The Seaforth News, 1917-06-21, Page 4IPROFDSS1INAL CARDS.
11. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon
Leteof London Iioopttal, London, England
Of Eve. Lrar, Nose
I�, 11 tont. on to discuses o X ,
and reside ace, behind Dominion Bank.
4900ec Phone n 0.5. Resid. - Phone No.196.
!I F. J. BURROWS. Seaforth. Office and
Menet - Goderlch Street, east of the Metho-
1041�0"11fcb. Coroner for the County of Retort.
ffigaphone. No. 40,
Iiia&. SCOTT St MACKAY, Phytldahs and
Surgeons, Godorlch Street, opposite Meth*.
inatChurcb, Seaforth,
pC0Tr, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member of Ontario College of Physicians and
'6 Coroner Coroner for County of Huron,
GYZAT, honor graduate Trinity University,
it�Ss,o! PhY Ictlene and Surgeoaeeb h m her of
BL G'EO. HEILEMAN, Oeleopathic Spew" *
is Women's and ChUdrea a Dloeaeea and
! hattunutic Troubles. Acute and Chronic Dla-
,sydiss, Ear, Eye, Noon and Throat. Adenoids
suttatlon free.
Jk ate!
'11^atb ia. a nut the t`mknife.
Fndaq_K CD i�_y,m
twined by JOSS
tla9ria a Licenses :Awe=
-Art you a nsldrrtrg Insurance, Life or Accident?
lf)'0. art, a postcard will get our rates.
a>u etel Agent for London Life Insurance Co.,
sod lu:perta1 Guanwtee and Accident insurance Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
'amen Watson
druerol Fire, Lite al.4 .\.'cidrnt Disunionas:i'a., and dealer in Sewing Afaehines,
Main Street. 0,'afnrrh,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Perm and Isolated Town
Property Only insured,
310. t.lir nl:y, (:. der:ta Pzesld-n r, Jame.
.ETsns, Item' nwrcd, \'",oe i.e..rd: c-, Thamas
Says. oeaiorth. Sac.- Irma.
D. F. McGregor, Seefortb' John C. Grieve.
Winthrop W. Rims. Constance; John Bennewels,
Stodghagen• Robert Ferris, Harlock; Sfalwm
McKeon, Clinton; r, McCartney Seaforth;
3asees Connolly, GoderIch; Jas. Evan., $eechwood.
a,,.... r .��",, •. ing roost.
From the Office
Evening f
ono B# I'ST !
One dollar"perear,'Wetly in advanot
11 001 paid leadvance,one dot \ar and
a half Will be charged Vatted States
papers, fifty cants extra. .trickly In
ad minced,
When subscribers choanga their address
notice should be?!et t et tmmedlately, gluing
scribers willdand connfeera the
by no ifyi notifying Sub.
of any Irregularity of dellverv,
Rending Notices -No reading notice.
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which mons Is to be made by any person
or cause will be Inserted In Tag Naws
without charge. The price for the Inser-
tion of business announcements la TEN
cents per count line each insertion to
partied having no contract for dlepiay
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts.
and for church;'soctetyy and entertainment
reading notices. Cardiol Thanks 5 10,9
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notieea-Ten cents per tine for first
insertion and five cents per tine for each
subsequet Insertion.
Yearly ,ards-Professional Cada, not
exceeding one inch, will be Inserted for
55.00 per 7,1r, payable strictly In advance
Display 3 lvertlaing-Rates tarnished
on appltadon.
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion.
wUntll forbid," and those sent without
written tnstructicos will appear anti
critters orders are r, elved for their db.
Lettere to the Editor must he accom-
panied by the writer's own signature. not
or publtcatlon, but as a guarantee of good
faith, The everfher estate co respon-
In ouch
y whatever for the statements eo made
In euro rocs will nitons, Lettere on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter is ten
cents per line,
I General Observatiou
Agents `` 4
Alen. Leitch, Harloek, E. Hlnchley. Seaforth;
1VOUtam Chesney. EgmondvtUe• J. W. Yeo,
Uotmesvllle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen• James
ZIPS and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors..
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact -
other business- will be promptly attended to by
uppUeation to any of the above officers, addressed
+to their respective postoffige0,
The Dentin on Goverr,mot•t is taking
up the right position regarding Civil
Service appoietntents a..d one which
every right thinking man and woman
The will sustait:. That is that these ape
.,.gins. pointmel,ts are for the s'lldier who has
returned and not for men who have re-
ad mained safely at home while someone
Only "los has fought his battlee.
