HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-06-07, Page 5age 5
JOON AIRD, General &'pioneer. H. V. P.;ONES, Amer Geaersl Meneeer
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
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Seafox-t13_ IB.ra: k..o t
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
Wrappers specially printed from your
own copy, we can supply them at the follow
ng prices—
W. J. Walker 86 Soo
W. J, Walker, holder of ge.
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night calls receive our
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Day Phone 67
Night " 118
Winter Term fromlJannary2n d
We have Commercial'
and Telegraphy Department. The
oouroes are thorough up to dateand
practical. The in structure areex-
perieneed and we are receiving
scores of applications for trained
help we oannot supply. Write at
once for partioulars,
ADVISER,1.Whi.h willfor
be sentr Ice. INVENTOR
"ALL RAIL" - also by
" Great Lakes Routes"
(Season Navigation)
Your Future is in the West
The fertile prairies have put Western
Canada on the map. There are still
thousands of acres waiting for the man
who wants a honia and prosperity. Take
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Can:. do lire Pacific
Agents Seaforth
W. D. ,wOWAR D
District i?assengerAgt
Toronto, Ont.
Try Us For A
Refreshing Shave i
Our Speciality
Call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
BUFFALO—Daily, MarR RT Wtst to Nov. Lyth—CLEVELAND
Loavo Bpl1JLe 0,00 P. dr, Deeman00 Leave ALRvsLauo • 0,00
Arrive 01.sv61lNo 7:30 A. M. Smaxaaan Tura Arrive Borrego • 700 A. R.
Connections et Cleveland tar Cedar Point, Put•in•Bny, Toledo, Detrol) and alt rotate
Weal sad S uthweet. ilallrond tlokota roadlae between Bo0Olo and Ctovoland
are mrteed. for eraueportattlou no our s£nmuore. Ask yo r ticket a out ter
sickest VIA 0, a B. Elite, , to a arl,1 Ads mobilo Mto-01.00 itouad Trlpr
wino Gaye return limit, ter ears gat oaaaeding tri tn,Wbeolbae0.
noantlfuliy aat0rod aoattonnl pvarle canrt 01 ItI A tlraat ahlp "SrzrzANnsRR" sone op.
reoalpt or ave aorta. Alto ppk for our tt•pngo mascara) and doaoriptlap bonuses 1reo.
The Ctovclmnd Cr. Buffalo
Transit Company
Pin.bl.o,l, Ot to
ribIlreatship Nlilt.000IIEE"
—Pe..-0:1100001.1ind moxa costar
woO ri eitMom,.
ob aid °,steers, g
Opacity, 1000 ppi,oaebrt.
FARE +350
ju �I,tm ,.
Edgar Armstrong and Gotprge Swan
are now busy learning to drive a oar,
Mrs, Stewart of Michigan ltao been
visiting Mre Moody,
Mr Sharpe and bride of Howell
visited relatives here this week,
Miss I, Graham of Seaforth vrao here
on Friday addressed the Missionary
Society on the work of the Provinoia
Convention recently held in Kingston,
Mies Aikenhead spent a few days ail
her house and retuned to London again,
Mr J S Quigley has sold his farm
on the 6tb opnsessiou to his nephew,
Mr Thee Tighe, As yet he has not
decided where he will locate,
Mrs John Shanahan Jr is visiting her
sister, Mrs J W MoBride at Strathroy
and also her parents at St Thomas,
Messrs T McMichael and sou have
bought another horse to replace Inter-
national who died of indigestion,
It is with deep regret we mooed the
death of Mrs Sam A Brown a resident
of Hallett for over 30 years and who
went to live in Buffalo three years
Whooping Cough is now very pre-
valent both ohildren and aged people
suffer from it.
Mrs. Jon Werkmau is improving
after a severe illness.
Mrs. Sarni)), of Liman is here car
ing for her mother who is vary ill,
Mr. David Workman has been very
ill with pnenmenia,
Mr, and Mrs. Richardson received
the terribly sad neyvo that their son was
killed in France. ' He enlisted at the
start of the war, was in the hospital in
England from gas, for many months.
He recently returned to France. He
With his family came here from England
about six years rgo.
All were sorry to hear last week of
the death in London, of Mre: Hugh
MoDermind of Seaforth and an old re-
sident of this place. 'Jheremainawere
brought to Heneall and from there to
Seaforth for burial. She leaves to
mourn her loss her husband and two
daughters, Mrs. Thoa. Baird of Stanley
and Miss Kate at home,
The Methodists of this community
valued much the privilege of entertain.
ing reoently the delegates to the
District meeting, About 16 ministers
were present on Wednesday afternoon
and evening and the public meeting at
night was well attended when Rev Geo
Hedley of Nile ane Rev, 0, 0. Kaine of
L•ondesbora gave splendid addresses,
The annual district meeting was held
the next day, Much interest was talc.
ken in the discussion regarding the
sale of the properties of the church of
Brimfield, Balls and Coles, Rev, C.
