HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-06-14, Page 8vate
SEALED TENDERS. addressed to
Oho 1'oatmuetar General, will be recaiv-
d at tlttewa Instil Noon, ou Friday,
he ''29th day of June, 1917, for the eon.
eyailce of Hie Alitjeety'a Made, 011a
propo sed 1"t a LOC years, Six
times per week on the tomo, over
Walton No. 3 Rural Routs. }Brom the
ast of Uotu1er,1917,
Printed nuttces containing farther
information as to emiditiouaaf proposed
t'eutrie t 108y bu eee11, audhlauk fnrtns
of Tender may be obtained at the Poet
Cfficea of Walton, lilyth and Reassess
ants at the office of the Para (.fificu'.
Inspector. London,
S(ll e1:1 0(tlellt.
Post Uffiho tnspeutor.
Peet office Department '•'s:crda
Mail Seet let: l.'anch ..'.•.a4'1. l,;it
May '917.
�f r1 t 1
IiIti, vlt Ew .>
S.EAL1.D TENDERS adthdFaef,d tv
the undersigned, and endorsed -Tender
for Supp!yri1;; t.val for tale 11.runu104
Buihhiugs, 'si11 be received at this ethos
anti! 4,tpU 1', Al, au 1'u:'easy, July s.
.917, fur the stipply of veal for the
Public Y,uileiinee th1 of gi, out the
Ociubiuod apeolff0ation And fetal of
tender can be obtained on application
at this uffiee and from the caretakers
wt the different Duauiuiott B! tldingl.
Persona tendering are notified tr:at
tenders will not be considered unless
made ou the printed forms supplied
and signed with their actual signatures,
Each tender must be aecompauiedby
an accepted cheque on a chartered bauk
payable to the order of the Honourable
the Minister of Public Warks, equal to
ten per Cent t1t) p.c. ) of the alnOtlIlt.
of the tender, which will be forfeited if
the person tendering decline to enter
into a contract whets called upon to do
to or fail to complete the contract, If
the tender be not bo accepted the
cheque will be returned.
By Order,
Department of Public Werke,
Ottawa, June g, 1917.
and district.
—to sell for—
Splendid het of stock
For Fall planting 1917,
Spring planting 1918.
including many new varieties
which we 'alone control,
Send for new illustrated catalogue
alma Agent's Proposition, Handsome
free (Atilt; Exolueive Territory,
Liberal Commissions,
The Foothill Nurseries,
(Established 1837}
We will open a kiln of
rile on Friday June 22nd
re will then have Tile from
1113 Up 10 7 ins.
Phone 2 On 146
Women and Asthma, Worsen are
mbered among the sufferers from
;bma by countless thousands. In
try climate they Will be found, holp-
h the grip of this relentless die -
unless they have availed themeelves
;he proper remedy, Dr, J, D. Kel•
e 3
Asthma remedy has ne w
s andlife to many euoh, Testimone
sent entirely without eolioitation,
v the enormous benefit it has
tght among women everywhere,
e easewith which corns and warts
be removed by Hoiloway,e Corn
it its strongest recommendation
dour fails.
00....PROuu ••ww.-.'wto- 0119. .w w ww
ents at Sombre,
Mrs A Thompson and slaughter of
ttoderiell epeut a few days stere,
Rev, 91r, Craik to hu Loudon this
week etteuding tieonfercuee,
Tho 6'14001 a lustttute will hold
their auuu8l public meeting. on Friday
when a very eutertaiuiug programme
will he provided.
The sawmill is ilnsy cutting logs at
920. W H •. "1001 sed left last week
to attend the sessions of the general
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in :Mutual.
Ret, and Alre Lundy is vieitiug their
relatives in Brampton and Rev. F. H.
Gilroy took the service 0u Sunday
i;vera' ofileere of the W: 1. attend•
tai the bietriut tweeting in Bi'ttssells
and arranged for tb.e annual meeting
to b,+ i(e;:1 itt 1'l,t'etivitLi1 en the
•1'114. 1 ,1100ir,g are L.ecal , tlwe're for
the ceasing v ar:--xi sidont 'tits, .1.
11, 1.11uct 6 Ni't t .el.. 1414 .1, Harris:
Mr/i,, Chao, !(!ager; Dir.
names., tl:'sei:uuee W. Kuec'liel; (a,
T rfnFltll and it 1 0.41 old; audile 8
Sipa Anil aeid airs John 11 It nititl.
airs. Jae ..6i)L, flan spent pets
days lee. we e1. Beue,ein, visfthng.