Geo. Brown was big eootigl: and pat.
riutic enough to loin Sir John A Mc
Donald to gat C'm:federetio:i. It looks
as 1f 4ir W1f1;o 1 w30 r )1 e,i:'•aliv great
Beware or he wu'tid oat Sir Robert Borden to
save what Ciao Brows, got.
Sold Is :sir Eli -ed ;ouki g at th-: hoys in
On the the trot .l., -s er at the poin..g booth
Merits whet h" r,'fl sc-n to votefor ttnstscript-
If to;.?
For Sale
W. 1. fin( Seaforth,
Phone I 60 •
A Business
Without a proper
systm of adver-
tlsin is like a
motor without the
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
hope - 34
,evdninris 127
The meanest men in the world are
those who have allowed themselves to
drift away frons their mothers and for.
got al; about them. The best and bray
est men in the world ars those who have
never been so proud as when doing
something pleasat.t for the kind old
Hoye are not naturally selfish, and
every mother who has not a willing ef-
ficient helper in her boy, is herself to
blame, and must not only suffer the
Congequencee of her mistake herself,
but the future wife will hnve thorn to
hear also. For your ownsakes, mothers
and for the future wives of your boy.,
spare no pains to impress upon them
the magnitude of woman's work, After
they have been aocuatomed to helping
in all the ways they can about the house.
(and there are afewthingo they will not
be the better for having learned to do)
they will not think housekeeping "Putt
puttering around'
We hope all who read Hite column
endeavour to keep a f ew flowers in the
home. In addition to their beauty and
fragrance, they teach Ileatlleee and ord-
er, The wife and children like to have
I a Olean room, so that tile flower in ire
purity and grace, may not shame them.
And then, too, a poor man likes to feel
that he has an ornament in hie dwelling
Similar to that whioh a riots man (hoses
Mi the best embellishment of his draw -
Don's t weft until Oetneglle i8 gone iron
you to tell their virtues, Dou't wait
until your Oster
is far awayIn
and to tell her !low helpful, !low court.
emus site in; turd don't welt until the
weary hauda are uroned and the lest
long sleep comes before you make mot.
her know what a beautiful blue are her
eyes, how tender her heart, and how
basely you love her, fell it all now-
now, when the walk through life is hard
and the sunshine of praise is yearned
for to brighten it, and to warm and en.
courage the pilgrim by the wayside,
Why should you go out to tea auci
pram your uaighbout'e muffins when
you have forgotten to tell mother how
gond hers were; Why should yen an-
nounce how rnuoh Mr. Smith over the
• way knows, when father is a great feel
i better informed matt, and it has cover
entered your Itttle head to whisper
!quietly to hirnhow much you appreciate
his wiedomr You keep your ability to
discover faults for the home while the
eye 511141 should took for virtues is oloe-
ed tightly until you go out.
Gossip, By gossip we do not mean
friendly words with a neighbour about
our friends, but uukiud remarks, in-
nuendoes, the telliug of some cruel thing
that Mrs. E said to Mrs A, 1f you
have nothing kited to nay about a neigh-
bor acquaintance, say noticing at all, A
story grows with each repetition until
at last "behold how great a matter e
little tire kindleth,'• Let not our ton-
gue defile our souls by distilling deadly
poison, but let tho words of our mouth
be worthy, kindly, helpful noble.
It is not highly amusing, if not pro-
vocative of wrath, to hear a man com-
plain of his home being cheerless when
he sada nothing to its happiness:' He
is greatly reaponoible for the tone of
his home. The day to hie wife may
have been one of unusual care and hard
work but if husband comes in cheerful
frcm fie field or his outside work the
weariness and care -worn look will dis-
appear from his wife's face. A few
sharp words we can always excuse for
178 can always attribute then, to the
overtaxed nerves, but we can find no
plausible excuse for sullenness on the
part of the husband.
