P. M.
Arrive OhsV6i,AND 7,30 A. Lt. STANDAno nes i Arrive a0l?AL0 • 7:30 A. M.
Oonneotlous 01 Olorotend for 00 a Point, Putdu-Bey Toledo, Dotrolt and all point"
woet and Southwest. Railroad btokota roodlne badw'oonqBBuffato and Oleveleed
aretieketo vinlay0, & 13 X Ino,. Hew To ,e,t An,,,tomobila rale�—tG 00 Ron daTrlptPer
1 with?,s roture ll mit, Pot oars potoraoodin¢1e71n.whoo1Ueee.
nonoolPlyvlo06d,, e0aalapawu0ypoe Tphlo teornse eRpdooSeoe0k" tonAlen,
The Cleveland & Buffalo,
,Transit Company
(7ercload, ehto
The Groat ship "8er.Aeeeaa„
—the larged and mad snail
00000000 Strum,. eo i olnnn
aricity, 0500 pe0i0ng r,
LC �-
c,c FinN
FARE # A35o
1' al. H. Pattison of Winona, Out,
Witco: 0o -operation Is a plant which
naturally seems to grow more easily
in European than in Canadian soil,
and Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark,
olland, Sweden, and many other
European countries have already ex-
perienced Its manifold benefits for
many years. The United States, how-
ever, made great progress, over a
billion dollars' worth of agricultural
products being sold annually by ore
o eratives 1n that country, while more
an 1,000 co-operative fruit and pro -
use assoelation" are carrying on
bnelnees there more or lase success-
fully, In Canada, while much of the
'work is still educative and experimen-
tal, co-operation is fast passing be-
yond the experimental stage, and in
the fruit business alone a fair num-
ber of co -Operatives have attained
aneceee, probably the most inumesefui
et all being the United Fruit Growers
of Nova Scotia. One feature stands
out prominently, however, In the his-
tory of fruit co-operation in both Can-
thatdfelw United
until necessity compels
them$ in other words, till they are
Squeezed into it. In Ontario some of
the fruit growing cm -operative asso-
illations have failed altogether, and
others have attained but a small
Measure of success.
Why Dairymen Should Use Them
Very Promptfy
Aside from checking fermentation,
and therefore avoiding rapid spoiling
of the cream, the use of the cooling
tank serves to take the animal heat
put of the cream, preventing the cream
oQ butter from developing an un-
palatable smothered taste, which
qtly depreciates the market yahoo
j t butter. When promptly cooled and
frequently stirred the cream remains
Iii proper mechanical condition so
dust it oan be readily transferred with -
*it excessive lose due to sticking to
can, This also makes possible
e taking of repreaentative samples
gegrom, which tit turn insures no-
tests.. One of the fundamental
Os of irregular and incorrect
Obi tests Iles in the poor meahant..
dal condition of the cream when
led. It is difficult to take a
et sample from cream that has
irh been cooled promptly and proper -
o se
poor �usta�It tto that is
In transplanting lettuce or other
soft planta, do not set too deep. If
you do, the water is likely to collect
to the lower leavee and muse them
to decay.
Years of War Had. Striking [Neat
on Montreal Parade
The Langemarck parade brought
home to those who knew the Montreal
militia the changes that have been
wrought by the war. Where in years
past to ceremonial parade was lucky
if half a dozen battalions turned out,
that time there were thirty-five unite.
with sixteen battalions and represen-
tatives of every other branch of the
service, including a number that had
not been thought of until the woes -
sites of the War gave them birth. A
more notable feature still was the
change in personnel. With pooh bat.
talions as the Royal Highlanders and
the Vies., there was almost a com-
plete change. The officers who had
been in charge before the war had
gene, and many of them have figured
In despatches from the front. Since
then their places have been filled,
emptied and filled again, several
generations of officers having come
and gone forward. lIden who In 1916
were subalterns were holding high
fxlit, while the rank and file showed
iygp changes.
Sunday omnibuses to Chigwell, Zs -
trek, ears the London General Omni-
bus Company, are aliuost entirety
patronized by munition workers.
0th (Reserve) Battalion, City
ndon Regiment, is known as the
iron Sixth."
Ling before ice Is°eaen-t war tele
PI,LlitLf). suffered frorh a libellous
*ierpretation of its initials, but now
Ree regiments are in a similar plight.