,bursday June 14
tlr;r Jackson ie in Wiuuipeg attend
fug (t nmetiug of the Canada Maunfaot-
' mere Association. Aire. Jackson and
daughter ie with hire.
lire. H. D. Heletrop teller in the
Nelson's flank has enlisted and will
leave shortly for 'ruruutu. 141r, King
1 of Tee8tv81ar will take his place here,
' 81', and Mre, W. F. C°'Neil aro taking
a trip to the \Vest at present.
1 Alta J. II. Warriegtorl of Cornwall
wee here last week buying poultry,
A mu Wen death 000111red here last
evening, when Airs. lanae Jackson of
Ratteuhury'street, an 01(1 att(1 highly
respected reeideut; fell Clued while wall(
hug iu her garden, Her death mime as
a uhoclt to the community, as alto had
bean tfppareutl•y in good health for a
wooled of her years,
Besides her aged husband she is eta -
rived by a family of four sous and three
daughters; Howard of Chicago, Harvey
of Rainy River, Alta; \Vihhtm,'some
' where, fn France ; Ernest of Clintuu;
Aire, Germain, Portland 11.90n; Sita.
W. Elyslop,of Detroit: and :Mss. Edna
of Buffalo,
Mies. Hattie T,1r(.e: of 'Toronto sae. -
leo is hone.
Wm, eaheeney. well.kt(ou'u iu this
tuwnehip, ,tied et ilia house on Con V,
et the age of 6a years He was born
the eldest sou of the late H. Al, Ches-
ney, and was central figure for years
in Municipal Affairs, He was Town-
ship Assessor at the tis a of his death.
He was twice married, his Bret wife
being Misr, Jane 9lctlee who died 804-
eras years ago leaving two sous, Win.
of 9wifteurreut and Harry of Winnipeg
His second wife was Katharine Della«':
who with two sons and one (laughter j
survive. The funeral took place on 1
Saturday to Egmondville.
Mr. Wm, Reid and wife of Lucknow
visited Mr. W. H. Joh.lston brother of
the latter. They then left to visit
friends in Lambton.
Mre, John Turner sr of Stanley died
at her home at the age of 72,
The funeral of the late David •d: erle
man ou Friday wan 0e07 largely ettend•
attended Ho leaves a widow and two
small cuildreu to mourn his loss.
On Monday last, Herbert L. Whit-
man, druggist of Tomtit() and ',Vitae, Alice
Hart wean married by her father Rev.
J. Hart at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
H. Madden, her sister. After spend -
big the afternoon at the home of the
i groom at liippen they left on the 84(0)1
fug train for Toronto,
Jiea, 00854101[ delivered a nice bunch
iof steers hart week which brought him
the tidy sum of $1940. at 12 cents a
pound. Not only it Mr, Grassiok a
good feeder but he knows when to make
A meeting of the cemetery Com-
mittee was held on Monday last end
arrayed to hire a caretaker. .A "bee'
will be held on Thursday, June 14,th,
to level the grounds and draw earth.
Those owning plots are asked to come
and help. Dinner will be served at
the Town Hall by the ladies. It was
also decided to ask one dollar a year
from each party having a plot to be
toe the caretaker for caring the same,
A donation from those not able to a-
ttend the bee will be thankfully reoeiv-
ed by Mr, Wm. Saddler.
Miss Ella Little, who bee been
attending the Normal School at Strat-
ford retrn'ne4 time last week.
Mrs, William Hanna has been in
Wingham for some time under the
doctor's care. It is hope she will en-
joy better health on her return.
l'he Branch of the Red Cross Soc-
etyheld a supper on Friday night,
Mrs. Geo, Lawrasml is very ill the
result of a paralytic stroke,
bir, and Mrs, J. (Govenlouk of Sea -
forth were visiting their daughter,
Irlrs, Ferguson,
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society was held in the Methodist
Church on Tuesday evening. The
field secretary Rev. W, E. Haasard of
Toronto addressed the meeting on the
work of the Society which was very
Mr, and bare, Scott of St, Marys
were the gueets of Mra. Parson last
Mr. D. C. Cameron of Lucknow
preached in the interest of Missions on
Sunday in Presbyterian Church,
Reeve A. E. Erwin attended County
Council at Goderioh last week.