A. touch of kindness in this busy rush,
A proffered hand to help to fight the
.1 cheerful word that soothe a heavy
heart -
Have you these small things assumed
your part:
God dlese the children: 'They are a
world of care and trouble; they tiring
pain arid weariness and sorrow but are
worth it all. Do yon remember after
that weary day, when you were harsh
and irritable and teey went to sleep
with a sob, what briget fresh faces they
brought to you iu the morning? How
fall of tenderness and forgiveness civil,'.
dren are! How fine is the intelligence
with whish they look beneath the sur-
face and know that the irritable nary.
oils creature of the night before 15 not
the real mother, but the serene, gentle
woman of the morning whom they love
with deep devotion. They are the
beautiful examples of the truth that
sorrow may etttiurs for the night, but
joy cometh ill the morning, By their
brightness they repay us hourly for
every struggle we may endure for
You're a great little wife and
dont know what I would do withou
yor" And as he spoke he put his attic
about her, and she forgot all the car
In that montane, And forgetting all
she sang as she washed the dishes and
sang as she made the beds, and the
song was heard next door and a woman,
there canght the refrain and sang alto
and the two houses were happier be-
cause he had itold hoc that sweet old
story of the love of a husband for a
wife, As she sang the butcher boy who
had called for the order, heard it and
went out whistling on on his journey,
and the world heard the whistle, and
one man hearing it thought here is a
lad who loves his work, a lad happy and
And because she sang her heart wen
mellowed, and ae she swept around the
back door the000l air kissed her cheeks
and oho toought of a poor old woman
she knew, and a baelret went over to
that home with a quarter for a crate or
two of wood.
So because he kissed and praised
her the song name, and the influence
went out and out.
Pass on the praise.
A word and you may make a rift in
the cloud, a smile and you Drente a now
resolve, a great) of the hand and ycu
may repress a soul from hell,
1 -
How to Find Vault.
It to net dltii.'ult to dud fault,
u eo le
became thele f a t h o t
e s u f 1 lying
around. That's where the dillaenity
comes In. There is no honor or dire
ting 'un
tt fu finding lastt thatanybody*
else eau End and everybody else has
If you wens, to be a success et tapIG
finding you must branch out on fresh
hues, use new end ingenious methods
and find fault that leas never been
.found before. Where is She horror In
finding faalt with your wife's biscuits,
or. with the fart that dinner is late, or
other such daily occurrences? But
only let some budding scientist fled tt
modicum of fault with the Inexactitude
of the isothermal linea no evidenced by
the cross currents of the Martian
canals, and he Is itt a fair way to ac-
cumulate unto himself boat Caine and
In brief, then, it is with Ending fault
as with everything else --he not come
ulouplaee, L' ife,
New York City Garbage Disposal.
The method of garbage disposal in
New York city 10 as fohuw'i:
Garbage, placed in separate cans by
householders, is collated in city vehi-
cles and ll'ItttSpoi'led to dumps along
Use water fronts of Manhattan, the
Bronx and Brooklyn, where It is plac-
ed upon colttraetors' scows.
A tilled 51017 Is towed 50 11 reduction
plant on Barren island, in Jamaica
bay, where the material is cooped, the
grease extracted and tbo an age or
soiled matter dried. Grease is sold
for soap making, etc., and tankage is
used as fertilizer. The moisture only
is wasted.
The contractor's work begins at the
dumps, and for the privilege of receiv-
ing the 400,000 tons of garbage per
annum the contractor is obliged by
agreement to pay the city an average
sum of $97,000 per year for a term of
Ere years. -New Your Times.
Three Places to Watch,
Political regeneration most start In a
quickening of the civic conscience.
Men in larger numbers must begin to
take a deepened interest in political
policies and programs. The three
places which should be Inept in the
mind's eye evermore are the city hall,
the state capitol and Washington city.
What the representatives of the people
are thinking and saying and doing
should be closely scrutinized and scru-
pulously Judged. When our newspa-
pers pass out of the semi -barbaric stage
of newspaper development they will
devote less space to accident and gos-
sip and crime and lay before the pub-
lic day by day in ampler fullness the
doings of our aldermen, our assembly.
men and our congressmen
Superiority of the Past.
We hear from the best authorities
that the classics are not studied as
they used to be. This does not sur-
prise us, because it has been equally
true of every age. For instance, Bish-
op Berkeley, discoursing in 1744 "on
the virtues of tar water" and other
things that came into his mind, said:
"In these free thinking times many an
empty head is shook at Aristotle and
Plato as well as at the Holy Scriptures,
a a * In these days that depth of
that old learning is rarely fathomed."
This reminds us of the political debate
in a Corner grocery where one of the
village sages remarked, "Jimson is not
the man he used to be," and another
responded, "No, and he never was," -
Sound Waves.