SAILS. is interpreted by some to
illissa Really not a sailor," and the
"Alis Stoverne Oavalrlltle
Warning t0 Bicycle Ridere
Many complaints have been received
of persons riding bicycle on the side-
Notice is hereby given that this is
oontrary to the Town By-laws and any
person so doing ie liable to a penalty.
Hy order
Julie Seth 1917
Jim. A. Wileon,
Town of Seaforth
The best and newest sectione, anp
highest peaks are aeon from the trans-
continental trains of the Canadian
Northern Railway leaving Toronto
every Monday, Wednesday and Fri•
day, For attractive booklets. through
tichets, and full information apply to
O14AS. Ai310RHAl2T
'Lown Agent
is �ownTopics f'
N"°...4AN.ws�Nli�w.oNrw++tlm..m•N N.�.vaN NDN
Pressing, Cleaning find Repairing
Campbell's Block opp Queens hotel
op stairs.
Mrs, Goo, Murdio of Mltohell was
in town for a few days renewing old
Mrs. W, J, Morrow and two children
of Moosejaw are on a visit to the form
ore pareets Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Sproat,
Mt's, (Rev) Mullen of Pomona, Cal.,
ie visiting her son, Mr, J. G. Mullen,
Miss, Ada Govenlook of Shelburne has
returned home for the vacation.
Mr. F, W. Gladmau of Exeter
000upied the pulpit of the Egutundville
Church Mat Sabbath.
Mies Mary Gilliepie of the Collegiate
staff, Parkhill is with her parents Mr,
and Mrs James Gillespie,
Miss Aguas McKay, who has been
been attending the. Normal School in
Stratford is home for the holidays,
Rev, E F M Smith of Lunn, former-
ly of Hensel], was in town on Monday I;
Mrs J. S. Roberts left on Friday
o visit her daughters in Cabana and
ew York,
Mrs Joe Scott' of Roxborough has re-
tufnedfrom a visit to friends in Toronto
A successful tea was held"in the base-
ment of the Presbyterian ohttscb last
Wednesday afternoon under the aus-
pices of the Ladies Aid Sooiety. The
proceeds amonnting to $20 were don•
ateti to the Belgian Relief Work,
Mrs. Coleman who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Thee: Daly has return •
ed.to her home in Kincardine.
Mies Argo is visiting relatives in
Mrs De Geer oT Saskatoon is tits
guest of Mre, R Boyd,
Mr A A Naylor, principal of the
public school is at Brussels presiding
over the examinations,
The many friends of Miss Helen Mo
Nabb will be pleased to learn ', that she
is able to be out again.
At Goderieh ou Tuesday the County
Council adopted the Good Road By -
Law anal about 330 miles of Roads in
the County will be under Government
BOARD WANTED— with single
bedrooms. for two young men—Central
Location preferred. State terms to
the News Office.
A load of Oddfellows and Rebekalts
spent Tuesday evening at Mr. Thos.
Mr. H 12 Scott was in Hensel] on
Sunday for Decoration Day
Rev, T. A, Brown ie attending Synod
iu London.
Principal Treleaven of Clinton is
presiding at the Faculty Examinations,
Mr. George Stephenson, Coustanoe
and Mr 1t T Dodds McKillop are dele-
gates to the convention of the Canad-
ian Order of Foresters.
Mr. J. F, Reid of the Ogilvie Milling
Co has gone to Montreal,
Two rinks from Seaforth motored to
Mitchell on Wednesday to take part in
the Bowling Tournament.
Mrs, Bell of Chicago is a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Habkirk,
Principal Ross presided at the De-
partmental examinations at Blyth on
Monday autl Tttestlay. Yesterday he
took the Entranoe here.
Mt',L, Bolton and friends spent Sun-
day in Bayfield,
Mr.Robert Steele of Egmondvillo re-
ceived word on Sunday that his son
Pte, John Alex Steele who enlisted at
Edmonton was in the hospital with a
bullet in tiro left leg-
Mr, R, M. Jones is out this week on
Crutches the result of an injured knee.
Mos Warwick reoeived word last week
that her son is wounded in France,
Pte, M 0 Fraser of Brimfield is
reported wounded.
Mise, Annie Stewart has taken 't
position in Williams drug store,
Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Aikins and Mr.
and Mrs. A. Monteith motored over
from Kippers on Sinnday evening to
attend divine service in the First Pres-
byterian Church,
Mr. Hlok of Godericb formerly man-
ager of the drug store now occupied by
Mr. 0. L. Williams was in town this
week renewing old acgnaintances;
Thursday, Jane 21
Stewart Bros
JUM3 3i
Stew r it
Dr, Margaret Calder, Wingham and
Mr. John Calder Swift Current wore
recent guests at the home of theiruncle
Mr. Jamas Cowan.