Rev, J, Jt, Jones 10 attending Con
feronoe in London end stirs. Joe and
daughter aro visiting the former's par
it pay.
Wesley French sold itis far to Wm,
Last. Sunday Mr. A, Cooper pt'eeolied
Next Sunday Rev M. Davidson full
have (Merge of the berme,
Wm Anderson ie back from the West
11(1 Bays the West may be good but this
fa better.
Mies{lhtaiorof 'Chilton visited her
friend Alias McOlymont,
.inn. Fluker has purchased fifty
acres from 41, Medal sr. , (01)4014 now
makes him have a 160 acres in a block.
Alre, John Flukor is home again after
attending the funeral of her brother.
in-law 111r Daviel Workman fu Kippen
who died from a sadden (tttauk of
The Rev, Mr. Laing in ;Montreal
attending the General Assembly of the
church which is mooting there.
Mrs J Pinkney of Seaforth spent 8
few days Here Inst week %dat1)1g her 51s•
ter Mrs. (Snell,
Mr Milton Helfer took the .Methodist
aernot• on Sunday in place of Mr. Con.
way who 1a in London,
A Standard Medicine,—Psrnrulute's
Vegetable Pills compounded of entire-
ly of vegetable suhstal(o, s known to
have tt revivifying mud salutary effect
upon the digestive urgaus,have through
years of nee attained eO eminent a pO5-
itivll that they rank ae a standard
medicine, The ailing should always
remember thio. Simple 18 111eir cum.
position they eau be assimilated by the
weakest stomach and are certain to
Have a healthful effect on the sluggish
digestive organs.
As a vermifuge there is nothing so
potent as Mother Graves' Worm Ester -
initiator, and it can be given to the
most delicate ohilb without fear of in-
jury to the constitution,
Wool 1 Wool 1
Owiug• to our having sold out' Sea.
forth 51111 the will not be able to handle
any more w041!.
Waiter Thompson .1 Sous 1.41.
A brace! t, chain and brooch on the
road near Leadbury on Saturday June
Ten dollars reward will be given if
left at the
Now Office,
By Tender
Subject to removal, the dwelling
house in the rear of the Methodist
Cherub now occupied by M0, J. II
'Thompson, Highest in any tender not
necessarily accepted. 'renders reoeiv-
e(i to July 16th 1917,
For particulars apply to Dr, F. .I.
Burrows, Seaforth,
Man Wanted
on farm
Wanted a married man
work farm by the year,
House provided,
Any t'atepayere in the Township of
MoKillop who wieh to pay their assess-
ments for construction of the Kiuburu'
Swamp Drain (in Haslet,) in Cash can
do so before the30th day of July 1917
to G K Holland treasurer or to the
Dominion Bank Seaforth After said
date for all assessments not paid De-
beutures will;,be issued on a five year
terrn at 5 per cent interest.
hl Alnrdie
51 IKS61'(i)iII M wwwarzwi itu %s;*s%ar inivp.
r +iii r 4 .a
TOT 'RE dealing in very
r1 definite quantities when you
consider our clothes—the style, the
weave, the wear, the value are all
known and established — they're
standard in every way.
The clothes Bulli
which this store
sells reach a stage
at value -giving that
no other clothes
have ever attained
—thousands of sat-
isfied wearers es-
tablish this factvery
are tailored to
your measure from
any of hundreds of
selected fabrics — '
and from any model The prices are
prisingly moderate.
Greig Clothing Co
/ iti 7i. � r , -s}:... \ 1�$( s� int (; .:. ....:?;'y'•,i 4y,�<i�f� _ , ,,... �C
Special Sale on
{ a.` ies's`ta,h' tF��r�, 01
These shoes will be solid re-
ardless of price
4114 ssr, i Ya
"The Rome of Good Shoes'
l'hone 51 Seaforth
air Cbtting
There grows on a normal head an average of 100000 • hairs
aPproximatelp 1000 to the sq, in, all of which must be scient-
ificallg clipped that map Zap smoothlp in place overt/le en-
tire head. This mustbe done with shears and comb, and if
clippers are used the hairs mu st be properly tapered, orthere
appears around the head a mark or wig like appearance, a
conditions competent barbers will avoid
We claim to have chis Art down to a science, which the men
who wearour/iair•cuts demonstrate whereverpou see them
So whp consider where to have pour hair -cutting done when
you map come direct tc the Commercial Barber Shop C4th
with the full assurance of having itdone artistically by experts
The Shop that is alwaps up-to-date.