Science says that the loudness of
Sounds varies inversely as the square
of the distance. This is merely another
way of saying that if you walk three
times a5 far away from the source of
Use sound as you were before its loud-
ness will not be a third what It was,
but a ninth of what it was, for nine is
the square of three.
Ott the other hand, the density of the
medium which conveys sound is very
important, On a frosty night the air
Is dense, One consequence of this is
that an automobile runs better be-
cause the engine gets larger supplies
of oxygen. Another result is that
sounds are heard more loudi
ever thet f
y. How -
repo, o a gun high np in
the mountains is like the scund of an
exploded firecracker,
Father of English Poetry.
s The first English bard to attain last.
G lag fame was Geoffrey Chaucer, who
was born in London about 1340. "The
father of English poetry" was the
son of a vintner named John Chau•
for and in his youth served the king
as a soldier and was taken prisoner by
the French, The English king paid
e80 for his ransom, which was quite a
high price for a poet. Chaucer's most
celebrated work, "The Canterbury
Tales," was written between 1373 and
1400. It consists of a series of tales
supposed to have been told by a come
pang of pilgrims to the shrine of St.
Thomas a Becket at Canterbury, and
In its pagee we get such pictures of
English life and ways of thought as
care found nowhere else.
Robert Louis Stevenson wag a close
etudent of style and has lett more than
one interesting discussion of the tech-
nique of writing. In a letter to B. A.
51f, Stevenson, dated October, 1883, he
"There is but one art -to omit! Oh,
Ir I knew how to omit I would ask no
ether knowledge! A man who knew
!:ow to omit world make an 'Iliad' oi'
s daily paper."
When Preening Silk.
Always press silk under a piece of
mnelin to prevent the situ from be.
coming hard and crackly, First damp,
en the muslin and use a moderately
hot Iron till the mualtn la quite dry,
atrawwicamaaimaxi prlootamKlilmaili,a astau rfitimamgnn
• THE 00
:Farmers' Sale Notes
• Farmers will do well to leave their sale notes with Rhe
Dominou Bank for collection. Consult the Manager.
E4tabiitthed i$TI
sleensrsrnetsex etsturfssaestuaemamafursoaxnrnrxixasetetexe,niag
We have established a lasting re-
putation for fair told square dealing
and are now preperod to meet existing
omlditione by otl'ering our high grade
trees and plants direct to custolnere at
Rook Bottom Prices. Dou't delay
plautiugfruit trees and plauts as there
is Nothing pays better. Send for our
illustrated oiroulars of hardy varieties
whi011 you call direct and get the be-
nefit of agent's oomcnisslon Otto prices
will be sure to interest you.
Each "Pape's Diapepein" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery In five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache,
Pape'e Diapepsin Is noted for its
Speed In regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomach rem.
edy in the whole -world and besides it
is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty -cent case of Pape's Dtapepsia
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suf-
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
Send your cream to ns and receive
sop prices. We are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
11111 supply and furnish you with emus.
We pay twine each month and weigh,
sample,and test each 000 of cream care
fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou
Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
burn all our sans when not in nee,
titer 811lBttttet'nlilk alae on hand
It for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat ............. $3,00
Oats ........... ...-.... 70
Barley...... 1 20
Bran per ton.,... 30.00
Shorts per ton ........ ......... . 42
Flour ... 0.33 7.15
Hogs to, farmers.,.,. ,,.... 13.3
Every Monday till October 29th,
Albreda , $54,00
Athabasca 48,80
Ste Heron , ' 47,00
Cancra , , , 47.00
North Battle}ord - 35,75
Regina ... -
Forward , , , - 40,25
Saskatoon , 42,25
Dauphin . , 37.75
Lucerne .. - 53,00
Camroee 46,75
Hanna , .. 45,00
RoaetoCalgaryWn 565
Morkton , , - 3943.2
Moose Jaw 41.00
Prince Albert 43.50
Brandon , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37.00
Winnipeg , , , 35.00
ttn'e or tandt to ormie tonon5PI Y to
C. A. Abei'hart, Druggist, Sea -
forth, or write R, I,. e'ttlrbairn,
G.P.A., OS ICtsg St, 15, Toronto.
'Ihous<.tnds of mothers San testify to
the virtue of Mother Graved' Worm Ex.
terminator, i.,ecauae they knowhow nee.