C. Koine was elected delegate to the
Stationing Committee at Conference,
The ministers were billeted over night,
Rev. J. E, Ford, who is oompleting
1:2 years work was the District chair-
Crop prospects are much improvt d
with recent good weather.
A'Ir, Wm, J. Hanna had the miefor.
tune to lose one of his horses from in-
digestion just after going to grass,
Pte, Nelson Goveniock spent a few
days at his home here, from Camp Bor-
den this week,
Mr. 3, M. Govenlook, reeve of Mc.
Ktllop is attending the County Conn.
oil at Goderich,
Dr Caesar of Goderioh hal been elect
ed honorary president of the Ontario
Dental Association which met last week
in 'Toronto.
John Bedford wits fined $15 by
Magistrate Kelly for keeping a gaming
Bishop Fallon held confirmation here
on Thursday last when 28 candidates
were confirmed.
A fire ocoured at the Model Movie
show last week by a film taking fire
from a fuse, but every one was ndie ,to
get outsefely.
TriE SEA FORTH NEWS Thursday, JU ie
thlr atreeta are now fragrant with
flower blaseorns and tattle,
Mr. Walter Harrison, jeweler, fa giv,
ing up buelnose Its town
Mr. J. W. launder photographer has
soli out to Mr. J. T, k'eil of Seaforth
who, took po09edste0 on Monday.
Several recruits have joined the poi
ours this week among whom aro Mr,
Sunbury organist of Knox Church who
is *now with the Army Service Corea',
The new G, T. R, time table which
went into effect last week is not giving
satisfaction as the Hamilton ooneotious
ara very had,
Mr Jas Johnston in very ill at present
with an attack of pneumonia,
The tug Edna K brought in large
catches of fish lest week weighing near-
ly a ton,
During the storms recently the fish
nets were blown away and some of
them were not found. Others when
found were torn so badly they are use -
Dr and Mre Woods were in Toronto
last week where the doctor was attend-
ing the Convention of Medical Officers.
Mrs Spackman and son spent last
week in London.
Mr and Mr Chapman and family of
London aro here in their oottage.
Miss Carter and Messrs Atkinson are
occupying their cottage at present.
Mrs Thos King is in Stratford vis-
iting her mother,
Miss Graves, Miss Verna Graves and
Miss Margery Brown were vistors at
at the home of Mre Wm Ferguson,
Mrs Wigle of London is visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs James Sturgeon.
Mre E A Saunders and daughter of
Kitchener are the guests of her parents
Mr and Mrs H W Erwin,
Mr F Giese, M P. and Mrs Glass of
London spent a few days in their oot
Seeding is now complete of grain aid
root crops are renewing attention,
Growth has been good during the
past week and prospects for a good
harvest are snuoh improved,
There is an almost total failure of
blossoms on apple trees this season,
Plums, cherries and pears hewever
are very well covered with blossoms
and promise a good crop,
Mr Jos Ryan wears a perpetual
smile, He now has a fine young sol-
dier at hie home.
Mr. Morton of the 0, P. R. office
Montreal ie at Walton at present.
The Womeu's institute will hold
their summer meeting on Friday June
15th at 3 p, no, Miss Collins of the
Deparment will address the meeting
on Girls' Preparation for life. Mrs.
Hearu will give a paper on the Sunny
Side of Life. A musical programme
will be given.
Mise Fannie Scott is seriouly ili at
present but we hope to hear of her
speedy recovery.
Mrs Casemore of Brnssells is visi ting
at her hone with her mother, Mrs
John Moles.
When Auburn Club presented the
Play "Tho Village Doctor" ar Leeburn
and Dungannon the Halls were crowd
ed. The premeds for the Red Cross,
The death of John Pierce took away
one of our oldest residents who is very
much regretted, at the age of 79,
We are glad to report Goo Davidscn
much improved in health,
Mr, S. Lawton hat a pleased look
these days. It's a boy.
Wm Carter has onlieted at London.
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Towni epics
eawn, ee.eseeesere eeseeeeeeeee.,. , ell
p•w eseee.eeeesa�'Mww'ila...,Y1W,.w•pN
Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing
Campbell's $3lock opp Queens Hotel
up stairs,
warranted extra good quality gold filled
rimmed apeotacles and eye glasses
with best quality white crystal spheric-
al 'mimeo. Regular $a 00 value for only
$1 75 a genuine bargain, Eyes exam'
ined moat oarefully, free, by our well
known and painstaking specialist Mr
Hughsotl formerly optical expert for
Kent,s Jewelry store Toronto. Two
days only Tuesday and Wednesday
June 12 and 13th Come early, Beattie
Bros Variety Store, Seaforth.
Janet Scott, Mr Alex Soott were in Gal
on Monday attending the funeral of
their uncle, Mr Payne who was a form-
er respected resident of Seaforth,
Pte, Ray MoGeoch of the Aviation
Corps, Toronto, paid a visit to his par.
ants Mr. and Mrs• Sam MoGeoch,
Miss Robb of Toronto wise the gee t
of her sister, Mre. Mrs. 0, L,,Williants
over Sunday.