Commercial Barber Shop elItll
@'•MD•P'u`eM2«:»:«.... •;• ,w,••yq«:»;••;», ,», .;.a;..;r;..;»; .;»;..'r•: •:»'r ............... ••'
HOW TO _ ELS. if
OIIN BROWN had noticed for some time that be was not up to the
mark, In the morning he felt very well, but through the day he
became tired, sleepy, and a little feverish. He had had a slight
tickling cough for a month or two, but did not cough up anything.
One afternoon he felt a warmth behind his breastbone, and at the
game time he had a salty taste in his mouth, Following a tickling in his
throat he coughed and brought up a few teaspoonfuls of bright rod blood.
This alarmed his friends very much, and he turned pale, his hands
were cold and perspiration broke out on his forehead. His mother sent for
the doctor, who examined his nose, throat, and chest, and finally told him
the blond came from his chest. He was placed in
CONSUMPTION AND bed and told to keep quiet and that he need not
SPITTING BLOOD have any fear for the bleeding. Tho physician took
a sample of the material that John coughed up and
found, as he suspected, that he was suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs.
Consumption is the cause of spitting of blood in nino cases out of ten.
Other causes are pneumonia, congestion, bronchitis, heart disease, aneurism,
menstrual trouble, and scurvy. One nut of every twenty-five eases of con-
sumption starts with a slight hemorrhage. In one out of every six cases
there is no other symptom. In two out of every three cases there is
nothing to bring on a hemorrhage. The patient when quiet notices a
salty taste, has a little tickling, coughs, and up comes the blood.
These early hemorrhages are never fatal. But the appearance of
blood frightens most people, and perhaps it is a good thing to have the
hemorrhage, because it is a reliable danger signal.
A patientof this kind should be kept quiet in bed for a few days. Ile -
usually needs no medicine, except in cases where he is very much frightened
or shocked, when the doctor may give him some sedative. He must not get
stimulants such as whiskey, aromatic spirits of ammonia, etc, If the side'
from which he is bleeding can be distinguished be should lie on that side.
If there is no return of hemorrhage after a few days he may get out
In the open air. Horseback riding will be good exercise for him, and he
may do a little outdoor work. Outdoor ail' and good food are the requisites'
for cure.
Above all things, a patient who has had a slight hemorrhage—and
every other consumptive—should avoid the use of the numerous advertised
"Curas for Consumption," None of them are of any value in the treatment'
of this disease; some of them are positively harmful,
Answers to questions pertinent to public health will from time to time•
be made in this column. The questions should be short and to the point.
If it is not advisable to reply through this column, answer will be made by•
letter if stamped envelope is enclosed.
I.—Responsibility in cases of Communicable Diseases. A.A.G., Port
Q,—In a case of scarlet fever or other contagious disease is the local
board of health obliged 13 take pare of the patient, provide nurses, doctors,..
and medicine?
A,—The Public Health Act, Section 68, Sub -Section 1 and 2, refers to
this q"u6e8s,t—ion as) fIoflloanwYs:—
person coraing from abroad, or residing in any
municipality within Ontario, is infected, or has recently been infected with,
or exposed to, any communicable disease to which
JSOI(ATION OF this section is by the Regulations made applicable,
JNFtsCTED PERSONS the medical oltloer of health or local board eha11
matte effective provision for the public safety by
removing sued person to a separate tarmac', 01' by otherwise isolating him,
and by providing medical attendance, medicine, nurses, and other assist-
ance and 'necessaries for hien,
"(2) The corporation of the municipanty shall be entitled to recover
from such person the amount expended in providing such medical attend-
ance, medicine, nurses, and other aneistanc0 and necee-
RECOVERY OF series for him, but not the expenditure ineuirred in pro-
EYP111NSIIS viding a separate house or in otherwise isolating him.
'2 Geo, V. c.68, s,58."
The communicable diseases referred to in this sections are: Smallpox,
scarlet fever, diphtheria, chicken -pox, whooping -cough, measles, typhoid
fever, cholera, bubonic plague, leprosy, . epidemlo anterior -polio -myelitis,.
end epidetnlc cerebro -spinal meningitia,