Miss Pearl Guhr, who is in training
in Rochester Hospital, is spending a
couple of weeks at her home here.
Mrs, MoDoneld of Detroit is visiting
her daughter, NIrs. Charles Layton,
Mrs, Holmes of Clinton is visiting
het sister, Mrs. James Archibald,
Mr. and Mrs. Staples accompanied
by their son and daughter. motored
from Ingersoll and spent Sunday with
their daughter, Mrs. John McTavish.
Rev. and Mrs. D.Jobnetone of Varna
spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Pet-
er Kerr.
Tito Oddfellows and sister Lodge of
Rebeccas observed Sunday as "Decor-
ation Day" and decorated the graves of
members in the two local cemeteries,
Tho Day was Ane and a large number
were present,
Miss Rennie'e class wi1; give a recital
here ou the 29th in aid of patriotic
The trustees are to have the school
grounds graded a work much needed as
they were in a very bad condition,
Bowling on the green is now a
favorite pastime.
Thompson Murdook now carries the
(nail on Bewail R R No 1.
Mfrs, Fred Eckert arrived home from
Chicago last Friday accompanied by he
slater Mrs, Joe Dantzer who it going to
remain he Canada some time for the
good of her health.
Mr. T. MoKay has purchased a new
oar sad it taking in the fresh breezes
of the oottttty,
occupants were unhurt.
Rumor has it that Mr. W. Hoggy
will soon join the order of Benediats.
More power to you Willie.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Jerry O'Hare is able to around again
Sister Martha of Chatham accom-
panied by Mother Superior of the
Urselfne Order visited her mother
Mrs, Thos. O'Hara last week. It is 20
years since she has been. home and
she says everything seems to have
changed so muolt,
Some of our Detroit friends called in
Ice Cream Parlors and ware surprised
to And that Seaforth was even better
than Detroit for accommodation, vari-
eties and good goods.
Mr, Ed, Chamberlain Miss Edna Mc-
Vey Misses Ruby Myrtle and Rhea
Sadler motored to Loudon on Sunday
Corp Lorne Hutchison Toronto spent
the week -end with Itis parents, Mr. and
Mrs F, D. Hutchison. ,
Mrs, Darling spent the week end
with friends is London.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Suhr spent Sun-
day with ltlr, and Mrs, 'ruffle.
Mrs, Join.] Rice is the guest of Mies,
Myrtle Sadler.
Mr and Mrs Roy Lawson spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr, J. Morcleu,
Mr, Wm Sadler has purchased a new
Gray Dort oar.
Miss Elsie Parsons spent Sunday at
her home in Munro.
Mrs. Robt Webb of Seaforth is visit.
ing friends in the village.
Quite a number front here attended
the Races in Mitchell on June 12,
The many friends of Pte. Frank
Childs were sorry to learn of him re-
ceiving a shrapnel wound in the face,
What might have been a serious No one need endure the agony of
accident last Saturday when Master comas with Holloway's Corn Cure at
Mike Murray'sbuggy was struck by a hand to remove them.
oar breaking ono of tho. wheels. The
Next meeting of Council at Win
throp on June 30th at r o'clock p. at.
0'I. Murdie clerk
For Asthma and Catarrh.—It is one
of the chief recommendations of Dr.
Thomas Eelectric oil that it can be
used internally with as much success as
it oan outwardly. Sufferers from asth-
ma and catarrh will find that the Oil
when used according to directions will
give immediate relief. Many sufferers
from these ailments have found relief in
the oil and have sent testimonials.
Small but Potent.—Parmelee's Veg-
etable Pills are small, but they are
effective in action. Their qualities as
a corrector of stomach troubles are
known to thousands and they aro itt
constant demand everywhere lay those
who know what a safe and simple rem-
edy they are. They need no in-
troduction to those who know thorn, but
to those who may not know theta they
are presented as the bast preparation
on the market for disorders of the stern -
Western Univarsity,
Three More New Professors
Equal to. Any in Canada,
Students can now obtain as
good an education in Arts
and Medicine at the Western
as anywhere.
E E Braithwaite, M A, Ph D
If you are going West, take advantage
of the low Homeseekers' Exclusion,
Fares offered by the Canadian Nortli
ere Railway, good leaving .'Toronto'
every Monday,
For literature and all information,
apply to
Town Agent