Pte. Nelson Govenlook of Camp
Borden was a town visitor ou Saturday,
Reeve Stewart is in Goderich attend-
ing the meeting of tate County Council,
Corporal F, Connelly of Staffa is re- 1,!
ported missing.
Col. Ooombes hae accepted a staff',
appointment and will not return to
Canada at present,
lbIajor Hays is expected home about
the zest of this month.
Mr, and Mrs. A, '3, Colson of St.
Thomas were week end visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, J, 0, Greig,
Mr. Joe Fisher of Chatham Commer-
cial College is visiting his parents Mr,
and Mrs, J. Fisher,
Mies Harriet Wilson of New York
epont a few days with her parents Col ;
and Mre. Wilson at the Queen's hotel
Miss Wilsoa leaves this week for over.
Mies Jessie Kerr daughter of Mr,
and Mrs Peter Kerr is laid up with an
attack of pneumonia,
Mrs, J. Pinkney is spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs, George
Snell, at Auburn.
Mrs, (Dr,) Mulligan who has been
spending several weeks with her mother
Mrs. McQuaide Goderich St, returned
on Saturday to her home in Grand
Forks Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stott who have
been visiting Mrs, John Steet in Eg-
mondville returned last Friday to their
home in Saginaw,
Miss. el, Sutherlaud of Bervie is
visiting her sifter Moe, Win, McMichael
A new flag floats over the public
Miss Barbara Sproat returned to
Hermann Kieffer Hospital, Detroit,
after spending two months vacation
at her home.
Mrs. Jno, Sproat was in Goderich on
Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs.
George Bissett, who died very sudden.
ly on Sunday.
Dir, N. Brown of the Dominion
Bank is in Hamilton this %vealr.
Mrs. Archie McIntyre of Bad Axe,
Michigan. is visiting her sister, Mrs,
A. illcNabb and other friends.
WANTED—girl or boy to learn type
setting apply at once to the News
Mrs, Robert Smith is visiting at the
home.of her brother Mr, Alex Cuthill,
bliss, Addison of Goderich is the
pleat of Mrs, Porteous.
Miss. Johnstone of Walton is visit-
ing her sister Mrs, Peter Kerr.
Mrs 0 Do Gear of Saskatoon and Mrs
Oololongh and sons spent a day with
Mrs Thnell of Brusselle.
Many of the farmers are getting oats
forfend from Western sources. The
Date good for feed should not bo used
as sped as they contain weeds hard to
Mrs 111c Arthur of Seaforth is here
taking caro of her mother, Mrs James
Matson, who is ill with pleurisy.
Mr, James Robb is in Luckuow at
Mrs Sidney Johns is visiting frier ds
Mrs, R• 8, Hayslett on Monday for
Montreal to meet husband Major. Hays
who is retsrani
From overseas.
Mr, L. Jeokson is in Welland on a
business trip,
Mr. E. Hinohley is ou a Vannes trip
to Thessalen,
Mr, Paler Whitely lett on Tuesday
lot Hamilton.
Mr, Clyde Rankin of the Bank of
Commerce atar leaves today for tho
Branch in Dundee,
Rev, George McKinley loft yesterday
to attend the Conference to London.
Women's Stylish Suits
A very satisfying assemblage where ex
elusive authoritative styles are present.
ed in a variety that will surely delight
Picture all the becoming style it is possible to put
into suits, Add to that the assurance that every Suit
is properlyand carefully made from reliable high grade
materials and made to fit and keep their shape and
appearance, Then remember that you pay no more
here for these superior garments than what the ordin-
ary kind cost, Then you have the secret of the great
quantity of Suits we sell here, It is a genuine dollars
and cents reason why y(:tl should see these garments
Deluxe before you buy.
Price $15 to $30
Magnificent DrDresses
Bearing theSeal of Fashion's Approval
for the Several Functions of Evening,
Afternoon, Street or Sport Wear,
All that is new in Ready-
to-wear Dresses are featur-
ed in charming array in our
Ready-to.wear Depart-
ments. In the better dress-
es, voile is the leading ma-
terial made with low neck
large square cut collars of
delightfully fashionable and
contrasting colors. All
the wanted colors are here
in clever shadings and at-
tractive designs. Coming
direct to us from the great
style centres these new
Dresses bring with them
many new ideas and attrac-
tive touches which are the
very essence of good taste
and becomingness.
$4 to $12.00
Blouses to
Match Suits
Daintier than
the pink or
white of the
apple blossom.
This store always
was a good Blouse
store but this season
we have fairly sur-
passed ourselves We
can not tell you nor
you could not ima-
gine Blouses as at-
tractive in their beau-
ty of design, charm-
ing colors and de-
lightful fit. Come
and see for yourself.
Price $1.25 to $5
W i1
'i 4anRa�.STE ANADA
NU Me ONCE. .A WEEK. es w
Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipaapen
Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches
For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and lnfarmation, apply 1
Or write R, L. Fairbairn, G.p.A., 88 King St. B., Toronto,