NI it ia,
All Items under tide Head aro
published free of charge, ex-
cept those regarding' meetings
Where all admissiion 'fee is
charged. The rate for such
being ave cent per count Zine
St.. James'
St, James, Church, Rev, Father P
Oorcoran, Rev, Fathe r G. R, North -
graves .Morning Mass 7 a.m. High
Mese 10.30 a,m, Sunday school 2,30
p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m,
' St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday
services II a,m, and 7 p.m, Sunday
Bohm)] 2,30 p. m, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. 011ildren'sbrancll Saturday 2 p.m.
utercession services every Thursday,
0 p.m,
First Presbyterian
Rev, F. H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a,ln, and 7 p in, Sunday
school 2.30 p,m, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooietyethe first Tuesday in each
month at 7.43. Barbara Kirkman Mis.
cion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at
7,30 p.m, Sunshine Minion Band
every 2nd Monday at 4.15
Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
-SUNDAY--Class at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun.
day sohool and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Thursda y 8, p.m.
Salvation Army
Capt. Frond and Lieut. Sauners
Holiness meeting 11 a.m, Praise
service 3 pen. Gospel service 7 pm.
Childreus Service -Directory class 10
a.m. Bible classes 4 pans Week night
Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p.m.
Bginondvilie, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday set -
vices 11 3.10. and 7 p.m, Bible claee
3 p.m• Prayer Meeting Weduesday
8p. m. Y,P.M.S. Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 pan, Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' Aid meets im-
mediately after.
Mclfillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday(
&novices Duffs' uhnrch I1 a m Sunday
school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m, Wotuen's Missionary
Society last Friday in each month at
2 o'clock,
(oonstacfce Methodist
Rev, 0, C. Kaine, pastor. Sunday
service 2.30 p.m, Young People's Lea.
4132.3') p in S'tnday Women's Auxil
itry first Tuesday of every loom} a
30 Est lies' Aid last Thursday
ofeaoh month 2,30 p.m
Winthaop Presbyterian
Sunday avarice 2,30 pat, Sunday
0011001 liipm. Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p,m. L.0. W last Wed.
Health cannot be looked for in the
child that 18 subject to worms, beoabse
worms destroy health by creating inter-
nal disturbances that retard develop-
ment and cause serious wealaloss.
Oliller'e Worn, Powders expel worms
and are sobenefioiaiin their action that
rho little sufferers are restored to
healthfelnoss, all the discomforts and
dangers of Worm iufeotion are removed
n d satisfactory growth ieeestut1•
Wrist Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy arid
beautlful-Get a 26 cont bottle
of an D derina
If you este for heavy hair that glia•
tens with beauty and Is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlao.
Just 0110 application doubles the
beauty of your hair, beeldes it lmme.
dlately dissolves every particle oII
dandruff. You can not hula wee
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This dostructive scurf robs)
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
Its very We, and If not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
tete scalp; the hair toots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out
fasts Surely get a 25.cent bottle oa
Knon'lton's Eaaderie° from any drug
store and just try it.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, robbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books
arid newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
Serosa from Creamery
Phone 183
If you will -take the troub-
le to call at our Studio,
examine our Photos
(many of them pictures
of your, (friends learn
learn oust prices, and note
the attractive finishes.
We are confident we con
please you.
There is a standard of quality
b eh incl Photographs trade by us
And our prices are low as is pos
Bible for good work.
Family Group Photos a Special-
We do picture framing and
A mateur Supplies and Films and
finish prints for Amateurs.
Call and see us
D F Duck's Studio
Phone l0 - SEAFORTH sui
A lady in Hamilton has
instructed me to offer for
Sale her home and 8 lots
Situated on the North
Side of Crombie St.
This is excellent prop-
erty. in good condition
and must be- sold at once
to close an .estate.
-A srlp torr s:,me one -
Bond and Debenture Broker
Alain Street, Seaforth
Phone 91:a.
"For the Blood is he Life."
With any disease duo to Impure btootl
ouch as Eczema, aerofuta, fourvy, End
Lege, AbnoOeamh Weer., 0Ianthilwr
awo111nge, Bodo, Pimples. Sorsa of any
kind, piloyeecod POinsn,nheuenatlem,
Gout, at0„ don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin, What you watt
is u medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the 50150lous matter which alone is the true
cilnae of all your suffering, Clarkes Blood
Mixture islust such a medicine, Itis composed
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood alt impurities, from whatever cause
arising,and by rendering It clean and pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting aur;
ter t a"Di,. e n jAriste,
roomer hark).
Over 50 years'
Pleasant to
Sold kr ell
Ohmelats told
N/ae ell
Sobeelfe ens.